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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jun 1866, p. 1

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Ms44~Àw 1,oef~r Uaowsern, SItua 90CIE~BZofT lir WOUING or0 W. H. flII"GLNS At hi. ?rlntiug Etttbhlthinent, Ilroclk Street, Whitby. tEKS si150 PIER AKNiK. ADVERTI8EXryTs! anladehftrKd . ,t the, àaeof S cnta pa llttrlslurtlon, an ei peSpr lIue. eaohv tu baseantin% ertlon. .1 pectalsContracte tuisqL* ltk adveflhsorsby b. in viktingz. G. W. YARKER, Manager. B ARRISTEWq ANI), ATTrORtNEYS-ÂT- Law, SolsPeiloris ttîise ltaut ofMoisreal,' th olnifiol te1ouutV of Ontario, >k. S, Cexusen . c. Il. J. M'x seOZLL. g~Maa' aban~sss ssss scsnty.Ap-. ly tttholis lee af tise nus ,Court c,- 101IOISOX & SAMPSOl'< 1 ARRI3TEUS, Attorneyii, sliicitorp, <&e. ANiU*sM5IZIRISOý?i. - J. A.$Auipsom. Ton<sitîs, Jtsy 2,leAI. 28 m.i. .eCIANLL.D È- It ýN T Y01111W N AviT )It N E Y FOR ON- laitn l ChîeiuntN'srV l'siic, &e- * &UlttISTlrE!,, ATTORINEYX, CO NVETAN Osiy , asi (sÇ!îsîs-mis<tn Cîsatcen>- fors t ic Cana B AEtSTEl; & ATrOIINLY AT LAW, Soleiîsrsshsfrcî .Ai. W Cib. <W. 0-oe- Viýctcsrtss ?ssldissr, iroek St. %WhittsY. fl Atft1IsIEh-AT-LA W ANI)> SOLl(tCTt tI iî L scnry. , Tetens-Orriîto-tSt.. J> 01 'i.tsi55 scswti P.h 11-i4-Iii tre, 0L11'Tî <i. NO-rAhlV l5UILII, &c. e&c. W. Ir. ih..NS TTAI5 lt.~ils'i'Ys 5-Lis t 5~.s usts rtie ~i i l 1isu il1.s C. -s . 1 , h, r Lusts rts ttsuctN, ss-. -youssqlýin e. ,sa sg tais, lirrt, i:w. t an 43R(JI.INi>>> CCd3IIItNE 6%*I,&CeIRNt Vison 41,av-Otcs--higertwtsorot. R.I.4','uo<a M-tb5.fil., Il. I.Cnais JLYMAN t , leUvioCis i, LLvil, . W-s1K, 11L.NTr. g xim 44 CS l int-eh l'ot T ell e, .,awJ 3. E 5~AEWEL, t . -40 71.W. DeUIM.l ltuîono o br Eat of Vartiohit &Gih u4sitar«. lrock lrert Whthv, 44 * R. . EINNX. D. tUllO~9o rum coJNTrY "(-IL, fly;LtrecetWhitlby.4 1.C u tscy, M. 1). ÇANýAT)IAN TICENTIATE. p TIYSICIAN, ~UE:iACCOUCIIUR t>rctlist, iec. Ovno: -"11 inb#40-lnn1 Per ost ()fl. O.. pecistl étntLi'~ -rl l tesscsos tise N ,~.W M ùporato for Catarattu ý$trs6bis- jw.orcr-- ------h------ A. J'RiGtLUS, IZ(uChANT TAILOX R 11CR OTUME, _ T <WN CI*CK4J11SUIIII, IIITBY ATKIN4071 à IB30WELL, '% AlilrFlti, Kitiri troet, 3 doeuààat ef .1 f4gicw , fr Yorc aimdOntario, Nottry I'U0_YENÇIA4,TJL1(tÂUCO.1 cJ ~êitislss a i j Inva, lCaadagis, d tite lovuts ut h in lthl, 2 jans Seuthsoattise 1) 1)1 lROM bre.sl ,IFF SINITII DIVISION -COURT.- . NiI)AUCTI'JNlEIS. Atidrea.