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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Feb 1866, p. 2

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Lt - i t - t 'uton. Ciover oued vaued-Lr Bow. ]Bail sd8pe,.hwaB~n Card-jeuaaC. euIc Mortgsge sl"-4on W Jouesu. Bhrlf.sale of Luds-N. G. Reynolds. Great clearlng sale -Jas. Bain, t Co. Boots ,and Sio-J"u. Bain & Co. Speclsl Notice- Fcuiture &c.,-J. Ruebottoan. Bibles sud Testament& -Jas. Bain Co. lnuraîce-F. 1Xc1icr. PLanty to Loan -F. Keller, frovinciaI Teegaph- F. Kellir. kprincipal toplo orthebo daY u boih aides of the ktZntie in the. "terrible 15w, diseseeltat bts b*eý detedp.din tbe hog, varions accounts of which have aircady appeartd. W. bave, a»y4 a conteopomry, spuken ot it 04a a disas1 e,~bt II viOSo have given the malter attention tell us, it lif 5ý.0 n tici4a dite4u as a 'Affection, of worm 61 the larmaof whicb arc takec n m the. hunian stomnach by enting porla, and are there hatched in millions, findirg their way intoail parts of the. body, aud literai. 1> *ating aspth. patient alive I The siekuesuin ia progrea s la id to have a CIOse eenblane f0 the charseter- istics of AiuFatie choIera. A Paris journal> gives auextraeikof.#s lettoe from Frank«- tort under date of Jaasuary Dta. whicb il l'l ~ ~ e nougl te a e, iehait 'stand on ent. «M IgIU»ifybi1l1 t Spealaung 0 't l ne. tise wi For avise me0 ast deailisbas ONLY si 60 CENTS A YEAR reignadt iera. -*A tes dents atter un. - -.exansjsetl suhi'erhngs, sud tisose tisat are WViîitby, Tlîuris-]ay, February 22, s66 cqailettti itistise nature of tisait disease, kraovtisaItise>' are heing eston up susse b, - - a lagionetfs-rms 4artiiy ici tilk au a The elcetion tut 1ed i acal <ýouiiacl. hun a îsra h ait iairse vorkeotitheir w"y into tise thnulneofethtie fics, tiseir muscles Ws tes-oic sa rge lauriion ut ont space andti tiat-ners-as. la net-suais e fate bot. tuila veok, te tise procedingsaaItisae alec, rible au dus-cll upon-? Ota tise Diiioetlest tien et a reuuî-aealaive fe tise Meticai anotit Dr. Kari Stein, cfkl-ssakori, srobe -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o onni as is i-asa c m eee of our fricota sthat upvsrts of une Courcil e te Diiiion c Kig an otiaa't ailtrn-for tise>' njo>'san irn Qumte, liatishese seetionas tise bnlk of enr munry-sadisobeau a-j*-is-d, of tis'ait s'sdgtat a-mes-e inimeuiateiy intaretuaL parents. Tisare *-as hardij s a use in tisa ima delng se me m ivr ihto bserve th&a. villag'e abat dit asor number a i-lutins. At tise edici lS duts ne couema tis tat tdate upwerdi utf tht-e u Iuasreti.pai. the ediul At des ot cncen t e dute; marc awaitiug testai, visicis be>' maedicai isofesiosia amsae ; ahe subjea!tilas ke obat Slaesitte- e preo>te(carî'nî onu of depintereat tute iasviole public. sulterirags. Frons os-ena> toecigisa>'ort thc tiocter ant tai apatiirasa are tou neairi>'titahe uaitiis, s-ho ait tise ud5 tof tise s*Iabed-büÃ"u-a at tuaschs.etai btimnu>', aisislehiard (cli uus-li, hiat baken fligisa nd'inuientit>'ofut juterssbeaveen tliaunte eo saiape wa haie>'conartsitlco u b. tise ffl o rederany aws %!elhg he m. isoierar ; liat tisa>' bad tueu doisn oavtise nulle enter n> las-ssrfaatisg tse e-rond sicat -irisen t relief. Tisir corp- dheu praatiteicrr cf aise fartatimportance le ds saloîse s-are pichet rap. tise public. Tisa ohiniuns ut tise Jocbairs, liso apidunaic, Dr. Boubebl proceedati are theratoma tiescrvi a ncareful pefu-sali; te 8Y as a susedthe tsaravales et tise Womcalis- trichiie, s-Sauce tise oiidemic indeed t i ly regrt tisait ure of t ath i recl-a iaaaa 0 tiiiaa.Ts glutleucen presaîal, dit onut enssace tisa richiisi oe laeut tis e tuzac of tisa pig qpportinia>' aciicitise occasionu -affordeti -andlla capble of lain; îruausplantet inita for plarinrg tisair riecwa butane tise public, arasai aris-lu;in haie hetan bot>." Dr. EÀatbvurit bwilll bho sacr, retirat front No cure fer tise hort-ibleniawsa>'Lua tise coutest, andi Dr. MeGailvas elecctid. beanfurni j tise oui>- securit>', sait b> tise Everytlisg passet off witt tise hast of masat emiaient pisaiciaasa o avi oIs-eIrscti good faeling-thec ouI>' tsappoinamana gatasi itls, tise provenais-e tystens, noS to visible attisa terminarsen of tisa proccat toeut pork ail aUi, W. are saut aar legs, b.iug isaiDr. MuGiI til t agis-e tisat