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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Mar 1866, p. 3

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Sase" t Aiudebse nt the'b. de tking et.,,8&rgeaut ?arkesst the Qreeubeuh, Tonze At., and Corporal Clifutrd'seaithie ><tior ni, Oofborne et, SerîreuinîIParker's squlad were blleted on Mike Murply, Iwho fedîhem on red berringe and polatoe, etlîcm a mort phrnlc tesleep on, a und '. esrly yomoned ihem with bean coiees. The Coain, bowever, procured a nov billet n tlîey are now in cdorer. The whole~ voÃœnteer force in garrlson marched. cul, atfter beibg inspected by General Napier. upon Saturday forenoon, the Quecn's Own aud the. Royale headed by tbeir respective Bnds. ile the Coun- try CompauiA warched bebiud the inagni ficentI laof the .47t14 There is the heu possible leeing beîween the Regular and Voluntc'cr forcs.# Iîîdccd 1 licard leveral ciiceru q ut, asinÃŽg1îî, tint îhey voul just sU so0ucomimand une utounr voluilléer lîltalions, as any leginenî in 11cr !aî y*servie.. The Country compuasties arcnîuci aupedor in plîyt4que te those rroni the Ciles and I îiiuk a week in ;hc tfckldwould show îhemi super- ior lin endurance adau idh clcustioîn .4 us îhey amc, tuouot door toil. Tiere il muci euîthusiagso, as jon May tuagna, but u10 bonst, uo brsî". Every a eradetermiîoed to do hic duty wîtout gsciig, aud hi idwondcrful linw quicklyibe men hbave talion juoth le robuu line of 14ililaxry li'e--Tey drilil ire honrs i da r nd efterwards arc ffree, not Io wilh the lMlicer, %wio have A gran.d lime et il, wlmt with, fillinc inlu urnu, 1hfip parnde, viiing billets &o., lbaY have bY »10 menu u n idilo titîte of it. llie Volunuî .teer'aystens him becu rut Io a i.cvere et anu bita îed à welI. to the snrprise ci-en I ~ -------------~-,-.--.-- ---~.--,-------------'------..---- --I - -----.-- .-~- -. - - - _________________________________ HE CT OR BEATON nXico ,WITIT THE- MITNICIPAILITL0F-orPiUKEiLING. DR. i8w Mu5 lr. 30, To Cash, balance of taxes for'- _1864, per Jno. Phhlhipu. 'Esept. 9, To cash Tarera and Sbop liceu- Ili l To cach, fines for *breaci of Towusiip liy.awu_... ...... SOct. 13, T u ii, Clergy licerre appro. propriations....... "Nov. Si, To cagh, bers. green, Gid. dcaï Stiiter, sud Bidule, for rond ailo wance per Ambroiio lieu...... .................... " Dec. ]GY, Te cash, taxas for 1865, lper 11. Larkîn ....... . . ...... 1866 J ian. 1,Tu balance cash on bad..... 4317 5.Où0o 9612 7 $12à2G 1 $702 73 CR.. 1865 Jan. 1,.1gy balsnea due Trosuirer, ..- gs fi 1Cash, iowiahip purposcu.. fi- &J f " tg clief b i»digent Ver. persona. . . ... Dy ~ c'î%h, Cottnu7 Tressuseer fo>- coucty rtl@........... a 13TY cash, Eduxationai purpogu. hNov. 24, 60 64 Bmlbrose Doon fou road allowaîîce Ibrongh id Lpro. perty......................... 