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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Feb 1866, p. 1

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matthew Tcofy Ruaex I!LL - a _________________________________ EIE WàlBT CHRONICLE limbsu)ois tE vosuzueor .--il --1I I;GI N S At hie PrlniEtsbume# PhPOok Street,, Whitby. IEK8 4150 PEM ANNUX. ADVERTISEXPNTS1 1,flulu ln sud 2,esut. par lino, taahý iSfi toutnertilon. 1 aii contract. made vlth advertisers iii 6 year or otlerwlue- ittd0rp ta II1uoulucadcvrt4..iunte tunt Liwritlng. BANK 07 XONTRECALt WrnrpBY Bu&wcn. - W. Tt. ilAN, lMsnager. C&MblCROX I& lIACD)ONELLs BRRSTERS AND àATTOrNFYS,-AT- NK'rop &i.c.7sae, %. C. I. IJ.Menuti Q.%oevoliC. uontot tC'imrtv. A. ily ai the Oua. of %lue ltrm, Couirt Ioe, oitth it wi;g fTotote.July 24,1861. 1 si, Il. COCIIRANS, I.L. fB. C )UXTVVCIIÃ" N ATTORiNF ORt ON '3t&iroý,11%iml-ttr ititt,mny,.is,5 tableor lu flhaiert, No',trv 'tuic S. UtUOC-111 n iileioj&lm Now linildlng, Dn'iula GEi<aORGE il. DARTqELLý, jLAimirlulVl, ATTORbNEY, CoNVEVYAN car Pem ).11 lbutCl. rry.utu Etranruil ~y fntarlo. Office itirnil-t., W liltfy. RIOBERT 3. WILSON. AlblSTElt & ArOI$N&EY AT bLAW, BIR iilttu('uiOrv S.Wiltl'y , ' offie- Vivtnrla liuilul1ig, B-rook t. *Lliby. ilMlt1TiltAt-LAM'ANDi nulAlT'iiR I>li 4Olîsucomy. Cliauiier-19 Vorogiuot * YI 18--îivr ILowe* A&l'owellitsStore, Wîlîby. C. W. 'q NCb Olt ITAitV PUBILIC, u&e. -a ICIIARLE'I C. SKELLER, A TTmOR 1<Y AT . IW, 9ui>,icl'itUlIN , ?,îiior, Qnvêuuuet,&e.. Cauîtiuug toi,lBrookt, C. W. --I ATT4)81?4Ei'.AT-1,AýV. solM'lVT)î< IN Al. 'liaueory, Nuîluumy l'imlule.<00)acr Lae., Wbqiiu .W.linlultouiBek &»X&Ouoltr flea., nlroo-k trait. 49 . E hARÈWIELL, L L. Bl., liAltltl>lTPtAT1,AW, &.e I.L MOUIE, I0. A., Attamuiay.at Ls 'clin u-iuortConr- tejaîteeor, uS. Offit0oSiimi tetraut, É<rh or the Plit ()Md*, (Jult4'a, C. NW. 40 D AiIiTEII AT L&, fluilcitor ln Chanu- 40) r A,<'IA4'EIY&.5C')NtEYANO'ING L P)1e.,lrisce Altert, two 4,or. veut uf T. 0- Forittan',e tiro. 12 IL. W. CLIRi< . M. P son's Store, tiro 'k teet. Wlitly. 44 .lltOIt)N TO TUIE COUSTY GAOL, s Byron Street, WluItly. 4 10. LAXBIIT. - <lurmtite tutiui±lituordtulaunthe bect style atnt fsalutu.u.- A* J'RINGLIC, gllCIUA'T TALLOlI, IIOCK SRE 41.Whitb>'. - TIIOXASI SIUOTOII CI.F.tb< TRtAStYILEU, WIiITBI T'Qflc-towu 1i11-leoumta Itui c'aock. ATIUNSOW A àBWELL, E>A.ltllTE1. ltiiii ;it 5teet, 83tipors RamI n AUCI13ALD> DARRER, IliM <LIAqtC. W., OFFICIAI Asiofer Yorkt anti Onturlo, Noism - X.itlu 4 - GEORGE Glu SILEY8 EIIANTT&tiIor, lîrapor,c., hi t Utintiamnotul carasentsudea tp lu )h. hast anti nevatstyloti, .Iosb roosî&i, mmre liolcu. goodu (tir apmlnq voar, liVorty rtil. Warmauî'ooa. N-oflu, sne pROtVINCIAL TELEGRAPLI CO. UN! KMINO WITII AUL TIE PRINCI- PSIaWIWes ui Tovuis iuqsud*sudantha 0 Urffes bu Wlltby, 29uaeora Soutii of t.he lteglstry Otituoc, Break Stmoet.8.17 AILIVF IP IETIE 01VI10N COURT.