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Whitby Chronicle, 5 Apr 1866, p. 1

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j[lLL¶1CW TCC( TUE WdlIBT- CHRONICLE At OIlàitiO uEaithnsîi, 13rock Street, Whitby. "£IR$Bsi ô0 ?El a NNuX ADVERTISENFNýS 1 Aoopse thé Ye*ssr o tierwie sdeulmrsy Otcirui toIie tnî ic1ccu itit bi lai writiuig. ]BANKo'P1FKONTREÂLo WifflBy IIIIANCII. W.R. DEAN, 1WIMIaftÇer. ARUî8IT18 Â?AND A1PTOIINEYS-AT. J~L&w, Souicitrs itt Buîî'k ot Moltreni, IL!d he oti l Ile Coîînty of Ontariio, £%ti&ctt., Witby, c. Ul. - plyut he fal.le ofttlu it, fCurt. ltoubt e- - MItII1OI~& AMI'SON B ÀlgttqT ElR, &ttnrtum-yg; SilcitOrfs. &c. Ui!FICE-Wsteri nrauuce Iiîuiidiute iCharchtretot,Torouute,C. %W. *ANOUs MO)RI1BON. - J. A. SA)1'S'flI. STorùîtot qttY e, id. g. il. COCjjiRAXE, L. L l I) 1UNTV CHOiW-N ATTOUN EY FORtON tatrin), h rri*ter ai1 ýti leitt-lfl*,so Un ce-ln i elîjolueNew U-iitdiq,, ini, itr eel,ltitiby. 81 J.- ORC.E Et. DARTNXETL,ý t ijIýL, TT ,oE. tiV EVAN lyc)fOîutttri . ()Me BCK i3r-t., WIlr IOIU ÈRT J. W 1LSO N. MOUSÎTEJI&AI<iNE i .W bitM. M. ARVIt4, IN J.K.(Oi)N OÀ.itawsC. . KIIPR ý TUTNEf AT 1IAW, St>bJi'ulORIN t o in, Bruc lz, c., W.c ilite Megulrtybfdtlliti 18-ock -ýtrr,»l. 49 R. 41[cGEEM, iB. A., - Atturtov-si Lauw, 'iiti-.-2eaitrCor- ATrI ilI-LrI h '- 0> tttrv', leuvy &le tn., &ct. JOHIN UILLIN(GS L <>1e, Prince Albtert, tac te*om wea tif T. Ç. EentigaiÀ uîat12 R. W. CLARK. Pl. D. 0 ý tor, ck Sîret, %leti. 4 Lý >lrtoN TTU'iE ('<UNTV GAI., F. LAMOUPJTS (isruaauti4t4 atuteordcr inthetsbei.t style A. PRiÎNGLE, rio1fIgWIANTTAILOIT, IIOCK STRIEET, - TIIMAS HUSTON, ATKINSON àk JORWELL, Afnlï R RISEiS. K; em Sîret, 3 door Easat cf 1 T-) ot.to $trîust, Terotito. 45 ARCIIALO BARR1ERt, 1Atoalgui for York'kiud Ontario>, Nütary (JEORGE GURLEY& M R('IIANTTailor, Deaper &-oe., K.tnirst. t4#ntetnenari tatutntutmade eu t the best andtioioswsst stle. J Ua el 04 1us, atîruit dhuuktgonds f9r mpa",hî watr. Rvery antieti eWarrtiulto fit, )u PSY. 1. PROVINCIAL TELEGRiA>ZI CO. il OKRCINGWKTII ALLtTiIS PIKNÎ- A~ n'd triWiuihy, 2dooesottnd fthe 4 PDo ROSSO -- g) MLTVFIRT1 IVIic COURT... J> CTIJNEEit. Addrcut-. S.aro. -40-IY-l ÈDWARDus & IIOjr0jijîc. r 4 A LO)iiSDracrsanidUuin 'MICIotit. en #,t10mon * gurmo 1)t a madso urpontilîto a v.,&avnt.ie1:ofthbotat quiiy matenlal li .411 erk meadie dp on lte promises. spruuw [mportatie>n. of sxeeleuut qality, aiSII «ioootta<,iirdàdtorth cf lte ,Ontarif JAMES LAJN. T NYAT LAWV, SOLICITOU IN - eOhfaiy c&., &C'., &o. ftrivd t4o>fficé Let cor i>n (CAof Mr. gafft, uIlet 'or itnty Court. SWt-ppoulte UbLithi Wlth calm Prlnted Word., grea thougltts VOL Xe WIlITBY, Ce W., THU] Knowledge, rterqd MR, Ou A. JONES, Ilartluter, Solu±îlot lu Chaucery, At. lonncy9 e&c., &a. Lte ÉýF -'Next decr ant bbc islt.