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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Aug 1866, p. 1

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a- si1II- t entiAc.Jsw 5 - ll4O Tor.t., liy or~-the 18u on.4 K, Omo$ rocM -.L.D £'logNTTCIOW~ ATroi1Z1~ N R NOTIOB UpprCan rt. ritOAllcTK Mi 15.1 y, Censtr-al ib P li rI i.)irfeve n- V" lsor Iiiî.res nos-a: Aguet, 4gen WEIl V, zadCas-pster, msud 0 àIdtLUr. Alscpsn a rtiCAni N Ill Ir fl fitrw . e lnIlr~iate lb LIsp i isuci eeusrnomndlsg 'uceti practleo ils .by atrltr$ site,,- - .misareesl'pabule ni bouse bel.. S, t UITI AiPÃ"NNRI AT LAW, D VLl& rf ;N qil4im , Z o t. b t i Toroate. .9:m1 K. d!<IJo poNt t tjel OMit.niLw e Pil'a St,, » ~DiLImOVUD hlaL4wOlwuto Olitsrio cs k. 0. . CLLR A yOIXA ~, UII'E5 neolittro,'e. 4A t A*MIITEI&,U» AT1(ro E.?A lw Sldine4mSssry, &o. omç£-Strut4, o dome vet o! qhtly, ilau. 2?, si. - 2 ~6m.lt lubile, *4., *4, reutçCais ttet F.r7, tUS=iI ______ &0.A. 10Km, MwGftt edo .ts -W71. S L Chueisffteet TLmot.. R.ne nou o BoA#, t"m@y.etLsýv loiso'î-CsemiyCon- Le.p" Ohas C ' it LYKXI.N MLSL i. y)AIIIUSTERAT LARSolilcit4sr 1ils n- JOHN DiLiLLN(4» or Pit 94;î1Iav, >tu'o domorsetof CORtO«, &C. i~~~~1o %eiaô-u, l.s et of Yaroid A&011 410 9s'e 6o, Brook It-ct, Wbtby. 4 SUBOE W tO IIE GOUNTY 0AOL I.rEMAXI T TILoE, BROOK UTUMT a IsLWIsltbôty, io ~ ~ifEAS HSToN 9AtUIZ8S, S&tP] g C4sO.uZsto pu tg Sl do wri ELL, PINI 'gw s ad9 Tr ýa f, anie.- and, th* h1tvMJUAL SmithofUtE, W,, OI5'ÈC. 8-y JÉE Z &DgNCI- - I.W»»bUA IMISR jO~tfssU.es0oh "Wu aue s4 COMWRÃ"IAL' HOtL. Tut n&rixwbjete smnté tét i h m Lerkegs tabls Wall ipowupýrenl vlsieb bave beeu eW-y ,faiobod.*bd reno- tien geiugt, w th earelal ettestl, u ivwayo be foýund. Pood sisbuing, iel 0oued rast atiti Oatlers. Châtiges extrous.lyaoetts WX BOTION be~te o idWthse la- eiroada ondile, timsatuli e p.ed tise ILt.l on 4WiIam h'.M atey àoid, Jevettsnd m bh hbd Iiltced ad fihmlî.. 04 i * ns& I.lfo.Wud evesy eonve- Dion.t >aulqonsd Cigare 0! tie bslvays la at1eI V'XBRIDGE lm sud liHot7Sp un DSvieME, vLrnw ZAILEOAD KIJIZ,# 'tIIOMAS TQTTEDALIt, Pm'prigto. T M llfloutel isallabu eu tb5fresliy rs-- vite ait. bar esudjg #àPII, Suste a tomd <oui WlitIl a E ~ui.ivms attention pald t. gisté e. e a a*" e.- tire ontero.. Tif"E ffl BRIEIY artile, lua aeii quntitie.-mnier lbu Toronto, à8pt.; 1918485. IaudsudGld &W =IÀget J"Oie lu J'e tr te tai 19dm r r.oth ni St. dvî' Dig J4,te WilJ id lnrit .,ved 1Vas-ma lu n ie.