- BLIIJIN1ED AIJCTI')NJCER. Addrot<- »sVertoun.-40-Y EDWAIW AJIPPR OetUme'%rmentsmodo up Oei s ortntl4 fth otquay mitsrisliiiu AU verk matie up on tlio proines. -VÂRI A &PUTERION, lu su Wlth calm Plne W Miurèt :tko*hgtu and aumiTtE ui s VOL X. Crocker's Ifotel (LATE PLATT'S. 1ffrLBON SI7REET, TOR ONZ 0 Ahbovo lOing Street. T , and umlcibom olntlniat cfotrytsoî W-%'hitbcsud ron dlng cotrthbotl an, libeally paf monised imutwhtle bandiord 0f lte ContreurelitIIlotel, tîtut lie litik Ituneeuet Mr. Piatt lfiitue lintul [au long kepi hy lih on NoegoaîSlt., Torontto. livlung sared Do etxpcnao lu lttling up the Ramne, uta moure cemînri tco thotte vluo îuav jîutrotoaelit, lie will bu plossa to ec soalàa1f rionds whom, ln the City. JAM&ES CROCUKER. Toroisto,Jan. u1,,1964. 2 Drooklin Drug Store. 50W1 DLWZ#, D)EALýF. itIn Dysi, Patent Medicine% l'atU, l>ya stuffit, conret'oi>n eryl &C. affle .Ç CatIle Af eie aways os band rooklln, C. W,, 184P2 GOMMERCIAL HOL-TEL.ý DRtOCK STR]EET, WIITUY Tlie tndcrsigneid legs Io ennotunce tia ieh i. t.ken ii , thea.,ve wc1l Rnnwn rcauiesi. whieil. Juve ti eî uly fiirniimqhul si.d reoui V" odby IJin, atîi viieen li e mt uam oudâ- 1 o iAtir niîîî, W Icrctîil atteuti '11, CATI aJW.yuý lm rund. Gand stalllnr. eanclounid vardit, nnd sttenthec lit JOHIN hMt.lIR. BOYNTON'IS IJOTEL, (L.&rr IaWE'Ft'.) WM. TIHYNTo«N boira te 'îîr.rnàthtie In- haian.ofte 'înt <fvicIoris und I irreiiiiJdiiç 4niîile-., tilai lie l.u* opeticulthe Jewett. ard at 1e lia. lid it fitieul aîtitnrnlilt- ed lit iret civi.., viciorh wii d eeycouve- ffieuice. Wlîîu, Liî1norusud CIgara of the bout q1sality. W An attntveotlî lajalu tlind Lndaasy. F.l,.14, 184. TEE ONTARIO IHOTEL DROCK STREET WliITIIY. J4 REUDMOTTOIL, IJEVERE IIOUItE, Il AVING PURCHAiSEI) VIlE AIbI)VF 11 ilît-l, liam rt.iirîiîsiîvd lte 1;.ru.uuao* lhrnnvi.oît. antuul ruîrimIod utheIBar vihi t Choiccgt i.Iqnorî. sud <iwaru. Iluory AtentÃŽiiuu m;ui I tucuietu. sgters f0 and (ratn WIttby oeil duly. Careful <10le'is alaeI n Wu e ttanitasîce. u W,.]IL. NTCLEI suficitur te &e., . IW- 44, Chflvch %treet, Torouto. .~ GRAND> TRUNK RAILWAY ILOTE>, <SoutA sihif Rai1wayý Depo.) I'uET W BIT3. JAMES PRINGLE, _____________ I'roptMoclu XR. C. A. ZONESY Barrisîert solichlor tu Chancery, Ata tettiey, 0. &O. - ~ oFFICE-NazI door io lte Eeglutmy Offce, Wlilby. 