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Whitby Chronicle, 18 Jan 1866, p. 4

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- - ~ - --------.-'~' ~-~-----~-- ~---.--,------ - I ________________________________________________________ GOOD CHANCE POLA rn 59th s doot he iri ab ntON wuI ]glad,andi ho nqw reliteB ln' Mexico the folowlng incients: OsDriving rapily up the tmpnf, we mme aanwaftcîng V"Y brisky ho e tok to b. or friend Frescott, the affore- mad ongul broker. 'aigurrt"e the reine we t0ppeil eU&wtû e* out and I mmodiately ofertook Lite. ï4 Walttng side bey aide wlîh hlm for, sme distance, and avlig eyd hIéivory elouely, w. wfere sure that 'ne bailOur man ; go turning shurpi>' arouan& w. li>p. ped i bla avily upon theo shoulker andi sald-i "' llow areyoul,old telow? You don't knoW me, do yois Y "'The gentlman gave me a freezbis stare andi aili 'No, r; Idnn't know ynu.' Il 1W. gave hlm another taimiliat slip, A andtiolutt Ilwhy, la it possible Yeu have fnrgat- ton mef Have you nover beco te Ratonq Bou el1)Don'tyou know Duan Hiclcey? Dont il rocoltet Our batte nt Brule'a LndlsnZ? Look at me well. Don't you know A. ?' i'%itlu grcat sangfrold he replicti ant once: IlNo, sir, 1 have neyer bren to etn Rouge; 1 don't know Dan licikcy ; I dou'tgs ti aothealntBuâr Landing; I bave tookeil nt ye.u wcl- don't know A. "-Now thiq wae lotît ;ai stîunncr. W. drcw back, and tbinking that lie miglît possily bc a brother to aur sugar min, wesai: 'Sir, bo lunti cnough to tell mec yur liame ?' Il'lie saiT quieti>';' Il ily namo binpahînerton.' " What, Lord Patieraton' *Théosmm.' 'W. eit off our tats and sid :' "'Uiy Lord, pardon me t'W 1h;4 rude. alois.1Iam oan- American travelling for information arid plcatuîre, aup tomik yru ' for one of Your countrymon, an- old <nleu d cf min.' * Wc shatt never forget the tiizk;al moele tint ptayed upon huua open, maniy featurea whon lierepiedi bNo inatter, miIltaltes -il happen.' I'A ittle converçatlon pagscd, ina whlch ho was kiazd enoîîgh-tw invite us to coil andi sec hln." Tii. St. Catbarines I>ost s"s :W. are extremeiy aorry in hear ttat T. lieGiverts Esq., of Tbenold, a tew day s ao hbdai' panalytie itoke, bis reoovcy romn wbich., -a hdoubful. A1)YERTISE~ENTS~ Next, at the bouT of Twetve o'elo*, nmon, st tiai COURT ilOUSEIN TuE TOW~N 0F WHJTBX,' Proceed to tii. ua" by PublieMitiîon, of iit Lazado, or g0 mach tbereof es may b. îu.cesseryfor ti pâyymnt ot sueb arein'of us.emnts, unm beos b.mrnetotier witb aitl awful charges, b. sooner paid. TOWNSHIP 0F BROCK. LOT. CON. AhS aTASDCE. 