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Whitby Chronicle, 21 Dec 1865, p. 2

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bée opiuion an msoul ubjeeta. He' wsu glodlokng to, snd voll.msLnired ; wus kiudly-bsarled, sud capableoaf mach Sen. es'aslly. But ho wes isard, kecen lanhslp lu. tollîgoure,,but ual brouil ln hils goluiq, thtu and meagre lu big ssplrtiong,-aot peutihît tc! hglî,g ciros f snytlslnk gret, ut ndugin aproletinfi cautemp . foasH ailt islaver>' amatl.I. Haas a veli- 1uatruced, buti by no ua s a houilmsi Who gvntly ilesplei bisous via 1 io~nt. I tesi. htie ho atEughid' tu i isohaa'; bulbe did nat hale Noce violt, adsud vs&bout te mal. liar i. ivIe ins ltrese rtour veehes frmeinlapresout Uie. (Ocutlned-e mon-amk New Advertisements this Day, BoU ot ud Sisces volea-Jes. Bain. BaR ll lpprs-James Bair. Christmnas sud Nev Yosrs Gcds-T' . nmiMllan, & Ce. Choies Liquos-MeKiitiau, & Ce. Nov goodi -Haîcis & Bro. Parler sud Coeking Steve. -Hacis & iro. New Fruit-C, IRoberts. Fausît> rocrls-C. Roberts, Tise Wiao Cllar-C. Roberts. Chîristasuasd New Tsars GitIs-mucas> à C«uiman. But as, Oorouîts-Mulcahy & Cubiman. Groeorles & Wles-Muicaisy & Casisinu. Li ai Convictions-Co. Ontario. Adjeraesd Sessios-Ca. Onhario. .1eîbu Cîrrents fer $1-M. H. Cochrane. Day Godu sud Orocories.m-Joisn Farqu Everythlog lanlthe Trade-Joisu Farqaultr Morlgago Sale -1 Chaseer>' Saleof Launda. Graa.gift Sale otf recbold andl other pro pert>'. - - Christmnas Gifla, sud Jewelsry-Jamùes laselveut Notice-R. J. Wilson, Soli jitor. Freui Fruits and Grocris-PR. k J. 'Campbell. R@adytuado £Cloting-_R. J . Capbell. Dry Goods-_R. & J. Canmpbell. O&LY $1 5G CENT& A YEAR Whltby, ThUwlay, »ecember2»l, 1865. T'he Muusp etimednt Act. Aitishe Jane aesson of the CeuIt Cassail, iMe> ay . r ecolactoit, a select cemasievas appoinluit te examine suid repart on ths. auimeata proposei b>' Xm, MaKolae'ubill tue hé maietetes muaicipal Act, Mc.ý John Ham Porc>- wes mad.elshalmans. Sebsequentl',durnug tisltasession o- aIPrlissseahthecosur salîtee repaied. W. gave l la tiss esutus et tise tisse; sud ila va l" prlssd le pamphlet 1taras sud seulte 6 ýtise éesabemou se I ise egatareasa vehi as t èoi tise corpoatons in Upperm C9,da. Thiswo f Ibis &taeand tse <oeil f ruits vhichi ilbuaproducot vhhlhé bete.ýi epproeelaed sud saderstood b>'satîing vis a s saIe.talcons plus.. Il I-bubeen etabodiedsmsss; bath>l' loto tiss sev munialpb illinIarsdueed b>' M. -MeKellur. À tov of tise princi1pal suggestions udopted en-tse qualification af Coanebecar. lu. étest cof, u tecaerty, thse aev bill(sujggesti- ous trottetthe Ceaut>' of Ontario,) provides - bet the qualificationu sh uasefolavu: In Tessshipo, fSeised $400 leasehoit*800 'Vtilles, do. *600 4don*1,000 TIowuob do. $800 do., *2, .000 cii.,. -1du. 4, 00 de. *10,'000 TIe 9eeli6atioù of eleclors tu hé Tavashipe, *100 , Villages, *2 90; lQovu *$M*; Cillen, $500'. Iu the emended ille m iuro*sed b>' Mr. U>Lellsr tise quali- Besato-la tovuehlpu-,wss aised te *200,ý BI' Ilheadopton cf thé ameuilususa ofaur- C«0oit1 cemmittes (t lias beau redacoit su abave, sud tht. qualifleation mu>'hé eltisen freehoit or lhoalé, or parti>'euh. la 64iselbtus arigsaally introduceîl, tise - ocuail> oosell vould hluie power le force a sia maet snlolpalit>' le saitanandsud à pakr leag mvoulu a si»itsextenl, snd-î Sbt ils ownexpoe. Tlscough thie ressors-. log Ia tise report-ctf thse VoaiCoasuistes this bu8 aaboess suaifil ed su as10appt>' ouI>' leCouant>'r"a.Thse priacipleofe eetng Esevansd dopaI>' BeOves-b>'a diete othe ieratepcyes bu bes tise wîit the Credit of dslug bis dut>', simp ly su reprmougatlve aftie Coont>'of etalrio lu tise oc usty'gouneil, Iu tiss eanec- tIsaw vo uld urge Upsa istsJeipàa1 osua aIla tise dut>'ofcf ousiderlag lise amy municipal bil iatevn tiosud pauferý ring tisrough is isIrepreintativea sige suggestions a u igist accur te tisem ate lsa Adviaubie. -The Vsermy unitthe Juil. ment of tle Grand Jury attis a Jte Sessious cOf -tisaPeace, Pniblisbin u entiser columar cf this. eehe' papa., is tise entire alisanes et alil pIritual aousoiAtiou, s0 e$ or, leaut, an tise local clergy ans couceruedi, for te unîcrtunate lumubes of tisa- CeunI>' Jil.