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Whitby Chronicle, 5 Apr 1866, p. 2

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If ____-~ I .- -- - ýuperiJilt sale. 50ats o! land for sale. »LIi Pire insurence Ce. W~riîcrs waut.d-J. IL .Peur>'. biîeliers waned-Wm. Gordois. 137lw-Towu of Whitby. (lroeerls-Ija àlri rancis. SBeeda, &c.-LawIur & Francisu. tjroeiery-t.Awler & Fleacid. Tre.urer'os Iteport-Corp0rftli Ocf Mrs anid Rama. Executors' Notice. Properi> oruj-Mceuae&Patrson. ONLY 81 50 CENTS A TE-AR WYlittiy, TtiurwfllY, APril 5th, 186. Ouir Duuîy t insebo ultirI. Il lice,, ï resyears, beau in tise mteis of ment wlsoa spesshissg of tiso do- fonces of ibis counstry', 1t e>'aytiaItise Yohustuers of Canada could not bo depeud. sd upon iu cage of necessity : îbat a cuii for dut>' would nul ho oboyes i ttis lecrit>', andthtiaiibe real sirongîli of tise counuiry for defeusive Jurjioses wosld ha derived froinithea Service -Militîa, which wouid colîsist of driftd men. The evosîts of tise lust few weeirs have deuaontraled tisai ibis wua m uisiake ; and thse probahîitit>'legreat tisai tise 4 Service Miitia" wili neyer be ceiied sipon, for the rotbu ittai lucae sof <angeribe>'- mil bc al "IlVotu-n1ec/-s.'ý Tise Voitsntccr Miliîia is noie an establi8tis e& aud-triosi Issesilstion. Il@s eficiene>' andi ndstibersr are a guaretee thatounr beartlisa *sd bornes will bc adM%àttely dcfeudcd, and cvery property hoider aud ralepavor shoulsi sec tisat ever>' encouragemaent andi assistance sisoulisibc affordcd 10 lise galiaut folows wisob>' the sacrifico of iibeir lime andI moue>' and, if needo bc, their lires, contribuete 10tise asaiitiy of ailt hisl veisiable iunosir landi. A. nathon seady ta deftsnd ils soit and ils rigis, commanss thea admiration of tise worii, lise eonfideu2e of spkl-tlits, ala isle respect of Our t-notuls, Our lirsuit, our manufactorice, our ferma andi humes arc ail rendored more valuahia iu tise eyes of ail, belti et home aud abroasi, wbru gnarded by au efilciesit force. l'he mono>' paisi for its mainten- ance, iu fast, le a pro aium of inisuauce ag"ist loma anti destluctions froisL foreigu rqgressl'eu or ilastvisitain-Ol: andiinu luis liglt, nultaàuman froni Santwich to Gaspe ,Po s is sesewhicls thse (overssmast have isçe put >te b>'tise tle avents. But auuneeîiig more rensaies te b. doue. W. have teiedthie value of tise system : let us nuow sellae worlr, ona and ail, te iosprove tisai sys leus, end IoaxteneLt tiste ofilcers 2 astand maof the force tisat assistasnce andi sympeals'wiio, in suais>' oiocllies, is simost sitogetiser williIielistfroug i et- The,- tiflotehscs of beebgluependessi joie tise ereal Comipany'antibis ample>.. ora or friands ahasîti gi-e isimi es-au->asseent' agamant andi Assistance lenseotioie 'g- 1 (IommnoSioas buildingsItedti-ltla<us itue aise bu pi-ovidesi, Aud munnllpahtt sbul sfuitigrudasiusilbei-ainomi toeaged is t ereciamit-The ai-u' sendsecamtmieuerts 0 . : rcvide&athé sail Gvarmment are cf gt-esi valise, amountin- le tise care o! euhlcous- pemi> ta as mucb as $4,000 or $5,000.- Suficieni provisiou aisossiti a mde fer icr Custot>' and cane. Above AUtise stmomi acudiatit>' omgt te be sIevu b>'Ail classes leai-de tisaFoi-ca. Let meus- abuse tiseir miustg-eofthle idàesthat lise efilcera andi men are 4playissg ai soltilers," sud accopi as incontrovetibli isai IlehOs, i-u n udavothusg ibeir limue rnatt aentiou tate s ltiud ac quis-emiat et soldieri>' tiles, are pesforning as. gret sa seive& As tIqoe vise, mu othçr capecitiei, se.i ta prossetçe epublic god. Honor tabout houer le due, andt acnasue more titan tO tise Volunteas- Militia o! oui- Ceuntry-ibe, stai-ti>'defentions o! ouîail-no bu-ad_ soldieri>'; but ever>' ransa cf tisent aviug a &(&ka anti- intercil la cuir ceuniry' sud inhtitutions asdti h bloma"a idear pien te defeeti and preteet. Board aofIleeti. - The Mayor, Mz. J. -H. Pei-i->, Dr. Gunsi- l ri'. t-o, Mr. lie',aund Mi-. Tis, t-k Mtadei A mecliusg o! -ise BartI, heAt a tie Mbusuios' hell, ou Tuesti>'ai-voing. r.tutisa atem rnecftisa dIeu' mernieri o! iii. RuMa iheieing vas consitiared but oau tsurm a e, etevr>'excellent Suggestions tes-'i 1 ver-ti, tIi-autsw t end'l Dr. Oio- vas reqaOnteti tea ul>uii A reportAethtie, meeatinsg oe iaTovn Coonel to' bc fieldinext I Mnatuss>' e e eag mbodl, i-q( sufr visera sugsngestionuI s Macre êbrowu ow wailis liiownm5nse e.fl r les m ooprsullvai ellcit. Tishert anti eseasasnitesy