ho - "Ipei@t Wvu iSyug a longwal <h saer bwblng, lis Company of one cof Ib ai b tita unS, the I.rtaa*lfrothi liarrittz --b syonne, and attettded by bia faibfol âad devOtbd puranivafit, tii. dog Tant, Wraih" l aaad au aged 'Roman, lothed la tIge, sud dragglng, or rather bending tanilr, the welglt cranu Immense LundI. af deà dl branches. The Etnparor etoplted- hskin, bs!-, 1"Yenusem fa ha vary aid te 1%.litii! obliged ta carry ao Leavy a but-dan. Where are. yon gong t t The aid lam à guanllaebs, poor Martial. H.e al*aya hà naged leaund me a few white pibecs (titvrr whlch ho aaYod front Lia pay - but, aItlu vaswukilled lu Italy', siud ince theni 1 ahi hJobb sud vithout Lia help. Many peraoh5 taI! me if the Emparer only kuew Sl he would give me aomething, Lut if ia ho difficoli te sea ltae Èmýâeôe. ~hey ax# ho la rery kind, but-Inover could tell hlm lil thl*.eý The Enoparor, evidently touch- td, uaid, i Wail, an attendant, bcre ila a Jiece oi 50f. ; juet look t thlie hAad -ou it, la it st ail lilie tnee " Il UnIDieut I c'est2 l'Empereur V',I'IlYcs, inaz bonne femmane, th îLeiperor la delîgltîod to have îrailied tan this ruead titis cnening, atl1 to htaveaun bppnrtuoity of îoviding youî hontforth lith tLe Ipension tho private Martial gave Fou*', ht la not a ittle remaritubbt that the predicted burnlug of lita teorld, and the elrbimatanea atcnding it, as foretold ie Serlptute, are bath natural, and have a strict caiecideuce with acientillo probabili- ty. lu ia computcd by Frencht astronein. tirs taI maoi_than fiftaen hnndred fixed IâtI lit ediaspp)eaed witbin lte lait tre behbriea. La Pince saya ttana cf these aitari, aituated lu tho uarthern lhonalaphere r ve the Most indisputà ble evidence cf havng beltih conaumed. It wui se bright as teabb visible taete r attd cyc ut temid- dsh Il"flratly cf a dazzling witite, theti îeddlsi.yellow, and lassly e aii an hy paiet tolor. The ceneagtatian lastad, aud vas lasibla, siiÉtaaunmentha, whon the smur for- - Iwyer vito prlded LimBeIf upon Lia Ù11iltu emces-examiping a wities Lad once tu oddlooklag goulu. upan whicli ta oper. étlé. 'tY'ob *87, air, that the. prisener la a1 <hiaf 11" "4.., ail-, ecana. ah.e confeaaed jsI nd yon aor that ah. Leuud ihoca for yen anhequent te the canfesion ?"t III do air." nlon, (giving a sagaciens looka te the cent-t,) ae voteunuderatand thât yen employ dishoneat people te verla for yen, even afler -their acalillea are imove ?" "0l f 5cm-au t ho* eais, pray,. -oueld 1 <t due aistane ofrein a a tP?' l: h vleuavas poeofptarily rorad to Nat ~do*n.ï"  estive et Arbansuset aIamain in kow t-rk vte had viaited At-kanasa. Said tae native, diWare yan at the Shirt Tai! ttend of tLe RHat-l' Forla?-86 y..1- « 4What did yeu titinla ofthe allatheir ?"