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Whitby Chronicle, 28 Dec 1865, p. 4

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-Tut Fîicvt& FsNngs.-From facto wlslcis Iave 14ently corne bteoOur possession ,vo 1ellv. vo tino jutified isnumsIing tise followiag stateinent wiîl reforeace to the~ finances or thu Fenians Brcioristood: Itecoipts'par nionlisattise lima of tise 0'M£tlhnnyRchants quarrai $150,000 Total receipts durnog tis ast &esV n 1'TI' yeans... .........,00b In addition ta tise fie"amillons wiich ~S A L~ 0 I I) pectei ihat tirent>' million dollars irouisi ha ealizesi by lise sale of tisa noirFenian bonds. Il 'ill Isa an imsersling' point for tisaCongre&- which monts in Janay - ' 0 10 find out iriai has becomo of tise Bye miliomns, mnsi; ellas iriai disposition is OOUNTY 0F ONTARIO, ] Y VIR.TUE 0F A,,WÀIUIANT TftSuzflBY mado or theu ommehundresi andi ifty îisousmsnd To Wt: B theso rsuner of tisa 00111117of Ont&ioî b"8' which àa rèceir,Žlmonthly.-N.V YWalrld. date tha Twanty.tiL1rsidaT cAugust, one tboutand elgist hundt'ed sud slzty.fie, Anl la nma direceds, for tisa Idli af anrero and ameselntis due upon tise following, At an îninstriffl exhibîtinn recenily ield landis, lu thie ld Couut>', I ahall, on aI Viemimme((iore) il vnieîy f rnificial legs cntutdun an entirelr nlew primsciple, 1Tuesday, the Thirteenth day of February wereoexpasesi ta ni. Tisa Jmrymus',- Wisaadam>- l iris bs t decislon lthe corn- paratis-o mpnima of tlipsrisnmmnenre Ncxt, at tiheur of Tirolve 'clock, noon, aItbh Mach îe rieod mt lfigt ilse> belimuglît tiseu of n 11:11im-'lîsf ami doemCriman C U T fO S J TH T W N 0F WIR B e adMexmim mn m ands-elstisrmismg tiin O R lO JS ,I T E T N 0F 'IT Y nyie a isaîf mile course cmuipped sitisPnomeed btiste sale by Pubslie Auction, cf saisi Landg, or soincli tioof s msy bc rival legs. Th~e pimize is stated ta have necessary for the paymocnt ci sucis arroars cf assessments, sinleos lise sanie, tegotise iseen wis by ais iniileo bth of sahos wîti ail lairful charges, bca aooison paimi. legs lssd b Oms îaliemsofsfati leurs'f", but . -Who, nevssrîllesie went oven tihe duilaîmce In nine mimîtes. -Thora are îisreo îlinms ethat niser agree: TOWNSHIP 0F BROCK. tira cals oser oua monse, tiro sines imn00LO. oAne DE AXS 1ELE bsouse, allai tire lovecra iftcr 0o1e gsll. LT O. AR8 nR U.'A M RMRE sappasemIlobhe An auniioneer cried out: 24, 4. 2 1850. $7 Rn. . kaetd. 41 Why, rnlal>', liand î gentlemenm, 1 5 W. Part 21, 6, IS 152 4 5 Si 7 S90 60 2 à 4. 44 As. i'alessted. mogîvîug tise-setisiîge maawmy. i. 14, 200, MD 90 1234.109 ~1 80 7. do. <iAir veosm" exclaissiesiAunt Tribilià, 21. 44, 00 149 1 5 0i2 8 4.187. do Ote'ell V'IL je t isalr voon fusr that usaiog- a"y cnedia fur my darter nt. Loouzouur ronii sm.