> Crocker'sflotel (L.ATE PLATT'S,j Y.&SLON SIRJfl1 7 19M!Wz0 ,Aboie Kig îret. fJ 1laautiriberbegu l ta nise to tljts.Iu aîinnouutdiiiig eouîutt, hýj drite vuuititrmal iloteri, lt ie icIait ~ic.iuc Mn.- latilthtîe littei ilitg ke1it i- it oi u Nelitoti St. '1Torotte. lriig xîared ttýexîimita lut titilug It le-tiicto ,tieeuroe otutort te bbîome liait r ittuîttotias lilitilie miii bt- -plmnsdîtu ce uîus oU friand.liteii lui titeCity. 'rorotiuo,Jiui. tg, 18r4.e Brooklin Drug Store. OkCWýN DKwzoe J) AJ ift iii ý'Pie,tttiil Me.hiecliea cri, et gorge 4 Cotile Mefcfnetrt Utteion Oand COMMERCIAL HOTEL. Tailbg tît tIl i itîtitt tlie wlîiel ilnvetbei-ut iuew1-y ttrvrie-i a id nett- ti -,i ticz, s iii czrt-tuuI ai tenît -ut caut IWuiyi tt .îizu. t-ieî"lat-ard in atutaitirt- t ~ -CIun~uru xtneitu4 111îeette. 22f JOHN MILLE~R. BOVNTON'S iJoTrEL, (L4tE-i Ctt5 W11. HtVN'rON lizta le ittoii> thein 1- Siuilisitt fit, te uity ci>fiouîiiuatil ttir--imýii 'iut t-titlt1itai e Laxoit 'utd tïe flutel oit Wiîli:ttut etetci lnter%" cnuc ivý Jeveti g. uit uns1u0 ut. itati it fitîjudlrtJiilà-- nielite. 'uhte,ituen a nd Cigan th ie -'ldsy FU'I'idt4, '..&, 7'44,Churci tMret. Toroato. _0 UX BRIDGE IIOUSE. sil )sE lo in takiutg Ilte pi-emirA litel- t) ivtfrit ei tîteneisl Trtirlei,, rirl lthe tuit lie m O-iu i n tît rite Lieu tirs andtai ,murîe. ' i n t m dl t at itrne r ite ilc i hIbc fîtuti t i us att. ii<tiin t ctt lt - iy y. AV-ANT!,.4xD s T.A'nFIF 0u iltnctF. - ISA.AC FINToN, * -- npltc. U3ET Wrla*asn l iqttat'utiefneî; B gitf.-,u.'c-.Oc uétabêiiugagud attenutivei- itatet. EAST WINDSOR 1101182, WilITHY, w. gknul, racftumvs. L hltiterebld Astitalcal le aîuleaunand eu rlipr'J part of tus ToIre, on tht front i-nid. J>0 e.aouîireeatini lfor tnrellel-a. God. -tabliug ia aitu#l e .. 22 VtICTORIA JIOTEL, PtuI?«uu ALta. XXIT.LLAM SCOTT, i'hOPlllETOit. (Iate Wui. lioyiitti'*.) 27 Nonth arillàan miiercantile Tire & Life Insurance Com'y. W. R. DEAN, cuatutue riii roes. I NSOLV'NT ~&CT OP 1864.1 prloilecofi aliutlsn, lit liiiCollet>' Coitt C outy*Otitario 01i lteCoutily or ou- ToVWt . tatio- In tsemateo f JOSIIUA J0iIN8TONi eh Inactivent. NOTICE i. ihëtrshi c'.treiaht oui the ast-en- Ittît day of April, taitigt, nt tni of îthe Clock iii the loroitont, or râ aoc» en Cottiqut cou lie heftrd1 hutifuuersgicid iili upplto tie Jndg. c itta isaiti Court, fer a diacharge tiuder te tIi saat. Daled sntlita Town of Wliltby l lia Céun- tyo lv cftino, tti.la Suvetaguttb îAy cf Jauuasry Itemiding ilte Village ot Mouaiiis, Couttty cf Victoria. J. IAM1È2 GREENWOUD, Attarie'.y foeIiotolv'ctt. t TItE fOBSON £011SE, DUNDAS STREET, WiwrTY, C. W. 0 II OL5NProprictor. l iREaberlbor littoat sneuuiertlittlie lina ieuucnsd telbuildintg lf".rtteriu- kowia m, seripttro'rt littel, wlieli liat airottos-sled, rcftru.utid, zuti lit lpîirottghnit, in lte beitîfmtyle. 