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Whitby Chronicle, 21 Dec 1865, p. 1

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JELLL t Whitby*. ýaùlh*geêatthe rate cf-aS eoxil pet ineto'au4dodets par lino, ncb a enm4 m ,ade withaaietst bVy ir t'dctlntne@adverm'iaeSleIits =At ~1AIMOr' ONTREAL, W. n. DBANq, Manager. AND - ATOUNTS-AT. Law.Slicte i he llsmdm et MottTOt, )LShe Corpo t tthe Cee)ntv cof OntulO, 0 rtfý&0, &.,Whlthy, 0. W. C içAXo-r, Q. C. I. J. btaCsOe.sLL. iovtçt npCoK ood Isecorit!. Ap- thk ft ehé Sran', courtIlils, MORMOUN & SÂMIPSON ~A'ITMRu ttoreys, S hblop. &O. &NSOiLtlSh'i -J. A.BAMISOMd. COCHR1ANE I MACPHKERSON<, B)ise-opciîothe Town Iîatt, snd eor Ur. prince- J.A. marSiO. %-.111. COCIIRAN1, L. IL.Il. 0tWNTYÇBRON NATTOIINET FORtON- icltprjn,n ov 'ctay P,,blio. te.- Oai.o'-tIi leovNov licildui, Dentcit tOEORPE fi* DARTNELL, PI1$TER, A'rrOUlqhlY, CONVYtA N BI-ýIl., Dput Roritr, Misstor kstrac>rcl jary 1ad xmn fn hu or trthe teu- ty6fliatarlo. O1moBronet., Wltby. ROBERT .Je WILBO. ~3ARRISTER & ATMOINIIT AT tAW, B 8oicio rn cianmy o. Whitnv. V.W. ai1e.- Vietnrla ]Ililhba, Brook t. t Y. ýu-gAT-LAW AND FrOLIflTOR1 9 11til TT? lqFYS.AT.LAW. ScLICITOIIS TIN tanocry. Oco*er,&o. Offie- Aylo-eo f h-io 05w4<oint-aBrock Street, Whith-. - KS .KRLTým l, Jà,q. LANIQON, Cgsnntgt', Wliltby, C. W Brook, 0, W.- Pitby. C. W. 8. B. FAIRBANKS. CIJ$.ZLCI*C. KELLER, A TOREYATL&W, OLCTo0111N OevIatOAoalhlI W, AT..LA, OiCimOiI 124. tryeffe, ilm-ok 4trmii. 49 PAtg,t LL, LI. IL,- RÎlbâTSZ.AT.LAW, &c. 13. A.# *w Selmc.eCseiCon- - ôfte-slinb 8roe Nofe!, 11*e, QocvO . 40 'w BNULINSH, L IL.os IAT LAW, Soiciter le Uwo u,oyaeor, tu., &c. p1aeate îlel'ut O0200, tiaimavi. 40 onuies Abert, ta-o dogrs e et f 'a qtOre. W.x " KitÂR, K, mie tior a4"tM(iYaraold (& 1 rock Street, Wtfltt>y. TO THE CQUNTY GAOIL &a DRAPER- King St. Otiava. ,,iidttoOf)rderlin thebc,taylo &*ÂTIZLOR, »ROCK 8?s ZE iloi*f AsIffPSTOX# .ULIK&T%ÂIUIE WB1TIAY Tç«&L 100-iom 9 too1ns 1uq cf Otino eary 0 up le thet'os gé-0siq for 0pfinir un.laBne 12 ;ItbW COURT.- 40-ly oalm Frlaee~ w.v4s, <i VOL IX. WHITBY, C. W.l RETUR-N 0'F Made by Her Maj*esty's Justices of the Peace for ýthe Couptyýl Sessiont 1865. Xa..etfProuecuter. Nane af Defeedant. Nature of charge,. Thomas Tottordale..Tois0 5Sothwell. munit andBar........ James Byrou Miel Shasghomuy.. lAmuait . . . . . Wm. O'Nieii .......Boni.. doy............o Âies. Biraitea ..... jiEdwrd Wesley.... Fghiicg on Gr-ad Trimai preq"ma.. Michael Breme ....Matilaew Murphy ... Aggravated Amasit ..0.......... ...... Nannoch Cannr,. ... Mary Cancer..I. . Amu..a................... ........... Chiof Constabie. ...Sauel Mceaigbt.IDrnit and disorderly .................. License Inupecr.tB. lBmyai.O.f........0.. fingenient etfIvmryBy Iavé . Licouse Inspector .... B. Fowle. .'..... . .. 1Seling Liqeer withooîLieee E.rg ol@......aO . Margt. ol...... sdo ...................... E. Margt. Co . e w . d James E.L ae Joseph Thonpse.... iNeu.payeienu of vages ............... JohnimeSih..........Ja. lIcCennelI......Brekng wîndavu ..................... de.......................ain.de de......... os, adley. #.......... ..do do. ........... JobnsBrin .... ......I do 9. S. Docker. eo. Prince . Vagney ...o................. B. S. Docker........Crln Gibbs ......Vagrany ............................. ES.Dd . May AÂneGibbs ..Vagancy .......................... Attcbblad Fai4eid... Adrew Thor .... elrse Stealing ....................... Ge~orge Stevensonu.. Rihard Pint . A atadBîey............ :imlan Rtichard Pint.......... ThmnasAlikit.....laving einpley.................. Joah. Langimont ..... Joh F. Feston..... il e-pysenof Wages....... .. 1WllkleoeW erner.. WWilmo. lngh Gîbson....... John Cree esorgi rnis -W.. Tlmotas.&*. Lake fbe -. 'John Taylor. Go. Doidge....... JamesLa. John ab . 4. -~ ..~....tJohh Illdh.4, ....... Mdoeao........ ......... .. .. .. DthigborrOweCproporty.......... Siiigqeor #4 eaflhus dolcla ri;. . . . .......... do ........... F.glectleg to e mheeao........ de 1amo.c~t4.4. ýsept, 2-Q, Oct. 19, Nor. 213 do Dec. lot, Sept. 22, 66 28, Oct. 171 Oct- 30, 66 15, di 10, t' le, t tg Nor. 27, ,Nov. Nov. 27, Nor. 2T, Sept. 250 $ept. 25, SePt. sept. Oct. Oct. sept. Oct. Thom tua. Trlgg t . Win- ouPailia Up Vegetabwesla gau&te. ...0Sept.2 l)alelCaa~.......J Qilaaàrs m................. T«mot. li, ES. Desr Jooeph Bad. GeorgW mwt a. P. aue BentsyBcesaf IWM. Wison... Auat................. li tloot. wu. marks0*. Wamhblogto ies... Hu ooper. Bli 8bldobei6. Rimas Drake.. antdy .... l... ) Al ~ oLbewtiz .: Aie. York. John m i.*... lObstmun m Igguy.........Arl 28 As ai i . . . . . . ........ ...... S ept. 14, A"asutad Bttry........ sil 1 Noejy.mt c 5.......o. TomsDa . 1omCouim . -A ei....................... Nir. ElS Doker.. .It. ak....F0hg.........b. etmm. 1545. 3ER 21, 1865, - No5 tg ptë'nbr Session, 1865, te lbe DeçàniIçr ?samS of noue1n Justice. do do ...... do T......o.. do do do ..T..... a .to .,. do .... de aii..do.. Thomias Paxton.. Chu as. rh .. Chas Manah.. ThonesPaxton .... and-...... Ca". MrJ. Dhe.Fasture....,. D. F. Burkme. Ueo. Flnt... *... Thou. Eckt. P. . Burke .. -é eo e. .let i.. do m ...Ec... do do do do tJohne Ratlif. .i. ja". O-Goy-..... urk l....... Thot. BJ*. Ge.FUiat. I D. F. "Bere.... .ot. D. ilb.- Burtr. Go0. Putat. - J.A. aqutr..... 2 00) do....... 100 .eo. * uvri.bbb'10 00) O*«i seph te....., ait ., 6-06 E. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - 4.6ce... Jeitan011Dorol . . .644-S Qt,81 E. S. Docker.1W.. O~Drloooll. Fhghlieg ~...~ 1h00 100 5 00 r........... -.. ...... To w«hoin tmfd aven by u~ Yui do - ........ . . Co. Treaseer. .......... Co Treaorr................ ...C......s............. ne IfPotidi wy Dot and goueral observagousu, Paid $2 25. Net paid. Not paid. Âppeaied. Bousd ovon ta keep the Peaco. Bopud over ta keep the Peece. .ent la guai fer 20 dayo. Oue mnt,. ............... ..... .. .. .. .. ........ Fonhvîh------------C..Treuuern............... 21dsya-----.---------- ...p................. Tee day. .. . . 20à Ocober*...... Township Tr*aserr...... ......eerm... ........ .... do ........... TwràýTeeiarer............ Tume net expired. ýConitted te gaol tor 14 dojo. Comeiliteti te geel for 14 day.. Commutted ta gaol tor-14 days. Beud over te lceep lie Feace. Xci yet paid. .. s.. e'J~iot yêpsI4. Fertbvth...................o,.....mm...m m~......mmm!NotOoIleetetI. IOda ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o jet 3dmm. . ,,-. , .e...d... ~ortbwiîh.;..,....... Portbwi:h ,~... ....b........ To be paid in two ~e ýOct. dis, iTwuhhp Tea 1er...... Townsuhip T1amecr....... 0 b #O .bbia b bt0*O .b4 I c ....I.mI,.u.b IPos~poaed5 .t...~itt.i ,,.mt,~.. j .I-,b~r..,i&». Tino J I~hIii~a ~ ..bb......... l». -.b,.,bml.hIibbi t Net Vol aimIti. mot..Ç ~m ,idi', E. S.~Deckor.lIais Cisik~....JIXOO1~ti7.............-.. ...~Nei. - 18, Rtobevt .il . Jomepin Websir..0... Ohms.Theaipse.# Adamu Viaais Den ale&US.5.-, The mus Whoao. lobe :O'Douell... '~ { &dhltWoodru1l .1.m Slart ... Robert BuWM-.,a.mm DaiM -Bose. éco et. . âAmsti ibti~ I<npoforumase. o &4100 bv .Moê. thvhg os..,................. idsre$a bgma . . . fi dt 24j .... ..... iv? the XiiH,11.0 rri"ngd ET L13EVLÂ CLARK. On aily squmuerànorultig, Xm e 11 tbo dew *a odrj, 1111tiobii'iT-1iwnta berry ng 't, vid ac1 daatiter,- Atihahppecod thut 1 kiiew, On seeh sonnv :noriningct, Jeney, Up the bEll iveitltirryhtjg tee.. Loneiy work la i ltltniÉ crrics; Jcnny, da,"n Id,"your Qnito toc large<iài"onà ii go wo atay-ed-we two-teýiaC, Jeeny talkiug-I Wall tIi»-. Lcadliq g hero tlice way ýifiH teete tTila up-li -,work-," maid Jenny; "s ilfo," Màdd 1; "sah lWC 011mb-lt osob alone, or, JeaiiY. Will yon Cori ne oinb -ih tac 1P Reddertbin thébluâblîîg barries, Jenn otàeok a moment grcw; Whule WlthonitLllay $lie!ctswored, The Wido'iVe's itel. Ut AXTROXY TItOLLOM'l IlBut, Pm net 4 widow, and #iycnt got two mnites', "My dear, you, ar widow, and- yen hierre got twa mit es." l'111otellbath càf you sonmcthlrik that wi11 astonlsh you. I've marle a calculai- on, andi inti th at If overyjbudy in Ën'gland would give up thir christinds dinner; tjit is, lni Scotiand ondIreland,, ioo-" "Tboy noer have any in Ireland,Bob." "bld you r tangue tiltl 'v&iinne, Char- loy. Thoy do have Christtmas dinners- lu Irelid Mda' protty noariy'>the only day that theydo, and 1Idon't count muai tp- on thcm écuber. But If everylcody gave tmp bis special Christmas dînner, id- din- cd as ho did on ailier days, lie saving would asuiunt to, Ivo millions and a !alf.'1 Chdriey whisilod a IlTwa millions andta haif laa lauge tut o« money," said Mt.hran er, l der lady et the party. "lTiose caiculations ncver do nny gooti, said the younger lady, wbo lied-, doolarocq hersalitnolta obc a widaw. 'lThose calculathond do a great doal cf good," centinueti Bob, -carryinig os bis ar- gument villi continuoi rmti. IlTbey show us wbat a groat national cffortwoule do." "lA litile national effort 1 should ceaU thal," said-31rs.,Granger. "Bull ashould doubltichetwo millions and e a it"- "I alf a crown a head on thlrty million peoplo would do k. -You are ta iàëludo ail thie vse..boor, a nd whiskny. But sup-_ pose you take off ogie.ffi for the babbe15 and yoanàg girls who don't drink."' Thank- you. Bob," saidt! tlt yqqÙ,cr. lady,-Iïoràh gIiold by baimo. P' &nd Lvo mare tils for tho poor, %viiq baven't gÏtel la alfcrowvn a he4, ait thé eIder lady. 1 I And you'd vain tiie grecer a-i4-but- cher," said CherILy. at' Antineve;gçtyour haîf çrowafftgF itnced har-dlybe saiti that tho aubjeot tindordiacusion as the be-ýt moeof ali- itractincr frùm Oiea nsckets of the uo-tuf- -Dèe 1 ý 44 ý

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