thse diseauese esuas yeb asade ÃŽte ap- tie Uaggesti insitation te tise eyater pfarance oas thils cetiatent, te à certaint>', spper. l a-à a osafier eof soeasurprisse touegistisercarearamers ef thinlutiset f bat csou toe 34 meticari votera attentat, Western States. It ana>'bha, birse-nrtibai cu aaout uentase undredncia atterecl tirougla fise Dis-isiatu. prutise bloalcat ap rea- lte long dttana,-the traveling on Suas- azisn orde r te reais hemc on Mouds>', tisa causeoetabsence May, hbus-'es-cmw btst "led$stt, aine nt Io te an> path>' on tise part et tise nauicai mais. Thouse s-be ila -sleas,-pusante s igli>'intellIgent asti pointl, tissapictastaetfîssdy isati -hieh they preserateti itidtisa tisai>' ase- sha waile ts inig bas beena xaggensted -,andi tisait pet-k apeculisiorsuMay' hase a baud lu îl, vils a vies- of operating for a dtee et prices. EXIE a-sni-gÂCYMau, ag or fiîoLsara slt ARi Wat7nnrr.-blr, Josephs Rue- botoni anasences ilu tesr etusamu liai ho haas isposati eoriris inter-val li "ls. Ontarie boittel, antitisastishe funiture5 &a., yull b. solti b>' aubisouiontise- Tti mati 28a1s iasst. Tisere l u iexcelentcaisue frt...r... .g.sm II M114LÏ . A ý.,.- cai iaiàthelaUnited 8tateso s'THE LOST oppÃ"ItTIJýZiTY!." TheNelvr Yç,Pxprnt buid forthia folows O'Dtbe Beeprocity question, front whieh it wili besesP tht thie eyes orofOur neighborsarcat lut beiüg opened 10lthe true stalo of the caue. "The 7îme# lu revicwing tihe conducti ther correspqadeuee wlîh the. Commife from Cana&. who have recenly~ ta cen leave of Washington as a CÇouuntteo, sd of ahe subject whicU 'took tbcua itoethe Capital. The coure. of the omebe la oside're vry ame wortl, am,- vo tîik, jnstly, a ie~poi ioe. 4cted indicaîed a cet d to ýtIô aaabieg 3.9 or equitable. Tisa Opportounity losi, at lesat, o 4 ime', la fluol, a propomea meigns f6r repreuan ina Iugo t fotltuo. tier; sud secondi,, an important sonrce of revenue, In b. coliected withoaft aoy addi- tilon to existing ageneies. The extent of this addition to te revanne miy be cou Puted, ifl mpposed, te betweeu twcnty and ubirty. millions of dollars, and the value ef gondasmuggled front Canada int ibis couutry tu $10,000,000 more, perbapa. ,W. q'aote: 6 uba plan wouid 805111enuitil face to comnsend itaclt 10 tise ricndly and zestions attention -ofa comusibtea charged with the task of providng Ways sud Measas ut this criuicail stage of our finanial lsisîory. And the plan offered acens to mecs, tis point aqnarly ;filratly, by iwpoaing a wbolesomce check tapon snsugglng ; sccondly by yield. ing an addition te, our custos inçornotot an salent isotua vnwitb thq PeOà tf rade, and cecrtea nt6b4e nhanced immuen3a. 17 Oaa thse iypoteiei isit athe future growttî of retiprocal tradia wi'b tise Prorilicea will ai Icaut eqasal tise ratio atmanud darin, 9 the parbln eu $.ear1 Tise (air inference (rom tisae whoic, caser le tisai îe Commilice parposcly, aud withc 'a vicsw to somae fu)re.gone cotaluilon, dea sired to break off negociastisn and leavet tise question of recipr'ociay tts iti fate. Ast the quenula now stanads thertlore, lu onet usontis (roui thseapresesasidate -the tradea boîween ibis country suid tise Province'. asnouutiasg ilu8f4 t10$68,000,000, adlb bt abruydly lfruwani jito confusiona, de-t. rauging maasy b.portassî chasnuels of cons.p merce, sand naling enbartara nt ilu quartera alread> auflering froua deprosalon. t Tise vocation of tise saaaggler vili bc piadU more excnsilvell and more profaaabil tissui If tise rna aili locoktise present, .Congras 4uarely in tise tact', il viii see tisa ilisas neitiar baste net capsoit, <fr publie bottinesa. I lu asotbcd s-hais oune race snud one idcsa,-.tis negro anti asaru] suffrag;e. Wbaitave- a-iabe tao ennmtu brade ana! consmonct, bu hind>' relations at hume anti abrosal, ta equaiu>'lu taation, antti te at>' atipulations, àîhi larnbeoau las cemprahtisuon, or las surpoae te tain cositiration anti juas action. Tbis is public opinion, anti not tise. opinnofthtie ,opposition alune. UnitStat tes. There li bitter laostilia>' buts-c eii Pea:deas, ef thse UralietiStatus andtheii Couga nov sitiag;iluWashingten. Tise reNchleS> wlle are in a a ajoria>-,oseck bu bint tise Prosltlnit tsheir pau*pp>tes ina sçiwhjrg 55e Sentisfrc.snr represenbtion,. -Therexseu-e coaparadsi> ly s-etO- tise cereral nte tnata ...ra