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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Oct 1865, p. 2

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KÇew Adverd*~mnte fids Day, Bots and hoe-Jelbn Seunders. Roplrs-Jebia Saunders. $3,000 to loat-LeEuglisb. Shootlng istel-Thos. Totterdale. Mortgage sal-J, 1I. Greenwood. Steani griot Mill for "ale or to lot-J. 7 Hlau. Roy fotmd. Ucrugage ae-B. J. Wilson. 0o. Ontario Directory-Mitchell & Ce. Ilors trayed-J. R. Armstrong. Notice of Diidnd-Ontatio Bank. Directors metng-North Ontario Agri- culturel Socirty. Certifiod Teach(ror - County Onarie. Flax mord -C. Robrrî- Excellent Parus for sale-Wns. -Taylor. Part of Glendbu (aria for sale-D. L. Dow. Boots for Winter.-Jameis Bain & Ce. AUCTION SALES. On Tueslay, Oct. 31, 1865, on lot No. 4, in tise 7th cou. cf Pickering, Fanna stock, lmplements. &o., the pnoperty cf E. jones and John CoIwel.-Thomas Myers, Auctigneer. On Piday, Nov. Mr, 1865,, on lot No . . 22, Kingstun Road, Pickcnits, the propertyl ,f Richard Hancy, Jr. -Thos. Mycra, Auctioneer. On Saturday, Nov. 4th, 1866, on lot No. 24, in tbe 7th ton. Piccerinz, the property of thsé lato Andrcw Story.-J. M. Patterson Auctiosseer. On lot No. 23, in the Sib con., Whiîby, on Thuraday, Nov. 2, 1865, Farm Stock, Impleesents, &c., tbe property cf James Anderson.--Thomsas Pyers, Anctioneer. ONLY 81 50 CENTS A YEÂR Wlttby, Tiîurda3, October 26, 1865. târ NOTICE !-An immodi- ate settioment of Accounts duo thio office is requested. Tho 66Globe" raising " ihe oid tire."l -Mr. royna great politicel lellows kepr *p a deterinod blowing and puffing in order ta fan the ecibers of Ilthse cld fie" of party mbt a blae. The Il Reformera" tf North Wentworth are nov called upon te raise the wind, keop up the setta, or accomplis mie equalîy laudable achieve. ment in order te varus thair party prajss. dices, at the bidling cf the vulcan of ilie "'Globe," 'and, perhapa, barn their owu Sungers. What i l "the old fire" vwhich thse I ob womld arcuse ? I"Sectar- iue Scioola-" Lover Canadien domina. ion-" Rep. by Pop."-" the Baby jobs"-" tise Gand TrwsiK"-" ithe Cor uptienixtm 1" Whaî? 1Ieu net Mn. Brown avallovod thens aIl et a galp?7 Res net Mr. Brownvomnponaded al tbe daiuty usoraelsr that 80 long sorvod ex focd ýýte mupply 64te ise rs" lite a linge coalition pi1! swaIlowa theni sowsa togetbir aI one cM >fire"lue gl$so-eglay $layed ont ;-it bas velil -sers'd Mr. Brewn'x taa ho ix tiseil"Honorable George Broya, President of tIe Caca- el,"-wltb - Ove tbousaud dollars a ycer, an<-pickinge; sasd, authe Leader vl ne.l umis-Mn. Bro cannot lae bis leef ansd eat it. ]WMr. ,Brown is icero ln bis desire to e 'esp 6«unot petty paýrty biekeringe asnd vork for tise genenal gýýo f the country, lot is stop bis political belbows, and let tbe umbera of I"thse eld fie"l dia ont- ough knovledge cfcOr municipal systeus, and an intimais acqualstance vith its prac. tical working, and second te nonseas au ilitelligent business tan, SeuhntiOnanie le greatly favored in its repreentative. Bot wue vadd te tise, fine abilities, snd s oeseientlouu regard for lise deties, of bis pceitlue*. ilerre-ilu jsîreaxe a te fel prend of thsemue oie represents tise inteligence and vealth etoutr favorad country lu tise P"oviacial Parliaait, on tbese vning cf the 1ft i lst., lbe vifs cf, Mr. Joisn Roaeisr a wellt"bd fariner, residing ia the tovnsfiupof »ara, eut ber ibroat vitis a nommon .lissife. The. decossed, ad net bean eo'nsidbvmd-o.l ound mnâ mncoApril lsI. On bs evgealng. abo le meotloned m§be vent cnl tale tis gardon, and nsua* reterolng diligent searel vua bortly afleevarde made for Wte. About me ao'lock ons the follovissi uontslng sb. vu foun Iylag by the aide onc (eD, s#à etawa.slWk iti lber tro# eut, and tise unfortouste veman in au inesible uondton. Dr. George Parý 1amâ. r rlWa. wuan noc aatisadancei norsme sattr? lis tis isue vs priai, fnom tise '7rade Rm'vet," ,an sucooeagiag article On tiso manufactures cf Canada, >Tbst tiseY hbav advancd 0 oîel, in axtrat as we'.1a0 ia quality, amtiist evsry disco rsagaient oi dravback, l is opstlil aigu. As the journal allnioi Itu cemectly oberve,- consideriu& tlb. liet dextentocf tise Canadien umarkset, theammli amenaI cf empitlisaeking iuvestm5ult in tisis directon;- aud epeialiy the absonce.cf uxperiencee and akilidlabor, va may velI regard as resankablo 'thse suaaoèe wvilibas bhen maie. Our couutry lu yeung, auiisn ov only greving loto a kuoviaige of ils caps- bilitios. Wiîhi prospencus timss ui s as tisa praseni seascu bas brougisi about, and tise stimulus ta business, vs may look ton- vend urus isopofalesa lea yet grestenr developernent ot Canadien