-. e, - 40.1>- SlIr ,,ssttiue.etexouient qullty, sud eonlebty-new naioties, - 12 I)IINP.Y AT LÀ%W, SOLICITUJS It htsîcry, etc.,&Ctve,. îsoil ib f(o a <>111 next ar to Olcc Mn. Ik of <'utnty Court. ~'Opposite iVitl alm Piuted w g teat tltéugâts aul VOL- Xe Crocker's iloýtel (LATE PLATT'S,) .1ELS8ON 87 REEZ', Toi 0R0.iT Aber. King tStreet. T r subacriher boga ta lttmae U tei, l 1Wlutbs, lantida a uliding Qoantry, that solibersaypatrssisirtIim vile Igsaird e1 t-he o tns reitIel SKeut, uaS bts lquneoeded Mr. l'lattin tise hoteli,.a long kept by hum on Nelsaîs St.i, Taronto. Ilûviug SParatine expçnse 111 ftting up tih. saisle, ta savane confant il, tise. wholsAZ la.patrofsita lsii, ha viii ha please to gte sts îolti triendu visen ln.tha ity. Tona~,.an.1~54JAMElS CuoK"I. &fooklin Drug Stor'e. D ALER ia DraIr, Patent Me.bblua anD- &Paints, 011sDye S &f, CInfection. morse f Camte Afedicfnu atVoyà , khq Ilresklhn, C. W., *1869 COMMERCIAL MOTEL, -BROCK STREET, WIJITBY. TPiso unsiensigiseuibopos, sîunîce laiah Ilias taattis tise abiv~e sel sunoseisîrernisea vihiilhateve sii el>- furnisisûsi a,...h non. 'aIes!l by himi, assi]isttre cbhl,stacbommsioda. tics, giing, witis carchsil atteabisi, cati sslvayo lie fsnuî. Gond ahissttn. cîsoloed aana,.nsd attentive 22 JOHN MiiILLER. (Lare jzwrr'a.) W IM. IOYNTON ber@tu.t ifintn tise In-- tititattd, nfi tIe lssnty tof Vîeloria gnéi ,ssnnrsiilsw Urg iaie, tshotc las ssîeried tise IllJ uns5sîWiVlliama Streeti ataly accspcd b>- Jet'ett. ailt! u. ite I"us iad i i Ihîa iandsi lisitls et la tlrst sty~lia, si*iors seul ln'd everv .0iie-- 'sience. Wisses, Liinorn and Cigare efthUe 'W,&. ttentiou oeLletalways la attnti LIsîat, s. 14,1 R94. ÙXBRURW B:i OUSE, IlEqui t s bier lu taiisg ihepretuilses laI,. I Iy ocunspiud l 1Mr. Jla Tîso-isposss. vejsli tsli tit"ris i îuimoci isTrancHlaie, ansithlie Jels- lis, icssenalhy, Lthil., 4eLisqeo. ansi ms'oornse-. daticu i is. u the ni, ieimpss-. l Ijtisi ilSlie fonunt tssesstiai% ay hlutise Coussin, ài . A--NN A N. ta i'nnpieter. ST A G E --10OUS8E, àil !I5LLA. TS'AAC FENTON, ~I. wrurrY o RIFLES, MIUSKETS Foi the UnietSatsSrea AI, Pooket and Bilt ResV*olve IIP.IeLATING PISToLO, RIFLE Canes xEITOIVI1nU WiFlso, Bide andi suit Guis Berrnois,ant i(ian Matérilau nobd b y tus doianes d the. Trade getalby. - la tii.',,days ofIllenpo'breoking Surd voL- isiiy aven>- Ie.Soltore, iBank, uit Olge, Portic; esiinqIos aasli thiea selves o e is#lte iipaesas ain Plti(Ss, ansi apenri seau- nianshsip ani levas, seil Sand *sl eenssised iu thse New Remington Revolvers. Ciîrculer,, coistssisiiig cat"sandsilse.cripsîh of e Our amis viii lt'O fssrius«lssd uroponsplication. I. RE MINOTON & SONS. Ilior., N. Y. Agentsç, N. 4Q Ci)sstlaid $t. N. Y. 14 TME ROBSON HQUSe1 (Là.a $5555TRR'5a rt,) DUNDAS STREET, WIIITY, 6. W. GEOGRIJE II;ox,i'aisîn T Hitsebaar ti ecistoa snennue tlisaI ihoas Isassusttise tsulldutsg fuinsseni>'kào-waine Scitnrc's Il oteS. selich liai. bt:csrenovated, vfsirnh lied. ard lhîs.d np tisrengliat, inthe nated, ojppisaltusthcli'ont 09ltce, and suntlise con- trenoftheliTown. Th ii. aey s)sotibangae A hi. ie lIel, and tIse litageis fur Uz!>ie gandi lis-snetntu enu tise daor aeryîians:hus. Iloard SI pandar. - GELORGE ROISON. BROOKLIN HOUSE, CLARK & VICÃŽCEIIY, - Propriclors. l' l sn*t ns.