- at nmucL. le fefli It vas a' ilg t-ad Wea~at sttapsansd ltun uonuda IWhy, htrangot-, thant t-d codait- atutepa ý au et, W a tentInju menuda vas taler Lbis." The Qanibrnna Guard cf Broolsiyi la a bompaun cempoa.d entirelý cf theLeepara -of isger boerut- aait . Their milit.ary aervice- condltI le goirig ont once a year witi txtaget. Tlisy enîplay a satal boy go âôre Loile ai it ua a ager, vitile th- <bara drluking boer. br. iÃ, Anders" Iod!me $vater. -Au Invla l sel y A Fult Grain ai lodine luneel o1înteot Wtem. flolod 1ltg,qrttlosThboxil'oyiea-. crfVtl-, Oalt-Itlà euia5fantarta, Rhounitistn tisn lIon, sud nmey Chtule sud llsrclttsry fm eaes, are coailby Its u0 sexe"tiouîimnfsceau bule, or 6 for $5.09. Dy. ANDEM & îCo.,Il'limmuL-tauscnt lttatntatwi 428 tlrialway, New York. Sotd 'v IrO 0O.NSUMPI'V'ES. S ÙÈIFJRERS Witt) Convtrnptten, Alitie llrunutelitis, or ati dieu of te Tht-oct ùt- inng, yl ha clt.eirfltlfiltotlîled, %i-tit- but charge. vaiith tcrcet-- t h lie uiofn M'lu h uv ~warul A. tfufWilliamns hum lu New York-, ts -dutltley -ctorc-d ta sutpl)tiu tîhtrotreetlyi WuIlrttty if an iniiitettfite trial. IL sinu .-ot ntl and ffimy b hé te n fiche!rot- ietî,retrt'rîozt. Tiiotte dtgî-erngt1ut atir e.ilplsn dulri-u.e 3c'-. Edw r I A. W ilýon 16I ui' -uuth Seeuil i'rttWilliatnîaburglt, ktttg i 'uuuty ttNew VALUABLE RECIPTS.ý t'EA l Sl-WNIti î ouîr rutott1nIwtslt tufl to a$ te ftin 14t -ati ui!~tur ttoiet 1 Iwitt-eod hju tret nmntil, luj tI i tt.t W14it i (frite) a t-oipî wuuî 1fnB1 o iil(l uond 1t9e11- a 011t1140 e et*40tte l t-t uir tîat iîr Sicftaiy retiiove, fici tt l aye, Puli t-.,s Blteuies, titu Freekleatti ali Ãlstîîtie i taetuticît, Ineving tt sutîtut sonl, cltîrl uot, ind beactiftl.- 1 witI also niai!frce t u toeîaviuug Bail lads -or Bat-cFacensimpîle iirectiotîs cnd ieforltîttt, tut W'1 ti utl i it t a utrt a g twtt of liuixtirint lUir, Wfiltukersor e unitacte, lt lemttan tlîirty t1yms :haslee recipalaevatuLetoaa i mtold eîîd ong, sas not!ucy arc uitîlicti tu al wuutunatut lItnt f1reeof dhutrga ttey are *iottty thet ut- lenti; ouf al vtt prizc stlear, putre iSkii, or a hiqlîhy rowtu cfatil, 11itopplchtuisuevru ycu al tiamiat sud 1'ctfuer, Nio. 831 Boatl ltrw tarit. intI 1 CARD TO TifI IlUUFFERINRG 5tv ortitre.hagosels ef0'4 u," Tonle Bitlor,' 8ama~pat-lliB," Net-l'a xlnotes"- &.9,&o., &,6.1 ,Ifandd t >'ouare f"s ý l$s Ltwresait, thon try ans bx of 8 tI B RBUMIMPS gNaGlaSFtapE'- U[iICI a4ed le restoreid te béasiit sud tbio 0Urty days. Thay are pure- -V I iial tetake, ramt sd Z .4ý el fà 4 h Vrkoa-down îed sitetaratl aouiftnloh. Old sud youn ýmntakelc.et itit advpn0t Mnlt). BUCY l N'aEN3 MIlSPBCIFI i it 5haib desî, te varot nlii ze VT5ISNZM, Impatmnoy, Pretuatura, Del~y Somainsi knasaInaalyand iatt Ut-it-ry, $XUa4, sud Nerucus Affetions, no utatter pinrU pawuose.produadPlrîoce eDollar er bLe.s.oSat, dittul by tuit, on toclpt JAll1S 9. BUTLEI, dOêuklAà r fot. Nu Be rcadwsy, NewYorlc. p.B.ÀIfï W iy yelyeaa opracetint Of prle-.