'Tho ireieaatie lt tauti ait- uated. opii't u tntOic,îdlit lite tu- riTeit.iiiwtv t)ag nl nt'i* al miteihitel, and the tutafr UxIî li td Bea.'ertou Ifaute Lite doui- atecrjp î.îortiî.g. ]Boarl iper day. GIEOROJE 1ROBSON. Wliîtby, )lav 1808. 21) G. C. OALDWELL VE-rfeRINARY SURGEON, B mf t t%ê<titilliv î iîtilmate le lte thet) itvoeliie, tiîdlite itopcs by stal etatttit- tien teohtsjinut itîttrit a ahUnc of Puablie vaitreltuge. ltrpto-M,înn tlt. i.eeendusdieie bclnw Ininte'» llta t Idiark)inti. 82 New Store A T MÂ1N CIIES TElI, 10 SELL OR? REXI. s lTItATEi)imrened.*telsin lthe Viluze that witrit tumil. -,tti'iex. yaht, &î'aitel dwel.ttK, A% at liru4tint occît1eed ity >r. <George Artu 14,hs'iaîuu l-lt otbet' Fer tiemitei C, aptiy toi Vr'ILI.AM STEZEL t -2q Pu-oîrïctor, Maieictr, CATI ADAN LCNITt .liNtzto!. ACOCCIIEVR Cie sî,eviel al*,itiieufl gi'r.e l'Oîi.eî.to t lte L.ttigi.. ive, L isd eai lronle dlmtesos- 1 N. IL--.Wi *arte fer taxai.as; itralu.. ina rcreaa.*c trcttud. CtVIIRANqE & COCHRANE, ll» RISTERr,.ATTORNFV14, IjNVEY- M ncsuîd Notante. Publie, &e, a&c, Pinr.Aa Orbact)p.ioTe-a- H i. (2oruteAaî.a, L. a., t -W. U. o .u. Ceunty Crown Attornpy. Port Pcnry, 2thd.oiàwii8. £ *RIOCK or., cLOuS TO OCXUS ÂExSSoINN?. -<lrb lirshberlin., prouipti; an.! rua.sul1 se. L.dies ueo ~,i it i ~ t:usvubat* lnA n ths abottbxut no-. tiest 40 PIMÂE BILLS# ferPnirttc Leslhtia, Iter for gtttiug excluas ' iv iee or anconierrieg cotperale pcver frbcommercal ct elliter pti eortse profit, for rgtsht*fbiîuot cA .or for deing s&l! ng tlleding te affect lte riffitt or propênty cf otlier partie. are iîeneby ucîiel titat thc8. amre vqnlred by ;L- Ud aud fllov- iitg1 luolobof lte Logibtlire CoucoU 4fid Le- AlltIbe Aasemily i capostivly, (fflh it ae publisiteal lu fuli lit1 e Ct*ÂÀli A (atv,) te give TWO MQ74THS NOTICE oh the applica-. tien (ceesi-y sud dietiftotly isp-eofyiegllts netns ,and objeot>, lentee VAxtaxzaU a n al ase In s -cewepitpar publliteellahi tséCouutty or Bill&oe ofoac loue.eelfoc~ Al n In t% ot ivato Bills n'est- ha pr-ea aeulsflr;ttit li ts Y&r vIrusas *ua or lte J. X. DOUICET, A-' ODi CIk. of Pvto. Bibls, Clati Mil. Pli. IiilliaphIlce, L. Ceeunehi. l. Asuby Ottawa, Srd Wiobrftry, '*0W.a THE WQIR5KAÊ lOVIE 35.17 ALI3ION HO TEL. 14 cerc ax v£-t, vtiTaT. -JAMES IlLMfpriee TRE DON BRIEWEIIY. ff l PiEaul)ferlihcriu. liapropared te ,'îîpply L te pidrofil tf lte Doi t irKtttey sitî u excelentil ici,., luii qiaticinties suamay-b. neqeueuic, and on termes tiit ittreiiaera TIIQMAS DAVIS -MOEY O LOAN M OEY ti d on Murigagejlre çt odatrate ofiutctt. Piaeud. Appl teJAb lS . GOUnON: Wlttby, May 4, 895. l àOtiE C. mexluLLd$ Accountant, Land and goeral Agent,ý .