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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jun 1866, p. 4

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Thte tta oof Eurpe. The firat- blOw has nt beon struclc Wbish ji& te lset the E ropeen cotitinen t in a me 0; but the' gutis are loaleti, the' lstch ils ready to bie applieti, the' troope are pmpai"t, and ionly Avait the' Word of commandi. One day w. baie intelligence ibat, as fer as the -quarrel bus gone, thoee 1l yultlîneta reodeoand mai, it up;- but e. mxt day's nes dissipattes Ibis illusion, -and declares tbat the' final issue mnuet corne, and in just t handi. Evidently the firet ,powver that wili strilce ile aly. She Mmt fight ; for with lber things huve corne te sucb a pu that iiIct'ê8 uitr iikeq Austria ian -enetiu thore viii be a revolution, anti tIti momenért sho moite Prussia viii begin. TIm bdisf jn Paris ei tat the' lialians viii entIt'"rei to seize tht' Austrien port of Trieste,and iltu eut off tht' comunilcationi - botween-Venetis anti Vienua. Tht' Aust. riaiîs ctui'lirlly lie utprepareti for Iis; but it i« undoubteti thant î would bur8t 0111 c'en in eple or the ]King. Getibald is a naine to conjure with when lîaly is excîteti uant, et u enti of the Volunteers hie s ln hîs rielit plitre. Menwhile the Emperor of thé French î'etailis te dignifieti attitude wiell -vo referreti to iin oui luet. lie go4no iklcie o f M4i.niitit, aititiilié Glid rî'Berve, andi wrarîc lahimseoIrup lu that imp>elletrotîle nientie which nIotven. hie i$iont eo,ijdniàl ninisetr5 rain Pierce, Prine Mterici ie mud to have given suuit olT*nce at Vicixua for being unablo 10 rodeetinteitntions nf Louis Nopoleon ie fir~e liant hois ta 1 ho receeild. This le liard 01n tue ur.happy PrÎioco, for hi is asi. ing hlm ta do teipsii. How Ans. tria viii ladeilhie lmpentiigeg hock vou osahBonn *se. W. have arrived et the calitvhie-h praiees the' thantier Mfterm; andtis sliai roved by he ltaact or Austria, et tht' VenImoment laLvieg 9200,000 t1cop etia. Thot legraphia tdes- pate1Jli recoivéd lest nigbt edd littho t viiet as pirîviouvly known. At JIerliri the' de ige of lbngluu, France', anti Bussis fie a 'oîtlfeteèee vknonr, but the' pre. Phat infur ver continuet uninterrepteti. -Dëlld WÎ4 Teïea'uaÂxieLa ËFCuate. 'Iave li. lste ed hoenany effective argu- menteq in r'avoir of total abstinence, buni v bhave nlver hearti One'more exhausntive Ilian ihat tif'tht' honelit ferroan whn itileti ta spfak et e meeting ai totel abstinence. As tri hie picouse lîîcalîty o!- this mpetin' oui' rendore are et liberty ta exercilqe their aisîti:-44 1 ehal tell yoe how il vas: 1 Paot m'on hlanti on mine heati, andtbeiire Yan Voita1111;pain. Tlwn T plit mine band On îMY iirelyandtiatlure vas atioder. There vas very tenuhPains in mine peily. Tien 1 l'it nilie hand in reinspocket, andi there vas aînlhing. - 4801-jitietimit te the Teu. perance. Nov thero vas no more Pins imineheati. 