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Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jan 1866, p. 3

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i - ' %""U a"Va' Dn emo IS1IVI7 01 tumq lust '& 0»0$ Who làfonuuaioî, kalnt. Ibo ssbIihbtis, endeaoguei, by t?' *i buliorêon tbe tr,.6, to oust Plw4Mr"rapuss.ortituer sadseeral UUhdIa ltsrva-O he l ne,wlii the Boind. làI Wopose.'or upusuîng 1thetrai 1,Pro. tulà#tialIy, mortfhîe trekfl.ei turn-, Ihg lieue &frês vindiscoverdthet .oh- AItSiesd repouod thîi ism U,àa tbu7 aul onq ~e Irou rail, however, was loft, aiqorttlastheitrain pssaodl. of* piO Vai tbrova to orne aide, mil anotiier bor. e. biiaauo of flfty f(at. Frtuoatoly, thet rais vau Dot urevu o09 the ,bas T'he êiýeI oouhated of tbree or four froight tis bd m oe Paasuger car. Tb*. amis- Coghsab hObtho bave lignod liat he Vas srnpft.ed11"a edod À warrant bas bien hsuepfor bit arres.-Loaon reg The. la a nlcl beàployo. u tii. office of the. Amenoia 1LTigraph Comupany 1w Washinton, wio io bbti deaf and dumb, but yoî u a god '*"oubioperator." Hne prm« s hlmhue.geint thé table on which ths instrment mres, ad tinsfeula the vorde sent Oser the linos. Ily the deaîh of the King 0oI iBelgi- muthe.allewance of £50,00 PIé nnum, Vftsde onu bit niarriage with the ihceeas M Oteroturna te England. lilb lJe king ieetlved only £12.03per antili .cf %tbit tumut but ho never aurrendered 14~ clihe.ln cases ho sbosld b. otllàed ti> yafAénti sirone cf Bilgium. Aoîhgamlady bau alen a novel mîode of obiaimng compensation for a broacli of peoà* ocf marris>,.. À Not- tinglumlace i&»taacurer, viîh whom, ýmtil late, she vaS ipartuerahip, induced h&or to gise up a separate business in wbich lie wu eung*go, by a promise cf marri &ge. lis efierwardes hoved a disposition te bac ouoth e engagementi and the in 'dIgnast spirate@r, tmeng blm ii a pub- lie enset on Friday luat, îhraahed hlm aoeudil *lîh a boreewbtp. -$hSu ia um Monod bi!re the Not:ingbsni magisrates, and the amuit at boiug denteâ, vas 6usd 408. and eta. BIRTH. OONWAY-Ât Ashburn, on the 1th ist., the. vire or Mr. 0. Conway eora son. VMYTSO-KflEI-On tLe ôtti mt., 'ai the Kansu, i brdge, _by tie [tos. W. eClulusti, Mr.'Ctilin '"&"artonta0Mise Ana Katr, h o oreots. IIXJRS-ULCt...TiPort ITope C.I W., on Wod.,-Jau. loti, ai the reidence of tLe brides& parients, b>' lie Venerable -Arcideacon BetLune, Mn. Edwin Boune, cf Indisnapolis, Imd., !J. El. 10 Margiret S, IIMPIIREY- SHIANNON - On the k loti inet, ln St. James' Cqtncli* Drock, by th Ry. Usr Gibson, Mn . I lumithney t- o Misa Francis, tlîird danliîter of Mlr. J. Shannon, *11l 0< Broco. 4 S WATSON~-EMAtCàFaAN...Onte lOth Inet, At the neideneert fe bride$s father, Le Malrs, 'only danghtttr stîlMr. Adim Earchtîan, aIl e« Readh. S RITs.spL-xt whitby, Iii-bhc l4th init., at the resîslenco of ber àaonin-iav, 1. Snmith, Esq, Ebeanor, wiidow of Rot.. itussetU, tainin>'o!Princce dvard Cc., Whiiby, Jan., 17, 1866. pâli Wieaî, . $1.1,5 a 130 Sprng........ 