Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jun 1866, p. 3

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's tii ou>' notes upon iniese subeets, and tue>' tiilccoep (it wau rlnrgl tlimte.) ttl the teaiher ge tne-or- intil lite ccunty cotîncil mÏkes a libeIsI appro. pralnfrtInfolurmastion. Yb ilte dite* tf thse UJflby ChAi-ta NIGUcAsuP LL-e, 11115 4P 18666 1 write t'bis t ltthîe taetof the IlThtunder ef Waters" iunsu> eus, sud wyuLair dark with the foacu froan hits iut, ordieu had a pesiaul march lsst Satunds>' teo asirsad druail Ilthe iftcionn ire, ai 9, p. um., w. proe.!.! to the station aud laid ourselvea te test upon ithe bonir!s o1 the platfor u nutil et s. m., shen our trai n camhe sloug. Dccing the niglît taenlii.>' traina h- oaded ikb treps passaI!befere us. Wui arrivai! s th le Taronte staticn ait0, a. m.j sers 1barce o ethe drill .shed there *e loft our bagage, &o., gel breakîsît et Crcele' hot!, uAt eight, s e proeeede! te the Gmet Wesîenn Iitwey train at the Qucen. wharf, an! vere jeined b>' Col., Meunta 'e t h11 gicrieus Grey' bsttry cf arIller>'. tilre se ais e teived touta, camp equl. piage, porklan sd biscuits, le. W. sure detaîie! caverai heurs aami lnlîc. The Gm-ey' lister>' ci Aruîtrongsi proeeed!on tu Windsor, vile we Lock charge cfthie stores as far sa St. Cathcarinîe. 11m-e ire spei s&H day sBouda>' untiu uidight,Ibar-. - ind nethuig t*-- cat bet a little breas. wlile her. thé. snunded tronmthé batth. fiel! came drôppiug iu. 1 saut scierai, among etheri ycung Cooper, (sen ef the tCgoih of Etîgland Minisetr at Itobicoe) wbo u salonw.ila pour Villie Teupest. vioheno reau'ictd the fatal sholt, siih ki11e! hlm lîntacuti>', clttiug the jugular %,eiu i n! nother misuof the 1 uu el Ovui" hal a hait enter M biueder snd pae eut-of the lack cf bis nori.Therm werui twoholin 1.îîTathorax lirougi shich yen ccii!! pets tbre Angers. Wbiie et St. Caëthîcrine, theîj 7th came ou freinthîe -boipatmnac baving bu charge the Fenianxpriacuerst somte cf wliitu Y&sW. Boiterai v.oeovuuclcd. '%No arrire! at Clifteiut une in - te nertiîiî. and tare fer a thic ecip!iye t dîeidaibarking ccm. 1lariaiatmore.îThîis doue wva îtrtoiu'd <lui>' e&asiud Iinsha upon tic Ilear eofithe Station, going te cuir hardl beda, ditineriesi and!xaipperlomia, At.day break, vo erse ;iiewryed cnt wtti,4culiard teck," mand inali>' wero uiarcbed Icitihe Fallu, lcf the Coin pst,>' ve bileîaetil arntata Muscumn, tise retuinder ntai nuochpr houe lit e by, l'ise mnanlire iglY vdeliied iiiîticth flueco, f uld the granudeur of the g!arieus Clitract. Thcjîxýbndgo andciPrincîe Al- bemt Cnmspaules acre loft belind iu Tus. lito -u re cu levnsCouipsulsinl lhe batînlion. Captctia #&hrtriell selici tl,0 bac.ur ci eignado a flenlu Coin- p!l%)tmelaut tuevobave thse tiret chancinl F.iiîlmc-hiug le nck the encun>. bis J or frairienkm las anicm-Major, suni Major lielies's Wvfuter bajor. Col!. IL .. 