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Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jan 1866, p. 5

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s -, - S IÂ xxmroax.-.A.ccording te the. 7WtDsrne thei.6 time louored uiom"c tbis body la e,,"sprig of ishînirec-in, uthe, batles bol.1 sud the. golden su1W bireîston the sflat cf ithebrecel... Emen Oinluhie book on Baglis: 41ar. Roter speaies of an old town lin gand - viire a place acd sud a draugiit, ef- boer are givei te "eoxrynone wlxo abouid askiil ai the. g&te,( About twenty cal, daily oniau ew~' This'la ps'md frena fend bequeathed or nbat purposo ln 1136, more thu cves lusdred jaes ago. Mrt. Chaerles Ccrh uba been appointed te 1hhe office smade vacant by bie fatbor's dean, ual ef jailor oft he Kiugston jail. A. telegrain te La Minerve, tates that Mr. lBrown, left wth tr iniisîcra a mein. oraudusi, in wblcii'bb- pledges te tthe xinisry bis coutinued support, inx order te carry through Coufétderatios. Two yeuttis et Paris tiare admirers et au actresS at ounef itheBoulevard ubeatres. The olleer aighu:,asilli cii wouîd bave il, tbey were both at the tîxatre, sud betix threva a frauc's tiortix ef lowera tote ojeaî of ihair affections. The. yenng lady ieeii up oily oe o e h ii oquets, wlereon the. alîgt.d swais called out the Lfsved ene addrau bin îlrxugh the bodly wîh a raplur. The. wouaded smen is uot e"pct- ed le survive. The. fuuiture cf Stpheas, the escapcd 'Feniant, wu sold by uceouesineDublun lately. Il la ssid te have boe l"styliah anxd ssgnificent.'1 -The Iris/e Tires anuecunees the. sus& pension eoflMr. M.sler, iiea4 warder et lUhmohned prison, sud, understazxds ilal ew loks and ncw bolts have beau erderad for ithe prison.- The.col weli ai Wardxxvlle bas bee pumpod te a deptix of 570 fueî,sud sînouglx "sehows" eofitil bav e cs ,fouud tuere lxs not sufficient te psy for puxnping. The. Newbury -weilleisabislugrief, the drill havimxg gel fait at s depnh eof-460 (cet. Ted. are being made te get the, dril1 eut. - BRITISH PERIODICALS. The 'London uarterY Ro- Týe Idiubarg Reviow (Whg.) The Westminster JLoview Tii. North British Review (FreChxrck.) :Elaokwoàd's Edinburge Ma-~ gsztne (Toary.)- Tbeitanrteau Vîttx i, ,,ie ,,. rp-pr,,,the abov 555,04 ed ratus. bt ia* iiC.et et « intàng bu d&w"lteinkspdof efulwfeUrIY oirtt claie- 004 itihL ess, die., wlel y' nxrna.ed.îov st- le 5io t dT5iclir er.xî,a* felxw, TERNIS FORL 1805. Fetiyuen 0<1e d,'vxr-w% ...... ern$400 Fors.yîlîrue,,hb:e ttavvw..e & 40 pur tulxkwao&'si eua.. 4 rtcue iw" tasd a# trlsw.. '2.00 Fer owekwced sudiamy Ivre u thîe - Aiftçst...........s.ae.00 FenEIB4kwtiod ut lIeuecf îlte Revlews...... 