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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Nov 1865, p. 1

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MsiLLhOW Toefy RîonstoSl' UILI' 1~BWiTBY CHRONIOLE ýG)' c -r,~ ot n sas . Itoor Il lI lt -tba u At li$PrintJug Egtt.blslîîntu, 132roek Street, Whitby. imams i$150 PiER AN1UM. ADVERTIBEMPNTS! A&LL Alvortiseut t iititr4tt i luNoupar. MLfoniidoisîîrged ut t11w rute utf 8centm lier élue, dr2g lusertion, amd i jciith ler îive, ecdi ilti>lequelit iuitrtttîu. t3peelal eouîrooîe made wItla ndvertimcrs bji adrortircorcîtti rwtuti b. lu wrting. ]BANK OF 1KONTREAL, tV. R. 1> iNMaunger. VAMBRONI & pAC)O.NELL, » AUîîîSTtEiNANDi AT' ruîttNEVi-AT- , $îtiottiirc t-t-fi ie tk rt !fotîîrt'tl, tandtilm tt~uatîîtif ft 1wC'ult% tt .itiiflt Ziatttritts, &.,& ', VltffY, tC. W. ~y rt the itldc e ftttu firiti, Couîrt ti.tt4tt,- Ttenul,, aîtî;t2o, ljit. 23 1 r. )IIl.1t C2OtUitAN, . ..1 ('fiNor 't" OhnsicorYi îwaru. ulng-cli Nwi oiii g. P1'i¶ t 1. S lE R I.1 it , .NEimt ITith edint Priî:ed %yoxda, poil soughte andUntlrIint vol.,Ix. WTITBY, C. W., TI GLOBE 110TE~L. T IIE altave weli knowîîli, i ostnbttslket ilottatîd'prosetiliatetcbren itirurcesd by the tittfctieitr, tuttare holic i ltwiys bc fî),tîîitttal t'il iid a tilttid lersonifiy t> lite îi'îtts tiff li e te , &C. eottfitrtatity ftttud tilt; paititedt, Iaperot , c,,o. i1liltu'itte '.tuf mot watcr tri wa.11. ittid -vrr 1Yrmutltidi t al l ttes. Notice tu Farmors and Mèrex ly l>rttof, lui- gallontrt tr fief!tNiicttîi whiltl,tt î r.; li ent l'art, Sherry titi ('tîtd liikPrantuf fortriole ir %it' Iflieut if Attuittiut e Qetre, itndiittrciri lUt-or. A. ALE.NNDER. S T AGE -10US E,, ]M A%*ILL A. .1A UEStLACK, UEAiT IN1 f S()Et 110 Us L-, WiJti1tmi -f 'tti- f43 1 [A î1 i m nt t rite n f'f¶f ftt ri utitt2 ut- t hlt'iui,, iltth- f 22mid at;îîî-1utu t'<tiu . ~..i tt u:VICTORtiIA itî': u13 t Il,!tt""".t,'-ut-Ii ut 't- w 71 £Tr itCifAu t' .It' C~r tue'rîîît, C îltI liIS l> u ' i tut-tqtHUI fmttt .-u-i mut ti Tut-i ttt k. iY.j iN o i. Itit TtTlh 4IUIiE Il & A"itN E%-Ar T.AW Op t,'Ot hutue icrLuT'tIZ & i' PU T,-,',. &i te. V Itttitt. W'. IAR ES C. KrLtlEt, /kTTOiN EKYI4T bi. O Llt(l'-10R 1N JO LVIVnERy 'iotttr u. iîna n~E ~AE. A .. h. Mrte ee t îit %V.î' t t~ . LY.1IAN N<.LS1, Lil.. SAIIIINTF.iiAT LW ulIn- Cr u hani- JOHN JIiLLIN<.1 AW,(tIANEiY,& c('uîN\"&NciNIi 0111ce, Pitîîi AIbert, tuet tuttrs werttf Jil. WI. CLtltli. li. -D. FOitlNl&c'. liegiliitr -(lite tor rE1tti 'f' YitruI' tît& 'toit'.' Stoire, ir,.tek 'gtroétt, W îI'tltv. 44 1* .i;NIN, M. D. tTRCEfoN ; Ti TI KCCJUt,ýY GO.L, Bitvrtiuî treét, Wlithy. 4 0,114i fufittn. 47 A. PFRINGLE, MIEWî~TTAi 14)1, ]ifR.CK STiIEET, c- ATKINqSON kài3OSWELL., 12 ~ ~ 13 s>'tîuîtretitet, Torurtît. 43 id 'r itîKt 1kil 4VILLAGtE, (.3'.Ot'uICtIL lV e'gtuefuir 'tuerie tnd lltI.àltX Nitut- P lu. DR-TUVIE ) G ltADU.'TF OF TItE UNtV ST'r YtIF Mî-tilf uItgit, îtui'ea o te ti. Wre. l'îueAiit.4 «aîtu iiti iitf itid tliti ui[t 1tthbi t i ticar. E'ueu>' trtlte 3'uturaittqit. Notuftt, tut Uv. - ~AILWF I'fXTltIuIlttt't ;l i CANTON IMOTEL, te14Tt W. CUT11IERET, R3OUGIC 11OTxL; 9 TOtIEPlI MOON, LuATF. 