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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Feb 1866, p. 1

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~fstLUtew Tscty - Rîcittloit> lXtLL <Io Bro tx'0 EUt, 'V1tbM -Wyth e.sirn Printeti werdsi, great hou;hts 556 uitiriig;is6 KoVîdglnotsnho AD .1vertiSolnaeXn T VOL X. WITBY., C. Wrt TEL D alerdnNoupar. F iR A Yi63 ntUtip iro kerufl tel U 190 AND HOKESTEADS' INSURANCE, &*o. the d'éat ide ~~$~::~~"~~ ~~ u (LATE PLATTtS,) L T IIWMICN___________1u~ w 1 hide front bivendasonîm l isoIl __________________ .ELSNSZERZ 'onox~ To ~ SSURANCE COMNNy# ' 51<k osa s re. îod u agc Aboye King utrecl. FOR SALE. lo«it ir ,wferci iti n 1tin'9tIo t e *round,i b o uet a t i m a l o t a i t og e l I f e t T o w n L o to , o n l o n g o r in s c p s y . l i k l t e b r o r ro ul1 a ' ~~ W tey.nd irrouiidiir attmc ien ht tet Bua(aia,$4OO O e ' oùit, b,,it *ijfrt . i ~ldn if> tlbefally patroized liaiwhîle iatd u71rd 0et .t'el.K. An book tisaiit tY or fO14 iad et;fter thIs fapsof6 ichour fUh~S7M.lc ribu rbegm 10tltt it 1phitb: uct dou WIN'OF WI TBY Til, liàéigt<îOd h nz IiapplIited %i l yý.themetie r oas liuahd feedl n tlu 12unrnerebr. l la l i ltellita tg It ylau,. m n T deal (11.? T13»U aove ng htiu i Vhll D* A ifut cea1 -bise hu'ea ibestaitMm. Edau'nds lu his o Ibouge, ~A~.K ? M NTRAL, Nells t, 'Iuroîtu. llting sArirîti nu ekpeuse ALSO titres, tbckg Il iiheTown of Whitby Vrurnîo ti ltr aIroSt iziceu<.ipno, I. ouIL Ai. attrimftev haerad~ d eeu conveyed hy alouse na wlirsBy 1BIANC1. ill. t ttng lup titesaune,t meniura cou.lort te coutatuing froinaet a o Ut.eActe,.. i E u tn .t Lorublu trtt%. 1 donoltlike tlient' .ipo o, b led, Iu a destiliko uwO ti 11, uyttmîz icwi i Atto VILLAGE LMTS IN 10 t, Onbeiidcd U00e bui u hlitr ag flt adsenb W. IL. DIÉAT, Mltaget. îilcumod tom§e. us11d1a triends wfiî I le City. ' EMIGltJ, rrruîuse, rgatti u. piioof N dsti upn ie:cou ___________ _____JAMES CROCKER. 'Port 1Ferry, 'Whtoktaoai hlm ttlrltborber nccdunr O&NRO & AVONEL, Toronto,.Jauo. 58, !864. 2 Moines. Agent Wî,îtly. llvwgtss l go ae ie ihî d kee.o AltRIgrhTItIL k h AT>UAnIA"d buý'ti. i llmbotir bresaii loig for sottie rmtiariug aigu ofj 1Law, 8oliiit~. it h atiîk ut Montrent, rooklijuDrug Storo. Broolun, UD.ata,) YEOMAN QtBSOt. Asit "0 bigi clifidroqOU oe fIl l iuetat i*tr ei FudLh.corporation otflte C on tv or Ontarito, Hamupton, 1IIAuraI7-' ',leidlàtlt hboliat hlrhumble emita. pasou vil ninuîug <oô ýit hleur Qt4I#4.e llty .W DKUUihof VUnLVIiLL YLL. e ' 4 fil rrhsrpry,1 egular ticlciug ef tise ooclt C. IluJ M% LNtt t ileeslton hoW bitemes fs udotcsc t.ELE in Oeiao< . . 