s 142clcau Augalt tisoe l is e all, s-c noticea Judge BliatairEI. J Madoui lerk ort iii Peacu, S. U, Coehraasar, Ceunt>' Alterne>' Mesar. G, Il. lirtaaell, W. It. BillInga, Joisu*- .gau-; W. Wsrreasn- Li wisns--At "a meeting ut ses-at-niof tl.o behanba anti prÃŽitipai buainCen eorc Wlhb> blai 4t tise 'o r BtI. J.Wilson, Eaq, Iarstc-,in- tis e ssri>'part or.ilut ee a dïepasttien aéIos5paei-orf ii. J. (latteEsq., hl. D., CIa-abt' Draper, -ýÉër., sud J, P. Paowail, ýE*q , (efthtie iras et L»es Pe-li) -ésappuinte-dtate sait spen lHou. John Sinapten. ?resitcnt et the Ontai at, -vus ai requiiion atopteai b>' lisesmeeting, eiug for th bise noeuat> 'vuilelsexistesi for atustier BlIsatc asuaso- datlen la Whitby, said requesthag suie eti- bllabanat of a lranch ofet étis ario Barrai le tise tes-n. Tise signera uft tis requisi - . ion, s-Se, as meCibave sait, embraceal Mst -ofthtie prhicijpal mnercasnts and iuess menof htie tevas, pigaigeaiteassaîses te -gis-e au n aitil-e appont- ho a iraci su te bu oitabliiset. Tise tuputation waitedi on Mm. Sinspseni aS Bos-nsilte on Frits>-lta, aitise Head Offie, and! preseue t tser req-uhition. lTe peaners vers reesis-ed t h > e a. omaleltgentleman ailisgr#"t courtesai arbanit'. . e intorcietitisonst tat th. subjeet ofà Bt-sncb a ih>'Y, vasone itsaiSha isusui freqaunily bufçire the Buard \a>t Directors, eatiant apeaising for iirs sbop. Re roterredal lai' la gres% usefulou afithle brauthtar at'la-va and msit b bat nu oiaba sàalarrlar catabtliâhbS-nt veault 6e prodtie-of an equal ainounagcet gooi lu .Phlttay. Be gar ve -r>'assurance' et hii' asd t ke- place li b aiiforned. lisisaaWurays. Tises-s lateleasnuo, lacit o e isrklg jinltuaLtias ;iraWil heracetorsarah, iltat appeau'. [u addi- thon te tie Prmesut- brAnolaut be hisail e-t moatralt, se are t e -aofaseri't-usOa isuancishl. Ostof Bsatsbraricis cf ltes Royal Canedisaanti a DowBatik te lie calledthie Ontanlo Causas>- iiuik, vitis s capital uf $.500,004 Tuc it ip ta, riue relu but îpeuri. If thu baraka hast briaag ns geldenasscers vs shaah ps-a>' tisile>' Mat> eobino pourni.- te W edî-t King allaiQuacucu, Dr. MeOili. tank tan+ Midiassal, De. Morton. Berlilugan antidumworn,.u-'Pattuefll. Western as-I St. titaîir, Dr.,Astilu. Malalite & 'facdraseis, Dri u~t0e. Erie anti Nlagara, -Dr-J. Moeuasoc.- Goe.and Tisanea, Dr. Tes-qand., Nus-cati ensd front, Dé. Des-ar. BL Les-rance & Rastesas, Dr. Brette.. Brout anti Sangeon, Dr. Clark.. B»aîhurt analidelaiu, 'Drlsat; Qinîseatnt Ottaraqai 1-. Dietisen. Qucensé University', Kingston, Dr. Tatez., Thse, Ps-es5tal Telcgu'apti.- - 'ie Prossiaaiai-T1grapWýCem à y la doimsg a guet deal u tac-rar tuesupport of' bise geocral publia,.hL as Opetae4 setorai nsv offices at plaèces whick, voe lactbeoro destitute et alegrapbie eaasiof commaaun.- icaîlon, ana! lu add réislssng is a te iecol. lecalon of htreting itemas of Canatihan as-s, s-biaisrasnis tisapublic'tSroaA;b tia' usailsaraofatheflb J. ' TW4 tI 1. asaatter tistlsbs ienra bie#0 p- iaol Do- gleetea!, Tb. opetatoru are proempt -se- anrastearnd obliglaj, andthie Comupany'lais man>-othetr gr'ouads, s-lis-LiUttauly age~tbetselvs-c, ( c!a4r &ar,@ of atpubic-supporst, hiàjAsiSur 8c.- au-;blead sepper-the iat$W bs jus ùp plmo -li -aittotnceti tecomdof AIt soit1 asuwevor, anus-a tuat ne abu a anu4ta or bit os-a, anal htisahe wHIlnus.t s-eu«"as d ottapprove. 4sat ne-v be uaspiaiedj i eto ou tie teedeet a biil pssaaib>' Coatgrtos, uad tl»issue ha rrtisetr sxCiting. A ptcisi desptcaibtiste- PhuIasihi "dTise Presldut voe semage on-s lise freedruens billhebmsjasa bére ed-a. ,It il ver>' sdâàberte, anusenia>-eps-assis * te ibebel iniraves-y eisape or fqu-rau,!le bellovastmars>- a1ttise feu-a u h bo anel- etitutiadul al adsala tIsm e no cb clglint tion fuir the $ouatls ots te beau aiaptuai s-bile tisaiSoutlstru Swwat e n uiiaun" prussftnea. lio thnaatiser. lu t nah &aieiincg porIn-tle ill >11-confidut t.e tise Pacitent. lHe asIers hate a fulila ession etflais relonstrucion polio>'- ad thinka isa "ithern a-preutttâivem ug lu bu s.dAuîîed, k,&0c. - ILtartul"txrinsa B>'I, e~wpossslil Mlifat on tq l 8tklrast., îè - Brapcai n tevI. "&Parlitàtra wua va apoacti t aniasioni on theIilnt ist. -lhe aelior stated to, tih.e oeaàalaad boiS Hanuses, tisai as -#ona Wore rai 'àsorf li, Mt ,Maj QesaanIicae t he cause for ca.11 Mnàtkeiiern. u te Roaie 'il Mr ËW-uljaDenuisois Wuste-ele ers-itsest oppositiont, bis coud& chair beisa ga-al>' ou'ogized-l erà Ã"a butothýi#s a otise Hwtae. te theie smotas- f'Lord Palràé su-âris-taI a Thýe nfleaa4l, OUD Dur. VcGIfk9, BEELQPI) F4> DIVISION Ã"0F lÇNGLÀND QtJB,]ZS. Thse liraI eiois~n.ofthLle nev Ide dl'oi Cesancil for the Divisqion et' n Kh g Qitens ea heid à tiseeuiaiinà, Wltby, on Monda>' 1maIthe ilthinaj. 