- Duriug tise - peat iss ycar ne clergyman bass breatiseduaprayer, cr onuveil a blessing, ci. speken a word of consfont or advice vitisin ita glcomy portais, altisongi More tisas th Ise uul complement et prisoners las Sean contil dtisera. 'Whatevar ef moral boitdlias ceusehotaiiseinsbas ouud ls vs>' tisrautisise ,kiiýd-heartad afficialu lu charge, or tise casaul visiton, c.rliseur ovu bitter but uqcouuaelued refiections.-_ Little lads, vbese tonde. yeans dev leurs roustise jury vise triai t hbm-vruîcisad vemen, social culceglu, appesing lu tise dock vith periaps e 6Iri ruits of tiseir orror bu thi ai.ms youug meu, nol yat aurait sud iardeneit b>' contact vhh avil and cIter eues, put upen trial for thici firai crime-tise ver>' sinners visons wordii of Oirist's marc>' undtforgivarsass miglit have raciaimeit, have, lu that ped, eal iseen there-not solilar>' individuai but man>'. It laeincs b umiliating fuel, brouglit ta oui. kuowledge, as îlin, b>'tise public praetneut cf a Grand jury, sud ana vel vortis eunsidaring lu conuastion %vite tise man>' clarical ralse made upon aur charitable iscuevolouco for the support suit ispraad cf reigions trucis and vuat muluti- tndes cf piluanthsropie purposcu, tisatiios foe.. tisa eveWty parsons, charged ithl crimes varyiug iu dogmteo rous tise Sigis toe ialoveet, bava passenand hosu ocf tise Ontario Ca. jeul since onts Minuster cf tise Gospel lia beau tisera to discisargeaa dut>' of lia oilice, Il cart lsl uit'tes not saunt 1elie ovork-s cf a ver>' visa set of spirtual pstersanunimaters. It appearu ver>' uuelas if vsen Sin Came ttes Ciurchitear, valu cd in, and toole a senti it vculd Se prearhîcil t7 bat vison it gel hocked lu a juil, it voolibcSe bt t0 tise foter4 gcuraet l ia apairu'iy. h la te Se payed over sud put dovu tram tisa paPit au Sunidaya, but lu the publtie recaptacla o1 crinilisis, or tiiose i hotg!,ý te b. se, tisa îhing Seing lunlise close eus- lady of tle luv la, iti voulit seuni, bisua'à tise aid or attache oftbeue faitîn apostisi 0f ise latter day. Tiaifaces are vei set againu t ssibut tii. eye s hut aguluul or tercet Op rom >1 'valle, sud tise meut aeedy caprebahes nucareit for.- Tise> retagnize tise lumate, it in true, but oui>' sastise hostile power et viCkpueuslu lise parias, and wauisthuir banda ef lila sîtagether. Vent>' Steeon tise shvil unit the directo., if sscis lamentable indittarenca o wi « 01 athseJlter be Detcasit ofl tisa veah dewt! n ig descio dati lu titdans ins bis localit>',are sure'of tise appîca ef knoviculge t Thea Royal Camadian anak* Mr. Wcodaidiecaher etftise noyal, Cadia h3akane sd Mr. A. UL. Smu -x, P. P., attendait a meeting hlaet WisstS> ott Frits>' oanug last ber tise parpose Of' osablishlug au agene>', Tiseavas qute a lsrge-ýeand respectable uttoodance of- mai'>'oettiese oid men oethîe Tovn sud tise Casat>'. Thc chair vus - ceupiat b>'z mi. J. 13. Iliekeli, taitMr.. 