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Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jan 1866, p. 2

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vy-- Y. k '4' "J e ONLtY 8ai569CEM A k mu Wblby, Thtrsa, Jaoutary 4, 1868. The- News. T'ise flous. tdr. Ferguson Blair bas boom tCorn, nlu auPrcsidcnt cf tii. cosieninl ibo place of M'r. Bro 1m. A&a îeig cf île Cabnet Cot :bl nWeidcsiyie in ess GalI nnd llowlaud more iiisttruced tole b fqr New York to.uucrrow, Ibora b useot gentlemenu-frein Li0 »eoer P.roincusad concert abouttise rÏilvsl cf tii, heipre- eil7 Tresly. r Theowvr Canada Boendof Arts '60 ?datfactiures hubisa hot i s itiai ýmeeting. The êreport 0ubmtied cloes psou . a1 apprehensio relative te inancial 'p' m. -iions bo*înetd.1*th, lue building cf lie CryotalPalau, Mait bé etbibitîgn bohi tibereiu dering thie visit of'tic ýPriscoe Wtuhes. t lheiseM es te tops tisAI 'inrealien îowafdt Canada hotu8 pressit edAt, he@ Dlbln exhiitionansd refers te de ensocesefuàl eimon llubeld ithil tie r ali o! the bilinug bore durissg the pat] ,esr. Iîfarhe utles uallihe goveru- meultiias deelui eps"R avisg Canada efeotlv.Iyr.pfmStStoS i ne1867. Bisop Lyn , c, i a lutter %,s Mayor Médesif, cousphaiatag of ingults ta te ltosÉsssCathblc eIligeue gasys: '<I bpVOY ste Isitailcuina aayiuîg.tbal luelit"o eta- ÇAIboleRsWseosalu ti is t aslite o! I aays:- "4On Neiv Y"ar's day, rie bouts or 12 sud 1 Ceboclr, a vli vau ired tircisgh oeeof tie cf Lorreito ùonvQD4t on Boni ho a rocus occOple"asan iInfinu. giMk aiter., TiohalWl fillan i, Conil of 1866, la anaouSed 10 b. boiS oii DotMonda7 oveuing. W. usîderstand ltat it i a .ontascPlàý stlen b7 the Mayor smd newý esé, adtcwn ceancillra to entertain i#uýdu s sd theratsepsyerà cf Whitibypv 'eýuly,,at a .grand demonstraul'oon la the w&ray f The. iret meeting or the. County Conil fl- advoýrtiseii-for -Tuesday, 23rd mal., in aeCord s w îit law. TuRo'r.L Csweaw BAsax.- More n0eeuaey 10 d genty la Whhtby biuné* gmah-iof, éminet foyer sud meisIes are stilt Ptfislent ustQuoboc, aud -the.boa- pstal â;ÈWcrowded *wlîb patienta. te .fosnal de Quebe, reforring 101 he pèOPcÙed OstabE3hueb1ý ila Qoeioof a dbip-.buIhdl*sg Socieyor ef hifi arposis ausil bip-vrlgbtz, tiroirs cutl<ho bug'eeý ion1i ta a siopbulde's bsjîkaouId b. croited, so thanthelbbudera may obtaid Moisey At &_ uwdftiîo raI. of intersut, and ntbfoiwt, 'as -no tuc , 1borrow capital i'5 pre-osent .oormcU '#'shows" oof20 sïd 5.PEr cent." JonTiinbs,;i mmpol«iflo iriter, 4b* ppared a tiewohul4me vork on "Club Lite inU ndon," Ywinci lbas been iesued by Béntley cf ual cily. Mary Ana Tomber vacIn riedi'a the. fo.