1'116pains ini mine bodiy 'vas#Il gong avay. 1 put mine bande le inte pot'kot, andtiiît vun tventy tolais. S1-814stY mit de Tenîprarjne." Atide fre>m Itemoral tI)rnspecla -of the' question, the I)tcliîan 0 4ýaxperieuce9g tell& the' UMLY 'OMMUTOATIN VITI -The, Stueeh Seagoîng Uppor Cabin tu ta mer "Rochester. ('AIT4AMI UAINTItY, ser, wilýl1tavif f CIARLOTTE foi',f¶IL ___ BOuM, onal 4ttîci' Nth $lIprm 1>4aAI"] Iii>b iriit..at12olmej-k, arrclu e tOBO N Fet niaetGRAr. TsON t tC-1 0, 110lurli calo'eoak, mid I'<II ROb'E aitli0, a. in., direct lfor t'illA RO' lK rrtrîîîg ilînre il .45, p.n., wît 'îîacîm itiateferuioen tralis for Jlcetmanilattrialité ie g amttî'asWest, Ntcw-York- CENTRAL RAILROAD; cii 10l'rt, ton the t' ta im Tu 1 IEU Y& TIILthttDAYiigt I~î u/~j/l~4m~J~ eil litait'CMAIg. LOTTE ittap in , direct for WI 13TY, klamai itlt Jaï on wFI>WvEmiAY & ]FRIUAV atreuga ot 5 s. uin., t'lllag Pt Oiiew. 4.45. sujownaaivie. ,16.0 tali, !4e'wcasaate, 7.1b &a lu., PortI<,),e, VU . la. u, t'oboerg, M.1au i., a rfton, IlIAI>a. mi.. <2oturat, 12.001)tacou ;arrivluag t C IA R L0. rat 5l. in., teauug %4 ii tba i d'Lis)k rai, ndail trais gaIui Àt4,M'omt., au un 1110 Nlie Itior Mialway ; &absewitb tlitiAinericau Liai. Q.iT. IL ILa train g.dog jIa4uI W Llât,,andth ii.OLbe teyhoama-2 amu itliu4stay. fiailcoal; alu'O wlttiule LakO stj%,li n hi. North liherO, pslng the' TiiottumdIsuinlt"iliat l, pidm on uth i. Law- ,ru'yt )di> ywltai Pame>uigrom tt' Me Nrut'liilnoe aiiesnaa gtd , i ml~Je~ e.~ t O I tiennet wl- For trigit land 'm tS'lvtooCAuP- TAIP; on l'imad, o liflr ti Ct kRIhD<tpylt, Iate WIL TIIOR 41, Uatila & - TIOS. ýmuiyCeboerar:JAt.5' IL O eteuitJ. KFlý '.Hl, iîbr. Wiitl)Y, tsy 2, Tii' L'khclo de- la France. ],eIraJi.~rugrc de c iice e t iora- Maîalifp ap"ii Uura'é 6u. m btien> îcoeamplr I Le.. r Ili P, llaite frepro. 'dit4ae'aaail&an1- ai"±ex. N' OTI -C E! hMe Iot a nad ihie mi eee rn te ia>', te tW-TVO l)Ot>TIIOUTIt O? TIIF.Jý BANK of MONTREAL M.lOCK SIEET, WIiITBT. Where lit le properedt o exeenlo ail erdors wlti dempatch. pr vladies eand (Gentlemîen whatng soeet 'Wîrk, cen lbe aceemedated Terne. cshi.' CASTLE FOX. Wlîitby, May 2, 1860. l17-tf GiIEEN MOUNTAIN M OR -GA NI Will standl for Mares titis sepason as follows Mi)N I) A Y, Nfay 7, ho witi i-mie Lis owver',. Stalile, nt nd atii orvv-mml hI umoiiCar- inilati',mI .lt tl, nt iit'n, uami r' mtmiee maourte; tiiîem tWik, fmm.- m -, tii-iwe tla ('mîmaîjbllLt itel, Sitiiititid, a.a.d cme- TUE.$IAY, ho vilIirem e a t hi-ealnk, aenti reinmin iî mit ltr; tiauer . t b t tto i3r.k liead, to Emi,mtai t nauai, aud reniaitt1-vu immurm;tî,tlemta e taMe.heeii'oe l, Aslitau, and nî ail iigtit. Wf*I)NE$-DA'I, buo'iil i rael te the liche lotû] tL, îkliii, nt uoti, antI rtmmale mu-eu lii-'. iunce ote i-Robiti louse. levlt rend Clatmretîaiu tgit. TliIltIJAY,hOlitvtI laromeitte meEhrîay' ilotme], timiiain, ai neom, iand retuain tvu heure; Lieure tae uttmitl'u,ne, t 1tircet melotik, anltra- mai mmieheu; tieieeta iirk'a hutcl, Rag. lari, ani reiutit t ilîglil. F1<104,- h iii ii1roep'rt'd Iolyrt t hente pi time Gravit l ted, Cl'te imymm'e te , ai lm, ami reimima tv mtaurs; tiiue tr trmiitnn elirmtr ttild Pl'nmrAilist c Ie u ovti sbie, aiî rîiimvai~i ti iioi 01 ai'. 