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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Feb 1866, p. 2

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tLe Gra union W, Tý" tbat seboël B ty Sotnci is mo looked ul the E DELR un certain proaching thenew m yon mei other me ed up, and of your to'q orvery litil tbis is the C cerned, but the mode nc bers for tbe have not tg ",,..AnY other ci w0kod- velly honorable oc enemy Io q, gay for cerifil Io appear av, -piètee'. eacli 1 »d denirana . iér"minatif),là càtinot but be flult thr6u',,h the clear front the forte of the 'press, of ail ü r - tiscles.s, and.wlicti lastsi Onffonday Tant the meeelï undèr, length and breadthý ýof Our connt e ý ry! It' parties, tient bad they neted otherwise ta bohours before the. steainer eu. g, called by The Volunteer.Riflei of this toirne would bu wrong and ta -4 lcaliing 'filon 0110 of the _Vn,ý tfiey iWoold not bave been susiaiued either hcýwal the CbiufSUPGtintendent of situation, ta the command et -Vajor Wallace, and the derme thé importance of the change wliich by Parliamout or the country. Thé re- at the companion. Ilis chin %v Éolice Of A"izCs-V*ý Ontario. consider severai propagea ceanges in the Infatitry under Capt4in ]Dïrtnell were in. May bc rendered nocessary in the indoatriý marks of Mr. Derbyýl imply upon IP*rtu for Bide-L. Heydon. 1 ln au Ment both bands,, and his arrr Présent schoul lawt wu h014 'et the Me. epécted lut Wedneedal ove' 1 puriùiïsý of bur people; or ta deny that on the part of Mr. Galt Corbie views, bail the toi) of the door, whieh- 1 Tu Coligu'optivez-E. A. Wilson. aing, 41 Col." ai - svraved to;and frai while he"calg clianics, Institute hereý and was râtendid Daric, Assistant Adbtantý 0 t will eequire ail Our, wit and energy ta already created ait uneasy feelingi The cd -- eneral, attend the secne , One of the Érrom Youth-j. B. Ogden. open ýup prométi ' d à - pftsbel 1 by a large and Most Intelligent audience. ed by Col. Dt=nist Brigade Maior y i go.roualy new Globe did its boit% ta proinote- this. It sow him fflle hitfl Worke, 13lIntimpýbUtTrue-.6,T.F. Chapmatf, « , and markets for Our rapian 1 We bave, In fact, seidu seen the intelli. Captain Pue), A. D. C.' The Rifles parad tiens. dlY nereasing prodoc. gave extraordinary, and, we - think Ic? M - , ' unne. fully, and, in fâct,' morý braV'el, 1ý0 Aut-tioneero-Il. J. Macdone!L ceuary proininence ta those passages or nan cri board of tÉe ship., u gent and thinking portion of our county ad in th-eir winter clothins, as ilierveil out But serions u the coming change . eur le -off thé report, evidently wit, the intention of ward %vito made Iiim), kni boiter represented.' lËnt faut the assembla e ta tbeu on the Erontier, the in foreign commerce froin the abrogat In BrooÏ«e stild, "Ir you suëcecd hsolveni Notice of 1864-W.' Rose. ci 9 fantry in ion of croating a Ter Jadice against -the govern. wu one of id Represec the Trenty undoubtedly it, 'we beartity ment. The result provos that this en yourseif, give my faroyell ta thé Xatice of Quarter 8eèàionsýCO'. Ontario. tative mer.." and, as fàli parade 'tirées. At thé 'Conclusion os # 0 a Bourse Melbouriie.1% such, would balre given ta a stranger, a tber inspection, which wu M cOngratulâte the cOuetrY On the escape it wu most justifiable. t it Nouée of Magazines- ore than cou' bu made froin an unspeakably greater would acem that the Americans -va-ited Or TIM FAVICI Public Notice--;.Town of Whitby. bigh idea of the intelligence or Ibo coucly. ally long and thorougb, ÙoI. Durie, ex «-il. allier and more ourious 1 changes, (titan LÇext must be mentioned a circ Thomas N. aîbbil 14q,# M. p. p., fot the preued bicmlf gratified tg - find that [Afier incolcatt*ng the advautages of those indicated by Mr. Galt in bis report the publication of which may 'ro Duildero--Jaiues Richardson. greatimportance. bfr:-.