1.J ACtNtL rtlgpq, Patient Medîcîncu. Apî'iy ti INSUIIANCe. &AiGENER1AT.AGENT. WhuO duvet atesi. erlbouta lue.gay, bl.Oasu W>3I)IOnV tloail neup o ond mcci rily. Ap. P~aletR 2 WY tur, ofcto' Iivatit olerthuu. yod, caine ota 1 6r. T1 ela tcohivi iy ut th. e .oof tien tirentColet lions,,- ery i>&C.itOtBeSuli ofeli'J. IIAM 1Pf'll.'V Whtby, janii.,lotsit 800. haIe "hua ravît salaud cuti longiv S0U O - --- ot eCtle eiccl;a i i uon atià ýi11t'a dorsijd, oIle uri.ltam'a.uoisl. .t an- sd- Ille Iestiiwi~av______ * ~ ~ ~1Tîitb~825 000 TO LOAN. h w olic wica lte iite tibwr5i4 icflrtstisbeat.a &o ____________________ 0~- li e gazsa itdty, s"dal vii>, - ~5)5'CE~We tn'..sx'atee Hisldlng MME ALa ,EL uNRei À a. » ta lsoitt tt*t4. do t like ta hîcar licr yr1ly, peaiclrc î le1eto lturehtiSirtsi,Torointo, 0. W. O n. . .itL A t front 1ho 12 )Ïsum. littc'xcst luw, anti tjjo*ll Sullr MdS.ttt11.en tTtt, lubu, 'rWasbo, COMM RCIAL -i EL. Tu1aid AN D .J cWiu isttirwuxsxiiîoit, ail dit .< lmnondjo re, îliànk WQS tOttAt'. .. .RAs<~Q. BROCK STREET.IIIITBV. Aunu Ilunulitr Coxnxui.aluss tiilotie".And tIscîsla ai lid la "war To'routo, Jugy2,il l. 118___ u cri'sd bes1 tssttn tsi i F R S L .A pply tt,- stileiPltin i at.m s xeccu-, I dexijilireî 1 T ieiilsgen qz ietli FSA E MliiGDSN, i ttiddland nitis inre , ~.5.C O I N ,L lliais' ttkh-ittthe auitve mil xno î. rciffixexi i itby. Tliîev lft ta icuventt ttwta' "ugo cytu.,'1so l le8*d anscn Swiclt tl nttt-elcu i xii)tru ni.it d uariouta' t 1u YEOM N theISOS Thîn .i i. ut einre ibl e s « id m ithe scolec o lto rui 514te e t.itrctt1 1 n tell .Jle 1. q u e ll. X r o c k *A g a i , b is c u ne n a c o a u wm «EQR. _____Toronto. ~- 'avy oasa te (IRF . 1)AIt.t., --___ ___--- ----Eldon, mTcIusedBgeBro drrc ocreihd I 4ay, 191;1Sls,ATTIIIINEY, 0(.'iNVEYA'N BUYNTON'IS JIOTEL, Thexloy, liE .uoderuignt'l tdorerIof Four;ittulf1t4el 5f1 1cur, Deolty leiitrir, bMîutrtu r inrtli B x e ,I r eroi îli éstuvtei ti , tm lnt i op laryAiid axaliîintc-Ilài llaitury f ro(L Ttth4co"i S lne-vll, tatirro,.nm!L Country~, culnd î; .i-cpared w hDY J. ~ TYr u usliga Yb9Utamolo. 01 tl-o-.. lllv~-bed, sud tic non incinentt -W-X L TTL IOYNT(>N bezotta 'it life;te tlu.Verulam. Rul --tt(.ru y ,i' varyorYUr- "hicereeyengoiog,'deatbusbaud?7" ma,noct a hair ci hem curly hl RjU iiRT J. .WILSON. VI ixlltalitift'rtlie(4lti ixt fv tfuitsdlelFtt'rp~ll . ta.anyuyar miirr--iudiug ient l t AI tla,;î.a tl ie Ferparticulare apply <c, (pmcpaid) hiltasxm lit ta rototua w lite ouesut ai m ked Kr4m Edinoudo, aa bon usbsud vasà endiug crver ber fstlier, l' tIItPTFuiAtAt'(UN V AT LAW, ilti u Wi ilieui titit tt'y -c itpii y I.lie lgttt I ele'. iitommuer.usiu iu a.i s. ih sno mfe fce iihses su ueto Duelict ut i, litanc'y, &.s.Wiitt,1W. *it'wttt.d aus lie list.)jaif it ltl edt utt mî,iJ. 11 M PERi, Tii.' tmocty% l'r -rxx'witit mîsîet < o ) * l'>.barrel iu ii& bau.cjy zlin pic i I i Brook St. iitby. il Is llmmt mînie, ,-itor iloN vii tit' 'cv oiv o- . attixtitur e t ,Ta te ut' inloruttilAnna.fma-tie ni mc le.... Vl~trla tlt ttjt, -ci'. %%'lion, Lifijîaorsanti Cigar; cflti hthe . iliytt&' , shaveut...,, îu.uî rtl. redseeei <iTea i . ecttedvda ua l ere 1 s,mdes, papa, be b t ia it v. W îby, Bih ?evr., 186.44 #iemd u l irmd e loiwfleure titàn nsnally alidtise suéband, tite tu- its nev auBe "9 M Qed, lu ilpossible ? 