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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Mar 1866, p. 4

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Theesuant below the meat. = » ouiI JiEW E L L E &COLTAE' retire docgk thy face agaiii vit u.iiilct, Drive cauld care frac thy honnie broc>, Licît nait 'on vi' wlidultg vilea, Ne JODuo.tendrt neet, ani truc; Au, b. tý 0 u ie i uVIg vifi) wuIVie w I ordît bresd angrY atrirf, Ye kbnilthe mot'a aboon tte neu.. Oioh eeyfui tksoor sin liroldo, Sac wilnaome, coule. trig, au,' coua; 1I ,0' àT yj'l' A haniy paradiss-gor prîie- W i go lînd reign trac mroru tilt c'un, Eaboya linso Stagca leavea 08IIAWA Tite voo erk lou.!, o' grief auteucrs - a ey t 9.30, a. a., for Combus Thoit ower nun F, through e'WacalitRaçan inceIart, Ionysud mMnl)âlsr Are a' ipll'd-uni nover ,îitir E>- 1 dErtvilig Aitiih latter pl iti 5,p.At .connoiing ' Pl'ac>'.!, vi' crnuleg blytiîc an' true, arrivinc la Oshawaen b fo fôr aévcnîgng traîna To rmoud erouitd Vitus Agi anu , Ton G..T. M., Euamnd Wes-Faro (rom eijaa Wîîoiîlionra Ilié-e nutra ici-tins 1kw, Wa to tColumbua 37X < ao'ste Raglaon IOconts. itiu i iireni tho.irumnor bhraka aijina: I&0 VPrinceAbers 73 oe t on>aSi1 1X, ba- Ur tiio ir 1 lnuathle blrio' lhaine, G .,. t.i iUU 111> îia 1 5. l'aaaongcr* fr021 tire Northi are Tr oit haires. htit rr'oid tnriocie- .,onvcyed to the cauat (Oshava froc ofohtarga. Witt kti)Ltie tirat bolu tire entil.parets ivead clhapgth. 'Tiie pro rgt l'is i rird Ucsoî wtt! paorswilne b ho mnaiblo for purtos or Ilac w r>tr9. h soru aslad, W.ICI S VEAJU IAIAIA AJ packagsubeas hboued .ud politforilacd- Ar't, YLIt)tuugrew titis vif., o' luine; JA ES OHN7ai Agi' wliat ii îli, lini' vîmat ii vlteil,JA E JHN T N___________________________________________ Tuonie i in iir thmîrug v. or wtt.,. Wateh Maker A Jetteller. R<<Kî IUE A ai' watt at' 'w., itu uney fi-1,ro t, Wliltby , 864 CÂLL AND SEZ SÂNDY 1 Thrtutt viii, ie ,, If loi- ro or ide.ltruy41,16 WVut keup thtua iînt ioow Uî0ioii. -H E hem tontih, Il frookîthrg îo"In fo ~rlll i uiheViiîu.ge,,%vitrotie yl lbcic gis' Tite One o the-Sit. F rm f ôr Sa e te sec ah l 1%ieta îuda. «fic'iî;reuiîi'i!ei tre tvoll Tue Owcr uttho Si ___dtiod unp an.!convoiioit, titi.!tire acccnomoda tiqî ondi, ve'ry goud, thse stcr hoieuoteL T'he mcii ho standa upon bis ownanet laria enn.qiiitig of 5Si, acre%, niore or the cînnfit or ulte:,ai!tidbrse hiul, tteilsini A lloua, betiig lu tiie 51h cuiicet4iou, 0 olcou prouoted tu in#uideisvolt ma iai.!,Bois - ho féels îLot by the lrec lw the land in whiieh ho ivs-by the law. of 1'ownship.,:'ot Reacli, AthSnî'atiîlco vour reit, civilize.! nations-ho in the rîghtful admd iiiy'il talîithie boit, Aind! rie Lot froîu litetlîriviiitig ILLAGE OF sîîidv'îtr,)t accoimmnodation# exclusive ownor of the land which ho tillaNJANCIffliTrEIC. ii for f.ir Sale. There ln* c Uu't ho boutii uithei nation. in by the constitution of car nature under g'. oy Storqy Brick ubuamo, fram arnc,, rtue nnnerong friende of sandy-alIq avhulesome ifluenont cauily imhibed Diii-iîî Sitoîtiti.!d Stables., On the puamitta Ac*00l% li.libus ai inuenceand intoll utl ero!. Tie Lau.! in îader goud (rom any othor sorce.Ile fadae, gQter eiltii'tto.i, tliurouughly guitder Ined, mat!dt ALEX. PEElIIE. thinga quai, more atroagly titan another, "îne or theinu., iicdealblorei'idencea la tic BrooklIn, D)o. 23,18$63. tite chanatier of the auc ho in the lord ctunhveti itit,riî,. of th. inaimaeeworld. 