ýftinroos 8OuthRidingOfýtbo Cona-typ futailedtbe Whitby liad enfuit a fine bodyof well driUed self rel'ance as Proforable ta a coniinisi on the Reciprocity Treaty, March 1862,) a pusenger-nameil En.-;twond, w! Boololand Shoes-James Bain & Co. duties'of cbairman, with dignity and abili. men. He àllûàed tu ' » de looking tu Wuhîug4oni" the alobe pro. changes involvIng a degree of control on lie lind becil Acquainted irlor ta good feeling whick ceeds] ty and M. Thwaite, ý-psq., acted appemd ta subaist 4tween thé their part over the fitcal policy of ibis age, said ta bien, Il %Vcll, Jack, Ïm P bt e ý 0 1 two. coml> One happy result of the course adopied Province which no country could, with a tvba.'o -goitig ta go." The arim as secretaq. , D. -BÎýeru94 addreand -the aniese'and hopéd ÃŽbat Ic ÃŽould continue. by the United Statu wili oertainly be, the due regard ta its own self respect, aubmit 'el think WC aroy J meeting with great' cicarneu an&eloqu. He complimented the Infatitry upon their 8peedy Confederation , of ail the British ta-, and, au a con'equence, the egociatl. wu ,8 11% cannot lielle it. Thei once, for about Iwo bouts, et I&ining üe Amarican Provinces. 'a, ri an,, thing I regret about it; of a aining the neat and soldierly appeurance, and parti. If there ever wu a on& haro been braen off. A bold Britioli five litindred pourids on the Ban ONLY 8150 CENTS A YEAR principal zmecdm«te.,ýwldoh be proposed cularly upon thoir ateadinets in, the tranks. doubt la 'ho Past As ta Ibo advautage or American policy will enable us nôt ouly ta toria, Tkillarnt, -1 only ýêccivOd inter colonial union -its abàoiute necéuitY 'survive the loss of the treaty, butte bring, pounds wilich 1 gave to, the captif ------- _ - im-11110 aPhOOI law. Iesél*ere priréipally thé want of whioh Io ici greait s'defect in 'ta cur position now must bc 9Ppartut Io btforeAosig, the Americans As; guitare 10 Office of M ney %%'jgr.im &Co. thrite lot, ta substitu a a Townshýp Board Volunteer orgauizations. lie furth Whitlly, Tliurýs4ay, Febrtiary 15,1866 t er ex- ail. Wu do uot believe that New Brus. us for trade relations. Wo foel oati,,ûed have lik-ed illy poor father tgenvc of six tratiteue for the présent systom of pressed hie satisfaction with the admirable eicir wM, after this, stand in thé way of that the question la en e in Il of balance," The speilier ivas amc t a bands lybat the Americ*nw required fer Re. electiOe Of trustées for each, achool sec. condition of the titreuse elothîiig, and &p, )cd * but fortunately ar mensule slow clearly,ýessential ta the-ex. Messrs. Galt and Ilowland, and that thé 'ho Perie 1 i8tence 01 theze Colonies sa a Fortion of coming session will greatly , prm-ot the larly enough, his cornilluilicat tien- 24d te Alter the coristitation of Ibo pointments of the Company. The Volun. the Britiab Empire > -and wo are net with- 0 made ta Onéof the threc surviv Couxty Board of Edutmtion, go tient ît teers thon, ta the number of 120, marched -ont hope bat material andcommercisi intercala of thé ceased 3 sengers, and as the d ' the few OPPositionists in Province. wood*s father 18 known, oto live ne, Amongst the ciller stipulations, one 01 aboule! bc appointed in. 