4, itc. 30,1 JDy leaacv cw IaluVli uiud . .t. $608 "3 2691 60, 355 37 6751 48 916 72 eno 00 102 73 $12,526 13 We, tU utdcrigîmied Audit*irs for the lMuiîicipality of Pickerinîg, for thme year 8Qcertify thaI. we havc t-gnxai-l fs.-.the llanu-,.. tiki-çz ovin' . 1' u1---j'- gf mai,-OiC îlus uvut etli;eia, -shi> bave 11 Ammtufoci ieen snujecîd u.- bmuchdiscua-- ber, 18635, that wc Iî?t1vc found his statement correct, anmd that th figepent. 1 aiglod lu t-a r youilav-e rgnuîou-J s à rml-l l l a Wise preriictsii. Tlitn-iiiJ t. jI' augrowing teeinglicrotaIthere s itfrt-k atten, it Iillhe gi-uit-i u l iion i ilunt i-t-- -lsîill-urit sieuuld lie in, ud tllej chould enîd in a fszale. hý ituît thuit yîcnr <itizins yull huari- iluirid lhcli- Volanuteer tSoldieuy. Tier,- are fiiu lu-iuulves inut ilte,-givie et TO LADIES. utilo)'atoeugii-un sudde uly crilil a duîy 1 111lJii tllieri. 01use ot lie-pris ;net-o, ., bsrg ls-inil ictun wisves and elildreu Ille tsiiuMm-îi- uciu-tcul 5hsi-Jr jir-nr; 11-r-iuls- lit o-tjr,- wîth, ut allequile lr)(,alls (X -nupo-t-rIl t ltu, itso-i-s-c r, qîickly 1[h. n it lisIýstl wllhuotuiucumîtîuu ni-tuitef uuîhuot. u -,11-ruieh brmntfit. Tt-rç svete aeuti i rif1Illiug tit.ly -for ti-e-@ uîuîaio<t l-Ob woul couitui tt gutmuiîttu-Suss niruatîAu i l- rsons in fichie is'-,s-levr-'uuihi, tuitU fut tuaeuidfq If lb ier huew uiltat thuomo tliei- lem luso sd cuî s'rîu, 1uj utie of Ihîcus wîCou.Ti;t-s u iit e -u u! -t cire isuil vilI ru' tunu- ait,] -. uctitre, lit e ou -ai s £-u-,.-. l (0es- 10 iti11 aîi- vutcuàaretiiIto uhe-,ut~r duîtrtt-d. Lt-t ivvrt-v tiuuid otlurd revoîlvs n-1 iuu uothir u"ue mo nititi Us t 1tuu-,kîuteaIN, 5.uiîii'ruu Mue VIIIl)On, Itint if illid t-uuntry la suite t-i ,lcusir su-nuîfusuuhsd -lyiutg etcuit ueofthe IsC .ltlis. &0. solul ii IlC',O u ti Ville hi%, frouo tise reeklusu auid of a I1- ~eCis, c-v idvutly itng bt-tut iliiuctly gel Pri-be hue Dollar. -rtnil woil witi Goda s losaiusç , d utr, 1tf bv ietile i -c hîrty, m oseaoeruiler t o1r Ils. 1[Au:.VEY'APrianite uSeieil hO isaclii i utislîutuuu-îu-' Il- s)<eih ontut infigui~otls. ,dvî-, sudreeuu l -itrc I,- on 1 O,IýC, sis- Ioth-f tilatlh'AIleCana AîuIii-tte' prîsonctastoere I-cn or es-en îî,g hithltut-i i<uli u-ui. ouîuire-l titi tutu Veluuu-c-u3. 1 nutia. if on iu le-t I urt-luuue Ktîuiu i-ut. iu u1 udu-- iii uiuituîris ntud a uînn nited s3î tits-it î- il1 îiil~uu<-o- WC ee oreut, domaasB4 e e(jectitre U'i;tttcics, wliu hld ucctu n corpaural in tise i- oiotciîiuInru-ipt tisild palet we May ho sent go. It maI er iithat I <huit 1lieunt, Ibut whlihad desi-utcd 9 Mcr, by Dl.i. j lmt-Axtt,'CeiîotulRlag lh~oca vo rihahllubcke;îî hi-eo ur guuri-on iduty. iiernflusis util toi its ncis-lilu<î lotIieut, t i l<,Ril. 4~ temgsXwYc 7îhnîr-lulus g-t uuîu Tl'ie tîn-tc llhîîb) It-.tuas Ilut-uttu& Co,, of ail ai-us li grt-riuon so lit tet iowui tiaituu<t" itisviii (lie rt-es- ivIs reofociuid Wtuulcualietsh< N<vYork. 