4 Titi roulemit iibc.etravelot wekiry, tiàcti Ntammtlit.-tltt anid uvuitiîe.r lir- ti M il, M . i r Mx>oit mt Mi. bettilinii a imii umt rwti,(ti 120 lme, m--m' yaerueimiai- t .-.dm iIJ4tîmiad4iil. 1le was iireîl iy the tmitý aitrge Itlia.eAllait, g. étire Blac-k htevh, g. R. .lsie Siernian, g.ir. ire Juiltn Morgant; daîti ktaîava-sale cl. 1armîtemhl peîmialiaimraamiva.' airelt 1y i.Çillllolmit MIargau, g. detai imy !iir;meu I1püttltaa. Te) traître a fmal site epaiti by tieIsintf bm. fiaiad ut lma titi6Oei marriaoa, lmc tc"jiatid itill limeetaarfi &«-l se 'iaa.manftia,. lt:cd mitres 11uiti mairime mîrit î ul t ily ttle Itou-at, air tlicy w e u mat !tt'i g us .m M't-'uu trt',. l'air tuso fhstni~n it ii r Nart's lueioro fitlitt Itimie iaii tai! ie immrmtm',uttile-4, sifu- liutr ri Veaiciliitt laey arat' it ll i'iai Ailaelmatîiu ât t.ninfth ef lt,wuiare. Uiruuii'n feutevim. DENTI STRY. "Itt uit avi rmm, Immmguiîrroning çhuuatml. htua t Itaimlilit' iiamiîîy u'te, 1 1-ma oail air tiers Cn!t- i it tlscilm mre. Teu itacîteimiontî (mu, hilrer rVuanot Trilla Il1ued or extraoied lu thb betpcsshle l'a.rtiruuhar Attiîs(leammpulatethe re-guhAtamno t(h'tlru'aT*otb. AI i orksmîiraute.t fil W. i. C'A1D. T UE ahove lo intagefs! bavesO$T!KW& rnilg st the' later Psss a .i. îuetn 'vItt tii.e f otr*g ritsysdBaet Réîurning lavus Mmill-daiiy, et 91 a. te., airivint l oiUahawa lui timet for eveuins traita ou G. T. IL., P.Ast andl Wet-Fitre frffn tiaba.- 'va 1o Columbus 37X< een1s te Raglan 50teetsi. to Prince Albtert 75ecites, Anyas$1153 Ms lailla 8i 5C. llasqelrrs freoe ti#iMrtý me .aî>veyed nto lecara &tiawa frit'feircarge Elépreesui a rataily atteîied to sud, putrolai dalivered vit eipatatiW. Tii. proeprio tarxetl 'v But o urompomaable for pareela or imiaekg s9mul bockod .id p&id forte ati- JEWE LLERY, ày NEW~SPR1NG ARR A varied'assortme rit of superior Dry Goodà, of ei£er qalvy nd7 'ohusbeen added te the' Crooe.ry-ad Liquor Stock Oftbo undcrsignred.- Consuit bis list of priceo&!g aud inspeet the quality before purchaiglswre JOHN FARQUHARSON) Whitby, April 18,18. Dundas Street! ýSPRING AR*RiVTAL 1Ma.hewson, Ratclifte o. Ilave just r reccived a fresh suppiy of Groccis Bo14 k ,4? and made to- order oii the Latcst-Stylcs. IYALS-lLows & -Pýowell 1-rakt4 ýpleasuro in informing their numerou friendwisand cuètornersi. of the -arrivai- of their, Spring Importations of FANOY -AND) STAPLE CHINA, CROCKERYj, &- GLASS WARE. 0f the f'olo w-ing we have a large, varicd, an hieslecton--at prices that will warrant guick ýcaih -sales, as ,the goods are of-the, best, aDd-prices lower that the lowest; Plain And Fancy Du'oss Goodo, Silice, Shawls, ud Manties, Parnoolee, an& Sewed Mualins, GloIres and Hoisery, Ladfies, Misses, iand Infante Hotu, (in tahevimous styles,) SWhitby, April 19, 1866. Scotoh