0. x. 3Aufvti!, olwAni ascntt t clii .Iwm.yulau LUind --- - ___evo __~ raId.. <MN 18K barel, Tou n oytii 1baie moust al- or dyIdra iele oci ii ('fle ieir.IIATLW '1 n TCttaUsa. 2 iii t>0 maya lba iiluck uili MF iOv gunu, fle or, graspiog the baud cf bis i h. ~ ~ ~ ~ .28 't-îsr.Csatics't --rtti-I..Lntii."eu 4.îeF ,a r8.ýi mi o a le STRNlutbu saty desîroyiug my thuuib. "Tes, uy bubstidutl, i THE ONTARIO HEOTEL. * ~For this rsto eobitl mi u aGa-cidIomte.i K. 8TE à &AT't>INEYA.TA, htO' S'IT MsT HTRY. ASS t iUANCE gCOMP~ALNY bc fereai meadea, aud I unean lu give <bis bumote seudog. tise bal lnt P Oltr --t, wae.A & Pol'aoi',Store, lQt'oT I 1 .a leogît trial, by poug ila sof the nt, sud coir chilti, vi Piy.C. W. -J. REUBOTTOI4, double chsrËs befoeo omng l." atibg jour targets writ li em glu tutu>. î'oprslam.-o- APiT l1 8 00,00. OhtakmemeagiTs onogdear cd mzbariucd le S, il. F IM,,11AN914 - -------- , f~Atir i le irgis.Twîtlîest' Maitverti, -papaIl," saidt lubie Enîrai a brigit, blne Mm. Edinoufs raised hintse OLICIOiINOTAIV PULIC, c. ACote.;VER JIOUE, I li:, 1V.ts - càar L t if SlPridwGuson itcu, flSQ. eyed, rd"y cheett,4iid of ouc»MneS.anstic: band of hiie iot e S uiaC ~-' MUtSL, ~ tu. 1Ut1»lI Tutiitlxe ut'mors. l'twill pieds viid flcîcrs la the. la'ingthe other ng tic CEIALE.C. ELIER, C. DAWE'S- . ltuPllIiT011 . .RL ~ -"ON~ c >esnti.Oi .OU muadonttsud veavo a garland for doa >cid, h. saisi, viti éoking nt IT')t;% ATLWSl,41101WtAVIMO l'l I) TIF5>-'fiA 130 >NN Ut j &garyeand P7rmsure. mtaus.Allalit lI 6haetaie somo means! se0 Lord,--ýonr Savior, ài hies~Y A liWuo J'iriilý4 sbepr ( ire eeuci bu 0sorstfwicipoaong, aMd. feed ho prretiy speckiatl trout Thou hast givou me, <bis oit tortiiii r iîsttui'î tic--tse sC:uemolaW., o 1 a R tfmi î are- flRÂU 11)N ~ ' in tise breb.' Tbee. 0, 1 <isola Tie fort els, Srccic, C. W. O C 1itt . i]',trui4irrr e r, imwteai-s antilm, 3tIt5-Rciod lmail, u il lirit" attenîttion p-t11 tL't c t. Stlini'tu 0 L Theufondîg tbbe'bt, ssitet the, l'icS. Titi, ""' tuttI ltitoi z. (IIEENWOD, <ar-fUi(1,11m. ,11 lix mtiiîtiî'~, ...1 ~ 1s, î-îsî'e-ty1IE ns.Vilshlit'. appeitotos IlenFTise end fthar ut aie theaubur giti We cuaaned liegtent J. 1.1MER autîl t'nî'sie îrelitiWitltN t.ii ldu! y. u it llt. 1(ai,», ,uu-asi l n t*atItl,ui iyT f0, heava, ii uts irai ig>-u1t t %Vhui tMiaîd oulatis f tts iib g, asudpressing a Iiss-of tandlprotectionfor atl future ti T>tî)RKEY..