44IIIT le MRONICLE, Street, »Whitby. '*M150 PER AN'M, ýë*rott&ric1Spn.and 2 .entm pér lino, eliW i5 1 contfuct' ÃœÃn. with, doUosb or 0hotlewigo. tvptmrsb 1o loeîinuo advertisexnm ninat ý,]ANKOF ONTREAL, W. I. DEAN* 3(awger.1 AI iITERS MKAND ATTOI!NEVS-AT- Loi kisoiletorate thetaRank ofI Mnitreail, 4 tht Cýrpratnof heCaunot.' a! Ontario, ptmrlemt to., &e, Whitby, C. W. C -1 C A v FIv), q. C. Il. J. 3MIOiirONtLL. ~ ~unvtlaui puî. rundmecrlv.Ap- ýyettç lcof lte Érin, Couirt lloub,- otutil . oioltrm.&o AWoatorîneauvae Ruitoit .e o 1«rblu treoi. Toronto, Ir. W. Toeaîuto, Jîily 2 b,lqgi.- 29 o. il COCIURNELe L. L. . -10UNTY CR9OWN ATTdRNElY FiOR ON- ýj taiol. Il% 'rl4tar aS tnno-tLw o ltin 011 <.Ii rerý, totiery 111040i. &C.- ,fge Il s ihin.'..da GCoRc E il. DA RTN ELL, SXUTEATTORIN EV. fC>NN'EYAN jar, i)cptity R t't Nr.MIeptir FE'triirîii tr7, ando&etinitiri Clancerm- furir t'.<un- ,OfiUntavia. Ofc lri-t.N<ilîa 110flERT 3. WILSION. IRIIqTZ'R & kA'rroifNEV AT 1îÀW, >qôo1trittnctlianerv.k&C. Wiuiîhy, tV. W. 3 6.WtISTltiiAT-LAW AN!) FOLI('tTt R Pii 1lîutneery. 'îtner-2Tortiti.. Je K. <CoRiOx, 1 Hmoo .owo. & 'owuýl'ii Store, 19. B. FAMBUANI<S. 10LICITOII, lN)TAItY PLIV,&ar. ke. SOSIatr. C. W. (W ARLESI C. KELLERI, îirco , Convoyanrer, k. ann je .tig3E11GRBENWOOD, TL0V ~2~)lEY-AT1,41. SOLICITOR I\N # o f ruiiry>ffite.enittikîtîri. 4Q J.. E., FAREWELL, L Le B-9 i qaiy' Ly. oiceatinCtu.ner, 'ta- ~ t100, ,9.Oflo.,-4hnoel mtre.,Northu tt oit UI8iîtohd, (fehtaW0, C.> W. 40 LYMAX SiIL11II,. L L R Our ît V, & .. 40 JOHN OILLIN<.S A.W Cl A.IW.V.& CI>NVZYAN '!NG' LI O'Yto, Pt'iu aAbert, îwa doorn westof iC. Foriiî'.store. 12 R. W. CLARIC* MJ!, Do ~?na-0110 dont, Euaî t n ymrnoid & Club nasbv~e, tie Ste*, Whiuiy. 44 -Tova ,nhall-fl ee-ciState a'lock. KIlNtON kà DOSVELI., TIMS. Kzili treehot, S doorse Lt cfo ut trpt, .Teriut. 4 Ný S V LLAGE,ý C. %V, OFFICI AL aie fon York and Ontuiol, ISotîn> MOKGcE G URnurY 6,NT Tudhor, Draper &c., iaggt. tn'e&earmatm-mdoop ent# bout ite ms abcoie.' goode for iuprnir r>' me-icle Werraziuue, :o11t, ne RO.GEROTEL. iLL>1 JTE OFV TIIR NqN- VOL X. Cruceker's Hô tel (LÀ"E PLÂTT8,) YELS ONSBIBRT, fTOI? Yx 0 Abovo King Street. T Il ? mlutiorih)er be o ta tt.ta tbogo in Wlitby, and Funrroulili n cnntry, tbat en liborally pi&rouizildhlm, white landiard el trio Comîineoial llotol, th..Lt:lie ha* etnoec3ded Mr. Iltt Ili trio hotoil 00 long 1kept by lm n Ne1e(mi 1t., iroronto.Ilivi tig saparod lie expolnue ln tming %up the ani, tai ecureo omort te triose who înay piîtronilzelm, lhe w!!! bu plomuad te uce lr 6lfiîondie when la theCity. JAMES CRUo(KER. Toronto, Jan. 18, 16 64. 2 ]Brooklin-Drug Store. 