'each county, by through 'the Town, beaded by the Band) Canada %vill now ceuse their Opposition The Montréal Telegraph *tIfinka the pool, tiie probabilîty is thfit Isis Sc which was ta Infrose a duty en fiali, whieh the Gdveruar in Conneil and thut thoir and thon proceeded tri 61 ludge arma," in and fond tbeir nid ta Complote the ' country generally will bc rather gratified 'Vill bc fulfilled-a wisli that %va p 0 M-asu,- Vould 11AVC the ciroct Of killiug Off thé certificâtis libould bc valid ibrongbout the their respective armouries. With Confedoration c,,ried-the improve. nt the result, etd bolîoves our utifettered vent, thit Mr. Enstwood shed toi trade of the Maritime Provitice.4-the foi. Province, and bc bold-do*eàn' ment of our internai commuuieptions by any expressed it. g good conduct. rail and navegatiod-the throwing open of fiscal PoEcY Wili bc Worth a gond m STICKIN(J 1JVý n*IFE AND Cuil, lewing id the sort of Reciprocity which the Ird, a ocheme of compuloory éducation, BtN& Roi;uýsliy ni;vzAi£p.-The mjstery our vacaut, lands for free tetilement-the treaties. United &mdis goverrement m.qu-ired. The whereby each parent abotbO ýe ëompcllqd surroundjng the robbery of thid National _ 40* 0lie of the passprigers in the lit graduai reziuctionà of car eustoms tariff- I)etaii» or the los% or the staamàihjp John VZilson, a native of Moiitros qist of atticles ta bc idmittpd fro ta give bis clirild the mes&$ of' acquitin- Bank of Concord,ýMà»s., oit the tath, of the Opening op of ne w markets for cur Lqudon. down ir.to the cr.tein arid endeu Uttty frcej would be-Durr Millotoues, un- knoaletIge, during et lenst four mondes of Sëptember la'st, have bewi partially, r'eveai agrÃŽcultnral productions - the y' 1 1 0 rgorous i)er,,tuitde a tnend -.Nfi. Jolits 'Il wr onglet, Rage, Firewood, Grindstones, ,cry yeur, of $chaulage. A Ion g, thoïed cd, through the unt*ring elTurts of the Prosecution of our ffisbery îtad, minerl 119.%RTRENDIND TINCIDEN'I'S 4)F IIE. front Balkirat, and brother ta ýI detectives. A fow - dnys bince Iwo of tho OPCning UP for Octile inire, solicitur, of Southampton- rough, planter and (;Ypotlm-y ungroundb and animated diseugoigts upoil the first sub. ment - ROISII AND SIJFFFittlýNIG teiljj)t tn Save his file by goiilg i robbers wore captured in anather State, of the grent North Wcàt -the commente. b-'u; but, aft-cr being ciltrcatcil, Tbese are ail the articles that Cia-iada ject arase, in which Messrs, Flint, Thorn ment of an efflarged sygtern of immigration The vvreck of tho Austrilian crifigrant 1 [01-fignise(l illy wile and 'could und from the (reg IlIt 1 But 100k ton, IIartideu, Anderson, Dartnali, Baird, and $'D"00 of the moncy recoytred, -and the wise rovision or our system of miiii) London, with the laïï ùf ov-t-r tiro litilv htf theln, and 1 M'ill do sa being about two thiedi of the toitel amotint bankin'. end cirreucy-the people Of IllindreJ live-4, has aIrvarly Iloci rccardeýJ. vraier wns then a considerable d al the articles upon whIchi It was propoaed Harrison, ýfa;:Ienuan, McGill, Grierson, 0 'l'lie F.t>gli,,h pipe te levy dut talon. The moncy rccovered bas -been Btitik§h Amorica teed not doubt that a rf; reccivell bv the Afric" the Iev sLle of the saloon, iriilecd i 'e@-a«d the secteloant ?-rond'er- and Others took part. Au amendmeut in a ftiriti,,&Ii details of the tf)l) ef the liei-tliq ; alid 110 asl Ing thein actuallY probiMtory. Tbey proý r.,ô, cf the confinuance of the prosent puid,)ver ta the I)rcsidoi.t of the Bank. highly proeperou future je before them. in lsorror and intirrest nuytIling Of the to he1p Iiiiii in rerncviflg Tt is believed iliat thrce persons ware con. Faotte-the I«Idir. liiiid that Wis ncý7iirrcd lie 1,4urcrpe, t,.itico r peser! te levy, là cents a busbet en barley- system, wu& carricil by a- imail