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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jul 1866, p. 1

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P' o t1i0aWt.rii usrsueC.alJiaj Teo'ontoet Juy L94,1841. tel *~ ~ ~ ~~t . f CILNlieJ. If. L3 l l UNY 0I0 w ArTToNPti FatON 'crie, tIkrrl soi, a# 4.tornV.at Law. Go IgUevn<ih.neo., No' aTT M1 iii.a. 0 o*ig.n llqlow a N410811 Buliîg, Donno 44r. DaPt 8Ugiitrr., 4t4r gstrnordi bhary.sn 'ça in s iuaey for thoeium ty.Unt u. fieno-..Wtl, ROBDEST IJeW LMON., 15 4EIUSTER &A AT(>IN.Y AT 'LAW, 461oiilteiisn hanmoo.17. A.. Wibv <Ç.W. GB.- V.tnia»mi.ligBrook st, wi)ib. 01. mis JA14vIIs' n RRfgtTER.AT4AW AN» I) T>TOIP s Clgqf,, r. Jhsmlr-l Torontoet,, Je K. GOsIolUON 1),ILti-ier Lowe* d£ Pivrll'a Glere,. fisby. C. W. W* il. PIDN M S ,,Tlo. NOTÂI!n PBLC&0... >1. Ont." D -A hi oot lollîla of th' Wlul. oi, 1.0. 1942. ___ T TTC)l!ME AT LAW', BOLICIIOhl!N ton. àrÃ"olî. Cl. W, A rTdfllNlY-AT-1,AW. G<11AMiOR IN il. lknry Ku(tary ï e ov>ao, Whî.T.W.loi¶. hi'/iiorhilock. riek itro't. 49 JL 0ctrln. Clancol'y, &ë, <IF-FWMT-lnndaa Street, à doo<a w*»tof l'est (4110. Whueby, Juste , i.1449. CCllA * OCIIIVNE IBAtSOTY'94.ATTORINEYS, (lNVET- -spors sd T ltti;4. sPublie, &o., &o; Pamon ALuuu-Onrz- oppoai. 'town. k 1.Cesas, T. IÛIW. IL. Cooitznss. * yGI Ueeet is4. 51 IJartlater, Selleîtor lu Chanee, Am. Or OPFICE-Noit dd'te thé oorlotry en",. Whitby. 41-17 ~"44, ietA lBaeèt, radto. Âîtnmy-a Lw Silcîor n-uaner',Con- pARIS51ER AT L&W geilditor lù Chan- tb, lpost offcé e hLw JOUX DILLIN(Gs et ratan4 Allie r, C*o deers Wsttf «à Cî LARKC, If, 0#- ilsisdenO4c-0Cee 'ber Riit #If Yaruold A tou!o store, Ireck gStioct, Wiitb,'. Ol~4 WR WTTO IT OUTY ÂOL 15 ECYANT TAlLSiCOBROCK s81lEZEé TltOXA@ ItÙlTorwp ~t~WNCltR...lîzi4us~~WIIITBY JTOfio-Tbwn ltili l Home..0to 1 o'clook. I3AiI 'U.KIO! $tract, 8 deers Lait of ARiLi v U x 0Ait. W., OFFICIAL 4XAs.ignee forY.urk and Ontario, Yory Nubil.- - 45 W*UVIVI,'AL TELEUILAPIICO# P G,0 lkECTZNG WITII AULTRE lRINCI- 4, l Cl,15uZ '#uala canana, aud the ùirc uWlb bf ot of the BAiLtFF TTI w.Vimilm COU-T.- LI(JMT<8EUAUOTI'.YlEgi, . dret.-. e~verIom.' 4-ly gDWAIS iê itODDRR CI.Iaraule OIttors. ,Sm d'ork 'od m n h rulees JETUENT l, SoiCiToU a N . dh4 OnD OrWtI,ïL (lemeise e idue &Ï VICTIUIA OTZL* M LAU 80OTTPOPIzm.