-Ar-.IsAw. 8Ol.lClT<iIN 0 ii."t'ii îtcîtlîîe., tei t axa i f mdle, t iro pritfosalale u POUn ber ~Csry fortei ai, siliîîg ail eterniîy. -O do Thosu Olîaieem, N ttji v 's,li of li uuvr . T~Ltif BEI.EVILIE, un the ' udtend ot" iwd .aI tc lotvellraltg.gaeissosu.FIighmbaevt aelcrtyTinovu ~î,îîu a'W.ftutaiitviîsîia îttli ')V' l'I ~1t.~TE LEVI P1hliANIkst h. piecos cf bua,abe iippcdsfîcr ber fater Tly great love sud usry."1 gtegfsry< Brto. uoek 'tntta . 49 BAYt tfu. tfAtiD Qi UU l-'4,NT V Ajtr elFather imbu gocitcare of île- ciild, liouier aud ohtid smot '" AItEWELIG, L-L. 13.,- [j'r 44, Cliunreit trccts. Torocties litmlwutartloS.,.Culuî'.oa.ate ue aer,eMveryarfol a<d don't t kecu;<lie piesoucoetf thie L - lAilI. TII41LIAW, &c. GIIANI>TRItNI<RATLI'AY iI<)Y.iiL iieu-utieaxrx-Titutre arIoillofurs htiig ~falIjte lite bîock,Iu'mni l.inr otbem, s flcd of <cart 1 teseof joy XcViBEs e A9 Yonlgottlnfex seil tie ld ochad, U, %târ-Wlig-bter hi4rougis <ho openadeor, giving, bedeved ilieir 1eeb t, the- ii etde.tiptlult ut'ffroI. i sa rilltsfatbe cdli i4t tiemutey-at LUm, -.'iittir i,(inxey .- (Seul/utide of Ruzlway vDep > otu-iu li. a titaltta. Thce pit-r-erLe i its aoviag ad11 loyxilcen, At-. Offiec-sIinei tr'î X,out'rl,~itii fitRIlle toprtyi sîtAui atvii u~w orleer .UR DP RTYZIêT. mliglc <wr b itabr u êe IeOiatZhposoli oft l i t fi, 0(Jilit<, (1. NM. - 40 Fo Ti3lVehl<ti. Tiitiu,01,11 .constat t fseanafou ee&o i rïtesgt y te t so * 3< EIiLIJI LL 3JAMES rRINLlf, u-ure lîIis, totuvelitist¶iled tiillu LLt sabIahht util targ lke, ait *000 bt4 foti srt lkby iug etho a antNi si 1 .,ru ft mult,-Tti haru losut- uim~pklog*bast disêrVIate L' L ti ~~aen ulmtuesia4t. e AT le eV, liitumfiu Clii---------i-si i4.-e taetSîlO tiueani iaat<c 40_____ ______,_________ ewmxMIt > *%peu-ý la e n *I)dR virË4e, Ir fl eté of.very bue, the modemt vklelt, of et tdpendeuce. Tic S$pa JI< ILIIM-TWO HUNDRET) ACRES, qltmt lsst themaixanandcm fapame- «may b.ingthél A, , ' 1UN Y, &uuf'.ACN Itltimheltlaikmwhotmx.,lut -Alonil1Oace.cleunci, loghoete &C. 'rlsî6ia notee aouim otteioutérklt tUe hudptoIses from SPuteW" ap frvoiY tiAisr iiioe, i. mcîlaf'J e cioil, su esi~ttwe ouy lson,,,four 1 L~ vply e okjaia ie dee in sgub t titpauiu - - - -______ ~ie gi.uerallv, tiit Ue i gue »tn ud sactuxte- Aise Li , intVie lîti eau. so>tgXVx muE, roam I t faifmig ut aqa ise t*t4ignlo isu dhouli tieno tbvc uaated hlel. millbc ftiaiad jS &aemmWllIui10c mlles. trou» Ilue IV'Odee m-lJnllusJs ouA e.- u >, ai iii. iat of lia trock, giraduslly m4omdrbui. Ou 1eptenuber R. W. CLARnK. M. 1D. taeuquel aujthe uta i NI. geu ot nernnt) Uut>Odsud coutiul.WNhittty, Aptil 19, 1865. 