à to Officele Peter atroet, onte deor luolixof bMr. $lave»'a rig $tore,. Wil ani hunvcd FTtnta i le uecaon cf iettinrîn sîtd tfffleofor %ale, N. ~ Collections attendoul te sud promt Piro»M. L., ton. Jolin I lo». (ersrvo.,M. Angu ors niae * i1,Deee )!:Sq. M P P SI'. . E4q., bM. P. Il., Johun Iem rry, IEuq., -WutftLy ; sud cal- tori 13arie Wge, .kCaadiat it,1îie spid Wblttty C"iaorL-. GLOI3H UOTELJ HTE Mj'doe 'gl koivu, cM s stoblilhé ftotei sud preudisês hAÂve bepjerebse4 b te apl>5eribor, vitere )bc vil IW75 be olnnhrthl aLtatt atouafi~lSQlyta$ BRITISH A14ÇRICANq ASSURIANCE'CUMP'NY., Catal) , 400OOO. prpred lu maure p ropenc ianth1t i vilRLE, oi lte 1Iumt fitunabie ltuo.. ,îpyt% 2-12loàtu. YEOM.AN GOIBSO$# YEOMAN GIBSON. 6'OiMISSION ifJR CJL4YI 1 NSIJJINCF,& d-ilEN1IIkAl. AGENT, Wliitby, Jeu., loti, 1868. -2 $25 000 TO LOAN. -o- ~N Rl ati tatlu suint te aitit borromerg. utc ilotta onrcni.i-ion t.iirg"el. Àî'iuiy le, YEOMAN GIBSllie, 1 Wtîy WESTERN ASSURANC~E COMPANY iN-,çtu't A'nEI>1) 1 CAP~ITAL 84O00000. Vit )resf dent, HotN. Joux t mcvaituuc. &Crctq;ry crndTreacursr. BIARNARD) JALDEN. ESQ. T îlE nuderitruedhalit-au enapptiiîh-1 Agenît for Lit iuie l'iîitii. it tt Wlttby eli <tuttittyu' s, tî id u'npr -arel b t-el, tIe rosaîaai, sudlrel rcuu<s' t te iaîveFratea. LEI AR3~~.Jr. 88 Agentt ASSUR1ANCE COMPANY MARINE DEPARTMENT. IL. oe l it ' Pirvp L'gItA, fal lite voyage, csd<.'ep. iu#seaulor.1 le lgarel l rft tif aliinselu, atl itisi Ioua, 10 sifffnem sny t-utus e hi Iuke.aiti'lliaii-i, .tc., s janutittllirlsudbn,1rabbe apetiteenr acfîit upntu Lte cI~wtay ,n o Wreils JOIIN alLow, tort Wltny :WOmfce stijoiluinz Jai. lias-c, & C. Wliltbv, A prit_19, 1845. 1 LIVFItPOOL AND LONDON - ANDUL-OfE. FillE ANDI) YE'i 1NSURK]Cf E COiINY 7 F-e-V1ine1er sone. qomsve t0to r1ugluig lç.tsV bc>e-seat> Atue lst4a1 lidusntioutw5î%q Frlt lt is o sutsand oy5, sudtits fog r w l 'a it ther sceer.g--(Van lltiflsit foi t ie aid 4lion 1iltis leUR aingeIh. In ürc. vîibeloved. country a tunoI e 0 shogiTDjYayear o eiIlidW bas Wtched b044 ftwki ~ l ite. metfpagos1 bc'li bac# WCilte duti Itth ùriibloi a Corne, fie] b i s ta)raitia, beys; thinit oh cluatcaugutiy. Ouir htayenntla are staii, boys, ailbeugli nu yct lut'e ean, TItCY giielt'îi bie aed colul iiw, tltcy'il ihve Tihetin 71u11%tu ifiiey come3 biitul liais ample CtPsC Io rue That titey e'ev gave car te Sweeey on te any cf bisi. ea Ffr vs livedtulpe and eulquiet, ns u nover dji thou n- (luit, t1itter noud ttue lag, beys 1 freeoi-tibmr Clinnticnîa fri. I.ock veill ua onor rifles ; dila 1%lita bulitt liogn', 1u bîiuI lbeut