ý* cordel'e Court, Kiqgtc4 -!4rtier day, on a charge o."iefaisub"'bbit th jary acquitteti ber.t Tii..Lei pzi- ouebat iuitm intereal Gçrnian bookseiiesw tu lesr z lita the, gt>pdïou cf tli *0weh-4bnGeorge Joaelm Gosçiien, the. Lipuie puibir, la a member ef -Sari Rtssell's cabinet. Thora are in Francoe',037,344 înarried m en wbcdo sot live vlt them vives; and 7,508,76"0ve . àta0ii. talg tî, fià~ thii virtue b..s à ajo rity on Its aide, e yenu tigbthe constituenCIcyof vites beo ery large. Tor Fmànx.-Tie Feulim Congres organîseti on the. 8rd mt., vii PPatrck Corbeit, cf Syracuse, for permanent chair. min. There *ero .about 600 dohegîtea preseul, 75 of viont vers frutte district cf Macbîttais, eaîl>siug N'ew XYork Cit Brookyn, aud Qoeen's co. Tlh. membet'u front MiKnhuîttûi vévedait sîgiilte oas position lu the - organisation. Speeches wore dectivérotib, Corbeit sam i chers, aIl lu fsior of a tborougli Investigation of1 trùubles betveen G'Muboul sud the. sonate. lt-la aimoit certain, says tise Po#,'tihat the. CoogreusuiU deoude ln aver cf OMa heur Tlwihi choue ilsbusiness Iis vook, butt 1* ludoubefol whethéS tii. personau detided againut viIi i adbdoy the. don a the. Ccun1y Crova Attorney, bas takeu loto pâarsuip àbirother, Ur- . Ilisîi Cochrane, Whto attends to, t4 .Profesuiotial business f thâO lrt a Pninoo Aber.-. We ~ ~ ~ a "ot eroyupltw w viih barty inoeutesu »'Wb.no &mr. Tii.e bUldrest a ni thé S~Iabbth Sciolol ouglugt. tIo. Episc hurcli ,gj t oin bai"*johIy gtasS tu» o!- iton il the &y ahi., <t,.4in.a.iI ià, grave sud aSignifioaperents ver ot oI iro 4aartQsP"nis, the snauss. vuUa mach tetasousnmtuaitgamboflig yeung. star. IL wveau b. boier,-if no verso WB= $AmSois Co. ostuaa co -Wiîy bas bien muclx aveainu ils Ccaty Grainuar Sciooh, and lin th elevaý tesiiu« cvooth e mtub o lia»_ lad sOa"getfIl la tle presSaI prcpeï pofm mb acbeelrtlr andi,-t t ebo eotnpbmtiveiysuail socesty o! the <ove of Wlitsy aid Il. srocnadiugs, a soat eStimge prIvai. gS«tlema. Tie i.1gh cl'earcer of Our enor oentsay G<3aaacur Sàcicibas benu teo e mil esthsi& te no aeommendstiocs. -The' Winter day les8h !net.- Oauav Tfmvs» Os.uwl. asNDCissox 8éoeee.Tbe Wiateg Lenma cf titis edue. tilonal minary opena on )Mondasy the BM lbot. ïTii. 4%'h ciaraclet of .lls able PrnIaMeMCabe, sevas inne uailU degros Le elovato tice cbco!s u efulueus. LrcTesta iv Mat. Wxiaor.-.Our 'dteemi ed îbvnsnm,., Mr. Wilson, lb. êminesnt barrister, ictn,eatî tho Mççtmîsut oanit ~aubeoîus sas l tM"-isa ono uha afie"u inple aope for the e x u'ci orfis Tiw$O Nvr h NovU4 ek>es an appoal on Leisif cfthe. *Mo* 'ud chili of >île brave xirit*o.msl itJebsos, w#ousole umssr!ivselbob a s »roitadoIr ' ypar frec suamali boùi4t ýlLuusgion, ma, 1 e, thonauis cf adollaru fcohoc purpoms. o t,, war Oour aimple rsply i-'Are tbly ortb ubat adlip tii7 cut? Un d or the. preesl t.ean wlu hby coaldutot ýàeD'icuei ~ b. sd e'lmr chesperi Tii.eau r*pot, - gît4 ~ lu cther columsn, d he - tu. i t t £e*. q lave PSUtUa pyesa forsabeol vi tie large sum of £!o loa i 6< drod >D4e*fi4.. one-third cf the. enlires s.