<r..t tu. o nl6.) ,saslàd i LO teaubone. that ho 7iha. takon thie aboie veoikenyrdlc loebteWnco f(anlebe.4af4reono.. Mon tgdl2g, *1ti dsafma tnt',v a" aiSSy@ Colr.chargeo xeeu.yodeet. W X. CBOCTNTb)1r bete 'f.thei. - T! abitaists tirtReoia omîl fVhpCrg-an4l surraiudh'! (Jueiitl.a, hat ho hoa opernd the 11041 on lEîiîw Stroot Iacly. eoape4 b,' Jave,oae*d use b.ons' ad ls gttdadra- elafw ov4at*m, yl idl e,»'.ov _And tij~ Ijur u lars o! Ch. i W. An #atu tt;$$ esls aya in eu UXBIDG TOUJSE, UXBIOfDOSilO loln M0i. commeciall Trasvelleigesuiai hipot), la Ieeuermilv, Chitthe. Llqnrisor a a'mnao- dsC4louxlas lisa b"@ve mre!ti taI Ul i e ol'uid oeqielan, lutue G, ,1'rprietor, BIAGE oOtTopr, at 1tie ia liq 1 JAMA T*ES BLACK, -bure4 aProprbattr. B.rr PAflN. yuca lie Cara au' Wlilsr alwe iil. .p4e vIlat l. ed om o tl frari DON-RE HOUE , "lir E eubu, oieI.nov proaod 1-h auppl,' th e.patrons o!fte Doua Brout-ca,' vi1lana eceollent urtfolcilu Auch 4qamnitles.le ail@b mqtilmed, and ou terins Cee*iîlt pcrciîî,ero. - TIIMAtIDAVIS. sept., 1. las, 87.EE A~oitnLld and Genoral Agent, Ili'f Cfw lis ete troiscit Oue or norti et Wild Ald lui rovemd rinsin lteéCounlies ' N' B. <CO'lectlOnOAtstcnded toemand prompt iomittaanté adc ue. lion. De L, Jil tI's, n >.L. C.T, lceJoluta Simupson,1. L. C., lloe.. George Crsf0rj.M. . C., C. cmroh, La t9 Cm 1 . Angus Morîson ?m. ý- C., M. P. P.r, iCq. P TD.cCk c.,M. p. toa arrie Rbamiw,(isadlan j'oit, linuhas,, sud WlulebyCatOIarCLIC. 7 l> GLOBE IIOTEL T lIE9 abaîsve eli kuown, ioIt! ctabliled T lotel snd prouauliieea have boeilpnrcligwed by hu iibcrlbr, wviare ho vili îwuya IRie loiumd oee.haunilrosdy tu attend personsily e, te wats of ils gaeus, &a. Tic. prernîno fils& beu Couvoereiy und oomtortubly lfttidup; rjllied,ppr, . vlthliieeru'a of seftwueatte wmsaude-e moue lm rovemto nueka Chie r q Aaîjple t aIl lImes. Nolloo tes Faru.té afld Others if, niovît, do. do.., liinpîc". Extra Bocltlccid LItroisrinJi27t ts. it ,xtte4n -ONTAR o MOTEL;. WHI BY. O. AWE - -PROPItTII.- luponloraodommodthona. atl sttn done te tITS gurt.menta or tratioleri 'sud tuait$, 0jgi~e eosuab1Int and ehed-roouu, muid rend,' eira .lvays vitileal. il VICToRitA iusE, apfi siRilber deîcaa leforne hMa euny1 I frnda that ho a Anov «rrviig on iat ahore lote, m nI thati110 snpples dopebut it bout of -tIt,,liquci-dgas, and refrpai- niant. à woilun lq>îîetable.* Gon a Lblng sud eulesid yard. Wbgy u..1884.JOHN SPUgtEILL. BEAZRTzÇ,C.W. - 5 - Propw eîo ePtéao eau mar ian.nd- cd- s 1083f EtYBO~TM, Propfl in Shibim&esa. Goa otalllg *e- JO 'X X00021 tqE. CANAD . 800or,000 à.x.Am.oow, L7ae, Cbsfrma%,(rsdn of.tae BtikX0aqem Bank CIMuit Mluldsel. umwoàL ssLsas -DgUNÂCA0. MAOOêLMm, FElqulrs, a. Di> 71.temae oli o rntad on evýy- eeeltfo 0 frop.rty elt Ouloves; remao- Liais 0oeieaJae s»& ona, tefoorl rol.d.ja IMeAe.raae flioe. nAgnnuWlltoci ALCIiUi 0151 #lii,.ei (YAP t ; i,500,000 STG. (FULL USiIE. ir4rESTnD OVE£ 02,oooo-liEa. POOIT PU NUIN 1CANADA, 050.' ,000#. , ro-t -mlld Sig)>O rure Chmrch s trutt CAN A DU JIANCiti -NOILAND, WAT. $ON-& A- no.,ras AÂgea Pesa. 1 0309;ec 333,GOb i85&AS87, St. Pl mVProt, Montrvàl. L.FAiI3ANI<S, lu, f- Agent, Whlthby. O'o.