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Whitby Chronicle, 14 Dec 1865, p. 3

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lV thealipeaiseterson.tls,stftpsr,, ei. Âfter h liesent to Wàsiitugtlu; i ~i ,: vier usdýtely received afttol nuit sud .malwuOSjusolgetliug Upop tb. au SInaro train on the G1a$f Ïiiît baud da Caitain ýreaers.îthe resel vas driver. lu towrd4l w h blsslach, thse vaves liitlie. m "$; mailng tsisn over lber. Quie of thie tatn 71àfterrepeated efforts, gai ued tihe *be*eh withs a rop., and by tîlsan s u hey ve r Isuabl.el to 1&0 safely. 'ld' luce aIl0 ba eompleialy uosacted Uai Uey lay dovu bienest att Sliîttiesud lept souadly. Uepilee .fiarfal Storm and roariug surf, bistîl ten oolok tus: tlg>t, vb.hn they Irere ovsAheed lsy'Use imou vthing aa -tb. iàqhlll ùlsereon tlsey lsad laie.. Tbey bad be with*eut'f6od sad vater feor tvohve iioumr,àsnd iusgry, dsualsed and Sb.iuited au4ley ver@te 1y eccldi ap ne0 moestisa ât gh, oving ta tub Inohýi-f iléote of thee slaîsd. Cratuped und chili. lsd ey ývr 'olilged la keep on tiseir fet ail dlit,' Tihe filerasontinbsed al thitt nitî$eaftis e Dxi dÂiy wAh h tiubated <am. l In t usoring tue schooner. hsd idppeared ;but Ispon arcliina 'for lier, ey distoiered tsat se had drified, dur g tise nigis, iboM t o miles fartter ovu lb. beach. Tiie gale no# began le tisoelrato, batthriy veeéumable te reucis ~the ressel. Their situation wa ou 11inl- Uiied traI, horrible. i'ley haci Lad nouli ag t0a ea for nearly tsree duya, and tbair aguos vereswiolle il nr isit moihi fori sut of yale. l»Iàtîing thu ariernehocf 7a e îccond day ou tise island a Warel cf iseuit wasu bded l saore sud thece vere Il seal.od W'Ih tIesait an oter. Thsay disg tise sanil for fresls voter, wlsich îIsay an discovereil, heu îthey #itsuedialely t te vork and, lu regalar order took tari-n lapping up.tise vaer- wilh ttîer guet. Tisa beach vas itrewn vîtis -rtttuents cf vrecl.ed îcsaels. sud ut one plotea Uey fouad tise bodies Wf a man sud ib vlman, their arme ti'tsîîy clusped uroaud escis ciler, as tise lied. met iscir deatb.1 Crie or tisa uaî's legs vAs off juilbelow illek4e itbedprelsably becit estea off 1yl5O4Uair keOnt4iaý fourth tday 1hhey1 liad auce«ea lu gathiering cisotigisluasier to Construet a raft, and t!si Isepluuuciicd bit thielis>, i1lsa<seiàrated 14liélong! narrov Iiad frocs thse ttlland. * illlng asuatell unr, vIsicishubia pus lied 4»b or%, vitisfrcs wait, auJtalc. agax mauy biscuit wvus Iiliems itis-7 Id carry, tise>. tftiie' Island 'visera bey bad suîfic Md go'sehi, andl tisAIfter- i, ju as 14sy vere neariug tise main. an$ be.7 vore PIChcd up hy a asail eocb«*àae4ffIo t Miyrna, -Froas the ,, w b hhI