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Whitby Chronicle, 28 Dec 1865, p. 3

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Naitor of the WhItIy à,s raieh tIi. vas4 ratber a Itocu in Vontec. a lla~ anti on luti- tomnliuad. ti? tho rnîm5,ne, LtiuI resait, ae Io foliote IF$. le lis nfc4N, ttxllY uifouuuded eprodince theo icxnh7 tllo e, Ilt frine eç; tO ui-I I ls ut warrant. tho aetitlý.ti ie *uttuo rba h Ril x blondî.îîtlmru îtiei ii~- tit ti-it thc iR areacellngt ixg l,o Mho îInit 0 iii i-t ti I suee t cueLi i-ctr ;"W" Mtiiieiu nu100)ret i) fýL it N.ei- et ilr i rh cfýi nd ax ij 4.cy a i oe- al hu f il uch., lJix~uil Iiizkie tie nitcaciutohbu yurima lot Lici.i alil eîirux il rydeniit ku ben fttuglit ifuA ewpmiuL utl lu aIl e n, iâjieys o e ut atucl. cf tiae aes ti if vuju 1 im vt me ulie juai t tietîphi Aixlil, île îîer ntmrobe, laion trjtle ant çnnm tg i dupatcSi Aiitt [te tr it ithe, t yotx' im-tunI iii ii piable textureumi -oil utu i euiiuta:ie c Iict, atiiri h ROUI ole lho imi-i-u s tif lixutli o it'. saie, iilicte a upp i l i i f1 i-u imu edoi-t ut u~ DuAisix# 1 "ha te point -obt te yon an errru,(shich 1i Qufnk yen eoamiltI.d lu yoar*aka, cour lai lutte, on the P col Ot cf îe Grand JuryaB.théL.laut eus in nolasefarthe bolaw relates le tb. appointaient of a Chaplain 12 the touamy Gol. If 1 rigltîly ttederatand yen, YrOD pretty broadly charge the Clergmen of the Townu with aa erlQga .aaglect cf daty la met met'. frequently vlsting tLe gaol, In tboir aibtisterfial capacily. Now If Ibis b. chargeable against any one, Il cortainly sheuld net b. againat these gentlemen1 but rallier agaîinat the Court for net baoing smeener appointeda CLhaplaf a Io thu mati. ltion. Sucb potsan being a regular cifi cor et the gaol would Lave a rigbt te ap. P6otlaa imes 'ttd sseens and ltô erqire tbe* b. assentbled in tLe chapoi fur tLe liarpose cf worsbip. Wbile1 witbent snch aatberfîy, the officera of the gael would Dot b. required te notice any such dirc. ins. '&nd I amn fnfornied ibat titis lai le tru. reamen for un apparent negleci on the part cf car elergy, fer wbicb tbey enght bot te b. Lld reapenaible. IaiS, trnly youts, HeW lua EytîAan 007 '111511FIXGEîa tue 7111 I HAYTIIN Pîa..-Mr. Duttoti, tLe Êiaglisb cenaul atthîe cape, La& taken to bis bouse a ew lytio refugeesi, and TMr. Salnave, the rebel cbief, deaircd TMr. Dut- ton it.give ap thoeo peeple, whieh vas rel'sr,5hereupon Iia bouse was entered byo 1and îLe poer fellows ander bis 1io tlion out auti &bot L i Sea. un tbe ses abore. l'ie. rebela iben cota tinced te tr-riat Ilîir vengeance!eton-(bc conanl'a bouse, saaslîing bis furnitare, and tainfg evcrything tbu.y could lay their bandsent Tu finish the 'un, tbey wennd ep hy pulling down the Englîab- lag, spat utnd tatopia on It. TMr. Dution vent on