maruftcsiing ininttry. Our country teears -vus aveul. able facilities for pnofiîebly prometing ils manufactures. Wiîis theisaixhaustihle lîroduets cf tise ÉBa, tise mina, ar.d tise foreet, capitlalnsoienterprnise cnly ana t.eeded toeleîvate Canada into a tonameet pGsition amiongst tise manufactnning nations ti of tIse vend. 0ur Montreal cantemporari bas oly enumanatcd a fêve cf tise diffarent T articles maudctct-d n Canada. Tisa staplo articles dlfltairr.ud lushar are oct t aven =naioned, end othons are oly tl touchai uponi but lie promises to recor te tise subjeot ai sema future tisa. It ' vonti be veli if tise infiunutial portion cf N the pirs veuld follov hiei exemple, andIl devote lésa of tisir space te pctty party t coutests, and more cf thein attention taet tIse maeaial pregreaeof tise country. t Thei Bank. of3lntrcal vs Rcyuolds et ti Io commenting upan ibis case, visici is now amongst tisa" causei cedre,smo f ci cocleisporaries fuliutetise errer tiat ' Chior Justice Drapcr's charge vas enfeven- Fý abIe te tise dafendatuts. Thsvas net tisa IM casa, and ne sucb conclusion i3 varrentai by ecr report. Tise charge os'thse Chieirfel, Justice vas, on tIse rentrer>', very fuser- ablhe ta Sheniff Reynolds and M. Sprovle, 1in tIse Brut case, and in theu second case abmst dinectly se. TI %Veaaise fcel it a itly taestate tisai va are informai tisaitheShenif basmade e fain and liberal offer te tise Bank, (notwitis J, standing tIe verdict in is talrr) cf settle- c1 ment, are visicis is likely te put an eui to st fuitiser itigatiou. 'T TuEîWurBy Fut'soss.-We are pleased te leann tiai Mesrs.' Browa & Paitersea, tise enterpiiug.proprieters of tisa Whitby w Fnundry, bave nîovela course of mantfac- gi tare ceverai kinds cf improrai paieoted le mowbý,g, repir'g sad isneshing machines, ki and tisatiu&Il branches o ffata implament a manunfature they are pnepered te met theoaa grosiing requinensents of tisir customers. ei At tiseho Wbiîby aoidEPet Wbitby Agiesil dl tori Society'& Exhibition,iseldiet Osawa, as of impleesents, ai cf vbich ver, disposed fi cf istfcre leasing tise greni. Tis g peais fi volumes ton tisa eperior manufacture cf -& tie farming impleenets tureostut ai lise t ýWiby fnandny. For e lengib of tinse, ii tise ploughs, isarnevu, and tanning mille tl maidr a Birut place e ai al Agnicaltonal I exhsibitions, and for styla, finish, and ex- tl j eclence, ina-every respect, tise propnielois a are houai tu, berp np tise cisaracter et their si w ork Tisere are nov îhfrîy muen ployed a at tise fouudry, aud lhey are barely auffi- I cient te meet tIse demand fon vonkilerdc p Stenniolt Mifle. An article ou this sbjeel in lut t va'c CREoccîcîLE iabrub t us a number et an qainies, as te viy tise steala milI carried eutc huire smane ime.ago failed. One gunsmal 1) enuven viii suffie for ail. Tise vaut cf ae sufficintly povai-ful engine moi machioeryn aiapted to tisa vork vas a principal cause. l A competaut manager, anotber. litvas ettesp*rd to make onaeisanirci barrais cf gomr vitIo crdon f vooi, soi in tise prepeatarcus sîtempt te mass fuel, andiait tiesamre tise ebtaina edagenons increasO of speci, tise engins vas tirova ont et its hr d maitise machinsry coostantly dis- plaed, and ont of crier, lu a vend, tise miii vax betobri, and th3isaecruadly managai. Tises tie lailure. ho aDy futers attemptof cnse, Carm vol enl htakeratu, aveu tiese falta. - * are giai of tise attention vi ulscr W' marks have beau tisemeans of iireeting te tise subjuît cf sen ns il, Eqly vs ans convleced viiisa&iWy tsepractiesi man tisai îsry eaub vrSichls e n do profitaébly visercisibCu ilplace, s e i r o lu B s r t s s I i i t 'J a I t' Id motion vis unanisuisy earisd. Ia tise ovening, uftersme diacssiop, tise reports cf tise oommites, wlth bse amoisi-I ments vere adoptai. AnumIiss aneer val pressated tte .hairman isy tise Cauaeijs delegates.Tise, Congresa îhen adjeaue Uatil eibt o'ckkcion>Mqnday uorning.- Tisêsespiou yul ontineuntil Wedueadayý burgla:ry case a is icisseveral of the al Ieged offévIdere aretos o f respealeoper g ou tbese or la etheir paruitof tise country Mnr. Sit1il, lie Posimaster cf ibis tOvt', andd bu relative, Mr. Reisert.Russell, lais of tise Foeo ramy, oeinnd freni a auntiog -expedition en Batlnrday lut. Tlley seport tante plentiful ina Ile.contry slOrtis of Peterboro. Tisey retorned vitis elgis Lead cf deer. Beaver are nuseren', and Ath are ta e e ad, la hondreds cf baeI tbey say. They isad a jolly ie., >Tieý 'Onisen ' vais-vWolflept, and hsadl jist the' riglet faver. CaRL.ToN qFALL R&CES.