:~ *>; L.A5LR-At Wbftby, en the î3th of j e,6, iiiwirf tThowna lÀwler, ~qOf the irai of IAwlevJ& Frauci#, of WhutbY Maraotea. Witbyt Jane 18 1866. ril îWhoat .... .60 $1*.15p. Spring......... ... . A1,36 -peau me I. 600 tea6e. Peu8tnarrewfat . ..450 ta 610 potat eft.... 30e0. ila ......ý..0 ..... 8.00 per ton. Buter ....... ..... 15c. a 20o Apple"40 a S0C ~ggu.......... 9 ta 10e. ~liicheuS 30e per' pair. Park.............. $7 o, $7 30, Tutkeya ...... 60e. a 15C. Guose *40ç. Wood.... ....... .. $2.50 ta $3, Sbeep skina ....... 0e te $1.25. Wool ............. 30e ta 320. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ROYAL CAADIAN BANK. ATa tû'ti ne t fth oiua&à r, if tlYtIreatnr,, A î C lhtaelt, ft Wa tiaiRt à 1' r t (Ifîa<u jj J u a.ltlil ~ iL Ili~. t 0 I' 1 l ".o WANTED trnâmediat«&ety! ro ' illi ' FNT 1THE TO ON T() N'U 1 Is- 1E S A L, r1iî T I, îd t tt ai 1i'ie71p, I"rt Ir~ Chaiieery Sle p(1r4C'tantpry uîwlo hinte cuuae COUUTCE ~COURTICE, ~i~î îl apprutliiof Geo'rge ILr lJ~u i, M~t atl'y ti $11M Mm'et W lai~ , i I id v liinuulîl Mîst r TOWN- hF WIIITBYO .SaUturday, îhe 2lst day or July Dn'xt t ho heur of Twedve o'clock nnon, the Iqillowiug vaialio arui and ether Latnds îluto TOWNSIII? of FICKERIG, that la tesasy : PAUCEL No. 1.a Voii et.lllt or t hht ;îrtilailorLot Nu in- lr IM Ytfta li ha i.e Qctil ,au'1 'Ihiriangtem 1.1 1uesaiud Townahieoi IPickemrig, lyni 8aiîor ti>o outit <wted h>' Jatia mitaiîar'aine4susaboit 89anres, t fwlilaul lluaîtîupr<'iotsesê(wtieh iborder tlapon .ske lnMI, aiietlIs oiforlble ai ne Vl>wei' ltilaa'a a rn a am sd aulCule tbiaag. ThnM oî tiiud lees lre gouad. TUtuprermiss sadýialuijtabsolit svn îultoa ron.a tle aTown th iy, sud L tomiles tromthe lii. llsgeot tu i' Cre,k, hW wtaitiapisatli t Io. la cuible PÂRncpLl i., 2. 'fia nsuglar "soîpedyiirtioîi dl ot Naire> ber Frouk n rt, Outhte Tovçailip of1'liirtig, aiittiaigaloit smycaen -s, mor'd ounles., ut lmuait Iiiidonutle giit~,la y thC li ug'atai aima ltiNutl7th ie Dliesu. llat ownau faor nata, ud ouentih. Wei't.b>' the.boaî.dainy klli tt, hîntia, sal'A1t I2 iuxd lut 28, ithe >imiixuouteabtiaa zxeptiug teaoul*bout hait ici t crU lieretelone oonvoyed s4 aia61W ton a This Lot I19al11alaitud, sud Iteatpon tt A Ui lKitigitoU 44 1 cluouty thte Villaie aot PAICEL NO. 8. T4e l'otlt.cunsl 'ruai Aqroa ut Lt Nimter Tfîtrty li !f t'i t oleieitop ofuthe ,aItui TIwi.uii fut tang, *W ieila.nubi i ti'anLied Vxioof frc>om une Otuy te 't1uuicla Courtice. rh lantd 'Li partiîdiy ai±iiai, and le distant Natîwsuly'aeut twu umileis trithCioe &a tfi'r u it i;o he riaiuahâteuaathe shah h "r.- ti<tî. A tittir souat,ai iit witiîte l..tii 'r-iit Pu)aut-tîr tie putcaixe ?a'fî'ii tlî.p ahi, iitia ilena.