-mribliiigl 'lslogniaph C0o. Bu- Ilig uaR«to .gary 0Of i INSURANCE COlMPANY FIE, LIFE &. ANNUITIES. ita Tw JILIOsST -IN Cnuv Ooszt-Qnon Insurance uBlîige, Liverwool CAw*AVA lIeNSesOmo,-Unlon lidgs BO0A FRD. Wlüliam Molaon Eaq., Oirman Thomas. Key, hTa, Henry 11lisiaa, Xq., lion. John Young, Tvaid Torratie, q. Bsmsssa-U4olgons lt.nh. I,.ieAL Aipgu-uar.orraneco& Morris MzDwàA *msz-Wn. Sntherland, M. D. Suu#seu-JausIl. $Spuligle, £4q, AvnroruMesraGreenshields & .Johnson, Residont $ocrolary sud Géeral Aget.-A Torbon. Union Boîldingi, 96 St. Fndola Tayloer streait. B b Agent, Whltby. <1*,b.-th i'*ovinatal Taiegrupli O±00 Bu Ing, nonr thegieî»ry Clc. 18 Assuirancg GORPORATION, or reag? i re, ttb'mnaro n rîste of al in pi vq dtoie n i W propei'Cy. 0 Lossde,-Y ISAACOCf, GiLbIdR, ýAgenst, Teroisto Agent for Wbiiby, Odhawa, mand Conuty Brook Stroot, Whlthy. 1 ROYAL OWANADIAN BANIKI s ob lî'g ,of te. ord of Directoira. heild on tR i ti tant, Ik va5 rmelvud ht à itarCher osil 0of upnh.ah obd' stock of Ilils Institution 'duad;paaleo theo tRi day of Jmuy next, T. W pOD8JDE chior. ORILLIAO - ~ Cr~l ~4 Du mu 0S, - lIf&rto15u6LW tymyg bsi.lisri*md BMs40060li, ead ' leu; eommdmtilu cd e Aattaulfoutpaeto ü»lhe, ed a"'I ,ii. O@itifi$ eemn.od tuf$' ~~~~~1a ~ ~ ~ ~ iiia À. 4 i tue4Soé. 11 l.*ekdwf 2-l#muee.Agent whlCy. INigURANC, AgEnUAmàL AGENT. 85000 TO-0'IJOANo. O N~eil Et.t e eena. te sult borrevera lipply tew Al YEOMAN 00841% ASSURANCE, COMPANY MAXINE DEPAETKENT. IIIL hkelul ïudcago Xiskehet th TVlowestpoesl.le mse ofjgreanlan,;lueur- suacagraae.ud on liull rîsha, fer o ehson or iîîaaneago, :uauejon fi, dîflorent odus. eOsvf Oi u0li,i4 eSl.tm Ibto, t. snd ftron aaîy portoos i e.laten sud hre& a prom.pt 1iltaraluid liotiou.shleetcnoeo ~ J j~ ~ ~~~~~u ma lli pî ie em. i, i ralled JohN IBLOW, Agenit, f ore iia 0'ooffi a.ljoining Jas.litowe, A Ce. WhTby, OL ONIALs 1 SECURITIES COlMr'Y. aiJCCE-zgow TOTUE CANAD& AGEXLY -AssociA1tîON OP LONDON, ENGLAND, for eonîeyamciuig sud' vaual n *111 l rud For lorun.4,s .apply te, R. J. tr. OfiPMýjAk. Secu..ary, Bus74j Tlutb Or te JOHN AGINEW, Valuago, W ib.l INSUUANCE CfOMPXANY For Firo. Lité and- Uarlle. 