1Hx aml- son acteaausecretasry. Mm, Sînuti unit Mi., *axosiqle, botlbexpreused iisaehves.V desircus of entaisliablng sbranch al Wit- b>' if tise necessar>' stock etoersubacribeit, and argeit upors tlisse ivisa'desred adtuton a basie sccomodation te iselp tisauselvea;Y tisaI théeRoyal héa vur>'inclination sud dealos lte aid tise people et Whltisy lanlte vs>' cf Bavkacucomodion-ouly laitissus hiep tiseaselves, sud i.oyé b>ý'- bisWbing for stock lu tise lOY-al iaw tise>'couhl upreiaothé hénefits cf anoteliea bs*ug l- iu at t he i er deora. Steak te tise umeui t fapvarê .of $10,000 wvs. uS scribeit tor on thé spçt sud a comauiltee- appolaleit te eitalu tise reasaiueis.op te *50,000, visa u ape>' y ul bu apesee&. - ul 6501yqUftttcPM -ý Fm uena viso, Yr t*enty 7ars and mare, bave oaisat i» vambsl aut tha-l te Sanda>' SCiOolofstheesrcnfEg land, iu this lova ilil bue trippeit on Tuas. day eveninip, thé 26tk ist, aItishe Meca-ts sics' HalIl, et - lhlf papt s. Amagie lustera, va arc laferuseitvili hie brougisî 1 nt requisition aft s'vurd , Evey one in SsLEi Or TUE AirU aisPorxsiry.-W. aaaresselat c ar es-tha isa ist m- prant sale laines plae on Sycay u eit a. Nouoe deaicous of acquiring preper' 'isoaId miss theihSa ia . er. Rie caulil uol exacl>' su>' hov taO accon$fac it-Whbesr from nt iiltrenleea Plq »0h par te s slepayora, or because Of tis enstura aatisastioa vith Ihiaga a tise> vece-4n1 11thefuet vus thierthm the ntepyers appearei tolatake venlt-t-le incee a ieAeeat abt-ion. Our- mu Usdê ~ tu lst - tolm Cooucil. 1Bif, Jiéav irm thepub. y jadr b ,le l"'i, h ltnuniber of' sibdpr' d lth h Cu vi as ln tisely LohORQS5e4coutolas -a ver> tise habit of glving u Of ùWéîeJ tah able and lnterestinï, aticle, sb.viîtg the -Maet,toiWls be d ~ ~ téhrt extîoét te whis ths bihndmiay ho educaued ; abepunseà. i& radvdrong. -.Whuile o 1sîsoarscrib thd plga y o h ah 4osbt4hof uezig atobjecta, ho disapprov cxel thlie tisa~~ ~ ~~~ is, t 1ausi1'6fY~h utbc moue>' iu this tausser, ,îd idvocated ibut àlmasi ot>' elycnpcnated b>' tiseeduc. payenats ise1amade ýrougIt tie Town tisa of the. otser psses. 1ihe , able 1.0. Treasurer b>' tise Mayor,, cb*ýu0,0 as viwe minais hi psiiob>' dduclng tise r s wded ses Who got the y - Mr. Darînail sailul t t Iis ie 1lat gentleman viso isd lotosbis yer>' eye=bals year hLevas a spotic i,»O lhronigh th isssall pax, sn 1682, vion but saud thsljear ha fet'it lis duty tea nom. a yea.r Oldi,; 4O1 ot bhîaÎupdîa bis II _ etJli f4 -e.ection itah dire calamit>',heoume, auibsèqueutl>', Lu. honorable office cf m51jtî cf'Wiiby, for cbsian Professer tfiemiia,'n'th d shiterni of. QB(S disu;Isrged '-the' <lest Universit>' cf ite vorltd, sud tise friand duties satlsfactorily t4flelts Bc cf Whisto', Halte>' sud Sir, Isaacuewon.cu. with isscomnig dign edcuts' This ease beconsas tise more alugniar visca diguit>'lu tise chair and courtstard weý Ond tisaI isfoe Ibis exîrsordinar>' maai bvtma il tish le isi.oeghbl hlm, reaesedtiseugeet vont' fvo h ba mb contact . Browtbrougist ne' renced hoae o twety iveliehaddiscredît uopeneos fie e Tise meetLings mastei.cd tise voilrs of Ruelid, Archîssedesà, cf tisé council dariug tise past yeasr ve Diopsanut, sand Newton, lu thooisainlai met harmonios an duseful %otae tiser, Grck and Latine; and tisat, attise age of and ho lied, great pleasare lu proposing thurt>', ho vas Iactuiug at Cambridge, on Mr. Bravn ugain for tise position. 1 ýto slat pecrumthelaveofigh4and Mm. McGill said îwthevs i rItule ha 'tisa sulestry of tse ivscf' ilibudappearel before tisa eleetors uý t a public tisa ~ ~ ý1u tiei> fts nOv-UpcU nOue cf Moenîg, a9Itiugis lier Lad comis eoe vieShoc isti ever loohed. Afiar ciîiug Meut cf thesmîtîs>' a lirga lu reféence te several cases cf a kindred charctar, and t5.ans, (Laugister.) He ie dl net -vaut la piliosophiziug ucutol>' upo t toa ,tise ussko a long stor>'. Dr. Gîsnn vas lcown veitar gire us semae picterisliillustrationsý respect, sud a gentlemuan volt qiifled te as ta, tise meassaidenner oathisaedues 611 thse msyor's chair~. As I v4i L vus tien cf tise bliud ; and in tisis connexion ýha, (De. Gusun,> visa did 411 thd muyor's produces tise alphsabet sud othaer media 1uena;a aitas a uee> throgh hic tbe ar taght.