-Yeterdt7 vwu the'fira day c -iiéseraces. Thse resaIt was as follovis - -F irst race, for tise Pro- ,nce pures, $100, tve herses-" Clarion", and Il Brsnste"-sen. The distances wore milseibeatu. "àClanio" von botis oeats vus eue. Thse second race vas the handicap, open teaIal herses, mile and a bal deuit ;I"Minois (irey" 111 Ise., and IlCianion," 120 Ibm. This race vuas aIs fo $100, and vas won by "inis(Grey." Theo third race vas a hrack foi $50. Foisr henses isad enterrd, but enly Iwo camne te th pofi; Mn. Sbedden's "Monning 11ew," and Mr. Sinnett's si lack Bma." This wus a very oxaiiing rue, tise speed cf thse Iwo herses iseing niearly equal. Nt. Shed den's 49 Moroing Dew," howeven, von the two brats by isaif a neck racis ime. EXHIBITIsON AT TUE MUCRIIÂS'9 'LeeST- Tr-r.-We have heenisanded a circuler gised by Mnr. J. H. Perfy, Pnc.,td6nt f te Mechanîes Instituts, in wllcls it 1s pro. oaed 10 bold an exhsibition ef miscellaneous rticles ai lIse Mechenie' hall early in November. TIse mansging commshtaeecf se institue ak for thse vc peaeion cf tise svïsopeople in rendering tise avent a suc- cess. Contn;butions, cf modela cf agnicui traI and cther'implcscisis, spucisens of Canadian manufacture and in naturel bis tory, geological and other apecimens; as Ilso statues, busts, paintin-go, cugravinga, lhographe, Indien coriosities, &c., arr soli. cited for the occasion. Communsications with a stetemani of articles, (wbicb vill ho proely canal fo r,)abch addreed te MIr. Par-y. Au exhibition 'cf ibis kind is quite a nôvelty, and ought te prove very interrat- sng. - *0 GeÂso SuecTIKo MÂ&Tc.- To-day, Tbursday,) tus5 grand sbooîing match nt Totterdabo'a, Port Wlsiiby, ià,te corne off. See tisa iills. A coo ANIS EJOY rîrTeso DT-Mn. John Saunders,, v ho bas penrd busirses opposite the Royal liotel, aunounces hie. relf prepared tea uply Ibis dasidereteum. The Fenlais Congrtesn-th. are thse (asisdtan Delea'tes t -Aeoôrding te the telegrapbic report 'isicis vo give bby "Iltise Canadian dele- 'aies" presontcd tise ebairman vus "Il.a rish bs.ner." Ih vould Se gnesifyînn te nDov wbo,esd battose pensons are, viso asemble ou a foneigu miate te plot treasen againsitisheir ove goerenm-ent ? Tissir naies yUll coine te ligit, and vises tbey dots trust ti etishey viii ho looed afier, and 'tise vuld b. traors prosocuiad ii ires and prcspsrous-wsere thb. uImsts fiit 91 freedon s ixenjoyed by aHl-viser. Il religions opinions are tolenated and pro. tocts iy tise lav ;viser, vo vent te live n peace vitis eue anotber, and vitS ail b.e worid, vo vaut no Fenian disterbers. Let tise delogates b. uneassked, se bhal thse vateistel oye of tiss lx may b. apen tiss»,uad tiseir nses iseld np te tise scom andi public indignation cf loyal and saiiod Canada. Tise folleving ix tise utile bai lias been alîovad te leak out of tise nrerea-diaga cof tise Fenians. ai Piiladel. rai ~niu, iru s ssu6 e.m .. -1a "&An Irishàespeblie sell A repeblie after tise tise yankee suedel àx tisaivisici the ,Fenians destine_ for Irelan,-tdseat1)4ghaeconureJihe, mighti cf tongkeI. 'Mbat is bnigiWtud hsappy destiny feu oi cti rrind I oleby balt-muilitary atîets. a~su«ior c freedeni cf speechs, aned cf tlibierty ef tise prýsss-persecutieu of religion andi is iuixeta-iniseeunity cf life andi pnoperty, -uncsecked crims-corruptei justice, 'aud lev and ondes, and religioin ilsol set aIr defleoce. lero is n toftise msat récent instances cof tise ieauîles cf tie edol republican, reporied , f it Nov wYoek. Reapres, cf tise 2ist lir. The case cf Bred, J. h. aui*nos Cetholie pricat, who vas indicted, anrÉt ed, tricd, convicted and sent te jailI, et tise Saptambon Tarin cf Me Circuit Court, for" the crime of lechxing and preaeinfr thec Gospel, wilisouî iaving first taken, subscribcd and flilerlthe Catis of loyaity, or purgation, pnescnibcd hy the nov Con- stitution, vas before Govenon Flctcher's se-callafi Sspnocne Court, on tise 17tL, on an appeel Irons the verdict renderri by Judgc Fîsgg. The nî-gument for tise du. fence vas mtade by Mr'. Whittlesey, and faîl loitie following poiiiîs Fin . Reriinygthe ath ef e clergy.' Iln b"for ~ecîng is incensisteî,î uvitis tIhe bih ci rtsartIn ecions 1, 8. i, 1,827. Sec. 1. The defeanTant camînot oajey tise froits cf his labur, for hla fombiden to fallovr hix calling. Soec. 3. lie is hiable to a puninent te whicls others ara net expused vise May have done 45e saine nets. Sec. 9. Tise- freedons cf Ibis vcship s destnoi'ed.- Sec. I11lrefcrencc le givra teP par. ticslnr clîunch. Sec. 183. Tise accuged l ncnpc1Ùcd te gîve evidenceaainsi issinsaît . Sec,. 