9 preti>- uiil rîechîJ et -îîiuiuteer police lftare lit. tlare -kit le and Blric; ltaé i ,igfreibcdaeuttedi-iateru i-. siiipIostul tu; lit a cv-tIrc' 'l'lie- ~ la ob'f ttutJ< e o 1liîeulat is diff&lowt îug us'a hlt of tire ;iusoueruî --Peler NEW' .&DVERTISEMENTS. pomtl ut CSîleiti<Pire,eL0 w riI Uwetuent i tf-u- (utilutcu Iusîî 1u<ltil h for the pro:treicti ofthetîn iks andaublînit lc J Ih i Viîa, tl ui h l1ie, ;,jcîîsTH f?-'-a luslmietus. The Ihuis;ruciaui Sîncle& are ttuul t , u lu tuotin .(lt ;Thotià%I-.Cii,î. 5.J<.OUA T~Â.A deteumnîiîed lu witk onuise Ibti. We r-e (îlu1s'uiti-iitt l'til-uk F.ley, $5lits EC IITDraPtUI~ fac %hch ear iuow' sinifcan î iîîut b;.luhiî Ahîrallîsti, t, huluit; if» face.c atic~ l rI ilithli iac;î; Laco uri- "tixîs*,',Ot TO TUIE floracel ,Itsti Jîtns utleucus, (lst Itegilteent; CANb GNYA ITO Soid C tou»ic tsib hie Omeers at-il .sniu- ots !I, erteur o; Janruiesi Doyle, a AA&AEC SOITO t$ergeîîuta ut uc Ccoui;uany, lin -uri. i ohy -natis-e tilul )bItu, iio lia i n lis ,tvoues.- orFLONÃŽDON, ENCLAN1D $pTI cudeavru k-ccp >-ne l<Juutedt ct» sica a re-s-ui&-r, i.rîcc and capp1ech, and Mtîtary moulera. klthIie meautitua, fre- lu tnillcuA; lTioiuas Cluaotrruii, corpou-sI haro s large«t-'-iil<h tf unncy tun eioulonia tii sVd orit, uit'. luive %a ',nira. N-iC-ligilsl-iii voit. - 61st Iegitimurtit, oue id doi-sertc-d n une ' oraiter cpo , lies->,d thenuîh iialrçcs Yîurs-, &c., tisojttisi ugo; iteîial tg ur(siiiai ti u j s4V&t.teÀ i vii l eem 4, Jàtnle. li>roc,m', UIxteîtve blr i *n n u -unu-e Ilbl l Flsiugi h isniuP4 lewr4St. . thbiyardtmig Uflo LcCTI cabove is arn abstract thc'reof. N4 FU LLÂRTON, LandsforSale T s-si-i,-4 T. (-tiiîtitsî if Ce îti situs e Iai X ci- <i are Itrtltii i-'t uh rj TOWKS91IFS Or WHITBYI i'îkoilu-, itîclu 1lroetu, Tuerai, U,çîrIirc, M t-uu. N~o iii I ill , iiuMti*jicu, un ci VîSile su, Grey-, 01e, I .K1-1uhl' aswn, utu Mcu r MONEY '1 0LE ND. 0 0 t rliýoablcfatt,,oisit ni- A1Am içj r Nu, t- uicuoîrLluh>- CARL). I 'hE uuîdii-,itiaddoirta 10 o Mun u MIîod- I -cTluî- tu li la~uî: v klttulfrlctidas, lirni it. uliii , ur ultuisu>- kiniil tr r,ý betsc 95litas lmitle huepini l te rer MIco ai Muiliee-,auîd btiaitO tti o-t ait sc- tii1is pubetlic mhie uuleuîgut the cli (tluirlu la hithy, p %">ffl4uju4 Of wiltehuliaeuia asunrd sut hiel W l i, . ;cfurt tut-unl NEW - New Arrivais at New Drcss Goodls, Newv Twceeds, New l>rints, NevCssmr, New Grey CottonS, - Ne«W :Coa tings, NE W VCA Iltl' E__S il., & (CO. vil offler l'or tf hfs wek cnly, the remainder of their IVitîtet Stock, e A COST FOR CASH'. Arr NO. 1 & 2 IWL'S BliOCIC. W lhitby. Mam'cliî7, 18 6 . :01-1y Il WLL, WI L L5 I WILL OTJT&LL-AÂLL OPPO SITION. IA VNG AGAIN CON'l'1AC1'wn IFOR 306~,000 Standard Fruit Trees, 200,000 Dwa*rf 1ý.uiL Trces, - 450,M OOrn=ecntil Tu'es, - i ïi(C nai. - l-Pjtvuornusoi iKntJs$ wn ~aeVines. I~i he 1~terof tuje otete of AT seuetiug Of t11w Ciditorg tlien reunt, 1Vl li>tat tte oIcuittel, whibyl, o puiperat, and effiectéi -off lncn iutl a linrtil idcccuscd, varc plucad tun thue nstnal nut' iiiidcrtigiledl, iuîtil the cutute of the uMatdedc deosd lus duly ad:ibiîtcrc,î ta. P.