dlectibnu l viiib. promaitaeti immadiaItely aftbrardte 'W. bai-e laksn ullI notes ert iis impr- - tauit gae rIblih wu bs'etghitt a ai@< tee. i&tal.ta .iht tai pmit of! ahisar Utco-ptîaas of LtaeVitby Veoqicti-i1 TIhe Wisiis>' Veluriteer Infant->' Compat-1 tly a>' 'spteiusDartnell, roteutiborne eusi Saturdls>'list und] met wich ae suit aubInai- ustie recuiption. A largo coucoursaocf1 citizersa ansi fi-lendis usoi lem Rit tise sta. lion, vlisaie a pro-osalîn was lormeti. iseid. cil b>'tise Wliby Brass anese, ansi the volincrs vero playotI mb tovu vitîs due, ouorit. At tise- TonHall, ibo>' vere1 receives h>' île ltacyaud Deput>' B-ee ef lise tavis1e C ptaiu htova, and luIt. .. Il. Perry-ihs latter- gentleman actinsg asg cisirmen lu tise place cf tw tniayor, vIe was unavoldebiy sabsent. Tise lovu bal] aras croviledtoI itsi tt eàpacity vus tise îeveupeeple*or al classas vise aticudeti4 te exieual a weicoma greeting toetise noblea volutceor3. Anti bere a ye>'Se>'tisai ilti sotlierl>' hcarng ansi appearance wbich the olse fellova preseutesi wastIsa tisorn o! warmeât i-aiea on ever>' aide. AStI-esses vare SellureotIb>'Mr. Pari->, Capiain liese, lDt. (lusso, ansi otIers of a Moisi cnconrsîg- ing ansdipatriotie ebaracteru, viicis recel-ad ane quait>' patrietie snd suitabie reply frotntCcptcin Darîneli, waris eequati>'1 gifiad visether wntis the sverd, tiselpeu, or1 tisat tuo-sesi sareorti--tise lcsigse. Tisi-e cheers vere afierwartia giveu for tisa volun- teors, sud îisrveu fr thse Qjueen, andtihie- voînubeers acere tItetVmaresd ibrougis tise lewis, hostieS b>' lie bsînd, and ne ccois-est afthacciamiione cf aelcomne un eÏvery suite, lu tfie cvoniug the conipasi> wilS e largeni-siber o! guesisaro renter taiucd ai Suiner et tise Royal Ittel, vise agiais loyal speechles were madie ansi acilcome cosngratulatisonstetoderesi. Thie dinrenait tise Royal siwus lrevided out cf tise liberal contributionsa cf tise citizens masse fui-tise occasion, and lu tise fond-se zutscnibed the Vo!uzistor Rifle Coniluan>', usca doinsg Sut>'ttise front, were net for. got)l, for part romiains over ta ttseir creuit. Wlithîls doternineti-tlse people cf Wliby are determnict-to de tiseir visole tint>'b>' tbcir gri-slant Vulunteers. Dcciii cf Senîtor Fate of thue Unuted iStates. Tise public haie boen c-ati>' matie avare, ibrougis ulber ai-ces, o! tise dccîb of thselion. Solonion Foute, U.S. Sessator, brother cf tIse aidai>' reân5ctclc*anti volt kuevni Dri. Foute, uo! tis e uogliborln- sil lago of feolhis. Sonates- Foote vas tise oldest Senutor iii CoJrehsua-d one tisaie- foraevisu vas aameushor of lise bcd>' bers Clay', Webst.er, Sie Wrighti, Calisoun, Rivas, Ps-e.îeun, anti mec sorni-steviek ibem, were am'tug tise tuning aund shiiu-s iigbts cf tihe Sessata Cba.mbor, Thie rosi irait, ni United t Ssas ouiomporary veil observes, is gi-et cugugb 51 ibis time te caisse le epest Serras& fer lise counitry, whiel canmi ti-od teipare its iri ueo, anti as e icoas iu tisa Ds-tîisiParlasmeut, cocspariag tise presottima visis tise ulej cf >itFox Bre, anti Sheridan., s "oeeIva$ ccl a binîllaut mass ýbat haovaws a raygs gessUeisen, sud' aieya cuteous idubAteant in u iiip«isouaintercoussa MMMiQr - slvbyo vaable. Ho ursuher- t toodimen,,ansd uiiersîoAdpubicîlquestions iea alvava meut etent. IIi.s lu mot e, umai eDue teOtise ceusli-,Waitle te bis ovu Stat.e ofVYrmmt, Mllegreal locdedad' udail thse maresait foUks e quick ufiar the deshftisf assier Vollatauer, oc leu- Mr. Foas-alauanti fer mien>' >ears 0ne o!flise mosl-inteigcnî and valueble mien lu' Caugre. Tise fanerai ebsaqieis o q;at oer Fote,j vera celebuiabed ails ghi. huonora. Tisai- vene ps-eut a lange auîmihar o! tls cititeus o! Vaemont, oveir îwo Iuaidteti- la tutizber,j aise veut ail the way t6 Washingto î pa>' isanr te bis s-aiais, le.tise fait-aail preceaibue. Tisaprocession moi-ad te ths SeusaeChemiser, abere Preaidesut, elusno sud tise members cf lis Cabinet, v'th tle-1 génat*sta-anti tlh ernhérs ef thse Houa. o! papiaeuwis4.e, -vo, enîpret a fMW minutes previotni>', vqtre sasteda visite tle alier>' sud iobbi«n vare crowded1 suct a fssaeiai orotion vas tielivered1, b>' Di-, Sutherland.i, Tisepro<seiau1lu insioltise Ps'esdeuîsud à,e art, mçvad (lraiert nd lCuuçtt e pzs v vil the raumina te tise studa>, deoa, visaie île>' acre pîsaWt lni à apelsicar andtkn 1e te Rutiaut!, Vt.,aimptli b>' a aooistee of thse Sosateý appointeti fer tise parpose., Tb# de eead vswu i bisj 63rd >ear. Ie vas vel eau i Cana-, daouiasW-yo baIn a tii-el>' luttesatuli is vehi- balusg, and va na of, tisa oielsi W- boîtiers *1 LiseOtaiolaBuiuk, Tise minu fof te a VpItes- 1uutîit ipeu lIeu- sisi-rn iWlps, in as SO#* iseU vertS>' spi-it, saqua ste ti isais- aalev crier- a parade on ut- aSiiclbyfliir ,-p.