41 ly if, this is sot wiIl ypu Profit by it 1t DR DAVIS, Ihe 'Young NMile FrIand, andi tiei. ai k o'scompai- on, StîlI devoten laitsvlioie f ite bota thtcatunoet PERIVATE »ISLAOES At l ,1.Obt Quartera, Corîîer llay andi Adebaide mEreebu, Voronto, C; W. Vau'arperieuce onublas 1Mntoc: nre roceont cas il s a ry ashort lime. <ld,Iigerluug case. ttîeted witilout hieruuv, end cure. varmitteti. .?aruoea who sJi lu ceusunl t ltiii' r"ea are plumant. certain, sud aile. Toeu ea nt. *top s'ork ce clieteg your c'let. ciffi on the. f'bcu; ,tay gua lng c -upecu.le chafrge* forluîîg f ir île. I)4rmii persn oei uitil rot t autel lte Doëttcr lu AIu alna. rotang talon wio I ava <alepn îimu te secret bbi ta mat reaii'e linnîuflte relief liy applymua ta tae î>twr. Pautfints truped Fby i Bier, and uloli- clles apett- reluot dunu1il .or oltrlosity, tuiu&II tW7'tfflieh-uma frouun igltîn tuie umnsne untîl alglitu luntae acelimil. TO BIE DI.Pt,SY.D 0F TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE! To ulac lluposetioniby T Il-.U9 PP Town LOTS Fev Town Lots, ou loup tormm utofj' Amant lu the TOWN 0F WIIITB Y Ale)O tlîreaellocluaIn the Tovn ut Wiitby eontaminp g'romu une Iu titre. Aes.> AL'SO VILLAGUE LOTS IN Port 1erry, Brooklin, Erochin, (Kara,)> Hlampton, Brighton, J. HAM PE RRiY' Witîiy. rsOi Nov., l 1 44 WidLAND FOR SALE. BEVERAL LOTS- IN Kara, Ram1,4 Brook,. Verulam. For partiaubats appl>' toi <pr-psit.), J. -11kM ERUXYI 1Whity. whitvdit Nv..188. .44 AdteAgelits oeuh, TORONTO NURS ERIES, 1F armlsfor GRO. LESLIE, PROPRIETOR AImeo s leir-e q ntitY u tmuhru, Ito" m rpo lutta., liert'ac e ua nts, luctige îluîts, uSe., &-c., vitît ail <tlîor unru.ety p1imuc1emone o!1tthe cbuooet qutlit),, anti tuitt iuugcis grot'l. 49 Atout. a. C. CI)Rnon,9 ne.0* CAN14ADIAN LICENVIATL-. J) ItTRICTAN. tllRWCIOXO ACCOUCHEUR I.tbe<n114t, L04 o)YV'-,, tobm,'i Touae-iear Pu<tl ce iura tt.îttun pirtun te <luu1e t he N. Tt-%Wlf oturata for Cauruetu, itr*ldo.. mon, ut r ameas.e>e lttut. CuC Il RAM E A CoVffR,&?« e BAlitITïlS t TOI Pi&,o;NIY siuituani 4oareal~ble' 4-c,*et l'nmisAozrOl1u.Olpil ow liai!. 'cvp.sam roeEVa'uBet S l. CoiaÂ% LL B. tW. . tiCeunu.&v iltt reuAbefy T lt Eaîlîurt)or it lking Ibo proutlues lt- MLIE,& 117 oetuiiWd 1.7 ir. Jas TJi(tnpacn lis bu' Infonmen eui inerelal TVelle @, a,îueod U; nnss.,OOpu lLst tSSs 1 Ili resieuallv, tuaI te LÀquoru anti ecenîtun- datioîo, ici e steve Dnuttdlotel Iliefuientid ~ uM7Cgtui te aqual mny lu the #'.otulv..Asptulynnal. - 34 . ANNAI. dieu, a it* publia, ticab4it0 te_______ l'ropred te, etomte &Il or- dom n bere' t.udtt*h 9 a mmicti, eo1 .