Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Mar 1866, p. 1

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- SmZ Lm 2> Jcg, 8 6 I W. Ir. HIcGINS At bis PwltInegttabuhmei,î 14100k Street, Whgitby. umsi s501mm ANNUX LLtvartlcuawc8.î opz l'ce, oti4leargc t at he ra:.of a cijtéipor tlgp.1s1 aitcot. m ;;de vlth avant sra by Yse 7,r or otherwlae. n Ord.rs te 0 ieicoîî a dvovtammnt mitait be hi Vstug. -~ NJKOp XKONTEEÂL, WIIirmY BRANdI. W. R. -DEAN, IRamager. CAEBROE h &iIAC»ON(LL# '&XlîSTzIfS AND ATTORNEYS-AT. Liiv olîeitora te the a Bnk of Montrent, sdtlite Corporatliof Sthe Coint, nSf Ontario, 1Notate, &o., &o., Whltby, 0. W. Kil<. CAXeaUO-, - Il. J. ttnioiecL. pty Ot tiie<me. of' thisOms, court Io., Smonth wiic 8a JKORRISON & SAMPSON B ltR1$TERtS, Attorneys, UolIcItorp & o. - %>VTIOB-Wt,.rîîtaMlcoIclig Chuielîtn'.,î,Toroano, P. W. Axogiï oitRisoN. - J. A.%AMP8oM. Toronto, J uly 20, 1891. - 1M H.1. COCHIRANE, L. L. B. O <UXTYCIIOWN ATTORNEfl POIL ON- tarie>, Tfsrter ansd AttoruaY-at-Lcw, go tater i Ii tsner ",yl' 1, 1o0a"ry i'blie. &.- Itodoa-I n tWl.>wi'ew à llill(diig, Duvidas GEORGE Il* DARtTNELL, cor, Deauty lteglar, Mter atiairdiI n&ry,atsd axaiincriu Cllsamecry for tlseCoats- hi<fOtcrîo. 011e. hyron-t., Wlitlsy. ROBEaRT 1. WILSON. B4,RRî8TEîî*&.A.TroitNEY AT LAW, - i. M. l'.VW. B ARRISTEII.AT-LAW AND SOLICITO'R ?orosîtn. 9' '3 RIIgTE hATÏ.)IINEY-AT.t.AW, OI.-.erLoir.. h Powell& Store, Whithy, C. W. S. B. FAIRBANKS. SI(wîTot<,nOTA19Y PUBLIC, &. o. CHIARLES C. KELLERI, ATTORNEY TAT L&W, S<LIVIWTOÎN tels,Brook, C.W. Je. IARER GREENÇWOOD, deevtte RegT.tmy fiIcs. on lBrookiri. J.e9. IPARECWIILLr, IL L.iB., --B.tRISTt.U-AT LAW, e&0. R. NoaGER, I. A., SAtt.>nuiyst Law fsiio.uîCin.rCn Voyaneer, e. Otc-lneStrcet, Northt *(ie Poit omeie, 0Ocisa, C. W. 4() LYRAN ENfGLI@tU, L IL M., t> ARIîTEII AT 1LAW,-Solicitor lhissec- jcoy, COWireiance?<h.e. 40 ionlifNDILLINOO M. W. CLARK, R. D. ÇO1ION EU, tC. lt nea-Orte ,loaimKct of' Yacid *àCiON #*tl's store, Brook Street, Whitly. 44 R. Je- GUNN, R. B. iURaE0N TO TUE. COTJNTY GAOI is Byron Street, Whittay. F. LARBERT.ý A. 'IUE B4*RIIANT TAILOR, RCE 8TOWl THO*AM UON T OWNCLERK &TREASUICElt, WIIITBY UffMct-Town i-1louinc9 te o'.slook. ARIISTEIRS. Klncq Strost, 8 doors Ecut of' B Teoroitoe Street, Toronto, 4.5 AltWIIIUALU IJARKER, M Il &X UtVILLAGE, C. W., OFMIIAL MAssignKe. for York sud QoouasSe, Nofsn Feblie. 4 -GEORGE GU [irrET. MERC'RANTTaIor, Draper &o., hCingSte Umsfleiues'etoenehit nsA.op la tis* boat Sitd! ieyeet styla. Jusf necelvedl, mrnechoIe, g"otisfor omtnqu irsir. Every article Warrant«a. No 11t, no Esy. 1 PROVINCIAtL TELEGRKAPIE CO* 0 INNECTING W[Tff ALL TUE PRINCI. tjcl bittes ced Tisvula Ceucds, csudfise <5. r 'aas lu Wlltby, 2 doora Soutls of'thsu lt;gdtmy Office, Brook Street. 5l BAILIF SiIXTR f>lVtSIPN COllET.- LICMED &9 TINEEL. ddt«osm- *Svoaton. 