- pose ef praaeedlq *te- Cles'ol. -Tkuy cardiogi>'y mambied ti itiv- uy,m full disal ant ioa rmoal' it MiS*b snd Mstboit places of vôiilhp 1d fibi Buster &Saday, St. Johnsa Bay vas. mon th" an li k lave giTans ts nuànmn'ece biset shots]'tise eail of dut>' in u .mmon btem te tisa front, tise>' viii bisc ed>'m est ofora te esepsnd et sae man te tisai oeil. Ve truast b>'tise blesiug -if Providence, uni- utier tise pi-ct elienor efieGod cf baIlles,ý tisa iinsion b>' s foi-igu fe vl' ce eps-i-d tiis cousît->'. Hat if, oliervise, vo nour kuow wvisoea to louk-'unsirGtd- fcut the tiefeuslers cf our beeirlsa anti homües. Sa SWIseisut lho, uaY fsieusdsi- vu tise good soldiez- nsîer tise basner o! Christ à over vigilant, ever prepared, e*vê-r onder iruisin- sud discipne-aonl tborefore everi trutworiis>-over wagiuug an tsîceeing varfara vus ihie minseau aotes. luà its course e vobashexperionce_ Otan>' templei- lions -man>' defus. Evr thut va vatcis for tise ene, nover sisoulti vacern plain cf tise cîher. Wisat aronîd hac saisi cf a a;o'diez-, arisebeiog defoe.empiain- ed aif cf sving beau sentjnto danger? Wisy, if ibere verts ne d:nger$ vis nre vouid ho tise soldiei-'eistnnour ori- larti? IMisre walsi ha lip, neena cf pi-oving but davotion, te bis tIui.y ? Wlyli>saoulelha aveu ethit? Assd se tee, wiîisouî îsnpietions isera vooiliehose Ciuisian's troaetu1 Or vis> abouisi mers haChsistiniul ai al? l1-etisreus. bld fsieRycýur profession sivinS ont vavcrng. Yoss are seembens cf Çhrinit's Chureis militent Iheresc6ascaris. Yen are soldiez-s of JessChri-lt. Yenu have enlistesi nuier tisa baisser cf tisa Ci-osa.- Be gocelpscitietsn, ans i-glt matfolty. Andi nia>' Cd give yen gi-cee -se tu do, Cuti help 700 manful, te tigisi undar Ilits hauser afgairsaisin, île acrîd, anti tisa dcvii, cuti tecontinue Ç<islsi' faitlul soldiez-s cutiservants ounser yorit lives enut, tisai se Voen M>'ayfttalu tise Ci-ca ocf evarinsing lite. SothiOntario Cousty Agnbontenrai Socetey-Eluucttcu cf Treasunez-. A umeeting of tise Ofliccre andi Direclers was tuelsI on Tuotuday latia, 3i-5 luit., ai tise Preaidoni's cilice lu tise Court lieuse, ai wiie Mr. Siir, the i'reidiis, Mr-. -oh sous, secretos->, assilMessi-s. Geo. Lidula, Josaia 1. Di)sln, Jolis Spi-oulo, Elit Sps-owltl. John ydïpeu, ausd A. W. Fore- weli, direcici-s, wnre prescrit. ltouiosss passati, diisteiug tIsaItise fussti cf tise Social>' ho deponiledtu tes hast cdventcgo, lu sncb tasuk ab mis>'lic seleoted by the Prosident anti Troaurr- tu lho dravo tiserefi-oniorn thsecheque cf i-be Troasror, eouasstuisigusei b>'thse Pi-sud denst ; isc tIsaitishe Treasîrer gise securi>' tu tise arnoul of $3000 for tise sius par formassucofc!bisilutoici. 'rîist jîtjcnt PastouCouuty Ti-eaurer, i>e eppoîiteit Incurer, sud tisai Chai-les Pahton hoacsceisted as hie&ssii-t>', That tisera ha a aieep-sliearinst match ois tise fait' krouni, ou Tisuneda>' 31 st May', et aisielà tise fcii>wing prises ilîl bis âaadeilhl Furat cîsat, mes-lai $4., 2nd $3, Si-S $2, ésis $1. Secouiuilassi~, boys unuiez-80 Is izentco! 4, 3, 2 anti i dollar. Mrssrs- Goa. liidIe, Joisu Spi-owle, andi Jus. I. i)ýividaion vere oppointeti a casm minice cf arrnt-gmentis. Esitricus ta lie tuaoa t tes te -cetan>' beoe a2OtluMal' conipetilers tae shaer tva ulueap ach. Tisaitishe Psileul vic-Presisleul, ansd Ni. DIrydan, bu s coSuritto of arrange. meni$ for àa ftnîccmirslmosinsg umatchs, lise pizes tsi lie tise saieis3aslust yar- $8, $6, anti #4. -,B>'-thse Citef aPsris awhicaien-nsa Neat'york , ubthe l uti Iire ivë baibh Inbs ai the & ùfCminoas4 theIe riis Atttiruey-(îcncraI detuiei tisai tise Les(-- Lletituiulant 1us1Wstatedt it iseapprelsensl. aS r aFeitan luaisu. Sitraal lentd ats cm- lait appiiesi for pesrmission to aim and àill-ihi iei t ennt->', but tise Goves-nnet rauti-dUs ceuett, <cclii-g peaz- abl'ce te Jr alez-tery 'protection. In. Yip-lo(cftise< atet t vIdetifeafroru Jamnicalis T s lecempcllid ta aisui tsii-gbtful anti'ujusflAItîtlecrmetits uveu' ecestteti, andtbat tiserarassa 'Ail-nse of paver hayoné ail excuie or- paî- iatian. A Paris tologi-sti reporta, on geai au- tlacit>', lixt i çati Centra Slcpiuans has just au-iived lun Paris, bsvicg hiscu in Lis-empooh, Mai-cii2.