0F TfITEJoe U-q.aou hiotot oatd farmcrty eof itt,~un ueonuesot1 d hit< ribuds cund tae pttiti, tIat lit ALLfi nd* oa tiret rate artoný the noepiau 0f itabhingand attentWe -Osîtor 13-Y EDWAJW5De UODDEIT. h h Gutit.usauntnsilede ni-anthe qt"sunttice o thie bout qitil y matenIal lu 41 W..k mf adetp onte puemtit,.. tii 4Sf7 8%Ptntg Impoiaiationg otf excselt ltyani ~4gl sn.lysrtuw oaks. -12 $uM eIETELSO; stte thel'ogt Oilc.-Estrsfioaou re "A-"flc#ç.ltl i .canr1 oîf-uai 'lt,&Ct. - ~ u-;4 WOON'5-- 1-OTELA, IVOON deDIOTI Et!. Northit TJititl anud itfrcatitt Fire& Life I»surance CoM'y. W i itant. 28,1,2i.s 'THE ROBSON HOIUSE, DIJNDAN STREET, WlIITIIY, C. W. r l F 0~ etti>ctil.e' Iti-uti a îu teu nt.ctttlie bau T, irtt. if l.ftttittf-rtitî-t-l%¶- kut-WI s-o lit-I t itte. 'Itettt'.i.tcce~ ti-n~ itt Il - uIuqttd 'ut ltrf i 's îli tu, tîtîti itu l i ot- ire uit thpt ýi tt i. 'rite lZitl~way t tiuitt. alla nt tit ttntel and tlue stage. lt-'or ti ttuttif Ituriti lt-ma tihe doreriiiirritutu. Jirtt9 1 -"reday. li iROO<LI 11018E 0iCALL AND SEE SANDY -I . i l ftke ltn te i B'utultDn iieutet,"lis ttruntktîi ifs itéte, wIlti re fie will tie tttti't lpîç ait his fritîid.'liteprnterittirwlii f1ted îîfiW21tivuntr a'tîî tt iî. u'-itii htti i,'f vé'iy tîî f /t' O'.t-ttrl c t" i e tuti Ilr-itltututeineidt u. au A8t.'ii i eil uti so.At /titîî v'Aîa f i 'ir .. f-t1 iî bû tîitinefil: ict The nntiu¶r,tîe it-Ititu lm fi-itt~-i Arceitt ttgitu Ii.t, ',a iazif. ALEX. PEE]IIE Ilnaol,!in, Do. 23, 1SG13. 50 VICTORIA flOUSE; t) PttîtTRiEFT, tuttîTtt. JOHtN Si'uîti Lt...... .... rphor. T II îtîthccriteeirpti tii iform 11;14 matît firittîjIgt lit 11titi.4 tutti-catttiit(thtf if t ttd, sandt t lietiti tillft.fine ltt tit i th liestt ofwjtît'u, ii1tors, efgaie,uti roftrerii- tueîîts. A weai ittttcld tale. Coid Éelfuhug Q1141 cicuozsdyard. Wtiithv. Odt. 4. iftel. 9 W. il. &clé S. CADD Y4 o4.ufr'nur f c--cry desériputio,î of 'eSaddles, Harnoss, Collars, TRUNKS, VýALISES, &é., &c., DIOCIC STurETî WIIIY, B oFGlpisetltirfriendA, uittil thîpnrblc, tîut ttîcy bire upcned huctitleas lu the jittlesoppos*ite flie Outturiti IUtel, tlroek etret't, whAr.a titey 111 bo Jtoeittlt ltticitpr pred t oxecqtfe , t l dri with îwtih ltey nMay bc tavoredt, wiîh ;trornpi1ildc, eud ttoicpply eus- ttiitrA *tilaworir cf tisq bébeit min îttltre <'ittlp. and tttedite i arditra crut ie sitrti. est no0h00 TRE DON BREWERY. Tiltuberherxsnov rppiwed ta -onpiy reilnired, suddaou ternie tae aeoes Taroutu,, Sept ,19. 1805. 37Vl8 - RAJNP3OW 5fUSE" M . lba4 des1rellith lefam 1W iaerui. lit nds andpirosixtlt h* us,.ne the rîoelin» tteCok ODst h P~roère.Wmenetqnos,ý Piokerng, sortt. 11, iso, Boots &Shoesý 1 r titi gtad nta, wetiranti dtirmbiity, J. A. Bandeil, çWttl lue follttItiu ireqnafteîl. An exteutlite stock -»tsîtritm4 i t h e (euil>'. 