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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Mar 1866, p. 4

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JÎEW L i i I.Y 3INE OF STAGECSV Un~sboolse ossssî,leavcs 0911IAWA w irhs bletis %fur. i .1sgly uAnd Ilaerînua. lttsle:,% z', stitîsMlliii-siajly, ett'P, a. in.5 cmininla.s 5silsîsi in itm tigefr evetîissstrslne 011<I r.iT. , essNti etl Ct-Fs!sfint>sia. wC 1 o oliîhu*s. S1 (eeîots itg) lsi.stens to lince Albi'rt- 75 QeWmi, os i1I M- tIlla s i t.l'sn-iiisigcrsfro-s, iOe ortsare souuoeod ta ttue cars iut îîlîiswsî fs-c Çif charge. Eýxpress sisliua ss-îtlltitteissli Ita sid psai al litercul iîtis euli. ile rielnnrie. tas-s *RI lDot- h eaj<iiîiifor p:srceslaon packages niaiss ttulcd nut!lipaï'rit n d- icl- suce-. __________ si 5 FOR SALE., Three-1 DWELLING BIOUSU i INTUIE TOWN 0F WHITBYO- ;UEu ileoroiBy ron ts bt t aIrmset li the oc1pmttioiorf W. Il. Blllliisgs, s. Titis% -projç.ntiyOilt b. s on; ogIpw frCsi or ls SECOND :-The DvelIong lieuse and Lot, vept of Mr. Grie's, -laiely ila the oceupation of X r. D¶4le. Til 31) z-Ti1o Lot sud 10[14losl., 0th*Ib eafion ori'W. 8. 1'sil, a aonk" North Oe h.laitt neitiould Wporty. Troleemmn or Meeobsuies, dosilng a humas vil) fiil thVit t woiueto;dppsl*, WIi bc sold Bta tainMrValue, snd on long tonus of ia tioit. J. HLM PEUTY, ONTRliI 'Wüti he A M i NEW ADYERttStMENTS. -New Arrivais ýat. HAMITON & Co's. New Dress Goods, Newv Prirîts, New Grey -Cottotus, . NEW New, TPweeds, CaSSirneres, ,New Coatings, CA RPETS4 l.& Co. wvil Offei l'or ibhis weck onlly, the reinainder of their Wirler- Stock, ràzýi7A T COS 8T FO0R C ASH. J AT N . 1 2 îI1LL'S BLOCK. Whit by. Mdardi'1, 1869~. 9.1,y Tmnediou"s;Outrage! 1 WILL., IUWILL, 1 WILL OIJTSELL ALL OPPOSITI-ON.e IA VING AGAIN CONTRAOTED FOR 300,000 Standard Fruit Trceg, 200,000 Dwarf Fruit Trees, 150,000 Ornamentald Trecg, 1001,000 Shrubs of alI kindg, . ry,o00 choice well grown Grape Vines, 800,000 Iledge t'ants of ailkindm& 7'ogether tth a large quaniüy a/R ose, Wallk0reepere, -gerba- ceous Plantai 1 wii adi for the .Lowat U0sing Priea. c4' Stlî niithe -Field, O'Zn j. Iff V,. HOGG AND AGENTS, and having a thorougli prac tioSi knoW oi the tii N business ln *11 Its br.ncefs e a ^led ta ls mont vigaousnd theltty Trees ad Plant%, SMOND (J NONL Ih in not ,ices maytyi7word in<ayorof tiie Ttc. and - Plants çrowmn uthe Toronto Nurseries. im tczi kînîrnfacttha at sci, sud every exhibititon viere tthe fruit have beéun sheo tbey have been awarded diplomas getiier with matny prises. This not only shows tliat ticesoil on which they ara grpvn vol! adaptod for the grovth of trou, but that tihe'rarieties wbich tii.! cultivate, are thé. but thbatM eab produced for Ibis écimutte. My patrons wil plemasI a ptKrny kinast Bull most lièarty t"aka for their very libers! patronage doring Lthepuat yesr, and 1Iqale mo.trespWef*i tI solicit uholr forihur uapport.1 i .111replac. il trus tahavre sOt grava, prouided thel have bus proporty .tiesded lu. MWlle ge nd 1W411 .Q0(Ièr, "ZWb, C.,W. ýWbitby'- Murcb 7jl559 AFRESHVÏ& for l66.