4-h I [AILORS, Dao osd<eusrClloh- JL lers, and Oatittena. (*enttlsueosgarmntus mcde up ou tl elioet notice, of' the bect qslulhty iesaerial iii unm nesfest styea.. Ail. omit mcdo ep eoutise reas Spniiug1mpomtctless elexcienot i4uclty, a' lSua grcvrety-ne ovltes.-1à VARS & PETURSSONF sieAfC DetesObra Wtt *aîaa Finassa oras, gwetktonglia I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ la&1I ____________________________________________ __________________________________________ Pff'it rta ncdcs, tInTiitse Cennty Court Counf of Ontario et tIse Coufy of' Ou- sI tis te t 'of 4JOSHIJA JOUINSTON, anl tnlcveet. N OTICE te isreby girsu tit en-tise sercu- teentis day of AprU, ussxzt, at tan of' thej clock Is fie forenoon, or mc oon s. Coonseol eau he oarhitenidr*111 agIeply te the J uge of t e our, ur a cdscissge tiie h adset. . Data] t tii.TevuofWhltby h ieCns tZof Otitarlo, tLise venteentis à;; of Jauny J<>SIltfA .IOIINSTON, Uliehng lns tue Village of Manhls Conîsty of' Victoria. J. HIAM££ ORERNWOOD, Atfomn.y fer Initolva.-1t. 9 1 - If this is s0, wilI you Profit by ýit î? DR. DAVIS, * Th tijn luu M ii' Fnd,' anddt sle[ en'csa-M i - onl, sti l e 0 h li.. I.! 1iafle Le tisetraatmenît 0( PRIVATE DISIfABEs At lhi$ O]uarer1 'orueor 1%; 0 and A linaid treef, Tronto, C. W. Y«exeperieme. omblde% hlm t.>ere reot fisses ln c veryy short tiusa. O<ililgealng e..., tîmmtcd vithaout Serr,randt sre crttd Persono .vs. iot; to eongult tisa Doctor ccii do s.> vitis tiieutmstm.ceffy. bl reniedifa ce-peacnt, es tsn, anduil te. Tom neeti not stop work or change yonr MaSt. Cimhi on thi. Dotri star» longs»#ymo. s.Ileeharge* thiing (u d vice. Nmrlsd ir» e u Moicî ait sety-thse Poctor i l a*louse. Yousng inn so ha*(allen vîctis. toge t tt85 iaIm t ean roceiveimanedlaste relief hi' cpplyiug to thli flOofr. Pattentàttfetet by fetter,asu mati!- closes sent (rame (mmndcmsge or ottrloity, te &li perftfte tiro o in &gi nth.on une8 h nîte ;l ig.î I ls 40om New Store MANCHES TEII, 1OSRLL OR RS.~ SlUATZP immeti.ctlnyhoei.Villa-, that "t*o.storsy (rani. building 4Cx2t Iwith wcrehuin**. tables, yards, ho., ctti dvu,îngr, lart presentocoampie] ry 1Mr. George Arm aitrnsg, burclicni, Poamuc.e 14b lOt cber. o etsh. WJI44AA< STEF., CANADIAN LICF.KTIATE. p !iyitIAN, SITaoE<)N, OOCIEJ «s. Sfiseialatst.fon giveis >iecme S tise N.lL. ii oe of oiCafrcat.; Strcbls. use#, or coce-oye t reteiL Ct.CRRANE & COCuRANM. PamuesAaaw-Oi'ss- OppoieelTe S lieilasar4 14t0# j I'W. IL CusgaWz (leeaty CiovuaUattj', Mus. MONeresoet RdIl", avth ao Ut b eserprt' ouoo a*" or. dwmjed &o,, aiseIl Wom% 'PAV » tirg li. or 41.VED AJ JABD.EwamneA Toéwn LOTS Fcv Toti's Lots, on long tarns of p*Y- 1A mntin t-li TOWN 0F WIIITBY AL&Y , 51eilotis n"tisa 'towh of Whiitby 0sasusig front u o tre e smaAcre. Port Perry, Brookli, Drohin, (Kara,) Ha.mpton, Aupt-IV t) J. HAM PERRY' Wild LANDS' FOR SALE. ý- SEVERU I OS IN Nara, Rama, Drock, Eldon, Bozley, le« partieolare apply to utam.d ) J. HAAM PERX,( Whstbp tj i o., 1895. wiltby. FarmsforSale -o- I OAcre, in tIse Tonship oS' St anver* 10 Mlg io<stla esqt part nLot , z DARLJNGTON, f» sofes ciasîcul, aboupt 40 acres nf'vicliacre true (nom %ctnl»p~; <'orcfcrtotiltt Log tlieum*- nev fangnebarsl. 