1 . W. Part Mae 5260 i 2 & 4. TOWNSHIP OF MA"A. 200, 75, tou, 100, 100, .100, 'X. Part u.purt N. <R. Il. % 2 Au& 1 m' i. Lutmaden, 15, B. .livcr, i16, i;1xi, 18. F. 2, 1, 1, si, Fa-ont, '9 45, F'ronit, 10 18A59 0 18,4 1832il 40.t 2 4 1852 3 9 601t 3 4 1852 8 4 à 6 7 8 9'-40 1 2 8 4 igu 4 5 4714a9 0 012 à 1$ 8 59 401 2 a 18ig At 8 90 I 1t à 4 1552 à 9 601I 2 34 TOWNSMIP 0P PICKERING' 30, 1857 8 901 28 4 18 28314 1r,# 60 TOWNSI" 0F RAXA. M188?9 60 1 2 i 1b8 801 u I9-3 4. lsa i 4 7 & 9 do01i2: a 4 TOWNSHIP 0F REÂCIT. N. 1,4 , 14, 106, f185a4fai2 84 PORT 1>EURY PLAN. 97 156 78 60 2 84 Articles aubtaible for proentatlo6n te - Ladies & Gents IesES andi BOYS, cao ho selecteel roua thue OiF AT JAMES JOLINSTON, 1at-hafbflker & owelter. CIIÂNýCEY NOTICE TO CIREDITORS, B Fma, aa.r.fs, Joshiua Bacon, anid John Sbier, (by Bih,) andi thi.rsmad par tiel, in the Otucoef th*oACcon- tant. Defendnts pUR,ýTANT tona Dmervrt'f teCtii nrt o ecna, th3 Crdiore o Sterlitig 'augman), lte Township of flrock, ICI tho comty M 011tsric, iê d(14in or about th. montli fm r atch19)7, farc, la p rrna tor by lhoir Sofletors.ci] Cr siÇore ' he lSth 114Y or Jýannarv oow lwt ens fiT,tn oome Ini îiid povo th dbto r %bzn hfore rn, the .a.lodi ad Atounaut f th ori,ýiC'jurt, t l»yc'm Osgo.do Hall Crrx 0F TORONTO, Or In douitttec tt l b ornoiy exctuded te hepeof thae plý Doôrai Priday, tLe 1t day of Jauy4, lYext, nt ten o'loek in tiie <rcnoo, 1n y <!haniboma la n oited for hi,ýrng anad adju- d<otng upon &e claim Dated tliasfvurteeutàh day, o mcibqr, ROBE.RT J. TURiILi Public Hack to aud from theii RET)TTCED F-ARES!Z 1 E part TOWNSHIP 0F SCOTT. TOWNSHIP 0F TEORÂR. 8Spart. ô67, r part an lOuavr River, i15, N W pgr . 1, y jetOCU ' TOWNSEUIIP ?tlYRIG 3 1859 64 70 1890 1 24 JVF. P7PeiPan of BrooUam. 56 4J '4 49 111 159q,612 84 16ý596gi41 TOWN-Or WRITBY. TAXES. REMAIS. seupoaae &0to $7 0. eeted. 85.. Mi 71. tn do005. do 4068. o 41 il. do 48 87. do 9i 0. do. 8zppo.ed&o be i87 44. Patotetil 69 69. Fatiudî. "609. do. 73 ". do. 42 95, do. 7 47. do. 48408. do. 73 M0. do. 1141. de. 19 79. 18 'lo. 174 IL de. 20 75. dc. 180 59. . do. ~1. do. i-I 71. do. 18 14. de. * 11. do. 660. do. 841'. dc. lie. do,, 818. du. So~rtk Ward, lYsasetfBrookStUt 2" 18W980 14 829 1819460184 ai1 1659 30qs 00 1 14 86t, 60 19 2 3 Nort WW4wiîmci811ewaa184 Ke4014 e Con. 2.498 I Il. 80. I 14. I 64. 4 11. 6 94. I 67. I 47. i 88. 418. 1-45, 8 94. 8 84. i 19. I 44. de, do. do, de. 00. do.. do. do. 'n,-Part 21,4M 29 and 301 .NurJ~'Wid-~it !Broo«*e< 60 1 2 384 11 18149 1,4 43186960 1 28S4 TOWN 0F WZITBY. Tt Rage Brook St.Jilook A doe do A, d - do D' Bock X, o L,, a- C.i~Ward-Eaui 15 18» 64 atis i ~ PulexutaS. 