-.~i avejust received c 01OL 1%d<ire* f ftF 'CLU B IVOLESALE ;Sit. Logea"qr1866:. - . g - X, ii-l§T 0 IS. E~8ÇuJG5 R,, CES , i Wbiby, Aptil 4, 1865;.' D-ENT18TRYm XLfor put favors, hoto inlorin the Inhabi. Wota ofthis Town aud surroiinding couuîtryi Itathe wili bo happy to attend to all or dorm utimatedtobs CArO. Tt, U tiîisortëd où (4cM, Silvoz or Vulcamized Rbborý Buso; T,ýothflled or extraoted lu the bemtp6snlblb P4&ttjouar attention praid to the reiznlationoi 51 W. Il. CÂRZD. ..-& (C. S. CADDYý4 Mannfacture sof evoty dôscriptIon of AL - F-RANCIS KELLER, IReproe- ntqb the_ follo*ing Wel-knowu Comâpanies9 THE LIVERPOOL, AND LONDONANDI) GLOBE, CAPITAL 910,000,000. TH.E EDIN4BTltII LiFEAND LOAN ÂASSU1tAXC1ÉC. lUI. il. C O C 11H A N IE.'S. NDII; ;ti PROVINCIAL INSURANO" Co., (0F CANADA,) BI TISII AMl RCA ASSURANCE Co., (01? 1rf ONTO,) PIRE AND MARINE. W1lS1'E1iti;INstitANCE ICOMPANY [0F ENGLAND.j ACCIDENTAL DE ATII IN.SIRANCE Co., rENGDýAND,] t( 4~LAM5 F111 *t,50,00t( ALSO AGENfT FOR TUE iPROVINCIAL PEUMA~N r BUILDING & SAVINGS SOCtI, F3% ýÈrontoi 1e"' Ail cliames of property insureci in-reawonablo torms. Alsa, Money Lîoanod on Real estnte. Prospectises and elbti1 informuItc1w gîvoti f reuly on11 atplication. Also agent for Provincial Telegnph Companyi rjlIadivantages olteresi by this tnstýtitton for acqiùring s9'tH<IftIC41i PRACTI- FRANCIS KELLEÉR, Postmaster, Oshawa C. W. b TCA[ BUiSIýNESS EDUiOATION #re superior ta. any Commnercial Collego in Bri. tish Ameries. The Branches tatight comprise cverytbing neeess*iy fur the Books Keep. er sud Business Man; tiey include- ~A~TlM~ R.& J. CAMPBIE L Is the milorplete arrangenct of ils kind, heing furoisiied with two BANKS, a ýVouJd: direct the attention of cash, buyers MERCHANT's ÉNIPORM{J., and an EXCIlÂN GE 01UIGE, which arc open every day for the transaction et Business. to their stock, being deciledly the i'argest i the county, and g~ Oasss inTELGR&EIN~evey dY-if PHNO-very complete ini every departînenti GRAHY, sonii-wookly. IN IPRICES TIIEY J-j For Montlily Csacru.AÂm, specimns ! W: tof &,e-, addres enclosing stsmp), (R I U fi~ ~ ~ 10 A U MIJSGROVE & WIIGIrT, Ir 24 TORONTO, C.,W. AS TIIEY ]3UY F0 CASH AND IMPORT DIRECT. Speciâl, ftttention of the Ladies is directed to- uni ~ ftheir Dresa Goods, Shawls, Manties, Furs, Hats, and Caps, and CHiiiii FÂLL WINTER .GOODS of Gentlemen to their C)loths, .AT -BIOOKLIN. READYMADE CLOTIING- 0- ~In the Gr'ocery departnient they have- re- ceived a Fresh Supply of* Tcas, Sugars, riruit, .Cod Fish, lier- M athe-wson, ER -ate III'Teý &,;C ring, Crockey Glassware, &-,,, &ci laejust ree-ve their Fail Siock f Falli yD,,,br 0i 6 