-Tise >ort sys- bisati Il as reason to eleove that the toits- graphie suave, te thse effrectAisat, cînce Sunday, declaratios cf o reassuuiiug chiai-. ator save 'een receivesi Iona Bei-lin- b> tise Autrisîn (*ovçrnusui ansi, tisI tise appi-abansiens cf usas- betweeia tise Gi-est GesInans powprs havis beaulisebrermai-- cd, arc totahl i rire 'l'Tise relaticns bitveauIsle tacPe vesscontinue, ou tise ceontrir>,', ta ble ver>' ciblesl. - ' Tis exc-s-abat eniseer Sheaacole/s as soIti bèe. ta tstion te -day foi- £15,130. SBreatattiltisduIl sendS snchasngemL,,Pro- visions quiet but sLead>,, ,xcept lard, výiiaiste"uts ovuvarsi. V uoduce atcady anti tnctIagéeL East lhIllby Coaicil Pracceitanga. Couieuis, April 2, 1866. - Tisa Cosaupil met 1i-'crdaccc iti its ntijaila-men t, -Mcii brs acilpcsntts Reovo prseading. bindtes o! kat, meetinrg roaand au pprovcd. -Tisa oesk laid lWe fore thse Ootiuaai lls 10 fiitd M r fli. L. Gluast.fer certain seau killeand sud ti- * lit Pvri-y aUtedt lehav the bé[let ise strrick o'g-or tiese lisetheuhitter tut ilad ôii-r s-o as te obtllin luforrsstion as te tise -pi-ko, &c, Tis ùe ma Wietonstise fol- louieg voe, . 2îr tise cisase--4ffl'..mýculouel4, Riavaanti iB., Citacc, 3 ; againist-Mlussi-s. Pei-iy, RsYututaPoen.d isM)ayor- voted iih tise neA.v Report adespîti. 01us motion ecf Ms- Medotiell a resoiltion wRas puedn te lave tho b>'.Iaav for; tie management illtv tt 001W>',publiais. ed tIrti- imes 1luthe toap papars. '1'iispetition sund the laiu#ief CSuieseu 'Maîtcr vas .ulowe4 to rçMasIrin aiesbyancc. Qua motions o! Caphali- Mw>e, sceonaed, ýy, 1fr. Pei-ry, ca reLqlîitiqîi 1vssei appoint. in; Mvssri-s.IL G<llsoqaiu Powel,- andI liax a cestiuoitee, sô far va Dtssta ad, Bel(' siroOli irslise Base lini o goe<uites-td ta nct, idulu the islsyur siais hi-mass. ýOun Meitn'o! lMr.-Mxecoseu1,-ý É td b>' Mu-.,Pc-r>-, $400> -are; -voted -toile ci-reidit e streotg and itnproeAsenit.- Cemncil, sdjeurpsed for one. veaisfi-ou Tise Counci- ! f tiseCorporationoif f Pitkerinisbi *1 ltesTown U aUl uruant -Mubesail pr-asnt. - Minust ofcao!tst iseutirsg ,r6aed cud ap- proved. LPttlînsposenttif Joepuh Wixgn Ir., Wlîiliy, Tliîntlny .v'g, Miarch 29. A s1,ecal saicing of ths e iî ars ccuvt,,eed, thfs('enin, puressentto-ste. Tise Maint tnèk the dsihir tti A qtnrer Stature cigist eclork ; 1tise othfr snembes-a liruset vero-stepssrs. Rowe, Prry, Mac- doncli, itX (itmcu, Powell kanIRay. COMMsUNICATIONS5. Of!dlIexauder.Oesuurnna, nsnSlfor ln. creasé 0èf slwîy-emr. scdni. ()f Major iVaIiace,, in -felatiut to'tiîc tnaneser cf grssnling nid te the farsillie of Voisintporg. a -Mr, Perry tmdc cersaion 'le'çxongyàtè tise Msayor andi defens lte tibrisefl Irfroéal intsiloincf grastiug tis aîad buse>'Ml ciil way asîid llfora n ruontnt h iriful te te feelings cf- the Volsîutees-. -lic re- itisy also repuidinted anY Stuch Ïutouliori, à". iti alssd eàpùs-if l owe and!tlise otlscr nicrmboris roind flise Coundi board. mi. ?.AcDoNI5.i.'B DY-LAW. Mr. Mscslriell tmoves thse Second ronsd- ing ci the hy-Iaw iritodssced by hlm siand tise Cotincil isqtoceomuitte Ihorenn. Il psssed tisrosîgli aIl is stagees aiil wil bu foui-d d àedi-cld iin proper colisu T'OWN IIIIFtosTlu. Mr. Ninedonclli trcsght rip thu fulwing report cf tise Standing Comssitteo on Tlowu Property : Tisai vour cominittee wILS alatesi ou b> tise Presidcnt cf tise Agriutlural Sciety- cf Soîstîs Ontario wiso brouglit before jour comusitece tisestsbjec't of, xtesîsliug the Agsictlur.il grossisss andi building cr ;AgricistnsrcI llait tisreon. And iyour cnsstittîce arc oI opinions thut it wojýId bo aR(Iissbie to tresst with ls p.. \erdns fos thse '11(So to f tise preseut grosiuts- cboust ons acre -andsuto obtalu, if possible.. a ncw leaus for lise grotinti cf 21 year-ý troin thIs l,iiy of April, upon cli the lands to ho sîsed for the isurpose afo)reslisi, Fa>' about tsi-ce a'rre Aet suds price or- sîsin as sinv hli greed sîpon ; tIeo a lose of pirt of fise Iad(enlsorrst ropùrty abotte one acre innîeîlirteiy coulis of lt Werîlon pv-puIw' ti r a liko terni cf 21 yvear. Yotsr cosasuittcn, sitls approbation cf tise l'resileîst cf lt Socieli, pr0o'cce to have eructedi pon cepart of ttie 6-gncsssî ownveil sy 1thetCorporations au AgfKçsuluir haýjlil b e ilt or wond, of theu ollowing titiniitviz, <a Ofi., snt e prohaisot. enst cf *IA,01q, whistisisusL% te isacisude certain otlier