î t e hv aInforne the liutlsI. atisi Ci Ie s iusit lv ss1ttasniu, îhas t Iei.lia-ci s-the-t rý!tiseîbuî, e.s i utely sceaiîissl tsy l's-rt-u, s lt 155 ic sstiewis-tsiirs,ts. (99l nau)oinaîd, esl ilise>-ans, reprti-d tii elosclid iLt.s 1 li-ii'stliquisNs. as! elirmens, sî si uttcsstunu aitlen lwnyi lsi tten4ihesîný. B UlET W'lnoseassl ities;ipss CLAUS piotns riotls&aîiisis fol srave! lors; geesi stablitigaisti oricor* attenitire hoit-îe,. rtsesApruS, 1816.107 AL131ON oE. G. C. CALDWE VV ao IVs-uv ssris' ETERINARY SURGEON. JESmtursspoefrlyte intimpgo te the, JAME IILCTI, tiseab~v lîseasd 1<. hope; b, strieS allen- 111$iIlote]l hlas., ibs th4 lii obg iii tiQesu te basin... te muet a a rufýptibSie T v;oi, t<ihîe tAiluse li Isgrar Stlave lisatranago.Main ltreet, Meoud iIdÃ"Uâo apIe. ILEVME ROlYSE. 11. PLANK,- - - - Prcpnielor. -stages te sud inctin whitlyCi n c.iaIot. Eet> 14.lsiitiii paidti a gacts. t!snefu Mid aUt.,,- ile nosîens. TME DON BREWERY.ý noutaed, sud an terins t uiît plurehssew, THOItMAs DAVIS. Tenante, Sept., 19., 184.5. 3 JOUX V. JneifrJLEk, - AccounItant, knid and oenl A--nt. tIj Ofilce la 11,01n1rtreel, <sua dean hats e01 Un. kihavsi's h)irtreg1m. -Wlid audd luerrsisd FaraIn atisa tonte ornet ý e risn sf iesfor BRIO. N Il. C aniuisstîsidedta tansd prompt neasittanea Missie. lne, D. L Me5'littsiii, M. L. C., Iton. Joi:ii "0s~ M tCt teq., M.1. P Itsssliss Iy 'e-ry, Ste,1., %V i*;tl s> ani eiii. toýrs Blarriek- aittr, Cangidlau 1esLitsIsa>-, andu WhlîSuby Clinoiuru. 717 GLOBE lIOTEL T aa e vel knnwiild est.ilhd hiote sudpreîiis;sebaleIinrebasîed bytise suti4ciber, vsehoii ilaIss-.ha te-indtin hisreasio*yîaattend perouasllyt2 tise wansiofetbis guesîst, <te. Tise prosniss hais beau cnvenleatl>-andi osmf4.ptatiîy flîtet i p ' paiated, papoeru . i' WftluiohsO,'si seflaater to .asb, and over>- niedeneaiprtsvemeptta uaI.' lisTr4'veihor % habtso ditlglihs isî> an-ttishie be untiful. lyepplied a i iss Notice tu Parmers and Othero Iprol)t, by gallon or barre!; bMcNarlih.toil', <JenTevit, di. 'la.; Ilagpien'. Extra Rectioeat Wifiakayddo, do.- heit Vr.,kiierry andi Ctgil>t rad-t iar uthesîk, wUh a a-Lut ai (cta eoft lil4,ot ersatis Li atïro, nd Iar.,os'taoIlire. A. AIJKXÂNDER. ONTA2RIO HTL WJHIITBY. Ot>AWË81 - - -. PROPRflmon, rieperler aommadatlons.. ,Carefisi atten. ties &0 tise réiaremuts 0ft ta*el* ~and _guad abêd-rooin'su suons 5v., tus.osî vo ns~i.1i*'a PA1J~5ul sutie. tp luli -lafrsu la dues, ati tis hule Ias la arc sulleexeenta aIl en- 1ber lii. -01PrIsia sand alsl,. 