7f M'cgT=ÂL, (éi M, . f'.tOldham, Raform ibbo lie rngittu, usai Manchesterm u ley, Eeiq., h. A jormellYe nd 8îîa-ae.dile- .fn e ocîurer. tJmeen'à 0611090, t!mmbldga. - Ieus 01e.for B. N, A. Ontarie ilall, Church âUeee, Toronto. Marijue ahia from lot Aprîl te soth Noveun- ber, adcepta,! uC lovest ratés. -SCOTT à DEGRA&SSy, OAItT. É. TilOxAS, augeI> B N MAlou ipoe, .JOHIN AGNEW, Whitbrc 14, 86. Agent, FDeuuiîoom, dlrectly oppo. sita thelop anOgo..Enti-atc n 1 ilnucoo ttriotolthird loornorît h. o eftarlo« SW" XI'llCSAGENT for Ateident-aid sadadinsance ii. 1 NOTri cE, .TE eIacu$"rbe bo c eau eoattentîob of orio.s.cat uvagla vithoal a eici uraloms,îanelllOe( iaîa aeItb;- tare buying elseviuere, BRI w N APA&TTESON. GEOGE20150, Proprletor. lTiIaWct*br bagt il onetehoh, Ilxoci te baIit, ,g torninly kuowe. au i;crltpîare'g Hotel. viaiehliisbeou ranaitedg, rfurnilie.d. wid lttî -op -<hronghett, u the avotd.y ~is n 7~hemaillasr#iefor hurrah I hubrrothl dA.. ST à ro"5 L>V 1 wold 1h.t' 0C mubr4 ru $at1rrled- Thé mn *llstem ag'Aîj orme, M.d,,vs.e 1re Idonoe know ; sitaigme b o tnifeuIt, bu t1lubeau, lu vl'si 1fry t. look boîl yun Andi V587.and whungigtoo, i r7 til cuptilvai., lat'il-' The e4r Artgooing> s ad 1 Aucii md-oh,' gda La WII>Parl1 7 daeCn. r But now ocvi e dhpylv And anake ii3,lfha im trte Asingl titeIntée In lcad- nt lton to doli la If lever you or loci* tir lePouind eut of maitnadanit, befone 1 die, I promis youp yon sbalitbave Sire tli"i olaad am a maanaofw,' word."I . 8 -aOpala.Mm. Ingat lliardmore, dé salieri£ beéhabboenmlidAaor toi Cli,', th rtfsebs lilsh.<i llLI*4v sistor4l.av, Who lad appîled teo lie faý puca susccor about Chro. ouChtba he, the deatoh bsibajolmgerUrathbt kma,îuhol ba ff i Ob..esiIi.c sud alàflebMd tftitlain 4009oflg ubia replyq lut tleî vuasbe mlggSrl,' rulty, Une. laM vsmîid sbonby, liiilànho, lbât omly ilu sbuéb là vbibl uWbKIl1frant iSit ae vs eely puer làb beinariom vit tle grect veallh oftbtîi relative by manniage. Hor Iecome vu lsig, cuollgh for aoy ordlmary -Mn. Ignot Wdald ogiaatl"-pm.-paO bM t at cient fon *ondlng her bol iu Stem, er Beishing bleu off as tle amîverci. Unls ilt-vaunil.bomatercal miel t. de. km. Ingat batedl snob geateel intentions Christi.s I>iioaî lad hase 'a fsbionsble eeuoaghshol <or hite, sel le b.d 'inish. ed of,~" aa àcleni ,at ort> potiudc a yosr, lu tbat very respectable bope. ot vbich 1ha var,.eW senior pmrtnor, Wleh tbe rosuiit o! Chat, edacation, asu eoaplilod i la hlapel ho vas penfoctly uatiiàeal asdil hie me. pheva only luràod ont hait Mi vehl, ehela utthr, bhoItoglut; tight thitil benleli cuucoeudtoly ladky. Herfm <sl>' ad giiot thabtairei ' airé ipbhei.occasion of boa cofimrae," 50mibbof <haut ithlod il-pd façi Wa iem-bu. origivets teÃŽl #glaruod lu li s ove pnofesefou, e tlingl gavreraman