majority, the loss of tilt- ReyaI Charter. s %vas donc and then le to the %vinilward side cernel in the robbery, and tIte- third X-7 that ait qieïtion about the reuew- conte a busbel on beans, On flour 25 only about a third uf tbose présent ;Oting al of the Rdtcipicýity Treaty in - over IMLOVIii r)r Tur CAPTMI1. liatifis > Mr. %villi per cent ad icakitin 1 ý On Wheat 20cts. at ail. It ide probable tient a large num. Canada wili bave tu determine the policy Tt flot ti'll four i. ni. on parteil %vith hfit; frîC1141 a boghei 1 On Oats tend Indien Corn 10 bar of those pruenq, were in nome wa) and *iII probably bc arresteil. &ho will Pursue under the attered circum tlac 1 0*'h 'lit', that Calitaiti Martin rc.solveýJ Wlwn laet #een Nr. Ilicknian wai 0 Illymoutle, ilic 11011,10n lie. witIt his %vific and el l'lances- Are wC Io meet défries with 1 itnIlllpt"lllel""125Cll" lit two ý_d . toute a buibel. On Backwhoat 10 cents pied cd ta thé present éystem ; bat cou PIGKOý%' IIITCU,-ýet pigeon match C&MO datien, shut op the St. Lsrence ta Am- ' ' n liont put off; but probrbIý thev fi a buéhel. On Peai 215 conte a basbel. Oit irigleed by the Chief Su rict dont'& argu wemt or Latifi's Etid. Bat it '"imis to have . Po en off al Manchester, on Tucidtiy last,- be. ericoon craît, and gen#jrally play the old beeii alre2dv tm fat(». At halr1ýast tel, Jsheil bY thett, tinte, as the wiýer ait IMI18 animale 20 per cent. Datter and mont& were u-nwillîug ta record th OPic' tween six Pportsmcn from Uxbridge, and game of hostile tariM, whieh bu go orten oit Wedoctiday iiiglit a treine.iJous go.% 'fý1re then P 9' 'il intO the steainer t Cbeèot 4 cents a pound. Pitié logo $1 50 ions ' upon thie occabîon. The second pro- %ix from Vibiiby, fur the bîrdi and difiner, drenched Europe wlà blond 7 Or art wel swelit (lie hhill, broke into the crigine lier cabin and when L' per M. Sawn or hewn do. $2 50 pet M.; dWegaraitig the co rifla talion by the Am. roon) and put ou the tire4. 'rii-q was, tho loft the sea %vas Iiiish the toi position was carried unanimocaly, and the ut six birds cach Wbich resulied in a tic, p night oit ivhich the tltirty vessel-ýç werc J and the corpses of d ditto placed, tongued, grooved or finished -Lhî,d Orleans, Io strike out a new and liberai %vreckeil at once in All thu 1 w(ý1llen 'Olti cilildi-cil werc floItit after a spirited, but inefftetuai op. and net bavin, a sufficient quantity et birds olicy for ourself es ?-a policy suited Io 25 per cent ad ral. Shingles 20 per cent position from Mr. llarri8on, andcillera, of file IoiiJrýn wor%-vl at ti)(ý the decý'. on hand for &Il ta participate ia abootin,, tieil country, -and having relerenée only tu patiq-, the gale bocame a litirricmte Ilifflf M.P 'A ad raL Black Wahiut Chestiiutf Da", was alao carried. Valions other recoin- off the tiep two men ftoin escli side wero Our actuai cîreumataticet and geographical ftltà the ,Ilil) Vra's weing White, Wood,' Aib', Oak, round, bewis, or ý .411 Wlien the men ivere tell in elle lx) inondations, embodied in the forin of te. chosen which resulied in the dofeat of position 9 leng-th, ai Io a. fil. ose çalitain ter the gefil, »Wu 20 per cent ad- ral. White wood, solutioni, were, put before the meetingbut the - 0 Il 1 Il a a Tt neler bu been car calle 1 hi.,î paeýctgcu togother 'Illil en critil, "rhere iniy 1 WLilby men. TLe following îs the room ; feteli a lady." Mr. Wilsô Asho Oak, planed, tougued and fiii;slied, owilir ta the lateneu of the hour were Dot policY to tas; raw inateriati ; rmd there is trilil tticiii that t!tt!)