*a* là <th moï e su for à aialitovu. witb tho popuonondoui ugheS of Whitby 10pày-ioro <hast euedollar out b. brongfi apicce for evy tuan, vouais, adhiùldi, Cet Drape and b woou fivo sud oit dollasapiece for the laîivduil oaci taxpayer. Buet lt lu vrse tai ibis. ithe isghiugid The ma wi. paya $100 a yesr tue$. 0055'The. membersj tnlbule# about $40 of ithe amouast 10thé sciois, alluongb-liks car frisai, Ut. C ptin sp William Blar-ho usaG ot b limsed 'i viii -Cickc or hili" ta mroe tie ad- ad vantages fa sobceiig. lut aitio eaIl P'~î 1lxiu, m0 Oucr boavy ai-payers pay fow Lie privat* tmiieu of lIair chilMren, a L , Hais]Pi] roceivo ne direct aiivaptgo ' 19 frovi ýhéu lie tovu sciocia. lt wW bi ho luat we. csnpla t W>m> t- I àeeoleotd tie managemetof tho8*hoolu,ý Parefront . Ka0 il. 'Tho Soties of the Trute..amrecmS in the Plies 'f as weilÙas ouproft.abbo1te i, geD-llts l Dr, -00111 haviag ' b.e achoola lu ýcharge. -,I'b.y am cf îltoir a ai » itl largo'laX-paspeestbeOMslva, aid baye, Ihoir nases so1 cf ocam 10 cotthbulote tuLte bard«o e eleeticg.-I- tise expenfea. I1rite sytein vithie in la, tu iii. vo Sund fult. Wibl lainott honoly olamaien, fort tovu or place liat suffera front itinJud, r . ba in oua operalica, Otier locallles imoequi. manielpal boitl hy eft'ected, alucungi vo :blier. trouou' eleotions tb. pi pecolai- position in utihe suù odereo.. havé gond rea A reuedy cf tii. aysenu lse vat la requit. cïn>tlate oui od 1 sdoun 1tiliaI rosuody b. éfcud and Dgii h.,I properhy ippliedit I s eleustut0 <abutsî The. cliicons the powors of TrustS., ce i.oppr K Itero bagatelle," hé, kid iahd;-Il' golpg tu marj*y yoot lothe." c o èr>couawi'x Bo%,bad apptbo#e&% but ho had couplod is approval wlth -&àl fiittti. tion It.4olling shoqld bh o tngt6, preent ày oter won'an frein w"vng, Uha$.ey lbad 4on(edieil ttiÇn atogéther. pinltisg;o t VintWWolýad poicy to'feed luillinori. Btti tih trongent 'opjotion- ~a4 corne fo auntbo ï ula It9 o .f PFostem'rk. ri.Gra'ngor, though lier lheart 9 nsb i bitu lo Iiell ber huishanti vas gibttlg, <muid iot endure to'tkink that *11 the imne honoeureti. cerelonies of ber' -it. houM b F abandon n m T pito or&afl tbàttwas goingçon aroiqnd-lier, he b.d in siastod on bang mince pics on tylest.pbio on Chriàinas day. True, thore, wore net m#ny of them,- andi they woeê aunaIt aud frci.But the mince pies woetere, mrith whiâixy to bUrti ývth teaici nstcetb ýrandy' il isîy or Lhe party cho'eto' dbhroîîgh the cenony. Andl te ber tueo ides ciiwcîidhig wtliout wcddinig.clOthcs vas very girievous. It iass o h. o had tohi Nova Lhaitjlio wusàa indouE ith tWo mites.or Iniglit. ninke' horscif one, if she "e os&10 Ccounter aclf-isacrificc. But in su saying, gli bail by no moans enticipat. ldsuch a WidowoVG as tiis. 