8x8- el4 al, sue]. flanS' ty %-ouatts. -el]oS' Où t eet. tiix telrty leîIl ha sol al ep.add 'n longta ttooS t"uet AW aosm ~*thn tosfdalma( mlus BAY OF UN~ 15db e ve*t part. lmt $2, Is Con.iien11, oi untatillis ,stlot r 0uer. e faiil.sh yrossg <>iinarat anioua old O<>ncasn], aIl iseer- ose sn proiethsIîndgs r.a'imnene. oftise 'ur. oS' flac #4)inv .dcan a inerant Fi'nsse Dastuhas Ieouse,vWal Ouppilcd vush spuir csl Poft valer. Thse bari tmMt-i bisesa ara uev, large an'! emodolt' TF.R!,tS.-At kmsatîOMU<i,, ai>] dbalfto io. LosNe. o 1 1h <Oneeson MAIlA, T W- UUNDRED ACILES, Ahout 10 acreec1reti, losgliont.e &c. Tils h. a ohao lot, sud la ailmatea l o mo oinfur M1traln oU u.ni~ rsS Aise Lot T 7 facStsaou RMWILLE, - iêaaea-vathin tva mises iroui the. B"bet' goe >jUevenitsi) hfosd, i>]Od e aut te Iligg, t<eiogls,. c Voi psntuleeiiomapply to (pre.-is1,) 1. litAMPERRY, Land- For Sale, FARN TRERCI!.ý Building Lots. Tbe tollev.hcg lst e ofe, otvîl: b, gs]l jy L ot 1 0. " m M a sr oo nW<1, t), fiTosioronA. 00 ' L.e 7,eit7M " olsiei>it l0m Loet 11, 7L4, " Tbnîiie, 2m î'Zî14, ith -6bod Lot 17, flit i"Sesserlhle, 10' Lot2s, do " 0o < Los,0,11h " do 44> Ld e t 3 1 i t i s ' d o 1 0 0 t1 fk" th do 0 frtl ,tts" do ~ N'au 87,24d.' Whlby. 0, il. ASSURIANC E COMP'N Y Capital, $400,000. I"l.? ubldea'ti itiu.ng isaeasn 1ppo,1sta1 .Agent fria lv suauy, le noir», Apply t'm) VEOMAN GI3SON, 2-12uîsail. Agesnft hithy. YEOMAN GIBBON. UOIMMSSIzON ZtIJRCHÂNZ IN8thtAfcE, & GENgERal AGENIT. -Wliitb, Jeu., loti, 1864. $000O TO LOAN. leyWÊàste ta ste ntbpruaren's ntrom i <o 12 yes. Infereat loiv, SfiO uo Bolluà os'Conishssehrgti YEOMAN GIBSO)N, <lanada PermanentBuildn and Savin&s Society. of Tôrontô. -- rmiain Lplions for let in on eppmova] RelXaero "u)I y &frye le or yasr- lusa bomovetus. a )met Thsa Socletya tortue vitis raspuathf11 b'ey- auaiÎng charge%, rotas of isitenest, îîseaot na- payrient &',6 ,have biso atrinaliy ridctina :an &.sfot L] are nov Moreoiionsual' 1-linos.YEOMIAN (11138tN. ASSURANCE COMPANY INCORI'IIItATED mei. CAPITAL -$4000,,000. Ps'esde, t, Rns Micur:, Esaq, ia I'r.cU.rt RexJO= lMeMrsagcg, 'Soretary anid 7ý-easrcr, IJARNARD IÂLPEN, ESQ, T IFY. ueerial» ias 10*beenappoisufeilAgent fLSon tis abaove Coiiauay aet Mitby ani, Ushvs su f pielertd .>reecuie propoass, sudrno iuAit t hie lo*esý rotes. LEVI ltÀIIIiTNKS , r ASSURANCE COMPANY NARZINE DEPARTMENT. 