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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jan 1866, p. 2

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'-I ~'* M M I ____________ ~owAttorts~ioùstbi 1ays hbotsandi uîoos--Jaa. BIwn c. Stoie-liateb & Bt-o. 1>.i I-aii&Be $25,M07-Y. Gibson,, lmr VedFrin-A. T. Button. Ilotel ho let-T . Totterdalci. liotal FutWiture, &c., for sale-Te ¶fofter- VemutnWanted. .Appraier- Caniada P tnAfent tuilding Hefirer Strayed -J. Mln tyroi Vad-Dr. (.urry - .&shburn Fait-G. MeicaIf. The. "Trac!. Rovipw." Large legis-James Blatui. ONUY $1 -5e CENTS A YEÂR Whitby, Thursiays Janu'ary 11, 1866., VOLUME X. The trade tu Canadiau Cetile with thle 89tates puoibited by the Ameracn Goreranret. lTd" eb iiprotébos of ehlng pro tutio.- ii57 mnensures te provent iiie intodsctioii Of Illhe catie plaire, the. Âmericta govera- Ment have ordered ",-et~oppage-of ail exportation of iivq 'tock-fironi <anada te the United Statos. Tii. iraffieila cans-' quently ontireiy clc4. Of course îLee cattie plague tory WeiS 0017 apretenle.. It is veli knovn tixat niy attle dsee vhatevier existé la Calada. the. odi6im nieaure bas bas eau!W 10 further the PoILer Policy', of« ooreing CaÉada mbt annexation, by éIosing to) Canadiens the. Amorican markets. lu proof cf ibis, vs have tie fùtat, tuai Âmoicaa catlé ôare allowed ho, be, brourgit front oue point; tirough OCa and u ntr Lamotier juto, the, States, Tepelyl aoebrde- aigned asoua of coorciou, md Éothiug. more or lesà.. lrdyleadneaoC its adoption bus vorked opsid«râble mis-. chie! to caIle deales Who badmade large Purehasea, an4 n0jove ireatu o f a ptCbb- tien beiug placeduopon tliefr Oxport&tio: It is, hovever, a poor rtri. that Vii! fot worn both ways. CAiia4' turn. fo act comçs nexte Andi li ây avent4 a more umueufal cours,1e: ôýIef~not b4 talion ta effeci ithe domigned oetje't, ibu at we have mentioned, Tii. etTect of the. proi- bition$, intcad of accomplishing vbmi va, intended hy it, viil h o tabld Canadiens,' as mach, more f rmly' tother, and open- the eyczoal iiithe'iii. Une ar*,cter o.f ithe gocernmnent. cf the.United Siates.ý -1, 'Thç News. BREOTINO lMATH.-A friendil ràitél beiveesaMarkham ava Whitby, fa vbich thie formervrore tii. obaIIsngere,' taràe of uer Burto's lotel, Whiteva.le# on Tues- day Isat. Whitbi gained an easy ýviciory b> aizteû Lld$L, Th!e foilowbg il1th David Tweedio, *...... 0 i1 1. 101. James- Bovlsy,.....i o ol1i1. Tiioiu as ler, '1 1. l t i l11. iVre;MEre,...iiii flrÀd ÂrmnstrýoA-.i î11 ii10. John, watsn......- 1 i i 1 ii. Win. Wilaoh, l .. 1. iO0 0 00O. H. Miller....... 1 1o 1 1i il W. Thompeon, 1 1 1 1 1 i0o1. - ru.~...iO1 1,01 ' 1 - Dfefoe, 0O0O 001 i0O0. .-.Boldo, ........ 1i0O0O1il 1 0. tatziw' As Àsuurio.