- u- il vorU ISAAC PP."ON, attentiveoprietor. MCAT WINDSOR hOUBE WliiITB3Yt 'Wu. *AD5T f01'515T08m. r Ilabave Ileuota AI.ultsetin a plauatsd Iret.ird panof tite Town, on tlic front fosti. -4304 &aaOmmuoaton for trsvelleru. lUnoti tulu niattentiveo oîtleta. tg VICTOIRIA IItE'£Le ILLIAIM SCOTT, PIO'IUIK'Rol. (luate w in.bynton'a.> 8 WOON'S HOTEIL, dumawa%, W0011 & DROTIIER. North British and â*etcantile Tire & Life Insurance Com'y. Wluuuby, tsept. 7, 1842. AL13ION 1HO TEL.- JAMES BLACK, TuIE.DON -BRE WEy,. -ILhepatrons of lte Don Dmcs'cmy vitt i egellant oartle, lu iuuoh quautitieu ma nultir W ftlqulmedandtn~na t ut "nmIt 'RINBOW 1ROUS1E, 1IA'gS. RIod daitaM tg Inform battisse Me in sI «1 he lou tIi luets4 - on tice. - 4 By-Law No. 1. 1866. toue"u of t he Towmhlip oToait. BE t n*eeliYthe ItUmupal CorpoUOst Antid it t. retuy ew ldby lb. Autbuenlty or t lio*e dibiti lbIlpuaaor1theCeonre bsia, on l'ot 13 li te 11:h auuae5aloflof Thito.l, as uree yjohn Sbie, 3. olitit-, acrljbtio that kqse auj: irmo ,in t n et oul t bte *sa l h edcusaionu, 18 bus Weui cfttteektonlh.cat Antgbe of titi b.d set ont by lMt. IlumttI runilug <tom thance,- l 17 deres t50nluabs, W 5 chaîna 848 1mb. titena. IX 83tigras., 45 minutas, W 85 aain 44 buta, tuera or la.alo 1the Tabot River. Bie ani tt.e e olu ereby estlal*slied Ai s Publichway of te TowsbIip otTlioralu. 19e ilorther eouu tisbtItlb.aboeelinto de. derlteu bI ta mbrn Émit orf limid mi' amuti tbtthe xald rosi b.efthttc ttlwidth of N OTICE Ilueby ogiven thbabtlhe abova nl- law Illbe tkenloto coniuderattiome y O() teora t hé Tcs'nilp-of ilsevet* co.; ,wlti mî vo Iot* ofiba e vu ue et o DARLINGTON,- nev fraî,,a tin. htxd-geoul e, auttia rif' "Il lue-.1 *nepan l ong' tetu of Tý BAY or 1!N~ Bloiui vCwt 1lo* t .1 ' . Suey-iti. tulfulitg 10)ut$a$Cr"u; jbcseou ei'aal soti go)der caltivitlon. 'lceireres'o lonrlaiig orî <>raluardc andtnuoiead urelmi a, .11 ltem sat tAram bnllilugeam utotut m tlteoutte of thespertyî aud eomu a avies' of eVary 161d. Vite lildb7acunmut of s cetforlaiZ P raufuelluug ton.x, veli uaippll*d wtii and l eft s'ster. Ttc-bois a&ent am mis r e, la"s.atid msaerontoha W1itt,î 'ASSIJANCE COMlI'1Y. Çapita, 4O OOO. r~zllldlgtid bving bon.apf*lted ;rz theimetriofa= te*r ti«YE oMAN Ã"iBS&,ýî Ag.utW lbl. YUX YEM GIBBON4 IiS71tMiCE, & GENRI4L AGZNT. S125 -10 OM> - G m IDA".u illls ns. îmitee Atn rou Bons c, Ooueloun erobul. AIiyte, YOA 1Sî~ Wliutby., and SavlsSooiety. 