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Whitby Chronicle, 21 Jun 1866, p. 4

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- ~- GENUIN E RENDI] tnt ltifMYtttIlletItiil, iti1Iho JAS. il. OBi mo.aiy ottit>titisît cuti l tiit,li diin. JAS. il. OEfRTI F4amiIy Drug Si Lan-d-For Sal ES, le. - rr'o FAU Ni Kit t, 7<1 h h il A N-ht 8, M liltl'lI- -~ tîtîtut ~l W -tht,- - H-hi,' hi, tirehuitutu, FA<W'ff PROPERTY1 OIL NEW AI)VERTISEMENTS. T ILL & ROTHER, Cabinet Makers, and tJpholsterers, M~a nu'-ý facturars of ail kinds of CABINET WA.RE, IJuîIdîaii. Lots.JAnd Home*Made Furniture.1 1îrretmiI, m-4'it t ai tr Vabi7i-U it ilite, viii Lot 1, tt 4 . Multrft, 200 oAertr Pii;t t7 Il - it 100 7, ii ' h-,110( L 1 1 p ' IU, iIf 2> $ I-,t 11 tii ct j- ii1 jtII t u t r utr 6! $1, 7, 1 141'i)nIt lii lut il Il dot lui e 7îh Il o ,t t kir fr it1tr ipl uin liitiu Mii, A p!- !i >t, Tho Siaueht Sec ottg Upper Cabin S81 mer r,. t -s~ il t' e ;ea- "Roch ester," ,trîutiite ii ~O tltN4'P, hjîfi- <R1A f 'TON ~: i 1r.1C10, il. ni-tiotr #i"IL e IIiailtriii i ti tît uit, jîtu. New-York CENTIAL RAILItOAD; Aio iritat ti Atouri:ttihiu ut , ir.mi- tillig L i > 'rtlq ît tllet î il i t i $tîrî'. aïi >ti TI)iAY AtTIIJIINDtY -iit> thoIl Il tlU le-nvitu(1il Alit. j.<riýria e t-, iuttf-iul)r t-WiiITBy, ltîi-iý wi1J'IIV091%tii> 4)NE1tAY'& VRI truiuiYtuaP t . i .diiiig 'i tiliaiv. <t-If. It, tvmitî,rville, th.> fi. lii., ôtîtî,t v .15 a. lit., Port 1hope, atut<. tt., 4<;èotnirg, ,r4kta IIt., (Graîtmu, tu-ttitin tt,'f i -i i 12,iitl i r' i iri' t il.,, * - CHA h- Miii tija i.trcauîi, il Wt i,-àr i t ut i i d ut t i ti i u t: ,-uu - Tîii.iîuhI-til-. t.îtijli -ioa e No w- coint, y ti the Nrtt.o L. to-i>tr ii <t tiî> ttyrthi lGhtur, S ttîîit, tii, " I/1h'ý Oltt Port lucpo. TI N Poiitrql, ir tut(11 i $rý,xDRA1, 'il l'hil', lhI'wtni>uvil -J. P. L4jVFhiN, lei rlitiitiA.îrg ; .A M E5 Pirt.1101,0 11tlt by, & tY 23, 18461. JwE LL E la Itelible oods j. AT GIREA-liY RE DtCED J'ÂMES JOHNSTON, Watoh maison & Jowolor. Ih'mntaruUy ~Uî, 1-816. ltack St.,'Whitity. 18ê'IRUNK ,êo. TILL~ & 13ROTHElivbeg to inforin customers and the public, that tihav muoprclimscd tho Stock.iîîtrado and întoret in thc busines ccrried on for thc 1ast '1 1yeaî s ini Wl ilyy l>y theii fither, antd beg te solicit a continuanco of the pa- troinig' l>sii>wçtl upon the .tfi!ot for so many years. SOC, q, Bîîrcatiq, L 1uî:ce-E 'Neads, (Jhests of Drawers, Looik- irt (~as~i,, 1k iic's Iarlur 'tril Irawhîig lPoom ChAirs, llocking Chair.,, Office ai Caine 1Statd Chaire, Towtl and Titilet Standsî, &c, ini gicnt aricty, and at grcatly t UPJIOLSTERY in ail ifs blîrnches. Every article bcing madet np ui their owiî irnîiatc;t supt-rinfieniInce chr bc warrnted of the hest inrta teia tai antIorklitailtip. r,ê-Al kinds of Gilt Moulings antI Pîcttî-c Fraisies imcdo toi,] X.iAn txi,aiion of the Piient. large ai] plendid 'tock on bandt is repier. fully sulicited. 