bldnover tinfit Ce enuable -amy tobîéf < t, sudjiirbaps ail tCeaor tais ntIse shuomut - for LW vai ana oftChe Rsdlcslcs ha are nots Il.b" ai beart, but raihor aristocrats e. klobte.l lleved tlat uobleiaoa snd genleenm more the ioees, - edori, sud <bose uho 1011. al smrove, tle uppen-crul et tleIttahau pie. Whou ho vwu eold Chat tle former claie et ofiea <olîed sud ctrove lu <Leir nus voy as muéh di tbeoî.r,, b. made.s gesturoý ôb<doalompt, sud Il bIev'ý like-su cumapa. raield vîsI., It vus)a 1velgan sert of me. tort, ef course, liai se elnuietlopneiie that hie oppouent rrely ptnsud !thoe uh. foot. H. naihor liked bi laiaer.lu la, la apiîe cf hem' 46geod" .birîb, afid vould ha;e Boabtlesasisted berW dlélinsidta brlug onethar ialdrha sctirding (a ýObis: duo heCmicesL. î-Ç lte t k. ber Wv a, h iuir*' iame'eft more suàd min. froeu ber ibciety; mmuii lb.> sau noihîug Mt ail eoaonanotbàr; k. feL no iieniontof lelimg lia dîoey aval <ram Mta bmotbier'e éhida-en; ho had, moci too, sîmong s ibn"' of duîy -for that ; sud -Uafan harfagé, , hat vie aàI dg <îs ba me-rr etre& loto hie old bad. liea ns h~Mséas tiathdoe UyoSlbiJu e teoipos aaluvalu Jiack «sent % poeiid oft'the . mt oscillent suer ti Baceu'à Emporianu onuît ferulau, aest bgiuisig ef vry terS, go il arys irc hit a civililutter of<#bos iae l lear is clarkly lestr, ,buit iers vasneter £slye alig.r. , Wbee Mra; Isoaeled bhpn <humer, lia dëellmod lua a adp mlemA»Og avuo htbd <id Dusee uI hift eauso WetE d...aed.,ber a4Pia pPlu 1 ehé déeart,, oe t hie e , ygrowimg. se-lh raIl'"0o lll-l'oligqg tovarde his relatifs alîliovgb blia hpt hlmelf #9 eetrue4 fré thein, but I think titi's eer et 00114; *îuckled* tRierold rîteuiWs'egriot eenee bi)ner. If lucould ba"Ve ouod oie lul limage #Scem ofiW1mt&kiugit fip" alibI eletir lelawg vlîbn blu rtmyaar or Cc or tbar faIllg dut, perhasablie îld bai b.ed glad te do sô0î but time bd noirv vded teh.brocoli tht, t via ot té êaelly repalredi. -Whe lie bd'âtîtieti veletn as h. debln.dl bi I. itailoit, lut grav e b. Cra lie t o - bu rarelly oeee leto a alot7, sud algiost oshu lett h.e mpai ,Of ladies, th.e*i'âor portlnu-of vbeeî t conaldaredi friiolons sud iagagloux ld d l id yauger peitivoly dîtu*acl.bi. Ne bd e <ew 014 Rioboblot -8i'ouda io vvr, -vit î vodi ho iepop aps pordii IRirâohm. and apetl;h thbw arl obk<es't l'y -'th. year, as regalarl,' nu thoy catit. ?bund len ulin àBlat eofDecabber, for fuhîue ed lie t e r o m itted tb o e q * h te E ea l ot- ma ~ l e MIbolà v«er eut <sudilthé e or joer lut, lith.e otiipp> etTaetu a# r vlih vitom lic iead wvon, <Le y1U'bl ol t it loge ilsii ton, ehool