0f Toronto. ~~~~~~o 11 fdrlndl been apwInttd ap, talaîditr Io the ubove Soricty, fur Wlsithy asud murrtundihng Country, and Io lu tepVcd tlu reeebou nppllmutlouuu Air loiàns on uppioved 110.1 tF" -rupayable Rby LuaIfrIýy or Isur. lI 'mnaWheutu in from t Io tà , ivke oaet1 tb < lt ftheborrow*r. T4 So4tys terme vl:b mpec& topor voy: *u e hurgeo.1 tba of iîjtWr"oa e oi o e pqynlt *IIvo biouf tnituriaaly rodnced .lI t Bd &reunov ioro tluan tioally ASSURANCEI tIP ANY CAP>ITAL' S4000OOO. -r or m bý)b oin i~ t tbitby andi (Mb.t*** ed sul vwe4b.1 proposai,. and f# laks t th I. owoiE rates. ituoi Lot 1%. 10, lisiuu osc.osat hl, « ..4IoUks tflS1 I.howfanti, TrWO HlUNDRE4D ACItES, Abhot 1 fe sers. ulot10 lie"s. TitI 19 a CSic luita antila slIuiil ebyUIOM tour JOUX Elow, umile& Itu-mu te centmr ro. As' lOue Lt 1 nibe ltIt con. 80MEWIL2, gaonk (0GnremttRond, sd mti ovii.WIII*yAàPM I19, 18"a. eut te bMlii., kcmils, e fe P-cIA PR RY TEE J.IM PRRt-.LIPROOL AND Wbltb.y, Nov. ler 4.m AND OWsz, TIRE AU Land For SaleI[JNC( PffBWD FUND Barth% De(.m . 4 41j 'Oh Eartviiiià A themtb, Titat roled lte. o ln xtuc Adorned wfbh bliolny "MIu' Inoffss EO c val And b gt ocfn MMur k c eîv Ml Wlitat m I nut0l us boVln~t Wsu young brids lu lier 4euty c i relie a. brigîlt'l-' of, If jIlut eek for tluling s'stIn even iug liant Yen'11 iSudntoeitatlieti lubleuit - titase0osommier 4over.J' "lit, rlJ>, 1hIRthe bcvetiPre9 wn1mçtold, andi@se bare.."- 41But oft. they're olothati lnt ýaw IgIt an ltotnal: more taîr.. Thau lb. oostly*obng ionarAîua liclt* wear, WiJ.et tinestlîoglitt'rlng, i Thte 1I fut King,$ PCe.r! sud dian leWeil, I grie o b uoë thy rie anud noutin strianits,, Vhtl lu Ptimirer rippleti< gally, Miita 5Fad bouaf Whilst Jiglit herba alLlnd '*vlfl Auture waves tlt , Ibdnov in loy batrieru tlîatou "Dtsalcrglauy Imoou, bioquioksosthe irfims A ti er stc laand s it An sadcleflvle -n soetost aln y mrei alugarsa oor. 1 Mroi, Eertli, I aint Tot beaUticu or àvoOt anin if a Far topo oft an d ,lu îluhoughl, qloudlepa day $pont with FIaýndi l e<nul IM; a derlng uoi.gy' 4,Why, the Ulns for pJuuui0 ima m uooth n tr a nl, ' aibupp uî Ait1 i lthe dtaroit, toolul bourm t craut It Ow, la s'iiter'. eteriit]tours,.au Wbi deock thy b:* su One me table g:riovIûc sud gtes Inutautti." é frratiti -iDime là. iWpI.temptation il tu irorlil ýouât bave dons, i thoPghî I1lad s rigit 4ý, to it>' Lot. But 7ou ha"e pved your- gel( trttatvohti, amidi1am glati of i. And 71t e fotydolle athooth sudi board YOD., W baht dô yntu sy ttitat." iIk - But poor Ablkmev 0ot *bato0 ay. -~ - R. ibai wotudoe4dif be wolild get ai muait 8 tt etiLe"hovispered, "iafui that Y«Te,' -tonY idollar'; sa itionlit i N()7 not tit a sr. tu111 itni x 14 's, uMy à»ther. leà te road juit St il'Thon obl ii lité bottirtsaîied I the t !o x Ia ong%. lay on îti to fo1 1k.e ta othoue vio' *ork fo-r me Balis Pa pait'1d, sud then'if îhej do'îrong I aut nul À can'm41o wu Iighted sud t48 plirse 16 bîsmoe. . Bo suppose -jon corne.up and, Isu. emptied. ti>e*u$al tts weutylw~f dol. lok rmuna, va «ii1 eumtlance lte firat lare., . metibtla diy." 