-At ibo regu. Jar meeting heM ai thei. îMby Grammar escti1 on Saturdaylaui-mtoi. Iirland, Secretary, ith esideili rexmdan fnt&restig paper on the 49"Tire. Table," viiich he iluatrated on the-,b"ac board inlaau inse- nions maniier4 The follo*itng 4ppoïttwents *ore cnade for next reeelig, vbicb vill b. held in the. saine place on the fint Satnrdsy cf Math -3r.Munro ta presntj for ahi-î c4uia, bis v*tking "ie table for the dmon thi A deapateh from OChicgo a"js îiit aità montily mcetiug ciZtbà Feulit i iroîlrebood *ct Tbuaday atsndod b> the ' étie mîliii. AI$ ahd .civid DtËàisati@na, ý l ii. niau'a pIedged îhomselves la furih Gen. sWfteny, their "seorêtâry' cf War,» î*o refliinta, füliy tnàed and 6ç4ippe for ,motb-ia. Çanada, ire aOPluoÉ. ln hllinok ansudOlluei ortiois oft di. Western- Statea, crn ilasctually utade ntu dr for fael. It ilad n«oier ed cmue1ieeapèr ts Wood. -tare of ocrn an c s . iuûi4 for tes cengtapée bmsl by 'nmeuur% fs'â seventy hoheaWoth $7, viil joue a cord. A cord cf Wod, inc14ing saw!nç, oai 050, vwè fSé b ssi51dmta' l., cosi cf a cord of cors, beaidos 1.hi tual the cor.producea xorebeat tia the Wood. bille frein -ltho Window ofsa broýer, wua mrreated ai. Sarnia b> detechive-" larÇk'eBs,' iiad been.on the.lok ont for hi.. '$618 cf the stoieil monéi veïes fond 'W bis possession. FPour lices et 0coacûos now rus 4.11>te Sais, sud ivo tu 1Wyo«Mlg, tO aoom od- mte iniu-o f siranger. ta 011 Spdupg. DL a. ust vbo hua praetiasd'duiing the. puat six years la Part flos1t féri the pregent, talion up lrel1.jj-r arily ai theo'"Robion, ROMP, Tii Doctor, ve'aý bld, iged ~t1m~ Whitby, pertÉanently, aàs ac cu mfhlSds a suitable residenee., Sec Card iniohe colueur. afternoor., Mr. W. Cowan$ àa cinductor on the Grand Trunk Railway, ifag arréïtèd on aiW~*~cî b DeteTiveor, on.- aCtarge,. of bvingj, on thé 3A ff-:'overber, ,nbctàIed thii n o f à--fà* paidw hlm by pasen.-er-botwoo îlW city and Bellileé '1h. accoud as s aeueuty îtdmitted to bal. H 'oiii.à are nd* euIpl . edl ou i , aity tairo*ds i In Èe onk, ýP 4O(ttr," ýrIese feiinn* detectives baïe tig o Ibos than tirïj toftmluctors laot wèek, for liknockfg dv.", iEut t4 fwsi*t àots, ma thisa ae*,check i;othw l~b oesy -Of oonductot. vilL Dot loigprote effe.otual 4t '4' . ul;,ob the 4orDngý of-:Oâdry stb, the. teMperature rec.orded by P»eSmaI. .,Wood ai MoDlrst vas 21 deg. lfeo*ero. ~the Ctttmeora.nge of Cettpefsf*e. vftbin. the. twveuly four hours-wýs tortyve âegrees., An outbreak amongth.negro soldiers oeenrred at Bladon Springs, AlagIanýa, oD tb, 22n8 uùIt.during whlcb'thy, kill4d osv.wm mad firçd sêeral dwellings. .The ocler Ici commaud sent to Mobile for a détebmuent of' Wb!te uloëos b quellibi Thiere ii no trnîh Ili the, rumor t4ai the rgençy of the, Bank of lMonirdd -et Quobec ia about to b. withdra*u.- Tha etrictlons' under vWnich the Episco pal clIijyJ cf A&Uam&-hàve foi smre time beesu p1ace iare nowvformally withdrawn. iit nof Oftw' ujiathesNew York 11r- #ontaini -sensible mmark, but noyer- tza ..Itj,"ot' exemp tfroin occasionail accidéauu, vitneu a&n'article in Rli isus of- the 3rd, h isïhfolsieaf ein rvolutionar" projects, ,and adlsing the. Érotbniood te employ fte fonds in pro- inting the immigration 1tuiithenited States of thii . sffericg and disafféctedl countrymen. Loiýnox Duc. 24.-Tii. Feniln, Barr, convmied ai Dublin> a inreiudh the. Dartmoor-prison. At Cork. on the. 21sL December, Charles Underwood O'Connell w'aa foànd guilty of ifeason and felony. E'. vas îwsentenced to ton.' jears' ~eservitude. O'Connell mad.o a» elojuent speech, and after b.ing senianced expresssd us carnest bopa that .uber# w4?ld b. au cichange of prisonera before bis sentence expired. Capiein RIove, brongbt op the. repor t of tiis comnmittee, aud on..moticoii the council vent intoc, ommWeitte iereôn, lir. Cameron ini thé chair. Tha. report *aa adopted vitiioft amendamlnt. Tt sats forth the. amonhi expendéd la mnèli'Ward as faloiv Centré -Ward....30... 