2 VALUABLE Farm for Sale UJPON EASY THIlMrs IN' T!! eTOWNS-,III IJ A lOýiT4;ia t1 tî la( 2,il]thte Istef ee inu'cti. cauit ti i ttiL 1 10 ce t ientîîî'îi,r flt-c, iift 'I'Wt>(iOO> I li'.l7 ti it te J îtnctt .tî the 3fs'a atI ' i'i fit. e i it t i-lin tai raad. sa im- at.titit'40 ianrruc tf efcletitt'. l'or iutlrlnpttrtfetîtat-m Appty lae ANTOINE GOAU., !enr., 011y Vii e fi; lict rrilia Il.) '100,000 TO ILOAN. T elr it tit ic t- e -ti - dIt ou is AT 7,PER CENT INTEREST. lt',rict'r'ttt ttt tuuu ft'îîtîî -e lt tti 6 FER CENT IN'VERESL~ jA41(l iie '..tie Croekeg"s Ilotel <i 4TE 'L 4TrS, .,:z- Oys 7 uLTop.Û ZO0 lfitkr kept I,'Slrer'm) T siti -iuult1w m tie. ii ta lat e ta tiîrîi'î' ii tfir.tn t t utlo t eIit i Itî' uit-ui c;t f- utî -Brooklij Drug Store. rAI.iiii il cee, Putt onfe tin.t he 1#4vt yill i the toWeitluneltto w Itct îtti[tet tt n-taiy futitîitiot stîreoa- taellîIte141, itit *1tere, lte hi-iiiitt m ,itpeI- vut -îtt-~'ritti otrOcînt aleni,ii ctvayo lute fuit ,!. 'atr.CluArgits exteeiuî>jlooitnt'ate. ---i IOti~MILLEIL IBUYNTO's gHÃ"TEL, litiitatils tir fthe t'tmnity tuf 4iictitrit Sttî eturt'-ittii-, 'utuîetiîstticatee cps'neol itth Iiuuîl n ivitiiuiu trtt ate#utety oetiI loy &LI'dtt,;tt- tslie tah atl il tifti-d andt urtiiut. nuct i roîit lt, ais thora wiii 1141d cer%* s O1eîu-~ ýl'iittm, Ltitersm and i Catr, i Cit Al tt tcitiu-c olet tlvmym lu îl,qr THE ONTAftIO H OTEL. Irèn ain the Diocsd. The. Perovian Syrnp .tipeleo the acl lis làfo Vitoîuty Irotu, tnfctng Streog VIgar und New Lîfe hue ito 4qwlotlfe Futr ltl,'îpt, Droý'>my, <t'-ronte Djarrahi: sîell.Thon todit lave bece ictiaugeu ltea -.lo or titis utediciue frot Wettk lek suffring tctuntures, tûsRttig, heallthy' bappy Mquua)td a'en. A 82 page pattîplil eul ntFow. Prîcc $1.O per boutle, or al f, .00 NwYr. il P. DINSMOitI,, S iDey SIre ffoltit»t Druggiots geneurtully. Sm MORE VALVAIJLE TIIAN GOLI l>ruwsllts, tJttpltaittt leuit,. t )It.Siter Siglîl, lttliîgoitien, d<'tlsie lthe f-ticntlI IltNti iuuîr.t 1wlifti lunlie li,*Iiated tJ.ettît.'Yetttt.lt'11adit ui ttii ni4Unev ta îrtty, 1P. 0. Bo%,ait, 9, tutti lthe), ilt bhose4t- rettîrn af liil.- 'PO LADIES, I Ctrir nrfiîiivfre icntl e s f" et-iàw. 'JhLj t*- ae an d -ttli.îre aud vîli rott.e na.tàre tii et-art came. ifey are ilib etZ-à oup ilt ait enscmtf WM.e*14t V.s litto(, Pl t -pc -. gotd l ititetctintaftiie OUPli, i'riee tOslo Dollar. - st-titiftr' D. tAit~' rrf eo >tlct.t's,ilr ceutintafi-'iiti-mt *to01)i.tttttitgi 'î.t Iî, f îuoti nîi4tîtît tîrcluîîse ltic pitte 3 ottr îlljlttg-Ist, tliy tuti f-a senttii turiait0 bt', ft4 Del. J.l~. tcA, ('Pthtit g i'tî'se Olad News for Ithe JNFORTUNAT-1 i 1.11;i teuci 11%raet- ittffilli prenle tlt-unuaiiluututi, to itt, lîie anti filt ' l 1t Cure of P l lt i nfttii<riltîe 3> ut-t44 witili.nttiultif.on. re4li br'eriuotaii 4î) ;Jii"tu'ce ttt(h ie r, (I'tl ilttt t1 tu ýc~'è mir -u til" , 9-l'tlf1;t11tlia Atiiet 1 Ililt lt-:-'t sc. oittui'iitit tif lthe ntol ulitt n <t t-flet tif I"110page* en the çrroý3,ltltl ië eléyt4~ frite '-fi ceýl 1-ti n'qt1r fotietaege. tu. 0>. flox t0î. 442 iit'tu.etia, X" Ylorl ra-itc'il-tu utitpfiliticlI-'y Dîlti ,arui &C,., 'tett git,,Nw ol. Dv: Xn. Afidierst Jad!oe îViter- An ItivalcaittleIte,0', AYlp4e wititatttU sut1î tThe tnest 0"týr A RGiI",' Ste fho !hiae-io u nk?ris, CHEAP FOR CAS, Atta tut> nuuuelgooti Stockiou Hlarnema Saddles, Bridle,, *%hips, &o. J. Pl. PIIILPS. AUC N 1 BIN ESS. LEVI FAIRBAN"s; Jr. Licensed AiuoUouoeer, &o. Solatie 4Indeed in ailpart.