'le olrwbiapeted Abel. "Per.-,Theopôrwidov feu It ber. dût'tBy u> vieuuisg ltethoir scio pet" 0 thé pers* I l' e tîrned tesoeadhim sud e*4ber 1 e. isohomoutsand thon bogsu le cry. *Yr. Tlone l rmail fea, 'cÉliet it M the spolie, sud upon te son esdemaîood iti, îook' bar by tebaud- u'et tt I.By ipsdeof the gla<p, Pieh s'asinct viit sund bsdcberlbe cf good chier, sud titan ipcmrgoço> abset, e jobaTbemp? haue4 vaju. 3UV~ gatb 0< of .1 - vtil lte attinti of flie c te.ls rmup John ?bhuu.oW 'K4oiti et tic ewesltit. bistidied svay in the disaitce, botit tuai h. ver l4iasiemn o( teil e Il lIovped a ver>' -ai stdson satilu aileuço. At lesviti. large fu sud largo bIldes lpplyIo'g a large Os' rosi ald sanit upon ber sou's baaon. amonni orcSý er1j e x4W 18"o tO bl ohsbeadu el les btrlýt U0qu>îitoeof garen sasuce sud finR fruit, der.es "'iO be it ku.-hî,ep doas tl vbieb ho'senie o*ncighberuig City. g md Ibo liptthe oy of utywoda u1 "A, be 1y.coula hlu ap l "Vbiaip4red tLe youtL. - W blvtMpre4 .4441k1hi ou1d il. ao ]uba ile Nettt bsinoltithat, r=y uo. Oh, 't. hdr. ii... ~*U ïôothe meoney îiogh lte xloney sm C'hiorleu s. aid tlýdow solÏiepiuly "tht* oulti lb. -stiru înt 'egrity of jour aaul. you net bu lte lou, but <ve w.buld h~~hcoW' are:kept it. The simple carry. 'miie 14 te laIUitI~ibatik ôtobn 'dllas ts &lte to ho 'on~~ r$îî a Wei' moter Sadcotupareti viti t<ha prlntilolei'ste ha invol. a u egl ar Ab, My h Slboy. Y<t k Itti> ii'ved. lc sa yjourtliouor-your lrtit uranoIie, wth -shoulti va ltoep il-v-bîro vould Or "aforvitat jeu are bhiasithireti jon." muotisfi'lu on to Theinetlime j eteot lir. Abli vent up te Ihi ýgveat heureasd aod901Thompon,.you'ld fearl obok, et itim it sooni found aotbatliing le do., Wljen hé mOrs, bhy Iakes a happy coucieuseaacit our ovu inuto- eurned homeai nigi, rd. ?heïtpaoui conte.. There veimdb ho a int tpen-jour seul a covariti baket le bis motir, aud bcnc4th tuhe cbsracer-à ting in yeur qpp oipl Ob' Mr. Tbomson gave biniasu erder en s ijoe iii ouid yen keep il Abl?7 ballot fer a nos' suitofcf aoltas. "Ne, My mother, I vonld Pot. $o The btusy seanCaieoui sud 1Mm, îoed thin ciood ,ll carry it bockib is ver>'ulit." - Thompacn us net long ln disuoverlng 14 oo, ulgbt rait titi Jllorzinu; juon ihtýaisd on siresare in lis na* 1trauporeut, met el .some vooti nov." band.