*hlSh rdaiS Àt kk- a. -. S~~ A, <wlaaulltecirécliarsent on applica- tion. -8ka ~ Genkihanvau n-el or yasr Ian lamons sud omma n in osit, litaremît pyonthW frdi6 an, adme anai trs tua a ' a*f1lte<lue f nutta- lfana mosilnem n'd a tedenvolopei and 1c Mand, lq I Ml Ott yoUtOitng. EDGAR TREMAINE, do Now. 2evYork City. FRUA B4cae#thoe 0f the. Rlght Klnd-.GO TO MATTIIEW COLLINS'S tir Nirthé lÀbgitry Offlla, lBrook Stra6tý and sec te LARÉÃE8T and BE£8tr STOCK of Boots aodShoes IN 711E TOWN C SOEISaalvited te -1ail sd eamna th 1 ri0. Stoc, jc f th.a quality, end laite ainote of the Prlcoes anti se aatisfy theiselles as to whara thay'ban get the bail bergaîs- for- t'vc Boots warrante] te wcar- Wlll statnd wttholtt a testr Any Weathor eoyellcr- Atîd t bat cam't ba hoat eleewtinfit. lly te hit. Boots as chcap as they ore tood, Fer-ladies% 1, ets, and girllood- Fit for ity or thewood; AIl should haveaà air utfitt muid, lied beut rest ~rREPAIRS NEATLY DONE t ~ (u'tte on leur pulttic, tteivte your orlers and ct a pair off 'ots of thte rielit kiuil front yotr M ATTItEWV COLLINS. Wlithy Sept. 11, lStl5. 86 If' this is so, wviI1 you Profit l)y it ? dgi, DiL -DAVIS, i» hotYonntte Man'b Frod, and ttw fc 0e'w coiptini. .M tthe trcatntuIt of PR I1ATE-DISEA SES At li1 11.4O Quarto!rs, Corner B üyatd Ad4lalde streets, loart' exportertce nahire hlm tt curecmti tt treatcl witltout .eor e, ai cures warraited. tersons wio wi»L- to conanilt the Doctor Can do t îtî tntotîtat eîroy.My roinedies are lpleutit, certain, studl s-îe. ÃŽoUneoed net stop work or change your ilfat. Cat] on the D-ntor; mtay as lontg as yon plasse. Recharges notlting for advlCe. Mrrled peuana can cat wîih safety-thîe Docteur le aIt atone. Young mon who have fatico lictitos to secret habile Caorectteim~iite elIf b ap tytg ethe )octor. Pattante treatud )luyiateTa, anti nidi- cioe sent froc frotn damage or etiaaty, te ait parta of the world. n 7OtffUce heurs frotin lbnte nolu unaigmht in tha aiani!ng. . BRITISH PERIODICÂLS. Trrz. ;- Tho.london QuarterIyI- vieW (ronserliLtite.) The Edinbarg Reviow (Whis-) The. Westminsteor Review (Radical) 'rne North British Review (PlteCbnrch.) from th 0 RIEDrtCEDE&1dRÊ t A u ltack mrnlar'&I' on tIller"» 'Val f eaatranta md in the Whit b -Sation, f1mai1the l Yal hotat. and Wcalt a aotiier pubUble à l n town. YFamillesse eommodatad. Notices loft befrtahnd Btth Royal hatel, will be sttendod tea £à i 'prtd wishiilg te catch trains, pnncttzleýly lo rý PARES REDtCED 8 ÉgNiAmlIf BRYÂN. Whttby, Sept. 20, lus. 8 THOMAS & COULTHARD'8 UNE OP STAfGES lIE abô o bgfttsgulotîtes OffIA WA T taî,e9.30, nzn.,fu îuttii, Rc~lcnl'tinceAllait- , a ndcuImuttilla, tir- riviog etteltefln att,;.ut.uulectittg wlit tî tgsfo itta anîtu .Ink-attrtoit Retoiring eauctý uiituultiuailv, t tt a. in., attliiitii (i014saa iii tinte ftor cîelling teutos nut (-t T. .,L, Ettandti Neut-Fort,frotticita- vs a e oltinihus 8734 oaie, tt Liglone nts. tii lt'ric Alto-rt 75 colite, Miattts1 234~, Mia- uilt, 81 Si.u. Pisnçrem ri cthua North arc eotitîeyed lui the ars nt 'tioîa- frite of citerg. Exptress boloc uretifoiy tciled tit sut îuerct-l' dalivered wvllh loajat4ehi. TV p,çie . titre wil uit blue t---ottele ftrur utct-ts tir I)v-ukgoLiuticeas tuked utd aid for ini tii- Ho! WIIITBY TO OSIIAWA, CHEM?_FARES! T ltenitecriber htendse ,t-abi-hlng fistage mote beL-veau Whltby sud f>hine, u - utu; îtwice dallv. freinul*tsovn hotil ltae Itacbi-e ou e~te MeElroy'a htel, o4uWA. Fat-ce nd fut-liter patttcutameviJli hodliian ntncad. 