ý 'heground cf fitneuehlia svocated %tie cléYý1jii tismaglivilcs tie>'sre anglt, Tse f Dr. Gtun ta thseposition. alphabet of the blimd, asveil uastisa cîhor Mr. Puingrea dvecated tisa piinisof bis characters bliroughis liistise>'ara educat- addt, M. oel, 6obd, ho said éd, îi a liltrar>' poini cf viev, ln cemposud atteudeil tise ueetigo of thea cëUecil praîîy sinipi> of rsiad lattera cr figures, over regulari>', uud ho cOntd flot su>' lttatise whih te andnt asss he r br fti#nýbusinesus ,douoa suisfactorîle. Ha rom vhic th stdeu paseslisor ur in~raplainafi cf tii.eceuslu tise« taotaxes, as vamiglit, if iliiod-foldcd, pusours eudtise extravagant exponditaro of tisa aver smalsl circulai. or square places cf t>av moneyi brasansd stili detemmine.Ibuir uhaje. Mr. H. J. Macdell isaviug beau caiiedl hlue dvciiing on tise curionus alphabet, Open came fôrward, stating tisat visonlie cstered tise hali ho lud net tisa rem6tkest va unconucieusi>' diiergcd imb a triniuof idea -tishasnuma wonld iha put forwand re5gs iiiuîegi east iel counectienn tiste Mayoraît>' fer 1866. subjuict, mis>' net, b>' somo, ibc ensidereil He tianked tise gentleman vis diii hlm intimatel>' connccred vus h . Ve ad tise lie bhor te proposa bis naime, unîd forj isurdiheoullesta >'c, tist, as oui. abi. con.tise fiutcriug tensarlca it ieh lieh coupleul il. Ha vas net, homevir a standl lempararies of tisa Leader aud Globe have iog candidate for mayor, for 1869, and for some tilno put heem grepiug -lu tisa bggod meut respectfutil te dacline tisei daqrl ou tisa suliject cf politisansd Feu. nomination. Mr. Maçdinelt conctnded b>'1 isuisos, tuat a- font or an of tbis Slimd briati>' visbiug tisa electers tise com'pli latter M'igst aid tueni usteriallinluarrivingig st cf tsa esîo &. îdrai et someîising like a auna conclusion upon Mr. Brownu (Mayor elccl,) arter cub eer. tisoso kuot>' subjects, visep reuding preef. ring te lis nomination twetve aioivrtus eugo, Thsis ide&stsrnele us as beîiîg lis more sidt!hubt duriug his year cf nle bc h baij ferciblo rom tba circumatance, tisat, viti endeuavoed ta perforni tiha deîites ith lus- the exception, pensa»s, cf thora cf thé purtiean t») t~tiesa et of bes biy- 1'ueaicntoftis Conet, a ssold atiarHa would paver lorget bis, Obligations t1 depend on lso f h e o f cltuss e n u te en tise r ep >le f this tcvn of W hiLby, wisrm 4èp'nd n te' fngeu o Illlieo tisnkaul vies alUhI.is èegt lBe hail thAu an theai. bruina; bat let Mr. Broya boa; lie sais, dorg' the lest ilirée vuaka, Seocura efecrtul>'reinoveul fromera ie ~solicîreil S>' ratepsyeru freinPail parts of . c f thse publie chest, -sud tv a vlve wntiaove 0=cou lrvarulagoin -biseu - aver> possible objection ti t6* relation.-~ business requiiýad ail bis lime andotteution, but *a(tr ie 1[ neo6eic Bag hiseai r0fu*,otel resiilid sud c- <efrvard digressin, aed eue tisaI migisi Se eesid' qaîvla- lb eotrd he vonld dotise-hast tei as lncclrihg tishotrtb Ratâeaoe, lie canluL. He issd inteuded tofýiunto lin,- geaur*l>', o absalh retaru, forna mîngle fieances- of the Iawni bal us M17e Powell1 instantl, tluri.or;g ue1 lis e-tse ct u d r ue, lsvr ue Its 1Coçacil, bail Seaunou i ttlind People,"' abd invite carr eadora te lied more ta do uithsts 4 parus tise able and iuteirestng article ithe. corporations, h ita .1à,ioe; cîsetlo u tu, ill vafl rerytthora fes nan%>hewUts f"_ doiug. taîred lait >ear ut tise' noîminaroisi àha * vtre t iste Tovnu nnih lun r4n. ta bu Chrsteîe-a ble te giva the eléctors a etaer omtement 1 of hey tise finanes of mthe teo nsstsed, sud1 Tisa ver>' large tomsber of uev udrer. tW lai thtismk na xw heh'tah tu c rawed tisetuento Ibis leuir, leé1the ChucOXre.X, eau-£500 er'£100 ; ha did ual sec tisat IIf, - net f4il teatatraee îthe uotice efthtie readar, Powell bail doue se) dnrlug tise ytss', butt W. bespeAk a psrusud of tise counts, on. i h* t e lmt a>.)I. ra 9 ' auclcudeil b>'stating tisat ho vu . td> ta aud aff. AUl cequlirng, te seppi>'ts ai. uer un>' question,« Rgiveanai>' xplatia.