-An ecrlang a res on tisa knuckleema cortisin clitea in thui good style :-TWlsen ytiu ind a man wirit- ing lits amlentsement anmd sticking i p at tise post-offico, or in hatals, or on tise hireai pools, inîtailn of pnlshissg il in hie towu parer, looli out for lim- the vcr3 act Shows msthanlie 4toi cio*o-Itee'I t deal wiîh la advatit.%Ze. Tis is athse "fir(oton n ush." BITISII ['UO I LS Tho London Quarterly Re- VjOW (Consscryitmivc.) -Tho Editîbarg Roviôw(Wg) The Westiinstor 'Roviowý (Rladîcal.) Tuo North British Review Blackwoodds Edîiaburge Ma- gazino (Toryi.) Tbb tAei casi X"mm!mlser n«sIlimm sI imi nr it iii.' bs.veo&,ssestitn'itmoflm-ie i mia l.c rîem.4sssîid 41 est laim. h iîrm. etc-. 5.,mgl ivr m-s-m-sm Seyarc Commlelll su amvaice imir s isung ima L'use. peraluy oeerisi'rIse lems-w.... 0400per mainmme. For aml v, 49reoçise iscs...... 1'ms0s 4 For amsyîltrhrm Reiso it-msv... Mm) 4 For xeh fier af im"etIcmW a Il....10 ' yqPa 6 5m,lsw11siA > ......mss400 F'or t1lrth'. k amite m m -s 'mi t à - 1300 Fonillmsstsss-smel mmm iMlimmît la Fer lwicli, ladil so s ý_f--t Il ""iro"o-r B5as --f ztseel 1mieliI5 aaiSmiyeefutmcaehiteivic w se < ivrlime ', ti-I '-mmý ra hns e , li' s tvsssîrrml i-m lm mmla s p l w t m lsw,- (4 m e l mW' i mei-m .Im- i- s imsmsmmilsi in te grmoilew uts',. ot ' v m isl -ssmmmelsmg pe-m1y me Lali iti ubam- ri,,@ t msmi so mi r mfm'-i cf lse'Lmtmeai5<liiiiem Bii S q M11 i mm. m thpm e % 5 itil m ilns c mciml.r. *5u (ilwIl iml ,m a me mi lîst. e Andsi , ls 1 smwil 6Siim is mrmm. l i m5m l oiemmalmi i sscunry m.ev rstr 'ne Acnmimese ammiime rem[imG m lim o tiiudw bc*0-Talio îsrsî: ii s.s tmm-nors*iim.sos r - im'su n mimra e,ti e 2 voll sejmmms lm ss. oy il aussîmlIWO pal foi Lersrea iiîs ,m im ifi-em mem.miu PRI's U;Wmi-i$msirsW5im01 msw. m- ,Ma im md,- iss * LEONARD SOOTT & CO, US'. 18TFalker Street, N'ns Yen,. PiublîIc Hack to and from the Cars. RElfITCEDFARES 1 ce1onthe arni- aIl ailier puhilio lise h5' ln tôwv. Famille, te- e îsnaetl.7,slice, (4la e4mrehsod at tho Ntjl s l-elirll'0seattensLled t tansd parties. wislinlg' tu catchi trais, punenally cali tfor attiso nirgi e, antli et kopt waltlssgsbtlse, Bttioln. gÀr PARME8REÎTCEDI _J m itby, i I 2(51815.i THOMAS & "OULTHARJS, N. lPart e4. l'art S. > Brikes S. 14 N. Yï lNo,'tm li t eutl> ofllt.. 2tt58, W,.nmmsdou n B.m tie, is TOW-SsHîp 0F MA.BA. 200, 181 A 96314 75, 18.2 13te 60 1 2 3 4 100, S 3 9 6,)06112 4 100, IE5219 60 2 4 lac, 12 4 5 7 8 0 1 2 34 21 1 SIA 4 5 6 78 60!12 3 1*50, M85 67 89 601 234 1lOi>. 155 39 001 28 4 TOWNSMIP 0F' PICKMRNG- B * F.8, 2, 19,17 8 9 60 1 2 a 4 1858 185e 60 TOWNSIP 0FRIMA. 