13.00 64 Fer Blsewkweod sud the ["r i te-. I vkw ...............00 e SeIisslIsrs lte liît l Iteujic will roinitilni adâluloa e Cisepres its'ety fiogr &emis a eelfu Bl.aflwesl asd ,js*s rest eajuin: furt aschitevlew tu Cam e l.Il. 8.YJIis tltdp&psuo!.lsW wbl xiltal ]Muaermeuxl lermad- eiares4Wier lwitwe'uIiniprcesor rexîueslita aâme- SM" 'ey srlle bEfl $hsall coalinuesta gve Whful mil sexau Iebo sasilar eOaxIIUmed ta ilîisij glai oim lieUne", eUe reCsaipt-ire Winl MOMI a casewp, (te uhssi or ncxexat totr.lsdsM &bou a( uufth.i.es>etnlg x.euiealla ia couxwa. Ooin"rd wbîthee ud- «.f thi.e rgissIdIix vwhli ntthex.paut inelas'oceg.45w eild bc &haut *IS iLcome. Dur P -«rime g & NEW KÙYI COVNTY 0F ONTARIO, i T ITTE 0F Â WÀRRANT I51URD BRY To Wit: B tIireSeuerof the. Oounty ci Ontaxà rin date the. Twextpehlbrd day e Agut ee busand eight bwedred andslatyve, Atd, te mec dircctcd, for ithe colection ofarresrs aaug thft dou e oflowg lands, in the- sald Couuty, 1. sbaf, on ,ruesday, the ThLrteenth day of February Noit, st the. hour of Twlîeo eclock, Deon, at h COURT IIOLJSE,ý IN TUE TOWN 0'F WIVBY, PIrocecd tote leui by Public Miction, cf suid lands, or 80e ucix thio.f 5aïuMayb. uccesary for thxe payuxont 0f Sucli orrearu of uiiu88nit8, unle"s thoeaime, tegétiief witb al Isawful charge, b. ooner paid. TOWNSHIP 0FPIIROCKO 1 E-- - - D . ý LOT. CON. ACRES. 1 S. W. art N. Part Si. l'art N. i s s. North & South of IL L 32 &833, Wiîn. Lenuxuden, lb, 11. dvet, 14, 29, 2, 15. 2001 -00, 18M. 1852 a 4 5 ô 7 S 9 60 2 a 4. 18.59 60 i 2 a 4. 1119 60 1 2 a844 ToWNSEIP OF MAltA.. 75, 182 s v 612 a4 100, 18239 60 1 28 100, 182 8 4 a7i240 1110 7 s 9 60 2 a Ico, iS8ss 7s 9s1 2 3 4 100. a R8 9 60 1 8 4 TowI4mIp 0Op FIC1CERNG. il. P. se, 2, ,à, i if co 1857 8 9 6o 1 2 3 4 1858 162 3 1 18590ou TAXES.RZMARKS. Supposeciro be $7 40. i'sterted. 44 M . iatouted. 191i 80. 410. 75 . du. 600. do. 40 63. de. 42 Id. do. 4a887. de m6 74. d. 121 90. de. Supped lu ho 37 44 Patented. 59 59. 1'saxeled. 1" (19. de. la os.. do. 43 50. TOWNSMIP 0P IIAMA. $1, Fiolxt, 99, 45,. Fui, 100, 171- -0, 200 1N. x 1846 1 8 t9 60 1 2 a 1W2 8 7 8 te,40 i2 à 4 38fts eil 8e9 60i Sad TOWNSIIIP OP REACII. et 4 t06, 1658 98 2&4 PORT PERIIY PLAN. 97, 1 s7 )6 7 8 G2 34 TOWNSUIP OCF SCOTT. Eluet , 26,; 8 pat4'6 7, E8 part on Ilever N i er tb Ey edW , TOWNSIUI' 0F TRIOUS. TOWNSRIP 0F tIBRWG 1b, ce1 19 2 3, ~ ~ o 70 M159512 1859 42 a84 1UN9a61384 1858 1ý581do 2 44 TOWN op WRItBry 96 M. - do. 73 70. do. 171141. dc. 60 0&. o le 79. (d0. 27. de. 871-. do. ERTS- m ÉET S GIIEAP FALLI & WINTER GOOIDI AT :BIWOKL1N.: MathewsonRatolift7 o Have ijost receivéd 4heir Fait'Stock of Fai and Winter Goodawhich hui#ing been purchased beforo. the,,lte1 advan ce the are prepared te offer at UNPRE 'EDENTEDLY Fa RnIlyGoeiealrg tc o ot and Shos-superior quality ana cherrp. -CLOTHINO READYmM'AIYE andiadeto oder'on the shortes ntice, in the Latest, styles. Tweeds, -Sati nets,, FlanI]eI l Uions, &e." of our 'ownî Manufacture, SqLD RETAIL, AT WUOU.LEL 1Brooklizx, Oct,. 