91 a Dýundas Street........... 283 85 Brook 4 loi » _92.*.. 7 D Southi Ward, AiBase lino... 28 18 Caî2ptain 13ove in explanation smid, that ail lbaboyé vas an extra eipenditre, with tlb.eeopiloûé cf DtttdasSt., and tseBase line whioh bac! balanices te theft credir. Poandus StrUèî, ho sqtdwad noir lâ a vcry fair stateocf repair, and would net require G muçoh bereafièr te leep it soý Sr. iaïiiolà broùghit np tii. repoftt f ,bis commiutee, whic won adopted with. outý amendment. -, Tt recommeànd 1' pay. ment of $261,80 te George Yule'-for cil tc; $, te John Shier for staking and survey cf Hopkits sîreet, and to William ]fr..;P'aveu brought up a report énder tua mmed which vwu adopted, and ordtirs granted for pmynent cf imali accotinta to Jbbnit Bell, and J.-Card, TAIES RKTUIitiE11 On motion-cf Mr. I{ay,>seconded by lie. Powell, the son o f *9,59 vag î4irected -te b. returned telMr. Le*is Hoù'cèk t ase paid by him in error on lot No. 8, which 414 Dot beioag te hum. C0MPL1MENTS TO THE XOUL. On motion of -Mr'. Éerry the Major lef: the ch air, and Captain Rowe vas moyed thereto. ý 1Mir. Perryseconded by Mr'. Powell tiien moved, and itwvas uuanimously ,remolved, ail the unemboný raîuîng ini their places- 66 That the. members of this Council cano t bring thé. business or ithe corporation for 1865 te a close vithont expresmlng their appreciation cfthie able, dignifled and impartial manner wiîii which Hia Worship has 511.4 ithe chair 'and presided over th. deliberations cf the, Council during the pumt year." Mr'. Perry warmly enlogized the lilgi character of ,tic Ma)or, as alil tat was a good impartial Mayor, e& goou4 ma%, aud a good citizien. CapLoinRove, in tendcring Mr'. Brown tii. resolution juat paasd, congratulated hlm on, the high estimation vhîch it Show. .4 ho vas beld b7 bis collages Tii. M41,er suitably returned thanbe, stating that dths satisfactory performance- cf is duties vau more oving ,tq the kind nasa. cf the . mnira cf tiiecounuil, thon ta bis own, dessrt*. His worebîp tiien -retomed the. hair, and the touneil adjonrnedie' di.. 4Bef ore. tLb. cc nncil broka np, vo fonud au ex. pli-nat»uî c.r tho ilprogratma" -'L'art IlV' It' ai, 'Irs that there vw» ai t rb"dance ouille. previctis" Sahtds&ày, inR% mdc!th INiYFus". -A vorthy, cOrrespondent banda e au ccceunî of a adýinfety bld.o oÉs<w.yesru' dey, #atbe Indisu DltIU ile o ol'useS âto'(le Puipls oS the Town Schoolsto As ou former occasions, the prites a*ar' deéd ta. tie POpils cf the common ÃŽchlii, ,Who werd deetaed worîhy cf sncb distino. itou, wetmdistributed prie r to ths Christ-, tÉas bcil1dayu, ai a publie meting calied' for the. plrpose, oYn the eïening cf Tura.- da he ti21.1 alto0., i. 411 of the Me- ciionica' institetoi Tiere was a large attendanés of cildren, parents, teacheýr», aed Irustees, ail intereti l te lmpor tant proeeedings 0f£ the eveniug. Theb chair< wstakenai '.,eigit o7clook, ý by,;His :Wprihip, ihe, Meyeor cf the Town'i lere voe aroind-1ief ou the plitf rthe Local Superloteedeet, Mesrs. iH. ~rao",r, M. Tbwalté, J. B. eil, j.