rieesnsary iinproveint-rstc about tie, prescrit totss liait andI fencing nsi drii ii-c grhe su Int. u iseiîsiid issg of tise uuil yotsr cossmultee lhave tal< on inso o Vikt-aiontît he -grosînîîc emnid be i-ed s a adrill Asisesi andfr ucti olises psubllitiruîsvoî"aivcrsr cerpration iight t siiîk proltr, provithtti 4it t tis i4shi bssul shoulile ai. al timluIolrqp¶nenI for t1ise of ut-Fiaid AgriEssturel $nwictv, when noquiestMI iin vriling b>' téPrcsid- ont sud Secrrt-ry therrof, pa~4rcaeeI, to Iih Worship tIse Mayor. Yison rsnîsinitte c rs esssî4lrn,,v tis Jrsidcnt rlf tise oc.cly tisaI onom-tré[ o! tise mucs of- t,500 wold bu psii ûvr to, tihe troastisrtcf yossr cçrlusratiosa 1ceofl as a v-u for thse xithinop#uitr i-s pascsedil sud tenders for tise Workge uipon betwveeu asis preaidetand tiyeur A n arft ovf IRobent Crta-usPr, for 1u 6 corl,. ofwooui, anîosiîeg in$48.-Voutr' rosîsnniiec recernssnessd t-iîrniLtîe pàld, antI. tisai the tru-suasîs-er pctiste aime upon the- adtionciof tsIt qrrrort. Veour co:ntsîiteco slki reunend -a4t tecl cot to excv-sd thse F1 inusof $*00,be iTurcs- el, ai-ss ir s pos sibile, and thssd the satine Se tsaced ssp-:uastise bo*n hail, idey thse- charge cf the hallt kecpi-e. MIl cf su-Iicis la renpeztfiîy Sn ttIj.- tise classie neiatirsg te tishp'oc ti fosr tiséTown hall,. i hiti èistaS tr>' andi Roive tck lise princripal sistý à -fût. A nMnteitssen iet atbelit -Wis nt lise next 'yss-nc»elingo! théso linc, enove for leavo ta irrioclscoe a b>'.law te citer lise isouinilsarits n c ehso section No. i3, b>' doiscing lot No. 23 lu tise brolcen front, anul nnsiexing tis arne te scction', No. 2,- cuti tisat tise Clark ha instructed, ta give tise rcqsiisite notcie uta partIes; Intetesteti. Mi-. NrCrp.ighti useo istIsItisera bu cppt'opri-ctesl -for rails sud bridges fi-cm the, fissaus cr luis towrnship for lise >'cr 31840, tise stsusîsof $200, cudti saIthse Treasurer lits nov attisrizesi to-pa>' te tihe ortler o! cacclo! tis Ceuncihera cf tlis toe1 9<gh'the sm of $100 for iluat pur- Mu-. Weit' usves tsd tise Clcrkt be, end- le Itebiy,requitd te procsure fisse bond-ou copies cf tise Acb Cissp. 40 of '20 vioh., erîtileI nn Act te pi-cont tlso npreadfng o! Catnada bistîce; In Upper Canada, anti tisai oco opy cf saisi Ac tbc gia'en to oacI )vesrcer o! Ilighasawili tise lisI cf labour. Cstried. Mi-. Ieit unovos tisaitfise Ceiucl dc nov adji.ru, mcd stand culjosurned tnstil Saturday tlie 21st dc>' cf April nest. Ont-riso Sprin'sag axes8006 Wisithy, Toussda>, Api-. 3, '66. Tise As<.izs for the Cenut>' cf Ontario openedti ea>'. lis Lors-tsiip, Mi-. Justice fluigert>', (wlua oui> ari-iveti b>'thse miS- d>' trinu,> teck luis soi-ilou tise BancSet bal!- peut-tIi-cco'&cock, asuti aas escorteel b>' tisa SIsciil. Mi-. D. B. RoidS acs lu ctsesdase a s Ci-eau Courscl aitis the Ca Atci-ucy, Mr. Co cbrane. Tise otetii-mcm- bers cf use Bar, fi-cm c distansce, pi-eoent acre M. C. Camercn, Es-q, Q.C., M.P.P., Mi-. James ItouItou, Mi-. Farewell,Oshawva, Mi-. C. C. Keller, Carsuisgton, Mi-. Eug- tieS, Ocisaua, Mi-. M. Coulaiana, Pince Allient. Tise IV,1itis> Bar vas reprs-eotod b>' atl ts uenbet,. Tise panel cf grand jurera bavicg en calteS os-en tise foIlo-wing gentlemesn ansivereS to theur nnes andsuS vanssworn Athsna orsion, Eaq., Foremasn, JCsss'pldslioes DusncansMdcZei-cher N. Ilefity '. T. Monutgomrty, John lidwa-tie, Andrea Worst-r, James Greiaam, R. Smili, G. H. <iriorson, J. Sînicislanti, T. C. HlubiarS1 S. li. Tisoias, M, Like, J. H. Ttonipson, C. Mit-clu, Josluia Wr-ighst, J, K. Verncn,, f. P. Barber, James VadSiughsau. HiuLnýsa.diuin l cudi-essîog tbegrand jun> said bhily t>'t i his-aver>' fortufoata for tisentisaitishe JuS4e bail teasiddreassibcr ou so ligisi a calen dur, tisons hoisg but cuns cisarge, a cisai-git c! arceny,os saI piaced isefere hlm. Tlurougisouî tise eountry,s u a glati ta bi e e ta>'a, au equetllydsi-abie stase cf iluinga existeti I-lu some plnces usera vas almost an 'antie absenîce e! ci-ine. .lunute at couni>' o! tSi-euln isicisbcSa ldproaldçot et assises,-onu of thse mncalvealts>'ndtipopulicusluinute 1'rovissco-bo assispi-ssensiad b>'ts Sut lu purauance cf sise hbouued custisu vu a pair . of visite glovas. Tisere'vas no criosisîilbiusiness for tise court te ss oposn. The court bcd notIiisg tho . Tise eecase lu ibils ceuni>', dep-ivotI bina of tsbitiing lise pair cf visite gloves fi-rn tihe Shiseiif loterio. lia Lordabip next said tisaItIahre miAist