#0/of fM Ir " (irlers îh)mail, a' or Ion t tig t ItdIuetut J. nREUBOTTON, Outitt.liircueïtttltistthu DENTISTRY.e T11tIr suleiorihEr n tc rt t'ing *l, l urlt ritt ttccttfitvorx, bAtuo ainftin thîilueîtabi- (atîtitofi titis 'Xcvientiu trronnditig caniitey, flitie wIteltlio-ttîp t utendt i]Itor tier enurtiteltut i u '~O Teettui'ue ï -u(i"d l1,d'nVtîlýu»tzcti Raf ter Iao Teoht iilai or extratcii lunIvieaet ptsihle 1tartcittet inl iqIdth~ie regI-lallon ai Ciidretil'rt-if. Alworeartrauueii. Ct ~ .V. ft. CAt. UN SURANCE I IE iuderigoteiia ýbon oppoinlti Agent it tl-.la Iutîy for lIe fltoviug igrsqt-clags liiusirane,<'amuiciies. tn viticti bu t1sprepa-cu t3 tccpt rîstu-tiie, lit'. sud martu,- M eEdiibuerg)t L<fe Àtidàü £Cbtsp'ny T1he Literpodi dtld Loson" 7%e ManiareaL Pire JaaurozneCompganty. n7e PronadaAsseancui Com>au4i. F. KELLl, , otinuter (sitnu oshar. i, Nov. , i Ù 3. 4à I1EVERE OUE c. 5AîWEuI, P"IPltiETOR. JIAtiNa PUICIIÀSED TIE ABOViE l inte-t, ba* refnrnushed 111e premnss tlirftugliont, m fBuarte lteIimr the it Lt-o>- tluîrlu put e geuS. - giaïes ta Stoue T" ry8-P-ort Whitb'y T. P. FREzMAXi tit. i. S. hi t Sitlteilond&0., a&., IW 449 Chanci t lreet, Torolito, GRAND TRIJNK RAILWA«V HOTEL G.C A.»~L VErERNARYSURIGEON,, ycîrpçtfnII s t r nt igt h e0utry tat ie o*camnceeti ifactice a tît ab)ve finei, oui ho tipes b>- sterict alleu- tion ta bupiliust- tau mtita slture cf i-aMie anner, oemmlsoterlau4 OittPenchéo.Cry WC 4O~ Pa, r~sI*Id~ Irlobo~ DAYI:NOYEM BER, 8. ÀTIIEw C OLLIXSS ar N(e, rtb"Il e«leîryOIfii ,ioec Street, d nuc tle LaxaQiyiT ad DES r STOCk*a! ire tlie>- cas geltbc Oca agi .Atty votiftiçer u>itce Atîid t futlctti'It Wbt ogb-let'. iloite aseitcp ne théevarc tol vit fotr Vit>- or IlIle Mtrçiu Ait hoftd liteo a J'air ft?1ttt enuid Att-J lue nt retc ýr EPAI Rs NEATILY [DO.NE 1 M'ure t-tii uit--ur uîie tut'-yruir vrdtcý t-f (l bilee attr Juti fi'itlu i tfî lt. tu ît Ittu yrti 3IA'M'rE',4-COLLINS. WMlttltsept.Ii18ni. titi f this is so, ivili you Profit by it? h* « Ttîe 1'uiniig MiiL'm Frteîîd, 1 it! itt it ri iiie s lt torii VILIVAIJI DLÇEASES At ltiui tit tiîornruîir - 'rtutc'.CW. i ttlntt. î'ti'tuut itîi -tc. vt itel net lp vttb t fîiteu< ict. C('iIllei tî SOI j.ifet:J -tittu Piucu rir tU oti miue. i'otfig mi ieto i-i t t-f'$'1i1,14tt ;tr 1tu.t'e 'ue h tItle oe-a'cc It'î.îe.1L'ti.tevt'iubfli .uft i l i- t Ae cti et f r ' i dantitit , or n titiity, un ail irtiq( t ftI 0utt ul ý'4t In itth rrt f-îuît-gilli it lcnbo BRIUTISH PËIODICAL.S. y7Z UI~C1WO~'sEdiburgs Va.' guine <Troy.) It54suti.tetuÈ t'iiat -titc-r trabiden ud tai. cem.eitifttg u z atctu- t.-eiat as ufelcava: TERMIS FOR 1.965. trfCYerrs'ecfîiilttc-ira ..... 0401 terOitico laXtattluwtu ufitu- it'ylu-'c'..... '1.0 Focv thera:ti t c ies-e 1 ou Ptt u *ta te lautii.sycic......>. -It-n 1 tîè 1 -ec-cblaic........ îc 4' F4c ltaetvttil £IAYteftus#cf tthe Rie'a , - tit. For gWftaetttd at tcfia . mmtftîu Iittt m g-e, prire ont ty f ýfe este a r ('r tank ut ii lf Jt-mraOtsdiaf dýfueur ýi titric*tt ft ae- atli- siti el i ueu-ueicîi lu siat.