7IIL «laiîl antitarinok*,sie, ttse T? iwesfssuhlorate otpuions111 tinfir. eâooosmrce efne. usnsu o1ih h iaoenjittage. se"Yot on tise Lak ite suditvars e ea fu'1mp iberl an hti i irble saîfiapient cf<ahl lAt ahpot (tnpty i> .relie] JOUX BL<lW, 15 ANDFBFOOL FXAND LNO wrihu ISURNC E of1IProY- J.party effeced eua ot I -- is Ur O43J$ $.AI IMM ZrDATE.JY. barre, A c t1 W hitb t. pu t ee-, BrochifSt. e AUCION-,IUJSIN"ESS. zavi Wtilt oui -- %o --ae --iam gistser, Solleitor la Chamuery, At. <orne>' &coq ha. 0" O1ICE-sest deor to fh iscllglatry 1Omooc, Whitby, Uriocker's Ilotel (LATE PLATT'S, SIELSON 87RJZ '120N2 y2 Aber. King Street. T 119 subsenibon 1>8ga9te lutinante to thoeail Wlîltby, an] mrroun]lug country, that s.> liberatly patnoniaed hum viwhie tandlor] o1 the (tOMna osiIhotel, tisai ho hop ucasede] Mr. 'latt lu tIse hotel se long kepi uit'hîias on Nelson $t., Tcrnato. Ihavlng spans] neuepeuse Is ditig kp tise Rame, te eelrr casnit te tlîeae Whîo may patrenîze Iliii, lie vilt ho piese] <osece hiJl] rieuis vhsen lu thedCity, JAILlISCROfICEI. Tooto,a.ic&9a, 1864. Brooklin Drug Setore. DEALER lu Drngs, Patent Mediclanes .LPPalets, 0110, Dye titiaI',, confetion, ery, &'a, &M * se Caille fediinoeg2way#, osiAm Breokîlu, C. W., 18is a COMMERcIÀL HOTEL. BOCK STREET, WRITE?'. ho undonial tega 10 aranofinee ftiaftu e T a lîmtaken tféaboie wê eil anowu j.reasîise viîclhbava beesi uesly l'onxli sl, ic.d reno- vaied bly litund il îsre is hast sioo'nujisaa. tion tohng, vîthu canefll steotii.n, unsa lrsys ba foonti. (iood sfsbliffig. euîcssd yards, anA sitesive OAstm. Charges extre.tnahy mdenste. BOYT"ON's HOTEL, 12111 UfTiTON bers b 'unforu thse In- VYiathaiatsor'the Cuiuity ef-l'icfotssu'! .asreunding b'insuutle., t hoat ielas openafltise l1.tslon William Streetf It.Iy cie hi'b Jeveft, ardA s.bh ha hua] 1tsel sdturuhshs.- est lu tratstyle, vimbiten vil! Sund e*emp ounve- nlea. Wmrie, Llqeera c»d Cîgars of thi. beotq ulity. ottAc afeut t e et lvaye llu attend suce. Lindisay. Fci. 14,1844. àlm.tiimmisC,. *. le. flWES, - - plIipuP<iEtR. Il'AVI NO 'URCIIAISEI)TIUE AKIOVE IL lotel, has mfurniaiesl th, euea tiroagit u6d fnisiedth e Bsar tie b'heoiest Liqttors sUtd bigars. Event' ttootlon paîl tg gos. tgst and tram Whitifb Mîtdahi' aeS.!Oihr ilwas.ini attuaace. c lîolicionr, &,e., hC., S4,Chutais Street, Tros GRAND TRIJNI( ATILWAY IIOTEL - ort wIîrrnï. l gnI17, at te L14»il and<se pril . e dio.lath&boie nesued Ilete) viii las S'ose teoquci a»7 D he i.Coant. STAGE HOUSE, ISAAC gENTON, Bict IDOR i rs: orh14prnrceem BA*W WINDSOR nOviE, WHITE?'r, va. "0"i1 r, Vo.cmec. Ilae oela f:ed lia plossua re adpto iteislovu, outiie rtrond. ;1»4 lsoosud tintlf or tlele 51o VICTORIA MOTEL PMXGZ araser. 'JLLA&M SCOT'T4 PIOPBIETOU. £Lote aio Liie. Inurance Com'y. W. I. DEAN, AI,.INH OTEL. JAMES BLACK, TIIE DON, BREFWERtY. -. 