be perlons oton bail for crimes viiel il t s appa lu the esîlenilar, ussipoiutesi o tisaedut>' o!tIse grand jury is teciug cognizance cf suais eargesaa uigisi be brougisi ndor Lir notice, as volt- as tise change rocenil>' Msueoitustise lîa wb ich proeouteti a man 11ibcing, as ih were5 elasSeâsiuet in dice ai, e tr a gan ,-jury bbWud bis ciàtfd, aUsbh. vasgledmeô*-«a i te in lstansce. lia Lor&silp,,con. 1hl-ief charg~e, bty Wltsting jut the i~gàad jusy,-toeai *Mil iu4peobte'gai, ccd. argisug epetiziànil lhitcii-et'eof île biulnss before the court Ranek cf Ma -a'tivs)leyuuiset ai- Tisaz thefis-st 1- case ,proceedtvitis. Tise acnts on a pfcruiasory nota for $400, Tise dofauce vas usury>. Tise court Éiegetsroîglin lafaver cf , tise plailiiffs, fatorbos tise jury.. founti a ,verdict fer S1q full, amouni claielust. wiset4îr 1fr. C'a *t 'informaîicn or 1sosesty vas'et fouît,lt ot WlviiDot permit ' eculer tise t' asaumpilcu cf errogance" -o'r tise "sêssi f1 sp iuscitielasu" 10o vwrOs s igilau libenri>'front îips vison.L In-Sd ranIwç expressins as tisst Iseovu off, te gis-a peint Le tise stnidtures o! my assailsut, I conus mysel! a couvert te Mr-. -mecdoneii'ss way o! îisinkliisgi. I. havan uauisexpreàsloos ý te etdresa ýta Mn. Maclenuan. I kuevi', litselare-. Spectesi b> & nttqaerous cirais -o! fientis, ansti dI 'eine ta enter upon th ise ieldtt o! dsincu nte,-,-i e u-te;salle - toue arhiolie- bas adtiojiieti, v ntSouy sw'il tise. number e! Ibosie, alsaiasel tif. feelings o! regret eutetained b7 Mïi. r- Imaits, Sir, Yeui- cd'iseranst, - J~. fsC<îYLEL - its>'s .rit 2nd, 1866. oo lie aikri istufr ac uebt'of tise Cissst'eli o! Eng! -dIxii isla-net usasre iluat liavins a a li miâut,ud tiai t i-iiti-ai-e rafuppi-esaci aI th*s> hgiisiuiua$gof theise liscesitii-' -Y jçoess ltt Ue>.nutissi-patualtiat my u as'ofseet u it'su F ràsyterteun usei app$ed to loiiulii vusula 4t.150e éliiîttatcsioti?-Vg unIISIssI viâ li01odsd l y- n½iýgtlé wr'res, tIri i a etg!j n'not slw5artlit-tPîPrila oru To 11ic Editur 0/ ise [Wiiilby al,'ae(de. tl Ssise Mr. Mactiorsel in bis lattet cf Mai-ehti. 22usd, ciaiming tla h ie prt>' vIte lidV procoredth Ie insertion cf Dr. Cuuimiug'i 'p letter, naInsle question, vlhy--if exoep- a lien wea taken, 1e'ils eppeairsg aIine,-we hi bail uat psbliibd 'tIse il Times" article., t My auswer la, w ar'c!d net, nor cüolsiy Yen, Si , furaisb bi, as I appliosita yen, andt t cbos ieigîbouns witlootrgnccaes. F&ilingtison lu oistaisiug visai aculsi bava fi beau, I1Innea, fer moi-e acceptable le yotirw i-codera, 1 putinl my pour defeisce cf tiseg ucsages o!for CsurcIt. Ansd I cudeaeoretip te show fi-cm the anitinga o! piousa ns] leai-ed men, etfin-ding bigis as autnuiiîlfi lu tise opinions e! mon, ucl ceufinedste luhbis Chi-cIi cf Esuglarsi, but cf thu varionsr denomisntiouis pi-ofessiuig tisa ona comm-unu- Protestant faits, Ite estimatian lunaliish or liuurgy endi forernsf prayor vere isolsi.c Andi 1- entieavoureil to show b>' i-errissg i- toecari>' aritera, thiî ths gi-oui woi-k for l liturgicai services, cuti tis adaoption cfo ai-iers foi-ma cf prayet vero neto f modern introdusction, recent innovations ocuexteos ponaneous proyar, but acre tracoabie bacis te tse ocrly Faihers-lo b,.se Bishopa aise receivad tiseir Aposîlile mission !rom tise Aposiles thamuolves.t bi-. sacennun l bis fi-si lutter impugu. ei tise correctuiescf us>'position, aud qotesi ctaafi-cm tle arisinga tut Justin Martyr, Socratea, Sozouicu, Ilasit and Au-. gurtnie, te pi-ove tiset I vas usiisei asd io tisestsiquil>' cf tseuosages. Iuni>' i-cpi>'I pointeS clout nencinlu staceatînt tisos exotirects, sapai-ateSfi-cm tisait' cutexi, titi net coi-rectt>' eosvey tiss mocuiug cf tise wntans, ansd gising tise Passages andt]rafèeusces iniextenso; I lst your reciloruste jusige lisven u ne a te tise pi-cier interpreticu te bu picceti upun iheus. AnS I venlunesi to- accouni for Mn.f Mcclennen'a. imperfeci qusttiens, b>'tise suggeation Oitisaiha titskcnilIsemnt u second band, net isavissg lise usiaisal vonka uInMi-. IMachenness'e lest letuar ha satistica me, by bis allusion uo us>' fonrunema for criginsale, andssib>'Lis latin quotutionsa, * usai in tisis suppo- aitiors I vas uistakeip. AnS 1 have nîstann rooni for spePuiatipnau te tisa 1iwisyi Mi-. Mactaunan cousesutod hisstf Iiitiprte t oxt-acts. Tisebi-enciscf uha suIjecî abluis ouîpleil an important a perliers cf Mr. lsacIenui's fi-st hi-tin, 's dcclt i ahIver>' sommai-il>' in