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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Feb 1866, p. 4

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-Tâte Revoit ila pinu.N GENEIIAL STATB OF TERUOR IN MADRID. The KadnLd correspondent of the lion- NMA] don 7T"es, wuting on Ose 111h uit-, ult :- ,TO "4Lst evning, ats 6, aMI wtdis. cussing I»»WSat ml banlker's I1vas inter- ciITUATI rapted by two of the elerks, voto bounnods two-uic la urying out ibat thor. werc diring lunte8%atc o etrtesaThe. ords vere hardi>' ou% of srng lmi titeir mouihs, when w. heard titre. dis- Pju5s«IQ tinci shots ai no grest distance, vilh ihat Apply to, peceliari>' sharp dit-tonation vhlcb makes 11-28 nausher> fi. so appatling viten eonfined - vithin vaiRs. _TII businiessof Ithé hatk broira op lu corriation; ve rnlbed iJuote sircet, sud aIl dispersed iu duffrent dirc.. i t ions, ever> man anating tbe.heut of his vs>' to bis ovu home. The scene out of doors vau on. of wild excitement. Shop 310 sud! bouse doors vero eibcg bang.d to trenmhling bate; titere vas s turry scurry m îE Proi of people crowrding. pushing, Irsnpilug; a JT infor'ii shouting of coactuien, niadly liabiug their complotail" homses, aud urging themnnuut îb. top of their speed. The shots had been heard PHIEOTOi (rom wbat are called the Ilarrins Bajos, IPES the lever qos&-lers, at the (<xi of the To- 0r .»y thoi ieod dAtocha streets, the ahede o e t îLe rin Miost nîlserabie, iMost vicions Most notons the (it>wsq. population of bMadrid. 1 bave not beeu able le niakeont what îLe rov vas about liIiA~ .-.possibly 9 patrel of civil guards dispers. ARTS- ing tome, groups of etarving wretcbes; possibi>' a (Cvmutineers in tbe barracios ive 10s î heing put dowu b>' ibeir cowrodts. Sncb watk fol Yjo scetîts have, sInce the proclamation of the stateo1 1 siege, hecoîns as frequent smeug CI the militar>' as aniong the populace. £ms Whalever it migbi ho, 1 made my up the e Ait Carrera de Sau-Geronimo to, the Puerta del Soi W-hich a man trust crosii Mdri& whjtby,3 ro matter whcnco coming, no nisUer -vrbither going. The great lideofo! trrificd '~f people vua.setling in slong wiîlc me, and F invsding the square, vbich had nct as yet caugbt tb. -alarin. I went up the vihole Three1 icuglt of tbe square, and Lad hardly en- ter.d the Cate det Arcoat, wheu 1 beard a great rush and sorte piercing hisses. The TOJWVI trowl1 pusbing thoir vay imb îte uarrow î~ streetU, forccdl me ou. Mcent niomon and IF' eilidren were borne along lu awfui conÇu. ilieo oo.uî.sî sion; vaut mas"sesfuig thoînscives peli llr".î.rtylvit mcllinmb the aide tireets; with thq ne maindcr 1 made my boit way imb my wem or MIr.