28 GEORLGE ROBSON. Just Roceivod A lare lot or newly impi-oved 8J IRON DUKEST, gOOKING STOVX, #- P&TENTED 1865. - As ltae demaiud fort-he abcive Faimous -Slave., tnctclding the. Impmevod DAVY OOOKTr And otbem ofeooalent, uiîés Io rapid1 lnrsum g1An erl M ouali wolIih.a Aiomrestock of BOX &I>MILOR kSTOYES Of dti. est patorniansd hoaivy moisit AGiIOCULTURAL FU .RNACEBU Dlackwood'fs Edinburgs Ma.- Oua cf wviihtvot-y fanmer ougit tetobava, maine (Troy.) Jais Lhey W1111 psy for themelves in aOte -- year. Ail the save vil hi sold ait The Aileceres t'ttilstuct-uliuateo u-eicthelia ctcir iistced bulîuînl.ta# tbe rit of -p istiin-g bus 4hitibit.hr .ic e ci, tr-r tiesrirtfditndcuti x. leg.iutjtif ee*"ec.re y Il iuicn-asiwd va eitoielli d coee lict e1oaias ftitlowa:Iear TERNS FORt 1865l. Fet-eeo- este i-Kevtews. * c40 e aniunt t'a cuîy tue,, oÇihe t .s.... -a - .0 - Fuir attu trcc sfilleîRvituctw,-to..ile0 it Foer su fiuriiittu-Revitt ...-..l1100 t luer liietxxgAaezitop ....... t .Wc - k-tir IiWlaewouanud ,neîei-ea.. '1.0n Foi liatk*ntol asB ut cy ta- e fti itetiews- - -f ..... Forlilaiwtuuul sotdIbrecef site lltcîwo- - - s For Bliaetwuot tuttithe ftour 1Re. vi-uta- - - -t........1.0 i gtctaeritc-u-.lie Ite Ifrilixhti troviucjewî-tiai t lu ulie tutiî ltise ica, loaiy fuserieais ae)mat for filteka-oel and iià gceIaiue >5 tr eaeb ltsrsw te ctuectr e,. 0M. i1-îage. Tinhetuork a-tiieut nrinlti t-itisnagrevitte improîeU--iqs lit orfrsaee. antuul iue eariv sali Aaiteusl'cu,.dl enc ar Bte tittr titînuerd ouelut-ci-ortue icui-etl ta ctze- nal i-cty geotu-uttltl-noe ashl niuiese ngte feitl uuul i>(t-aulthiemtseîr cuitutcîl inthic orus.i eaI etlInuunll jett, c Dr lrestt-cs,-e-lt fut1911tase chrait. f(tirteIWtcaui fIntiller fUrptsbca, as it-ecf t-ttofteceoupetluug peon*ct iesiai iisucolin.. r- irrt it h -fe ut-y Mgîtaiediileas, ýWbuh te utPrt.t.nl 'temicm aitu gulu would bc i 111in ititia Paliteesfot-s'u-y shtets and Spynîhb îe iitl-$t cuteitgun at tbiue limeunn, iStO) nary $a 5 in c tueeetey-atd WC t-ual that i tt eCale tee bute Bi pteulWC we lîtc eliirely jeetieiiby ont ut>-. Sriet-iind iithe rendng public Thie treel ot hi e- i umti iretef-n rea.- dat-sies mbet- lîttreeseu t tn uinisheuj by the ami- cteaîbry cotais;r cner CidWer. ands, tttagb esos-se tlnttallgtid wiitprtiadlce, itey*mcm stiltl. ectier. ingubeir ¶C1att r istydth=ia6 d!preaJstiuidleuts frm a-hic ili,,, ars wt-ttte rc atu di Atwib Bdvantsaeby the peope oftllfocnir, afacsry ced [and pony T13E FOUR REVIBWS POU lAU. iietwl7aee ofEdinuttst, and thletlaJ.P. !'4wemi da Ontse, lOo PRICE 0t for lb.ela-n velumeo-4b ift1, PM WdIa LEONARD sCOiTr & CO., VO, S5S Walker SIreo; weté hdlir MT Sitzéra Wom eldy jta tLe ost sud peillnt Wormns WC are oaalisad publifr ex- once. À dkOOD rÊHINd' TORONTO PRIQES for CASH, F Eavotrougba p1>111up *itL trati r<VJ New ILin!un, put lu old avens. Sr.-"leîairing promnptly atlcndcd to ait the Old Stand, Brette Street. - WM. BRYANi AithetcOld Stand, Broci t Sreet Wlîitby, Aug. 213, 1865. 