0 hi re aif 1 o n'l ifhteetc,,r'rjl advantages oflercd by tilitInstitution for Ofttsaetad-V E1cquiring i? T11011O11011PRAC'I: wonderful'api e h -asindb h A USIZNEÀ>S ElUe.ITIO.Yarc stiperior teb iytCommeirctal Coliega laBri spitra, hichfashonedGILBERIT FERGL'SSON, Epq. tialiAmerios. ThoelBrancthcs tauglitcomprise cvcrytltînt, îîcccsary for te Book Kcep- haud of Gi'., and aphel.! by bis powr-is 'ouhutuustr, Epaumn. cr and Business Man ; tlîoy iriclud- rolliug through a apaco, a part in Lis, Or , JAMES LAN(>N. (romîLecenre a îe ay. t l îL - -.Solititor, &0., Wlîiîby. a place on which the genceration belore hm zde Pfibjihera ,èill gîre one of' the esu.TR A TU J U 1N S B PA T f N ' woyed in ils round of duties, anid-ho (cels a nlyoudVllmofGo ot .,itAPT L BM N S E R IH T lîimself connocied by a visible iink vith gtyb'n - ue.o Go o"- liq the Most complote arrangemient of iii; kint]. bctng furnislhitd witlih to Dn lI.' a -those whc> foliow hingan d ta wlzcm i, h ro A"Sudî laaain, Q'or and. -MERCIIANT's Eili'<)IUM, ced rttEXIJIIANGE(OFFlICE~, wlîclî tare open ovory de>, te transimit a home. iPerheps is hlm rnbau ditional OI t o amp oas Who eili fur- -for tho trneactl 'on i a Business. hiai(ro Li fahen. Thy as/i<t loa lie Wt/i ~1V ~ &W"Clases in TELEGRÂPHING eVery day-lu PHONO. have gone to thoir lest home, buk Le .caa aernier' îarngesfor el/lier of the ,mader. trace-there footateps orer the atones of bis coî'c ffgaeaee. SPRCI.IIBYGRÂPHY, fsomi-woekly. deily hieros. Thae roof which &botter& him COPIES' >REE I9 For Moàthly CIRcurLÀiS, specimens of %Vuîu-rîco, &e-, addreas <cnt-baing îtamp), a reareci hy thonse tawhom heo oes bias boiwg. Sonie intoremtiumg domlestic tradi. Grw-d %Wortia are vorth mccli and! out Ift. U G O E&W I H 9 lion Io connecte.! wilh every ncoeIe 2i'4 oc:it% ae outh; Ci.so à'car, beautituily24 O L N PCeW The favorite fruit troc vau pIanie, by hie latac tathcr's band. lie.spotted ia hoyhood duo meedova a&i. Thrugh tLe ied lies the Ler Majoahy'm Chaj-laii. "EG O D patL te the village achoot of carlier days. -A P F LL & W I i 1lie still honre (rom is a'indow the voici, 15 ertha il nihi, $1.75 a yaar,-pro(ui,eiY te> th os f God er ad i h DY MAGAZINE, TEROBSON ROUSg AT BIIOOKLINe apot vitere Lit parents laid dova te rosi, Edi'ted by TililA. îý('iiitir 1). Il1., Atiior cf mn.! vhere, vhen Lis lime saalcorne,bLe 'Tir i(;e upatî'îkkCl," "S4pcaking t he(hhc < I.? Ournnzas OSCTEL,> sihaHle claid by Lis ehildrea. Thesesare c "&.DUND)A!