'de. $ÀJ IL & WIN~~n» -advaftflh ley are jrepared to offer at UNPRECEDENTEDLY LOW PRIVES. - Fa-tnîly -C Oroeries, a large -stock, of Boots au he-superiorquality a nd eheap CLOTHI'NO R,,;,AýDYmMADZ-, and made to order on the shortest notice, i the. Latest StyleS. Tweeds, Satinet, tI%nnels, TJnions- &C. of our own Manufactu'e, SOLU RETAIL, AT WTUOLESALE 1,4 ldeOt. 4,18ý6. I fRatvantazges ffercd by thig Institution for acquring q TIIOROUGIT PRACTI. CM ISNS DUÂINaeauioirt m Commercial College tn Bri. tiatiAmtorica. The. Brtuacs tku ht cmprise evcrything noccrUY or tbe Book- Keep-. er and Business Min; they inclnde- 1% liii moui complote arrangement of its luil, beiîîg firni*shet with two BANKS, a MERCIIANVS EMPORUIJW andTan EXCLANGOF F10CEwhicla arc open .very da fo the. transaion iolf Business. I -W Came- lu TEEGRAPMfNG ovéry day-in PHONO- GRAPHYOsem0l*eekly. W For Moruttly CUsoLÂs, pOeiens of Wrea-rîuu, &c, addrosu (enclosing stamp), MUSGROVE&.WJUGLITý 24 TORtONTO, 0. W. Firel .Fire!1 Fire! TO BE DISI>OSED OF J, Il1d L IIIOGG,ý '- ýhedti Agentis othe TORONT-O NURSERIES," GRO. LEBLIZ E REI1 Finesh laaons jants, heIre pleitsi, &e4 &o làth#at otir iitar"eny TJuetiotlS o! the cb ý4enaiuit , dîosV ro.aa grgwtls. ]KI. C. A. JONES, FjKCF-Nauxt, dean to the Rog-islry foO T ., CLOuai 10 OdMi, B& iil NOi dis uIlle. puable, that tube ta Pa-LPaaed ta10 Ximentetlt o. dors mili erilhie, proafflttI, andI Vosti L . îdiumiîmua. gemiî1nietu's, toIt atnî, traw ta-its eleeuue'!, &e'., àl,-0 alil wîma- if,. silk <auntIle iotet o G"EORGE OORMAÇK2Ï LURMIER MEIWIIANT, Carpenhen, aud! L JmIaer.Grmn îst. WhitLy. Aiêagîtfi tiyctait kioft c ua.boecoatantly vonibnd. UN DE R TAKX X G. L'INE*IAUZ fülleuh stpiiîclandT attcaultd n F luitntice 1uiur ~kppt contaainy a Li AIlearse ta lîia-uun lihea-at tor. &.EOIOGEOP.MACK. Whiby, Fu.b. tt, 1862. ti ÂUUrf ION BUSINESS. LEVI FAIRBANKS, Jr., LicenBed Auctioneer, &c, ,Sales allmided in ail pars f the' Cotant y.. G. C. CALDWELL VEfÉRLllaIAR? SURGEON, EGSmout retpie-ttîtlly, V) taîrianate toa hpiO ttuu la-v, u h h is coaaîieioeîl pr eiu'î in the 1> ;e hie~ s Tiopes 1>7 trictuimteia- OryuL-Iuun-%t e ond i~hoe obelaw l liiotel. ia-lilim. 2 ~lIrm Biguilnw, ore lierait> cuaiued agantoatpay!ipgJ-osepli ligelow oliat snrry an>' mnoey onaa aeouit cf e'ymOrtggits",' Or ch)iern-debfcunetas ta the said'eatate,-1i5 h undenuîtgued is thoeomilypersan wvlicDow tA, Or ja-er haï hicen dol,' sutiehnz6d lu>'a ife -' floath tle saltt .tet, te trangaet ts -bus!- ilousi, îfl7pizyeats mode te ltee âàJosepli Bigotow, 11Mî[ t l upted by thé. uderaigiied - i JUItL IIIGELOW, Aotiaig Éreentor. Wilutby, Ncv. l5ti, 1865. 