( itotel. The shuiiig et doors and windows, ut Mn. l>skq te u*,tcr disappearauce of the terriiied Tiltlii' mob, were the vork of n few secondt. <~l~l' l'rstiy, esesilcnce began 10 neige. there (ltejntIliUS vas a trampliig *of boofs, a Rasbing of lielueto, brenet piatei and brouit! aordâ; î .itJ it vas tbe Qce's coach sand six comussg %V iî to >s tarit (reom thePradlo, 1oeccded and !foltov btrus i fita. cd b>' il* mounted oscort. At the table o<hole dincier the guetta drcpped lu singi>' long suter their lime, and crer>'oee ad - some tale lu teil of bis sallue in the serimmage. One Ladl seen the cfsadF r -eonfteintuers' stops Luth>' clessud Fa ther buad been lînesent at a charge mode > by te civil guards yulh lances aud bayou F tIf liel ct$ at tome nagamnutfils, tLe effeci of wbicb elut Wît. Wb.d enu to elar the 1'uertu del Sol in ~w hv the 1viuklicig ou an oye. In baîf au lieu- tieiî,uli tihe the atîl sof deatb pnevailed, sud cen l'uti fsithu tiused te reign îhroughout the nigbt." Writiog ounlIhe foltowing day (tLe l2th) OrIl by Ii lte saMecorrespondent saYs c- i f te solslienu arc tu-rýais. a prime Mnioster, as ite oitPrSoeiauu id su cru. L petit, on thein stielda to power, conid net L ai les.; thougbitheb.Pregreaisnap toe.e thing h. donc 10 tr i te soidiors' temper, 51000j~ soaeting te bring about thit,-prenun 1$1-ekC si eiamsnto to ahici t ho>'are suppotee diigt fersW b.é so-atrongi>' Incined. Tihis vas t1k Irldty, j plan fopoleratlous laid out for Weslncsday .lv.ning, sud lte resalivas, as 1 uad, amb et7 'and lutile ool.' la thte firs.t1)LV] place lttr. vas no fdring. Titoue 1ev usdou sitots wvieiot1Iand others vîîh nme t(IT Iseard vers not masitr>' firci, but userely 'JUYf peltordsb>' viici t sts.ps vere tmade 10 ere al sirîL Wtenever sud viterever Ne.1, WhIt, 2, PI>cke euet of ltesreports -vas ibeard#,thbravals ", ,'ri,o a rush s-dA -rue, -ud Lt -în dud ing É:: l.Uxh &ud iialgaiet em. The good ustaret icena troopera vent -ibeir way', ieediesa cf the f ris t'e o baaIs: ti. ougithieir oficer uettied atlie M1r4lsasit vord 'CobardeI <obardeil tisai vasTitî initlàpii Beus la bis teettit, b.dlaid his baud on bslà sword4 snd itlf dravu il; but hte simpi'am, aent i sbook bis isead end' rode ou. Tite for. ge bearasce of lb. cavait'vas uimitaled b>'y Otacfot soldiers sud ciVil goua on dut>' ai te Pierta dcl 'Sol, t ooenel tit!n mssivssviitmerci>' sboviug lteir ha>'. 4nitIstelte jevenile dIoter., sud baving eloared lte square, siiove thni t le isa le toir he",rts'otulansd viti fulmi. penit>', in lb. side strecl."ý One bundret! sud twenl>'-1'our "beautifl Intelligent uand aoconsplited ladies"- £e"'S t. belonging,, ve suppose, to lte claie of "uirong mnde4"-of Lavrence, Kanse,- bave peLtileed lte V. S. Congreas lo0NM AI mast. an puseudmen ouilet econstitution vtlitb alil prohibit tesversl8al. Su Will give Ul ftom dcfrancblsing an>' cf ileir citiisen *o, 01 à@. -ruaud of mnu," Th ic pon is as 0 I prmwed by' Sator Lane. , . D2elisof! h TR0KA8 & COULTKARI'8anduw0jI to enter or n - - - -ta close 0lW Store AT SELL OR RL'NI. El) emadali l ite Viitngs tiua ir> ta. mldiu 40 ^01vhi &Z stbeyr su nidwsi ]leepidb'Mr. GeorgeAn- su Ist1i Octeber. For tarins, ire., Propristor, Manichester, PhoWogrphio