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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Jan 1866, p. 3

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The, 8eanuhlp--Moraviau arriveil a1 P'ortland on tbe Ouh lit. Thé Fenian trialis and ouyiedotka eon* imue at Cork -McCffrty's acqitta b. inIg the Wny crie tlia far. Joremiali b,,>oovan mzd rbomaa Dmggau wv.r, cou- ibctdente 20th ulL~, and a.uîeuc.d, re. sp.Ctl t ô and 10 years peusliserv- tude. The trial et Charte# Underwood 0'Connell vu progr.maing, andi ovideuice vus given conuminlg hi. with the Heasd Centre in N~ew York. Meuy atitionai trOu billa bave been fonut spialt other Feniau prisoneru. Ainother cal mine exploulon, neai Me.rtbentedvil, killed 32 poraons and in. jured many otbers. - Prcsideunt Jqbngtonm Message ta said to have enhanced American fteurities consl. derably. Markets wbre tieli. 'thie bteàimr Ca11da, N*ît LiVoipoot on the 23md, iia Queeuatowu on the 24th bec,, etrived aI Halifax on the 9ub- lat. Frer diplohiatie, Ilollpotide b..4 * ween Mr. Adams and 'thb. Briish Fu>rign Secretary la.piablisbeti respecting the Smc King or iSemndoi2, under dato of Ney. 21. M1r. Âdsmna maye bo l luairucteti te atate tbat tbe propriaitiot of ur Majetty's Ooyeruwmnu for tresting ifh± Coismisi. on ià reSilCtfolly de.lin@&e Oa tbe 2nd of )ecinber fr1 Charendon #riiing te Mr. Adattu maya:He aes- ly'a (Govirumunt couild.it tisau ne dtau- tage dan resuit frofn - pionorging thse cbtroîversyof wviebi the topits att Nil7 pxbalustcd,- but whkch miglit poaaiblv, if tonîinued, introduce scrimony loto thse relationa between Eonglaod and the United States. Earl Clarendon persista, isovever, la assrltig tisaI Englant bas never deviated froth ber- dhîlns b4 a neutral Powerand hi declares'bow trongly lIer Id (s3' overv mmnt and the, people of Ëngland desire to b. In close- friendshid vush tbm Unitedi States. Vîrtually- tbis- torrespoudene Iearet tbe question of Âuueanap int. on IÈogland stispended. Thse sttamer Ibes, belonging Io Cork, Wu*retIed near that port, tu,& about tu Tbe 7imeà buai t editort4l on Secré- taryMeCllohlereport, wbicb il #ay$ i. Biaruly able. The Trnes tbinka tbere ar* togresn o determino Congreas of Fedeai-"ous ;SýîoWa ato W ai donlateCaptIoin ut IV-eda armwb resuli ma inobi rusedwote ourt blua CapainGenndan& tisena ofe Ja"ed pendng te prelon ofi tr-l NEW AD VER T 1S E m BNîrS: -HATcH&nlRoTrHER havie tttledad offer for muJe 1tiR-"R ger's" IvOry llandted- Kuvea, (Table and Dessert.) ' Do. Carvemh. Plated tnd Nickie Sihrer' Dessert, and, Table Forks is - ted ana Nickle Silver Teai, Dessert and '0abl Spon. C OJL -OIL' LJ/PPSI Table hanging- and hand table Mats, Tes. Trays, and WaiterB, Chopping Axes,' (single uand~ double'steeled,) flickory A±e Handies, (a superior atticle, ) Fowling Pieces, Powder, Shot, Caps, Wads, Enaie1 ed '1Coth, Sofa Springs Trace Chu.ins, Cow Ties, Mink Traps, &c.., &e., together with their usual large assortmmnt of' 'in*are, Ilardv4ret Paints, 01115, Glass,. c £ B'.lkt Coal Ou or4ly 60 cent8 per gallon. .3 NO4 4. Whiîby, Jartuary et 1860. BR( CK-ST. WBLTBY. 