- iauseblàd for aise Clea itnxss ud- New tien seugisi fer, ment villily. Yesru'Holiday&saheuld canultaIbtsecolumnens Dr UF. on coasing owrsadts atiseff Casa, lefcre Mukini op tLsboitlsaviug blise e r of a umiuaiap.>î,,tiseA mluds tg mùke surchuse. lisase aoaud duo w u etunk 'hie usonogu11 Mi. t'erry was next calleit open, sud' ou comiug forvur vu rocaived wvu cbaess. Ho vouhit a, e s"id, foliov - tis e otnu - porsurd S>' tie hast speakerl-to sash the Cuiutct1ci iucis t va a mver, ' viseodi>iavgand sayings ho to'ol part unit fer 1iosa actaSehoIçus a Part>' reapoutibié, te 9aie tr>-te gel Cff b>' aaying tiut I date fer unci'al'hotuoni, tisa ensielûg - tisa Caussoli »oard durîn,;this yaof ofilce vas ,tle Place visere De, (;enitg uln Ihate- çahgavosel in correct the abunssof ihîel le eespkâè, ud v uallov the vispie 1#ar t6slPaseua1ii, suia ntie enof cI u ýçeue lprwaselkaI apublic meeting, of tisat Wrioa, ui ralsa a c9ouplulu>t, and "y 'tisat ail bta4 adbeau doue'vas éong, Ho .quite agreed 1vitis Dm. GOn, tisaItisera ýWa- muisany inge in Dcnt m nicîpul sffat-sb Absat reqea-d tealie corzeac tud-hrweare, -periatîe, itemof etexpenua tImight Le out etf; uipt'it wv aetbce Councit Baav ,tlôhld'tsve htenen. It wvas thora Dr.. Gunsuiol bave braugsu thoîn for. emaci--avell If b. falaith. aauld hé abIe 'to pointt ta ~ha eenlvuri edois lsty!-ý.iutea4 of cetng'forvaud sud Oil. ii fauît nov vith viaI ha ilussaîf hait ~?tî~ ~ioui a ysst. &tollthe1letsu. ti Offioersandasitha mîuaht -uatc ia But, hie <aid, hIt as net tiseir dut>' ta uip 1port tise.p~eople wheue poerî>' vas cacs8d 1>' thiai cvuudissiption.- 1h vas, ho uaid, Most aiutrming tise 4j*épatlulh'whisibnoir -preailed lu tis etowùi Jîvruu. diliceful tise ameuntai dissipâtân wiLeprovailed lu tise lava. It vas ,lehocing und meut alarming tise quantit>" et hltsr drunhe. I vasu@sliocking to,ý kuow thiý%plaees, calleà respectable homs, vere kept open on Satu'i.day îiÏglt&aud Sanda>' aveainge vith biazissg ilhisa, soie uslè-tlét respectableo travoîlers entering tise tovu çonid ual bail tg~ bi astoisied.se, tise Asqaiinl. fiuencaspi.oad abi.aad..And tiis as sscI ail, . Tiswe e.a stesbuMta-sownvwhJCh desait eut lique. ta uùnfortunsta mon vboso poor famift.,weare oivatt homoe tairinp* - Suci vas klb 's, ýue'>ad ha kîsavit -. ad. hob leîevtlsu h~ sa' mg ttltss- taklg thje, course vas îlot tise popular cours-but ha luu a is ho sad, sud bolieveul il. If these P416,1 ilul visaus 1ight, t tËra wo . at . pour person lu tise tovu aI Wîhiîby. But tisa ru oa thar mon lu a dithaeut position viseseltishe bafi ex. ample, sud visitail tiose tavemus sud drink. ing places vbeu isea>'shelilnot do so., IVe iad iu fart oeasaet fmon building up tihe uwluintise va>'of virîna sud moralit>' atnd anoîliar set. kuocking il dcun-da. slmo>hng tisa ggod that'hit Seau doua. -Tisera vus -oescircutnstauce wviiiha sbenld not omit; it occurreul during lis illneRs; ilvau tise lowaring cf tiseliceusa, on billiard tables. Ha vas soi..> for tiis; but bu vas unabla te, attend u t lise Town -eonncil ut tb ise -tim tmcise ,bis voie ugaivneril, Hefwus son.>' tise>'WSusrisa Isigin tisa' tevu -il led $0, vire-to gausbling, and if net gentbling fer monO>', gaucbliinbudrink.flie venudbo for putting on- a higis license. lie had thle consent cf respectable taveru keepers for stsling tisaItisey wuuld prefer tise Town Council te put en a liceuse cf $100,, a nd se, malte ihea ifain uas it sera ai usair.buai- noua tisaste puy tise present rates. (lie, Dr..) . outd go foi putting on a licunse of $100 on tavern'a, andt ehonulraise tise license on stores tu $80.1 lu Oshava th"r Sud, osai4 'OuI>' foui. taverns andi aorsomas, lu regard te tiseibusines et tecounciltisa past year, lhe believeit tht ail diiithebslest lis.'