1641.5 ant tl. 40 Photographie Gi1ory, ilWlLlessWa BOOit,11 tu t4e. ittres, ieîhr ln IPH0T0RAPR5S&KBJOlTY. Or suy otlier amode 6e ise c Us, ha.0ps aat suie. twaur ART8TS' MATERtALS. dive s &isS. raMuq ua a ou, sud soeabit vort fo eu nnel,s10. WVbltby, Mlay e,105 lU . M UNTIL FUETUR b The Msguagnie e s,. L-andsfor Sale, 7T-IlEm-îthaaudowaan:rsa,,oCidfoS1,a cheap, sudP au eenu0efpment. The aboya 1:18nàs a ituatet ite ind Ida1Olna. eepsaen MONEY TO tEND& Âppl>rto, Ot oi.b. Eitor, alet.8m- FOR SALE«. Tliree DWELLING BOUSES 'IN TUEÈ TOWN OF ~W]IIITBY, F Sh!ST -Thit <e,hncsai eLoIt i CotSLaa, .List hîla det tii-nupSttreet, ai prOent la tise accuî.aion cf W. lILihi ]PZ .,s-.Thîla prisnser> wil l blit'SIl non> lusfr :Cili, or Ita we't or Mr-;Genniels, latiy ls lu . e copatian ot Mn. haste.. A TIlîblO --Vse T.ct sîi[tiss oue, ate lu itIhs of ~ r-sicsc'W.lit. l'ssllen ua. oek Noti etithe lispS iieutidluf o e~rt~n'y. ' Traneme i-Mehsîsor dei.i#ing a haine Wil ba sold ut A fiir ieiuo, antian lonsg tarin f 'yssll J. HAM PERRY, Farm for Sale A en*111aus t Iiiy udres, suave o A ee ussgiliiti, itii ei.ui t Ibo ls Townsbip of lteach, Assi ane at us Io irtitsie tsl1LLA4GE OFP 1tANl7lll'.-ttEl. for ft,r$ lti. 'Ileue i & wx( 1-~ ss $tiincy lirici. iii u,ftrissa. Ilamn,' buriità1, 'lied aib. l t 'a i t e . smunhies xcmii su sell u tstees. '1ise Liai us ni. - o r g""s -,ue oft1u otise mu raI .iusls-sie euen.la ie b Coe.uty 0 ut n'e. Ajppiitsuntala adoe (9 ty lton, Pr*. GILBIERT FERGtVSSoI, R.q. Or te, JAM ES LOAMYO1.4« &1Uictor, À4,, wliihy. à Farm for Sale. ed ternxuuset ts ollcpLa.1ne NO MONEY REQUIRED For tise gi¶sttveyosra, tigoanteisut tof répt, iit frma lt.,) tW bu aspoadoti on hsaprovQ- .Fard ho mxfas4or slaie sg prrth, is (>sbav a re% IO fi ;Uu., IG CROSS, _gents for, V, ~IRara ý erme, antiý Ltos Ib s JAME ffi<at, $400,000, tens. tby t0IWAN GIBSON. eISSIONMER CJL4NZ lEeselusma ta sunit bharrAc. 'Or 1 ta 12 yena. lileesî 1ev, and SI' c(ntitkon cîsargeti. ély ta, YEU-VAN OibsoN 0 Umm~y oraefdilvyonà P%- uoud t a'or nane..bIàziug cyieareherocs afthe pop1ej Who'tii. wcalth ofce alsP> to 'Clorion s men Pr truth and liber, Sbe Fhtirds of thhsman foid, Thit $bal] Iui the.brand aud -..bre Wilh tui araomtlneirld J'ricsqts snd, rletst centli 'f i liloodiesa j oes nte tii, 'Toilerm for 1h. woeldts salvutioîi, MOMStscngers Of poucoe and ligbt. Speed the. plow and àpmd the harrOtr Pez<co OXiiI peiIIyuteadabrcasi, Betcr fitr the spude aund harrow Tison tihe ciscon or the »sward. Eac}s iivention., eachxsprovcment, Uender Wcssk .pprcsai.neg rod; Evary ign andi every niovcment B:-ssgs unfairer trssth ansd (ild. Iluried AIlve.o la lt tinoth de metimes "Candg evusts csst hchr sluidews foro?"* Io it triso t4t At aIime s'Ibo migjzy u, kinown efthtie ratura vagpely inspresse it self upon tisa prellen t thlnk go,. If net, isew de 'we gelt isat prescience of gpoi or cvii tsaI trage elovates us 'ritls hope et depreSses us wilb fear? atbat tlsrows ave Ounr spirits hetis orn uy oet a placit laitor lbe. wel gitationo f slormsnsa7 From mny carliest iecolletolnI Ibai al. aaeben afraiti of bsing bairieti Blivo. 