9W'arc Bioomns, No. 4, 1lirtork strvet, and No. 2, Coihorne 51-et. TII & BRo'rJIER, ilttly, maîlàt, 1860. " No. 1,011tile Corner. LA WL< R & F ANCIS~ (Successors to the late C. Roberts.) Law~lei' & Franéis- take lenve to annouince titt lavig p rclac Of» ilie latecliUarles Roberts, at a reduction 1,110 - ime rne ît, iaîd hltviuîg cdded iargely to thet stock oii 14:ud, thc'y are now IireI)ared t-o supply-custoncx-s witli GROERISWINES &LIQtTO1{S 0f 'iii kîuds, and of the best quaiity, at unprcccdentcdiy low priceS, for cash. A l4ot of 3,14PLE SUGA R juîst-rcc%,eivcd froin Lowcr Canada, which will be sold chcap- for cauh.1 FIELD-'& GARDEN $EEDSI Of every (leQscri)tioii-warrante.......and ai. uisually low prices for tihe quadity. Iin order t make roolu for a it irge stock of CROCKERY, &c., ordered ý directly fi-oiti E'ngiaud, we arc disposiiig of the stock in hand beiow cost price. 1 LAWLER, & FRtANCIS,,. No1,on M/e Corner Dund<u and Brock Streets. N. B.-AiI goods wt'rrantedt- and as chicap as any house in the trade. 13 first-class, L,&F Éý q I -J i HMILT3ONdo . I " L. -& to lhave STÂPLE & band an il NFT SP-1 N ARRIVAIS. - GOCRIES A varied assortment of superior Dry Goods Of eve ry quaiity tind puice lias been added. to the C0rocery and Liquor Stock Of the undersigneti. aud inspeet thc quality before Whitby, .April 18, 1806. Consu It bis 1 ist of prices purcllasing elsewhcre. JOIIN FARQULIARSON, Dundas Street. Mathewson, Ratoliffe & Co. 1-ave just reccivcd a frcsli stupply of Groceries, floe Is 4- Shoes, 4-e. OLOTHINO READY-MADE, L.owes & Powell Take pleasure in inforniing their numerous friends and oustomers, of the arrivai Of their Spring Importations of-FANCY AND STAPLE GOS, CHINA, CROCKERY., & GLASS WARE. Of' the f'ollowing wc bave a large, vaied, and*choice selection-at prices that will warrant quick caish satles, as the goods are of the bcst, an'd prices Iower fliat thre Iowest.: 'ilcavy Stnple Gootis, Bacin and Fancy Dreis G000(1, Silks, Shawis, and àManities, MI>rasoleà, and Sewed Murdils, Gloves and Iloisery, Ladies, M1i3ses, and Infants Ilas, (ln the various styles,) New Di'css Coods, andi Maundes, Scotcli and Englid Twoeids, SiIk MAixed Tweedsa:nd ColtingS, Min anid Valley Ioeskiîîn BIack B]roîds caid Casshnieres, Fine sud Coarse Licou, &C., &c. &c.- POWELL. UNDERTAING. ' l? itrostiitheC .tittt h Lii ii,, orIL L AN D BROTHERo e 1111 l ur t , i ' tît4titti t it it oxelnslt-t.iy to t h iit i dn iorra lîg h îî n o,t, Fu tirdi îll 1Y .,cn)ipllurd Ott U i 'îrt~tnil. g7Ctt kp îL th'±l , Z It'ýi t c. 9 WILLIAM TII. ROYAL CANADIAN. BÀNK, WIIITBY AN . - N OT-I O-EI liANK -ol'MONTREAL IVliera lie i.4prptrd ltio xceiiti, iii] orx iwiti t-7t Ladies n'Ù41 (knlleicen sli iy s acw d Wuirki, can bca tccouiiuod:tcd Tutiiiîs canil. CASTLE FOX. WVlitby, 31lay 2, IMG, 17-tf Wag 'oxnGE-Ax «AT R. it J. CAM'ýP1BELL'S.1 CAR£%IAG'ES & WAGGONS, NeW Prints, Mustins, andTilissues, AI' R. & J, CAMPBELL'S. New Shawls, andi Stra.iv Gootis, anti matie to order on the shoî'test notice, e'Ciaiaos lvcnai ewdMsi~ tie Latest, Styles. T'weed<s, Saiinets, FIaJInlJui,,&c, of our own Manufactur-e, SOLI)RLAInAT WVI0OLESALE PRICEIS, Jrookiin, April 18, l-<tGG MAT1J~S0N PATCLIFFE &(o INSUANCSE ÂGENT Roprosonts the followiug woll..known Companios:- TLIE LIVERPOOL, AND LONDON CAPITAL $10l,M)0,000. TIuE-EDINBURCII LWE .iAND LOAN ASSURANCE Co., CAPITAL >OO. QUEEN INSUR&NCE Co., (1,ONDON ENGLANIX) PROVINCIAL