Galery, IVILXINRON'S BLOME, pr-l ie tii, ve <ballon>' wouiti i li e si that It lis uowtisle met Ilse Preine, anti 1bc Asprepanct to take« i'ietnrà 'citirar lis )GRAPES, AMIBROTY- i IKELIUNOTYPES, or mode of the btystic Art. <i sner t on cg lir GaZZery in :mjist uddcti a cmv stock et ýTS' MATERIALS. *1rs1*11, nooincri aliad, dco bus lt FO QIALSTT 019 CtiEAVii. asiri> eaU 1 l hitrd. W. Il. DOLGOALL Btily 23, 1865. - 5 ~R SALE. DWELLING H9USES . N TIIE N OFWJIITBY. Trit sleeinel.ldri Lt sud Custg -i oiin-r Sirêixtt et prs~e2nt i r-t ù W IL h. igrc, Ls-1. Tis i bc soisi sIx>'10%. for Cashs, or iRA :-Tre itiiu-Uitig lit-use aud Lot, Il iirie's, tttiteylittmn ccis1atfuu -Thse 1.ot srîril lsrtîs, tteiy ini tite i 'W. S. Plihci,une bIut ort ni st-ctioilti irlry. o r, Ilesrtiscs, de-siisgsino - t .t twu r-liitiusttr«eîortx, ta ttisir r5arrssrts >il.t tai a iei vaue,msud -on long ment1. x nHAM PRs'sV- 751îl Jais., II 21 jnitn ,m for Sale. tutc FSuoith-jrartnir «cf Lo-. b, W1s fit s-lrsrtheii.Tsisvcisip ci ) -rri Wr.i i t rires. Tiisrr-are luIt visaitb5usa. 'Thse rsî. 'aiI'rt-t, Iiiismg s nnus.ing Citie 1 Lsud. 4Ju11K hIWLiPI on e t oeuss Itta-, (pre paisi,) Wlby V. 0. .umber!' acnd Eltnunsu fsiqusit>'cof Anster 1,'ts Uudc In , uex wrk, ut lla ('éarrsgeStse1p. SAUL WALKEY. Psu>'. 17, mss. [SION COUWRS iTY 0F ONTARIO.I CItsg........... Ii gles ae Albert......... laa, firge- --....., chtou. .........' n! te>'ey......... 11h, Z. BUREHAU, J a - iidge5 C. 0. ms, 17,11, 18640. -1 sonibors bgh elîeattention gr of the bon e<r r <li tp lis Caunada, t-le sud eloiul, cuitant! sec ilt be- wle lm for Sale ,6se onls itaif e oItNô. 22ln luice con.,o elte Towniship eW Mua, 100 nres, about 70 acres ea-as, sllisg bouse sud a uitv <ramar 610 wi"h sableu d xaoulaudar Two goud voila sudsà ye-uug be'sr- a. bîtusta !aboutl4 asi lesfroua the Atiienie',, ait! svea nulles lroiu méediate, posoeiLâlon > ili bogiveu. xltabla. )r ;tenbsro app> te O ler P. . t buts, or Robe-h;;.a-- on tisn remiqoo. OIR .M XP R LbIER, P. X . I I SCALL AND BSu BANDY I14 i l isSu isen the '5Erckisa ei,.," lu DrtkliVllage$, vharo la. yuIl WLe «l toge se*Il hlifriands. Jgprmesaeei ittot! up aud couviIeu nt, u se sceertilui- lIon gond, van>'geet!, fis And -to eau te bbeceotntcuoiris, 00 iborne limueif, basting beau promotasi ho lssde nau vesuaata W.Boss now. At Sandy'lstke outreram, sausdy's table tntZcbna-t, gaudy'ugood scemuodation, (iat b.-bost ins ail 1he nation. The-nlenus frindts of Sady-ali, Arecauket 10git. bis bouseasea. 23,X1 PER 0, THE ROBSON HOUSEl (LATu otrTtlisEs iqoTzI DUNPAS STR ]ET, WlffKTBY, C. W. 0 EORII OIlSON, 1'ropnielor. T IlEstnberiber iregrto acinounnetlkui lie bas learsesi tise lhuil-1lig rg ircly kuoiwci as Seî.ture'oIliotc-t. w!icllàhis bectsreossred, refuruii)e, iid flttil p tlrougtscut, lu thse bexoatle>I. Tihe v rotsitsanc îIoIaaentiy ait- uated. opls<rsîe ttt l'est Ollic, asd Ici tise cen- tri nt t lise Town. Ttîh Ral way 1) nil*itrscalti anttVe licte), said tihe etages fur Vxtsidgc aud Beas-erton losie tliedeeorcvrysirniiig. hourd Si pet day. GEORGE ROBSON. 