board the Bnlldog, and related 10 tbe Cap. tain wjtat bcd been don., whe wrolo te 6aînave asliig what Le ineant. Stulnave replied ibat wbst ho bad done vas well done, and--auax bluns-tlîe captai de. auanded satisfaction, giving saînave tweniy four boure tg Ibink oser tbe tnaîter, aPd then left tbe capo. Non rnnrning ibe Bulldog retnrned, and on passing Fort Cirol, lot the barbor, wus ftred loto by Salas.. The rest is fatailiar traL our readers. After distantlinîg Fort Cirelet îitb aur liroadoiJe, the JJuIldag sinîatbd uop anotber sanl l ur, and hlew op the amucal.T'el'bc raarogue abicl i fred on the Bullog wa¾mauank by oee bt : &ho weuit dos ti tern furemtoogiThe Bulldog. tock on ai rénf, wbere abs remained. Atter fighting bier ton baurs, and tilt the liat po>td et powder .was expeixded, the capai ' tber on rire. 5h. wa,. a mail gnbot witb only six rune. MARI ED. WATSON-111,ACK-On the. 25 malt., et the residence of the hride's father, by the Uev. TMr. Cayley, Roeret 'sWason Pal., t, NMary. yeungeaîdaugluter of Mir. IVu. BIsclu of hitby. ALLEN - BLACKBURN.,-- At the llrooîlin II1,uuîe. Ircoklii,, on the 21a1 gîte, ichrard Allen, -tr iss »ýElixa lBlack. burn) Lth cf the Townsuhip cf IteseL. ni RTIT. LAWItECE-AtWlitlî7, on Deceni. bei 25ththe wifé of Mir. William Lawrenrce 'Very 1mb leduing in the grain market. lit e n-ain as folIotes s Fali Wbeat,....s.*lla 1-10 Spring. ... 4# $1,004 a 1,05 ]arley... 0 # li.-eB 0 a Peu ........... bbcts nects. Ray ....... .....8. 00 per ton. .ute...... ....... 14c. a ÃŽg Ap1îe0........40 a 50e ..... ......121c pIr bile,.........30e e'ar .................$s6 a$7.- Turkeys ..............60ec. a 750. ccxc ,.. .. . ......40c. uocla.............20c. cIcilitANEI & COCHIRANEf. lllgr(«t IiLnERu->riii- Opp#oeTeo etf,~iiiAL.L. Ul., 1 W. X. Covtit.îr. Port lkirry, SItti t*.oenlýer, lus. fel ,ýP~cçtîiio, t S erolV gîtren, ihot ~ Li Wiî~1lson *tJ#cî'rnei Court -coutîy If Oit [tro, trilIlieo tîîî1lei ut tlte Court luici the Tcîwîîof Wlitby. ton F&y, bÉC,029th, 1866. ,tgtlk.0ni..for the înrrnee etofAudIt- kilrk utiLe Pompe1 C. 0-. IAN CE ItY NO0TI C E TO CBtED1TORS& DE iT W EN Murdoch blcPhadoei ahd Samuel Ilangnian, Plaintîffu. AND) .Iocîua Bacon, tînd John Shier, (hy111J )and oethers niado Par. tics, in tlecOllce offfliîn &ceun- tant. lfnlns ]?lg;&Tten a cre Prthe cOurt .t foi2îuer ton tjpr Catoa tt u inutela ti tdii, te Cruiltorsofn Sterling I'angnsa, 1e Township of B3rock, 11, tse 'oîtnty oet (nt1î, witp-4ld ltotibcîat, lita ,nniffli of Murelu185 , are, Wtperauîor uy jNEW ADVER, POSTPONEj) Ohaucery Sale By VinTt OP À Dopse MADIl GIBSON Ys. ANNES4f Wrihten tenders for the purchasse et the lands hoîeinafter inentionei wililecreceiv- ediy tbhelinderaigneti Mîsterof iii.Court1 i8atuîiday, lte 6th day of Jainuaty neiti AT 12 O'CLOCK, NN1 No. InI. -, L.ot 8, on plan ef lot No. Èg, 'In tbe gnd, ooncession ai (Le Tov'nsh p ut Whitby, nmado by John Sticr, E1sq, P. L. S., dateil M~ni ut Nor'cniter, 1865, centaining 4 87-100 ers es, tmoro or loe. No. IV. Lot , on itie said plân, eentaining 4 28-100 acres, moreor legs.