80«3 DAWU sv D EALFR ll g.,Patent Medeicitot cry, &c. flore 4 Caille MctUcime4 a2wayg onkan COMMERCIAL HOTEL. 11ROOK STWIEET, WllIITBY. fho untuiirned l Ieqi e îa nnunce vit lieh T has okeiitrio b.ive welil lnoWîl Trésiîul Wlicî ivi; teuti nqlitei> iîsîlled si.d retio- vod i'yhm, And wlwro ch. e t accommodas- tI.gong with curetai utoati fil cai tixwya bo fouticd Gand rttiblinir. ouloseod car l. und! attentive 22 JIOU'N MILLER. BOYNTON98s IJOTEL, (LAEJiW1'. W M. Il<YITON boe to -îfnrm the lu- W liabitltîe of the Conity or Vietori an.l o4%rr,-uiidisig îjlethat lhs hum openc<-- l te itlo illinuîi fîrce latt1.v occnpied liv Jeweit. nî.d nelit'hs« idit lt itd ai..! lîriiý- cd inltii î viclitora wilil intevur> couve- iietie. Wlncs, Li,1uoftantd Cigari c.! the " Aei tiiIIeoty.its-ways lia l"'Diii L.indsay. Feh. 16. 1 %Mi. THE ONTARIO HOTEL. BROCIK STREET tWIIJTJY. J. REUDOTTO3Im, Prtprielnr. D ENTISTRY. crlltpihaari.ein in reti.r.îlng hi* t1itake L r atfnvor*, liegu lu ino tîloi ti lil- toîîtot of titis Town aud îrodigctr, doit hie wil ûtichppy ta attcnd to ail or doe critrnetiii hlm110%cure. Tooth iltgertedJoz] Gold, silver or Valc.tnaaou Teothi fiod or extrmetod intho bout rp.ualei Pt'naiiattention raid t,.tbe reznlationof Chldretu',Touidi. lwrcaiittd 61 W. H. CARD. xÂucumtzit, C. W. 1.1 /VINo Puacfl&M ED TIIE AftOVE ivr tttton pdIto gnemtg. statea tâ oud fro Wut.çcii dli Carefu! 0(1er itlwayi lu attondance. 1 2f. , X CASII F1R11IID]ESý Stone Tannery, Port Whitby ROWS'S STONE STORZ Port W b1ithy, (lot. 28.16. DEGS ta annnuce ta trio iubt t1îc tai - B 1bd sapentd a BOOT & SIIOE STORE, Oppsie lte i oyl loelllrik Strett,ÇWhit-, by,~ ~ ~~~t eleetcl rpidt glu ~td vine te t phtumers. lunft, Wear, and qualit>', Ki ver>' nuaderuho pieu. 'Ahi aidersa ttoiiltrtta withi panctuhit>'. Partlcalar attention pail ite rcpairiug. A triai in solicitoti froai li wîîa di.ea il and emyftting.booqt ant ineto. X emamaber the acdrami, Jt>lIN SMJrNDERS, Imu.ediateiy ohîpoIte thte Royal hcat Wliitby, Oct. 25, 1805. 4-o T.. P. PREZKAN, CÂRRIAGE, SION & ORNAMENTAL Sir WVrk Shaop gtN. l11v'et 'arniagoFac. ld% r it h t - Isttut, Bye-oni W 11iiy, A ngat 80, 166M.- 841 W. a- BI& W'44 le-eh S£0.', A IC %T 101;wil bc ,Mtd ta the noxt A ,Mttmng cf the lProvineie 'ar liuno;for an Act taelîleorporate a rov JBank l'or' the conut>' ofuetuio, tub ho ioatod uil tue 'owlî 6fWilitl)Y, and tob aire oIlot Thuep witli a Capital of nînt bieithiin Èvëa han- dred -tluenmanddolue onu tdred tb honxanti nt wih e Lhapalet np bera tho >saine gou Icîta operation-of l' adl!.ait penuona mil take notice and govartu tltomalvesa aoar.i!ngly. 46, ALB]310 NIROTE L.