2&9. Reyaiolds, Esq., Sheril utf Ontario, actcdl as Rcburaing QlBicert and oponcd tise lm-, ceedaijaaI alfïas12 0n01cik, b>' read- iug tba ps-&iboansaslcl, &0.-t 4t tilltieie thera vere net moretssus- a date meditsaI ivoters preste, aasd tisose ofth ie general publie, lu atiesadance: tateilsahei f*o cedinga miglit; ,. cmbracl witria tise saine nuaier, Du4rg li, ,te pr, ualna hovever, tise isedicai main e ise isiera came drpppisg han, fironitiaanme ta que, anîl govards teclose val uro'týdthae s.folio gentlcemnr senit. vsa Dbef ors OanILswodaW. lIc Carton, ant il Cnrric, W!ihby; Ductora Osisawaî Doulors Faîcte, -n ild'W. F. M Brion, lruolokil îDustora Brtai an sd Joucs, FrPsie Alhert ; Dr. Deoratal, Oak. woud ; Dr Sporer, Uutiearsilie; N>oeler Aulison, lia-id, Ltaw, sand Davidaun, llow. manvihle; Dr. Jutcaruglin, Eanitklilen; Dt. Dosierty, ldarkisant ; Dr. PualloùJ, Scarrisro' ; Dr. Luoy-d, StuiTsilie; Doaturs llary, Billter, aut Bascons, Uxhridg4&;i Doutera Komptnd Fiddlem, tLindsay ; lPr. Dodd, Newcastle;j Dr. Whlîcsldei, Little liritaiasi Dectors l3igham, sud Ifsrri-Duaa, Orono;-Dr. Armnstrong, tirouglinana tCr. Tis-caie, Mainillei; I luahi,1ont of aoae 100 practitioners in tise Division. iTe lhrf aving eraumeraa 1 ratiôns, wvith compriset iltisamealiasi daîion, stabed tisesait madea ne provision for an>' apecial cosurse tu b. pastacta tisa elecrioa;1 but, as fta e1 ircutmstancesi wouid admit, he vouiti fa te ecouarse pursuet. i linsa asolding.,pariamentail alocalona. Lt vas auggestcd tfat taini adjonrs for a sblert 'ti nta- uortar te gi;e ineambera an uppesanni>' et "cansulting"9 tegethot, (Lançisteri) buculd ast de se l torCeis-Onominations.- De. Gun ar-ose sud #Sstua, lat àit oulit b.e niossi tiirtable, andi perhlalpaexpedimre tise proôoediogsi te allow uf eacbe t-,u isse prottissiau anoppurantuuy utofsasiasaing opinions, astagre ngotlt t ivensaa- as te visai stops iaboula! bustaken l itse lce- dons of s candidate. Maxy of thse mensiera vers comparative airangers bueuoe anotiser; tise set, t-ad tiseprucsartiatga tader il s-ara qnite nev buafiscuaail,,aaid fgr tiese tr. a- tons a short data' for fth. puirjose Mn. tiosseci ho cosearati vulti beumiticisi.n râble. 1 -Atter a ashortiinterrai turig visicstise p asacilcal gtùitemaen pressant, baud aol"n 41 a"cuasutaioai" ;s tie ante.rouastisa>' e- eracrthtialal in a bA>. a Dr. Ai!iaoo, adireasing tise luteanisi O)filcer, aith4atlu auminaîlu; Dr. Me L Gill, ha o woIt!basut a usake & remsarc or tio, ad then ttp-altagtisor. Tise pe sent, ho said wstaï àmat rensarkale leeaca p ung cf ma-dialemc-a woderasmeeting II -ise largeat li a. isat en. Tise,,Matinet T Boud, of vhica bie va mambuir, hadti accu la exitsee a nunther ot jears, a-adi ho vwu now glat yt s>'tis i isdetnaatt -beetase of tisseva' l inis aise me n- bera ef btaint ad listea c onatcslsy p Ibo gvus-euat. If a naclal n adtj acc fus taiete t oemaa or if tise>' ook a f4tane' o isahobu saninasled t 40 s-p ista crsesestues-eoft ii t inai, ana vua noualasatd, b u posed, iseease teumd*aaoitea aleletion Usaso. (Laagb. w Or.) Thse Board aia a constant actea f lat îtarrtuliîog scidai h lie a quiet.-a" a i himineit buoliad abafainetifre- in' îléer 1-sU forassnsiser oftpare. lie approWdpf- VI theuewbil;tseiê iglrt b~15iti bat i. was a sbcp la tise raial 4irt e<sels ; if1 , tary clit nos, get ali te> -uanteai, if vuaiti came irn duoctins.ib lrouzithtie Cunsuil te: stulibard b>'t4 ishli, tise>' worisbu ubif t. honoarableasud =wtable -momber of il. te profeiiosa,and is a nue isad-been s-aigr' teaeivac la>'tise .prctcssion e4t l" 1 as & it atà;aste ta aise - Meifit cl uacil la 11h' phylel shitiis- s-es-v wreIIas hibi ianaittabilities;1 Mn i chu *ual nat naille ,(IA Les-a eue cf thetwatikurgeoi ProviUce j ie vastise usato,$ 1>11 ishatitifotagisi teb, ani ls4 Stan ise>' suld ho dola; botro te fuaeon of thses-haie Proviàc.i Dr. Chas-lt, of Qiss bc> tise