7 IOIbs. (*OFtGOO 'lD SttGAR for $1, caJh WJi.IL GOCIIJVE,s DUN)AS STREET, WIlITIIY. Go od URRANTS for $1 -00e M.L go- COCHRAINE'. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Farm for Sale NEW ADVERTISEXENT8. 300 ACRES flaVFe nùW to band a -very extenslve sthock of FANCY& STAPLE DRY GOODS, New Millinery;and Ma-ndeès gff IN TIIE LATEST STYLES.-~ OUiR I7PIJ5VNE STOCII OF" READY-MADE CLOTHINC, IW CLOTHING NADE TO ORIPER. M~ NE FRUl.mlleITS .lust Fruits receivcd an Imense stock of Fresh for Christmaà, consisting of1 RmsiNS, CTTRRANTS1 i'IGS, PriUNES, &LMONDB, CANDIED CITON~lÇt UX!X& ORAKGE PEEL, SPICESt Nr1Tâ, o WI1N ESA NDe-1LIQU ORS8 0F TRE ]3EST ý'BRANDS., HAMILTOQN &cou- No 1 and 2, Till's Block. 60 Fr uit, e, r', ROI3ER1~S~ FamilX 43rooer. 0110IIICE ASSOÉTMEWNI!O Wlnesrand e-,10, oir, Whitbyi beoeniber 20, 1866. Ce, ROBERTS§ -Wine and 6plirt Merchant. 50 - GROCERIES A varicd- assortment ýof superior, Dry G oods of evcry quality and piuce bhas been added ýto the, Croce ry 0Of th-e undersie and inspect the gualit and, Liquor.*Sýtock gnied. onu bis liât of prices tbeore purceasing elsewhete. JOH'N FARQtTHAIIS9NI - - Dundas Street Wixitby, Decomber 20, 18655. 60 CHRISTMAS SÂTtTRDA'v , l3th Jaan., 1866,, Ai ti oiifr of 10 o'cloc8k, a, i. Broughiami, :'01. 26, 18d&. M New store: - Â1ý building 40x.24 iwith1 ,w~aTE.;M, t,ébOe1'étvI u h Vfad ff py tVLoTASTVEL, Whitby'and East Whftby UÙ-. ionAgric1mea1 Socety. '151E Annual, einc1g ýî tho ivhîi.ob andl i. Ei t iby Hlion AgiiduXtÙtasocoty, willbc held ezthbo OBE HOTEL, Bnô)kLýN At S. o'clock, p. m., ou 1't'URSDAYt 3an« ltth 1I66, Thé' Dirootors arë'oiquested to*niéel! et'Il s.rn., to à"i2t th* io okâ -fur thù preont jeat?. N tino bitVing boofl giVen to roavjnc Meîo geieral nles I praec:ui d ull hattcudance ut mviii. JOHN WILLI$, $ccrutary. Whitby, Do6; 28, 186,5. ie GOOD ÃœAËCE'F03 A TIM =9ÉT SAD I>Ç 2 Northi Ontarlo. FOR 8AL.,gÃ"RTO LET. "AT wIl iutaated brléliBkwkasmitljr; mm uointyA ruua oit OF SOUTI IONITA li. Lwâ~8ôov Iv tSon ('njrîo d 1 lie edtoTowîI Hall, Withy-, 01 Thxmday, Ja l 8th, 1866, .Tli O1fc~8s'ndDaretorn wili M"ec~ô Rall d4-;,"at' Rùobottom'adoti, whitby, îut GEO. RWBSON, -.t.. Soorctnry. PICK.MING AGRIG;ULTURAL3: OIETY-. HE n1Eatnual mecetink of the Ag ri en Un , a T sooit> of the Towriil cfPickorisit vwll bhIeld ntt thQ 2OW1T TÂL, 31~CON4l ".1 &ý4 . « 4% 4 A ý

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