ÇITRECT9 WIITIY,C. W. tofeelings of the oweer of' the soil. 15 cents a aaehth; #1,50 a yor-flloatreted G EORG E ESN Proprieter. U l t e is n~u '~ * l' Word& cennot paint themn, gold calicot bey rrw1En bc brbeaô nioicetateha at e so , R a e if e & o them, thoy are the lifeaprings Of a fresh, TIHE ARGOSY, fL tmnboctir buta/i an,>c>tier kotlia* al -licco F I hcmîthyt genorous, national chercter, A %Mtamizno f--r the ,flreaiiio sud t'ie.juarnai-. SrFir'-tîi lliobeha ;'irenoe,,csol Itullehl i, MeAtxatider Siraii tS c-., nt b rfc n lo.suftt.dnpîîrcougio, le ttrie. l veju t ('civë h .I 10gle iito 111ïIm ta ugm nsd At < st. bit (ifmille . Tiie liroffi.Iioare 1iIegfàity sîît [icjs lcrFal So k o ? TheRauleas ed readet ihumu.l'et'hrrStreet. M Outrentl 1cr Sàc ah aIl iBook ,notcs.~ait.o tt oiti. g NcOle,aiid lta thtîone- and Wiîîter Gooda, whieh having been puirchaisîd before the late The odiiai andPreidet Jonso. aii.! Nova stores . ttiroegliîcui lrith Northt tri'.,eît théTown,.YUn Th Iaiwy miilikicolen tleIltl.anladvance, they are preparced ýto ofl'er at UNPRECOEDENTEDLY Aitîirrepresaible conflict seema <ote c tr Rn irem h Cnt,î Mta onhhlyDou- the matgmefir IUabriîlge Andîi ik4erton Ilào O RCS rmgtg in tuhîe States betiseen tLe PrezidebraI x6ýla-a f4Jt-. 'olaio. Llteieoureoryntorti reg. Iloard<i per dart. esîii. Rdial. Te ulîwig l (om Club tenu- 'ro i ctlicutson eh 50 st. Peter GEORGE ROBSON. oui. of Iboir principal organs, tdited b citrc'e drcaefoa l og'î'ers aîeaya F icîtîcadauceala gestckof.o t Foraey,, whont Mn. Johtnson elaically Whitby, Mmv' 1863. 2 a.53 ~ c re ,alr e so k o o t compare.! tea I "d dock," The "ded o .C L W U n hc-uc&qaiyAdec dock"(Y;.C. IM E .0mp:,- 'qiecre la net a 'Uiona memLer ini situer Iftm Photo* Galory, VE ER!NARY iBUR FLf9TI*W READY brabeh of Congrces vboe, table is coti t(Wl '11 4" eooee.! yuL îLte fierceat de-tociat*oua f0lt lnwUir.ci Aadrew Johnson. Aeme hart 1 no'r" inhmiuimmirha etnkartearn L #ait sasprising- h la&cIn e hibitcd jinc tiV-o n t h eso unncl asa tigeoabî'.llino, anud hio s tf> y riet allai,- the LaetStyles.- bitter«raoaiu tig lie %bÀ vc>idJ ti0013 iote Liincas ha ttrot ài*art* ofuf pblie ldt(er at a Ïa 'cnessmsingrontTitas., . tirerfubi htI guw",* aiose a5S complotsia fna i >ni oiiee, Md.liceusaî'reuuarod patýron.age. téeuisecod__ s w-salo #Dura in ffl ayja t ooidiid mfl n pitu le ié- tact Ltla ain> cil iu1t T.scn ioa e ~ iweeds, $ratincts, i4ia ÜiéIs, Uno s,& . ta tek. tltlîcie sa, cuber -lu *demrepooe. Tite rebellian lîssîf PHOTOGRAUpHS, »Ro.Of of our owu ManuhtIut0re SOLU RETAI L, -AT WLIOLESALE was a great beiryal-an orgaise. igramxI1.~ GEORGE CORMACK. ttu.!.-amn umed, dollant surprise ofa puMa A OTYPES, fUIt'tIEî'INCapae, d>M TIEVO , A C IFE&Co gainerosn6ae4 proectiag (loverameat. Bui Or aiii' othar iutc.!,,of tIt My»tie Art. L.jJulner.orcilSt, W'hitby. A large 16a. A HI S N R TC F E Co liera in n is u cof individuel turpitude, 5bu £iW'Prieei £sus'.r t4,4%a#y ceg (aae sry f, titYofîtli kiuîdaoftnmbccoeshtiy un hand-. lrooklin, Oct. 49 1865-. told blooded Inla is preparation, mnd ien., t/a uiu cd t luVork " atal micoasequences, Ihat 11D , ju-#t ccv a iî>stck cf U N ID E R T &-K I N G. evec the spirit of tLe rebellion pauea ts UNERALS fuhtva u plit.!and etteade.! n,~ FRANCIS,,,KELLER, NSURNCE GENT Represeiits the -following wéll*known Companies:., THE LIVERPOOL, AND LONDON -AND. GLOBE, CAPITAL *10,000,000. THE EDINBURGH LIFE AND LOAN ASSURANCE Co., CAPITAL *500,000. -0-- QUEEN- INSURANCE Co.