0. a 1,05 Barte>'............ZO a 60C. fa......... . . 6 Gais..........socts. ..at...........O tDu" lia>'..800 pr pair.. Peck.. . -. $t a 87 se, Torkep........ e ?c. .&SSIJRANC-E C031P'NY. aptal' 8400l,00. HEundoloi h avin>, bMn eppohîîiea T Agetl'or tiib ubovo Csnpanr, lm itOW t Applytto , iqre pro sgais is B lI IrRl, on the tnet a4oa= teeitua. 52-12ioAtt ht Wiby, Jan., Ntth 190. 0 N0 ,00 Alou TO I,#OÂN. Lesla. irsi do*, And, NÉ'W ADYRRITISEM1TS. I '<S md TOWN-0F -WJEITBY. scntlîqtuartoer cf Utoiko. * , nd eonoesaion COUNTrY 0F 'YORK, lecu t 0&oiLo 0, iith cna.o MAC= 4?olali-8t*II cleared, sud fîndar . ultisation, oe n uIie frem tho SEVErtAL TOWN LOTS 1* -til Thlf aboruO Witt hé aold oheap, and on us> terin, uf payinait. S: 1 1. OCJANVE,- BarrI#t6r, &o., Wii.y. %lîitby, li ji., 186e. oC-i Annual-, Balil! WÃŽLl. TARE IPLAC;E IN TIIE MECINICS' hALL. Thuruday lBv'g, Pcb., t186dse. Tilcttrr, si 50. gw' A Il vs.1,ntecir. are reeî.ectftily insltedl toued, aoin bUtiitftti,. JOIN RELUEP, Wilîby, Jan., 17, 1866. CASE FOR wHEATi 6OATis, PEAS and ILUKEER. '~~~il*t E npaqe r 'rparo.l te lidfblmmu A.ai,> quitt lc AND CLEAIS FINE L (,-VBER. IAhîERED AT Aise onu baud aid fr Pil-a it at.r, vail. . JAE,& ico. Port wbitby, Jan., 614.i Lum ber!1 foocf Oak, And 5,M 0 et 'f Aid 51ffloin ,maind mli>'quantîl>' cf , ukas 'antcd bytthe underoslguod, îû ex c ,nefor verk, nt hi» Oarrimgo Bhîep. SAMUEL WA'LR10. Wliucl>, an>. 17, 1866. VOLUNTEER INSPECTION.r ~I '11E V intorIffntrf Comnpany *111 pa- fi rda f>rihulr sAnnaue oieou, Wedinesay, gth Feb., iizt, At ô o'eloek p. mi., wbero aery mnembo4l<th, icîpay, ait ho promeut la fcuder RvSfhtig- blin te pt.'. lit ordor'bc comPlote tisa aunami enuse of Dril, a Çputlc-tui lateudan., etor ery rgube#c is ecunt ll>' imurey, 'jegie uttsrsr Witt tn-voiba h*loem orit sf0ed4,t. Drilla viilb. heid>ou Teia' n rdys oUft f r'4*9«#».U Au!parishxving lu ihoir profeîasao a> or me ovIn ccci., or other proporty of f eCuir. pan', ar,!tequomWted ote roeth«. snie o4 olice to th; sudr*iigned, "ho In caie of -de- fro1i1titià roapectib, ihouhifed to use tie poweoo eiierril enoitlm by the Kiîla acta. GEU, IL »AWRSELL.J Farm for Sale STLL'AED JUST, RECELIVEÃŽ) A QUANTITY 04F COAL <0,Nei wlioleealeat 58 -cents pergallon, oustomûers su;pplied et 0 cntsIper gallon, w&rranted'ae qub.eln-.if n9t, sopeio-laý nv oerboul tho ounty.-OTRIOTLY CASi!lrlt&w~etIt AT ItEDUCED PRICES. g W10PEU CENT DIS- COUNT ON SKATES, FOR CASHI ONLY. Hardware!1 Hardwar e!- CIleap, Cheup, at, ait, Hatch'à Hichs~ Don't foget their mottioIl nigll Profitsid Qùick Rôttirin.", 60 corde of Wood taken in exehange for STOVES. 90 DAYS 1NOTICE.-4I1Al persons iflCebted to them "u*gh their Pedlmi are rcqucated to dettlo forthwith. MIATCH & BROflEkEIZ- Whitby, ..tithtary fi, 1860. 