1Leîc ison l in ('.naacdJ, vil cCaptan C. A. dJoues as Aclîtiart. Maiiy of tihe Coin- Panies vwitb 115c4 Toronte arc a!ào lhera TregU',iaea f the lh/sî ara becomicg plenti. fui :ý o f ur mninbave eariu-dges and! cautvana. 1t awmy ol> f lhe Rifes, soreada-ibitatdsmg«Jfby 0rl, ethers were bran nev LU. 3. ar">yu ,Springflclda of 1SCI4, uatnp ais! isue. ,1 Imv elle scnd tuark U . S. N. It ila"cal! 4catthe 0 tiaucin guan!od b>' the Steamer MI$gas ara back a setuqo upon the seevsI liai lie> cannot stetdeo ,The>' are dyin1 etres- posture sud starvaten. -Sergesut 1rilfford jine! um, leaiicg Bci'raie pen th. tirei intimation urth<le fna>'. Dr. Clark, (Coi. feduma l rcc>' sac bers. an! came tu, sas a bils oîl friçnde luntihe Ceepauj. lts r s. s Mu. Mouee sAnd the 'eunsi Thec'New Yoikla Tiunf yeaterdsy pub. lisbea anuextract <mm s btter addrééée! too milesllLind fromn-he Atiiuutie. And! f ia>'0Juser got as far Esat as tha Golf, -tlcèy tmgiat as voi. tike ci! Virgilinis on v.(ie kieid, jump jute e boeAnsugive Ptiglauid hlî-tonk. Efer>' oue isuov hie Gulf tu be d lose! ses vith 1.0 narre. enîetis, the gel of Cause at! lhd Sitof f3llhecltr sllisis inglO élipôf.witi fer coul!' co-k ep Iemueîlly. 'If Mr, Swuuouiey «es titae, ep vuld b. precisel>' whero Adinirai hIope seul! luke te have bulu, Mdn! i iolawhit îLes.blooibeada Cal'%qlu ajss-be sgaiest. Englan! 1P- gelig 700> ailla. las.! rom Lice Atlantic power!1 Lo oncctihKiha ai ait had a vil! id%-a of shat tg de) tbougis liecame le grief illstea ' de0(Catmpo hello. 1But j greeti>' doubt if any ofethiiie othan est iier lc.d en ides, vil! or- lame, id r tee yen bave got a nfov Irimib lion, in -icr. Stephenus, ramember ceeiag iai cnee Iu Kilketiuy lu 1847 or--'8-a ver> young mnu, indeeJ, I1vas mysel lieo vwas the 1603. 1thîluk. f u tsu actlone- - - ~~ItiET i -~ -~ i ;~-----~ ~ -~- TILL-At Whitby, ou lie 3st inht, the wife or Mr>. IJohn Tii1 of adïbghtr DIED. TEMPEST-Wiii81 a >'. Tri peet, kiiied lu the batie st Ridgevay, Joue 2od, aged 20 yeare, 6 mon util m2' dai,& WC shah ncel, but va shah sluis* hlm, Thora will b.e ue vacantchar; Wo Alai linige>'te caret. huM4 YWh<iu WC crcatlce our evenu lg riyefri Jo>' wu% Iii blgsoîild bue s e; But e golden cord la mevcrod' C'uoasi: W.sllaituet but #fg shall lulsas lîlht Ther. viliibconeuevacant ehair, Wc hah linger te careas wh l, q wbreatile Our cea- li;g playeri At our tlrco.tde aid andhooaly Often will thé bo*omt aeil j At rasibuiitruetiie stor> Ilu* ournrobiliWillie feu.' Ilcî* hi tr'ile to lic'r our bannerî In iletu14trougtii of ilail Iood'g icgiht True, tue>' tellittwreïtis 'If ir', Ever riioi viii deck hi,% 1rcê. Bt t anuthg'A thflic guiish euty ttwé"ýpli,îg n'enounr lhcat xtriuja unbW. 81litii-day, oh 1 cari>' lichen, ttlu tii rnu nudit itrrow bi; zDi r>'.. n the,,line sud tyrrei Mingie witii the(tairsa*te .,Ead. TJIY IT. 