hîit econd, andI vo are lefs ta ho_ satielle i vuS îlhe obsci-vation ibat lu the one quoscuion cont- mon taIob tis era is a uhtantisul sgi-e mciii, Posisibl> I-13ut wbat os!tise par- tiel extracta 1 The ai-lier thon proccedstos iocuer msai- ucu.; ansi catis me te eccotsut for refos ring le tht, su-catiesi-liturigissof St. James, siS St. Mai-k, b>' the namues b>' ahichs atone tis e>'di,- tiuguiulued, ai-d tiimpbvuily rsa s msa o- Louis lles iDu lt-l, t a lo- teaniâtl aitmur o! tise 171b century, vWho vss-'ptonoursced-to leotus ouhid b>'île ce luhrated Bossuet, e meiniser ùf tise saine commiunioni. XTtis efortunoîs I1irsade ne rofarence ta tise il Apousii-s crecd-er I sbqulisiIciaebeau btld, thnt tisA a ese navet' arola t. Il vas siot ursîli 1bail i-cd' Mi-.Machesu rsan'a second toiler, tisai I foî;t tise.ftull fez-ce o! Mi-. dacdouoll'à expression o! regret, isaIt >' bis publication o! Dr. Cuni-1 ming1s opinions, ho lîsîtiopened tise dor1 te contli-vers>'. tit vbco i foundi mysel! dubbeti b>'Mi-. M!slolnunas bis cOIpesunl -Asi#, lns su>'defauceo!0'f îl itlsgicci aset- vicai of su>'Ciurel-aen 1 am gi-cetiet vitisM-.Crye's -Itc cf fai-niass aud --------à-ci Oun application te Mr., GibsonI 1obisin rd tise,, folowiug copies tiAhe presenltioe àaoewc lai-ob 28tis 186G.: Il 7h M s, Giena», - - le taa Âw., - - !afew o!fîle lad>' embentacfMr.Gîi et sons i~peof West -BreaIt, andi ou lIeus-l bebsniI I prasanl le -ycu tisefeailas- lid, fa vith is li uedessary accompan iments. 1 nu Srei Jon - viii -aceep('tisar,' lsd se mnc'h l i ors ceceunt o! tiat'pecuniar->'Value, ns faorsel tise l3fflutar>' influeance, Ibis pi-sent ýmu>'bc aocuie,-sas a tokan e! that àlfactiouate rae liL 'tionahiLp, abie lias sai6ted-;sucQpuraus- tic bandi bacapait eut'Pastor. q ELLEN S81IÂNbZlN, --a MARÂiE'r BARO', vs E, ENV10OA? f S'. VRooks ' A b4 E; BENNE~TT, na Î.- ATH OMPSON, 'au rotunucens, I ion net orftan soouund net accu forgoltes., Colonel Lowry put Isle Brigade througî several oveevanu of a field dc>', mue1 10 the pleasure cf bath seldiers andi spaciators. WVe than resuied or colmait of roue-- proceosleslte Yorkviile, down Touge, et., aloug Gaîrrard, Cisurcis cut King sto., te seesi quartera, wisere wo wera dismisseti. Ocr Bond, whicis was orgenizetioont-of tisa mtusical menabers of our bataIilc plS3!ed- admirabi>'. SMr. Si. John, cf Brcck, ls het e es for several siaysi lu theunuiforin q vora siibi ionour te hinisoîf lu 183. -Tise galiaut od ans isuvisiiedtheibmGenerai for lise Purpose cf placing bisservicce once More itis th ispossîl cf bis Quecru. Mr; ý'ernold, rormeri>' cf Whiîiy, hala5 iseari', snad vig- irons, wos also hure, recel>' gaiu te serve Fier Majest>' as isefore. 'îbe gailaut officer hast thrce gi-cotsons lu tise tJpper Canada Collage Rifle Co. I'hsaitl'la ail over tise countsry-; fron tise oldoat te lté&yoengest, Ali oare unisustesl b>'tise sainie spirit of iO>'alt>' bo oui - Qi-eeu nsi attcimeti-tt or dear ceunir>' ud lis isasitulicns. r Fridey, 3t. We have just loarnied tat wo, nre for tise presosst teaibo raiieved fi-nt dt>' andi sent hume; but Io continua ta tisi-isont twicu a wock under, pa>' andi discipline.- Tise gencrat improstion is tisaitise Guveru- ment hast recoivesi soute plesiga from tisai cf tise UssitedI States blnat soug measuras will bo taken b>'tise latter te prevenu(any dieturhcnce upoîs ort bordera. Thc ortisur, os c generci ting, wcrn receiveti b>'thse mou witb regret.e lo-waver, are look for. vard te e goosi raception frem ort frIontis upon oui- eturn. Tisoroi8u no dril Ioday -but oly a Cisnreb parada, il haing Goud Friday'. To.uaerrciv we pairade at half-pasi--ten, detail n hggagss gurd ta' teok after ossr lidutisugo," anutheisn "lie>' for lHome Pl Oitrlie wbilo on service lics flot heen wastsed. We have improveti worîserfsstly inssIi sotliri>' soties, asnsivo ret 'uni ta oui- homes-liere te rostiueut usnt avocatiosail life, but te remalu as before, etways Sni-pî'isc rssrty. To the Editor of iliete Whilby Chroni de. Sin A ver>' plecvissg incident occurroil ii ort Village, on Wedssdsy ovcniug lest. TIse Pareonage of Si. raul'a aras litercil>' taicnest onm, by o surprise part>' fro in WVest lt-oc, wiîh sainie vainabte pi-scruls ta tisoir mucii esîeemed Peister and bis tady>. Mueis te île diSappoiuîmest cf lise parly, Mr-. Gitason vms net cI home nover- îlselese Msr, Cisson conînibutosi as muais asn possible te the enjoymeut cf tise yoorsg pe-iple, durng Ibeoir