roiasnhation ; h lieits-Dr. mi Wsailongliim, actdihotvu suare,- do tisemna uns at tise Metical Co& Dr. hancseld.dmt theo agc lte profesliqwsttiaaie hlin s Wsm'Jbst Pr. xhiI; lm b.d lbe et inéing himbasefor bs-cnt>' >' dfesartaandan su nsigbbencd.q"b Ual aw Who vmighbthéi nbuât pbysalda thr bb 10arlia beat surgeon arithea naost Iittiasg man t le ic iae1ud go to bbc Mudical Carci Otisor qualifi- theni- C# calions wure necessary-lcgisiaive abilit>' it wVa Ve wals aaecesaiarf. Thse Médicarl Counçcil ws opinion. eaninenti _a legiarlative body, sand ho, (Dr. subfsîgte, Spouncr,) galait -ilwonid ware1 becomse îhén hwas tva mediaaimon of tue Divisioan 'e axercîso alpend ver% ga>od disacriamination ina lscir Acleebion'of a riigistco rcpresenraîive. Vui Dr. Ëas;twood was biser tisa a young main-a Young ari ut experienca benicial ini biseProfession, lia, (Dr 8.> believcd wns wliat upu age Yi issetlc1 opiioss0 %boy bocart as ,tisaItisae it wèra ýiossis'.cd._(laugsttr.> la Codn- lerciarsiih cisision Dr. Spoonar Maidl tisaih. knew lise net liewosasot raddrsagenlg a popular.audience sarong r .~a6ta ~edyet acataifeginulcari, ri.ta- *SbouldtIc( likciy te be-influaasced,,b>'an>' appeau ha . waziý,Jol migjl; siake,, xusd who doubtess hl dai. sfortun red'mteup 'liacir innai sto how tlb.> tlaey wer ,ahouit vote, and wearid tiscrofore resusse other bisa Xc, othar cansdislçÏabeinpropoaa1ý thtws aver>' Returnisg CHlkee ticlared â ôIot'às o for vobing. , dbs OL fcc uar ais Dr. Ml3rien, of' Brooklin, was procucti. lui expol i, tueadieu tise meeting, but waa Ilsenai Va ci riedi>' calcd away.Ilwisosa na Dr. McGiIÃŽ hisasrg *baca called supon diseover;' bonk 4h. oaantiA ny. reuaarka bco-shoulti froua Peri esîher bel offor, ha M'id, ivould bcI01 a î triebý iss.as e biç*al clauracr, and confinetil10tisahenarits would hab uth a rew aimadicai tnct. Ielinait fot agran sdoua s. las opinioan wills lîsse wiso found faruit wits brusd hisa the bil.1. le regardeth ie measuro las bheandre sarrau ligîs.as Dr. AIlison. dia]. lb vas a aaori anus-e isthei nighb direction -an instralment retntb of wlaat bie prolcuasion isad bec long seefî- lerbiste 0 îng for. nie wus sorry biscretore tisat eteM tuera iarrd bean soi nucis faiat fotnd mIs reprasat mas nob eý lhe bil1 ; andi bcarwas aorry ttobiait soe ne usi an inasdical inIn lidaffrant parts ofoncegit-ilc tfi [>roviassi; iar.i 5 huatil>' riAduacre- 8iht ete rssoniousiy cndeisase I L.zlHc referrudtis tecd: pîoyns ts tack mndule tlî bill , ay bIhé mcdi. etnlo ti carinivi, ut -Liracin ti eihca;tb, ea mit tsat tise>' segaiýded tise bill as oppres- Yiews ani ariv4, irjroaandi -de radinI;-tbasgo mu ro e bdha epr the terinàiisrrain ase Met ' is*e gentleanenassen Liattor opapressive, Injurionas atid-egrallngbe Wood ilaien tisa haat Intereîta <afillu pru(eon sin &raen- fiiiy oral." Thee CIithutma. J r.l. eGi> etaicrr lftsi.saîrd, hi tati bà*penl aSpone anis therd114reiai marks of prccipirytan aaand aisaatas.wfiCi lla ia Aasd nul satLA14 ith vila t, tisa ge-alaeaa nti D.3 munt unsansauformat tisensev<es mb t f.aPoasnce anedicaieciety, aud adapbiti a pétitio-n to Vn ott dit leglsAlture for a bl isrilar bu liset inavn aaa operasionainlas tier (JnsafiI. 1mbif tise o4>î t pnsirss rsibeea "purteaF' thaIley s od thsa lubir r.tve cthaufithat 'Wissat tise>' anstdi :taabi itXiaanw4 notbe a seasili oltaiaaad. Dr. ~ti facir>'et ttareti mb a.hrstory cf tise Incsorpornation mscalt 01 tise college of physiciarus anti surgaeons, niloa of Lester Canada in I8~44tl, anti explàirtel rd a dives tha difleulisa in tire mary of havinga.uns titLi; lie e bill. or a $îiailar 1billfor i.'ýîîa rovincetaa.lis bta Is"et" In '50, ho sait, bNt. Aýikiins'a 51b il i contcaona s-as designcrifur biais purpo ni>' reacis- this rofess cd a secndssadsi atien it as ibrtes-satisa deanoci 0 adng -wlsiier ai otb Tle présent bill, lie #;4d, vie at ie to naërilaita m ita tise aruperiai statute, ~lsaaxl, 1 It wa tise oaly prat;aiItbilial ih theia di. arolassion 0wfe abde lu get ttaroti;h lt r- r ,ke allas j lamrrent; and! îh.4-beang tise casa laiersgt ias is<auglab il marsdeservingef asasire favoable bhahatit aril;s eSniaierabion titan it reces-est in soute ,bue~i iLarWms.Ife isAdube-rcal isthàtise ais.- acorarse w licaii r of Notth York ars.i allidrt attisaoff Lasinco . aî alnidar a si; lYris int hcutaa character; but ha fait hanppy' le saay-a t anetilig outaa illteronst SpIrit. 