- tn&lýit preilarc for th,ý Fj)Mtlfr "ver a of the declî lit 25 per cent ad val; And sa on through vo*lejupou or discuesed. Il was balf-past "0 reason why ne should commence noir. score 'Vilu ship lind airnf ily squffl, as lrw of a l'idy lie h-nelv, but flot seeirig The Americans canif th-y chousehamper 4.4 lier tuait, chai-le. 0ac boat %vas ls)ýrcr. thât every ilistant ivnçi tir the pince, %Vu ever a proposition ta ('anl. lelf)ll-t. J. Tweffllie, Ili 10-4t. etl a"f] instantly but. the tive Ite said to a voling girl IlWill voi seve np. in. b-ý,fore the business o-Utite day thé manufacture* Of New Éngland by IL Philliii. 011011--4ý T. lýiwkr. 1Qi111__tý 1 encre in hur --würc (11-ag-ed on bo,.tiýd t Monstrou made undor the nome of Ileci- wu corcinded. duly on Nova geotian coal ; but it would rl'ip. No nttent shù élâl not refusse ; tl orefore Mll. 1 M'Gilt. milit-1. 1). (ti l loi --t. pt Nrari in ide to, Lipiticti sizeil herand tock- her ta the btilt PrOcity ? Will Our Ac»rimn aympatifixers %V&D. Vîftli. 1191W-1. J. 10111f.l-4. ho supreme folly for us ta tait the enal of th'u Other b-lat's; but tile passvrigers pt; J. 11 fuir- ri" IL Ydàf41tl,,ý 11ýn11-à I)ennyl,,snia, when it entera this Pm 1, but wlien elle looked nv-t!r--Llit- rail oMe tbeir eyes nov ? Our gotreroment been pred inte the chîef cabin, and hivitigo The grand hall wbich e $av the tl.,stince which çlie in test IhM donc allAbat. ît could do Consistent J. 1,9wlet *oti. Il IL LO au article et prime Decessity, ralfinly wts-irt,,d by captaîn Martin that elle in despair, - Oh, 1 rittir wu given by the blasons of COmOo@ile 0 il A. Tunier, à T, and in essentiel ta the Tlitre in domettie life (licre w" no hope loir, thry quietly jointel (IMI* -vis no time-for pérèî --1ýîtb the honor afe'l dîgtiiil of the eu e il 11) pra untry I»dge, (Bru. Powell, W. M.) at thé' Me. legitimate fostering of our young manu. cltr,-Ym:g ' Tietre n-as, or parley, and 1fr. Wilson, wa.-; cbIiý te soeurs reciprocity-reatprocity of trade no wild and qçlfl.;Il terre ýýi acreaming, en nie#' hall, on lut Friday, evening, wu AnitivAL or Logo MýàxciL -Thé Go-Y factures, w bieh are now rapidiy expiending. no r-j-shîng tu the bqý.t.4; tittt-i u:Ls the drop thu girl ândjump frofu -the nt --open a just buis, and the aboyé Ji the Nýý argumint oeeme te lit required toshow to the boat, Loivards which it lu ili every respect a. most bxillîaut aucceu,..etncr General arrived at Montroal en agorly Orhudden p:%rtif1Xý4 and of everlast- hcavily. Many metabers of the cratt from a distance Tuesday evecing from Europe. is 'bat cas' OVý"ht, m4tter Of 90und ing 6q1mrations of liaieiit, And cWld, and JI Ex. policy, ta constitué ta bc ad:citted fice of aiid wire but, witi) tuu %4x.1tille attknded, and together wilb the Wbîtby. tellency vu recitived by a guard of bonor daty 'l'lie captain, whu %Vas fralking C Vpî.ëars that j. The os&mo is truc or Weill. We of C,,iiit:iin àfartin 1WOrt them, all fhc,ýc M bretht'en, mude a etrong muster 01 ille, C-l' one Lundred men from the Prin-.-e of gr- à description of whicb the Ame ricana dYing nec" and - bromun yrcrc compoiied, -e and ila,.N-n the poop. hnd refui we wert in errer lut week in utating tuai ;I lutàvu the bc. fraternîty. Aliagéther Ibere were aparty Itiocs i by ileveral of the Cabinet ýquirej wbich their climali -due& not en alid the cli. dren won-, Dr. McGill wu supportin;r Dr. Famwood, - tbeca ta prodoce, and Nçh they Cau dorizd and asketti why tlitir Iathcrï ýAriflA off lie had the camsi(ILralion and lire one hundred tickets solde and more thsn Miuimtem,-military officeri, and à large 'w 1 treellers looked go i4(t, ý_Q3 C ln t"lc boat se a cardidâtë fer the Mtdical Couneil. nowbere alte obtaiti