8i, Front, go, 45, Fruoit, 100, 17, 6, 200, N. 34j 1E part 1854 7 8P 01 2 8 1&ý5 9 7 8 D ils>1t2 a 4 18,,2 3 i 7 8 0P601i 2 3 4 TOWNSHIP 0F REACHI. 8, 4,101,188 Q 1 28a4 PORT PERRY PLAN. 7,185 0 ' 0 S8 4 104, 185 f 0'723os TOWNSHIP 0F SCOTT. 261, 5, 193 18-2 78 9G1 02 a4 TOWNSHIP OF TIIORAI. SpaatitS8 7, Epart on Bgsver River, --13, NWpart 6, E jý) et 7 lis11 1839 6, 4 8 9457 0 1021à84 'TOWNSIIIp 0F UXDRIDGE lutS 1814 5,70 168o60Ili 5, 1 18»940 11 TOWNSIîP 0FWUTBY. A F. PFey'Planof Brofkths, 86 6à - 64 1851f'342 3 4 1849 f62 3 4 ilulI 60 2 a 4 6005. ais. 40 43. do. 42 1.L do. 43 iil. do. $474. di. 121 190. do. Sappasesi ta I 844 latontel rit si. Psuteuted 64 op5. des. 73 93. do. 62 91). do. 7 47. du. 23 0,3. do. 485&)d do. 946$5. do. 7s 70. doe. 171 di. do. 4008. do 10 79. do. 13 79. do. 174389. do. 20 75. do. 28059. do. 22, do. M7 71. sdc. la PL. do. 8 60. e 3&, TOWN 0F WIIITBY. A'ûniie 'Ward, Wcsea t Br«c tre MI) 604 1837 8 0 60 I1284 1805 61 18579 0 8 3839 Go I 2 1 4 15h9 C0i) 1 234 185V Go 1 2 a 1#59 60 1. 2 8 1 24. 1 et. 4 19. a 44. do. do. de. do. do. de, do. 40. do. dc. Co. do, de. de. North -JVare--WaàzlaoFuresoa 'nd Kesioaepkim'rs Zos. u29 aMd , Q<Jo. Iwo8Oô02834 il 82 -, 1 18"16 1009 80 12,34 1859g 60 1 a 1-90 1 &. 8889 6Q i 2 8 4 4 m8 PatenteS. 440. -do. 81. do. TOWN àF WHITIIY. Centre Fd -U9 /Bo? b~ 1 la Buge Brook St, Illock A, doo<la i, do do D,_ Wllll&s 81- D, 18 185s 60 J6187 S060 1 Ë8 - 2 f8. A- 99. do. do. do. do. W«llace'a .Plc~n Fart lot 27, Cern. Xi doF dK Io 185778 9 Go128id 5 189601294 580., de 528. do er T i for 24 of E Wli C NE4W ADYERTISJEMEN TS. CIIEÂP FÂLL & INTE R GODS -AT'BRDOKLI-N Mathewsôn, Ratoiffe & Co. Have just reee.,ived thei'r Fal Stock >of Fal'i' and W-inter Goods, which hav'ing been pur-chased before thelate advance,' they are prepared to offer at UNPBIECEOENTEDLY LOW ÉRICES. Faml «roceries,,a largestock o Bots and So-uperior quality atnd cheftp. CLOTHINOCRýEADY-MADE, and mnade to order on the shortest notice, in the Latest Styles. 'f ( Tweeds, Satinets, Flannoels, Unions, &c., our own Manufacture' SOLD ILETAIL, AT WIIOLESALE 3rooklin, Oct. 4, 18615. MATIIEWSON, rbATCLIFFE & Co. lITE adranlages oflarosi by thie Toçtittttion for acquirîmsg & T1IOROIJOII PRA CTI. CIL BUSINESS EDUcOATTQN ara superior ta amsy Commercial Coilcga lin Bri sh Amenica.Thea Branchs taught comoprisea cicryîlsing néccsesy for tisa liok-Kecp. and Business Mais; tlsoy imicîda- FREACTUAL> BUmNSAT1TN tise most caoeta arrangcmentôofii kirsi, bcbng fmrnishod with tira B.NKS, a 'RcH.,NT's VMP0RTUMt, andimn£OAG OFFICE, whkls arc open avery day ,thsa transaction ot Bussines. IW' CIusoo iTELEGAPHINQ e'vory day-iPOO ýR.APH, semi-woekly.