27. ht destnoys tise treribin of sîscechs iy making certain tisinga apoken ht confliits vitis the objeits fer visicis reptîblîcan goeromcnlm are estsublisled. Tise govtrnmcnt is cslablised fer tise ciis, for lus pnote.tio and velfare, net for ils own sake-. Ta depriveoeaof ri-lits wviici e dors tnt derive froul tise graît, et the';State, le acknovledged te bc against common resus- on, and is destructive of liberty, Second. Il violates tise Constitution et tha United- StateR, il bcing an ex ýpesl facto 1ev, punisising an <sIence preieusly coniittad by a penalty net prescriiscd et te lime cfthie comumission of tise offence. Tird. ht usurpa tise pevers cf tise Federal Goveroment by undentaking tel puosiis effirncesigaifst tise United States. Tiese vrcignties ara 4jstinct. Tise Rte cannot punisis an effenca against tisa United States. Tise jsnedictlon lx exclu. sively in tisa United Statems. Fourtis. Whîere Congres%4u legisiaird opon a subleet witisin iwp,5% e's,_ States cannolt iie teth usil nomi JIato upon tise Ramaesuldect Fifth. Thera lu ne statue isy wisich tise defeisdant can lie indited Tise Censtit. ution decleres visaitishe penalty sisal ac, but tise Constitution gIvra diWetioa to tise General Asscnsbiy, Ianvisie l a vested tise legielrtive pousens, and, untiltishat Assens- bly provi'.es tire metisod of enforcing tise peaty iiy statute, no ihsdlotoet çaes lc tond. Tise Censtituti,n lu nota aletjute but a direction for nda lIimit4sicss upon tIsa statutes. fFroeinLdsei8t. Lonis ltpublicao.I Tise isole malier n6 ow auhmitie'i to tise IlJudges"of lta Sopi*se Court. .At wviaI onclusion Iiey mbi lppen W arrive in thée preetises, We Aisal iset 5go tiîngi; tie Almigluty dora net forelcnewv. One cf tisasî§stise dil6 cf se Ausenican Court. WViat Ibis Court yUll detensne, ccnsidering fie imennar oe tis organization, vu thihk onglet te rendur it.s décision ex probluosstcal-asasny tisat bau iad an ex. staner.Wo tiink, iowver, wa mxy say, with due reverance and nçgard for trti, tisaIt tsee'eunthssofethlie people et lMissouri do net care one strMv visicis vay they May isappen te giv. tistir 4ecluion. Slutsd a stnsy streai et esson und cons. mon ense, soi regard tom lxv, isappen tlu strike ibreugh tlisir craniune t isy decido tiis particules' provixiots cf Lim pet ontituitionnutil1 asfid , d ia.Î1 Mn. Ciha, in retisnning ilianlîs, n=d tisai ha cculd hardi>' de se sufficieotly ton vhat wasi te hlmn se unexpacîci, and, hle vas goto; te suy uninerited-(No, ne,) mark cf tsir estocai and kindoossi. île, bey. aven, thanfced lhierameet sincefal>'fotan liseur testimonial ; eltiscugislha could 1 btendlv calliIt tIt, as lue coulinoct retnine il. Bul as often as thue inembnî etf iss tamil>' vere &aseinbled log-ether le discu@si it-witis goil brced--whicîs heures tiank' fnl te bo able te ssuy tise7 Iad plant>' et-. tisa> wonld-be neminded cf tise kittenes und good yul aanifcated towards iim b>' tise sacinis of lise Agrieulturai Social>'1 of Wiithy and East W ithy. Witls roe-( ence te bila contribution le tIsi t unis, hoe desirce ose>' tisat hso regratted mî.cîstisa1 tact of ita hein; made publie. Ilie ould bave apprapriatad i bi nili donation fer specisi prizes vera iltonet fr sth. esson1 tisai Sa vislîad te aveu ptblicit>' lasncb a malter as inscis as possible. WVhît lha ii give vas giîsc cintlîy andsiungrudg-i ingiy cn Iris part snd lha se gava it, net1 upon accouent cf Lits preseol publie posi- tion, but be-cause lie fait tIsatSb ai neli contibutai te tise society's funds as lue, vouli viali te hase donc for soea sri pust. itvas hecausa hobSleleaitIl isi duely te malte gond this year visai ha felI, in years peit, ha vas unable to do. And if ibis >'amn lai bren attondci vils lheis san.l etofprosperit>' as tisc, o, e ould. hava frît 5cM enouglu le me>' 50 vitisut1 taniser axpianatien. -lie congralulatai thoms upon tise alteonci circuosslencea et tise country. lise hardnese eft nes-,1 salsincss cf crops, pnices of land, liai al diseppaarcd andI gava place to an improvad st.ste of tîsungsaelmosi unparalclaed. Nho voul.l hare theuigi a fav -monti's ego, tiset se great a chng as se ocar et Isani ?_- ho vould have tlaought threc uspnths &ge tîsut.fermera venudbaegettung tisa pniccu îjhey.wat-sgetting to-<Isy 1 AndI lisat wes net al. Menu>',,pensons pîcerd tisa crcp cftlise presentiycar ai doublea ta et lai year; for himscl ie hadii net tbunk it vas quilu egruat. But sssuinnziteo hae flfty per centua'-e th anstht ôet ,y four,-end, visahererdiifanente cf opinuion lucre mîgisilSe &bouitisae qucuntit>', tisane vas ne difference et opirnion as te ths prieis eiog Btty per cent higisen. If such vere tise case-il the crop vas fifi>' per cent large, andtise prices fttierpa cent higluar, thon fermera vere vecciring ivica- and-a-qisanicr as muaslalst ycsur fer this yea's crep. lie couui net caleulaea st the crop of 1844 vus, but staticîtene vli assumne te do