1 do net te mse nsbea"'that l.1a r ofedeaVo ha4 over îreî4bled me--6aly tl1o.fesr of enteting thse grave wisile jalt a Ilviýag ama, ad becoming conscions of it 1ha ao lae tIs e herraeswbl-ch these mmid Çrorn ciery orè, àa iiking 'lovaon isi kjesIpnaYedo t hve nercy OrI nma I irse lowly, butyemtru;sts aport ro, a fet i reant for th e- bol t. Mfy=budtoeied i t-4ila treisthling en. 8 1 u wo t erla W- baclc- .and thon thse h'ydoft came 8slyI' open, isanslsh graling on itlrnsty bingeà, Oh, Ifeaven 1 visat a momeqntvas tisat I Peihapa t1 watt about -0l e.adelivered, rroin tisat awh i se. puichre 1. 'Tise very thouglit.secs an ovcr. peôweringdtiY sWhicéh'vày ncrvans systein, sel lo 0 egs spt l' fst intense erciîisn; coulnt a Lor,.nd 1T t1l a t e l , a t t is e -fe e t o r t is e d a a i î w l i c h j d w *fontecisruel-îanl L '1Wh néOaoçrness and strengîls agRidi ITetlrned; te me , 1 vent, slowly nsud trem- .blipgy- op, ie damp, dira and narrow lkiii I came te tise fiag thasaîabt iii tis =bie (u y powert.ris tli depea ded every ting 1 Lite va isve il -deais elo ilI iput My, lseaider againt i, andi presed psard with al mir tigE-t. Gracions Heaven 1I it diti not moe ai I vasdomtI I uttereti -a' wid piercingr sisriekr,,anti teli back in despair, 'Ibi moiqï vretcised 6>ing ia eisionae. IAs 1I1Bat thora, 6onecof tiseoul, thimtotipoi'ini naagony aÊ i md tisaIat soaon hae dc. prittet my btsrning, throbbingbrains of ra- son, 1 fancieti I -ieard ateps abattit me. What I1isunsan lie se Dean I anti Ito-ho1 douse t t deatis in a' sepalcbine? No! I ne? nover 1- never 1I1Ispkfig te my feet, willa,-tie tierýe dermntînn and oetrengît4 of a'matiman, '-tad, again- puttiýg xiy t4cfsolder t6thetis tonie, sent it upseard, vihlî a forée tisaI tunnet it aven vwitis a-crash Fnesair andi light buasin: a apon me, saàw -1 as beneastis'te rof et a churcis, ant ie-apizsg upwand frein tihe pit, 1 yclled forth My jay. IL vas an carly sotir in tiseinerning, andi tise sààoteuld c'ain mb bIla -iUs* te pat certain tlsings to righs. Seein- nie sprinig npward from tihe îemb, ýwitll siicb an appalling -yell, h. instan4ly lied, seitis a abriek of, terror., lesean netrno- cd, boevr, v itis hal f-a-dosion exciîe<j spectttorS, andi founti mcon, My Ihe,, gtvinig thlaihlu Go-bd ee snr y londerfui dliverance. - I-scarpcly need aU iti i y fnicnd'1 faiiiy *eo atonîshed byend neiýuasnté se. me bacit aeon tlvm a livlg tn.- Tie nxt day 1 bail thea pleinsae rurtiklii my fied iituef y tis aiad, fn! giv4rqi bina an, ocfat t iy lleaîhbu,, Lahsnd resurroction. Ag ai! beauarrange(, Lo went homo e ilis ny body, Lbut not suilt my orpme. Since thoen 1i lo ie er tri- velled ahane, for fear et again iscing isanieti alive. -The dactors, after a wisc ce-sata, ti6n, prenausîcet ine a rallier 1aingýular Tus. TiLIwrGo op 'qustsriev-..ja6 OTI n zD].