3laeu loticts siwsys tuatieudaîsce. W[lsitby, lai i368. ' G. C. OALDWELL VEERuINARY -SURGEON ni(4m,-s pa-r-Il lit le lu tumaIte etl B i iaist if ilarshuim surn uutsdug cosuntry, Ilititili1ai Crflflcesced pneu e aitu the att tva fine-, isîsslho lopes l'y strÎitsitei- tien l un siiiesu lmenit a abane o Picjis ttsr,,x-lasuisrclsecond Ijosue babyw inglls's iIde. Manicisaîn. 32 INSOLVENT A ÂaOT OP1864. lro1si1 c l ussia Ictise <'outil>' CoutI Csiu*-cd uu>asnisr ý .ttlii. C4uisty ni On- Ta ilit .t; 1rtsi. lis tire rrulerrtif J AM F-S ott- f lise Vit- lave- of A,àsru, an ltisCicesit. O N WediseesJay ltse tirit-islisri>of 0 I-uiret, les iitî, t nssig< I i atipi>' te tise Judçeof<aith issais Cuurt, ionrsa<ils- lA!ssge iiudsr the a sii At. D.sîesl ut Wlahby, onti h, Sots day ef De eesaicrl tZ ,IAMESROMS, fiE,, iu, T RE 4 isiaiA**se gti-au autAI"e, Itai ls it ii uath*ls*&eraitn" (Or m s osslk onristen r esuspel c eauLeboard) Appttatise "a ju.lg.1fer tua dlsigfr- (on, il, fle cirAstýigate la itis il aller, sudt tu lumio Suai eouc inlapa ope inu #(oast lbis omme.la the Tovis of Wiitby. JAMES hl<LDiN, Ofihilal Asaivsa.'s Ohms, -~ Wbuiby, SOtb lice. 1565. QiScial Auslgne.. GEOROE COMA cm, T URERumEICUAhNT, Càrpniar, &Bd hiîyofsdl ins od> tlbeccoustanuy onibaud!. 1 UMILufunly suppiasaileadet! n bhatu dtCooi et 0eo1nstltiy Whlity,Yeb. s OEORlait. 6-A17 f:C CIIAP FÂLL &WINTh1I GOODSC HR I STlu MA AT BROOKL1N.q, 'l1WlatheW's8onRatolifte cCo' Bavé just received tir Fali Suckof Fal and Winter Goods, whI±î having been purcbased before'the late aûdvance, they are. prepared to 'offer at UNPRECEDENTEDLY LOW PRICES. Flaniýily Groceries,a arge stock of' Boots and Shoes--superior qnality and cheap. OLOTINQREADY-MADE, and made to order on'the shortest notice, ini the Latest Styles. Tweeds, Satinats, Flannels, TJnions, &c., of our own Manufacture, SOLD ILETAIL, AT WIIOLESALE Buooliu, Oct. 4, 1865. MATIIEWSON, RATOLIFFE & Co. 30 HAM&]ILTON,& Co., Rave now W hband ýa vcry extensive Stock of FANCY & STÂPLEIDRY G OODS, New Mill1ine'ry.andý Manties £Ar IN TRE LATEST STYLES"~ OUfR I>LMIEJVSE MTOCJ< 0F REA-DYmMADE ICLOTHINO 0, DCJIOTHING NAPE TO ORI>ERS «MI Just receîved an immense stock of Fresb ,Fruits for (Christma$, eon"lg of RAISINS. ALXONDS, SPICES ZIGS, PRUNES, LENON & ORANGE PEEL, ORSI ir'Best New Uurratts only 3' d- 0:? Best New Seedies' Raisings, 721d. Grocerios Wines, Liquors, Crockery, Glass Ware, Boots anfd Shoes, Clithing, Fish, &C., &C., - f PROPORTIONABLY CHiEAPI And seven per cent off ai casli purchases over Five Dollars, during* the Holidays onlyl MULCAIIY & CASHIMANI December 20, 1865. Oshawa and Maniilla. adIIscvantatesollfered b>' Iis Institution fer acquinbng 9 T11OROtToi PRACTI CALESS EDVICyA'lON are aupcrior to an>' Commercial Coliogo in 11r1 tiait Ameries. -TiseBrnuchses