'aliiia or ('ramnpNa luthm SIoiuaecor i iarlua, .Iio1~. .iorbuma, Itheu. uu'.tnd~,îi-iîltia r Ec is taffatlocît' llriir.'iétalu Ilîi'f i-# jit-ttheé1ciug. Sui !b> al d.iîoa uMe.îliiio. A. hllF.AUMt. 'rrs'., iiîg Agen Whiiby, cfuue é, ISGO.. ril Wh est,......*1.750 s $1.90e. Spring. ........ $h.S0. a 1,31 h1arle>'...... . .......5 2, Abce imeaa sunal I.... .... VSc te $7e. Pesaumarro wfat.. é 65V)c te067C. Cat....,.. . . ... .. cts. Pntatoos.......... .30c Iln>'............. 8.00 per toirt. flotter........ .......16be. a 20e Appie. . î. . 40 a 51c }hs...........8 tleI10c. Chiciu~n...........30cîper pair. D41;.................$~$ 30, Tus keys..............O00c. a 75c. Guete .. .. .. ......40c. Duce ..............200. Wood.... ........... $2.50 to *3d Sheep skins.... ...... 50e te $1.25. NEW ADVE!RTISEMENTS. T A it4r', V 'nni. sd> 'e ihst sud T utjit Me lii, liiirtti, puliîtîf-irtcx- pellîig Worriua wu arca uitîictd fotu asplout- SPECIAIi NOTICE". n4)Za geourùl l.itïîlël.it fer fîrnea, ('nîtli Ft ès wéci no tir ilir iiîtiiiii Fiaii, w, w<iuiu rivi,îiiiteittit i telttnrk (ti s (elle aitti i ar~ Wtt ri yrifi itil ouse. LOCKWOUD, &UCq IJA N i E RS, No. 94 11rondwsyt New York. - 0- D ALF.RS UN AU. $ IiT V AR t/- D e.A tic aN7ewYork. Stock Xx- ~tîchg, iievitiiltii kpt in (o $, sud fi, nltuI SiLtif t e2ch, s uhjevttu0shcle1: ai ilt. 'ri cular atention IID'ivoiie é culits OriForeigts 7 9 Ulis Épocifle I'ilfa areteratu j>in ailtosisat, for the fiuad>' sud Jrruieît Cure c-ltipti>Opema en.i.gffrein .exiil cxee'aei. tir. V,,iifil î.ualaiu Ssirni,îl itaft, Nigliti> îialiî,ayhlua I)flbtî, ;Gnt, Pîjanad Nenica l*,~ bîlit>', ltpotoir,ns,(fet1 tkiexifal Dise.s,&e. Ne<Irlg of Tlet Ionecustar>'. Asiti te>' mm I. 1 i hol llo,îte4î~tieri. tach box cootalina 60C pillai, IPice (lue Dollar, If )-one cauiot tpet (baien ît oif, urdtîglau'vi ibiso cq lu> batt tiusra ocfre, nu r.Ips cn f (ho mmle>; snd sa iP=lt f 00 page* on the. crrira of Voliifth ue cmaqiectuansd r.nis.i a"nt l'r., o; ents reqtiirett foe l>cîstn gé.ad 6w l Ea59. 