î%t tiiariiua llîîîî l iiy u -ti iîi tiy dà ym ti-r,>- ulir1 'sa i i i gni' ri tg ,itWodtlà ii'd. utat' a.C'lr i<l I.tu>iU'tCY itlx iaiunatt ttaei',ti itrui eta aiuiy <r1sle, au or tcucthe fr't dcyv u'No. *,-uair nat. Uput ili i pnictaut ut iiunatal i, i,,iloîîîîy amîîiau, i tiihu nela"o C ai Iîu uutiÉjU<d w ou_ t;urs -'l a lie put mýlt> o sesid, it I Plc-i>bW J li 4Jartnssui W. Griiatu sund ltnl I'o, larrîsters, Torointo, anal ui 4 tound.rsigiie4 Mssteof utCh. .irt, Iiatod tlsMOItd&Y of Jttu, A, P., 18 '1<. J. Il. -r lU~2 1 Tuesday, 26111 day of Jâme, instant, At tu 9to our oft22 &uek, p. lu. SOMETHING IiEATII TO RATS, Mieo, Roachos, Bod Bugs. House Pests, FF1RRIS & OBINO' WVoder'uatI'owder, aacer kaown yul Agent f o r %VIithy, :A$. BYRNEa 11118ILESALIE Bl E 1P JT, 89. Paul,, MaNTIEAL. analdG & 68, FL'LLARTON Nt., BROOKLYN, NEW 'York.. âmae 19, 1804. -2 "ORILLIA IIOUSE." m ORfLLIA, 11013T. ROSS, Js. - Paorsaiaoa T Il E propr t thlà ld eatab l oai eb lf Igto IiSivrin lis Iumtroua friitla and tihe trsva-I'ling t.ublaiç. t1tat holbas loamid te lt'ho ej)rairAise, ' ero lie wil a"tend pensul- ully t tatis i, atâoMA alaguettts 1rlvte spuitwenta « c inI ua f raquiraid. Triavoler* sud Ioarilait viii tân aruxapla, ace ouirnodation sud ovcry sUontiIonPu pswttethair soin fort. ,Rie. Ilr wiilbe found atockd viiitiith eiotee*t Liquorg, <Cg&nla&o. Lasr ce uons, lgj8 ead s tablaf, *i1k a Otair e es couatâttly on hand. Orilli, ist,îJua,, 1n0. 24 INSOILVENT ÂCT OP 1864. 'AWD)AMENDUE?(T TIriETO. ln the matter o!f(CARLETON ~LY1NDE, iteiy carr>ilo 1 u qinoasli thaetown t Withy, nasa moetanat, 1AuRixe a partuer li -he fIrrn t uLYNI»E & 1l'.*STl of tho anme place, Iron Faitnderoq ait Insolventt. r~ MIE Credtors of the Jasuoua ent a otlied it a int nt th iiu ft i hae ubiii.ignod, lsta he Town -e>ut WhIatuy, Colaity out uirl, eta 'ra.sdity arît doy ut Jîiy 186,ept 2 O'cioaik lnth iaaftaruou, tor ti tuthepii enmIL-atiuaîor tiliaslvui, ud for Ciao urdcriaxg of the afsirs ofuthetuaate gaixorally. 1)at t Whitby, l2Ch Jaino, 184 JAMYS IIOLIEN, 28 Offcil iA..aigaao. 11F A B;ttBFk 1E<IS Ta> ANN<)UN;- T ue titt i'ý Stouc 6 ow aîrausîialiv fall ina scomte> tiv, uinaavlttg batiti ,alatad wih care, witli ai ft>iiiid aiuiaico and1 .ilail-a large <ý?rtiotj ut bi iititlua iVete ituported Cis o.sprita reea rimLoudon, Eaglad-.eStoswsiiip ÇU18NS1AN Y on baud, s largo iele et . Ir T.wv' bepc Pamfutns, Pansaes, lru b,ae f ort RETUEN 0F QNVIÇTIowS Made by'lier Majestys Justices of the reae.£ fo0r the C-oun-tyof Ontarj,(rmth ard eon 1866, to the J'une session, 1866.* M<W ADVERTISEUMMT8 tlusic,! Music! F wat jrSieu. lnions Leurini bout aud ltest FIaiel, on reoaxabia ijirais. à pplioatiouanuit bai uadai elber porsonca J>, or b>' lettor, (loal-pdld,) te, T. 1P. FIIEMANq, No conuauuion vlastover Wit) te lVbtby lirsa lamd. 24 T. P.Fy. Publie .Examinations of tii, Town Bohool». IIF,1C Publie Examintleu of the Town sc iii wli bcud enfoliovu; Anderson St., Tliursday, 22nd Instant. Jobn Streel, Frldaay, 23rd n ýIeanry Si., #en. division Mouds7, 28îh Jst and 2.4 divîiieusTuesdany, 20î11 f-rmmmar Solloolt second division, lVednenday, 27t1a. 1@t division, Thursday 28111. T110 comminatioua viii commnceaxaceli daY nt hltt pisat Oone loclt. i'tirfinutî, giatlriani, aud lie publie gencaity ore muont reapuecttull>' inylzite ualattn. 