813 fiSADDLF, HÂBNESDU - P'bLiAR&TRUNK CIIEAP IALL & WINTER GOODS -AT BRoOKL]XN Maâthewsn7'Rte ift. te Co. [lave just recPived their FalI. Stock of Foi and Winter Goods, whElh havingbIeen purchased, before thé late -advance, tjuey are. prepared-tû offer at,,UNPRECFjlËNTEDLY 40W fiticES. Family CGrôfflîjes, a large stiock of Boots and Shoesatilperior qualivy and cheap' 'We beg to ainebuncie the arriVM of our Ë'all Importatibns which are nd* complete in et>ety.epartzment, embrating thé largest and most varied assorttaent in t he market, whikdh we offet at unprecedentedly low pricen3. CL HI G -DY - I ý Our stock of RflÀDY-MADE CLOTHINd ils ver y 'eten- CLViH IN C EAu "mAD -I~sive, and 2OYper bént cheaper than eléewhere in tbwn. Terma and made to order on the shortest notice, in the Latest Styles. Tweeds, Sat-inets, Flannels, Unions, &c., of our own Manufacture, SOLU RETAIL, AT WHJOLESALE PRICES, l3rookHi ,Oct. 4, 1865. MATILEWSON, RATCLIFFE & o. 130 'ifE datag oflcred by this Institution fâr acquiring a TIIOROUGIl PIIACTI. CALU SINESS EDUOÂTION are auperior ta any Comomercial College it li- liai Amrlo. Th Brnchs tui .coiprise .vaything necesaary for the Book Kcep- er and Business Man; tlaey ittud- LtH AC TUM BSINS mB ARTMENT la themasi coinp Iota arrangement of it.. kind, iteing furiâbAed wlth two BÀANIS, a MERCHANI"S MPORIUM, and an à -XCHANGEUOFFIÃ"E, which-are open every day for the. transaction ai Businaet m' Cime lâ ELGRPHNG every cday-in PHONO- GRAPETf, Soil-wekly. or9r O!MotbY <.UMC"aLÂA, agpdMens ofaitlats, &C., addrees <encloalng satmp), MIJSGROYE & WItIGIIT, 24 TORONTO, c. W. NEW. GROCEReY STORES f;ùH~isbacribe would iespctfiilly inform bhis old friendâ and e uso r, that he has again started business in the dbove îne, in the 'OLD CORNER STORE,' opp$osite the Robsbn Ilouse, 'D u ndas -8tre et, VWh itby, Where le intends lctepin.& ûn Family ume in thie Groceêt' Une. earLy call and a. fair trial; ha.ndi eierything Teltta for gAr 4e respectfully înviteà an CASH P AIÃD FORBËUTTER The the highest Cash Price paid f o uod Tb sd Roli Butter.; aiso, Cash paid fôr EGOS. [gr BEST-L AMERICAN CiEESE FOR SALE. ~~crniv w * *~ Best COm' and Corn MgaI1 altrdy'oon ban d; aIltibest Fiiy :Floiir for sale. ()pi arley, Oats Peas,.&c., bought as usual. Whiîby, Juiy 12, 1865. 27 Fire!1 Fire?1 Pire las re-opened the Carniage Factory Iately occupie, by DONZOVÂN WÀILKLvY & Cci., seconid door south orf his late Ëdôitoryl, and opposite the Tô*n Hall; Whitby, whee strictly euhf. Whitby, Sepi T. H. MocMillan, & Go. tember 2Y, 1865. 38, LOWES &POWVELL Beg to-apprise -their numerôns frien-ds and customers of the arrivai of tlieîr Ft-ill Stbcek of. General Fancey and Staple- Dva 0s, CROC ERIESY Wlnes and Liqulors, Provisions, Crockery anid Glasswiarre, &c. Whitby, September 19, 1865. 37;tÉ TU1E LARGESI STOCK YETI me H. COtHRAN Rpspectfully informs his customers4 and the public, th",t le is tîow openirtdout the Largest and Ipost Attrac- tive Stock ot D tES GOODS IN WHITIBY.- COTTON&. DÉLAIN~ WINCfe EbSR;IN CÂNADIAN TWEEDS, &e.UR~ BO0OTS &SHOIÉS.