442 hrod*ay, N.w Yor. --s>raea1b-iip 1-tib'founaBo LOT 18, 1>' ud 55,wt of rook WMSb, god tain d#libig hu. a Brkk Stable upbh saine. Aj.ply to, a. Il. CC HKAWZ, BarH'4er &e., Whitby. Whbt, #,th iJuno, lobe.,t9 1-NSUýRAN~CEË AND GENERAL AGENqTS p.wrto ï0einta (i h iwubavim 8811YJ51w BRH vrs ~v n vww. TO LADIESi I.yu ie UIIRVUF.S(iai l ltlil.s néver-faliiug rouuedy for titbh~icuereO(b, struictliig, no matur f!"usOka1445 eees ar/as. Thé>' mtita 51 h M e .tr' ti 0111 la'. i'ip natur, luevery 0cas e.yii>'arectée5sl vu. lu ail usios of Weeknas, Wltes, Pro' Itipsit, &e. 861l! lu Bêket eout.lnifîg 60 Pillo, l'ries (OueDollar.i Send foi Vii.ÉItVFYi3I>icvste uedilçts 4dviseri tadhroed tiI fbralýi e MgÀlppi, p v Ingpil ti ti!timi, 10 ciltm craquled ifer "tot.l. Ifyut. slstprcelî he iilla ot Mendrnghu, U i t ib.moit b>îmail. se- enrefrdîn obeervatlen,1 oh teca}pt of (lue Po lmr,lb>' P. J. Bat"aCouxull î t*yihIbau> f l; Box, 8086.' 442 Broadway«Nc W York, Ileilire uvupilsulb>'Den"mis Bsa & Co. WhelessAjufNew York. - *1> TO CONBUXPTIVE8. T flE wie>tlsf, laving licu es tecre! le ont ais e fav wees b>'&s .'ry ui 1implJ remedy mu baki g effred 710? auvaiéii l with éere iîsir affeetlon, *au> thntdi 4 diflConimplol-48suxicus te iukke k iw'I i.fo.etté bis 'nauoi NEW ÂV1IýINS Cabinet Makers,,and tÃœpbôIsteer6, mapii- ftmit'aof anl kinda of And I4oini'M4d.e '-urtnituré, TILLk&I3ROTHEII beg te infbýý tp utml al h ul thatthc bav puch4fed ic S~kn-tand itteSmtin the business csrried on for the asat 34 ycaw u nSVbltby b>hir and , d b tolcit a S1 hne or thePa trenage boïtowed upcihtkeft metaioet tre *otin>yeara. Sofas, Bureatis Lounges, Bd *jCbests.ottfirwer-st Look-ý ing Glso Book Cases, 'arlnr and,,Drawing >om bhalM', 1fckiiig Chairs, Ofilc, sud èJano.Sed Chairs; ITowel and Ttaiit 0 &o4AI., in gmrw. ariety,,uni! &t gruly reduced priçe a11 1.Ilî g V tWHOtgftERy ii-illts Mn1 1131; aLileben ifiade up uindqr thelr own imme4ilaté aupe ndncsibwarndetiibetu. tonial sud workmans;liip. ftof7Ail kindt itt MGuI ldinggsand Picturo Frmes made te, drtk, An exsaln ut h» etit iWg u pedd*eko lni eet fui!>' solied. &-WIIVO Jidiffs, No. 4 ~oks~~,as No. 2, Colbdrie street. Whitb.vu Xay la, 1800.igî -No. 1, o the Corner, LAWLER&FIACS (Succesgors to the late C,. Roberts.) Lawvler & Francis take leavel to announce that having purchased th-e 0f' thc late Chanrles fRoberts, at a reiietion below theme cost, lin hav'inf; added largely to the stock on h'and= tcyarc now preparcd t» s uppty customerawith 0f Al klnds, and of th- C)st 1uliy, 4t uupreèerîestéaly 10w A lot àf M 4APLE> SIGAII ji st received froW Lower Cangda, which wiUi be sold cheap for cash.: & ucttonet ,Val-uator*'ê, *c.# &0, &c.01 btOEt TO LOAI4, a a * MW o! nteiZ W OFFICE-luI'IIQVINCIAl TEL;- <'IRAPiI UILiM2'G-nett deer te lteglstrv Office. 1 LIVERPOOL & LÃ"NDoNY AN.l) GOBIE INSUIIÂNCE COM'NlY. Iieitn+ir,1801 À." 1430 1 AMisA50AE1 .1862. CAPITAI, . ............. $10j000,000 INVESTEUD .........15,250,00U i V'DANNUAL RF- VENU E i POI............ 5,000,000_ FIUNTS INVESTE!) IN CA- NAIIA................. 