-, (LONDON EN GLAND]. PROVINCIAL INSUIRANCE Co., (0F CANADA,) PIRE AND KARINF. --o---- BRITISUI AMERZICAI ASSURANCE Co., (0F TORONTO, PIRE AND MARINE. WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY [0F ENGLANO.] ACCIDENTAL DEATII INSURANCE-Co.,_fENGDAND,] CLAIRS 4,11), 817,2*0,000. ALSO AGENT FOR TIIE r, oviNcxAiL PERMANENT BUILDING & SAVINGS SOCIETY, [Torontç le Ail claqgeu-f property in4urej 0on rensonabie torms. AIso, Mont- Loaned onit eai. cstate. Popetssaid fuit informnationx givcîî freely c apl>licfttionl. AbtO agelnt foi'roicl lgrh Company. FRANCIS KELLER, Postmastor, Oshawa C.W' R. & Je CA MPBELI Would direct tii-e attention of cash buyerý to their stock, being decicledly the largest in the county, ani 'vcry comaplete in every dep'artmcnt,- IN PRICES TIIFY lAIES! DEaBEATI AS THEY BUY F0 CASII AND I*MPORT DIRECT. obn. opr n!Mccs 4Special attention of the Ladies is directed to- Fotirdi'.oetiîtludsof their Dresa Goods, Shawls, Manties, Furs RHats, and Caps, and TWO"'horse Whelel Cultivatorse of Gentlemen to their Uloths,roiomgnt, R&EA D Y-m ADE CLOTU JNGCHN RietuE 8 &e, ~ &.Scotch, Amierfan & Caiai Ponghsi In the Gî'ocerly dcparinen-t tîey have l'C" steel- Plows- and Steel Points, ceived à Freâh Supply of Teas, Sugars, Fruit, Cod Fish, ler. DITUEING PLWS ring, Crockery, GlaSsware, & , I&T . APEL.~ ANNJNG MILLS, WLiiby, Deceuhar, 20 1865. allaloior oi. otato Caltîî'eorp, SEED A»i TUENIPDMULLS, - 1tAD C RAPE JI, (te. (41W AT atm.EàAmRINoc*,AIlà% order to-niake wn eer BotCanada, Tm do. 400 yardj, do. -1000 yards plainW 10 8 csgrey an 100 Sndles of C, Our Stock of General $0.14 At wlîoleae Prim. Our~ terme are FIU C-ADE CLOTIIING' VERY DESCRIPTION.- - wecd Suts anly #1 1- 00,. wortuh $15 00. (Çti.sonly 6 50, wortlî Ù,00. paco nly S00, >wortli; 4 00.- -V'este o0y1 ,wrtk 250. O ,90, ,Worth 1 15. 1, àd hnoy FIannela from 20e. to 60ef nd wh!iate otons :ai-<lesihati present nIe.. Ootton itàarn $2 -90 ta $3 00.: Groceries are v'ery complete, and wilt be 40 barrel; No. 1, Round ltcrrings ouly $5- 50. CCASE, andclno oredit, -NOTICE, -A[ partiOs inctebted to us -are respectfülly1 requg ed to maka immointe payment., otherwise lheir amcunts will bc placet collectionr. TW., H. 'MoMILLAN & GRET CLEÂRN k muldetb oriber, 1110%v (J'oathaga lu gre#t va -iy. -.Eve retiche conîmieote.! wlilî i thébn p ker:o*"n hait.!. Thro3hiiig Machines repafre. on ahc>z t,. tvorYthing lutitoehove Jtlslncpas attende.! etoligiuem uv;don remoaceble ternna. 