and Englitih Tweedsl, Silk Mixcd Tweeds ianeI Contingg, Plain aid Faricy Doeiskins, Black Broads and Cassiiures, Fine and Coarso Lincn, LOWS &POWELL. New Dress Goods, and Mantles, AT Rt. & J. CAMPBEt.LS. Ne.Prints, NMuslins, and Tissues, AT R. & J. CAMPBELL'S. -New Sltawls, and Stra-w Goods, AT R. & J. CAMPBELL'S. >orcstnotceinNew Parasols, Gloveqi, anid Sewcd Muslins, Tweed~'<s, Satinets, Fhu nels, Union s, &C., or oui, own Manufacturez SOLi) REfTAIL, AT WiiOIJESALE MATIIEWSON, jçA'VCLW1FJF&Co. 1lBrookîhut, April 18, I GO. FRANiCIS KELLE, Ropreonets tho f-ilowîng well..known Companim. TEE LEIIPOOLI .AND? LONVONANI) GLO,4 CAPITAL *10,000,000 TUE EDINBUWGII LIFE. AND LOIN,,ASSURANCe Co.> -QUEEN INSU11ANCE Co,, (LONDONI; ENGLMfVy.f PILOVWNCIA-1 INSURANCE CJo., ý(0F CANADA,> nue il> AXI a Nlv.- BRITISU AMEBIOA ASSURANýCECÙo.,'(0F TORO4TO,) WESTERN INISURANCE COMPANY [0F ENGLAND.3 AQCLDE&TAL - DEA.T-il 1NSURNIE o., _,jGLANDj cLAmilF4.!>, U.%50m.Ooo A8O AGE8NT PU TUM POVINC11AL. PERMANENT BUILDIG & SA.VINGS SOCIETY, [Tormnto] lie AMldauus of proporty 1nsun'ed on rea*»ionftblrms A- MooMèOUi lxxad n '4 utRosi e'UUttttla ? pc504ttltsiand ful infrmtion t giW*Ofrceon01 *ppUlaono. Ais et lorPo 1rovizicialttelograhCoempanyt- ZELLR, Pstmat.rO.buV.(LW. AT R. & J. CAMPI3ELL'S. New Ulotlis, SiIk-înixturcS -'& Garnberoçoris, AT R. & J. CMPIÎ;LiS. New Gents Mats, Shi'rts, Collars, Tics., &c. AT R. & J. CAMPBELL'S. New Banniockburn, and Cana4ian 'Twrceds, AT IR. &J:CAMPBELT.S. Necw Canadlian Factoryi (Dundas miake,) Arýt R- J. CAMI'IELL'S. Ne* (arpets, Darnask and. V'indow (Jurtains, AT R.:-&iJ. CAMPBELL'S.1 New: Réady-lMade (llothing, - ý(hn mmns Stock made on ibte promises,) - - ~~AT: R. tJ.OM 3ELS Newkýt and. Frcs-h Groceriesj, Crockery anid i.liswaeAT R. 3 . CAMPBELLI.S. INw ndFres;h Garden and, Field$ eedse - ATm>«F. .CAMPBJ3EWs- Ail thé bove iiib sold cbeap for cash, ,and at ban thanToronto Priees-for saine qualîty. CaUi early. ana iset Wtby, Apili as ~ & J. GAMJ.BELLS. ýt 11; 1866. 14-Iî HOMES AND-HOMESTEADS. Town., LOT;S FOR iALE. AFow Tewn Lote, on long tormuet pay- muent lu hue T'IOWN 0F WIIITBY ALSO tire' lockx lu thal'Town of Whiltby oottaiuliig froui 011e to tlirec Acrait.. ALSO VILLAGE LOTS IN Port Perry, Brooklin, - Breohin, (MIftra,) Hlampton, 1Brighton, Apply to J. 19AM PERRY, Whiîbya Wl.ithv, 8th Nov., 1865. 4 Wild LANDS FOR SALE., -e- SEVERAL LOTS Mara, Rama, Brook, Eldon, IBexley, Somervillo, Verulam.- P or pertiob.uarsaupply te, (pro'paid.) J. HAM 1>ERR 3, Whithy. Whitby, 81b 14ev., 186. 144 Farmus,§s for salte 10 (( Acras ln lto'Townshiip, of NMnvers I .V lielir~, urit-a't paru Lot Ne,.-O, 2tiiî Cou.; nmiuLIIIu 1-imalots Of lthe Towsi linù 'ai DAIILIN GTON, îlm) mretes ct'mrei, about 40- arres itf viili are Il,' il,,mIlamtin'y. CtmtferuaaimiLog Loit. tien Ingitîtît.bariI, t4îiI(maua thîif' ty veîuîg orcîarmh tf J-50 tf um, This propmtrty e, ibcsod 0vee, u lonug, tartanof ymay gin.A a f4t siU111tl tW9 aumlalait iles of ItiL 1 'tILLI!, oi thle BAY 0F QmUIN Blitig veitpart, Loi 82. ls1- Coti. Li t'ny-ei--cn tamnhtulg 1(turie s; abut nlt)eie t liaiîl aId uidèm-cuiîivaîion. Tuien'mre tre tmnntiîuo lIrmma roiirtia iad îm tiit oIrchmntI, uailluin itts tue eiolCcs aiat imîptipofetfruit. 