>' uid. Buttisera vere abusas wiir is su4t Sucorrected, und vhicb lie isupcd voulu tbe correciled, iseiebter. lu conelu,.ion Dr.. (Mon bore tetuaicouy ho tisa ver>' capable maîsuer in viici Mr. l4ruv fililed tise crian sd salut tisai thnt geutmu Ssii onl.oee0fnît ho vas tee eue>', undl slîcld bu a littie more sevura vus stte breukers cfthie lav. Ir vas, sovever, "au amiable fuiissg.XIt wus net lui.% (Dr. G's) intention te ho a candidate foi. tise Mayoralu>'. Lait year he lad mii tisat ha vouhd retire <rom tise Town Courit; S ut lhe vas prevailad upen te crne fervard for election ; tIiâ yeur cerhtuiuy be vouilditidraw, and noîising lion ; V8lU year a higber rate with a omali- year's rent of a building lu which toelceep 1_ 'e valaion ta levy tipon. In accounsting the fire engline, also 25, cents price o>f fi 1ý for the endrasile, Mr. Party said thaï, ln pu. h as adôpted ihtamuqn, V 1864, whseu eti4ling lb rate the pressure and a resolution passed fer payment. 1~ of thîe tintes va onsidered, sud there as In thisa cone.etion, Mr.. Powell - etted il lftunprovided'for tîbt year, aud brouglu that soeaof the members, cf the. ýFira* J ferivard, ta tha ,present year a defiosancy Company lied gene awuy with the clothing t .of batween- faur and fie hundrod dollars ; supplied b>' tho town, suad that the Pape tthai 'addad t" t'at the , encroeelun b.. tain donied :an> raspansiblllity upea bis 1 Conut>' taxes from $1,000 te $1,400, and part inasmucli us thea Towu Council hall i haring.,uîpjuiC the Jowering cf the vahîs. net. couflsmed -bis appitmet itien haforensoutionod, and we had the~ The Mayor, tbeughîtisath committea on 3cause of' the icteume-tbis yaar. Mr.. Perr>y fire and vater wveror th a proper custodiaus; 1nexî,explalued there aisons for tise encredsj but tisat it vas the dut>' cf the Captain, if . n tise Count>' taxes, aud bie awu course b. know cf any meuibers leaving tho-town t on thrat malter iu the Count>' Council. It to ilook afier tho--pro"Perîy., iwaaunot therefore,.be said,.ith the Mayor, -"Mi.. Ru>".-auggesîed that- inasmuclia or the Town Council, tise siaine cf thse Mr. Pari.>'and Captissu RIowa v ers both euqc«ss' tam>leset; ý;but t lîw e usad abseut, snd as thora would have ta bo 1 y thsùnder ussmmaut 4Éf1864, end the anatiser meetinig at au>' rate, it wonld hc oý rver, usasmeutjn thée. piitîuy taxes- ndvisabie te adjounufer a full council,. and rWlth regard te the iscisolo ols (a.. P.,) finish up thse business of tho year trvantai that thora wonld hoa large a Ceuzit l rnoed to second Mondia> lu uoitb nï at -the . ûou siatibu lo t ,Shoo k Januar .ý ~1rustees thlis jearias tisere 'vwas utithe' i etion cf Mayor. Tise Séheol Board, ho Quarter Sessione sund Connty Coaurt. oaid, isad the same -riglit te tax-the town tiat thea Tovu Ceuncil hlld; and-theses QUARTER sESSIONs leviod, for school purposes vas-about equai The Court .openied - ail-pas imeni 1with tisut Iovied for ail otisar towu purposes. a'clock ou Wedtxesdy, haera His HIouer ht was thurafore tise dut>' cf ihe ratepayers Judge I3uruisum, Chairman, whentisa ta take just as mucli interest in the electiluefo.lowing cases woe proceeded wiîis. 'f eoolTute a0h> oudl ie Qucen vs Rrawn.- ,Obstractiug bigli-. election of Mayer und Couniciltors. Our va>'. -lunthis casa a vuordict vas entercd schacol systeni, tisroughout the Province, for defendant b>' ceusent of Court. wns occupying a large share of attention. Qucen vs JTunes.