800,000 T. IL. ,tcrFusCiiia,(P1adant of m tuatilk of ut titreiiii. AuLx. Sîr;soit, E-1q., Deptity-Clcairman, <Chlaininsu, tOntariio hlsîk.) Batik.) y }. Il. Riva, E.5, (lioters Manager iiasik (J.F. <7.luami, ilcidant seretat>'. ldrulcîAL htuiL -ltie'C. Mat.tx Fife lineuirsuto Pol;eiua grontd n e!ou r> .le.ar;pciià of 1'ropii.riiat thiUÇlvÇ*t reuunu.- rstive ratai-. l.aio.N*a.I)uate.l a eho aifcoh> jproved. LIFI!. lAo e As-ïimnCZ ciie;3dAuiuta outt,. cithe iicr.t tavîra5ui tounondi us,- de it.a peeiàuli>' adlipfud tu thd èirtftli AlAnc-iueof ailud ca .Ail li#itirntiosu ltffli Nparttntitesti li ni,tiiiuui, st the 4tfffieoufthte sau>' f cituin- treul sasi truiuglgiiut tCanada. L. AIIISAÉNS, cl.8 Agent. Wlht>. tiîr ourîcu-x4 the. rovili 1'frlegruq offce 131illîing, f îasrt tae Rgl»tîy OtIce. 115 Capital' Twq. NLtiUlft gt#EuNG, lrtfw Icisca,,kbq., Ot.slrmaàe Thonsai Ka>', Ný i-,Ieur>"he aEq., dâ«. Joli Youcng, Davi! tfcr»se, Eauý. 1laeraai1tesesBocik. Laêu.Aoisas~.tîae.Toirsa,& lIeurià Maneau Avias-Wu.Sutherland, M. D Agent, Whflty. Onso-lu 'teveWTelocr4pl*OI. e Ul4bg, Utai th* Kqiatry gUtie..le ASS U RÂÀNGE C0W1411 CAPITAL- *246000»0 STG. <FULLT t BSGFQBBEU.> IIÇVPETBD <W*I kOOo,"<-»E'9 PUaIT P#UND 'IN GANADAi *50,. eowi 19 Md i iceroinll i-Oteculo, n&«4 dua/t re-bùUiuÉ50,Ose itol teS CANDAA*4#1 .*ii&ioWAT. SON & Ce, Oauemi Agout*.' Fust. CnSlsaoi85*87, Osnasï-lu Pr6ud.léicW ijih Offie Be- fildng. »uer tise i-ItMet. T. d'1i1ilOLli LEVINGSTU?<, P. L.SB., luop 81cr Of Apitche., le 0f. evéry description-warri unumllylowprices- for the qilalit5r fu i a '~Of -clmtKEîRii;-1 ç'i't Euglutud, ire aretdisposing Of the git in 1I THE W4itBy' Agrictil-tural Worlig KOvýors* Sind ReapoN ana flo*'ers Cornb;n.d '11i1 Èiibsriber,, 4roid eill1h. attention of Jthe. . 4gcltgrai cq4nnanity,. to týhOIr Set f 4t9a hr Ile enI- Mo14 ever> îungt e FauIer may re4r, sand oeoëiiy At titfii î0ie. o, lbye1ar,7toir 9TOCJCO1 REMERS& MoWEf]RS. Th'eyý l 0icvàsll igde ofith ii ,t«tss hako tý biil,all.hîts Cpt>'s.Juo*ra'oundne; ceslir cab rclaeteta te'aîsio h eu aot tidoi. BàIaOhio Beajier and ~aoik; oqfilbIlueti; <,'ieuicsChiot, Beapor sud Mover,,oîulhln#J. The Manning singîostnpýor snd Clayuga Junicre Mowr-eofan>' and &Il cf the above' Machieci wo invmte a trial. Tlicy are bbîng inanuteactur- cd vith cae rscfgoo titurisi sud worlumain- sli p1 sud cib. puaranteed te thé pprlsc to mivô satisfacétionupnpea fait t rial, o sale. ..BRôWN AIP ATTERSO ôN, Whitbyabes NflV 1)ERTISEMET HATC'H & 1BROI HR Haiibe inted agents for:-the sale; of th ceIebrte 'YL4)rD IIý i_"FVÉD Y 9y EWING 1cnEsî pared to furuulih ,.. t th. mantttbttdror r1eesCC. A hib e le 0' ate in tise In to*Di "gvesPerfeet sattWtictiouu n suetoi s ALStO ON IIAND AND FOR-iAtlt HEfP SEÂ MRS 0f the best malle anîd latest-pattcrnà. 