- Dositl aOt?,itl'iOYrm. JAMES BLACK, 14 1'raprietnr. GLOBE HOTEL Tioeaaodvlprîee auefave bren >'nir:hjapd ittînd on liniid rody tu.attend îeraanaiiy ta thie walitao is tlulgcal.., &c. Vrie promlaca tuns beau catlvoniitniy sud eainfrtatidy httad a;pOft#iipeo!,<r. w'îtliniâteruu'ii ofitft water ta ,wii, MaeId ter> moetapriinirent tu m'eke lte Tremolier i haine utiriIi'i t iv, and the Table bantutittil- Notice to Farmers and Othersi Lia nior,' Wiltcaauund itaoli. MottalitF'ailli- ly t'roo4 lie' gali14,11 ni barrai; Mi'Nuu,îîIjt1 ut', GIénicu'iî, do. hi. i'tior'mt Extra ietcntii'(d Ctiguiack BItreutivfor thioi-ick, vit!, a lIi ah Liqir. i u(i rr.iii (f hie i cii iuiuii.. Attoiil.iQtloî, ind i!ttr,îe ltIire. A. ALEXINDER. Erookci fllu.J,?t. flun if. 4 'VICTORIA TIOtEL. w I;I.Al tîîm. 9 WOON'S HOTEL, 081IAWA1 WOO?< & DIIOTRER1. North flnhtai aéd Merntile Tire là Life Insurauce Com'y. W. R. DEAN. Baati oMutttrol. Agent<. NOLICITIVe Ce &. iJAq KIMt>VE hl*iiLaw Office to Oiit'ri> IlChainicnu,, 4- Une oDean uth af the. W1;it.y, Jn. 28 .l52 THE ROBSONHROUSE, (LATOEtutt5zitaei, DUNAS tREETi,WXIIT1BY, C. W. T Trisiberhto ôa alnoupec ttat lieba» loae e .*,ouling fruel u own mmi rtru Aiued"Iîdfil u!lnap Utiirouat, la Ouaù best ut' etttl. Vie urmuaaeî t aiat- hatýe4..aliýpqit.U it i'ogt OfIC0,and lu1 lit co- tre nt th Taivri Thelttdlway i)unnl-u, eal. ot tuie liattl, and thei.atogés ?.ur nlitrtle oaSaoro e&ve thoderoorynorn o n prit*i rdi. SCILL AND SER 8ANDY i14 tnee &îcIl hi&. frlul.. 'h. propîue. aènrie fitad cp t anlvefflent, ctIt the uceanimodt- tiena golemi'v y ocd, Ieh. 6.8,-Irom le LA iesn Uic Coue!r, o(tlu' itihrse hiitn"e!. hiavhne beeii p rotote oiuuuide am ast ai wi!Bo*'* gandt. m 2d caimaU hln Ceii't hlit i nail CUit ation. Arseedod agivo l4st tme a a cIi BruolcaDec ~ ALEX. PEERTE. Broln g,1958. vic TORIA uoty*, TIlt1, bbcrlbau' <loi!.,, te ilifotun IhIsgcmao>' Tiove otndoist Ibobi14lies nrbe buthe - ment>, A weiI aupplîie tble.Goo)d ist-lag tnd eeclceed yard. 1 - JOHN SPUIRILL. Wbithy. Oct. 84.,~-- W.ý jL & C. S. CAIJ>YI# Ma~akatszero ven>' eriptnofa FOR SALE A evTwîLoie, on loag terme of psY- TOWN 0F NWHIITBt ALS<1ltiebîndeit 'n lImaTown af Whui4 ootuting frnont eta titre. Ac". ALI5t VIL14AGE LOTS lx Port Ferry, Brookliij Brechin,' (Niam,) . Hampton, - e Api> ta Brighton, J~HAM PERR-Yt WildLA"-»Si FOR SALE. SEVERAL LOTS IN Nara, Rama, Brock, Eldon, Boxiey, Somiflee, Verulam. Fun panicalars appi>' la, (pre.ptid.)- J. HIAM PERU Y, Wbiîl.y, 81b NOIv, 1866. 