'iîey ap. isa ewaskr aras-ad ut bbc bill aa st-Sole, but seaktoemarnly Cu savea Iba provisions modif i d asîarslifiat. 4i a iaey alsailsdfuoactiiÀ hac si t ita visaitiau mcal l ie>,but sDot hike bte Liascols ewoWttsp ocityt or atse psrpoeof coritemmrsg bise bill altogetisa r. li. ctGiilln rie t rferî laantnc ao whist hao stlen i ll- aeireti siscet'al e oSt. ai visicla tisa clarases cf tiabillmaepri ail ta4cs 'rinti mith istues s tits murkin. ILîsroeîarl> r ,u pûrtcdti lehavere n l ;IC4u b>' te iabiht. WiI Clcai. of tise Exucuiva Coacif, baît that délice Or le bc, (Drt. MeUxiti,> coulid eut bring b-ir.W t nace eileyS so oreil. 'Dalnk, lahoaarkti, of the Wiviter tiar tles f tisati li-bearpeed suisesfindiin- fatilt ar wr rIis thise wa-isg of thes bill hafGoe iciah ýn a tmnaû4into uperaîsao ail l 0.-.tue aiv1ae, e5 c SnIV le said lihalzie te> tisaiconctisa-ia aat tie a xaui- jiii va" às- ls isov l he.agdêi ecpim, -aaun. tit wlsab lie.proesasion ou latoI e se potchl lac betarfits iaicis tse jarouesion Vwortiireasln Itrs- frual iere% fut-utoifçrm tise fatla C athl t pralnisîtar>' a irblspits.-' o(melcansi, Latbet ilasa itceglectedtheefor, andal ittlerépl vIti asore Ubiaa "Myanar ea tjase 'blasin- %viih wre rani te lois-r bise sattrss1laag'sf tse.tsro-J t " s-ahr ssion), 'Ilen bite curriculumssswulal ube ue is 4c salua standard, viici ai iwouIci hair cdlgl-- ' comae up t.a, d so t sIwoit b. hAa s-ery sig5 he iw S oi r ta bu menct; i ilw as Wb th1ieretota Ja very frauity ncetisruaat upon ,nccrping theê operAttion eof-lisci r>Cbzardo cerr my~rtain FIow a pinu-ike otiacr 3d Ctefi saofflpasoa for avina robh-it %vas-bisait iltavouit de. ry nascla upun tisa intividula mis oase tis'e cdical Oo.uncul, wlae- aftectis ut tiaeact avoaît ptuovo LI or oîlsatn'ise. But' no nattc ahtion, may bs furmet un tha *tas, ha ait, Cequally neacsaarî atatasit-vigiasco houit hae ex- if bisa esoice -of a repraaqatise. If were deficient bisai tt 8a very mason mis>' bie workirag of i sit ba entrrsstat tea a>' rtio avis aiSnsidered .periucl>' raliabici iai>'y, humas-ar, 4o remarked, a ,su litte acquarinteal with cach bt tise tifliiula.v of choosirag a carsý rasS ' ýToeasunstise 1iffieulty, i is p-o w nceaie as cu n cicr tset, li q cd an aaddreei aior'airag a preît>' aition oaflais viems, whiics ha hati sels Matdieal man in tise Division, xiii anti Pest office uio mas tabla tu onnaliy eans-asuing the Division, ofroe or aftlie' a arute.lisat ad- catisa he'diduione itc iha I 3becang or digsii'et teaIhave le liad evan reccels-ret ety sts as teatira pruprint> et istsaitg s; but tiiesa lau ragairdet tas un- le, for as lie undararuo thtie mat. )becb ghouial accsai tisat atan ctai ijouasuil avi o ulsl bast bishe viema t aofai. "a lj 3as>' ut attaussnt,,las colnsequ. ie lit 'aircadrly aarket, of the 4rco ofascqaaintaraca as-hah ex- mwean tisen; andl thoral'ora bisa rab uf sascua meana as >avare cal- ieuaairrgs tof btoso WlthO asiitrd(l <'saisi ais was worthyot con- s ratiur than 'hlian. -[(D.)as.ltI- *, tepta1rLiag froraslis habituai gas- slsort pairtcoaipairbieulars re'r asas tiaýi andi pracitioier, 1 unan parconsti cora-aapunaiarsce (takaon place bativean lhaisl reohitl, agaiding naîtlers etf pro. îtiquat, hastut ofnu publie im- la Incontlinuation lDt. Enastmood s Asisasrve un tisa relationas miic exist isatia-een tîsa profession anti I~ ler s-agraltc>d tiret thoso ra na t paresenit ina roosb aasalis- traidition;, tut as to the cnauses te blata ndt ha nac tanar bc Sta correct il, lia atraiteri Ibaita -.sity of upiaion neacesairily eox- a-ecaited twueracaion, humas-ar, ýmasasfora-arris-i,aa acorrect 1. lis utan opinion aas btai ion tilt net sclfficie:stiy racgnhasa ,rtia tentiancies of -biseâea; anal a-ca sa-ru ritJs.I utor rng. lbwa!;, îl> to a(àîÉë4rribnasevei>' ,t oppus-itiontae iacs. Tupro- liko tasa-Jisas cowsanaty, anti vat a llstaie, may aave been profitaa1a lu tisaaliys ut litaace; Flnot noiv'Profitable,narm ilt lac riglal eitsca, Tisa affect ot sucds sai, liaé saa!, taC7t tise Profès- as li aagyulpa-ta>' miististe grent rc piapie, arnt lestse than a pr-e>- aiasg ps-atanderà, aviso knaw sas La btaissadasage of such culiPa. a1Ms, 'Ife targaiti-lit ntumoe nse bai pursamI 1 huit lsfhemtu;. ftrse biaat quackery wU-a s ame-, iriig c.»