'Ihey would inforny thoir cust'onierg in the Cddntry tiai their Pbddia i gan r troute fhrough the C!ounty:wlth au ÉMtetrneî f-lrgt- ddft TINWAEiià" tâhnu&QWtrèd by, tbemselves frocuthe icr.Y best niaterial. ~Ail tiiose indebted lb'>' goods frôm onr pedduur iasL ycar, mwill please HATOR& RTHR beIrà lHfwaro; Pabùs, 011. &o., No. 4, Brdcc St. Wbhitby. gÉrAu apýrentice ÃŽ6 the'linsmith bumsiness wanted. -M A Largè Stod< of Collar, Plrints; C'ailâdian T*eedgi, Sitk Mixtures,' Cobouigs, Faicyý DR CiSS GOODS, dJV*ND GROC.,ER IES FOR SALE ClEEAP AI' M.1IL COCHIANE'S4 i arn prepared fo offer the best asi(rtrnen.t Ot' PRINTS and DRESS'GOODS, in Town, and at the lowest Puices. oie The higbest pricsf> paid for country Pro4ucel nexchbawge fur goods WIsein, Aril25,188..l COCIIRAVNE. As- BAI.N a&- _ý , WduId announCe thaï they haàve remnoved to th'èî bomm.pdiou4 brick biiltdeisj. * da f Rni4î- of SPRINRACES ONTARIO TURF CLUBý Wil o 011 f'r'tho l;ît6y boumse, on THUR8DAV À FRIDAVj JUE 21ât aîsdlmd, îAas. Il #W100 OCTfrotutiPuro, fýor eai Pi- viciéebA.! ers'e, nolle healh, bla inm-sl<m siv. T Cp, frhe hW. ,hii-M'ieI" $211 00 hrlioBaefirv la.re4 heastu n mulle ae r 4 0Mit li twue m lcha lW ict 4i ha.eup eittA T r tt n P a r"iesno 811v.' C, fr ec im rabîf, ie ass $100Us OC, TrotqfmgOnsu-e5 tan iol i cith 461001luihotubiut lisl cltt uuce ntanci oeîow ceet pie eIr. 1 ;- bit MidCd> Ji and0à and Bock eStI. N.a B.-AII goods Wi'0rrantcd lfirstý-eIaSs, and asi che&É as any hd -u h ta& -1 JOHN OARTER3 Ro b i nHoo0d, LIrdOEN$8ED AUCTONZER "Ilat;iik ui a-î,aMAM 118pLAT 1mM& 18WMÇTS lI YORK* OnTARI0 U, ?] EL iW ItUIDEN7~-LsI4 é W <4us*&W ne h% IdbIh8 li ton t&X lia tL,4On 0Ue .41sI.a, l eýtmra on reasenable tarnus. Tenis oa bo ocaâe a..m! e C'7 in.M si * bills pria/c!et 1 h Cbonîsie e . O n p1?.il?ýjs iitaj àmU5A~c' 'dhia.i rs5w It l fr e =02O iai omre , fiat pnlacà. u',r ho INÈ0,,ýx A-U OË 964.'-asbSn ho-l; ad no* llhat ho ',s wr NtOL'Vea kotAIn O? t' uaingt ti do» 9! <'seada ticeQcatt>'ieert owe u*andAosiusablu lu,, 1smt. 4 OE FK*>Ity mi'h ifflUI11 ItAINhtitof"he= 1 'of Wtb' l laee ja;of . . ?. Ih NOTCS do. thtêo to*daeow 1*itk 1 Ceea ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h teajeheîuobmtem¶~ew Iq lie îuigheIh y o nut, et dIô ofte! as ck 1 he ibisr 11h i>' 6f A"nSeo 1 .1. IîMzR GR EOIL Y. BAINEN.I- aA &orney for the ,mdhms»0!vont 1 t, t 4 .4 kNUFolk 8PAYIIEDG ARDEN SEEDSI Me ýQ a

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