44 F armsfor Sale, D ARLI N GTO N 80 acrete cliocred, chat 40 iacre et whiuliîara t>' veoieorethard cf Mo tt-i. Tîtioq propotty vill b ioet-d el»Aup, Amut id nIeîg ternis of puy ment. Aisefarnt. wlîb etvoaud à aliîlies cf &ILLEVII.Eon tte BAY O3F-QUITtKr iai C viîarl-ot si-, tCo.Sna-n. I aftl it i0 aorf.;'a, ot mn, et're in4 I aude etitutlîei.Thon. pre irtIoaciiiug I <una 4lrcsntlsand 0 ec olad o tleid,ailî bout..r t rhugleoiakno o e fitil!rt, ,Tus pre mont lariou bildliimarcmltnuted -An thi e ntre toi uta Aisel Whitby4 Jan., 12th, 15M. The CbildrenP* Prayer., rPomoavna Tni. uit Liait sor uUSt.wvnt. Thelr *vlte - tasnIe eide the bod, IýVitti lriebande uphe-id, Win Ilessilthirte)-» ara laid 8AwY1 A»IWIthe notse of da> lu4 qacill Antimotti lîarathoiî Duels repomi W!th laleco*esineat, 1ev, anidswoot, <lontia Jeanm, niecluand mild, Lnokon o litla celid. Fond kmtint t li ; gonid nighit" frcum ail, Ait rwy c heek*aira latid. on baovy pUIlo*.&, thoen eau UleçPi Till! wm0s iieLLghî haii fade, si lit lie% 1 1114in!1 l te krat-O LotiR upiutea littioe elilil." Whaifn year. itave l(Ad)-u Ottc, And mite ivito lîngana so'er veoio 'lo ber reward ltuu, ruini; Whoîtîhe toya tf lue are laie cira>', And .voîngcouî i îd w9nus> pra>' flhi, ati!uul leurt., "'(enfle JC$na, tueuR anti nild. Looeklao aso lettie c Rd." $tipPornbetîvmen fassie aud brothmr-ii)4aw, Meula vtwu&lad lui> t< ovn toma, Basai o nsstad upuin roinniî viI)u hou friand that nlgbt, and t wjiti abc diti, for towau'thadaw ira M 0 baco quite dcliteus, andl, toaa o~u cri bath, talking viIdIy. - emsie- clId manaarvmut nit.ad e hi ai thé- ,J out, ratura matai as a butfor nie ta go r' in quir éd 'Wilhfami< niahug wlth evlulUut releictianco. Il 1nmi fraid 1 "t pîehod guiIty,"» re- pli cd flouai., - l h b beau talldng qealte enougbY' - tWhy, ,[h avae nI>'. beau boiane n Min- oies," asaid William, ia ponfoci good (meuht "Yoeu mean one leaur simd tan pmnula," gaiti Rousie, laughin ou triltt. 611 iutt bavre thbatblund dame agîin; yonr ecaarc toa seak yaita to er all to sunahua" Mtseggo igbocl, but sha dîti not rotult.- Thon William dew the, reen .Peirsià ns, pressed Mugv*c ' hare4witlî a tonulunaaaa that miad fiber seuil, anti biuah at, theaine, finie, and waà drspaticaly dienuisseti by flussie, M"f IougVéry îucnc s f aboe ahauld fM6ve ika-d tareversa the. decre. if a;h. dared.11 talmqire aftr Misa Mae-sdea. Mcggia, Who e.ser hlm comfag up the. grave! patb., btggýd 'ber frfcnd ta bave hm l eu8baed ilta tha dravritg room, as if by miçttka. BsUMie yieldedte -MIaggia'o perauaionu, altbough aha titi noi ikae hc oxpori meula, believing that <bey gavaeilaggie Uanecaeary >aît.. Consaq-iuenlly Stiuîey iraibroulîi îaexectci nfo hic divine. ity's proioncea; andti irba tduvinitynov, vlth -han acarret