- or ontisly cIIlftýLA;speciascns of Wnria, &c., addreg oasCnduing Stacnp), MUSGROVE &WRIGT,.. TORONýTO, C-. W. , se -Fire!1 I SIORE VALI TO LEDISPOSED OF TEMENPOUS -S A(fCI 1F10E1 To bu dlinpasam af-by Jnho r-11, E. IOGG TORONTO~ NURSERIES, GezO. LESLIE, ]PROPRIETOR. Also a largoeqnoutity01iShrulhs,PBasa, -Grapo 1<inbasrboations pl ant s,' bae lpluts, &.$ &6 wltisai allier nuritery prudnctionn ciathie elsaOeaýt quality, and mueat 'goroua grmwtlm. J.H. E. HlOGOG. 49 Agent. MR. C. A. JONES, Barrlstor, solicitor lu Chancery,' Ats tortsey, &c., &c. I OFFICi-Ncxt door te tihe leglstry Oihlee, W'lsitby. 4t'ly M~. Moe~TCXL. 1IULLINER, &c. Iniocis 5?., CLOSSi TO OLA~~ a r.essMens lies'. Sf- 1jf lS. bMoKiCIZ, reiipect. I ]. spettfms.ilviferma la- dies, alîlimte Puiblic', mîsîsi1hile ls prereflid to exsmute ail or. ani resinmslsale. tiro: nd gesimem s's flîssssstna isihats iltmmsei, ms, îlia Ili4n0 LG~îCar,,<penor, sud tt f.1 iieof nn.bcrconaelmsîy cislIshut. UN D 1M RT A. I N G rNlc.tdALS fally sipplieddansi attemacîel ni. 12 lî,mîlstie..Cafillekept consîminîl> o E~AIlearse to.lmîreomsnllherelîerWms. G EGE CORIMACK. Wiîiby, Fub. Sîli, I15(2. 6.1 AUCTIION J3IJS1NiSS, LEVI FAIRBANXS, Jr. Licena9edý Auctioneeer, &c,ý Sales attended in ail paria a/of te te' Orflons by mail, or lait et ttm.e Citnmrcz.s Orrmis, iili rouais-e plznistmsattesîtion. G. C. CAL DWJELL VEIRRINARY IJRGEONI B) EGS nnrt res4p's'llmi l t iîmne ta tisa 1> tiîlbitmsmts ao'Me rk snainad su rronndtsa - - ollltry, tisatiu se ase ommulnoed practico lai1 tisa aboalinoandshsdli hpas hsy istriaIallen- liaiso la imîinesa ta matit a slsare ofpublie U(rnasx.-MujIn Street, nocond housa isetoi Fie las re-open-ed,,the Carnîage Factory- lateiy Mupîed by DON*OVÂN WALKEY & Co., se-Cond door Bouth his lato Fkactory, and oppositethe Town Il W1hitby, where he is pre.ared to aXE CUTE ALL ORDERS1 HE miL4XBD, FAVORMBOWITU. bitby, April 4f 18Q5, 13 WIU find excellent aind convenient accommrodation. wýïà, ew 7. a ~ Yads, f theo Public Rail. Pri-vato paron at DJaBLE rytheN tlseycouly oost 25 ontA, aàdýityon osîssuot ~et tlsom 0ynàrdruggla>t. aend the, snonosr-to ePs. J. BRIAN, Qonsultlng i'hysiaiani, 442i Brond- way, t'. 0. Box, 5079r end tisoy'Will bo 0aont by rsturu of mail.' Dealrs uppiedby Damas Býarnes & d. WholàaleAgunà, Nw Yorkr. I Fyou Toqunirea oroliahia rruocly te Tester 0 you use Du. BARVEY'S Faniala Pilla. a ncàvor-Ïaiig reme'dy for thea rèmaveiot Ob otrnetions, no nmoUes'from tolera- Cause they arise. Tlsey ara saf16a sd haro ,andc will rostora nature in-evory caeo. 'flioy araai.io eftRe-ci- um lu al anses'or waakos, Wlite, Pro Lspsus &a. Sold Inu]Boxe% coataluiug 110 Pilla, Send flor Dus. HAREVYS rrivato medical &dvyiaor, sddresped ta females; 100 pages, giv- i.g 11W lilsatrisetiase, 10 cens tequired'for Pee-tatte. If'you *-anuot purchlse tise pillti ot your druggistt tlicy ivill lia sent by mail, seo- auira frous obiervationü, on . reaeipt of <>sse Dol- lar, by it. J. ]3siTÀz, çCauwultiig lyascitaa, P 0..Box, 5009. 