t'URNC o., (0P CANADA-) - PIRlE&,NI) m A iNP 1% . BRITISII AMELUCA AS.SUlZAN.CE Co., (0F TORIONTO,) EMIE. ANI) MAIMNiE. WESTERN INSURAN--CE COMPANY [OF ENOLAND.] ACCIDENTAL DEATII 1NSUR~ANCE Co., [ENGLANDJ ALSO AGENT POIt J'AE PRJOVINCIAL PE RMANENT BUILDING & SAVINGS SOCIETY, [Torontoj I%' .AiciamQWlaof -pýroperty àiîsi.red urainbotem~.lo o Ixiîsned oit Ite.d e4tau. 1rosJîectuises 111)(1filIi information givun trccly ch appulication. AISO agent ly roinileerapîsConiay FRANCIE KELLER, Postmastor, OshawatC. W., V IJadvate ofeeby tlîij institution foi' acqîai-ing v TIIOROUG Il PRLACTI. CA UIESS EIIATION arc stîperiiàr to sa y comimercial collage ili. tish Americg.- The lUNnelC1ucg tauglit comprise cd'erything noeuoaary for thse Book lCoep- er and Buses a m-,;tley fuchsia- TH'F ACT1TÂL M StNESS--LUtTIRNT la the mosi comnploe oarrangement of itt kind, la ing furnnunod wih two Di3AMS, 4 MERCLIIÂN Ê M PORIUVM, and an E~XCHANGE KIO~ which are open cvory day for -thse transaction of Business.- r-Classes ini IY" MKnt4ly lisc NewCMOIhS, Silk-niiixture-s &Ga -eoo, AT IL J. CAMI'BELL'S. New Gents IIatS, Shirts, (Col lais, TVies, &r-. AT R. ê. J. CAMi>BlELL'S. New Bannockburn, and Canadiaun Trj1cd AT I. - &J.CAIIEL. New Canadian Factory. (Dundas niiake%,) AT P. & J. CAMPL'ILL'S. New Carpets, Da-inask andi-V indowv Curtains, AT R. & J. CAMPBELL'S. Ne w Re ady-Made- Clot hiiig, (an immiense Stock made on the. premises,) Ne w and Fr-esh C roceries, éirockerýi AT P.-& J. CA'MPBALLtS. New .and Fresh ÇG.arden i and Field Sets, ATr I. & J. OAMPIELL'S. Ali the above will besold cheap and at less than Toronto 1rices-for saine quality. and inspet-at IIIEOTtIIV11pO ,RTATJOINS! McMIL &Co# for cash, R,&J. CAMPBELL'S Beg to announ e thP arrrival of their 8pring Importations, the gremter part of which tey have- imported 4irect from England, adare now offering thein at a small advance où COST. They officr immense bai-gains in Drees Goods of every Uine. JlMnensèe bai-gains ini Cioths, Doeskins) Engii and Canadian iTweeds. Immense bargains-iii Grey and White Cottons> Immnela'be argains iii Ladies atnd Gentis at.R. L>u-»nrw ue«ly «d pronjutly Fîisepat (f Mr. Win. Lti,îc'si store, Wylltby., diEA~STOYES .w. At -ro« be in w;lttziongLti rais p,ýý - -, . BANK CA 'X E a.nd tiUr Net ,tr*s, & iýl plyt. the .of Soctîl wqî Mil >dýltl>,Tf AN, (us mOii Sitrio.1t Btret. DIt ToroOnt. sL F UNI huittrI Wititby, Pal J WXV ~~GOO 1 1 1 1 1 rî ThIRBBST ICMIDA, 4_M Ir H otel G0 oin - tOVGgi Aý,rieuIt-'rra1 Furnaces tha t wilI pay for theniselvos'in Oflo year. Eavetr'oughs,- Put up Witlr iron hold-fasts.- C- New liningq put ini Old 3lopairing Promptly attend- cd to. AUl kinds prodace taken-in ozechange at the OLD STAND. - WM. BRW#9. Il .-Brook Si. WhiLlb7. SE WING MACHINE, Muttdin l Cuîtada, itndittio tce bi4 umade in tha st4dest. <;rLeat tdttieotute will be-It.rod to- a roliçr porin, *ititer ta wtrk by the montit oroi ets ii mmith oa. Appiy (if liy iottr pre.îpsid,) to,- S. P. GREE7N 15-tf ~Brook t., wialiy, .<. 1 1- 1 ý wmm LOWES & ý Wliitby, April 19, 1806. AND GLOBEI and Il 1,Wýb"yi Aprîlj-ilo 1966., G QOerDý 0 D S 9

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