=u.Ladieg'. &eitg, and Childreus', of superio4à make and finish-seUing ýt'ery cheap. School I Book si ttooy GROCIiRIES of al kinds,' Teas, SUm, gars, &tc., &c., a. geeral dnd tomplete'a1sort!iient. Wliîtby, sept. lt 1865. M Ho IM nd â ghs un ib6 trand bis -~ w aPark ot, ncw - T X ottn nha sh, eabea su' adfor non or r ro ai teioflo t n~ oth cf Cà ig at NOe>N 0 tEflYu L té ~ad f rtber parttcnliir 10pY bc had aý. tuè eg~a Office, Brantford., >ona whoA Mblve been resnmad 1lor lion*payruent may~ b. ra.ltttd on paylng arrear. prtoi 10 the dey offtSla. [Blgnodi, WM. 8P1gGE, 1D.S. 1. A*. Indien Delhiiant, Q nb e , S t4 S p tem bo , JS B. ~ ~ û ASSURANCE 1COMPANYV wTTILÉ balte HoUinll argo Rlèlte», ai thb V'lowestpogglble-rna oTpromlnni; lfisfnr- atlée ,rapted on tint! ridkr4, for the season or voyag'ri sIgoos îttnred on tho difltrentechis ôf Bail vessalIs, and Stenu iBouts, ta and ftcîh pny porta on the Lafibe and Rt vers, é&e., î6 lbo,4tltio losottlementofI1 QpOn. JOHN BLOW, .Agltt g~Ofice sjolong ~ rort Wit~ 1-IOlHc djonlg i%.Rowe, Co Wlittby, April 0, 1865. SPLENDID CHANCEÃŽ. BLACKS3IITII'sSii110 vsi -9 USINESS Al -- .SiUJUR* rIIE iltîereigilcd olTers for sale the folioi' .Lng rol er tyitetîd in lt. Vilaeo &saiîbomo.A hliulnithîs ehop, 6Cx3Q, 9 forgesana S ets Of toots &c., wÃŽth tiorse- POwer tnroing lttlîon-honae attaeltail qnnrterý acre, corner lot. AIAo a'ljolbioglo.bntj acreà hiving_-tiierqot. franî ione lxt il gooî relier. Tht tottiâ pliatud wth thxiv pa trees. .- wl Also haîfit,4e lot,;vlî,otýiog snie- fi50 th icitceon mindwoodahed, atoneb ctr iitnp anîd well inside bajk-lkitche'i god table, good baring amuI rolad pttnn'. and cherry trees,&e. PThe ehrip and toola ttiay b rented hby iý suitable tenant. Tlia cilîaniioilear'îroe ati mtand bcbng Vte béat tn tho Vconty ofol Oi; and no ltic k b,'lnesjs. 'JAMEs ¶*'ÀLKER, ÀAshbltrn, Ang. ; sbut GEORGIE CORNACIK. -~UMBEIIMEIX ,Carpent ý; and 1 , to i FUNERALS fully enpplitd and' atýet l l F hoit notiùý. CofStos kept hotà tLy d tlitd. WA Hearse ta titre on tîboeroa.0 ADDRES, JLDDEM9 JTOHIN b; McPHIE. 8-6m.WBXI. Là hd For SalO' COGILUAe. -Building Lotus COPMM ERqCIlA L M EN-) Will fiuid excllent -and cofliu'enent aà ccommoôdgt!n. Wîth*J a .w- Yards of the. Publie HaIllPfivate Parlers The fellav,tngliat cf Loti. *11! be sold 1oi; for casgh, ct-at ai lcirVal t fi fl dit i i. -Loti1, 6tý ÇôDi. Maris, 200 Acrs L-ot 16, fT h Mulier, 200 Wý 18, 7th Toserout>io 1~ w 7,ftt.d 'i1do i0l Lot 11, îth " Txhrldge, 900o "4- IK34 19, ird " Ilseh, 00 - Lota 1, Sut " aEion Loti1, frotîn &oVtter , lm Uot 21, do 'i O - s ex~ 7, lot i seutrttle0100 Là ot L t" dd 200 - ot , frit " lia 2e, La, , th ~ do 200 f Lot it, 6th do 200 -' N £X'27 2nd ' Whthv. Sdi i Wliltby, MiraIt IORPWW & P1'T2M8ON& LW-I Agrricultural1 Worhkst AT TEEOIblwti'li' ýÉpr 41 186. M=nlfatit-iMad dwmers Insu knac AGWV17Ù h BPSMNY VEISS WILL Ut rOUMb -f poses ior wuýh in au a e ro 'troubla Io otsr otddneeaý or Eruptuanth ie S tle. af tLe bl<od, Gg Brîttindan Vaga 3. CA ~3ARE $t.Lai r'o co.l A.RL Su o B ma UAry,a iYo t PROVISION ý - -- 4- . --- 1