-.l'P'li Farm cLots FORSALE. DILlE SOL]> 11Y AUCTION /AT iYIeçaLÇ', I otel, Ashburn, TISA -, ONMrh 16. - - -- - -qf-- u--i"& ,A&l, . Mhiue foiwtt abîepropcrjy baoiuglue la The intertit côfiuiesIlîlnir iî'uul l t,,- bir. JAS. W ALlKEit, r. asud Mr. JiIIN Suîtll-liiull tuf Lt Nuni)Lr 14eX- 11, ii lot 1 Dwclilng Ronge, 'storey auîc-a'ilsf fAîudVîILîgLe hou. Niuuulicr (iu utulu u înrvil ikiteliel. gOuud stn1ble, &o., lunîtlrullii guî ehue cller, tn;retlior wilt i îj-wilr(l. fo- Ofi ln s*uas)(]ui, MAIl atoaked mwîtha large h-le'e vîîrliy tof fruit trbouç. i u ècoru. of Couiii-n le liitIl Nv srihig ion"4f0tric, ftry dvuloù uul i h ilguu u mud,ùiel wuIeipkui &t.,oaly3< cre of don, 1»d l5 hguoul-fouit trecs, Pussil~ y<e 31 C 4oto ô su aa norlor catirc colt Oowlsg hire, y "blsrry tubler," lir,,ke tu, mictiaei Kelly, efnat liarnes, ue gucd cos'* 10 cul? te a su, ierlisi- bull,-tu emiro abeut lot et April 1 igoliltAli l ai ehtgulur thuietainp.irci or tr:ucî wî,Iu, iact~sboga )irutcs1 i (-pler iirit oai idsitiîujls tciirt e vuului t i ri, u gdaiglu, uod î4ptis 001othar ils. tuiuiiiis- uiv rua; mu tuei btter ut uusît uuuh lu". Id . l~t -suiuui fi- anîps.d f iec?1ibed uls ftilliwui:Cmuîieii ta r,ýiù Toi, 4. Tûtit v-Nablî futurstCslpffuduof iie icidulle part of lot No 27 ilis t SOIcotl4.o rot ?hii tcu ywuuluie lir4Iiuuu,, Lur;uit$ efîlue tom-ntaluip Or Wli'by COtitltîitbbttt 1 ý ýl~u ia e -dtcfd uuê ul ildlo lu-Y 1 i 68s agres- 90ua ecrl cered dio e rtîimiuder À,èll uié Nerf ftýduid liialsîîl-u fjut îîutu výOdc4 wlith s f laensd mepfle. Thora us a Situslu tire Ninthi ceatosiloncflfîu tîu- uiecr-uiitugutrausofvstei-ttironItthlaiîla. a*.,aîù4iieli; î d cieuiîu u l TitLk li.hpuitaucle. iiklcnhsîvard oft lc ie ul-wcuît îuoglu 0f 1u6 rIERM.is or SLE. ioetli'lit fet suiti Jpî; tIler-.ulethalu Nortli-ea its de ut alut rowl, tieo iuuiuîtu For Iota 1 auJ2, oue-foutrtl Cash iiithiut antors rouc-islut il uce.rtaii ret-t otr pjitulcf dis frein sale ;igifui.ccto'bg uceureglliby mert. wattr ; titauuco upoti ciais J*ONuiti uryui guua,~cyacieutîie-qsicoui1iostalmcutiderciEam itirteouutcliluimeucd fliuy ln For lot 3. 7 ntobhq cisaUtwil hiW zn ufor Cirgenlstoîty-tirc :îe>.ere4 tu wtiet- ntntuu 111tîh auouer $8; tinder titât uiottuidt oasis.' beau istoulatt ; thtcige uluroî îll imbcti For lot 4, no munnIll v hii ba i-etetlown. thsirftii degutîs tiirty ihsssEwtst --liu Ternis yl be is idu kucîrulitt ate. t3hiilil und tilîhrty lthuîkui uwlsure n lutît lîiw) $#lep te cuwiiosiice ah12e'elook nSouu. bu.'il aiteid on t te- dtOiidin'tirlIe iNt-lt FAllLflA~ ~flhi triou thîc tSouth-. lit tf ssid Lot Knio L. FAIBAIMSJr. gxtcu o hlucice uiiîg îa0d iue-litu . 