so, ut il dovnon cal>'Sefa crop, and ibey sa>'tisaIt L isedfUence bce. Iveen sncb a Seti erop snd a full crop te tise cuntry-mnais te savonty.f)re mii' liens of dolasi net more,. tise differ- once therefore Ihis jean in laver of Caf'- ada-tise Conféerscy, if h. migisîlbe chloyai lo cuilP il se ;-tso proposai tCcafoiercy-vnu tpwcnds cf savent>'- ire mIlliouu. Ho'gave lluem tise tacts upon lise aticnity cf tisa [on- omýable tse Frauident ofthtie Counceil, Mri.. Bruwnt, anti oct upon lbis own.flie agein congratiîstin upea sncaisuimpro- ai sîteIaof ilsin gk. lie>'liai agaunW enterai upous prosperoca tises; hlie blievod 15e>' bhai; prepercus yssra, and yuurs cf de- pression goi, as il vaere in cycles, or rounds cf yuans lunvisicistise semanacrse boguns agaun. Tise>' alailat iseini lierastise >'rs of<tepressioo,and passoi ibrougis fise of liseisadesi -yesàn tisxcoutnry' erer passai. througis. Tise ied .nov Sf terai upentle octprospenit>' viicis ho far- venU>' Irbopa ednu otiminue*$,ad, if ho hea air ye te o~e i- lcvnu b tellI lIsonste learn, lesseair b>' tise past, 1and re- Brai uponea l hiiipu <susiS>' tise e ars e fletotsconseqereeuiopon apecu. sticus. ll,Uy nov Sa fore hSm isaitisoir Peekets fillsi vitis menu>' tnd dii net know',What te- do vith, il,-As aàIral- iiserot bis country' ho adiiud tisonsle tae-s vruig frons tise peut ; cesiat tise iteeusis> ut tise country-, encourage ils nsanufactus'us, aind ths, S>' evaoieitls reoureos, adi- te tise gèeeral prusjusnit>'. la ibis coniioction, bu vus glei et say tisaI fScclety et WhIitby and Bout Il itbyo-P-reuenlation te - Mr. Glbbs, o P -héIs feu exisibition'of-uthe ,Union Agri enIons1 Sgocieties of Whitsy aid East. *bitby vas ieli aI Osisava, on Tiursisuy ru Tiseo va a ery largetftuniance potvitisktsadiig liserainvisicis ceose dova cuonhlaly inring tise forenoon. Hai vostisen proecipropitions, tisé throng,- îl via s xpleted, voeudhave beau immense. -As it vus tise tmm ont vas muceslager 'Ihan any ous auticipaîmi; tise user cf strangers ila ths villag« eWg testirnatai et vee tand oitbrso tionsani.'Tisons *ers la the usigisisrisooi Be isuored santes altogether, tise ihomes, cattlr,sbaep, sud avine veli maiOlSiniOg tise iigisrepaie of tise li toship cf Wiitby for bicai' and brisu niig. In tise otisezclasses, moi tisa ladies' departussot tise displey vas ad- mirable et nil ibai vasexiiied. A novai fratane et tise tain vas tise und expectai presentaliou te Mr. Gibbs, theso oumrsi for tise soutb iiig of tisa county, cf tise prize chars., a splendid fellev, vrigiig 94 ils, sud tise ptise butter, isy tise society. M. J. If. Mè'elel, ot Bnooklin, tise presideot cf tise soeiety, tasdc tise preson. talion ou2 isascf of tise membens, in tIse presece et a large roncourseocf pensons vhs> bai a"uemisiri et tise lovehall. heorse colt, saduila or carrnage, 3l entries- W B. .MaGav, ist, Thsomas Evans, Sud. Mae col-S. Dearbornu. lst. heorse colt cf '65-2S cutries-S1, loch 1sf, IlbDearboro, slnd. Marte colt of '65-JeisuMartino, lai., Genanal purpeses-bense coll-2 an- trieàý-W. Brtton, lt, %V. B. M'a,2nd. M4re cot-Týhomas Viponi. lis. Ibense colt '65-4 anries-W. Richardc. son, Ist, R. Walkar, Ststl, D. Conanut,. Brî Mcarecot 1806;-4oentries '-S. Touas, 'lot, G. Hezzhevcod, Sisi, O. Foster, Snrd. Driugtsl.isorsa coli-2 entnias -Jesepis Starkt. 194 S. mInc, and. heorse colt'M5, 3 enîne-Jos, Pile, lut, Jos. Stark. 2usd, Jas. bhabdi, n. Mare colt 1865-2 catriesGea. t.idihe, lut, S. Inch, slnd. OATTLE. Durisaja cow-3 enils-llobt, TIsomp.- son, isi, Soi, mondSlnd.- Tve.yrar li licier-2 enlies-Roberl Tbomupson,-IsI, Geo.'TIompuon, jr., slnd. _ Dull caif et 1865-9 antis- Joisn Tisompson, la4I, ire. Mîsekie. slnd. Heiten caît of lS65-leesaiies-Itebert Tliompsoo, loI and slnd. Des'os-milch:onv-8 entnies, 9. Toma, let, T. Ou>'Osnd. g-yesr Ycl Siir-4 anrîcal-11. Spen- cer, 1ai, Th"cs. Alun. 2lnd. iilier castoet 1855-S. Teins, Iso. Bull caif, cf 185-2 anes-T. Guay, hst, B. Toms, slnd. . Grade-milola cow-2 ontrirî-BoSert Tbempeca lst anti Sud. g yesr cld brifer-3 entries-J. Thomp- son, ai, tWm. .leffrey, 2Soi, hIe4er caîI 1865-2 entries, R. Thoinp- son, lut maii Soi. u>',lot Wm. ueffre', 2usd, S. Inchs, Bn. SIsaring -ram-S sanres, B. Gilison, lut, W. B. Magaw, Sud, W m. Jeffra>', 8n. RaM lIam-.9 siuiies-Wma. JaffIey, lui Wmu. Jaffre>',.Sud. Shearlin es-4 ntries-Wm. Jet- fn.>' -xi& SBealu, 2usd. Kvebmb-G esusrls-Wm. Jefie>', luS.IneS, slnd.' - SoutS Devue, ramu-4 eatries-B. Sp,.ça' cer, lst-C. Paxtons, Ind, S., Toms, 8Sri. RI am eml-4 unria-0.- etoeu lot, IL, Spencer, $S& A..., .a.