4,11865., ¶IiIE %adanlagez offereci by hIe I'nalîxilon for acqexitiug v TIIOIIOUdII PRAOTI.' - CALBUSINESS EDIRiAýTlINcs7caperiur t» sexy fComerurcial CoUege in Dri. llslxlcetcrca. The Branches tAugiat cxpriac ovcryUxixxg nccemsry for tixe Bêe&iÇeep- er mntiBusioas l; by includ- THE A9YUAL BUSTiNESS DBARYfIMT il tii.e nsa omplote amrngeurietet its kind, bêiîgfurectsbcd'wth two ýBANK8 A mERCIIANT 'e.MPOiuUm, andian ECINIEOFCwlieii aeopes every day for Lb? transactiof et Duines. igr Cliba sii TEGRAPINqG every day-uu ]PHONO- GRAPHY, sofi.weekly. -jr For lfexibly tIsofÀu peieu tNv=xrrrr,&c, altirs k(eoosing stamp), M1JSGROVE & RIGILW TOÉS BE 'YNISLifç PUIS &nrifY 1tie, i' î te5ýotteon,7t(canise c.Stomnach and ThEMNDOUS ?/&O R i F I1(JE"f Bkwis nte ,îcw 111e0 inutha"doilaited suld Téobc dispo sd'ol ý otre t e i ck ta.prfoct hiuth. 'lPy thora ? 1 1»Il :0y ioé D5 Coànr4 ed&itf yb'ï ut axenet rh hé Ildraggie L.sendth, mnr eDL1 Coffulltxg jhvsii, 4lt2Broud- ,507>, sd tlxoywiil bc àlent by TOROfQt , ' If-g nt8 New orek. r(e GEO, L ESLM Q 01.TO LADIESSI" As ilarge quanilt 0 am1 F~Dt e r I e ii i & e iti x A it O tl1 r nt u r s e t l 0d, s % 5 t t h . y e . u s e I IL 1 tV E Y , o iaSl i l e Chio uot qnlty,asud m Iiq i n*u growtb. noer-faiixg tremdy for lthe TO fO B. 110( jOO. arisai Thoy-are mafe sud sure aud vili rester. A 40Agocît. satire lu every case. Tlxoy arc 111,4seflecl- -fe NBUC.^ C.ESO o lu In edo Utelin do 1'11, itarrister, Sellcitoi lu Chancerl, Atm. Bonfg DE. ItAUVit >nrivâte llemeati tornel, &c., &Co ingIdl ilxstrtuttous 0 eou l orequIred for putt-ge. If yeuniinîoýpttribltte iplls uf or OFrWCE-Noit deer te thie fegietry yonr drnggixt, thiy wîlI bha seult by niai, se- cure from obWerlvation, Oie»reltt t ino Dol.' Ofio, Wbtiy.41 -1Y lare by Dr-. J. Bitres,Coenisxxf.1ng rsîysîtliati, _____________________________P. O. Ilox, 50091. 441 Broad~way, New York, M~.Su ~Deaiers suppied by Benne, Barea &Ce,, MILLINER. &c. MWboîeseie Agents, Neow York. ,2m-y JIUCI T. CLE e CAIO NCg, respcrt dies, saxd the pibîtc, nit t fb sulepeare e eetiesallor gux» n liex t su e tîwtla eand, e. ise uC'er mi 40 GEORGE CORMXACK. L UMBER MItIAT Carponter, and Jcîixor. Green St, WIitby. -Alarige quan. let 'cil ëflcd u erestltyon baud. UN DE RT A XINO. f UNEItAl£ tnly gsppied àii 'stoded n gVs. t notion. CUMLnkepl conalfxitly e basnd. WhltbY, Fnb. stîx, 1862." b-ly LEVI J'yBIR ý . Mioensed Auctioneeer, &c, Salas altexîreif n ail parts of thre -1,. C. CAIà1WELL VETrRIARY SURGEON, rthu aclgeîi;xe, andd lxbom ~by imlct utren--ý l, »llas,lr ts aat.etfpubïli' l ges Urmeos-maxs îtret., second bouse boiow -1081s'ti Fir !