'I rcnily1 thinlc, Nora, yoQ mtight have on of thosei 'Ihlnner siks, i a mutiight do vithout a1 Weti; but you seculd have a vIl --in- deily6t bool d"But Noma waîsobe - ale. 1avinw overcomo ber fgturo lord, andi quited hor unclo, soue iasnot 4t al ,> prqp*reýd to yieluI to tbo nildt reluonstran- cre of lier auot. The tWo Miss Posters were vqry usuch shocked, antifor threý daspthora asadisaïrýeealilcooinesa betireen tes»andthe tPlunîstock faxnly. 4$friend'a bridai la ahîmys an occasiod'for' a fiîovdioasand thtaMIf" Posers oaturniiy ftit that they were bcbng robbed of their' rlghts. -(Contiîiue4 oextL week.) Kewm &dvertlseinents Ibis Day, keetIng County Coirail of Ontro-UIJ. *hutby msd SBut WhitbyUno&giit trai sociey-JoinWliu cîttuhi Provincial Asurance Co.-Johu Insolvent Adct f 1864 -JHolden. C. Agrieuilîsrah, Socieof ou eth Ontario -G. Rob son. Wlultby Sr. Co. Gramnuar Sciiol-U. W. Clark M. D. I!.ifer slrayed-Jobs Beekley. Adj oursed tQuarSesios-u ,J. Mac. doneli. * Corporation of the tovrn of Wiby-N. W Browrn. luffelo robe test. &W t1 *d boee-4. tinm 1 4imeatlu" o the, ii.044ard t $chcl Tristceas--Jas.Draper. Boots and ésiens vlitloiand roIil- J. Bain & o. Ï--.' , 1 1 S. Qibbsý W. bati weu lo » dst ert bell, Dryden u bave hoeu tii.4 sýuais chuirman miii ailuhe propritissi acquitteS himuel! mihuis usait 9eci ta Iiero vuaya erz vell oboi10*r, hl )In. Ceew t romlhia, vlice ostelb lu co"~Il doges. 10 îIboe etolmmtt lb.e ieettg. ,mr Saov ýUPPl#the si pe-fte ibees vesoyatees suvait s -4d bi Sw-s .smoeloal simuler, 'ýal Vianda veto vorhhy ail pralse. A*S &W up&a avot etflimais, ubluh use l emnyd, tethle .Onaitw of apagsm vise leoft ssthile doSi ormqpnMo41 iwola au 01h9,c<Ger4 ft <* m-e sion. in faeb e"tiavsptst ar oe, eîialiai lmulai s Mn. o uIc oltiled inlpamet (w to ôo aion, îebrsnuubebog4tg toe, ee gragatio f ls bse cuo.Egsd for itls #sue la oawUibaisg le r à 1ativilles. ýnuse mne,%iuii sci vider A . ti Le ali elreau51 le as te sa lieu. -J istlv nde-1 '"'s" s*ve 1%, as Mr. thonea J ro&i Tua M %Vaa-.Wemut uay tuat tan net va-y .moieh, altsaced by Urtes Motinga" or hotu gathorluga. Yos tii., have heirosaittess, and ,r uMas a god prpe.~ lh bueevr<veres aI people goa "ma ViruoUa, dhbotto~ serveS tsi suotior vay. one cf the xai pleasng ssI Let uueuded, whnesssâ for* long tîne in Witiîbwu vast bla in h e e Moeoisole' all ou yesterdaty (vsdaasiay,> .venlog bu aid cf lie fondaetflie Mothod. lut Ilisepal obunob la ibIs 1cvs TIses vas a croemS o! ore.,thai300 pssess preuont, vIe o h <heIn tes s I ate wiii rigbt good vIri, snd a mseoplsg relié tha v vpquit. eomforthsle, If set alto-' Couer sucra e " hia. çiitVet., le 4' - t iliar' gel e, ahepi ýrtctttioig pwv c f bacr aneiont1 lua ne i3hurder

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