- <ebam eithet -wnif' îLeinsntrcteoaivktieittttns'tç' tri, V. -t- awil ctj 1 ai,prescet pifutanon pflceiti li Attfiiîuthe.fai-t ttai we mibeOur atîtiami tu.Mriiui sltn theitilit eftltu en'rlny aertamut le"p>-45tt ialutt i 4ýoi eaiug no At th lite an awq)nçuerty Turt. mu ia o turii anatain tluma tooes iet ing,îer icrrcud titan ititlealtuci tu cau-l andi pauny. THE MÛR tERtV[EWS FOR 1883a. bealt U05ft-îewtcta ttan, oru$2p htr aly oné %Te alîa pubtisthteu 0 2-oi-t1-Jeat~ valst, lieai Ocavo, 100 £jIl(le $7furthatsu ee t mE-bty edt mfttpîtl id oVs. $ ialker Street,.Yea, York. i tnuvuy 11i Wtuttti. telî1si - Tant îtifrou iltihumble a""~à Mot. 1 i, .ad I lt a l teacAnd titIOltisrti .tî - o ti ntelieue gja )~lePlace imitare yot itt aidiihi eiPjie - prliiopa Infny knowI; ,, 1. îlay be, Antd I yù'arrv sme It c4it ,t tele ,c4pteusrete siliaw li " sltA'reîglliou ijiy ot Th ny testi u ttgled oery ntv~ t Furthlie Une '1 3t0ttr bik For lte o es 1wtdClt yoc ltîclc. My i pî.1 attîl be :1Uch nt your senico.", 01bt 0111(itr pu"r mott. Wlittit I ilttxcl,-itctuit liu Pra riyWî t n Y V1 eitntdc', od brothcr; 1f mie 'are fuît inttie, hay ectttiîutl i h onet naôther.11 f Cuut!nuetl froci lait week's s i"u.1 111 a fcW mlflti(iqn thc ttrn misereants hi dis;posed theetecilvçs beside the lire, drng. ging Over ti imsame 1003e gartmrità Aup- ,lied by Nily;- andtI n a iuey ghoft tinte thcir decp'îîettviiy breathing betokened that tbcy wecobth futasi le1 ./A 10v- moil of nxiotîs thotjglts literai y tîbUbd througb tny brain In thé brie! perioti of stillness that followed. Coutl 1 takc ad-. vttntege of their Pleep ? Cotid take any stop, -and tehat, for my ettrîcatian froa this cltiniful peril?1 At lengtb aJoë pttrelefl voice, i kinfd of husky whîsper, ht .cîxied, rnae upon thc qujiet of tlte piace. I N.Ly, for the dear love of (lad, have plty on mie, and cave me, fiow thcy are islcep." .Thore wtisno at1su*cr. " Who i<nows but se ha@ droppcd off,,tooi" 1 thou1jht. d.Nc11y, if yau hope for merey, lis 10 to me, save me," again vliispercd Ibat weak Yolce rof Deguitei. Il whist, ivili yc,replieti the aid wo- man. evidently quite swake. "l's ne tse yotir tituking; you'd.bave s3ld BUihte the gt.lol,anmdIf Ilthe ltgtln iW of littie fin- grwotild Rav'e yes, 1 wouldn t." "Give me a Bup eoflester, wiil y, ?' hoc aslker. ")X think 11il go nati." 0heetiithoagh its nugh. dr ' OUd'l a linetl sort a tohi oquy NO tour but ri wake in lime t an heur e aison ii do nie.'1 She moyeà itortis lte clu- bcd. cycingu tbc prisoner's bonds eittsie paseot bita, ta sec that aIl vas vigittI iç', itd îtrcw hermel)! upon lte rice egty rtétigpucIi- graneti anti reaftc * beoth lber veigit, osmetto turutetiavay frointh l ight Thanle loti, almnosl passed >my-lips siaAn lndible ulterance.'For bte f4rst uile 1 entured to alter my position. ' twsa se 1ililmbed sud Cranipe titaicutibd ysi. Soon te decp brstinq or the thircisbemp. or-- woS bei-clj lho chultle iad tio ex tingdtliéi Th fl U Êj'ned leu-slrIgbtiy, vitole aparînient, Aiii6witli iHIe si p±rê vith leus apprclienaion,ataoud lte food - work scrcon te ,fgrelbd*rtý frovning Qrà'a