15 rumsrtiiin1lu, lt Channeul, XI rua putliug, iegiuniung cf tic ilociade 26 - PrF.lt utC. 2< Foreut ta tula S1ito l>la, utc. ad)ripphng bUblslin* ibroligis lii edov, steamnersEineasraWs and Ad ietee'n-t'ne tIior u-t'I.f Ya ,rmol_ _ _ __Iropulta.aerprt(a111il)e(pepsd)* E 'o vessitiî, peitises snd teckS, fcrùàln le ont of'Valparuizo daller the t*eisStou-e, B-as Srocet, Wility. S t A a BEIl O U S F, J. 11kM, PERRY! IM S1R ft LJ is Courss euahdred eaoeb asud' terni nigist. It wus upoeed tbey - R. J. GUNYi, ».13. MDeLL5. l>mpotor, wletiby. »-l-4*1le ts lia vers sud viîlv iacrdeas sel.for offW eoend thei. 41JRGEON TO VIE COUNTY GAUtI, ISAAC PXEiqTON, ltyKIl" 1(.48f IKudrbsudmboeu appoîtit4 A t tesa,ud ofspeeliled Irontun t hier groaltAdmlràsVs912110, Butlthe BEyro iltre, WitlmY. -T lithuis lacalit>' fosr ltee folloiltr bockliieflal dse:r tiingorl i otun ierwtdpio thJe Ois - . ~~~ - l't <tel te, lasmrnes <Janipties, Inwla o te m t p bM êI1i sbg ai ctela<odbrwytéliC1 S) 'o r @dkâ.U e, f# sud iu»saotbà itte adov,deepty ebsh rn wit lwà tli ré LÉBTET. l .3Wittmtid il non,;'niunLrsce and u For Sale.a9'y liedin thse' faîat, vuaon of tht asciI November huit, ttu iec T& Rsu ltlEu~lugt.,imw..1 omat<tt'amaelca;goad sabellgaut ""'uTYiOcuAusnd piciereuqu. soeuiniagia' tis. mtuiitg cf abs 26tb, the T Garmérjitu inlde tla rdui'lu ltai beit style attentive liosilet.1 7. TU VeirpW andf La<l<on. Iéý1 rreuts <liM. d~auetae wf b suffasio. Aê INSO fOU4,7 IJI, #jw->'f «Mk~~-S lit*; ss lisdoet fails. bt l h lci tr.Ed 1N sieouun ipsajsstePa JAMES BLACIi, otI't-h- à t auo 'b sY' Sir, naýW4iq, o WOXCJLTELEGRAP9 CO- Siuopilb. Let tl dô 9" jjejj'OX fljjS4fNýéiotrww rONNECMING Witit ALtitIt PIICiz Cfp~ R-EBY N i' gnd" wlitby, 50ào4t ib r Ities cuti Tamilsa lnCanada, sud te THE DONPli ,MY11 Bvemai vahusae budu Jeta tfmrlumlîemp, LV 'I l ie StaSeg. -- sudpr<vate TeSitdtie the ' ", n of Lini cr OFFICE iu W1tlbý' 2h.11»t u t tthte li ubériht îtfaéao e;' ad w I.tbîý. 7e,7W ogieu, ti l t>trokStreclt-1. cftî ~ 5~ te " Fou- fe'rtterWottruatlôii, L~icn 4 ee 7 tn -1P. Ros$ xelni11Sk 'ep - i 4ýh rtircit, sund Qutermutto miit presssters. ý 14mxa heiçout MF IT DIVISION COURT.- THI) 48 DAVIS. JO.W1Bî . PJERUY. 'o" I7ttEf8DAiOT9EEi Aidea-Trentc, Sept;j 01965u. 37_ ST ___Wbit___t_______ Wi>tut ILL BWapotalWS E gillt IOJBe - RAT!4BOWIIO1JSE" rm Xo;x lt§> abi smCol - - DtJFF nI'S CIEEL. ý f r $-~ o*.tntis~ftbb~ - MU. Tlaesd d lalitor» lier itale,~U'i M aMupo ret!em rondeanmatipatrons <bat mite iais.opoed~ i<xu,,nPjifIcT#t 1 rokmaeýpm ii Peint . te k' t 10* n h, <rccki(opeoie 4 MWt mleofleo dWhtly, -à,ai Q,"a VARS & PETERSON, -pireoi .,înhp ICBT CHRONIULE kil2 ONit]aa ieOIgmaO5 Y mqAM-r IJI1GGIýNs 4~ agau 1 ie Chili i ICITOX Ili Thç 1 eIýqea ongiplraèyi Tli]» CITY cQv BBéiàN a' PIOCLAIR.. Tihe London Nd* ~i ~zi Ot the 1utI J4 UPP3ewbt teothe1Dublin GaMefd4ý * litîce o~lm Inïtbrcoupty sd City of, q ouuty and City -of 4Vàtîrd The Pr,*o- clam ationq -, wré ~aîd1rocogbt' tldt city-on Tuusday, >but were -ot long flpj ietaile,, lit 'Ée 1 Ï Aaua. (Sa$ <ithe"lin .ldtpres») until tic7 werd, - r aflshtom suand dfaceil y'hbayiug piecca of greeg * ~A Âi~zs ~ va~. paper-aated over the word 'lQueen,' inak. the se igwp:en of If g te utenen read 1'Godwsae th7à nt88the Expret a*rite owgs-down wgquoe *.hich lied béon poated nt uaf~lg OS"eforq'"liknu stbnsineé<"n>en c on.tuCity li, whicli, Weneed liardly ré- éluide I .4.,el its la e ,a*u$' n oiïl~ti niît ~s . l~t , ~ ~ .t4w au4etba.. ,cit o liCastle, and uuzt door tis ,wlther lip thei. pIi, OýI o18likeli té iccre 'the Ileai police ottice. NotwiLlistauding ieigbors,lying rrom thbe tr i u O.' tow *ipointhelarge <ofrU dfpoicepromnenadingtlia oon N t xtjrou N Éo tians hiqÃŽd Vrtfer n t reets, WOIe b u hobeard 0otuinstance fit., o te 1onter fate - 0 l*ltb indda, btùt in WIkh thepeos l-cliiîdis; itenanel î lsasios,»and'îob I 1ntl beotragea have bïqu arresicd. The effects ily aîl col4 fcfta s0u5Up ansd hufn î of t beucproclaataions!le, that froin to.dayq jjg 34clüeI$o te ll out 1e TJuglc Sainà uwal t -gîiAnd ub PUbin Tipperaj a*d houriU ir, *culd yoti gâWb<y lJi.transaction 1Ï Tus Waterford, ,.it becmesa a Éisde -nieanori- ira ssve ti e an11imnportant<t iOet ùi ana r think 1I e aiojhable hy *we ysrs' îimprisouct n tihe insutte.- faihialti o*bon w e aft h'som Àilt nssy belp wflorwiîiiout liard labor, for ny per" insun gave a tp 6"oawr i1î qaiafoi{u Wall, tbn, son tG carry or Lave, oxcept n lu hIeiU. amotion of you Vould gaiq, 7, 1 ' luýheuse, cs r . uamnonitloa -oý anl' rroan ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'f fods 1 sI 7~~oa, tescription lu tuy of the ptocleibed dis;~ grea fores L Z u t i qr Ob, paté nef b dl1 O h bu s o. teirified « Uin.'be li y' se vceapecial, constables ÀItepublicau fom of gétieânt. and 'the holders of gainecertificates are cried i. ':3. Twik Seuaturs andI about -as uanYý speeially exeepted frorn tii provisions of' heaven you ,oembers of Congre" e4 e .Stlkîqocf ~.tic set. Olandars -are lls1bld to haap. - laware, p!ebeuded hy îhoY porion and- jelivered ciutns&r. 4. Perhlis haIt a dogé e aeu tedi t offices. ioto thé, teeîocl of-the police,- sud thé' Stio cf ic . & epercureucy worb, oui ow inagistràtes ét the police are cuioieral àho psautd. about two.îiirla of your own.te uearch spetted ýpomons."1 le tlie ghat 6. -A lilbera abare of cur itational delit, The Dublin Froemans journaltof thd ril u ywich, ou heaüilherity cf dur gréat 1ftnsu I uaathé fllowiugi. çoer, Uit., 1'ay Coolio, woutd, -conifer fipon < Soce i ter the ' proclaination Lad 6oeiiý r un thse-smur- you, a great publie benefitf puhlised suxiena groupa wore taIo accu 55eaway Il' Nv o ha aisbobeanuc ollcctedi readingft,'ou all the- places eo fonoth sli elf-governmnent, Yankee- free trade, sud ihere- it wu8psted, suad the policeoru- tho litlg Uin. paior oneyi wliat wculd yen bave te ceived information- <batý piltea, pistolej, bead lujured, PaY7 , WelI. yon "oId hay VctpaY iS wordà,âmmuuiiton1 dritl hocha, c., wcmo, covcriug b.8 Tire. imesas îuuch fdr 'Iotig, and beidÉ iûiade a*ay îd eh <nju!ckty se, pos.