icoand'ted cyids, all iaaxùrabhy dlisplaye&.nas ah. advonccèd ta maet im, vith on odd litho e#mile on hae-r -stalay kepi netreatieg, hbis moutb vide open. an expregssion of- ludice-joi sdiÀmo>' t pp«ence, and cwaroîy hast oIinfacion drove him nualy tauperato. lie made a bher atandat Witvtving her ave>'. -But Mag- ~~Bi<tv&ae auely the' limfe whon Magge wotld b. camung bock ta bier again She,,began.(4 fuel vcrylonelyIhe lblog, quiet Seenfipg. kIl tuula b.pleasant ta have ltr d.bc re talkung tlber b-g ly, -fiiluÃe i tnuiietl. srttbhetu soflgt A ! theafiieq soan came thit -Bexse-hidlîëi'tuch langeti for.; Maggiu returned4-'th' old beaaîifùtl tgloi, wi'tl and tendov, sýe<t CoÃes nd ted ipa. Arnd ýb illiam fbôl1'vaed ber as early as lo ie uht 'YeuMaylie ure. Heccîmeeoýeri-d itlt henta,0êJonora ha bod won at-Oxford, "M-bôK lui hovaeippoudar thai le-él itVC il ie r fond., There iîever>' utIle mure lu tell., loui. gavelbar Chrinims prt'. . tdinc -te the 'Programme, -and Stinley Newcomî came. snuw, and i vas cotiqleeed. Htefîlua hinikcif an his knoês"bafoi'a Maggle la lbî -~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~a' >oahuordesud hthevs m beauileit thon evcn, and tri çhto ae ua beër'aud hîmseîf tbit ie hoadtoneau a ad 'or canstane>'.- ma -a I.e aug lied 1 outright and William oneiin froni the thërer né a! th conî rywihvcre ho bh a rmain cd coneaed ,. Gaig lut ou bis lkncÉ '.%né lbat, lau. by cee viomoiehad iformet'l ulesignaw Il lm, insolent rival,1 talai 4Newtone pretcnded ta bhavaedpa ih havi y postuire la ',order t046a'eanehfr se. iin derneatb the flairesands. But wben ho soir by Wîiiam Gordinr~s face or sà ,ueydeiglî t ithat haébjad oévarbetr lic whohs conversationh,.su aid adrà toac# tbe motive of bi&bunmble-.attitude,. $tan. loy rose, campleitel>' coriqnecî'd anti Cre4t falien, and dortati fri<lue eëonserv'atflty7 ;- 7h. ,uext dar Stanley' Neveome loit ýEngtar.d for a continental tour,, on bus ratura, lIec ithisloter Who shoalt ieh meot on tlue q1isy, et'Doyen, se ho came fe-om, the lîoat, but bMaggle,,a beseutiful and bewitcbung fipure, maste. bot on bler proud' bnsbtîud's te-m. Sha hetidboom mariedthot marung (ashéa fbrarde le4r.t)aRnove Square,- b the Roe' WVilliam Gardiner, M. A.,llcelorQf Tooke. pmlIfatlî,.ruinh1 Kent. "1tareaonn1a 0 O oly Didd>,. tfii an ht.ntpt wcmaliý6 me hould be calati a pîrry. 411y grumso, yçý,urcel}jgala bhid; ypn acçe-ajrdly aekgp!te-lickine Il h nt ineed""à orcdO'Con-- never ha l' qti fs In My hqpceyen blutodyol1d tbicit " ~WIuy, t-jod 1rwlhuèg, uiibw ver.! voýÉl t hottyûu nvol oily-kà épd byethhenua;e, but'that you bave tva diraniote.' olcpd up iiiyaurgorpetond that you gd td i*sIk with'tlýiitem ay-Suhdiy; 'i erla Cid hoplagn."l "(l;htbt-ye7siitit $tgory.' Oh, bha. naefra olw varewnta' toa psa hinefflf for ajintlemam. 