JaayelbsîiW' PUs b. away more-taib it àba engo. te Tom ns u ecc liedbu en on -grosf w broeueecbey& <bau Tom Tugot, but <h s lattertd'i otlk. Topi 4h. loi#e upms<i u acomt aercîl,, t lklwicet.ieuadbli bt -l. orblglily as a iait helveuiituueel or eud <bâ a lmckloa miy hoee vos,' ezio 7 emae-L. jet choe.te lgnoro,-Kr. Whsffl. Ylaed lutiniste relAtion. vithlie. in ii » thuy caeme dawnte stay vilbhlm vwheueveu hue bis ior ialdii bià vieil s11 bold ahI ba Chair blionssaaî ~t <liii noyé apPeenud ,Il tt. lut voeof tfleus. Tom wu neveu sf ho pe if of theîu hwo l I Hreud...tliat lu 1. iva not only tlyunmder#toed but lad boom laid doinn pwi"4thpiebuis ef ahoir intllmafçy.* a on h. ual of1Doceiher lit, 1Mr. Jugot FgBerdator. fouad hîdîs aci wmel, K ltte *Paddiagtoeu Stiiiout; looktlag, fer in empty reomparuluent, for lé àis * epsuy lad f gel te le îery pleaiag tu, hlmn. Hsimg ii ettauioed bis abject sud rolied -hîmekît a p r lu the cornet of bie cardage'lls Beversil àgrese oata, viobls /h-Ï< &Pmiithb lot t, 1 sud blii bsîi e lo 1ndlatIibk itl«huand iookiug alCogoîhor 111e 4 pl-bIit Lèrho - Iikod te mako hiuit f elfribi.-vhoo e ve:ytblng vuA rranget:, I ey.to the old Igenîiomcn9e complote stisfacti;ee, vhe, > eoeld lnvade lic priiacy, juset Ch. hu wua about te dt, sued t- <ýb vhllhllia eoutuded, but ont et the meit bi*ildhlg jeuug ladn 70o Obr ici Ijesou i, XMifdat hi carnalaeu egaged, grovi., ed luepointimg Ce te, mbrlla,csrpeîbsg, sud books, vhlcb- b. d d iîtrllÇuted epoa ail the a ot la order toIgive -il; bat 4p.. Onl egpd tuyoe, ItbinI air, re dm 5A* i il l se - eeî ba Uri Bear4oe, cpeor Wcd ythlmg hait, no abockimg said te l 'u lubis i,.iri 'nd if tb. train'1usd not lraduat in moeion,bo iru'oad aeïaid oenmtiiheard o lp snd 1left thî biit 4 dè&vîl Atlive beceùld oemi, loitok en 5.idel yocgporson, vid au éspreaabaofet h. A& the "aiete lie lsis'éevetsiuk tb li, hlm antflic reliectiàu ilist tb4 W," a u me Wo it iilieoreacbed lbisdeÏtiua*;d- baditaàa. iWî ghé o'doiig)aî . pm lady, toot i "l(~s~ sd lier voie. ~ ~ ml lilrysent an Prposes- fing, *îbcnuo h o ra ir ,Ote vontll-vlist shil 1 14 ?.:lie oen00 Dot Wh met e mli Wel thon, liei utknotbarr o. our oller .beek. Liko, *o deIh e tiaitpgeue qIW t<le acien I b ar, vordo, T "p. aru Oe poueda fo e- th. ta-O sud I veu'%talko Ob Shill!ng lis th. -!en viii bave 'qtg Év i hte thi pop blèr 94 ethe poliestation# ig* o mio id, Forii 1e<eud, la canyon stbinuaseIL ies eMIPla9of o<yur disgroutel u-,udeat" cm 9i. peud as the BiSe opporwOltY; 16la .of g04 Wob ffitb eusody, air, là&sre ai 7co et areill,.'ron i, ii b. puÏt "Pms Y" ill. ol,b4bi yo ko*.,adsil y« n vili date t hie '«s, vîlI e titiS Ikisesd yIoi sudpot 19, 'oe *fw.