um , h i portopr S. -iAgusine, ,oIrida, but were ouaille te si-osanier the a via 1pg ltisa ucuccuil 0cli lieavy sîii: -ý¶tiCy aseethenecompeli. sil to ls&ad hcdad ta moIte their *aY7Ï11 boul îisey eoisl4 cvrl4nd te tise vllIÂgé cf Kterprise ou tatre Mouron. lbol Ladl carcely sýqescon hiç fot, ,,bat ici-y; itle foca, ,s l4uuaeauily imugiucd st the, bidîbps~ they-ýeiida-ed ou tWsi -igvwera *cytls.ug h6t ligL. Whcu :hise usiped Atilgisithey vere ssrrunded by oIves, sud ft vas net uiî ieyreuchid terp . 80etaitiey realiy krievw wat reai From Eulerpriso they prisceeclrd ta » v is l1\$.tej vLie 1usd jîfu.v Pr, brocker, of tise steamer Coi, ias, h di averythiuglah .teau M4. sý itforuateeson as .ajsble e ,*ba.The. oficers ind or is. lapioan gouerossly sub. i Itgbty toar dollairs te^enabla lte r ers te i-yack ubeir "bomes. Tbey ii, i -Ii t #at site ad apqil 'iqcce 1ftbome; ,si lotie r icok nomtie msYrlt-L ome. F7rom the N.v York 11i4>nd Tabl.l e ha" "0(ottIiad orthe arrelit Of oit tof the so ca1'Ifi4lFanian !ban, nd làan & et vblcis if ntdoua, sheisld Utona occs. foweyer doeply th. cans may sympathise viii the peo- - I-eland îenclsîng itseisjuiei recei- tise banda- e uaglith goverltuseui - not sc fotus4 ecuage rpiiitance ounuthe'palutcf tise poor lry cf the. Eusrald lae ugulust tise tic cilitary pover or Great Bian , anian ibusinessila net excluiirelY astion cf risbt repragnce te yagllais ou4 - IpI caérs vo n on ayrirs l ioon t10bqpot ù por lb. lino tean Bostda and4 'ibauy# qu the . pi t alim. In forty lwOlbormbe, l intre. tiers, The Middlebrhfolds dbk'iii aIbo dîytinte sud formeathbasc f ea bof&,, of iblihthe' pliows, and otherhturnishings of the b.rtbs iAfé cflb.eMot elegaitideign end patteras Th. curiâfab âroof tht fini frenihtlaut. ng, and, *lido , beaviliyailier pialod roda. The laq4 niplt. îbe cet'.Mk lire érragud so àà le b.cslbrwsded wth curtainà wwbkb viii aa ot the. lî0bî front ilte,. wbo are ttý lu es1~ n ti."oîngr .~ At one ,ed of thtcafau btegant sink bsua ben fiitcd up, wiiith apparatui for obtuaing bo% and ciid water. 1here are îwo sesocf *igîid'duni on f groud andI one of plein glasa, flt.îd ciller for day or night. T1'JAT Bititer'a Worm Qsady lx ic bet alla ..LpOfgaî Modilptoe lmi.oru lit îpublic for cx- pelllag WO.ina W, 'art itlati ütrom expi- TÃ"Vk1N9ýLýV.ATXAN-O)n t h- not.,at PgBt. ulsc httrcltu* *de DaRi ana1. Gîbsýn, M r. Joata rottnun, Us mixs. Sarh A. Waunani ail of Uxbridgc Toswnship. PIRT-Ab the, Towuuhlp cf, Soti, m te4 is, ; fier a sho4 illiméea,,mWh seboi4 -jît hriàan ssO&u.Uo0, Roth, wife*oi Mfr. Martin Pirth, aged 6~5 yesrv; mchan d detervedly repeied. lýeceased wua a nttve of 1 Torpow, la Cuit4er. land, England. WITESlIIY-On