R. & J. CAMPBELL. and Winter Goods, wlaich hiaviîîg been purchased before the late advance, they are prepared to offer at UNPRE.'EDENTEDLY 1LO W PR S. Rü-G S L Farnily Groceries, a large stock of Boots and Shocs-swuerior quality and cheap. C LOTH INO ,REfr.ADY-M ADE, YoMLAN. ode and mnade ta order on thé, shortest notice, "W e tinoroucscm rsadte theLaen Syls.public generally, that we have commnenced ami wifl continue for> rIi%,veeds, Satinets, ri a mils, Uniionis, &c., two weeks to offer the whole of our presenit Stock at COST, in order to make a clearance--prellaratory to stock,-takiilgo We offer ofour oitn Manufacture, SOLU RLETAIL, AT WIIOLESALE imnebran n PRcYSMTFIIWSO)N, RATOýLIFFE (J'o. READY-eM A flE CLOTIIING llroc>klin, Oct. 4, 1866. 80 - CF EVERV DESCRIPTION. Bout Catnada Tweed Suita onily $11 .00 worth $15 00. . mpumdo. (icutsa only O 5 0, ,Worh 9 00. J01114 ÉPURRILL .... Propiietor. T ng, siîssfl bt ef' Jeslre t ifouan lhig nus IJfrIsinîs tist ie 1 noir earryitg an tlîd 'abovc hô0te,,and tlsit, lie s4uppllies noue but tid best of w"ige.q, Ilqsrsegtr ch drf-s muesîts. ýA wattl ssîppiod tab-le. Good stablisg uid enciossid yatdl. II 81U<L. Wliitby, Oct. 4. 1864. i BROWN & PÂTTERSONS' Ag.icultu:,raiàWor.s AT TIF, OLD WIIITBY FOONJIIYP' 31,sussfsctu rersiidas lerdsion Ina!ki rida of ýA6RICU.LTURAL - IEPLEMEN>9 Wuriti WILL BE tOUXD Comnbfned Roaperganad Mozeeri,, Four dliTront kinis a!of Two-horse Wheel Cultivatord .-1 r roui miFRtuesas STRAW AN~D FEE D CUJTTERtSi GIANT'GRAiN 'CRUSIERS, Scotch, Amorican & Canadian .iuughs1, Steel iPlows and Steel Pointsi 1DITCIIINO 1>LOWS, rMTANNING MIljlSv SEED AN» TURNIP DËILLS, IIOAD ScHAtÀIÉIS, &c. F5vcry antiOle conssd-ldi-th tihe busunes Irep ouhaud. Tllrouhblîig Mihinen reptîsrcd ýou shIort notice. GREAT CLI IIALL'S ( r Flriry r4tbs 1846.8 Farm--for Sale A Parns-ns iti tanof' ,ereismore or )QL,!tgle,,i tilt tise iiece#1sloss, Citige --towîushlp of Rcach, An"i onue Liptfristsle tlirîvi t 'ir l.GO F MANt:'lbE'iTIý. i-i tor f.îriSie, Tliserîa s 0ia!- twi s iiri.iihklisa-,f -isuei'i, Drivissz it-s si 5lîiî',ui t n tis î Iiiem. ândi 11s Weil witiisi'i.Tlt 1,411141 i sssls'ngooîd liliiv.tk., tIl.rm.0slI*v iIlr d Ilîss , tbnusof tiiti u tt i . 1r A iktiiet ii l sismade (if iîy lutter-, lira GILB.iERtT FEPU:lS ON, Esq l'oitsssater, Elworssn. Or t,, JANIS ]LANN. gi4lisitAr, &v., Wiiitisy. 8 TRONAS & COULTHARD'S 1 94in 13 rRUlMIVLSE,&. IBROCE STRE!!1,%WIITD3Y, B EG to appistlici r rin (lit and tihe pbliej Dtit toyha;ëe.opIiId buniness In thé g rouliseq oppbs4tb the Ontarlo;Ilote!, B'ol itroet, Wisoectbey *11 i tüteiisnespreprod01. t0 Oxectite ail ordorx with 'wIhielitboy iflO7 be Eevorod, vitli Ipromptitude, and-te supp yeus. toner4 witli work of tihe tboit matuýiocturo 'CAoap, ,end tocute rai! ordors aon the âohort.: VICTORtIA flusE, ýij

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