-Larcony. No bill. Thora were grave questions 'ccnnectcd Queen vsitVgallemburg-er. --Thu prison. Iwith onr frea achool- uysem, and indaad oaiiilu Iis casse wus indicted'for abaudoning -witi the vhale suhject weicix deserved Ithelier child. Coust>'y Attorney not heîng muet carciful cousideratieu* lMe, hiusself, prepared te proceed, ceue vas laid over bis! broud views au eduscatienal mnaiera. tili next sessions., Hae beli tatise State cwed ever>' child, -Queen vs lbo.-ucn.Prisourse belonginý4 te it un education. The tirne baud guilty-Seuîtence, eue montîlinl for, discusaiug our achooil outters, bivewcver, commuon juil at bard tuber. weuld ha ut tisa meeting fer tho election 'Queen vasi Birr.-Lrce.ny. Verdict- of Trustees. Ho had net enae Word te Bay net guilt>'. H. J. Wilson for Èprisoner. agalîsat tha Scisool Board or their maniage. Qte v e~e-Taîrsnrl suent-the>', lia bellie.ved, did tiseir hast; tisis case was foîunl guilt>' et lutat c8siorus the question haera thse public was, vas for vending uuwholesome muti, sentence tise prescrit 5751ctaise best, or ceuld a boin,, defforred tlii bis* seséiop, oving te t'ctter bc deviscd. Witli respect te the the luunigtb cf time the priiïoner reîxuiued hoîte ohallr a word teasu>. Next to theiselugaol lis sentence wus ligit, 24 heurs subject of ta xation,- te g -t up and ruake a Mr.. £ben Clark Tuttla tank tbe neces- temperanc3 speech vas a greut popular ary caîli of aliegiîtnce, tise Court g rantedl teîuperuuce prîneipies. DL'le batieved Tise 1ev. Mr. Ci&yley and Mr. Maclan.p tisat tom .peranca princîpuŽs could l i>ble naî, wcre uppointed b>' the Court chap-" incuIcated b>' moral suision. He diii net laine te tise gant t bolieve that- mon could bce rade soier by 'The Gr-and Jury made the following luw. Ho only-askcd te giance ut thui hiet tory of the prohuibîeory, anctaloctsinlutis fia.TE?.I dirreion--the Dunkin bill1 ns vell us thse Tise grand jurors of oui. Soverîgu Lady reit, and visut cillect hall hinlukcepiîug the Quecît, in quarrer sessions nascorubled, men frotu drink? Ile favorcd, -asr ho isud liviug brouglit their lahors te a close, hcg ci saisd, teruperauca principles, aud re-,rttted leavo te présent a% foilows (Viz.> usmch us un>' thedepiorablo e ofc n We bave miaou ta cong ratnlate theeit drusn' keîîne si , but ho vus lorced tei the >Court and Ceuni7 on tise comparative concluBion that moral-suuxien was thes onily absecune of crime lu oui. midat, t.hcre ï;& trul>' eifictive veapon te put it -dow.- iiniy îhree cases of pci y larcene>' brought u Ha reretrted tise remarks of-,Dr. Gnou befora theni,,auî,tiseso, cf tatrivial çhar-z. respectiug tisa taverîs keepers, and lie acter. l cballeogled tsavole, province te produce luI visitiag the jail tise> beg te report a mo 1re respectable, body cf men of 'the thuit evet>' departuxeot appear te - ba,.ina ci clnts.à thtie tavern keupera cf the tovu satiafactor>' condition, batllus regard-sits lii et'Wiitbjy. T lire uiglit, lie eu, bolet, genaral managemntieru s viiiýas cemfort, occasional exception; but tisaI vaune cleanliniesan ud isysical healiof tho _reuen wtsy tishe sl- bcd>'r of tisa lard-l prisoniers, ut -tise ane tume tie>' hava tae lords cf tise hotois of thse tovu s bou1l bu' regret te tlud tvao cases cf ihinue> contlued denuaoed vois i n au4 sme ping ea vitbin oui. cqmîon juil, on uccoîut cf tisei charge. broug-kt ugainst thens. lm conclu usYium prO-videî1fer persous "0 a icted t ien h o. a w a in Çuavcr of passi g a tringeît b cbng aready filled te overflowing, and ni brla ii-ivs posglbie, arnd,strictiycarriig the grand jury ivO'U>d if poisibule rge the tn bcatlutL dd iiu-t ils t hî tht irisin'-n ecessil>' cf flud in-increused, accemoda. of the licecse v*ýs Ihost s$ uccàsiiul va>' tion- for snob dîsîi.essed and affiicted Por- c, te, put 4ovu '1utaepera ite. - 10Haired, ola ý-ý , . 