-Wbtdé"rongg01tisgîte,"<lieu Me v$ll inl cur1 4s"d 1evib -ony it vil Iebbk.luibthjiaprit smer. yýog ladý bebegiau<o laugh i al ,iltlougl ase he Ili alrebityroïd h fluer.. liMm osiral d grlp n"oe<huomr vas, Moas eal eo comp.uled b,'a kbec dicilit.of appbaril Dy rldicqiqwi, TROWIe, b lt. t.b. imipose ho upen;i sîul, t fîte tuebillot, *sitg oC he botter e t»'- lust b - a th. iagug .10 etoc bisof acalor fuleud th vliô Ire 'ot lb.sors t pepà#1@teoom. e, a i t u ë u l a à iw l< ou e o f th i a k n d , oftu oeclort,Mrb. fiofthamer. pullil d, dîone,' . fTliOMaaWlana <oue hu c, oli£llt*vuluacythlg b#týtt.U.lkaî gt Tler *m'a asin Vp 9'eh.pi . w lniitcdthhuô.îhuîl, li $49ulite se aI F d r d j t l a h f * a < i i d > e l e r e g a r d e d m- aianoracJ bitpll; biibn siloa lie d ai d uoulig tu "'Y; <t îihIoue-&h" io haîIlîg bMi i'dooe"0oreued Liai, ý Pt lige. werb, dÉhtJY eeaicj ispheèýeks vonu e i t l g l0 ov b u g i r o u _ ît h e i a u l l oi s b I s t h a i it bda uupot afbemph1 ieg a itck à ad the. poëlctbolbb*lèsesi tItiv à il àdý W tOté bil, ha.Uo lui kwien :lile àiid àËliUi seît ver.t aeai Ï has aigu, "eecsiug the eld Yeas, ont sudl 141 lb. eeor luit! hia hors begantt bs r U>4er tbogenW fu4qeue fe nàip glu plubb, *64 hi. h 0iidi 8 -J -oTo Wanu Iütiwoi. f<6idou tre r meutnt h is evu misclau t zeily aime.;forgive the jade, el saýy, haeler,, cli. aes quise a profession, et , a é beo l ; ase " ,t i ait a ta kloi fré « i a g efublé '- mcli hale b e orbed' beore nov laCe rauOlug theldtimod ansI1 ,dm8.An ye ah. vas a môdait sud -lady 11k. iookiug gil as evor yen asi.- >Wau.hoaytbllie sp tis f1lelluirel lir.~~ ~~ Wbflcpehuiga otograph. WIyIbaee sh ver~g1, I oclaiethîe guec NalitTom; 0eo yentee, hbavd been oue of ber victîma, baie 7041 Wall utos hlaé Umm t traordimary. NotSt alil, my demn <oIIa. ~kuow ber ver ,' saer hanieii itaber motler, 'e lier, litàu Ili*e., Thtne's ut 1h.-a Mbar l epblm -puoieaonlisod.yob fi <u.- A-bit, otfeu 1i e ld ilfn. adoi Wly aista al 5noto odi te But ah. -domi ut ë liska to luO, i Sina Ï46 tg îirce se l-bar $gainu? fc ire im back -Iry Iiool*,- Te. fo - -É! od1 - gté el Ne lu. hr seud Siteî. 4r ù -8e tajitg, tfuder tais root. Sorelas ymw £56noli je uee gire -me ehae:ffe eboàcaad--penn4*bluuilgan prons podgias Om t lii Ï-fer ton £rô, anopi1 your vord, 1tbnoe. ft t w oiid bc A latter sillOvomitbt eIolt ekioslog -onc i, in mthe éhcrahier oftycrdétipu 0i;4 l âMdsi Wee-u -Muva us orJameîg oeetue a r th@ Ue Maquis <d@ Lava, o, lelu.isMiuler ueth*i.Iunri, . Iab.l; gri. ~ the 4oe j gr t4 jp ockey Club-,'ad e, boteîvee Wtsperieg fieigers ou@_ et the to lovoilcat ltalt romes per en, 'and 'a&e go lepk.d long sud asol naieoard <bmit ai povarfual eduit in1118wOrld. 