cuire% cte wto'» gol a»nIe tt-eau>;i Audu Klould tige Fenins conte, iltkIIiliunue Wed elzarinri klu t vdît liaitoi-iti ahi-- B4iag, çlear titiP »y For Illue Feniae Izieltile .cfor wlici Vou're YOU ntuy '.tablillihêes1artel vecn, buit uualIr uuudrgroulid. For ( aed s4for enrtoliuîtry1 eliilctii1 ititts, Au cri? IlnftîluRavse tîti,-re wutil glte, at (iwei. it-lies, Non , 1OUaIe; lquliijltnte >a le Ouaite cen O>ur çanutrymen tiureughque te Itngtti atuJ brexdut ucrfili the lairi h Aundi vs andti iey tog#Aliier, boys, luc-eeor Woe,1'-1 ecur ovri lied s4ao.al fnec-avc! libuld .It taeubtua aLt J.à J. JP. The Jedirju Wtfc tlo tator bIlrojectite isKrumed asu a&cLtionate tuanner tlaavus hit vite jfo ha wotil 1mev îittone look, or wvend'or kianaes. vol t ",-yu limue vin hock 811 ber tire.. Wbealtse ep enuibillîlea cf lu ar eart vers roqua, he iculti eci T RANCE on --Cid> suitervus ceas, 5114 Iere Wvaso ne u .5 pet-v eufeeed ry isaeiptîon ef pro-.10oeit.ektIi. ufeelin urpicl>'r et mrt Lte tSE PlI> lmME«. x Frrucbeee. Tract tect of Tait- LETI FAIRBANKS, jx l ro '0 veale laidwvasodMsd lte À n, liîy opuy reaiU.ed Ie quies bete le lut-c-' ee, ~ ~ "b finocit dl.d vlduTeegspt n vehcbldreu, on its 1ee' » cicsv . Of aànit, bat ha reitti>' *luit'Ie ru lniur lt â g&itibebeldbtîu11*deert AIJ fT-iON -BUÙSiNESS. eti * tt ist 11w raile olst. Anhhonyji et ic LEVIFAIRANKS JE uecî~s,«d 'odmuSd de I16taittî tdok Licezüsed Auctni erdêuè - &u as4es4ed inu lpari# t Mil. cossai7v. t 4 ja Ordols by WIns. or loft At ltth i*t c zes tl Orriws, VUriircve Ptoewada itu. * 85Ca" MONEY, TO LOAN. . Silva and G&eenbiuks blè. t and 801à. - tr To Lest% Pivatuefaou&, ou Improrsulf (an-s eutnit, aet n ianu e lai ercuit, u 1amn altoAgent for lts eFreeliolti eroninansusî Aeld ngsd Saihele s sclj, vlhitleids Mociy, nt, 6P PEA CENT INP.RESTr. ,or lro u tolearx No c Cehiiuuhusalncher. Jber b g ,A p earirt all, to JflpsiA S Z TILPeubner - unt lGeeersi Ag e tc -., &e. A i Wltitby, IaI Nov. 1865.86 ic SECUILTIES c(»lY1 538 jCE1 ORSTO 9iIE e41n C4A A AGENOJ -ASOCiAnION iig Op LolqDôjr*ïINGAlfpj pprimeTa onroee leste Victoire. 8h. he «rneu.tauseof a bht the plëaed inl lier ftler jolibel lb oni îtaer lretirti. te ulOPe. Of the -Missouriiq, enIr.1'lrind- de en 1 Monz liuse>* s<ier fihea..of tire. yeard.,' ne vas inuliceti té Maire titis Via itiJfç<tvfqs alingeiug euiiouty te se&bk boy, an , 4partll>froun thé hope Of obtinlg umor laul trom the y lldi bg T abç roo . H ~ l a h c n trtetfortil u t sDeesctnd -prot60e, tol retpo, r# m 'ew ire bêtiote iii ar et. Pl.W *'rahupiro met him'v i tubii pbiiling IsîlferenS,,andl iaîeued le -hlm tîllu e ,tohnt look 1W. If oe. urd bim not '- tiuet h. Ceuld gerdÜùseber <nom tliiappar-. tbl lblbgy. ,Op