on tàueh' izood terme. pitiain Martin Of lty'nd ta ÃŽ;'ve th ",c0urseý" lie told thein that it laj one humired couple preilent. The-apuci. cor-cc*ýse of ellizenli , alleu tel th" -'Uyo', If lhey tbirik proper ta put a bigh tax on rernained at Ilis Mation en the poop, olice tiortlj=st ta Brest vrni; toi Our informatiun was from Dr. MCGýill's or tw;ce ofb1jr ping [4marti firiti (,nee f out hall of the Ut-chanicie Inglitatel whith andCorporatiOn Oft3lontreài who presont- JÃŽ4 tbey must take thé eonýwq""o of a ti%ýi Bolore the biott could t'O got off ît ti own vilisge, and ve bad remon ta beliers ce in the salc)on ta jolie in the devotions L - -ý,%uckc4 dovn it re" *. We now reXoet very touck bu been 'm«ully enlarged, vu filted op ed him with a duitable adýlten. deittàttiou',Df their risÃŽng worditd fact*rW.ý Of the ptuweiigors. At two p. in. thé rciv grint dinger Of bting * pdy '. tti foi 1 * &p , and ------- W* r"aira a certain "&nt;ty~ ïobe the ship, % ich wax i 1 lie 1 ri -Ili , rrt ,pro Woe. ý,a#4 rewry tutefw 4rho were destined to su"ive to brin- the -bath thé -,esîter. 'Thf- içwii-1 of bavliag giveu carreiacy te the etattwatffl- PEICE.- lie Pad's d--%,-,iptw et W M :lie States; arA DzélunTio'y or T 001 tO It ýid itorr hoiro-s1 vr and Ixtetti of the cre rieding that Dr. McGill is hitiiiieif a candi. lmpooi-àg manncri M Wu 4130 the, large round (lie gtern that preceedLý(I'tlie ft 1ý , Washington telegram, says rumors ue W iq bc Sound rolie, in et ta le*,rci it frVe threc of the paýzscrigers --- ýJcteriiiinc(I - tu . hall alroidy, bugun to bc mxcç! &aller ich, was eonforttd into a ladies the -WC feel et Our duty Allio ta Wb et daty. truut tbeuiý;,,Ives to the cliances of th efore carrint, thougli'rict generally crudliedthat ;-and fowered an-av the pinn:ice,ý, and 14tutielitý(1 and thu boat iv.tsý Or dmwing'roctu for the occation; Utwnie EuLwood C41ed upou us st em. the Preii"t.lwill soctilt iUU4* a pýûeIâmd%- We twok We have wid enbue lu sbow lierelaar (ir t'ho iillip. Thete mort cxlied -blocus anà devicew of d:OqîM pmyaiw; and thet the paiey of' fitzinq taw productu, ta tilt! Captaitl to crime ivitil thon), blet A Tunt!eAND OCINILÀ9 ýrO1z 4% LI(Pu O«e tocontradict it tu sooù os, lié saw ' Il tion"irettoring the writ of habeu =rpu 84élit M thé« generally etabra'ced in tbe 1 thi-q brave and stcatifast Enàlisli son-mart At, that m*m t and thete of singular dwIK4 and belauty, ont,, bDýe in the boat ln the palier, as weil allie as ta -disolaim 1 Il i ýw ali tbe Stattoj ýand df-elar-ing tbat puce nebeduls'of Ibo Reciprociti Tretty [à net 1 declinedi sayiog, 1 will go down pitt-ongly called "Ciel b a lad being 16backed upli t-. Tpýiter, il restéred. Cali" -the pose the ptilicy, for à te puoods.ý -,elýgers; but-I wish yauGod twentv-thrce VoAýr0 nf nSe VrhA, Ir tý Reeve belan, authoýrized ta sigi attach the Blille éorpo.. rate. on of Ur.. Sinclair, _seconded,,ýby the col ýthe'n adjour-néd un. r, the 17th day of F4jbruary.ý to avert Choiel itor of the IM.itby Clirol view ofl. the drel ý -the Choléra, the following belon set forth r use fo - ,, py the 'englandt-_ la all ber services. rofel toý batieve in the efficacy Bond yon a côpy, thlinking th4t .8 May be itICIlUed, ta M&ICe If 1 may make'a'sugges t- ard ta %bat Wcabouta the prayer at oùr ëveüiuw nu thus claim the fà1rilnïent or romise, thât if-,ýwe shall aïree anytliin(y wé,asit, it eli , Il' us by our beavenly. Pathel obedient riervanti Et CI0173 FATUER ill GOD, Who d forgi Yen ' us of Bina ta ali th hcarty' repintance and true, unto ., ThReý,ý ]Pok, dowIn, we (rom Il,-avliii,'> Thy d.wellitjg is Thy unwortbi servlo ul