41 .patrons of 9L 0 lon iimewe y viîtan oxelieut cr11.!., lunmmcli qeutittes -sa Y bc reqsired, ans&ouitrute u thî pmhaers. ~ >~,~~,TROCSDAVIS. TmN '~ATflW OUSE" ar.Hd UTiN's t lbISEEN. ufi l <bruzi'~ and bia:ig înaucîryo ive Bilvoeato eacPo~s Coide ~otTo Thse Whistler& Yeon liai'. lîcard,"Il siê otl . îlalct Iîiiatt, wlio stooti WlIdb b fli Strci a cors.81lîofr it doyilights de * fiî0Clin- 1. ?oatlienrlr the a lisloh boy'. whisit!. of wood; âhboy'. w1ietla was nîino! fi And i lîit wfldYou dp ritlî h i Tel! me,"9 ,Wiian urch cmIp1ae-Od dfritïlier beautlfp1 SIwoold tilow !t'I lie10an5wefedty"$land thion thy fair nusid Woildhiy to rn îsida and sSoil.1tise4ro a te lier î1)!«0. 18a thit sil Yon Witîls It t>r 1,t ia sy b. your.. Witlsnut any mnagiei," te fiir tÊaiideyi criai] 'A fvç.~,odllht Oa'.goolti se meure, 1' .-n nixeu pI;îy.ally seatçs.1orgtlfby his aida. "i vonld blow it a4q 19 " saidthse youtlî, and teIsc hsaél -a Would work oo tliat not oven modeaty'c WWsd oc able ta keep fron me uîock pair She foiilbt Àsab ic pîai e àira is. nuk. c mi fffr1sron "tût once mnore von!] I blow tise mug~ie "Wonlgl bring me a thitil fitnie n exqniataé You would lai'yonr fair chek to tiitbk*IIi An1p yolir lhps ctca]iiîg pact Iàwoul, glvO Tisa muLdon laufgliai] ouf ln lier linnrt klee-: "Wliat a foolt Ioarmeîr witis tbe whîmtle oudmake' Fu- oui' consider isow fsuiv 'ecrould b. To mc thtemfia ah htie for *uit you nsiRht ÈW.-vert inUnSacFrancisco, tisa Gmien City of caiferuts, flue pare]'se of NeOrth Posciflaag, sd tisosvorae' vonden* 11e b.ce-g Au. cive mccvier. isudre], f ts f 4slArf rock are arbosil d ailît, an] millions of olrc- tiacled >'oaly; th isClnaban mina of Novr Almacilp, vhsîis supplies qaickmivem tte s visele vomiS1;Te Scnisest, lIorahieaf Of valîcys, Wbaro, amonaItishe grned1Men- fains of tise Sienna Nevaa, a ivor ap devis (rom a hihoîg f 2 70f> tfet, 40d ferma tise vatwall of tishé d1Ve!l, thse iigbccti l t.Isen!,Tisai. vene geysers, caves, luaheIlansidof flehesue, 'sub %d tise "-Mamsot Trocs i'f liere 4a a uceia Fleot En tise basrbes, #-thea bicatiful SMeulror, At tise Thueatroised this 'ving <keletenl* At tise Noces.. W vrefair nit'bejdered lit tihe mlilihiity of Strauge igla aildsg Our paiu ot'élueuncertain visicis te ciseome. After nature délibéra tien, vs dccI40] te b=4] CPT stops lu he Oit plaei t e l.MAnnotis Tmé' Groea, in Calveras couut' aboint 160 mileès #attf e ssua 'Maceisao Ounfise, v eaferns hope -eoftise Sire a dem. W. vonticas boar] thse Cornelia, cccomdinglll oua ovcuing, su] steamo] al uîgistp tise apJotquia trlbotey of tise Sacraent-a- Darrov, mmddy stýrnB sie5 lau stf friueus chaumel - lrengit an extensive niiali' delta. Tise tsll reed4 wviceS eotezsd thse Set upmuc trson fie for mles, a elno flirouglue aueA of am aA uiuofr. ai. louizi ria sSu Ce Wot THURSDAY MAIRCII 'q -15-t'1869. gralhes. At eght d6'lee ig morng ou reced St tiea tee tie sage1 us5 f fsj',,ght tmile d ksi froti the Big Tiee Y ,p orion o f ishe ro m] 'a e *laleOybrouteglsoost'm peegi, wlioje tisiendimial .of a fsaigl. .ir n-.. 