4Conurage )ù IssbalIal!'ah.biaad st lait, sud 1valking or op 10 Cli.greai mau, tremlilgy bd aet'mi t, <uIiy, hald befone lie thebeautîfel -rose. SNapoîspàp li a b nci aturat laudaeofe .* lisit; beU a, ie evr reuei suyîhl* lum uefréta aprete,' vomu, and *o n4thi4il y ou sud a amil, h. fouit the bluehleg low, W O ft0 <Othe blmehiug! girl and Pilaeudit Id an bo~eisdfis bead lm mîodhïiel3 sultgi 4bis peoko.Tti, lë- oe .strnugesîpari oà -tîle stoql-u$tthatt<he Eaepenor-baat le Rpoclete, but, bat lu tham ho bail ne ou e. -la pursé,iWad Inn f rgattan Perbapaon Klia ~r.a iàuf ia.hanm A" <rd f tbompauda of grouped apoctatous, te mlgzbîy Emperor oetb<e Frone-a men e Io la bui i t wbn tety 11insillions of <france. and vbo doaidea liiipot bicsliai! Sl la e n>4tleM ial i - vbe epleaao-wu the ouI> jo'ertciifprecens vithont goiq, aller d <Ç OePPOr lD hie immeihaw Pouiou.-ý 0, liis Majof,' vwu rpibfa iesdant lis poal. - < #, tee;sumir *alà1Jrfeelfnal-isa poclet; i mnaid edai luii di.elbow. Thé mit mulser iser il onbe viat vas reqmred, 604 b.ckoblig Io th. < air tLibella te o eru h "d - Il agld tvnte fanc plce. 1(0001,ieu'o r ttebjé ethe lever girl ilmeosé là gotîgga bl@ oiied in theeeld le veIs1 mupoeded round lernenck. TsPaisîsa Lal'.-Wa love le "à r b 4alooqhitg rose, là ailI ls lcaaty <neuf1 -ë 164 ibs o,Çein ur frindi dlclose' thé eméotglo:tCh. Ircat W.love<oece the ciasarrive,, vili-ladon at otir <oy *0 loie <o mcýr utoiglbor tîrie, an loete lées.é-i116 doi.. Wlove tu, ece doabbitte l'Ife*tthmninterruped joyso - loi. 0 etanit bappy vît'. itil lots of ginli sud _boy. _ ii.-ail -hlese-yet <au. slave, al<bat vi tever eaid, me love uhat everytbimg ýn love-le have aubacripîiont mûan-vo holdoethée enviable position of belng lb riollit i4dividâaîlu te w orîsi is il. Çiicero f 1gyctî Ho posse idamnseu ltfihel. the most fertile-country of tha JFlOhe, lb.value ai hlqir annua! pro. amet bëila, bout $10,000 006dollars. Hé-- lias palaccosterâe, talaotieisuai sud tle cllli àrthe on CIe mnbKofla- bis propersy. amins wu wn isean sare amI,' iimiwït.d .O<haetant of counrb.4gôverai etvilal lis voraltb, <la ,Viceroyii alvayd sktlt if amouey, sud et praent, 5s- goea ody 1. At heaetrihg t eotb ' loàsi.u luLndou; - g - Xi isd.<bat à ýébi- vIde, reldlàg li Se.ý Joh"nubirbc-is about to enfer into- the - paeaiao! s lan enidb ano. val.d akthé lWays Iealte~hèé, - -i - w

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