4 MOIE V LITDIJ TIAN OL»!- '1) YA.N!$Lite Pills a rty tiie btuod, ré- TL mcyi loseadalie, Dfreine-o, Gidtulneâ§&, D)roWiuuleii%, Uuîpliasuunt Dreoins.Dir.iîOss ot Siglat. Indigestion,, Cleanfie the toiiich oand Bowil,4iniure new 'lite tI the, deiiiiiutcd ouîd restore tl'ta oIe cte perfect hmitîe fry tijean i they aiaiy ct 25 0.08.', and! ltjyuu mianot -cet t1lemoi pr drugriiit. I toie ie, itiy' teDut. iay, . 0. Box, D079, and tiiey-wiii b. acty retent1 f.amail, TO LADIES. F l yen requtro a lrel ii.hte renanîl>' hO retore i a. noe su Da, REY' iuu ii 't, ai aîîc-f;tiiiig roane.ty for uhel: oiul cof Ob) i'truîetilîuise 1 ,>nutr /ron ilît eam ti. ta-e.Ti y , ait au'! jsuare atendwiii retnre nature bie cor> ruse. 'Çiiey anc il,>. ettbai ouale il camsO tf Weîtitets, Wtsilcs,.r'a- SemîtJ'or Du. IIAIIUV's PriaaIe niliel 81t Visea-, etaedto tomities ;100ùpI)toe, giv- 10%~ 110ilitîitrtciito, 10 ruaits IrQquired- for Postauge. If you mcaliot pua-choase t01epuis 0ut yanu tiglit, the1>'watt tefout by'tiQi, se-3 cuie roai bsa-uilma, uarecerijtof O<>îeul- Jar, by Dum. J: BetAuv.-u, 1ront.*tltiiîag hysteîau, P' i. Box,' 5069. 442 Broaudway, Ncw York<, lia-aieas sppledl by' Denuas Barils & Ca., Whleslcale Agetitts. Newi Yorkc. 2-ly Gtad News for Iheo IJNFOUTUNATIE FUIS Specifte Pills are w-rranteid B à 1111su esiq,for tî-4 itu il'erniaiiet -Cure ofrtitI d!1ii.r riii.g froni Sexuel fxcxess,-s'or, Yoîîîlîfuîi ii.lticru'tior Oreanî; Geoilti.i, î-sîîladNra, lîility. îImpotenco.et, Sexiîîl Discîiiqùms,&O. No éflam of Pr e iiit-14k uexmaa-y, ntii'tlioy cuiti be ite utwitîont iicteetioiiu clî box eauttim 10 pilla, l'a-hue 01i0 I houerif yn .itinîot get t ,"Y,, ii oîrtrligch't, they wii hie Menlt.y mmiiw'cîriiysiîî, witleitiiistîa-iigi% dutinmire ai cire, oul'i empof, atha nioliey; ai) d a i p1litt ot 100 pîîgumioniathe-errons uitf Souuthî tit.e onbe4nc'îeea tsudiîel.eî erec ; 10 cîii.î. a-ouî¶îir i rpOtilco..Adja-sa DU. J. Biev&,, cîsIIuItiIî *plitysiebia, t'. 0. iBox 5i. 44U lBroadway, New York<. p4caIers cati ho mi ppiieui hy Denis, Btinac & VWlîek-leo Ageih, New loriu. EXCELLENT Far'm for SalI firN le* Souti, Itlaiorof Lot-Nu'. î?, ilaflic J.> mnti con., of tiie Towiimhip of 2mt, rontainiît t100 ocesi, ebouit 70 erres cenerd, withjkgu'o d ýweiiiliîg loiîî as'id a ucw freineé liaria, 0 by 60 lwi' taltio nîl osheila tî der i lie oîîrîî. rwo go d vella an dI a yoiîtifhotir . loiOeuiu.fitîinted îabout 4 mlles froinithe Village of Atiierlev, and se'.en tiIh*Iiîm Oitilin. Iiiiinediatô possast,10bOitwili hegiven. I.For pnrticilairot eply to E.Oier rpitor,1P. M. nt A,41b e'ii or -Robertt Un. JW IL TIFR . M. 43 Ashburn, P. 0. B L ACKSMJTU TUIE BZ&T STANDIN North Ontario. FOR $ALE OR TO LET.4 T IIAT wcl .,dtwitedl brick Blasehmith*l nIhpat Valoiityw9iaK Cornera, together ieith th. tramne hbilaing occn;'iod as a carpen. tor'A uubop aj it uid battir acre of land. "Izi. lionc1!9 a t.