approbënsion' of Thy judg- deep conviction of dur sinfiâl o ourselves before T hee. We it ta bc of Thy goodnosé Iiiitit Thou- hast Ywited >otherl go lpnç' 1avo Lwd, havé Pýj,, boili hurle and', lelt$eW' hère l* - , ýl, lie-avy hard frïm those whoi ander Thy jiidgments, and lm Us Oint ýrevàqu8 calamilly. l Our ouly à curity ilà,liu Th %Vo Confois with ahame and t iii the Il ide and hdrenoss, we hall otteir ahown our- iful fer Thy Marcien, land our own imagius'tioni in^atëâd àwS. -l mercifui Father, An1ý,e1 ta Il up ist us, but kel us, as 'J'hon .C onclin heulth and safLty : y beilli; %varned by the sur- ýra ta reliant of Our own bina, ý5erve& fiom ail evil by Thy ion, and etijoy the-côntinu-' crey and gr4ce thrau ýh the 111V Mediator and Advocatel Amer.-,, of (Il o lfltftby Cltronicie. on will ribli-0 by r1 Oiving the Lrkse in finswer 'O-your car. .heoi mattera in last week's captain 'Rowlé is sornewliat, tlltl:stÉiternetit made by him' )Uncili relative to the cost, wO-.0f Our town selhool,3, d-in questioni and after 8.4n the report or'the' Tcustees, (wbich I never n-3, " now is my statement inswer to that, 1 réfer, to tatement from Mr. Draperll î Board. nounts paid4or Teachêr'n ftud Lleury etreet ochools ý480.1 Head Nlaster, 4.r, o. -1-50. Miss'Grant, 150ÃŽ 200. 98. $6 00, ý7 50 Atrearsolf salary due aridý'the cost of 7 st , -schfiol $50j and it 7hiclb surns are W& ta Ïhý-'ý', correct trgnilation, - 4" ara coming to a& 411 the colora of the tainbô.w- tO, PSY lot IL The txtinctiOn Of tho MOMI, - $he then 4,came olitwnrdly calin, Itltit LAST GLIMME, 01? TUE, 150OUM Imaitutýë,of. ihé necoeintionn for a -reý,. %eiprocity Treaty, va takeit enderat"ding Wîth' ILe, leivpqerur Mazmil- ?Ittlrt epiritlike puti an ind' (:n Tuprdýj àigl1ý after the pu'scnger-î Two' pai3engers werc scen Witt) neirttl of tbe Ttecjp!n City Trêaty. ing urtan fiým had.been nlarinrd by thn shipping of boita, bàt prôb-ably none .!Tiiruui;h the dim thadc>wùtî oý'c 4=M11 ta ait questions of fret" ab wore alive te 'e,ýing NVood,(who, bad with- Vieycanietà thesùrfà:ào. ThëýfpéýÉ isa to riz a time fdrý'lhe rocall e Of Our lis. We -'*an -no -longer think of - hcr huàla'nd and flyo dhildron.). In ibedauÏi Ibo ladieis a lieared to our OPINIONS OF '11NE PRESS.' thjs-boon>to'forei._ýer'%, who coùtdbuted heri 'Miss was only Là bc '8ccý, -for in, the din:31 irpOp4 in auch a way that, týeý'r< ratum Mayý Il. .1 ý P_ e - c t na cry froin the siriking Multit Cosophisacated 0 ýI1 tiet wu$-ethema*t of BrýQk rand àeiso àUrlý% rondthe 13iblein iethpes te eff,.,c4ed withont comproujaing tbe, le 1 1 thes, nijthîng towürdsthé cost 'anals. 'tu" in-t4e sçcondý-cabln, , IL wu Gn that could ýbc board andooon not a *eotige -Bew afflad as il theÏr The country breatbea in'oroirtely that the If tbey osé tbom thef ý maît ' pay, -fair French iuterestd wbich weibate to deù"L ewàI or th . e Rèéipro 1 toit-not a rate 1, of toil th niglit, tbat qfter thé M ýÃ"ured dovn vii;ibiô. As tilo ghip ý'$unk. it'ý W'914 'ç becit-werewingod. as tbiy 'begot'stlons for & reh st, will, 4dve, On the bitich thë-'Cap>tïin'sailJ, Il Bayg. y-on that ult nà dock wore driveý lorwzrý la that distant eouniry," avraytbe trade, 'but one that, whiIeý it, *15" May Say your, proycro," At t*elto é'clôëk by waýter, b-ut by'ý&. irglm'entluu'8,4n4'b Ogored la tho dances'W tjiiir'voýnou3 dew City Treaty have been brought to a el"e 1 w enougb in, et- un the following night, Mr. Draper'held a hF The firat and incorrect c6py puis the remuneratIre, will be Io owering rus of sur froin beWw 101 is a gencral feeling of pattiotic sorations "from ý knights ý- ýto enterai! ap- a4d thcre tract the trade of the Weatërn 8tàtëïý genceal ProYer Meeting 1 ho SZIOOD- it CFC.