the. Sus of 8eptent. ber laut, m Cartisaginas, oith -Anerica, aftcr a few days ilnes, or foelrr Richard, Whitculde, aged 24 yestrs, yoaoqst son of the laie John Whîeide, of the Towuulip of Pickerng, .W. A GÃ"QI) riih1G T{t> lMeoeltc ()iitint.ulx worttu s trial fo ru sl mas, l'îls, ol s01.1Sag, la- filanigd.)r Sore Eyeta, f a nle at for ail par- iostk% fîr wieii i a i Qimtvni l U404. I y(m ruart trju.blet4 witn i!enAi.abe DIXi Y"""r, 1 rlma tli ie.Indiizea%iton Cur Erilinl f , ftt.kI r'u~frocni ispuri tien Y4Liie lïno<. G(Joui u*nn aget s isoX> -WkhUby Karuotï4 rail Whoit, . 5 .$.sa 13 Spring.... . $.1.00. a l'Cà Sctti Hay. .~..0~th lBütter.......... ..S 140.'S t .Apple&......... 40 a 60s ~iekes, ~.~.... 90c per pair. Gese . . . .0 48q. bucks ....... 20c. MI1%gaucral Uniimenît for lloraoii, Catle, F s weil su for the iiian Flash, we voulul rcoeuuvad ltriege' lBlack 011 as oîîc o! tlî vcrjtsteulrundicu yois can ue. TRYIT. TO t 'ine or Cratnsln i lie.t3t1,stell or luNouralia r.NrisuatoO , l da lLs7 i-lRelilajrt t t hl 641<1 b>' *Il dealers lic Madic1uem. A. SJil&EUAI. 1 ~ T T's a Jing Agea NEW ADVERTI-M $11000 aro LOAN'. o "q fzrm sceurlty, lin wesaumuofsffl MS. 48GO. 1H. DARVI*U4 ~ONBEYS 7T,,0 1.on et roiil#<lu Qpero 5P1on ISI XLîîoî-CJ (osLI, lu li uI d 4 01k soiitor, Court Houae. 8450. itc, vlll behol' i ai,~ u.aaaoa.ai çir -Rioôç9 STOV.B Oýi 1kds hi I ~wn Ii*sseIullding, sud,, oute.Pi>rnisbng -fla re4 Painti; oiua. t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l Gas d elastdoitiigIIrequiremotts ingor ue and wlslcl *Ill be dlsposod of ut lise vcry lowoat -psicet. ~ * ngnrlue Lq PLO.. al'ôLtai >tȕoîupoaecl ofta prrt of Lot i iNo 1utel dtoueacéétciIoflth Tovnohip of Whltb>f. - iol1s Ai' Jogb- solletor, Itasonia hall, W IERER t laicorna h>my 'otîca tiat w iticonAcýq nue c ff oe'ttlinnaiiclou i.aiu-awltiie liea uci alnto t iîroiîuzii, tuah>. I talice tîitas e*as of cae l the ii triltlîiîiltioaa of aiy>.report isavingfor ts aiîli ject u>. dittlioiic,ty mit Mr. Iloçgos.part lu- wanem tai-autd cf u.isertiibg usy entsacoul.- iionc-e in iliniu. O.LI1E Dec., 1885. CI EntqirsrL s l 49 Eort"ant Girl ýWanted. A TIORUG ItAN~RbWAN- O-lM- un%!»dgivea notice thiat bhuaf T mI ae1leajuvd colfi*r Tus..Jrca luit witii 1*takeu fer al] tusuinii,,1 wîpald after le, ae bee çationea agahot ayln i utse o= ? »Ort Perfay. aiIy hiolicy <ci acowt of auy ,,îorîgagia, or $l*tr î tell 1-d 0 li alte udeciti, as Iia nntceriiiîzlatua 0-f. 11Y licran u vto w l, or avrt,i e6m d4uly snt l 1,*awWautud Itii. eaâ~t JOEL BSGELOW, Wlîith, Aot.ng Esacutor. No.1ttIs 85. 48 1dAÂL E SIAT E Tha underslgueviliu»Il tise follavl0g pro- BIPUblle uetlcu, ta-tise ligh"sItlldcler, SPIITV or Lot 11, in the 4th Cep' fou, 250ae~ Rent0,it f ,4 àM*,10Il loos 1.