-The t.tica' Urrer, a short time sinbe, followed tise etieral !cse4 wiavi avage article ontI lle ienovstylet; f houp..A. vearer of thse ebnexiosso fasiiiet repliei oiiifs rcrksltitls s very epiriteti ASSURANUJ COMPANY thse uetiorslgsed, eite~ 50 ACRESi Land for Ne.r, uthtie "eçbt II %#..hang&W L l. sitisys - VIITOIA fBOUSE, DNissan»Fvuss, verrT. fri3 abdsnir t ein ilra t ife sLavehteî, andt us toppliesnnez Let crf *lns, lheuoons, elgroan d mentu. A v.lesippiledtabI. 00, andi enaoed lard, -, Wlhtby, Ott. 4. t M.' POO. ,NO022, ~'e, i w~-s~raî J y fe)rebeding isaïf entie4'a 4 e5ê4ity andi I vas nov. tisatea- ï4 .t pf'aeC , gt 'saeot a ,gray, 1 Wiis an., Ote r kitursd In 6)' a4rrowlsoîa galbim ain lOurltngtis, as it ver., nt Usulw.,itbut, rpiW me vawisIrat -seemedý tise lUinS PO1~wèr et a giaut.,_Tiere came a ~srppac , yprisoni seenset aligisUy to étpd d nt I ancied I1 felt a* chsthgi5 eOfa-r' 1-reateti a montent, pray. eti (*odà<to'-help -ltueandi repeatedth ie eiÇoitwith eveai greater paver. Thora wat ne reaistinqg Ibis 1 The caf fia lid saas- baril assntiey vitis a crash, ansd my limis anti I6dy 17exm fe in tis a afal larituesa *icis esveIorted lfe-tho-rayless darknees ces titis wonaerful toct, it- sisold1>à 0 in Sein t ttmy, trenglis liadbeets1nstd by ersèkniah, andtbta -bealdos-11I avery aeg_'ainsu y prisça p n ert perbaps douableti anti trebleti by my fear and ti ipair. - I vas free nov, tole nethetise damp, deleterions air etfvisaI I bli evedti t ie a ýI a uît or tomb; but I centern nsy terr r vas feare!y làeied' at tise thoaglit tsf having tisas extendeti tiselimnitse ofs y prisoni; ton after all 1,psigist net ho able te escape frein this Isorrible place, anti il net,iî seousîtionîy Lea&prolongation oethlie agonies et lifé and deatib. oitntiatelyI Lad:betcoiffiesin in ny owa-gananentu, anti il vaisa scason oet he year vison I caasld net.ouffer frena cold.: se ýthat tise. qaestion et lite vitisoal escape, vaa redaced te tvo peints, nu ~caion Iroin font1airor starývatton. If 1 coul! escapa tise finit, I kncw iere ivero asîveral days ôet hf. yet Lefore nme, anti -persapa tise lima svoaldha long enengh istel unrensittedti l, for mpe to-dig My sesY ontj liii. alàcouniet frons bis prison. Tise Cnst important thing Mbr me te as- ceniainswu tise dinmension ot.sny sepuishre. Wbetiser It vasday or nigist 1t caditine tiseu tell; fer I coulai Seo notbiag isWh ever-not evenimy baudivlieu I heldtii close 1np before nsy ,cyca. Everyîins ùsUî b.e dois. h7 feeling;1 andi thoagis shad. dening vitis barrot et thése tioight eofisai, I, miigisî discover, I mev ,tisat delay -voalti avait me potiig, 'and rc&Olve4 >te set about tise vent befoe me. I rose up in nsj cotrsa. andtioteçied my "banda aboya *My boa!bit, thscY ' camte in aontàutlwitlb noîbing. Ifeu, c'a:on a eltlhov ide, but iteiseti ne abjecti. I put, theia:deWn Le 4e tia 140~n aç foond ,il xested on a laL tisaI vas EauPPerted soupe distance> aboye tise greona, 1 couldtie 111 oy muais. 1 gelont of-et t fis caila~retaly, stretoba! dava uhyteet tilt tisai ioecbed a la"» 1 -

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