-Ipedt6 n t r4sligh,- -tlié auck 69 wel exprestion in the past iento-Vthe Vrench e ft and satihf4cLiOn that Our MiniOtOT4 W Ou # oild ho a policy of èk, predtices-boi ý htened the animatior Io ashin ri h attraction, îoi , Arý:exLMordinary frict descrves to ho hc:ýchës, ,impelled all on, intereit wbich w ham b«n deyentuýg in' 8 t vlolencê, and théir droadfolit rccordn A ooç -old couple ý,mho1ad wi h i rtigi bililiancy of Ibo scen and ýput u# in mina J?ùr in ington. while oNring ail t1mt wu fair and orèrpcIïi"-ý-indepýiidenf, natioïni, but triçkI ýnended. l(Wü vox 0 'd only t1irec --bi 'dreqe , witlî,ëtbem, -bad, ust haV«ý been 80 th" Tomate Country.'l Thore ismrtainiy reàsonable to DbtàiD à rene or th mcato go; üpdn;thcirvdy-'e Lin rked - t4r t iniain thî*-ý >ti -, t ho - tJiird oj9céjj,'ývho great dMrence bot 1 ween withdrawing the 'Of thàtý in i ho Ladyý Of the Jýakeý- Flirst, in vossel unkno Treaty, 'ha 0 ýmAinwned the éountry',i 'Y- wa, and parnedý'Aiïot _d 0 Irâtif1w troops withotn compromiiing the interesta o for gti a ilight eqüýîMéct foi theý Ï4ný nîi". iith wu w ocke 'ý,tho, t the ilonkèy engliié -;W leh was- empl 19 glowedupon mi, dazzicil sight, cor in everý reispec4,and did net MI d; _ýpûxt+ -Duncan à he has bem delending, and doing jid -,%À *bën thé 8elliur guu ban giren ile il wwk- êdý - momcut auccumbto Our btillying -néigh--ý il th ée fly thp--pümp Ton Owmuad liveg te suniruer cren n'thé light, of tjy Qirdur -ari han p, engine qven ý,,gs n witboutoompromùiüg the intercale lie hag And (rom their 1wue (ýwty fmmc*j bois. We give the following na a portion Nîchig".' ý,T4at privilegà-, eïï" d,'ý' *,éor *cssel di9epýeareâ'_-1 Io dqmfen& Arrial kj1'ýgL!! and faïry tOMIMF-141, ý_9 of th$ - -Opinions- of- tim- -P ,ýOr4 !tjý, tom- --cf- ât!tb-a. suxoltn& Til ExamIrEz hl . 2_ 1 Ing, bey ptèàiffitté "IwàeatlÏ Wé b11îàýS, Âad ve certain ba4 - t» 4f-rgir -ýWROWIÇZ£4, of, a tomins nuitinalîs, assengers werotwo st àt'ýÏl _7 Atnongthe p ý, a - ï - 'I' ONE 0001) HKOULT ALILEIDY.-The Mow dam isill ud damuls, and irýýim iiià polici. -dld-çôt to the AmérléalisI'Dji 'ew- -l' woré séen the 1 sçý*qrià'TCVO vert treal ouzdtê bu rellable information tba--t kaigIst4i webad- tm onetý by their "t men of Fiain tbe Molitreill 0à«Me. _ÙWiigers - who. Company of gentlem@n, and inerchaste of iimo Ëowoyeýmàç , ', . - - ýj>r the" Co, - Il prêrcrti - ta we MAY hayq Imn do 'til The poorcresturex. on learà1ngthot- ntktîôn of ihôotinà tlietnsël wun jar" m«ue, retidants of Qoebee) Montreal &ÃŽrçu "aawntinnauon,,ot - Cr»,*6ýýgfiti pu n Ln Wîýdý cet 'ib'f È f lât W jK yý& bu The danéin a k t U' Ve arer ;,rio, 1àeà Allat t _ -Y ï4d t or Thà,ÏOWo' and st. John NI B'. and Halifax, arc pre. ind *0' hci A an" drownîng. until au admaced bour The music. vu uai%4à with dois action. ýTte- news -is unit iwý"irbio4" jný , t tif, U parini to establiàh a lino of suliaÈle dite4m- nt b b ý7 la ýife, of the best, beýng supplied b'y tWý«Weeû1:# -bot, ba r 4 Lui cru to run'in the (fadé between Canada own ýëj 1 andslt the ý&rfiàîKe e; Mx.' Lmnii.' iro or, r b and the I»worPorte. ru ýýý;exantp e le.- ibo'-' whclï qualified satiafaction. a the w e Albion -lin., Tlà must be ragarded au one of the v4ç , li - 4q supërb riumerous advantages both to f,'ama& and 1 MtIkùiftaý W lit bis Bd vell un cil, the ýsebstàcîià4 the q4w1poý- thfeWý4dwÏiý-tM Mèrléii un the :ceting yesterda-'Y', viz: 8 MY 'JIU t Cr lierl on as> loflbepupugj-mý n'Il the 't'ham"Iv 1 eq fee Who %ývcrè,a", t,:." ývere__preâený id the

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