~Fire?1 Glad News for tue tJNFORtTUNÂTE5 B £E LVS $peeigie 1'ii; ad w ttrtalxtsd B in al caes for tle Spedy and P'ermanxet tfite oiail diseastis arsi.ag front, goxusia mss djâithfi Indiserction Beuini L as, N igh insato an ds euzusi D re ux -; G t i hy i2c l ad N o n ous D - > No change cf Diet là nodessrm., and tlxcy dau bc useti without dutectieuti. i box eutalist 0 7ils,1'il t'e lle I ot i b OL g et t»alt e se re y souled, *1 fit 1 i stu tlou tha mesure a a roi Onrecept o e lb.uoncy and A pmhe tf10pageson the. erroers-e youth thé oueqlxevis un d riedv smont fro 1 ncts reqnircdfor postage. Âiess Dp. : ù Brr.N Cunitiug Pixyiean, P. O. Box 5092'. 442 Broadway, New York, Desiers cao be snipplied'by Derm, J3nuc O., WhoclicAgenltbe, Nov Yrk. Famfo r Sal1e B ING'icbéonuhliait of Lot Ne. 22, lIii. Bniutb con., of thse eWnship 01f Ma, coltailling 100, aoces, bout 70 acôe elcare.!, wlth a gond dwerlliug honse Ud a Dow traîne bar, 80 by 0 with stables ad shedsiiunder fli naru. iwo gond weiis ad a youg buse- lue ,Orcixrd. Sitnatod iabout 4 muas frura the Villagro f Athcrly, aud seven mlloà freux TitIs ludispntablo.- P. F3.-Poe artielars spilyto .Olvr proprictor, P. M. et A.hburu, or Robexrt Gra.- iu, agent on file pru nliesà-. É < ED W A1D OLIVER, P. M. 419 tk4lltrll, P. 0. O0 fixeux asenrlty, lu rwo suisut of850 S eb. 4J GEO. Hl. DI1TXELL,' JustReev Va4 pn pin a hy WIa Atiryie 'l rOWN'lo1V 'iý For pari ielicitxr, 'Toronto, 1sf., Noir., 1863. Id U INSOLVENT ACT OF -51864 Cetixt ci otnt.,rlo , t lu,,e Cexfftlyc 0e 'o w i : <! t *io . f n In tihe inatter et GEORâE sm ia4f e veut.- N OTICE la-bereby gIven that on Tuàdi rIxe twenty.se enth dsyot Febrnàrj next, ut ton or ' ti,. dock in thxehb-onoon, or a ,soor. u6 CoùiIuctiobeu b. honn, lte nudersgne, lllWly bthé J udgae ofthe laid court for d"I;chapuxdata'ad Act. Dated ut (cfmetxgon, LuIâ loth &dayf e cener, 1865. IOG CiOG MITII, BY cHAS . O. kLLEIk, bis Attorney. 9Itwëtioouitho nerigied, nxdor thôjFf ut Docker ce IKnewiea, 6s thîs sdsy direlvsdb: mutuel consent, and al debtà dud te, w b tic lâe o Prxnr wUItbo set&Iûd by D. M;. eclei whU l nt enbrlzed w bluit Ieet. D. M. DEOKER, WILLIAM IINUW]Lii1 S . Biums, witness.. Pickering, Dec., 18tii 1845. LL,,Peronnowig tostLate etftihe l. rn BIgelow, r ebéycatio Btgaîeow, ;Vinbec 1V'~% Wrd. es t etBro* Brtq eaeM.lTîe.tosilT ersedt ,waaiaiestisd . p«i un raudea. M eest.w 0l, mpostplm SCOTT à O. ARES 1 106 109 ans 186 285 'p 218 'se 818 611 141 841 858 866 862 18818 1859 '1 89 0084' 1881 61" leu 61 18B7N 60 1 4 18679 60 8 à 689'0 t1 34 1851 40 119 s.. .NOM ATYard'-.Wafl uog aUM KdloeaF&vs,-P4s, Lou .YortA Ward-R.t tOf 82 u4 60 1 2834 183 189 60 1a 211 i1uu 4414 Cen eBreak Et. Bloek A, do d A doe-' ,do 4. - e Ca rnage -011. do. - 1 ttCUJ .~ ~ o hi& de C. O. j hu 8 . d 7. imýý MIATIIEWSON, RATCLIFIý4 X Uo. YEARS DVZ- 1 1 TORON-TOP C 1 ý:-- - ý QA ti 1 .

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