ssay. Waunuderat"sd usaI tise Vyeu cf tise Prcsents chîngetiser, amonbesi te over tbcty dollars, Sudsl tukens ntféi'eeis ta Itle Clergyman cou- trsbuted Itis-reyinbustrengthen iss bnds eruid5.sî his&usait>'dirnceuraga-oeus, cuti nsulÎuisbuoslabours-ansi cf ne Clergy- man lu suit Dioceje dace tItis mure trul>' tiols 9910j, tissînrunrioent 'cstor, Mr. Tise area cof bis mission ta- extensive -r ougst'ôccspy tise lime ansi laboiocf îisroe CIergymen-amti efe l îtnet tisai Mtr. Cibson bois beau ýinstant lu seaumu anti ont o! meser.scu ie couldtinotàae aveértitkcan hie oric - Pon a clclation mode tise' lest yean, 11 was foud tisai -le isasitravai, cd ci-or fourt tonacnd miles u ise hocausu of- ibis ,mission, Tise iucreeaiug an'd crowded- eburelses, sinca bis arrivali acg ornae 'moyal 01791rChask. 1nulihe.- Thefollowing are tbq mos3' r iport portiemi of-?sr.-Oardweliiletter rsmoving Sir Obarles Darlastg from -toe ,Governor- slip of Victora:- i- Ibas bacc my e&sire - o-avoid aveu the appearAnçe of tailng par.Lf withboee tad o h. otbier In con teove raies whi th ought-to béb.locally decid 1toi;bmk ever> possible allowaucee for tbe cireumi. - hiances li wbich you have beau placed, Ï0n< 'tô'lig ten, a , for Dus Vçoulthe pain. fnl consequencas -tuYoD of the ausiver which I was cornpelied-10ta ttura 10 the addres of tise Legisiative Concil. It io your owu set now wbich leaves nme-no alternative;1 yoti force use tbdecide 'ce- tween yourmlf aud thé petitieuera. Yoit place me in the -position of bhaving 10 de. termnine wbether yot; con continue 10 ré. preserit the Quaan in. a colo-n> in which yon have avowed -th 'aI, noue cf tise.gen. tliemen con evcr, bc received- by YOD au confidQntieialaerw1tWan>' othar feel. ingo but thoôsé of doubi nddifris hl one of the first dulies cf tht, Quenl's re. preseuitative ta kcap hituself au fer us p9s. sBible aloof fronu and above ail personai conflicîsi., ne sbouid jxlways Bo conduet hbirnisef as not t obe pr-ecluded front acting freel>' with tsose wisor tle course of parli. as bis- confidentiel advisars. -,hiie et! thse oua baud it 18 bis dut>' to afford îr,ý.bi3 actuel advilsere ail fair and, just-support, consistenitly, with the observance of ,tise iaw,- ho ongît, on ,thse other fihend, 1tu hc perfectly fre to giva the saine supporritu an>' other usinisters - wberi it ma ,y hb e ne cessar>' for hisu etany -future tlu ceilto his cisunsels. The colon>' is entiîlid to know !btua thse Qoernar giv-es this uppQrt 1 hiel minitîrs for the tirne beissg, and tisa lho -. . s ablo andi willing,,if tise occasi on'sai arise,,to givo thm sainiesupport tb other~ Iregret 10 se>'îlt iOn Ibepresent instance j'ou -have rendered this.impouible., Xc runst bu evidentta10y6àrslf thet yen où. cupy o position of persouel entsgonisma tOwards almic l al tisose, whose anteeed. ents point thora ont as mueét likel>' 10 bc available to you in the avent of-aiiy' change of inissiîtry. Tiss u sresulted, as 1 îhink, e ntitrel>' front jour, own acte, your adop- .tion of a course cf eonduet wiich caunot bu justillcd in al ' nd 'jour stroug de.nna- ciation-in whicb I, arn s vlioly unabie ta con ur-of those Whio bave objeeîed ta tisat course. ,I Xis uImpossible, I1mdis - regret te se>', tisaf after ibis you cen wiîh advantage contiln e ocOnduct lb. goyerlu- nient of' the colon>'. 14Lookiug la jour lonsg serLices, arnd sinOerel>' desirous te ms.ke evar>'aillQwauce for the diftculiaae of your poiiv I have beeri most rainetant 10 arrile nt thea deci. eion whieb, nevrirbeless,_ 1 hava bWen obiiged te adopt. 1 amn compelied to ad. vise lier Majealt>ta you slxould be reliey- -ed olfyour dutiet;, andtihe a .,vernment of tIse colon>' ise piccd 1*u1other. baude.* 1" 1As 5uon, therefore, as jour couverti- ence will-admnit of yonrkIayistg the, colon>' . 1sbould vish youta place the gojerumelt ,in the bauds Of Generol Carey', wise dtity- ;il willibbein- administer il uuiil 70cr sur. ccastor shall bu appointed., Jtrust îhuta - 'oc^iison wil1 arise in 'Wijeit wit 1 ha clear <te his judgmcnîili at.. îbù:adeice ôf hJSa minlsîersa for tlimi~e bpeing wouid invà1We e virlation of tise iawý la sucbeICASC is wculd doubilesbceis dt>'1 rfsee pliance, and to enuei"6,rlu bîain the aid of other ministeru. tCi-t f fl-at app île Chu by-aave- The htai Tisesm -TIers, i aih ait The1 bu senu phencz w&sin!z yestei-aý operaeil thse case lock -o- neee anus] bu msent toi

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