8ech 1<-I Aîucilmcr., jô#ôàty»1six eels'îs ltty tîîiubt, Wuu or ieuçu.u ib l fis «ti bîi u: ii tiîu! u ru- MoINEY io IOAN. vu if fls f~ytnllnoijiud PKN iW.1rotah'cisasu r City pnopurty, iluistl ;O Ofn , M $10 u uiardsa aIS er cent.,cctlriJ §heriff'la Sala oftLand. 18Ã"4, nt utwv se o'clelc, îunu, Mtïll e Co(urt 1lcê, iu thi, TDwn et« I, j4 .iciliu- Culuty or f>iiri, III tu rizlit, titi, sIP iuu:citr- c t, sv ich tu e u d -~ ', îu d d *.1e i isî t4avernlly iO,,cMOIIi t the hintl-urinuî ou suifl teneuncflt,4 tildebtl~, îu'14cii- inn lmider and by virtt of Certain Wr!î I Vy'jieri Fiktuul riz :s In the Conle t ourt- STEIIRlN M. Tl(IoMASi ligitilps J' ir, nt ttic, 1 filj denhil, hi i l il,îbu f 11ifiPuiùild.uîii tiltor of gel] 811141 ilig.nluîr 11, g u ulintli suld credise wi!2elî worc lln BsJlair, dts, ed, n ut he t1ue -ni MA datit wluo hivd itlcu 1usyZncuit u1 prihic'nptl l u itic cu leah cn(tuof j Moi-, or 14 0iand 7 butfeai nute]intar- meuutto. Ajiplicution pistpaiu*hthte e iudor8ignadi. NEIWL CARRIAG1 Ael)v Waggon Shoôp s AMUEL WALKIVY 1l prisparisd to enau- factre ho ortler, ul uttls of CARRIÀGES - WAGGONSe SLEIGIIS, &a., IN L.PLT&EET STYýLES.ý Répîziring necztly and, promply SThreo JonsEst cf Mr. Win. Laing'* floua, Diiutdax , hiiî'Y.- Wliitby, Jane., lOLli 18. N OG E Whitby, ]?cbrttfry ~h~I50 71 MNOTIOE nadn< atitau-oeaiou, for a c tler po riWgu foi a Bi.uîk tb)lie eà*i&abshcd unt l1- by, to e ccaîlqd ie i (to turl vuuuy Htxuk, wit a capîit o f $J50 ' ,oL'Y. Ifiýttdat Widtby, ml -lOtiz o grSl. MONEY TO >LOAN Orte .trr6wcr, Wlitbyl ibyM 14, 1885 ni Ch 4ancery utudreos J l-s!p;S ivt llozutCsiloi e _Citîhe,ie i80>ljecut o isnim, lut a rary dac;ded, and latitiulo muter. ÇIîe $jectot' remuons bitai to liavc apoeeaas 'la tice erurcf lis remt-rkohbc rade - slusipu utiste fuîtt, tIi-u itie cdtîus ouit teeiaieotgtauuziin alyled reraiano, - vcte fuot 11utain Calliolizoi, neithier wcre ausy or thîir umcosm, LéiGuue ticy wcre chlcar4dd by thse Circi. R-obterts aundi Swveeu-y serti boti utuniefs ofaother pereusion, wid as tegauds O'Munbony, lbc etgod iu uhe tameot <iliieU ashie tolloweils despis&d b>- lii Cisi-ch auJ dcundeutined byr cocît-t)'. A-Lvgabc did not lihi-e ibait tie Fcuiaua wioldtietîcun in luain et titis cuuiusiuf, lie aîiîrss-od of the ieaon o f thlievcrti-uicnjuoclitiu. onu ite Volun tesss, aed hoi siuc-rly tuied tsat hi>-de. - r-li<ial texorciso lie>- midiht pi-eare Iti- 41e uîrafor iutpeuidiuag Jauger, shicis lht beptucinsuGoad nîil belc ositrtecl. E vrr- cuisis as boujutte figînt lun durtece-of hi&, counîtr-snd hometadiallegiance vac due toe ic errîignu vie pi-tccied us, aod ueit uan nia sita a goud Cauholie could pucail>- ouulenaoecthe îroceodhutgu of a trsutialea tnd Cctîitîshle orgauîlatuon, who, tuat day weeku batd boIt