>'yu a counlar, aud, oSad tisaI lile glory' aas ta, eunatest.witi SsueS afmc ii ai tise mos-al cuiîntai aIntise . corga andtihbedaon ta 1- n saqsaassmhSlanesandsa!ner the is îuillifled , jsyntilioocrs for the- ;Li bta e p wiUuii ieistisa>' fr wimnsag bthe lova- a-nticonti- a n-n,iitia.asSl,ni mrs-clous Lould Ur~e abnesa aoaly. o lavas ver>' diffamrent caruares sx cstisaintien, tni>' oly ccas.ion- t ofsuccuqa. lis liirait ilaaio, ro re-aird fm ute cllgnity of bite, 1ps-çventeih1tise astiliiira seis as. ais offercti tliiacsasia(u ta thse public master nubiens% uf e.,odiem ottho civ-andlart - I ou aias rob ianti no-clui motive, AE twvax id )f Theotcqtlkl aaayelatwrVice. At tis licibatiors uf a narsiber eof s. lcrcated.subiseriliars, va gise place te it fýIoling Icîter o ofRv, Drmariaag5 visicbin u ruis, contamns many senaible me- makS t la adtrcseimd teutise eal'sîr, c.,. tise London Tlsrui jt Ycn hanve with nrat force gisen fise wealaiie siefutise Scotch Cisurirhpublie serYice, ýWiîh t4iiparbiauity visicls ai. wayis distîragulis es thc Tisanes, -yon viii lihten ttac me -witie I su>, 'Aasdi arass-a pazrtluL' l'admit bise dîtacts incident te vhis alaleti exbempomaneus public acu'. o lidn Tbc' albould there(ore 1 nrrying onttheisc jilol bu sa;d, bu thanis fior se" lie bantling thai b.ad boat given th Ua Ithou,,i it was truc lies wal ,flot tliser own *ffipring, but olyTa i Ibi L Soudlptig a anj any Imperfecionlsun( deanrities, waich thcsey tr compeiicd L( adopt. Iai conclusion. lie sskcd that ithe) alhotii4aliunitc tu make as good aaman o lairn u possible" and tliougri îlaay maghI flot suce as weii as tlsey could tvish Lthey %would at any rate, b> tiso vory a -t tempt, nelsi-e Lt %i ièla was c< ven morc important tihe union or.their stran gtL (Glar.4, amidst wisieli Dr. Elastwood te. sumail bis scat.)fl_ Tise voting wnnt an meantle, dutring %wiiuisDr. Eastwood tandcftd bisregn 'l'ie Lletasrttîirsg Offfeer tlicreatpuîi nnr tisere beinig no otiarcu'eandiudate, 'Jaclarcd Dir. William UMcviii duly eleeted lta i Medioai Oçuncil, amidst caers. - LDlr. McGili returneti thanks il~ suitab 0 terans for the lannor conferred dipon hlm, andi paid a passing tributo butiste largq aSSnrnbly ofrcspectable and ilodlooking mnapruarunt. (Chccrs aàntiIaughbar.), Dr. 'Aliason rurnarkcd tisat Ian (Dr. McGiiI,>) couid hauve as many twice a ycai il ho wisahoai at an oyister supper, (Laigh. ter.) Dr, Curry-And bagin to-night, (Louai tisa extension oft heo anetttatise Ecîcctica, andt Iicanuupathistq. 1Dr. Clsarke, (Oshsawa,) cnquired wliaat Dr, McGiI's course would bu reapactiug tise holding -of fnture.,eiectiorss, whethler sa change was tact desirahlein stise irésent anode-go ns ta admsaitof(voiing b>' prosçy,ý Dr. McÇGitl aa'iaI favnr oftha change; -it w:as a jaint hat slionil s'acaia' bisbost cdU an aspinîn froan a çssr.gory reading of the strtutaýtiat -the rcgnlation of future iilectiolis wolald bus in tise baans o f then Meaiciai ( 'ounii. Dr. Cargon aSIiti ha pracliseal bols liea Allopathie arnd-eictie iuy.en; ;Le %vahs liowever, ana Eciaetic froan principla. As a isarsaber nithtie Ecectie Bîuard, lac de- srieril tua rans tàkcinby bisq.Eeivt:ccs and IlormSopathiits, lu aending nagenLs ha- fora làs.liaanentai tise lianie bisaMetilcai bill %vaspassed lte rceare tiacir right.s. Tlire cliacers ware lten given for tise Quecratiare for isa ie Pbuiisling iJIlicer, sandi t1irce for tiae asccssfui caatiidateaad tihe jrocadinsat were brought 10a a close. Northa OrarrtoCounty Lorge.* .9g .~~ conimittet iacs i tiie hinrilrcror is Iproei O -bais beeu offerec b>'I es-ne sneicisborisood for tbie s-toer. -- 4 pei the nam aoit,. bast îbsu t a "oî De kutow- but abiai 1 berevil " sboni. i Neere &ac s-ese ise1 bot atterx s-eh fert partieular Henry st store, aI a short 1t ato b r tee tisa ht yea ho lic yethle in M'tish lu3a>gov s a ai toyisa1 priame - at anat iiereirI Boardmi, c was addfî bers tisat! --final macsa vus tn shI Whoe1 bel s-lac. ot arniseore at-antg pe lr biser.nul ionformasei ay er ajvrst rChristinpeuple, ltait leras intersticas in tise worsisip tbrougis vwiicissorrovaî, 'anti' 6 vasab, anti pains,-Andi troubles -Itfdaiuadible andti ouuiing'expressiot i fuerventbsuppli- rcationss? Tue commoen w a au-aves >anti troublas of humaiS>-taré e fxet quîg- 'hies. Ira er>'parias