94 COnty Council, Co. Ontario. HeNOe of Defendomt. Liai. of Charge. Dateao c Cialt1i. Nasseof Oonveung JtIe&o Aohnt ef Mine wheii 1 Ylne Penalty or Damege. I I l.= _____ J.. O. Doriuan. micbael Welsh..... lAussa................. ........... Imar. Jas, Rove ........... Elijah Kelly....Vg c............. à re....... April John Pllklnton,. 1en.tino . ual................. ...gay Chiet Constable.. Isabella -Sayers......Drunk, and! dlsewderly ................. Jane do....... me. tals. .do...................Jue Elizabeth McGeaugh ... IAnu eÎlgr Aricle&o e ut e#ee .......... 0..a.0Apr. Anti HoIIiu>er..... ..Jaumes Mcesngb ....... do.......... a.. l§j An Helluzter ......Elizabeth McOcangba.a de........a. . An Hollinser......Elisa Jane Hubbaxd... doe . .. ... . . . . . . . - James bcGeaugh...- varfia m feongh.... and hie ie .... do ...... Kargret MGag. Ouptain flartueli... Rebi. Clark.......... N.gieetiaig Drill.... .. ..a.a 4prII Woe Ttu.....Richard Hopper.... ul................iy Mnm. Labelle.....James Wilson ...Trespusi.. .......... .....)April d4.......Johuathanu niat... do.. ......... .............. April James Murphy,....Johanna Cotiner ....... ..............Jue Oliver O. Wilson *. John Arbuekie ....Seling Liquor on the Sabbath day.... Feb. Joseph Driollî . leryhll ........HnyIII. Assauti and Battcry .................. Fçb. Matuirice Furley......13. Tvo.....eln Lqe ihalLcu........ M a:. John O'Donniall......Donald lruee... . ... T . 'Mabepossso f r. 18r. tperly seîitea for Taxes............3 Sarah Anti Meltoai... IJohn lictoth. ...... Usiug thncateniug languange........... I& Johin Lpper ........ .. oWm. Ihall............ !tealiug a hla: ...................... Jue JonC. MicheIL ....John Bearry.......... ITrspass,. ........ ...........s Thoxasl)oel . ...'t~wart .oi~seu... ÇRoariviug ruoney frsudulenîly, au i pd unider falso proteucca ....... Chiot Constable......T. Cuninghaiu......I)rurlit aud disorderi>'........MAY IXuben Switzer, ... Jam0e Strâcan ...... Asaut,....... ...... ................. Say WM Montgomery'...Alez. Ront.......FrWages........... ..!,.Duo. Win. Pearson ........ ilogb McDrmott ..Nonpayment etf Vsges ........... 1pril l'rancis Matowan.'.!Patrick Y-aioe..... A tt.................,.....:Jute ITnry Mnaybee ....!Dvid ConsUll..... Aault... . .... .............jApril ,UrnutWooMark........S4malWod Wiful damuage ta papry ............... Joue Thoaians ope . E. Nisbet............ Laviujg etu;ioyrent................... April D.lar....... Meon ...........Vilation of Oa,, v.. .....«. Ajril David BIaird. .. ..... Palmer Carr ........j do do. -.............. April Thomsa Martîlu....John Danioue......isul..... .......... aac ...... a' a' 'a a' 'a a, an <a 'i 23Y (The Major. f R.J. OGitansd..