*ftl4~P. tor 'taC Virldge Pu l'Sheows The Feul Exilbition:oethtie Agricuîturtl. Society' et the tlevseship oeh Uxbu'idgo teckç place ai 1.xbnudge ilae n Tuesday, 1tise 17th instant. Tise ailenansnce vms ratiser maigre, and lise nuiîsr et exiibitora ainerci a decreasa upon 'farner shows.- Tise tollow ing is lhé prise iist: S.ycar cli Bhily-lsl, W'M. Fonsylh, snd, l-year eol>' si .P. ilbora, 2nd, George lopkins. Bpring 611ly laiG. hlopkuns. Draugit hersas, (span,) l1t, Jesepis Goli, Soi, J.?Uclinloek. Single'c.irriage bersé, st, C!. GouId,- .2o d, Elisse1Mi11er: Miich cou', Wm. Prier, Isi, Jos. Gousld5 slnd.1 2-yean cli brifer, Ist, Gao. Wiselcr, gnd, C. m-Tarrrd. 1-'yesr c14 tseî(or, lsI, J. Gould, 2oi, C. C.Joies. Iliier calf of 1805, lut, Jss.'GouId, slnd, A. Sisarmrdm Xoke u'crking oxen, lut, Jau.en Gouhi, Zn ý.&, Sissunard ed m, st, 0. Shenraril, lad, 1Qe., ;ecognsi ntien 14 ne hari Fi ended,. and thie cvii affTectb cf visicislha trustai ivoid b. no longer folt-wean- joyed aIll -tise isiesirge of peuce and pro., gress, andi erite liseeinstituions lise blessin o f tliepr'ospenity' Sis chad uew davnei supon Ù& Andi lisa ratrence brougis t11éoea ib mini îthe subjeci of lise recipeceit>' Irea-t', Hfrank'yadmitiai, be sau, tisai ho- ýiçeujtust abUID t as 11111e as te lise prospects of istsavsi al as an>' et themarîves He liedt soe communica- tion vits e Iesding gentlemen in ýtise govanouesi vio siatai bis ovo conviction tIsai tisae ere grea cleuhis ns te tise reneval cf tise tnegty4< a»ad isai humi, (Mn. Gibbs,) as a busiess man, te place his--affaira ini sucis a condition as te ha prepared fer an>' erentoalit>'. Thet tee, ef course, vas cii>le Se talion nssuan in- dividusi opinion. la asuconvraion visicis hoa itd1ftioa genilennfrein lise Stalies-a brother of Dr. Foote-à U . S. sennAIr-and who, previelus te' lsErDetnoii contuVulln, wvas e f Wite rrneuviffg tise trat' tisst gentleman candidly ednitted tIsaI tisespercea medéui DlatnoiIespecial' 1>' tisaI cf tisa Hon. Jogaph llove- gave h!m nev higisî on tIs sbjeci. &nïsericans vere begrnnitg le sec tisai Canad;ans vene net lIse onfy gainons b>' tise ret-hai ail tisa gain vas rIi opan oun aide, but tisaI they vcre hencfltted hy il lu a mucis greetar asulentthan wva vam.I.f tise ment>' ware alirogatrd, otbe cls'nnelo ot traie vene open to ue, tend ha adviseui his cotin- tryman nct te losa beent, but tho indet tisu exigene>' like sien, WcVaiid notr a traie, a large one- spriogungup vus lie maritime provinces, tend vitis otiser places vîtics weuîd provoeaqualIy profitabT and more certan, croie if rociprocit>' crit thtie Unitedl States didease. Net toan>' days age-,,a gen. tiean frein St. Johns, Iengely cngsged in tise visait maid faon inrde, cund wio denit isurgely ceitti Boston5 leretofora. vent te New York, te couepfte h.e pisrcliasaei and feilung te get the queiiy lie vantcd, sont tb Wbithy, visera lie gel mfiarticle et bel. tan qual-'ty tisan ho couli gel ulst'wiere.-i Tisure vsne reeson te be îliscouraged about tihe feciprecit>' treîty. Ail these tiiings gave cause for conigratustion.- Neithan sîsculd vs forget te aknovledge tise I{and b>' viicn aIlit sesabenefits venta besioved îpon us, but tetun thanks te tise Given cf ait gee ;sand in onder te do se sus vaeouglul, il vas nigisi and proper tIsa selte.g apari e day cf thanksbgiving ton lise purposc,s hiad been donc b>' the 1cr- Sernor borai. lits. Gibbs next refarred 'te lise satistaclory cluaractar cithtie Exhsi- bition, and said tsat liad it proved ;s total faiiure, a suîtable apclogy could ha found for it, ini the adverse uveathen, and the fiet 1no no entries being nmade tisa presioss ovessing, in coni:equeàeaof tisa holiday.-- bnstani efmaking anythinis'like apolo- gies, Isowver, we inigisi nsk ounsci' ves-iat an>'parsons nould Lave ,bren îsresant-?ie aerytising- been- fa- Pvorable P If, ira tise face of sdterse ;circumstances lise>' lid doewse ruci, vishai would tise requit bha it I been pro- p ilions. î-le m4yiseil, tisai in future ithe tains bbesld emlen ra in hse ason-ari d tisaI invtîionabcSeexteaddihote hesuImtias casi and vaatf Pickering and l3evtsanviîie, se as te shov tieir cattie-anud produets Sside b> aide, and proeke acis other, s il vere, in tise race of pregnasu and pros. perit>'. Mr. Gibbs concluded b>' agnin tisanking tise officers andI mambens cf'tIse Agnicultural Socialty, tnd saying tisaI if tise gogd dimes centinued ha vonld raneur ii stibscription nexi yaar; but if ho gava tisci nsotluing tise>' ould understend tisa Tise fohlowing is tise lisI of prises; Dryden, lIrd. Bcst isaîf-acre carros-Jile Lent, îlst, 1). ibson, 2nd, John IHepburn, 8n. 'Besi Islf-re cf rnangolds-C. Pax- ion, lat, John Lent, 20d, IL.harper, -Snd. a,.DresDEIARVRNIcT. HI yds. iscxnrmada l'nnl ble.M- Kanie, loI, Mrs. J. Itatlliff. 