tisti. lbject sOte vasal saspitinu': -Site-bal a sort of uatfiued- dreaul thathe toe, voptl hboe urlod ava>'y front ber tsed àk clik bd over bim- like a ste vol(, *heu lier young 4 i danger. Ber luars Pore ot onfonoded; for De IllsD£gei4$lp*tead b>' 46rAOWMliee. f fonîne-se, and 'glowing 8deriptiotiscuf Quebso, le kinile -in lte slnd ot hie son a daire le senompan, hitti. Tahuniroo ltought lte hatreti cf wite n'en, wbicite. hd ecaroful>' inetilled wouid provo a auilcient ablild; but mq!py vcelcsaud net elapeed tbor e site mltat li.ui vas fiat yieldlng.hitusitupp le lthe fascinsting power vhbic ud enîiirlled ber own youlbful spirit. Withb ii dia- dot-ev>' came painfuil thbuglâte or vengeance, andl mors than once sus isul nuusly nenveli ber seul le mander lii. tather cf ber aoc; but aits coul nel. Somethinig in lbis fosturea ailil rcuinded ber cf thte devoîtd >cuig lFrciicitnsn, vite bail carricil ber quiven Lbnough the voode, sud kieetlte mocauiu site h1ustop 4 i1 lc; ni b c ul l p t kil I bi t. ,,pu t l e . en b The liai cutli.ng bia* lt-u aeen given tte i eart ti he ldn<ls* ite. Young fioi of etboehitcuricit>', expleseti a uiai le go viti Lbit<aliter, hhoagh ho il tb. Sune.lime prounuet a specîy reluirn. Ie ulwala hsd beuià sa ttithertt boy,, iu abb feil nov sIf beei wtrrui.eul spirit -would trtini>' coed iegainet luit vilful.' nesa. Wiil tt dort et reeigned alupor, vbIhiiboftîu inlicae approsceiîiug ineanil>' site )ielded teisa reqist; exsctiug, hovever, a promise ltaIho voul ssRil' a tew miles dowu lte Miesisaipi ith ber, the' day betore-lda lepartuire. Thte day arrived. Florimund de Rance vas at a distance on btuainess' -Tabunio docicetiLensîf lentte garments and jevels abs bel voneou'lb. d'i>' etber inariage, sud aelccîed lte gauidieï t vîunm helta for lte lilile Louis.' i w '- do ye ro i tes on ?" thet bey. - -9IBecauseTshbtlvo IIIne0 longer Ieo ber aoninfutheiilard f e, is ioux e ssiI site, mouirnfuulyi Ul'andien' bew fter uneets ber in thbo Spirit. Land, h. ul knov itarbead e hegaie ber.'> Site te ok lteé v o de ribg h by b a'ti ind ', andi14 l tette watoaideLl. 'her li satlon on pats r" 'y te cocuneu .~tcaubot e$aitlen ih finat pame, but borne It dia, grsduaily groving on me in a vi>' vitse oppression 1 cainnot nouy re. sall i lbont a re4raof itl veigh-îthîî' ,~Y falher' Vw. p0otantIy-fartiley? snl eecell-wtoh~gme. Waîcbilng: mc, toc, iyîth a sorf.ot au4ious, firtul ekpec. tanFyy M U ltore wu setoiieîiiug alsrming or unnstural1 iftheh aonl talbp tme as s réatre spart iront lthe reut orfy specles. i'roputb;4th tbcliteaote tyet tmore *boss(tog one eit-atsch a feelit>g calisi part mugit have ftrosi afoundaîlen I1lc»cv liot of,, I eat Péiecl>' reineuber seerstly qlulyiug mty o0" face