a mass gatteritig ini New Yurk agase c ili uf -o itlitup uand tic Ciergy of tl ice vhih, iniitu-f', tnt apeakbng of the desû cratio o ffthe Sivibaîlu, was Otefieieuit te show theîc ciaracu-r of the lai. Swiodhiug aud cootulepl for lie Roman Cutie hiersici>- appeurecl to bcu heur snding ordure. [t-chaud uiglul bavc giisea, but il wus oui b>- a utuloly ,unlawfuti and ill1exal -auuscciatio lilce FeniaeisintIshe- coula bce reunectied. flue represeatatires, lu Parfisment vira tia proper cielsc tsi-oglu shchuthayishocai beemode Icoovu, and redriss aughlt. " lie ead tiee cadiero fiers, lic lciêw, vu onit h iir'dut! ;Dri tain bac glwty e tt prend cf thsegalaust-> dispiayeif b>- ber at-un>, a large portion,«i wbcom wi-ro lIi h ospei a ttoiis, andtil va te duty o( iuo- unubore of the 0 tUrc liatebnpput.thle=a in euse of aggree. "'o. HIi-darhip eonelodsui bu discourue in ais elegaut peruration, and eutded, bis rea=uikai iti tic !oliewing Word& -t #-The -British Constitution prolcetsOr itteresa, aitd we ai-e botuici te prolect it." o4'j rtJ r, OF /AN I4NTIR1 PFNCI$ COUN[C1L IN DUBLIN At'Lcg=1xrsna o tte. ononutft, datgi There were ton 7 rM- wuould not be. gîten, as tlsey 10 go-away. Tine IuGlin correspondent o moi don Tt-Iegr&tph, writes on the 23rd. Fer the î.reseut crculahave ce-tsed in Dtbliiu, the mrrican emssuistaries iîavitsg been-nearly aIl c-pturcd or lîsrced tà tmake a havsty flhttiug from thte country, and rs gi-est iutuber, if not all uf thec spected iithabitante of the aty kaviug ie tueco taken into custo<y. The rolice, h, wovr' are net îdie ; iir vigilance In scaroising for sarma and tracking tisoenurenuts of thc conspjirators i uirc-iuxed, sud thc systatcilc nanner ins whiclî thvir opera. tions areo conducecd, aiîbcâ by informi'îon, "Illîethtucs eu.îimu niesiteul aîîunymoubly, will, itl,i liopud, ulS*imiitely etiabie thîcun tu sie al theo tîres ut oeucoacd-ai-ma whîuclîthe Fenianus werc pi-cluirin; for thei contemplated riding Yciiterda>-, at~ huE past 4 o'clack, plasnitholiein another seixure cf pil-cclens d îkc- d lianhie, lui thectop root ouf wretcicd blil- taticit at the enîd ut St Andrew's ulano, foruwurly caUced Piecocrner, off Trisity> stîrcet, anîd fot monre tiat tu(I 'ards dis- tant ýfront Lolsiuîcastie. 'T'lîcscizuire coniprizes 142 pikea. cumpitted lain vcry respect, snd 36 handieg., 1 Thitsuspension ofthe la iaeas Corpus Act bas ltco tie effectuai mensofr$ding tihe country of the s)srmng presrence of a liout of Américuîus ad' lrjisb4uxerlcar w ho infesteul the ahi-cos iand by-w.iy5, and who, tîy lavlisg drink on thc solîlters who camin b tits way, souglit ho fseditie thyt rou» tutie aliqgiance-some ut the rictimt iu Dow'-on trial ln alsi usilitar)' TJ4AT$Sittzur'& Worm Catdy istisa be*atid J. sfeatMeitolue icor hIe public for cà- 'Pelluîg w0=6 s vama stiâftîud trou» cyport- 'SI iCIAL NOTICE. F OU a