-'vrwjTrnai tee, sd 3earaJ. .Ferry, R. J. ljI- sou, Ã".HI. Darnnsl, uad Px. y. SImih. Tho.prit es vers dllti c ieÉy tbtcugb .ube '1rnst'es and G. Y.' Saitli, Esq., lite head, master of ithe Henry Street Scheel, the'iames beingcalled cirer y tii. each ers cof the,,rtspôcIlie Divisions, and by, the, Local -SuperiJte adent. Tii.- ànumber of prizea mawarded vaà zuuch larger than, on other recont cccion,.>beingtfot e±cellence lu individual subjects, At the close cf this p4 1 t pftb. preceedifig, a. livoly and humorou addreàU ,uà d4eleiedlW the. aud i~and -especâaÏly,10 i, teycnnger portion of 1, by Mr.' Ferry," io ôdîmieg tiie boursé cf it, -scggegted aù additional ~d,;Ï'u Ëýiday ffat t i~Obolsrs, wbich. tie chainzu"nn-cf iii. loard St-oncelgranted. Tho national antheus, and tl3ree -oulas efý, heany,'cheering e9baumted tbe pro. gramme, oui] youfng aud aid retutnèd to theiï hqmes, aSPauI? luti.bshc humour wii t rmaelves and, ail around them. Arý<t7meIic,-1at c l o~1t J. Burna, 2ad A. Rosae ud clase, A. BrovuI M. L'ngZish Oraimmar.-lat clama, lot H. Pne, 2nd A. Bures;-,2ad clame, lis D. Reain.-'a Ins,,l lt E. kcLean, J. Wilson; 2ud clasé,- lat G. Bain, 2nd M . ýMiller, S Eagi& llustor.-lst cla"e, lot. A. Burns, 2ud E. Mills; 2ud" clasaelit A. Brownî; 2àd D. rovn. 'gli~ and DÉidation. -aut8 cimas, lot. M. J,.-llarbs * 2ad B. Huton ; 2nd clam, lot A. Brown, 2ud, F. MPhermon. .Wiritiiug.-1st clame, lot . licLean, 2ud H. Pringle, (girlsç,> lst A. Roa, 2nd. C.. Johuston, - (boys) ; ud claie,-loi M.' Schlofield, ,2ud B..Huatio,, (girls,)'lot G. ilain;2nd 'B. 'Hall; (beys). - Geograpy -lt-rclasa, lut P. Ruutin,' 2ad E. Milis ; 2#)d claa,'lst4X. Bain, 2-ad B. Hall, ard A. lJro*n,' ' iSooN»~DrJ82oN- Iss uT, TKACIEW. Fox, eûd W. Collas ; rd clam, C.<ilon 2nd H. uBcAlan.i 6eqgrapIhy. -lot cas, lot M..Rave, B.d Estery; 2ad cia.., lot Vus._Correlli 2nd J. 'Woodheuse , àrd jizzie Armstrong; 3rd clama, lai E. Donnclly, 2nà Mary J. Armutrong, IBrd JeB. kennedy, 4uh John Fmer. - Uuhtry.lsîE. $toqy, Ïnd M. Rove,. -DÏialion.-lst clan, Isi E. Kennedly, 2ndIA. Wblte; 2ad clus, lIstLU Ashby, 2'nd Swans acAlan. deomer,.-ist E~mma Kennedy, 2ad M.'Fo;-9B M M., BoyS. Alkbrd.let, Matilda F ok, 2nd Emma Kennedy, 3rd M. Boy.. - Liner Drqwin.--iat M. Rave, 2od M. ox, rd J. Woodh6uao. Best kept book.-' Matiîda FPoz and John White. EFmdaby; 2ud clana, lat 1 lair, 2w! B. HopVýbr : ýrd clam, -1st F. &èpheueoa, mdnC J.' Auderaon; dth clan, Ist Ann Newsoim, i2nd jeu. -.loheston ;. Sdiclams, lat Wm. Jolunten, ýGd C. Lugiar; M clama, lot -W. Robinson, 2nd J, Wiilis. AritA met ié. -lut clan, ligtE. Betto, ~u-.Gadsby;. 2nd clan, lot Z. Blair, 2n d Mary Jordan l 3-d cane, lei S. C m~ bell, ÃŽnai An nie Blair. - - Grammar.-lat clans, Iot Ë.etts, -2na G. Gadaby; 2ed clase, lat Sarahb chntO[1 2nd Elizabeth Johnst#,n. deoûrapk.-lst clan, ats G. Gadsby, 2nd E. Bette ; ýnà . asas; lt Ànnie Blair, 2nd. Eliabeth Johnoton.' Hf-iton~.-Ist 13. Butte, 2ad 4ý. CUadsby.' Good Ooedud.-Mary J. Barretaud John Willis.

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