1., f -77 'VOL Xe 414Y piortion hil frac poit f base, ie sveragc ________________thtop* =~E~ d ce;iene, alsiboug it ic met ing cufi, lbe greafesi 5Dldax ft4.gisais.Ils linge fook <o $i#k nOW lies Uufihafcd Ou theaground, .tehlov;s lsaving beau feî!ed à fev yea cea 1 i nsuF, are elSte fnic maSetial for valking. f0ý Pei sticks, viia Wfero oagerhy bosiglt by-tuni. *ecify.buti, ire mou bro set te verk Tri! on ianti if foo t. ficr ttventfylvaStagt accompliis fie -tank 1i hwuas belac te Tise( sftegpîte to n 5 dovu vils axes, and it cnlturst s ' a i b m a f r e o r e v i h a u g e r s , o n f i se d o ts i f ô o i iptomeciato spaco uavn isiou ,ai],Geacc uEnl,a vedgo jasudtalfeng-rsm ver. Yoa a m aquire] t re c t'tefis it oS' ti se vcrad tien if el fl'snk, visic steocd fisiit p rp nditzar uet te b vison COîu>PlétOI7y atri gis. Tise fsiup boniue meaurtes GOfcet iu ircunaferenco at> tisais cariai baue ,sud tise SOp culomootis sud eon, I tiik la 25 ( e mnî s e fe , Jritiso u t r ack eu in g çu ltiva ti fise ba k Wviss is aabout flstee" afeetmore, »o Ig PIpo ft If le bâlit à round woodan bouée--!-ing cent s bahl-roon it IEs celled ;sud a circlar raisen o om uPariy tes, yardt lu dis Meter, la ne culturel mean daé4jj*sloSE.t It 1 l] th et ralé. sui tlsimtytvo peojati hae daucasi hine in four fin. y Wi di % e t co ïs at fte to iu.au iet lsrg elh ý cal peafomrmanaec bava beau given ou tsa, tlvèô' eanietop :of tbis venderfil Stunsp. f~e~e Ner tcump lien s section oftise tmauk, lookiiuj and semae ides of fthe sige of tuis May' bo a living fféinesi froïï1 tii. fst tisaitithe wvdtcn s vas a fa Énan eoffft. llin., ôolild pamél3 Stbuais lbeid lr centre at tse csallor ed, standing ouùf ip., desfroya te, visila at tselanger hb oouhd is ýt ho in lechit came nmmuer touais s point about'eue- frýX in t bird.oeftie vhise!diasnatar. Tise >nqai o'S ' li ei tise iact fallen fmuask, 30.2.(cet long, 'liai nipen au, beau dremc]level, ands] semèc e] ailos mof il bread temmcce-valk,its ivo bowling al-leys - The e mcado on la aide bl it'de. Tise nsufof, Siso W-an fimin t u isct mcais calculated ef 5(10,000 cf e ur' o cubia (cet Il eloe ovo, ha] mc ietitly ts e lumpecte ud voù",uderéà ai tise igýTree." an]dft.e lit bame'dark au] vo entkëod fise lhotel ' anouud, vise Mm. Sperry or, Ferry lied suppen visicla i, neady (or u , a nd lu tisae ve ffiug oid- us vbe ,4 aI the hisfory of tii. Grest Te'esc. usdïsu f i -Tieo vene nt discovered nuil tie year tuas! soc 1850, visen a Mn. D;ovç, vise was oufte eOnquis1 ht4utlng, vas le] by -e bisad of deer .vwiiais eli pies ho vas ?oltowiug lufe fise Big Tre. Voilety. 900 bas Rea steppe] as ou. eucisantod, feeling 11k. coment' Goilivan visen 10sf luntise field ef barlpj'-in et raiiff Brebdigueg-tso deer-vene fergoiton, nid b. gated vits- ufouish'menî on miortmnAW Tu: Fi o vegefatien suais as ha ha] noer even -snn dresuied of aexletiu-g in tise vend. 1-gera Maraif4. toi] bis ceuspanioýns oÇ lehi adventxre on withstani bis returu, but clitlaUisad eIià te tr>' as biaep o à sefte epi eiposepon Ilifir cane] taO