- - No. VII. Lýt -0, on the said plan, contaiting 0 87.-100 acres, more orlIes No. VIII. Loi 10, onthue saiti plan, containIng 8 57-100 acres, mtore er les. Tbf, property fitsituatoîl on, and Souoth of i)nndas Street, about a quarter ef a nule frein the centre etthîe TOWN l~01i' WTIILTBY, And presents fu1tabie ctes fer ifttî-rting purcLiteerti of park tndî villa lotsi, ntI is aiso ri'cntliy thie attention oft mark-ct gard- tiers antI otticra Ti i lireitiecr 1l a ut my îfiwn IIu ui i nthe ee-id1 or lier tujitîIle t eit t prûieting Itiftl teideilto-il iii ithleiit ttu ile u ti ît- thdist hiie, lier- tr - i ti- puretuue tiioiev, witht ii "it tilittil iii Ille t ht titfch ale Ltid ttu bel- tlltce or nliixtiiii i tuti tiilst te ti-litretit1 tiiuîchguigtt i- dm ue prrcxilm lir!isel ittu hiuui- .)f uhuer, if ui-tcum7,;ii7chule iii tlires qi. cmitii ltimtiiuetiortlt« liiturosuut iiifi per ceiit, hitrinIlleiidut utmile, Ilcit itut p uy uilmî lut leiili jý 1i îmlttsflaci fuor pa>ttl-Iiiit of Itrililnit Thme pnrcvlu tili 4 eput i) et un taip à«e eiqllid Iotmi ie$i r acirt. 'rie ti-rchitterschilî î.epare thir eionyy- mieâa iiiîitinrgaguaattfi-ovi iex1îetist. t lit wtlc ier î.n.etsthe iconitiiiiq f Stlac l a i-tâîdllig euidiioiis of the Cuiurt et Chaen- For flirt-lier prCeuilutl t iqîlure e lit e Ofice orth laitciimi îei<r, %rerthie 1Asalî auci CuiîiuhToronito, andtni ici.e.h. t'wi-îrcîe, "W.11. tilliîîgf%, IL .). M Willcn, and C. A. J-uuîe&, litîrrîirt-rm, Whtlîi>. Dito-I Deccuiîer 27llu,18905.- 0. H. DARTNELL, CliOl-~, KN<IMIL & ATTANACII, Venidurehtlicivre. fr, Oshawa Unitod Grammar and Common School. T lIE Winter Terni of thi l il ilIcorn, MONDAY, JAN., th 1866. Tieitîiiion feet',in the iraminmurSehrtol lDe. prrî.intiî t-iare ,..l n-01î.e tt;e c ofiI lilie .A- ti tigîi ,u lcr'itiulliru l'irtt Cis., . afitiicoolimeîied $1,00 pr ternti. Tilo fie tffllett tncîuenit $,0inriotiî,dii coneg ilz il: tuio c $rcieî,îla mn, Latin tiraioîinuur continned lutI Liiin Xiid-elr , -pler terni. ThiîrutCtom,fthcik andl Fi-roIt comeneed sni I.tiîlî $2iîi,00 pr t lerniec. Fo-ýi !Iltmiel Lîî,it-in, ~orceit, ticst, "O, e2,54) petr i. Fiithi Clamti.. iîenprieiiîg f nluiecic reqoicd le eluiefohîtier e In itthe Uiriir>ity et ;'cortkula.o. r ie ýpqe inprîlinîîî,tiry eXamwina- lo)s cf îLe lifrcnt College* mccl prufeosion4t, e-,i rocternir. To Studeiiîi. ýrert&rIng for tenching epeelsl ltiîiîie-ioiu lî ie iron in the -T1l.ary and Art rt Teschiî«" send arple fteellitirie for prse- tleu in teaeliinthe b itemvecal divisions