1 7 91 uuthing about tsi tuveii k~eeMasne more Yenr jurors veilulaise wimlh te express Ir( tisan>' otailers ;ha wouid go as fur as lhiser regret te.iseur tisat ne mini@tter oftisa t' another to praniota the cause of leuiper. *1o»pé f uni dutsîpmitiatian bu .visited tise Va snces; but lia wouid nover briuig hlusself te jlilte isupari. religions insîructions! or tev jein a hueanud cr>' agaluet taveru keepers, varu thse uuifortunata inuisees cf the errpr -vl' -beeanie tsey Were aarw e pors,,anid-ba. cf îhofr says, fqralevç;a'.ilnth,ançl hope si cause thse ding se0asigst. gaiu hlm a lu future (wbili;i here ila ct6 aigrillrar 1I meusenlary r*oýlisirity. 'IHe ratirud lu polîtteul cbaplalti for ihat purposd) diii 5ut lavai. of Mr.. -Browns.. a scu,4t l t ., Mr.. Powelle waaunext caiIed apau, od la Our comuty-vîil ocsider h îlheir vil said tisai ho isud beau soiicitod b>' ma> dut>', andl tulkoit opon thoan o'ivisit- ou. c ol friaedu .10 o ule frud:aecud4ta.ouàlly ifîn*t pý Iîul; tbuç Institution lu to but he ainlu vorv Case mciit decidadl, as ministerial cahsaity. I*; T lI' OPULAC VILL-&GEO C ONNI)XGTON, IN TIE DOUN OFQVONTARIO. - Ath reqs1naat or caveraI intluntiiguîrîo; Po.tPuo, a lile valltubl, male, îi ru rer ti give the uitttd.i plu tiius to nui utu Cior "ids o eai l uio o f lCiliigolden oppeu-tunlvt. Tite I'ýtàperty iil lihe tuiuil)musil 6l o-rtet eriffi MON DAýy,' 8tl JAN., 1866, COMNMENCING AT 10 (LOG'K, -A.31. Tho pîrolicity cusosista of t u nirnenîion. Ca paruln ~ot iots A Iiurgu irurin lini1"fldii, kunosisvil ie natuit if tuu Itiw1 ltuîtu," Occluiih by M. ieuuuyTliaîu;snu, t a retil e 20 artt iii lu a.'oiUtotlue liotel lire Cu.ve upluuut- dij S'ores attueted? csteuuntel 1ljy -el'Mers. uit ou.ed ic aMi rntru Wurchot.i 'te rt to ! o f î l es e S to re, i s 7 7) p ra l nn u i, . (îra isc i tu hrire 11itd'irceuty evur tie Stane, - id t tut rnuenit ocuuuled iy luunsleru- d9"go t-tt lvutuubie htiq 118 etcvrtur fiaîf anl acre cf bcîriha oueuilii iera-orluesA, rit goo4ýuinbtauthi .1 tiles, tlei .natut-oulir okitîe'î(ltdin erae tlieraen, uîî a btîntiltîl epp>' cf vatur &c. 'lu9 iuboebuitdinv ta 4tiuut-d in tise 1heurt of ths VitlLiga ofenu- Ancr fraute builing or dwallhusg -isouse, îîiowîîi bv Itheua naincf £oa-,,,,Vila,,$itiL 4toua fe euu liu, litýelen , cellur, etut , vitI, iiii quaerter af ai) aire ettuicltil. Tiirosi- aura i ici t i le nu it ul uiauu l. tl us ouni etc. T~ eamuttite -ci Elli; J.-?Picicsrd $1 dai' tax vatprned. tisa-satsetoftisetata Jolie A. IIaigisî81 dog tax returnoul; tise trustees cf School Sec4 No' '0 $'-0' non residont tax- fur '64 Ur. Wixsoos moves tisa W kie iuslructad toprocure 4 corda "Litor Margaret Sect, _as being a I J i indigetctrcnmstuuces. Carred Mr. *Wite moves tisaI titis ceounoil do nov djurn int4 die. Ctrrled, Tise people of Cisicag-ca.ai.alu great asacies over. iliaurtiian voit. 'About 600,000 galions par day cf tise purest siparkliiugv-aar, clear as c rystai, flow <rom it,and it; is to hae hoped tisapeople yuli take to It us s boverage. Tse>'bavaeisaretofore mada thair axeataa for baing tisa greats wbisky drinkars x' iso cntne t ta water vas Eit oui>' for ithe pui.pusba4&Uavi. 4u immense âiren bhock lu' Chicago, fiva storicalu.n haiglit'- and vaigig i hils ,contenta about 50,éOq-ton8j lias Just beau raised twvoity-saeveu luches, vitset nt uthe Ieasi interrnping tisa business cf the* Oece. A man's hast fortune-or hie verat-a his vile. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CHRISTMYASPRESENT.S. 0F IIOGAN'S 1- - "Il t - i -FR1 Received by thîê un, immense assorti l.R. ucd-Layer R -Peel; Flavoriuig 11: ROUND& Boys, Gents,E 9g1ih-manufacture,>: 'In Red, White us W'inFeys, Ga]%anud ?fubiuns and Skating - t2rAouni t ,i, if not pui& *tsun aiTths DAI. nauâb. Pot -Au 11l Whithy. s -- Tr) Ham S' 0Ze BRAN - ~ TI faîicy, and- ,Dtecember 20,

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