'hlitrîe immat nt itiimlmttg'm art' îhiiim-imýt l ima contmre mf tiie inaulmuty sue!1immitiniiiia clîtarof t'ocre ioii. 'ltmtc b iinvicotu m f e ctwiimabin Fraino lw 'I aaiIlhtg hit, mciii atlpîiidmti sjrig itilu i o t uamr. Tht. barijtim riti ont- bacaare imee, large aaaletuuuîdes TlaiIM.-A't leari $1000 caisit, audnt i_ mO an finiet. b Alae, ltntNo. 12,' 121-luconct'sinuî ýMAlA,7 TWO IUNDRE)) ACRES, AimXl4o0 acres cleatreti, loirlieuse &0c. Thie le. a clioil ieînt, antisttialt oaly meenum fouir iti Irotai tht' cenitreirend. Aico lot7, ln tht' 121-luon. SbEIIî 200 aci-ts-vîîiu ive muoines frein the llcbSîy- geot taat'naioit>Roadi atîlonuvul.i ont te Millel, $etoi,ls, a&0e lFer paart'icultirrà apply 1-o (pro-pali,) . . ILM P1ERUY, Prop 1ittrk Whitîy. WItby, I;ov.laIt, 185.5 5i ONTARIO IBANK* NOTIC'E 18 IIEREBI GIVEN, thiaima Divi. N detît cf'tour petcent,- mtpon theîid uld Capital Stocko ilsiujnfa ilie etorrent lat-yetir, hitus day been dee1ldra i l 'P.t the' saune .wll lie, payable, -t the lnaia4 brlebs uaii fter P]riday, l1st day of J'xme, nextè Tht' Transqfcr lhookn will ho ciosei frem the 151h Oth lt II My, ilulve. Notle la A i vah oli. taimtht' annalgenetàl tneuting ofte Stokiiolders.- for tho eleeticai of Dirociers lor-tii, enoulng year, ivill bu ,beld,. it th-lieBainkitig -loieus, in Bouinvihie. o MONDAl, tuie 4tdaly cf J V NJE next. Tle chairte bu taken at'Ivelve o'cioek, noce, prou Byorder cf théIluord1 - Ontario Batik, I3awVMUinVIhle, Seth April, 1860. 17-ta Isolvent Act of 1864.4ý Pone iOeda, In ut Couty oenitde Coleut'of Ontarîu, > the Coltity or Otte 90Wi. rie. In lte Matter of JOI-N ALLIN,..'n Inte'l. On, te NINTII day cf J ULY riextthmB derniguiet iItsnlreul i IViIIply toi ue *Ud of tt' e$id court fore diecîlargeouder t a Meid Act. - 119 8 drsti Apinti oglyc noticeanise Ttiet he1fWi ath maiýitie, (or asneen thratr"Consol eau b u grd apphy te lite snid Jutige forjlatt dischitige Ê;rouaitlte cf-' fItof etwiignue, sit1liait MîA linit accetint la uoi opon for inspection ut Ile&lotc',ita Caoin uingtîn, lu 1-he o caui>'aiuttirlo. .1 (UISALL IN,' Dy CHALS. C. ItELLEIt, APnen Datidmnt -Cînuingîen, tuintc CeunI>' of On. burin, titis imt dtaylit-maiy, 18da.6 17 fii NEW c.AURI4GEi ND- Waggon S hop fseture -o etier ailkiia a n .Rep«afingneally anc 1 »-omnptly execizled. ri'Tlirtoe donrestt i Mv. Wuiî. Lilng'a Sucrel, ]ut2., 160uat8(. CJIEP SOVES t:ý7- iE ET 1 %NAS Di1é.4 Agricultural -rue'4acestha Will>naY fir théeÏ8t,I oji fleLy GREATIY 1 IITOES.- WATrnxlS8-a JAMtESJi Yebruiryv 4th, 1868. C>ijiaale a 'noao ilu ltreuela longue IM te the Eiuglish.s pi Pur'ppualtion. krt-or1tw1-lie uglieh .1 1 ---Mou" , - ýF ýlý, ý , 'Z ý, , ý,ý 1 1 JOIIN 814 Ale, 1 1 1

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