lakugbt comprise every-hbing uecaan for the Book-Keep- et sud.BusIlness Man; ihe>'include- YHE AgTUWLBUSINSSATILN Mla te mVpopete arrangement et ts iid, belng furnilubet witîî lteô BAN,ýKS,a MERO~AN'S MPORIUM, sud An EXCHANGK~,OFFICE, whieb arc open -ever>' day fer lte transactione u 3iiuema IV" Clamse in TEEGRÂPEING every- day-in PHONO- GRAPKY, bemi-weekly. jFe Fr Menîbl iwtiaaàu.a, spcimens ef Wartnxa, &c., adsiress (cncioaing stamp), M1JSGROVE &WRLGIIT, 24- TORONTO, 0. W. Fire Fîre!1 Fire I-ls r-pe»e te Carriage Factory 'Iately occupied by DONOVAN WALKEY & CO., second door-, south ýof his lito Factorly,1aud. ooste the Town Hall, Whitbjwhr le la preparedto hr 19XECUTE A .L ORDERS, H E MÂ&Y BE FAVORED WITH. Wbitby, April 4t 1865. -1 000» CHANCE TOI A'à B LACKSMJTII. .TUE BUST STAND IN North Ontarj.,. FOR SALE OR TO LET. T ITvlmituated brick locksmilbss villi~M n , tern'61,1 sp doigadifnsealla:ut! Th.,hneI good on. ferrsu indastrions sueehusse demironA of settiing dnwvin ubusi- ness,à theii premisc&srs sluwthe'tl I.midt of a thickil isetled wwesiby lomiily, sud is cocialdoreti one09thibe vejeststands torsà liksmiiî ii ait qisrth Ont.'ie. Th, brick bildinig le 42%24; the ceai %hop atlied lGz 4;is -renter'* aiscp 1lt< 1 ae tcnsud turlher particulsis, spjsll tôt Vromulon. , 50-ti On Lâot IN..?, h Con.,JBrookr. VICTOI 10115Eg T II snabpnnib.r deisireate inforbtbs minu friendis that tli oi nov carrlig on tise aboe, hôel, and tIsai lue supplies noue but tise beut cf vitiab tiquera, eigare, sud rsfrexhàý meut#. A veitguppilodlubile. Gcoo-d uabiiug sud eciciosed yard, , - - -- - - Whitby. Oc..4. 1864. JOR 89RLL Prov-ince of Cawads, 1 lulis1Ceny>colurt Ceuni>'or Ontanio . ttie ofnI Un- Tey Wit : ; tano. - lIn the ciatter et IIIINARD MAYBE, au -TOTICE la iscreit>'giveci thai on 'Tueu, .à. l tire lwenîy.-seventis di>'of Mur-ch, IeI,! i ton irtîhse dock fl tiîo toraneon.orasotn as Ceuncsbcuibe sard, #ist iintITîiea s-Ii carge othin lieisi d. Iliteos ati isugtosi, hli13h day finsim ary, A. D. 1360. - ICIINÀRD MAYBEE. CHAS. C. ICELLER, lii Ateorney. Sk ROWN *& PATTERSONS' Ag0ricultural Works'! AIT TJE OLD WIIITBY FOUrsDRY, BI( K -ST., :WIHBYI. M'ssnsiounrsasddealienmal kîndu et AGRIcYULTURAL JEPLEMN2, 'Wig gWILL De sOUZXD Combfned Reaper and Mowera, Pour difterant kintis et T*o-horse Wheel Cidtivators STRAW .AND F'EED CUTTERS, GIANT GRAIN CuSlERns;, ScOtch, Acierican & Canadtan »PIdughs et vailnis sciakond stYlasx Steel Plowia and C'tee1 Points, DITCIIG PLOIVS, tgrFANNING MILLS, SUED'ANDTURNW DAULS, ILOAI) SCRAPERS, &c. Ever>' atiain e cintes th tihelsbusiness tept ou baud. TitrOibIu ng- llhnes repslrcd on t ntce. Zs-aryflslng lu tise above busniness ut-lndeul booiassucteaiîty, sud eu teeuozsabl, erassé. Province orCanada. Ceun>' cf Outarlo To WiI:- Iunlthe intIer of Wil youuger, ta n uoîveuit. IIfALL'S ýC RRIAGE W'ORKS, r, os. 1 au-d2 i' -r Just Received 1 1 1

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