orfthe Itehîol, di l.atiVrdeîj. Ait7 IirtherlInformmatin tay lm.eitaieut 0 tg qp ksîcmi thie Ilriutell, Mr. Win. IIIMab, or to the agite"re î. rliskmsnIloxiol cT7, 143.s INSOLVEN!AGI' 0Fr186. Pri-nce tif r0"fli'ic, JTe,îtlie (l..utîty Court Colrt ~ ii v414ntt< teCto -0 i iin of ut i- T tt i 1 tAe 11Y la tltcter ef WILIA51 WAIREI, thit yentiger, an Inolvent. TOTICEls lisier i rv * tat LA Miw4ity, Nthit 8day i k4 eh tLrexti st ton ef4ho clock lei tihe fieno, or Po seen tbtreuftt rsr Ceensum lie huard tii.ricterétnîîed vîl it 1>1ly te ltae .Jnigeet Ltue isaiCourt, fuir xade iliaig. atier the sAidAti. litîai hio e 1w-vor u Illttiy, In îLe (ieilitY or tOtario, tlîim tventy eIgttu day et Leia- tber, Ae. J)., 180a. -ILOBIET .. WIIS1 N îcllîltot for Iuixlçeuul. el Note,_Lost 1>ETWEEN EUxbrlIg)e endt WltbApe .>nilsr oe e ~ t1icite by>11 s einun, sud pYtlni tii J1 obt 0 lb ireî S, unt a8o 011 Tuaia-IN NOT]CýE. PPLICAT IONÇ ylbe mdts.te i.Pro- vinclItl l'srlitcent atitylie xt P iltittg ti A itenti snd Exteuth Clb ihrter of lte Port Ilopa, 1,litdmy and Bluaverton Ifailway <ia- -al rllwa, ond W Ilopenlng ufan ou ederiiugnastiinblo theL* I4w amin 0 bervwaler eintigiinletbuii the. <loatleoot P'eterburoughu andi Vitoris; aidftîltoezx ipur- t CHRISTXý S FR111' FRE.SI GROGERIES* Trry Lowes & Poôwell for Hamis, Bacon, -Ch0eese-,,&o. 'Try. Loweg & Pawel ror ECý BRANDIES, W1NEsi Is AND -PORTER. ICRY LOWES & POWELLJri'Olt Fanciy and Staiple Dry -GQodý, (lothiiig, &c. SDecomber 10, 1865. FRE8H 50 1 FRUITI Reccived by the subscribers, and will bc sold ver y Iow for tasF., ,in iintiîctio assortînent of FIIESH PRUTITS, coinp)iing Valoxici., S1litana, 31.1 nnd Layer RAjI1N8; Nexw Currants; C:îndied lenwon ind Citron Peel Flavoning Extracts of al Linde ; WaInuts, Filberts and Alniondg, also, ROUND L, SPLIT IlIERRINGS,, TABLE COI) Ff1I, &C. l3oys, G cits,- and Ladies SX ATES, alid Skftters Gimbets, (En- glish niantifactnre,) and aeldecriptions of Sbciel andi Ilcavy HIARDWWARE. Powder1 Shot and Wads, alsoq ~sumall consignmnent of that fanions Kentucky.Sporting Pow4er' togefbcr lyith à large assormnsaof In 'Red, White ani 13hie, and Fancy Shirting Flannels and*Shirts, WVillceys, Gala andi alil %ool Plaids, Drciu Gootis, Frenclb Marinos, Sliwls, q~1Ja pd Skating Muff8, Gents Plain anti Satin Enncllcd Paper Collars. 9rAccountsp ast due will be closed and pln.ced for collec- tion, itnalt paid iiîdately* YARNOLD #c Oom Accounts duc, the Estate of the late John £4 llott, Blackzsm.ith, will be placd in suit if net paiti b>'lot of January, 18M0 1Whiîby, Dçccinber 20, 1860# NEW ADVERTISEXENTS. INOLVENT.