-Abel aold, more prodce than Laël daras-1iésk a- Titi port uevslaid aay Ina plaie cf béen muId beforo; .at beastho ratunued saoty, on ltee tlioing utoruing Abel more neney elhwtui vsf5r tter. That ing dtt ouu asrled off biightîanti .anly, sud vsbked vws not ail. The business vws hept square i1n1,. w ~ sit s ligbt:boîyut stop, for t. vu as ais. te tte fraction eof a pieuny îvemy day, me fti.viiIo-votit ho vwladoing. ltat sa aumement Mr. Thompscu couiti - .oit, Bpet M. Thompson Iiod ln a barge -fine bell.t s' bhe stood.- - mnsion on tLe top cf s gentetf emicnee But titere vas vlis- difftili'. ataltladObeâri ai a short distance hofr ein t- road, suad 'l'h. producer often ,iitetifer due ane, w cete on a sutrroundeti by & psrk cf noble- ItePs. itace of bis preduce agent in the- aveu Abolel itisvsyup lte ieaily gravel- ing, aspocially viten be bad aceounis te mb1euelu att ed v Laud mt titioerotoe&lte broad unaka ont. 'Be ti îalked -Witth bis vifeï- Plagisa. aud it wus sin arrangeati iat-tho vldow eue'e ll te ifDo >'oti visi toe'e icmue, mit 1?, sid Morton sitould comeandaulfin.i a.home, be.. Itit ira anti ta- lte bout. le vas a kiud, gemJeitoeaneathiliem roof. SBba td-grovu strong., uuiioe, iokiug marieaotsud corpulent,- yuL a or sudlteflsab of iath a ordbr-lt JoIface f ull et heabit saud-geed iumc.r. cheek alnie ber sontealti- vo.e e h tWae r itorn, <m "Týes aie"ansisered,-i .bel Prl msuy cemforts ltaisite ueedei >d 4 ut as taeime lime acniglte .pisaa. acepted ttc- new of4er vitit uiuh pe %,Yoa, iribitt. onda a pe s lt ve nsd en sure, Abeil could nov speud ail bis îiene inS- susmu.uuopening à ve-feeu. jour ume upon Lis employer'i intceel3 aathlb.lappinias il. - - of ail, concteti vos gteîtly nihaOe blet aùtmu U AndiWvitela vo1'" tboreby. em~iMy m :~ othet and me, srM 1Tuas'w *wlby dmop*abk te bis teje jeyu'did net lth 01y"-coded 4 a ie ie-od snd gasil iarcuad upeg mm týic amoney V, b*e, htabrqad, jue at alfadozcu otildien, 04 W,>ad the jout vilh uanluquring htbea aa frein a odla ld, "ô sas@ bienaIje Irlg lalig vit lisp, mndibeaaiêýýt , éxosngtt In rin e bi udoj udT Ouaeil 0bbppy crié*- me, I suppose cîmbsdu ,use toirII,." of s-*2- . . - - - -- na-ns-?-- "r* it FR19I M riS Il " il, 7tit 19, ard ± Lo tS. ird ho s"dtiloî on time, vua. 200 e100 4 100 " >1£00 100 60 " a100 ýr daormona os the swoimi -SLibIJN. IT LAW, SOLIQITUR IN srà. «e a.. QI Ir, -e2ý -1 ýcý «, _- ýL 1 t 1 4 WJ:IITB.'Yý Ce. Wo>tý'T IJO Ile ý r

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