> L .Draper...... T i. Major........... {Tih. Mayor. di.-e......... do gog du *10 Qqi paid, or to b. paid tei esalau~alq To wbeanPSU ve'er by saldM i c. a I. fnet vla,*11,tôt?sd eaIosg iioe4i ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................m,~....~Cemiisiîted. .....................................................................................................................................ais.'efo~dag .......................................................................................................................iaieerabî t pyc-~ 3o 60 mé a 60 Neaid.......... .................................... ....................... do do ........ do ........ (Oco. bWeherso. aud. C. Rinson. DeeoBan g . Ja.erMcPhern..,g and-$d....... (Cha. Rinson.... Adameruton Iiu...n...) an .. ~ u. ...... S. J. Ka. Vînon. A.garn ster ..ui.... A.gnserr .B..e...... alcom Gipepie. (Wt. nri......... 186JH. Topcnu.y........ 1866..J.d.u gs........... 1866..(J1 R Vrdo.. 1800.'l d. 26ets. bom 00 00 00 00 do do ............... Town Treseurer..... ......ers.... .. ... o...Te..r............ . do .... do ..... SAt ime ef conviction.............. Township Trommerr.......... At Cime of conviction..... 26thMban..p .. . .. .... Coant>' Tresaurer....0............ tOne molut>' te Township Trea. surer, analoee oiel> té ii. cemibitteal for è daje. Recetgnizauee fer the Itoattd de. de. Net jet poiq. Sf....................... Disied ud Cam. appoel.- 1 00 1 90 ... ...... ....... .. . . . . . . a.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Maiy 28th.............Towniliip Truarer .............. ..îwil...... i.............. .ow Treaauror..ý ............... 21 laye... -. ................. .......... 1.............. FeCîil........ . ...... ...... Wm. Montgomery........... Ferthwith.......... .. . ......... Prooeculor.. .......... ....liit................1onlpTestr..... 8rtwh........ ........ Toasurexi o! Municipaliy ....... Forthwith ...................................... 4t once ......................Nt Pai........t Two weeks. Net paid..... ...... At one..........if&yTearr...... Comitthed te whlsby gael for wdut q #diri!4 te keep the Plence. commiuetd (o giollai Whutby to ttkb bit tri aI Quarter seeions. Dismisseat for vaut oet convict the piionier. suillientevace 't t [1' hot psÎ4to ëte bi e dfor Îi moutli Conatable coula! net 5ù4 nd Eteuded dtie. Ezteuded thue fait due rontbi po: Mau ice rti(y te the above to bc a Keturii of VQnvicti -ons (rom, the date, 7a bove'stated, as i'etureed~ this office. office of the Clerlc of the PIeC, Whitby, June, FOR SALÉ~ 7flOW Lot 1 o ~ utJeROk .3 $tb uhîu , b «Ltby anosk LOTIt 184, Illsuad 188, vasi t f rook 8St W hhI'.ged fs.aadweullng hodf Ue., Apaply toi, 8.I.COCIIEANE, Berrister &o~., Whitl)y. Wliilby, <h .tune, 1846,t-22 o o o t m r.a e ~K. ~7. ~JBC~C 1 /l ~1 -a 18661. BEST T 1.11. A,,ýPAN N 4~N~ A 1'AI INSOLV3NTA et are A NEW ADVERTISMENTS. Naie of Promeuîov.