&ACT, 0F 1884#, - P'rtrlnee nf(3i a* 1 itte Cetitiy <lur-t tTcltr- eho Onmi-to, "'f'ltae <.'iiey etflon. *"o i Lt- I ttii-e. lithîe taulier el G9uI ilT ' a taInt, relit. N OTI1CE lu bsraliy IO tkaI-on uiTemady tire iwecn>-.e-euuoiL day e! Fablrniry, nesl,, Mt teuf tue dock lul teéfoencoo, et meA eoi. st contisel mo i bssrl, ttntheintrlgïeul «îli Aîîîly lu thie.J natge <(utftie saL4 Courtl'unea dlimoliargo unidrei-$nLe asot u. I>sted ati Cnninglen, titslotte.day oftDeo- îxeul .eg, 1 ef . THE NEW NUMBER_ YARNOLD & Co., 4.dmipiatratoms Nwp4ÂDVERTI8SE~i~ Ur$OLVENT ACT 97 1834. i l t.#ttterefUj<>ilbGORIDON, -an Inolol- veut. â« l îaeet4thele ýQosrr AmLaincn, SIllt ho lutît ewofW t M iîtEy, lu "tue C )nl ef Ociarte, linl nrcdsqy, iLsc-f day ot YelrnsOry in aie yrar ur t rd en.ttiea- * pinot iglit 'Jndrrco mai eigltttbr, ut toit ce,- elocei Illie -rfe-n ur ttd Jirn-pcs. of r, eelin ii tutemcir'it iffîiIru14, 50<5ff ofuamiliq an seî,uie 1 wbîn ieinsy unakn an asoigo- the, Couity of untarlo. sol'etterÏttrJurlveli. 1 - aviis - oliday lu ta béentitig Almoet a neeSehty lnUSlit lion -ebold eor'L(ho" WLo ylalîte acqeire a aud liltidrenitîtdu..R,$ L~i r4~lp Ouri mhirps #cSd mmu . o.' ,TboMizlt etf St. l>svl4, Adi, rit ifi ti e rot t .I (ot, M.A. CtIri*stCbi-reitllisys> Ait xifort $tory. Clape XI .Il eWilewi. - XCluc1t;r4pl.-c l Park. Il rLoig 1 I Oill oi-tl het Ltitg î» ALythe. jiy the lZer. WMJ i-eue 1) 1)$Artiles suftabÀe for'l ttnrtleAixwbiogr*rplild t'rceber. ;r tz l'esnti.) In ' R Our~ iarlisfi Party. lDy tuselIes. ColieliusL adj(.ies A VIgat n cf eitht. JIY lte lonMr-.-t<~~- KISSFISanti BOYS, qan oui- Etuetiotoi l ietilm. II' tse bs. W. the WObrCat.iClM. A. thet Ediior. *r ofI uit ierene . ti, lstu)Ily114>0ruop Pl roaîrfinsîitlooii 1 ier- 'bbim 1- IN Win. 'r l 'Gi HÂ1VILTQN&0, Ilitve now t liand a' very eXnieSoko FANCY &> ýSTAFLIE- DRiýý ,.GOODS, New Milli ne.ry,:and I eatI - ~&rIN TUE LATEST3TtIs.,j READYMAb>E CLOTrHINC, P, CLjOTHING NADE r0O UR@ .e~ Just received an irtiniense stock of Fresh Fruits for Christmas, consisting o f RAISINS, OtIRRANTst 21GB, PRUNESI ALMONDS, CANDIED CITRON, LE MONX & ORANGEPEEL, SPICES0 NUTS, -&C,9, &o., --&o. MINES AND LIQUO.R-S 0F TUE, BEST IBRANDS. - KMILTOýN # Cou" No 1 and .2, Till's Block. 1111110' -[IJ CHRISTMAS QROi.RIES, FI*o7 IIN I1 ES, 4c., - NO. 1,' ON ¶'IECORNEKe Faai-ly Groccu'., o 1, THE CORNER, 15 REPLETFE WITII A CHTOICE IASSOILTMENT 0OF Wl n ,Brnd isAels*,Porter,, &C.1 &O. 1 Whîtly, Deccixibe220, 1865. 50- G-ROCERIES A ,Varied asEort.merit of superior Dry'Goods of ,eiy quality and. pxice has been addedl to the C-rocery -and Liquor -Stock OPfthe' un-dersign.ed]. Cnsuit his Iist of priices. a144 Iiispect th&, qualiiy before purceasing elsewhere, JOHN FARQUHA]kRSrÃ"N. JiUn Whiiby, Pecembêr 20, 1865.' NEW i - &ci IILH. C c P. IL L. & t. Ilsil Port Iîtqie, Rov.d Thte ]luilai P(a Il "orr, îPort Ile pu dtan, atM lîtertere sud meud Beonielt do %- Ili PNV, SIL

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