the<I. bilaîoeing- mon vîtle I ii mînsted vi la afi in~t flcecumbont forni a! a.dà9me4dulI t dlsetoelug a glastly faceotÏTftpýdvwit&Èî, epression o!ri- deetanuts, t te oye cioseol, btiînob là fIleopi aIo1 sighin¶g uto2n tha ocseion;il<I sePC i3u' lke rAdpiiii uunxei ti'fld taagem1., ssi, of couqe iyfYreuuost thougitt, sudlI vs josI abtoutto glildeout cf niy bidlng place vbien I rememberp.d that considerablo &tu. lion was neçessary il eterence tt iicè of m bciie i t4 ar& mntt litght, -lài his surpriseé; I4è cixpý -ont'ô "ie destroy un bothI'b o s cae Ii t Iraui hbu bcndage andjèri,I wLo Corsa ieal- eti on sý ie extriçu te iajlf I&eptalnt as ilIentIy as 1 ioifhi and -stooti fora£ moment no thefloaji týsec if 1 <uld attl -h n* tice. bfapiâjàstby thoeëdthe4tléold wotalt1 -a prolint4t iy bt ftdr - ddfsu ber softii breithing' lndlltatéd «tîiglter sieeptà bmiscemed to bave Ioékeé4thb. 1,0 ruffians at thlt- irce. 8dithe *youninmà remîtuduftbelé.dYoo,.!Md t *iminyl N044 ýî la it ual ;quile esiieut t1,,t those subian. ego filaitdilluli ot fulon ýaud p'sîseçàing iii. gkeatest speclie gravity Wottli Ithorc. fore,4 hothe lIrai la find their, waj tt he -o ere éiTo* ganhl poàsessi -ati ewr -o! tiepiaùs tbig4>eitil abttt co qt' litin ez ua bgn cgrd abàoàte itf citer tiown sutjaceohtid b Uaeh of t icv eàtrî, ws hale Dne tusuraOce thatt hey re ual abundant in natutre, I1blice' h tbe ieriar oa!'the earit ld ab'uuda4tly sup pliedfîlth, if ual t ainf e'p~c-d Thoelspecim ograuviîy aofutde *rthi bas boien vturianaly ctlclatcd-Bt 4.95, 5-41I e.4Qasud .56; wlîile thato a!p4ium in 2Le and golld l9.3. The specillie graviIy,- af te rack«'yhiCh' mainly Compose ltae crnaI, wbieh t ituder aunr .àosrvatibn, doosi not exced 2.15 ; uuad supparieag' tItthlie îVnrage densiîy cf ail' thet atttet f the ordi. except t13 uetalfned s--1 0 bîiler, atuat one-rOfth '! b otrlI n'ïtuy bu canîpogeti af gallId dplittini. l'ho vaine of auch a deposit may be, duly ixii gitîcti when iti luremembered. tb.t rive lâilliau dollars wiil go lu, a bpx t%-,o-nd a a"l feet' cube. ,Ccrtihly ne s'tur? jlutt for such a depasit cotiki be faund titan the andi furlaus belhiius, atid the singlo 1cr- the br!deo'on éaaJ 9 ribleezprsaid: Iiell's flreunen, te aile>' t9ctey tnder faiso proea, It»dîscovereti to ua aI-once lhe daini, serjunt camrbital for trio gev WC vere expaeotu,', - y roifauiug tae itiy, -- far "This way, Ibis vtiy,' ctl'od Seccney, her heartlesà dececverc- dagF'ntg me, affor hidi, 'twe i Sy'do ltent il:* W ibýtret, Minutas ivo ricled a .MiuEu CaIo uma1 wooden doaor in a Wall, w Lît4 wltieh A fe utonîlas ine a tsy cetapaulon seemed ti m4u te& lie' 4tlt fogimesttcae e t *p ' * u e k y t- u i l on , v a é h e '~ Ii e t t a r d i : s l 1 Pasmed tbruih ;« btteâ Il on the other- servlce it,à~p.ars th fli f idé. It idniRed ulà nb wbat appeired Éko.sej hi.e yeg, and wlt 11k.e tfiý dteusive btsêk-premnixse a-tprte- sutidonl i ol'ssfed, washi ÃŽaus mnanslan, titat rose up âark and mi ntefml far gbaomy tilt Br left. Svotdut1y îtrode rap. utefml f idly to wluere a in-alfie ituitivag hurning sîv.iatr ~t ina tA Il'windo* fleai, the dIJntdi At