1 88.,1 tASI-1 FOR TIDT)S 'W~ Wc rk $hopan Ion>' s'PPc>aite tise Mi tree't, .lilthy. Wliitby, Angelati; 1866. "Hm IL Madame Troploeg in parla, on Monda> rar oue -- aighi, tLe Cotqua«ta mîigliolae eppearcd TIRD --Thea L-so u sei!ia, lalely ia-the jus »A aage; bur Lair wvatiffiene.! an.! eacpat'quc ut W-8- i'utiue -01 ock l North J .8 L e julea.! ~ ~ O tirgbaerv idehera, copie.! Tradosmmn or Iliaulci, deolrbng s home faoim Lhécostume or a «aoaweotupletiog vii Bcd it he t io ntiocu.!propertiea, - th. resemblance. Evea Pr4eik oation «1otari te.!tthcir reqniraunet. -cotîli searcely st»aussevere, atest, and W'11 be 1so!Ah a Bd, iu, .,ndui long Î thse fait coueiteus'aappearmcos e tana ofIii m HAM ~PERRLY, saoue of sub4ied merrimtai. -Irpltr iT~I The paliaberaf -a nevepeper oui Weet Wib, hJn. 86 la the firtsses of Lia journal, reiuna ma lbferdalsa te eeforeinagimprisou- TOR$asie tLýb.onul carterof Lotl'o. 15, A large loti of newly improve.! ei L et. in the SîL omoknet th a îe Townsat te- fl o to iisuiercgDe,"vbova bstnghiERaitWhiiby. enouuialnig 50 ases. Thorarc oieiR,0N D _ te ce iEtwhe*tavau. Tic prqut. _ g siltos, abserving tuai îLe' il Cmercheni vswae "l'O val11 utý, hviaL ai vu"O dqCleek ALSO TUIE ARMSTRONG ehetng a cuimer in nome*oilcae ioui.tbFr fah er ialn pply teferaroprieî ta hlm e «JimI eau t tell yon boy t-c> o r orh, itivir, plyt' - A. fo t, es 0à 1 111AiLIdT, ro) aa0. iai s~sllI liie s moheh s end.d nv"JUOHN BOWV*, JOO JJNG!LIUl1l" à«Il twie mamuchOU a yond-donowPOnethe l'iktheePATENTED 1885. MfCuin, xiY --"Wollov V' ,gread Jise. F.fiuI or i by lotey, (pre pal.!,) W)dtby P.0. 2 dneu'o0Leaoe miu §"~et'h~r Ne,.forchtae abl., TeFaeoni bpir ý0nj .ei5 i I>in - i , 6; laes iLenzpa d t da m u :. Ttsh e , - m'pAro yodfi ia . CL',e fétiaiums ms cd (illa mars17 la gratif>r -- Tihe EHe ofa b a i thelaiT..ctu aa. el A -D -N TIST RY. rru~sabsnîhe in e rourig-hlm iluanka X.for pust favors, baga ta inforîn lie taLai tante of thh a Tuwyn andI aarroutndieg countr'y, Mitie ic vie baihppy ho attend ta ail or dr cntrashcdtoIluis Cario., Teelh taa:u.bed one Gel.!, Slver or Voestted Tecti Bile.! or extrut.. ln tlicboit pr.allo Purtiunileretetuonpacd ho tic rcgniatlotonoî Childron'a Leeth. Allworkwa, ronhoal 51W. il. CARD, W. H.& C. S. ÇA.DDYt, Manuîfacturera of cvory descrupion of, lýRF6addles, Harnes@, Collars, STRUNKS, VALISES, &c.,- &c.., IJROCIL STREET, WILITBY, BI3G to p;rinmther friend6anthpulc thiot e hi peedaubtiensan.t remietacaopposite tii,, OntaioteUntel, flB~ ' nuact, iviora t4us.y ilîtbochtaîil ilunua pl'cpared- te exuacote to iordons viblu alîlehel ty uuy hac lavure.!, vititproinmtitu.!c, and teaulupe ues. toinerA viti, .ork cf tuo beit nuumeture Clîoop. and toexueut a cll ordou tce iotho. eht unotice VICTORIA IZOIUSE, o*t>sAS a2atEr, walilit 'y 8oliS I't iLL ...... . à. .1roprieîord un 11Piuriber doxintm to'iiforun ils titau, Du T ,r iui t a ieou 'now aeurrvingnt; ou baât cf vie,, tiquons e-i«ara7 au! rrai- moentaq. A i-oli Mt1Ypliod hable.. Goodmfmotîg - l d e c o e u d J O U Xs S P U iC R I L L . Wlitlîv, Oct. 4. 1804. 39 jBROWN & PATTERSO]NS'i S Agyricultur--al Works! Id - AT T-LE OLD WIIITBY YOtiNDtLY1 BUOCK ST,, WIIITrBY9 AGRICUL7TRAL IRPLEMENT,, WIVIERE WILL cx OU'si ' 4iI'eu wL -es C-v - Sonnesw G u CarhS 4Tret Gis nary,and ly of >ct li

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