re]uity; sud if vas vits tse greatoaf tarda>', ai dihhlculît' lia poeeltinte lmucug sâme oet Suthle m t5cm te socouipsu'sny t to espet, sud" in Ime cerfS' buis statements by acful iinpofion time and! su] measuresuont.Seal - T h e u l- d i s c e e r o &a e r u a sd a ' U'eaMn~na ggadçç y Amoiac,'y one of ua]d Weingloniaz Ïganea . by - Eglis., bnndrai -meu, puzzle] fise boîs -i oelt.Seag anow leolar e t o b e . sepeoies of eedsr, Cenneill> .wbicli <bey certil>' oiosaly mreenbie; SPceecse& Oîferz, gaim, .0oaolGned,tbei <tobe of Tran,0 lheJsmuly.of tise Ta.Wsdaaj isite $o, sud un lieor, Liade>' doabtde.] baaltoi s mev vi rnder jreuld suet baye tp lie miade forthèm ; N6oen au$ If stiU,, nssecus- ca.led to wV n ,. - 1 wCl tue groand. aou foat fmeui if Snspped in Lwd, sud fth. Upa df f bc daayd waý', sud almosi iè 6f il, basý"db.apared ; but Bt thé fmuctoure, or 200 feet Imorntisé Icimcsuiferencc i 654 foci.(18 feet rT>. Abcpreîing, 'fberc foie, 'ýtO: lise tuiar of Oie Éëtracs, t ha nubrocesi l5 fca, isigboi. tias Shegreat china- laltaire, udisd !10 faut Iigisen tiss ' tha& cross viick t erowng,'fie- 'f_. a,!'-Cathled>rnf 1 'remis rip esO fo tise Welliug-- revs] is grnA,. Hdof tfhiese v d a plontifdhstOili asd ilion, liar. ou uggy Once more, suId.ou fhe Tg 4.3' regs]ned tisai 'luionlous dît' 91118uar ÊÏck. o oMajazine 11ota <au Conusslan parsens. aueeF»ariner givas te fisc ugni. tgO et iaUppenr Povine credit for HI'te Ol'cr fisc wiscst gnostalf 'tise i0 valley. ifct - nst' Sluink it cîrange, 'but 1i ques. the basf fainer. in AmtDero W fouîid lu Uppez Cguîtdc. Ti', ii rai.ing tise whaisc .t; .scn b nly lày ms up rior -t eo ua; in quaiif a, n dl the caie la'frua o0' ena. u la'thé ouà of' roorops -va are, nevisana. ut angry.,,W. bost Sherul m ac , and ini ai çropa vwhiais parlalif fh, - _ ,iu'ec aaltsu a mtricf1y agni. alasten. We arc villiug fd sEl erim ifvWC eau gaI largo pro. oaf thste ha-ssd Esagliais oum5er.t is*adfr,11otinecàonu is heeavai hi, vsy.lne îl a go ecouafanît'y for sme casier inetsotiof'making , lie làa afariner 7 ud bigf lutisa marie befone iiaij utad Y-0 bsfendd ààd die- lfaminer. -If thtê- utid5 sbic viea,4 b.dees Dot, ce vo diâ ui Propose 10 f arn fthe vhola ceun. ena grs4 ur ar i.nd eple er?4ràl iffcieutly eanly te ebape fthe raya uftries ef vheat at fiscïPmovinciat rethmue fîmes inonreuumerous tissu tt atlaieven lafen bol in - hr 5 o it ;#eat grovin diatda. tdi 1 nuuint of peopl.ie 0cmev] ts caMplea shows tse interest 1foit lunftle mater. ~T4.pDiehi tracte4t fone tie otïe orfCt. Ime l a4Onle o(fitir acnidul. datiez sent a dehagation te it"iaua; 'e juto ils merito, Tisey vwoeecd ce] vwith if f bat tisat puneisasa] Wc for ceëed, Suobs epterpnic ..t elale. - $0 Éloddoit (1fej (boat ùai XINAN 00,<#PIit.&CY i TIIE ç .-TUSE Joiet.' WOOD E» ZTINO;, Net IA1g19,üo circuleir whltilu the 4Aro-

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