g#cucral LinImnent fer r ionies, Caille alo weli as $or theua iunuuti Ficoîi, we wîut roconiteu U ed ig' 131sk ou, as" u o s-ciiy bisat reosiediu3-eu caliu 050. ÂRBUCKLE-FOWLER-Oa the ?ab ;oit., ahth sdec !iebrd'ftes by the Rr .1~.sa.rek 'ho Miss Elizabeth Fowler, both of Ux- lirite, by. the 1tcr. Mr. Gibson, at the. tho resldenee et the bri ater, lia b4 as1ixti concession of Scoit 1r, autopê danglter of Mr. James Blancohard, ho Mr. Francis law ofib.sauute place. YQUI<G.--'-t Whtby, w' îbd Ui M 1sawII% 1fé f Mr. Jcsmo& Youueg'éged MNUUANCIE: UOPANY For ' ire. Life anid Marjus., eArrA, ~,OO,0OSTERILIN4G, Couz Om Wate7lisorloo Plate., Londen; 77 King St. Mancheoster, M .tir OJsiiebm Club, Loudoui, sud tue Irango, . utato, ati 4muîtcr. GqSi-EltAt MAN<(M-Â,tnur fScratch-. ha>-. Etq., 14. 4.. foruîuu-l).y FItitesaindimls i-a Leîturer; fleatýt'.Cul.irc0 Csntridi: Rensd 09ce feum. mi, Ai. Ontaruio liais, ' herciî Stret#Tuoto. 1Mailis ts îkot fu-mst,uu llrihêthu tg .w .ier, 44e utout 1bt learatel, SC0c17 4;»ý«RÂSsr, CAPT. I- R. TUmIs; Whiîby. Moi-eh 314 . ÂUNIW,, Agect. 10 TO ULNI. suetale on Upwsglu it.,neonrtl.,e reidoc ut,Lsiv, eiq., lu tihe Town of Wlsîîisy, rouit tnodenu-tta, aPily te, Làa*d for 'ie ix TWE FAIR VÂ'LtE1 sr 8EMBj¶r ý4wî sOti, -1- Wu T DMwei nliaî le. Le,(tiweorp'.pd*a4e. JAS. Hl. GuiRRIE'SI Wiuîtv, hi M i-otsm~ iI-gSoe g' o fi' Oum 40 I n Chancéry. p UJISUANT ho s deuos f, , tite Ceai-t or Tise Credtb e eT lm o4 ,lt TQW 3HW0FPICKERING (JOUNTY ONMI 'Who ilod on or about th e ndi jra ,-r it J. H. E. HOGG AND,) AGENrS, anïdlxairgathorourrh j ~le,1aorccg fbcoatyLuautiun i li ts banc'auttesare enaUsleflSi o~iCtI mue rgonune 'ttl heît'y Ti-e nnd 1'hutr, SECOND TO K0NE-. -IL listt utoçm sry ho aaY Ia %ord in fator ci the Ti-tes anulPluietueg-ouluîc oooo cusries. 'ila cs -e nqviatt-thiat a! cci atnd ovrvryexiiubitiun yh2r-. lits fruit Ilgarp b abevut they ll hae on sewau-ded cl)ipomas tcgethLsr witls usity -prizscu riC <ipIot Qnly shows hijat tbuoSeoil on icl ich tue 1.0re rown uf l a idapted for thse growth of trous, bdt dmat-tl* voietiesï"wWch they colti a cthi eut thzt eau ho prc4umced for %kle My patrons wiIl please atécccpt uny ýkin dest and most heaxty ta for tlei efry libýera patrotnage durino te past ye.ar, iond I again esasl'toepectlful ly solait îieir furhitet-suppor T wilrc &: 4Iltros lat la' ihpoa eiic thel h a -e een properly a te uded h. t a ? ý tg o1W )P o ie 1 ame,uaa Whitby, Mai-ch cAyBt 1W> ttJ n -- P TSUANT b oe tsl ettot u a-cserttut &(arltgernaeiyJohin- (Iuun- 01141t utWilliam Ã"pGe mi uug, suud beot-utig dtethie itit u.y of May, 14,tsr PUTBLICAtrCTrONI BY Mr3>. M. (lardi, &ctionueqe, on theipMMs. ces-, la tii Wb?8nd R4<«it Dtealer I hyC; À j:j~~fr~ Whitbye IL r the yüar enaing 3oth or Deceni- i O-ly 1 1 4n 1 ý ýb. Atjk. %../ JL &-" e A: %ýfjL%,

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