442 Broadway, New york, Dealers suppliadlisy Damas Berns & Co., V'slaeoAgents, Newr York. 24 D41 E 'SSpecille Pilla mroaiarrantori ]n sual-1 cases l or, thse tlpmdy ansi I T ¶ w0 Permimessi Cure aI l-isames arising front seismîssi xceasos or, ,Yloimtlsful. Inclisreti9lo Nos i 2,212.2 SeminisiLoss, Niglmtly Enihsiomms5 and Sensiitsm lO 919,t2mB221, 229, l>nenmst; Gouital1, De-y Elat- andNenimoasDe- 'Lt bility, Imipoteince, Gleeti iloxuat fDiseaàas, &o.. necadlmg lu a plait Ta, smeaemssnry, mmdil; icilyxcar muisd Lots b, Iso~ ~ ~ ~ ~Y mmmi itIan dteliss Escm No ~M cissimîansftflet is ifyNO. 261 ils tisa-O, 60 his, l'nice Ono fDolarm-r cannot -g ahpaotllty ttiemu uf >or druggiat, eley wmll 'bc sont 'is>'TERRiS.Onie tantîs ci-, mnail seemîrosi> ssiesi, %sI-ilsfull ilsrsetions, toisa pnld lowln-' forebals tlîit îmmoiroe asure ais rëecipt -of tIse mono> '; io 1Wn t -he -l nueSa amsîie oH~OQ pagae a n'tiseerrons of For further panticuigrm,c yonîl t tîh é con seq ueicasi îi i i rosisady , sem is JO N froc !1 c sss eq ired for I O imo g . A ire is - 80ull Dss. J. Dus'Âms, Cousssmmltiig 'liysieiftn, 49td - Tl Il., 0. Box 1097. 42freia' ii ak Deniers cao becssspplimd;by DemhsBarce &l Ca., Wheel Agiomsmh,- Noir, York.!; EXCELLENT 'WIIERTÂS It lis*cent, 02 YALUA-ILE - REAL ESTATE 8ITUATED IN TRB - TOWN OF WI11%. B 13 'irtoe of-paons0fsaa, n a. ý Bt ce tîn hiewllie prducca] BATURDAYI Doc.,3Oth, 1865, AI 12 o'alock n000, attise TrOWN 0 OF WHITBy Far'm-for Sale- v and thas B) El1lNO thS mnti 1 If qif Lot No. 2j"?mu111ee heràis>' J.) mi oi.,mmof tlm.s ois iid of msra, Inisîllfulj cm>ntimmnisg100 acres, hmsuî '70 a..rem eleatree, je et sun> saltî eausi ilsseallîng hssîe andmisi e 5w frmsms'- word, us baril, 130 b>' lia itissLuisa ian is ulule(Ur Jnél mima Dai-l. 'rwu gondi irelle eamd ami aîsgba'r- ini Oralmensi. $itmmsed abolit 4 mîsilea frainthae Villmt,ge of Atherley, aendsi enmi iles Iro Orillis. lmsnesinte puaisezan un libagiveml. Duo., 1 Tilla indlzptstableý P. 8.--For rartienlars spply taE. Oliver, E roPrnlctoeý P. M. ltI Aelisisrm!, or Boleant <e O aneaeton thesi1.4nmie. OcFRPt 49 lbsrO $1,)OOO vnTO LbAN. t"' N an iniwo a f500 osasalier lus Bî frmeourity, l tosuria f - m.Underssîg 494 GEO -I1.DARTN ELL, oerimes, Ce.ntors 0 Just Reeeived Mal GOtO. LE -Toronto- Pknc P Fari otgZ~ 8,Cn- 60 l- 01 2 84 44. d. 1 I86 1 eýa 4 m- 11 - d il -, 1? 18 29 -- 18 - sa 8 .OMM 3r m V p Bi 1 office, whitby. 41.1y 1 1-

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