abtlîl b. dilëfd foi'à Ibisl i'h té twepeculiarr vsif htonai -th'è'dI4buu lr8ftto love?' !!a ëbb~ns lte daov,t' wbispered Swcency, aosl'ors. Thoe iand:of tf Ayt ahloaeu otilng te do-yen mafidge beensasked, site gave It writb bet'.pdltiu-t te thét. pistOl T1i£Kd-tit"lTe conaset dia pi "*'Tt Griffin, lte butler,-1 caan ha 'ii s'ht~s~foei te plot; and thon joti banùabrm thbite .TéSýgath* boume; au-d tbefo'o netâ i 1oiet e-ta be ' 1! Ti egas i - -Protesantanî, id thetq.j Most bautiousy, àn aId, grul- îî'aî, Romian at4oie. Té Ii vcopectable loa1ing ervant cn'tef'cd h~e tir iv lhlàu Ïas la i do~r'at vitich vwe0ilad stationed out "et ICIL ,Uiottq>onsoum&aeab u 'l î tau tfiait; uarney," askcd d loy thé ebùrc" ulgiàà 'ece vol sue,;appliedfi fr, saud, iterniy utYei4tii iaee atlvcuu remtîed inatabyace-tli rMil n, as 1' falavwed ; and intantly vtslt -"' e~ sbutllng thto door again beblndî , o e.tt ýjatree i l-i selcd te cantiho frotua te. iats'i h baud, ufônittot hi O ftte' evbl itle' . the, btt 8n4 etdîh itol, I b édl~dit -àcutl ofTc! tla .1i dealt thie,'tveoèiýi'out 8Sè;vax4ià blow that was,tbattbeý agraed tea 'ybithdrý lis intWern' e. ' - nd ~totptQ4 ith S,è2c "w4ie thein PYfl sai 0bore;" ctb fiabtiid,&dýWè Iy escapeti bclng ibot dawn n mymaif, Uautihoal.e itaete tMY, atrante a tieiint,,,'. bo a Iu - ni Pitioéd-to iselàeôetb l 11i TitA('il. fil tND M.ti ti Lots. t t1il rn , 'il. 0(1) LsLa'I 'r NO 44 1 u au ta t ha nover q1r'ttuut of doitlg à.. If ruIed q tiFhtly by the amri ' and'an w< WOlit hemidlong, planglri thrat suwmlns"d 14 it-re thon once fael lg mre ,uentIedhxen t.Thenizht w aer tiri-k 'trilited ontlrely tniguide. Waàt~Of ý*ethxat lenfîhicomlellcd usta b-914 and WOVS taooe poidtlr.' a iiamant. $eat a 'sttinoec an y kiiwas herird. If puQrsù tiO4fsnt. Our ifoc% must 1have beau 4i Tell me m'bat was tlobe donc to-hinit 4t th CP!qlels,e 1 tsked Sweeney. é-î?, i h4 murder,tt watt lusexpressive 6' Came on there tut once -you knaw flia 'wsy." 1 ii~d-" will yau ' il Ye%,' ant i eihout another word, di- verglug 4a litho Irorn the course ve tati been' pqro'uhng, _we egain hiorrieti farward wth ,r speil. IOgnon rencheti the terminatjn o!f te bag, erossed a Ïoad and got itÇCÉOleliti 4ha C5,q.~olonel Grey." ho atideti, in reply te il enqtîiry. 'tWiat Ivre you going to do) over thera r' T"o warn tem-ta save tlîern lo.bç duiie," 1 onsîwered. IlAndi neyer fe(trîi 1 cantinucîl, as i naticetimre rolie tauce on, tint part of the, lad; I saveti yott already, aund l'Il tako cure o! you sîilt;no ehidl corne tbyou;ît Wc contirtued aur eoutrsp through two or throe fields, andi tutned dut 6~n idot appearcd taenme ta be a narrow by-raad, when suddenly, as if frane-the dite h close to uts, a deop hoarme voice gavp a cialltngb; "1r'lîtocs ther r, Ltinc71necrî"tejueulated Sweenecy, lu a trembling whisper; Il if it lert't tte boys;- thcylre waiting for the rest la go up ta te colonetiu" il Anàwei tiiEt baldiy,ii f îiitpored. ' Swcenty i'cplleti tathit challenge, içthen a rapid crass'quentitning ensueti, and semae pwaas rds wercernoantietianti given. Ilions with ytfur' àskedti ltaspeaker irho ehalîctigeti