and . -figure In lte large chev!q l gsa hat ebool inanu nued dreailng ointu (un>'holterl4 <15 I aler. varde lilarit) >te 4iacoyerif I blid a» par- sonai pcutlgi1y,'i sign, or detorinity :bat'Mlgbtin, ut - p>' ascebunt f<cutiis e i ug tl4 r -l e e u iti ê r U t f y f s t ao r ', mf d watcbiug- t'oui sv ýords, and babilsauu4- bsie r le Lest ilf iti horalay ccauseoltere. Of~. DtI seul ittyssit duacever unoîhiug. 'the ,irr cnly aboyaI me a pale uarge sycil delicato leoking lie>, tlandicIaligit beyonî 44 atas' viii sparticlsuly grave, reflective cutIoet polftenince (îhele par. t.icularg, 1ml>' euieiectieof emny ove image, ratite,.tan b>' ltsevie ef t i, informe me) snd lacs.,dbaik, curlng» hsin, itngiug over lhe foreluesb, sud giving addiuicual shabe -stuluemuit>' le te eyeu. Ad n 1 îunned n'y Ihougite'iewarri te aLut>, as veil as I cotiliMny moral uibaracterieîice, 1 cotulai in tbcmn deîect ne inceugruitioa calculatel le jastify uueaicce. .At lat-never-saii Ifongat lte mentit. of vaîcittuilterrer diii foiioved tLe slip. pescu ettpianatiobut ethîe tyery-I fan. ciel I Lad tonde a cluae te avîtil eccrel, iomotigues, Wcsry vitit vandering about eltiuhe, I nu e aruam tfite hWlibran>', andl, taking dave a btook ity chance, t-y ta finI oins amusement titerein ; fev ci the volumes were lin îeyvsy calculaîcd to suit tite ltte and comprebieesice cf a ciid, bcing ciifiy of s grava citanscîer, but authat I itl upen a collection cf cl ilegeulsry poe mad' ballaIs,, andi, titerein found ample foed for iutereet. Ameong tea. was îVe Breton legeulof etlcavanet, tite tale eftuhe leiiigbht vo, ovief, te some teinftIbut uticxplaîfccd tàtiîy, vas cern pelled.at cenlain-times te sftûce tht, suape sud natureet s veit. cul I lie s Biilairet? ias lteé quetion thit jp#tauîUy alîresedt itaeît te m n'y u>'itlird. i y ether> know that at aouns lime 1I vas- destincd- le undergo qoninel vijti;thetItndicatios.wbiob an. itounced ltu change? - nad haye ppr. cpe att' ofthem ?., Sbch voes thiaq uestions 1-bat h t>itfIL-â ed MY vlhtfiUltghu. and My-eiglitly dresme1- and as, ne douluf, :tiese terrible anaicîle. procti.a -visible- effect on u>y and' natiring indUil Dsvuecat uIea=ramu.-wae sac5 athe ttW .4 avtu" ofthe Bloax, <et vitom cmeinediutg chiot.sdail kel hni valin 1i. remembrance cf-ail ber love &M &Ili ber wroegs came up befon. ber meorvt anl then bl Ged 1 w vu thei &il fora te the. 0 rayà Ilon -oui DUR r4»snid b, 1 4izi. I va batu.cd. - ' - - BMP60 i'aat 11,oe, leii- timej,,haoùt sevoCn or eigitï Yeari aid but nônoticeevei boing taes» aI iy blrîhdsy, Idd.fot (hecn know wliat m' ago w*", and IIOw lInCa oniy guise. pproxhiateiy vitat IL mi&bt have bilen. ->0 One tiig T gaed ,b>îthiefunkvaug cf a diocovel-y, and tibawt he l.dispoion of n'y terrors au thé llieclavarsî grande. N 6; I ftIt seered thït c lnit ysif lotis ng in4dividuiîll, la>' thé caus or my rtheï'e cOnda~îtittôards me. Tii., e le. binatha sliaarubbery, ithie duhose ali, vi'bidden thet ae éplanation,, ad 1I oniy vau an objeet cf aîity s c Some!toW ceunected with the inipecîal iysteny.