1oy the dui i'~ vlth you y<i oichar tfrom Maiier, end Iic1t <télr>' aimcofe-on your rottan limbe." - "Ah, you.,c!xn'i deny th. cbsvg, eef mniae-abla iubiul1tip)e aà aduptlicaful rO6 tiati" "Go, nas%-dyow' muutb la the Llffey; 1yoil= natickle pitcea Aite- ait thét had oyu spenk,,it-otiaght lobe 11111e. ian .thon ydur face,, yoa dirty, ebiccan cf- Beahzebiîb.eî i Rinsa yor unouth, ý.ycua- ,Iked aid 01 yon, To the duecel I ltc sou, you llutey hnigiuemeacticin cf atinkung super' ieyu sacytuncers uiptntteil-you 1 lq -n- bmI patmore vrorha, fd1.the haut Uoly O(JAneIl 'had nearly litUocked I tha wird ut cf ber. a "Wbilgil h a". 4 tangue TU 1abuse Y0111 à yon niomt ituteulable petïphcfy. Lauk at b, er, bos-teit as tands-a convicteel P earpendicular n puethebafta 1 Tliere'a con. 1~ùmîutT~iI' eba---t--f# - nd Xhe, i TilhIitb n ht <lava mfi ~tri mt . P'i Açtprfeus M n on et 61- yaea. rectilineol an2aIceà et andequitngtular g olti hagj - "fisyou the'dévll iI» il>' avtLy ie wiîb, 3ou- porter awlng sliilitude af tutu ie bisectian of o vortex?, 5 ae OvvheÉlmed vi'ttt 6re-nt oft an t, Catehing up bersauicapan, ah. vu saimung ift aýtO'Cunnell's Iiaul,,*nhulet avtty pra' deiltly Maude c ti>' i-,etrab "Yau hava wan thelvoger, O'(Ionnell,'" tce-led the m ' e who praposedti he; contest, y '1heuelà your bot." j' -The IRoyal Geneelôgy. 'W. pubihu hlair [er Majusi "s gened- lagieal lina a! descentffrnAlfredthelb Great 5- - Vlec-éîLr-Daughter of the l161.Dukt o! Kent, 'buiother'of'WVillîaau tb4tTr. *Williamn iïr.---Brother of Geor~gthe 4thî. -Gearge- iv- Son ot Gor~ge theSi. George 11.-Sou of -E<ndfkcPrince ot 'Walcs, wluo vas thAu son otf deorge the George il.-San ofGaarge tue 1I. Gorge 1.-Son o ohiwomannieti thé Êi1ector cf Hro r.Sp'hià " wv th yonngest dgughterof Elzbeth th1e daelgb. terof James thea1st. "- Anne.-The- ucSonti daugte of.tamouc couple are b seti ýey bava, soeue 'ut they munt car 3-to ho -sufliintl 7Lot Noa. 12, tth cacln TWO UUNDRED ACILEý, Alwut le offaciaere, cion".eme&C. fhaIIMn a choiço let, Ad smutitueeuly el> o tor mil" in tecentro raid. Aio La 7,;nt.h lthe 0<bo. SOMERIVILLIZ 200 ne-vlUhtro tmites froua the. lobeq- nson (Uu4kea'eetntot) Posd, and convial ont to MIlISlIe r.a Fer p*rtleuoirs Rp1uy to-(pre-psf 4,) J. HAM PERflY, Wîith., io. ,9,~'tPe-'lttOVe Wbilîiy Land Fer Sai' Tanta amnd al o#thera w blN top BuiDig xLoti, 14 tfullutki ùi stf Lot*, Wt al mld for cash, or et a utr Vlaatio io lýtihutei ua. *LEP 'lmIs OsrlituITTItl