2rid. 10 yards home.usiildu issney -pîid-Thomus &v-as, loI. 10 v&-,. lomc.înada clatis- ô enîies-Ihenry *Kerr, Ist, Miss Caîkins, 2nd. Weoleîs coverlet - 2 ontries, J. Diekie, aIs, J. Llickry, 2slnd. Cotton caver- iel-2 entrics, IW. B. McGav, lot, J. Diekie, 2nd. 10 skeins atocking ytirn. isoienade-4 entrica. Il. Krrni, let, Mrs. MeKenzie, slnd. Pair f Xkt-3r c- Kenzie. 10 yds. nag ewrpet. 2 étiries- Miss CatIt-na, lat,-James Corbetl, 2nd.- Carpet coeolt-J. Diekie. Pla-in koit- ting-14 entrica-fof vhsiéh Mirs Matilda Harper haed 1l,>- Miss Matilda Harper, lst and slnd.' Fane>' intting-e'entries-Mis M. Hlarper, Isi, lira. Thbioa5Enans. slnd. NerZctin--Missi Mary Strictland. Cover- let vork-4 cotries--ClNi Mises Strick' landi Ist and 2nd. Riised hierlin uvool Miss Mary Rtnickiand, Ist, bMiss hfarper, slnd. FIat lBenri vool-Mfiss Alun, ht, Màisi -Roinison, 2nff. 'Ber-lin wool flous-- - Xis G. P. Meîtliewe.on. WaVx flowers- 2 cnlies-3ms. .TlIses. Lawiler, ist, Mise ilini, gslnd. Enroidr>' on ssln- entrlcs-ýMns. Mitissel YOnnrteii, IsI, Mrs G. P. Mattewrson, slnd. Emblroidery un noi-3 ontriés -Mliss Siir, lot, Miss E. Strickland, 211(1.- 1L'ised. braid eork-2 enlfies-NMrs. Jas. Tiowe, 1 st. Fiat braid work-E. Derirboro, lit, Miss _N. Strick' land, slnd. -Chsain stitch work- Misa Stiene. P'atchs work.4 cu tri es -Miss Sierne, IcI, ~ ~ 2ie lIalô-s-ll ,,tî. aticeon pal!- verk and silk-3 cntrics-'iliss E. MGls ry, lai, Miss N. Stric1kland, slnd. Platin quilting-3 entries-INfi.ia Carsvell, la, Miss Sterne, slnd. ivatscy qitigMs G. P. Mlathiewson. Sliiritsakiîsg, 2 en- trios-Misx Busme>', st, NMiss Harper, sud. Leasthennork- 2cîtia-Jas. Corbett, 1lst, Miss Sterne, 2ncf. Catie vork - Mlis CeUrins, it, Feneil draing-.aMis i'- garet Sinus. Lot,MNiss Rstclif, slnd. -Crayon drsswing-Mliss N. Strickýl:und. Mcnoclsro' tnaid't'nvin-~oitnos-i55N. Stnick- land, ici, \(iss; ihins', 2Sd. 011 paiot. ing-3 cnti'iosv-.llbs LMeGillifra>'. Ist ayna ýnd. Guiptîris work- theo Mis-ses .Strickruend, lst andI Snd. Tatting,-4 un. ties-MuCGarvin, ist, -lieN. Striek- land, 2nd. WVax frVit-MNisis N. Strick' landI. Bond twork -Mýi.is Sarahs StricIflanîl, lit, Miss E. N. li'etUs, snd. Lady's dnss- Miss Sterissa, lst, Mrs. T. Laîvie:', Sd.- Giid's c esil ntries--Mýrs. -0. P. Ma- tIie%'son, 1-n' Mrs. S. Balal, oîl. lIai' flowe.-lNsiss- E. Strickland. Wxsuli iS anuries -Mrn. bnUnrictineI, Isti, Mrs. Tisas. LaurIer, 2tsd. - EXTILS -70 Yit. Recomttended --Presers'eil goosebennies, &c.-Jas. Corbeti. Fey inat-.M'rà Laiw- ler. F.mhnoidery on'sl-ottaiman-aote- nuaces str on railuva> -canveis, Mrs. Lew.- leto, emgroidery en verstett, Miss, Shier, sofa pillow îand vorsîed iurnl, Miss Stenne. Enuhroidery on worsted, liair lewlny, poinst- lace svork, 'emtroidevy on sihk anîd Ta; nîsg card-board worlc, chienuewot înppng and penmsansîsip. tise Misses Strickiandî r Grapes-J. Pickie, featiser (levers, fane>' basket,, wonk and ornarsuentfal needie Wcrkl, Miss lictas,carveil basket, Misa Rabinson, eîuuroidery on cotton, lIns. Matisew<s, Do embroidcr> onrs iîk and dreas ceïp. - Mapla augar, Hi. Dearisorn, onnamntsal needie work, csump-steulo ainliroider>' on worsl.d and tbeuquet oet «.les; ,Mn.'Jas, Rove. WVax feather fissuera, and tidy, MNiss Ilinn lol 'la. Aate-mascassar on nailwqay ca .4s, Mi.ss mcGiliivray. Don- net, Miss Stusart, Oniesunaul 1-sat, Miss Stu- art, bat (anotiser s'yij iss Stuart, dres cap, Miss Stuart, sttnmpingetnu clatis,1Miss Stuart, tend ios cap'. Miss Stuart. Psu. Par flowrr, Iis-lhisuke. - plîato.-,rahs, A. -Barretl, violet -bsouquet, fruWitJesscd trillu auguir, and bees-sieax, Mrg. Gts.Y, tane>' bas. kci,IMms.Celkin., Lady's alippor4, card- board vork, pickles,;nid'atsep, Mna. Gar. vin. Ludy'gnigisi robe, -lfsa.< Kenny, pri olar painting, NMis lyla,-boney, Goodman.- lAdies' Departiàont - ies Lnaýrd, Osisawa; .lire. James Sujitis, Columbus; Mrs. John Këeiîun, lirnoklo.- hlonsas and a«l e--Josis, Pierson, Jo. Ellis, IL. ltth.; o' Rolsi, D-tiry Produce, Pigqa tnd Poiel, lry-Tsos. Pierson, 'Xii, Maîiscwsnn, Jas, B>' tIse liberni'a'n-Ftben Point, Oct.', 23.-Tsastesmeship Iibes'nias frein Li varpuol oni We lslîlavie ýLoudondurry tis lis mt., arrivaidethtis erseu raoIde ton Quebec, t 6 o'ciock tbis moe- 'rug. Sha vas hoarded b>' tisa neurs - Seat et tsea asociatai preess àattitfise olli'ig - aumrnar> cf ber -nevs ocinai visichis - Bye diss ater. The Hibernian bas 41' Thse ateanebipHelvesfua left Lis'arpoei for New Yoîk aimnlîanooely vihthe is Tbe steamsaip& a aroo, . «ervbaneia, City~ of Botn, aise'.lduNawYdn'Vôk, and thse Damnasue, frein Qubre, ba gi red.