- Tiadel,*e 'theo-fact, And luov IL vii BOY 1usad te learu ater. Montha s ad sya, juerbapa aa year nmsY bave goesbye vhen aIle >nigit.1t *elt te bid »bop,î n'I' uasier9 i lt pas cigbt of unnai 'clook. Tt Bad been a bot esiumeris day, uld,:i longrie Lsd falignsd ihi.e 0 hl idsept usuiaiiy sourd (1 vas fir a cilid, rathe sieep erid generîl-), *ben»-I Can de. scrub:e iesatlon 1intub oltr va tihon se 1h51 cf being u4'nunched insaatnoeonsiv froun prc.tqic ulopsp m tkiruible vakin -Il astouised by a acreadsà mc lotdfia long, so sgonized, that 1 spraeg ,uip shtivt. ing viii, a-gituuly borner thttmals celui eweat bs'ei ont aven =y quivcring limbte; iD anli3tgnt, MY fater-! sepleP i uitIle ro offpening frouit huî-tUîLeýif1j wiit a face I shah hièver <argoti , alk whose anxicus terror vas al 'directed te me-esIf' cxOited far leu.-,by thathldecas sonnil> 11usd,7 the. <aroiet lIaiufl«ecoOh * usneîi m. bysierical soba, T1sîitet- cd n'Y arma iO him, and -alin 'Où for- thé tiret lime I seul nememiten1 liii boit ifi-6 to hie bresa, claeping ume cloÈe,ý kisleîug, sooîbing,snd resmurng Me hikc a vomani yet, I had a cencioxtanesa, nt bte Mmc lime, dividing hies ateelion'lu fme With r, eite is i n eueu n iciety as to .e it 1ic dm -' etance lit asd cauacd il, ui ngled wii4î A dread f a roêburence f, the. anit, c the alernai cf viicit, ioweven,li a.iomptcd no explalunlii, iteing 1 suppose, toc shako» by iii émotions tle ivnt bà hî.- Wbie stili iteld Medfihig, mr nurat' entenefi. ,Titis eemiel te relieehim. - 1 obeerved ltai ittsey ctehathgLd lucLa af n'alui ibliligence 1, .andin'fatlierpittcing- mel 16 hern srm%, once it>6ie kiase4 'iMe, elfi iug m e t e fe r n o tbiti , ani a h l icfg a4 l ght h.le l cf î uiy r eo un hy the opp oit e b edo r f rou a tet wviic it ho b a , pî ýu "Wiit *s il luras ~ Iwbispered, vh» I adiecbme 's 1ittie reasgtneè1. 9be le itate l, tilut hüt.ave boute 4and, fnigitsaedt» s rat; on perbapo sihe lad if e ng a Dit,ILwaq.8tbi~lngtaI uould burt, - ;thî klnewv-tltfe vas nt tsetrilO kpîîtusý in; but I aiee new thaI. !*as,- ie likely to:get aiMtier j su> twse ellçijp~id I su pp ose ,, h tb u gi t a ti sfe d ., -More tian -once t Pr that nghi là thé. eeude 4 bW, g s tù ià '» u dý îM c ; ua to ue ne us tih . briesi w ef b i t b g 11 but ocrittionMiY father ati -uuaie*td.- _t.i 1 LY.q ArÉIL NO 13

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