CisasteiS scot- andutithesc are lhftat p ls paye , so- - imas ihmperfectly, butalwaiays iti>l' unt tuiily. MVilhnot tise vorsisipper feai-the, inasartbiougisi or tesime mure deeply'b>' laaving lb exprasted inlavariet verdIs, Tisa 1 uner tisirca airecunsomon-butiste p$ople aof Edkltjan d the peuple ut ,Seotiand. Tise, formater-axrasthent in saecotypet ets vicisba.c*ome sasunob ousnsud 100 effenr mearuiaglears b>' repeti:iora,, at necesasa-il>, - but aictuaill>'. Tisa- latter express tisensiff vanti lainguag,-, -ati, .tisemeforar proenns tiso n asil thiaitineriasiai, fresinesi Words are-"suoapita t0take thse place a(- risingo,, ta!d lixca tousais ,Ie cuver op ssnn, taisa ceraoum h res ttou", uer -t setîleti miet1I)er aneretirel>' iturgical set- vica-. la ift r ahi, tisa hast. latise Ciurclv# of Seo tissal tise Lrird*s Pmayer li au obi. g"asar>' part of publie nursip. Can an>' prarjer ha more ,zomprehens'ive or- corns. picta ? ,Ton <a re 50 fond of et llitise Chutais cf Itglân t tiait i onte lis-e limes lu tisa ervice--a rapethalon I1avouit profer to sea put aira asa!to. But, au far as il tsff.ectsius, ott anihi admit il Laonc isunny bib las avias jeu thint ourtrasity>.- !, Ira tisaint place, yen Mst îremeus- ber us-ar>'presbytur' ut.unr Cisurchis lunot loft 1asa80i n octcing itissadas-tiGna or tise-peolpie T'fls irector>' for publie 5cr- s-ian hays tiown'tise urder ira s-lieSh.a ate pra>', ana! <nunienabeg iti succession tise cataMOU antu ha lu te express in prayer. NVitaisatise lnisof iatidircotor>' be-lu (rte le xpresa in svar iqti -paraso ail bisae munts anti desires of tisa Christian peuple,' anti toeiaif ha uskes ais I cuas(ems 1 sta do, aise brauiful 1wQrà;aoftsfbie Cisarci ot Miagisasalliturgy, viseratisese presanal the tise mosb apprejariate s-olatces of devotton. Ive ahairisi masihavea aliberty e-f setlie s-hidi tocs not otais ecoma liceasme, andl a s-ariuet of asaignaage jiii êotbissg il, otau imperfet, ba. geasarall earaaeat anad truc. 1 Itinl a curiaus fat t isailthsf ie Chutais cf Scoîlarat ie minister isay -pray ines-cm> variant>'Oftexpression, brat hoemusat praisa' Mas aifixaJoi n etp3alciot>'.lI-. tise- Cisurcisof Engiant Yenu ut pray in s uterëoeub 4ifermn, IbutiSou pi-aise5 <lot iu ovr-saa fel stlyunbcqQ a mttîhldi. asontisait bu ho sure oft heing qushifleai tas joins vitis>')isn jaser>'pars t ftheso antrf - I siseniti iave lu carry a henvj- lest ci hyaiira.0iss:uiafor locgt -ni%!. -W. inaisca.% land hayeanfi iaorgy out pruiae,-tint> none of plMayoer. Yeoa u i triuatLJnd - Sig a lt.nrgy ut pmayer, buast nce cf Prraig Wlaich li iet ? ; lae e-s a-litatrgy perfect? I have- houLrd tisa iisargy renad saevretcbetily anal l'a coli- ht ibaisv fýIt all dcs-oi[on-« - -- -a..gs.. ... u .lui utîtsaDO apaseo rso iuue 1n;o ufr ,té- hoy te preserva atbeir us-n healtis, a -e itisOuairesetso. Thsefura4atte s atii"tieus1sr s1ae ;;aÃŽ,qi, aste praetlae tise artî cf heslu n . -n b a ~ aetca.abi-a ie -sd on I 1 ~ ~3-.n A conclus laucla at Tise Annuel Mectinag oet tioLoyal Orange Asjseciatioa ton tise Netris iding Of tisa Cana>- ut Ostario, bouk la iacea ttse' 'Orange hall, Blaivertoti, on Tuesisi>, tisas tti inat,,'vMIa h tsefirliasiar;atulorswtare. tasi> alectat for tise carrent yart, vintz Ci.Dasidsonl,, riaq., Count>' Master,- F'si oflice -attreis, lleaaerrun ; Robert liait-t, Iq., -Dapu>' Count>- Maaer, Puas oMjUa adjraia, - iTIaS;X. .,MePittien, Cousa>'Seet-ttair>', Peutst ie1 aicdreas, vroomantoa ; Wn. Scott, Ceonnt>'Trest- anaier, Poss'office attnea, -PrneaAlbert - Thomtas t-ahana, Count>' Ciapaiu, Posr utfice aittran,Ca.anjugtony Bdia-iaCanarron Couasuly Diactor utf Cencanonlea, POaon ins ettrsi, Beas-erton. Tsiaeî nacotas;l i~ ~ ~~~h lauisla!ai Masiie paper gis-ca partiiitans sa s-oofnl mat-clar. D r. Jose#ph IL ,!erîig, wisasretiid- un tse Lancasisire acmaspike,. near Rosprmount Station, abârti-seniémile4 frocath!i@ Oit', s-as murtierati eù bis Os-n presians, un Tucada>'e'ieninK , - acm atter tark. Re bat jast returntai spa bis prifeeoia ii9at ru a pîsysielar, Autdvsilesding lais hersa labo tire stable, s-ébinlc ass&hot bbruugis tise htaet ana! leatanti>- kilisa b>' some A targ<i Duholovisauis asaed tîiro'rih îiebc bsodyv, snd fou*r buelaiscat %vote in th& w(oands. DrOnsesaai, in -h, to i.- Atk.. 1 1

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