- Importat_ diplomatie correapondenca hctweusMn, Adamo, thée Anmeniean suinips tan, gni lRaiI inseili lpubîtaliscinla s London (i#qte cf the I1 us mal Tise corraspciaenoe begius vils a Intter tram litinietmr Adamis, datod<tise 7tis April let, i0 vbich b. calîs tise atteP o~ f- Eani Russell te tise officiel repent resp~- . un- tise ravagt.s of tise Sisunituosis, mii annouceastisai for tis a dmagscausai b>' sots Cruisera him rovernment, cciiilpt aveud ;entailin9,; ýtiserespon8iisility opotu Girat Tise nepi>'of RanI Rusall isdatai lMay 4.1 Il Beasys tisaI tisaedutiegcf -Great Biitain tevands tise United States aes oq meneunad by tise lo8sss wviicitise cosserc et tise latter ma>' isve sastaittri. Thes questioin is simpIly- usitiser tise 'Queei's. gaerrameul Isard- faitistuli>'andson sxorably perifil'iei tise datieswvioe iernational la', and tlier owa mtInicipaI tj1ws q posai uooth ieip. - Tisa relt>'oft Mi. Adamns te tis is datedi Me>' 4îs. lHesasys tisaitise insergaais h came beligereats on tise ocean solel>' by roascp cf tise âcilities furnasied la Ilr Mts1esty'8 ports for îiseigte -de o15.H pomplis of I'et ssecret sym, paisj cf Ir Msjesty's cffices ainitise port of Liverpebl, and toisletuis 'hat attor this nforzation a suppliai respecîtgîbhéAtabatài,'itwiasb>' tise 4tgraist togligesso. of Bsn Mâje4ly 4 Board cf Culome tisat tisx rusus, admit- ted 1 a, eintendedi for qar, parpoe, ,e suflbrei to ispart from-t4verpooL î Tise othsar ph i'ussovei it>'5 cen * ay ithbis 1compare the Mo sAielaical *Ipatiuitloiss cf Great Britain, -&&edoinls. "q tersi lis. preasat day, vith mois asetate of ntliicggs. Iflrshsent ould 1o*lt Yàg. - landas tiseir boit friend, -work andiaut nltedlLy ia secomlus-8 fv~lpiv peaceabl>', al, thesesefits e beé .PQd e ender ber freests oe, andsotrsm a u air lo the evil oonnel of- Axeriean dems- g0tr ,le. ôl i pwospenoe uad sons - e. .oum- e t ë5r e j lt, k;B.eirs, nd, Geor.e Pair-ducks, lst, T. Kîrby, "nt, Geor,,'e 5 yards fu cloth, lst, Mrs E Opdl bMrs. Jos. Gould.,1 ri yardse homae-rnade flanriel ltM Gould, 2zsd, Mrs. J. Siio.rr2rd. Paiîr bîe,,kncts, ist, Mrs. J.Sharrail. Quit, Tt,*MIrs. S. SharrDrd.: Pair wroolen ioitts, let, T ib,2d Mr:.Partuer. pair woolen -loves, lst, Mrs. Jas. sliar- rard.' Pirwoolen sock-z, 1st, 1fr. C. S1bar.- rard. Skcin siockirig yarn, lsti Mrs. C. Shar- Tard. Gcnts. shirt, lslr Miss M. kydd, 2nd, Mrs. S. Sliarrard. Crotchct work, lat, Miss E. _B*r .2nd. MisM. KVeld. Eiiibraidery, Ist Mrs. C. C.,Jonrs. Fancy netting, lit, IMisq e. Boiter. Fancy knitting. Ist, Sirs. J. C0. Widdi.ý feld, 12nd, Mrs. W?. Sharrar,}. Lead.her work, lât, '.%r$. C, CC JO:05 Pair omrse boots, 1lst, J. MCCI1loo11h. J4ar of proservos, Ist, Mrs. J. C.-IViddi. field. 2 boaves of bread, ist,- !r.A,.%Icar. larie. VkarreI flour, 1st, G. Whlecr. « lbs. fiiaple sogar,lst, Mrs. . C. ,Tne.4, Gentlemnan's E tiestT i aIf, lt, C. (;#)ll. -Lady's Eqticstriali, Tht, MiisM. Gould. Stitchin- on linon. Mliss M. Kydd. Scutelied flax, R. Spears. . Pair Isdy't b<>tt, .. Cno~h AIurn basket, Mrs. J. 0.- Wildifielde- Jar pickles, Mi'. B. Bascorni en fur iooÏe.- -'ghe plonghing match of the North On- tario Electorni Division Agrisultural So. ciety took place according 10t announce. ment, on Thurstlay, thse 19th inst., wîîh thse following -resoît: lst-lass men-5 entries-John Taylor, lot, John1 Contes, 2nd. Second clasa- 4 entrie-John L. Joncs, let; Francis Elliott, 2nid ; Henry Iluige, 3rd. Bos-Ist lus-8 entries-Jas, Sto ne. bouse, let ; Ralph Mowbray, Znd; Robert McCully, Brd ;' ilo't. Cowie, 4î1s George -Urquhart, 5th. Second clas-2 entries-Jou aÏenb, lot; 18amorel Barker, 2nd. Jud,,es"WrÀ. ter Bernett, Whitby ; George Burke, Clae. mont; Thomas Wilson», East Wbitby., PUitSEs Faitboo-tu. Qisarier a cre carrots-43 cone-Jas. Ston. tenhil4gzl, isI.; lm. McGregor, 2sd- ly. ,Midill, Srd. a eacre iurnips-52 entries-cWo'res' Ràindie, lst; John Losrman, 2ssd Jall Contes, 3rà. D.Judges-tn. Péreeiall, Edvard WLo D.CarMichnet. consequenca potie>'. H. t for> tise Bniit UnlitBiSais -lie thoen intim p ocie f i allôeri le b -Statevil ne by. Mr. Adi Proposi cf r- lion in dispute Tise Daily traIs, the mati - onnectai vii 1>' relattios bc Tise St.,'-, tisa Alabaema "lTherenia>' r cul suais grosi hlabla fer sl caped pfilt vie et ises- thosa cf tise 1 lnsist'«# -8paret wemspon tise4 acvaltisoen?- risPhire raihue ien," Thse fres tisa Unit muais appreli - viai ellict4t, -Englaisi, nue* friendly relati( .'tiiaty oct rosis artete crusisers *paymenlt frou Ari-rsafcr land, Tiei fer trial et( number monE Dahlia. ii F"enians veelý Saoul thetrec nvsn afflicîcdi hian erny bc suns â nltnt exaggertion, -freijzht depot toast, stored p -sn ting (apnty, Wver -lishe posvera 1 1 atw

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