> il Vidzte ts 'thec necesoltics cf lire e asyc.ov wp uible 6Y Cbnbiaiug thin in tùot iugciond Three par cent, 'on.eveytbliig yon maý places, or bJ îlhrowing theiclto tho river lorsI aoe.%0 nufacture, sud eiaîais. -Éaoy>whvIle JIs oc od thé AmrI ie, 'l'enudollars s jear to Jeep atere, or te. prodlamation atentivell, or wbd bail beed qerjoycd fatli.tell spruce.heer. anisiuforin4ed onçcernzig it, thoughit 1 irliùgý cbuld., A dollar s yeat for a gold wateli. ute aearçis for armas, aloouqilion, - C.; vo 1 'Thank 'Tic dollars a ycar for'itpiano. *OU14 commee on. ? unday; aud for <bat 'ho rifle barrel. A dollar a ycarfor s cardage. reasour the grosueu t vigils ucé t'aâ ezercited sugi the roof A siemp duty on ail-,rewepto, nolrs of bYýQîsewbe w*ere afraid oft<hoe policé' aovas decor- Ilsandilbille of exciauge,- contracta,Aderda vxatiug <hein hopeésëli'makte su toverh@rüIk orad ccp f sale, Éillgi &c., &c.0 sccrdiug %0 for pikea, mcvolvers, rifles, 4c. Ou ré'; unsounit or value. -day evtning soins çoustables cf ithe I l.-. el p ai ieprCent ou aill nëothos éiee l g ~ion ýroceeded to afléid . in é ni,.gb cod f their Every dollar of import dittieesuad !4 Iu. saY$tgck tbei fobtid tweafly PiIed;tisl uterance: ternal revenue", wotild >-fiad lia vay, net fer immuediate service. In the saine lobe~ stcod tun mb our but loto Uuclfe Sa'z Treasury. lily, on tlie roadl, a lundis was fouedj ul.d I îhauk Al hé revenue *tbsî yen raise at pro. . nidi u en puad,, ças'iscot -tic precies sent <o psy expenses eof gôveimmnt, lu. te conosat.cf -a iliitary cloak, ëomposed Tby kiud care teroït tor publiec déb,' publie *orku', scilools cf superfine grçéelcotbi- wlîh cd'facinge, time, yu., for toadé ilil brî4ges sufid *lst- ot, Yei od icibérel$ it th% -ollhtr Mus a solid golci %tch ovçtrr!cUIal have te raielua addition teo héio s ud 1 OtsP4 j d#stî o "e eo i ýniCè thse rewar4 ci aÏbove, by direct taxation. *ith mcd faciuga, blearing Ie iuitiai-4.f TYour ghure <of tic publie deibt bftheie tTic Irishs Repubhie.' Ail ltii unitorta tis upon. tbeir ttulted State, eould net, péaàlbuy faIt shlort waslélgantly fiuisbed, and _,as avideotly Lord was feli; ocf ifty miillion doll"m,. <lie nt.retof IliO'PrÃ"Pe7AY 01 Ã"î43Pcffa lieWho -d fâ w hsich yen would l<sge te psy la goldI, <Snt1y rettilIid fmsaAauriéen- telia l dcriýcd froth î<mporti. Nov l otpon d stYle Of wenlnmaDshilPatfrél ii. 1* aider for a moineut' ,ta'i iis s' woula #r, bant oal unifci ,oats,Çuas4iq_ le piàôtstda. do fer yoeu, If n cilid *wilb îthe-'t Pro. l l kndwoe foand., vinem-Leu a n -bau 'f of ý wé oud- biW eai*yprrd'egt~] are te: the 3rlirA 'u mil ithe l..mL...l.LAwiL.daàMa àiMi5v b d&I;reg1& 1

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