>od elle for an Industrioji uleoh.uie <loiroiu cfofstliig dtwnin bul. nàtuas ios iprenîl.4es tare sitnatc-lI i the mlii 'Ã"tathr.kly .ttled- wcaltby locality, and la toiieoo lb. te ybeat. 'stSndà fori bujzrkgnith bil lNorth- Oiiîtarlo. The brick huildisigia 42-x24; the cSil 'Shzn, ttactiod 10 24, tlii, Oîrponter' %hop lP Fortonna and&fnrtbor partieelan., spplyt v A1ND0EW LQWES Vromnanbou. . 5041f On Lot No. 7, 9thCo., Broç*l NOUTICE. A PLICATION will bc mode to the pro. 71néeli Poliament nt ito iiext allting te Atmidd and Extetid Jthe Charter or tie 1,01 llôipe, Lindsay iid to4vorton ]T.aîtwiy cot. anni 4iiflwutnittethe tiiumo wîtlî Iii s-te orar id chemong Lake RKollway '-'on piiut ii.,fôor a grozît of land an aid or th seal criiilwiiy extentbion i tn aggat Iti opetîtog uip aliJ relidenltg iîg aîalckblo toeles rait ottier wntcr eunuîeiil iii the. Conitie.0 -Peterbiorough andT Viuturia; auti for ottior par P. Icà. &>. ltutyOfIce. v -Port fhope, Nov. 5911,,, 1t4. 'The Liauuls a 'et andI .4duu Ffarder, l'art Iepe <uiie ciil dosa, u.n.l,P-utea-tuvro' Exçîebior crii' seui aiccao ta otlii.lfaitwai lI10ie. d- If thiýs is so, wi aniT tli .1kio'. cameoiipoif an, eill T cvotem hli whlolg 1 I he oliex te tnieut of -PRIVATE DISEANEI At litg Olît Qttrteta, Corauol * Baiy t aid Adelaide- utreeti 'voioc.W. Yeers cxpcîemao-onautuxstîlstiro rèceni cas(e inmaevery Psuant timut. 01jlibgentmig cuis.l truteil witha'îit Miîrctrv, enîueaes wotranotel PeruipOta viaviuilu ta eoanlt the i Dottot car 'do $0a withî the litust sectes.. My . itnueflleg are plenisait. cerrtain, an'!s-ie.' Yon iicedau Aîop vork ur etiieo r îiet. CAttonît ti Dt)ctor; tty muy iatiguayon jlauc.-te1ag ùocliimg for aulviee..MentýipJ rrnaim aba ul ,wîiî *ttfctv--tlîeDorDa x a- oi c.Topat mon whabs-ofuîilctio A esueet hlaiti Dgocher. Pmiieaiits'rectet by'lètter,iunît meut) cimes sin tfracefrouaideui.g- or oeneleit>', te # parts of thle w-l. *I"Ottlrelheurs tram uiglil lilb, nacroba tnatt i igitt in lhe eeuiiag. - MON EY rjO OAN M ONEyt4o ie.nh on bMorogag£ e seoit 'sci >,tctreerte~efutrct.(Privatefune miiî oppositE he'is pre EXECUTE WbitboyÇÂpril 41 -1865. Wîtluu t9~ dc. 8*. ~o. 819. do.~ 819. do. t'Brodk &Seet. Bas re-open: ooompiell by DONC of his Istte Factory, 7 MC FoWim, 30 1 or to IdATIIEWSON 1 ýIRATOLIFFE

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