2 IOIsO F GOOIJ STJGR for $1, cash. H. HCOCliRa1.1vE', DUNDAS STREET, WLIITBY. Good OURRANTSfor ý$1 00, il$. il$ COCHRAINE'Se NEW AVRISXNS FOR -SALE. Thmos DWELUENG ÉquSE TOWN, 0F 1WH1tTIY. FU'r,--Tkat dexinaieLo -t oallô Cotbt#t jas ide ie e4 ai teeut ~lb mold for ombau, Cort r:ue*o W41 u fte occopatioti TMP *The.lx4 itd ouir*, laie»ly ve - ofth l ullga eu-Meu .1or STreene'or matusnloadexilnlng as fe M thé K li mt 1*0o ,sotiorod prepe r"m, Wall snlted te " svqdremwnts WllIbe.soldaet a 'klatduosud onëlong 'trom o!aymurt. wiaib,*ts. U1 IN PBRRY, LOCKWOOD' r'ALEU MIX LL flCORE11E, MAS. A.Yketable nt the Pov York Stoc Ex- cOhang* ât>cunta kept latoin sud 1* unted t;tatue ëüfti** ,aud lut;ree ýli*erd un d Siex Of eOsh, al Ott lue *bet lt el 4 Paei- dhliar attention giveu tathe semêfntA of Pttm*s and Ceunir>' Banks sad Bnkena. 3sOu.. 5 New Store iRi J()JurA JOIINSTON4 i I. lIMES GEEEN OU 'O lt!s foresu A atunct IMýPROYE*fD FARMS- FOR SALE, Thei. o b le e l ltwodovtsml.hit . TOWN-"0F IIR 1TI3Y 16 nPUise.1 it #Villagre. cf U1*kei4,lNa.. euueteI4oe.Alers aenf tt4a Çetnt>', with etrfao, soU prlntipsll> sudt he smcl , i c Ix>'. l veibrul.ltet itIt tiuabiewatsand uh.tant4isll Inte, inIntiý Tii d:tuensions or lie Barn,% n.vly, F urccýes on ltére ieaa toN by1C-&, pSi, I&. b>' 00, wi Lro u omtndioum ttoue st&bc* Imjle lituqcngti ioot 5h 20. atiln ImÉele. su d i. *ot ^Ouuttn o3tS Daililt hl&rn liuprvemnejls bae ih ipTten. no e aqood lý% »wlbd lu"na andI otigr, ýp1dai1qs.su th, eisu a5te ofClo E"S, inprther ilasConbf esi qu grain cuItuns. quarer c LaNo. luth 1i e.fflo'i uC.TùOol vfioi nsite tivotlioi-; is cf>tedi- lum qislty 0 Ii L Lo leuansdIBarns £00 R~.-curj~1ing ot No. 9, In îLe et), Coni. of the TovnAhip cf tCoilsgvod, 180 of wlskhamendoeultiLUiA4on..1'e qusity of %rit la firai.eiuse for grain uliune, and nsal bejnàtl tertneda oJ Fikja. .IW'TI'4aboseLeu4s d 1r 1are4de a geuIam appi> te thie stibSbber, ait Ir- 1880.vdViI o HAMILTrON ,&, o - Have udw to band, a very exteniveSokoa FANOI&S4IE 1YGOS Nýçw Muiinry and Mantiesé ovft R IsIWPE.1VE NSTOCI< OF REIADY-IMADICL>OTHINC, M_ OJ1OTIIING NADE TO 0RD)l . -ý Just receivcd an immense stock, of Freshb.A,,varied,,assortment,,ofsuperior, Dry (Goo4 Fruits for Chriatmnas, consisting of of, evory qu 4ù1ify'aînd puce asben aidded to the, Wl nesrn'eI~ otr VWi e and Siplrit Mercha-ni. Wbit~ Dcemflr2, 165.50 RAISINS# lcuRýaaTol, .i5> PRUE ALNQNDÊ# CANDIEfl CITRON, LEXON A ORI&NGE PgaL, WIN E$8 AND PL'«IQ-UORS 0F -Tue, BEsT BRANDS.' HAMILTON-, Co., No 1 4nd 2, TiW"ll Bo-*. S LOVEIS B PWEL Try ;ç Lowes & Powell fÉOr -A Aamirï a. Ã"aon, Chese. f ry ilowes & Powell for. I3ADEWNS SPI~E( 5141n Crooery andÏ: Liquor BcI Of the undersigoeýd. aud inspect -the quvélity bdfpFe Whitby, -December 20, 1865. Consu it bis list ofprice. ,purc,éaing elaewhere., JOHN FARQ'UHARSON, Dundas Strec,. NEW-Y ALES -AND 1TR EJCÂTION viilb mads e t n t t St ii usi $ mionetrd 1 ý,,

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