&4 ik OM4 - 00 l'm esr 0 theIm j i«t bae l» l,-n& i acre. Ri ateI seras HATCH *1 RQTI4ÉER., T. T. T. A 011010E5LOT TO EXI -2,Cm ROBERTS, Whitby, XoV.21 1865. S F'amily Grocër. ~ WIOLB4LEAT TUE!P OLD IEDSTQE 'JI sbcrîber. wouild anisouce to retdilers; of Boots enti Slyôe%, Uit tbcy ail ut' wIbtl i ýl% mot s ive si llatlojt sticosupar ehs 4h os i.feour u e etpe aiidt eur ordera, a-,d11 nt up t1ic prper at"tdard, ratura Uîarn si. <'or rp<n-es. TERM&-l ~l~sunglç!; onq buudred, dllorsi, pa; ontu isuu4îtd dollars md over fo ohlrn, ,ÃŽti.ble ppc flouse Ilado lBools Zbd Soqs, all sortsa aizes, fisuielliscd, justt ho tbing for tise t aasis.kiisiepu àu, (leU Rkbhtr.otomc Oeissos.Almo te band Ladies l4nPal Puiup Gaitero, I5iîd the thing fer St. Andrew's Ball.- KIso KI> tind 0s11 Offligh Sole> VinDîugs&o Whltby, November ti, 1w. ÀMS & c T. lu c 4 1?. <T: (I i If ccy .~irI ki~s i.- -~ -7 a~ci ----- -- -r , -> ~ Lako Huror, ~4p~on Trou~, .aI1~ 4-71 s, laUayREALIJ. ;STi\TJ&. DY! VIRTUE OP A »FJOREB MIADEI -t LEh Iit rsiof GI jL3ýON ES. AIINES fof "erdltoNébyPlie'ubIso .îb ~qYJ'f4L.with-the approbutioli bf George Heàrý DbarttIll, PA4cu're; Mast er d Whi(by - uip . ~ J. ~jJ T ' tise prýie s, lii 15 parcela;b Whi4by, Nov.8 1865.- 44 NEW-FALL & INTEI ý GOODS. LFairbanks, Jr,~ AuoUôùér tATÃœLR1jÀ, the23rd oft RçMmI.or- iqt, ahi ni.;te fi40wiug lands andI ericsbéjn.gWý~I~ No. 28, inu tIs 'li 4 èià6cosa thtieW TO '11l1P OF WIIITB Y- tise TaîMnsthe Wîiwttç'of tôt f;o. e, on it plan ai4lot No. 28, by John Stier, Eu,,.S.Ibeari'nj date tise-g2H-dadyof s O 1r whlcisp1IAn,*I ll 4 « d us n . » --,--- cntinig 5-100 are g, merb dr lesq oton-tise saiidplatn, containlng oi5, on tIse l ln contlaining 4 87:-400 aris, moeodr lbis. LotdtIOide S'nidcplan, 28-100 sd!res, more or lais. - NO. V. LtA , on tihe'ldl~p 1110arei, more orl~~ J'AMILTON &Cl -Have now. t., hand g yerY.,e3xteniv, stock n -O0F FANOY ANO. JSýTAPLE Dg'Y,QODS, -Black &Colored Silks, White cs op--" ýnâ Fancy Flaunel, Poplinetts, Blankets, tdcohs Phtih & Fa.ncy Wincqsr, Carpe4s - Daeskîne,~ Wool ?Iaids, Tickiu g§, Cassimtercs, 01 'gs SiiS '. " l anadian TweedS Frauh einoos4 White & rey Cotterong,.- llosiery, .Govs, eckTiis, 1r, M ftlefIoV)4 STI READYM Thei ânner, lIIvored ai ç e siuff. C) Ti rs more tise V8Ie6 ccl greniert whchi îiel y veuuli net - r purchas. gu csrket, producerâ ýionof oar *the yea'r w voit la Et ourselves indfcd frocs Ilj havne tut et thse comi5 ithons ien ilso ieranses fei1 lu the. ce-Lis irre--. Outrai. aly (ccltisae yhais en- ho ltecinro-i ille lhou -and- sere IP5- '177.7

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