u, naw standing dut in thé réastiu-nd wvio acmed te bc lte leader af lte party who were Mtill conecaîcti in the ditch. A niomentary lltiotton nearly provcd fatal lu lis. ltOh,"i te answered, ant isl voice shobàh, "'tis Bill1, sure. WVe are ta go onBurenny mouid, aund sec allis right, anti give yau thte "Yeu hiad boette,1 stay bore," gruffiv re- spandedthtceîpeaker. Il Go att, indecd. be ruleti by Mtrucy, tu e h's thie lealer te)- nigltt, ' replied Sveney, ith an affecta.- lien or suikines ilu bis te, that showeet more prcsence o!fnîind tian1Itopeti for; ' "Wtli on with ju then. i jant Iif jeu spoil it ail, 'lign'î my daing.tî Antab uy Infinite relIef the dpeoRef sahlt agoin Inta Ibaushtlerrdut i vhlghàh cialletuergeti', Ite passtçd îlsirl ffia i eidethe lg{ikln% party, afrald ltégo il, 1l'est tus- oiin fihoUlti at'oased; tut w. hati bzr ly tiv n cia dascia Pac wa wthen lte lia r , î a v y t r m p o f W 4e t r ii btfi n g e t f u lt eliued 4on the..rd,-iiibe'cdo& ur oils Course o! true lave bas taon' strlkittgly ilostraled lu !hoe tfe -o! a ruelle pair, t-to appearod t ICailow iîetly.aes.tiâne conJoli- day lt ~ TbMAS tlYrne-the"i OY" lt quesiou-.a labourer, vitiotauah,,gr sny panticiaar preitentions o! ceihryaoii r beauîy, .1wcaed and won,-One.hiles Nill, thie Ilgirl' tu-lic.appenrs la Iahae te oad. t'anlrigeo! Totfitlut point (>' t dei ttci!ig several jeans bis senior. Elieim upp.%ut. lion vas nelîber very attracive er bride- hike, but ilieme considerationti ctethit t'aitur had tut bitte weijht wthl Tom, wI.o waa If taurîti" alto Itad a ;C10 note, anti furttier vas caulionetil bylier'nouigîttoi, uot 'tri marry lier outil tube Ilcounleti doWn:' lteo éïash, parliculanly as lie wus eminuieti by motte a! ber frieutis that ahe was'&rallier owld"* for hlm. Tom lried in vaiu ta Camte at the £10, for la thiterefpeKét 14111 provei more thon a iuatcit-for lite. Ad in ail lu/te affaira petty quarrels yl coeur, go the courlthi? lunquestion praveti ho cx- cepîlen, but Tozu'S persuiisve pavera eeom te aoe mendedthe ttc îtes, andi accard- isgiyiltc prclimniry o! $hote rec esîlingÈ vas comfplieti wiîb. .11 iiaw s-nppeaed "merry as a marrnage bell," anti accord- ingly on ttc day appointeti forlte auspi . clous event the Othappy -pair" uýnrfvdý. fo te Choapailataihae - I~l te werd Tout peur -and penniless, ant ishl bride cleet lte ro;îctid posseseer of a stal for- tue. Si forltecourse of truc love tem roiling alang proîly szaootitly; bùiviiteti ncaring lte sacred iedfilcoanti almaal.-with- lu ils tere Procinots,Tom nattiraliy îna'.'gH aliggcsted tbat lte narriagelo tà-à;' eulrusa te l a i of blepîug. Ehtlicnt-ul piieti with îliét requeit, tut -aie- itait naô' aocer edoweti ber cowpautos 'ttiuh d parties o!,hier woridly gootis, than lhe cuti denly reilièsberedti lie hobati left lteé *eddiug ring, Ibo requialit llecu oftÃ"heif ispprauling Union, at iaerb, for çlhiefl TàÃ"i itarted, leaving Elîcu ta awaWi r-W lup, wlaict- te~ did' for a coWderabld lime, but flnding thorea-masnepyobobulîy o! _tle -rupawtay _fàilllinfr hii5'tègaeaac 1 or--ý

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