&zoisssU IBCoeloieethouatridt d t nprompt r.sl ou..snds GLOBE IIOTBL rgiuî aoie ve I Ineis, oldslsd wi*tiidpomn » aeieve Isisu d meiaa 1 0 nenud roady to gtesal pbrgeuaily t, tise vbut. e01 bis gns., &o.. Tiseprernises litbas"beeîs evestlY and oufostably ttdup ; painted, paprol, &Le. vltboiatoru'eo (: vasàer teovau, and iivll modern improloeiat ttemake t)s ,qle bot"ehnriDghie tuandtilseTLb rd bc"ir Notice te Parm.rsand Otho L.U4ms WhPi..,eleaad lealloths'ut lJFsoefî b>-galionsî r o-l' s MoSan btou'e e lei do. 4,g;Huepler'a Zî9trat We4 <ilkd,.idv4 -jboit, port, Sherry, and x9le Brn4j i tuse Onk, vltb àaliastet Lirnd ih<lfara et elles liestbrandes, A. ALEXANDMt Eroandlu, JantItl Ana 68. ONTAEIÃ" K, iLttt tien te isa rdmetite tr les-s dau A at %1 oiad relhyo M ICORIA IOSE a u"@ im tcýiatiu",ils. oe btts b.atÃŽff o!pin l$igstylo ,«assatr fîM - ,ïkW .fto A"i;ùgku, CAPITAL......., ~ oo MlVESl!ID 11D ;.-f,, ÉUNDÉ INVEBTE IN CDA. T. M. A»mm, !eoolCisalinan, (Prosident FAÛ±. s, IL Dé . DpuyChisns Mier#n.w, Poe", (Masag'n eOnal' iw. un. te, Eq,(- ei1eMn o.10.isiesmotdefst Se orm sd,un Tal mdntÀtuspPaDslme eO.mMMUîI àliridn tisrss on n19Io rntmdone t b obdea loie o! 6 I' ofit a lwofesi rlu Mon-. Agent, vates. loe.êa4fttd u oa a suefaitoi Tite comMeRCiAL Iunion ASSUIRANCE ,CON'~~ -0- ICAPITALr- $2950000P.00 8TG. FOSIt7l1MfI;l CNADLAti, 05,. s A e ., (tonerat Agente. YapCOL;SecrtaryGfi~e ab A887, LPAtoutJI, ity ilding. neerthe Eegiatr7 Odm. T. m Isam it L LZind T uNi, P.L , Inopet roiX4'es. le 1 FIEE;LIME aNiÇUIeS, h cep*.I *. ILLONS SttSiO, CAPAD1ê DaAw.ou rne in 4idigs ung-ion enes.9 Eeq.rt" Agent, Whitby. Oyiz-lu Pro«nintl Telegrapis OfloBu- iis, nosi' tih e ki»u Ulm"8.. Io LONON Anurauéodz GoiRPnoBAgiTIloN Ir myCidogby vire, iet thse no,auble late, of pserium, apou oerwdrjti of o proa. . 4 sspild WhtdIY ISAAC 0 GILIOB, Âgeut fb; Wbltby, Os'be*,"adzOouty Owsos.-liw Pro""I ilTelegrpis02m., d' n her 0 work1 tioe .40 "ORIJLIA 1BUSE.. ail, t ts OanM obu sautwp f Capit&tI, 40 '00., 2-lUow,.Agout Whlbyl 925 OOt TO LOAN.' O N àlsslJet.t. lu mm to suit biîowis 13 o lintO"est low,sp g.d. YEOMAN fliriON I whitby. A~suÂ~~~ COMPANY, KA7~DEPAITEENT. 'rtraaeon Illreka or tiàftis uo snyporte'os' the Likea and hivors, », prmt 1ierlandciussurble Nseltlan(9.1stpt at lal=e peu thse t!out ay s> le s'cih apon. - rrst W1. 1 fi"off-ce Asýijeun2x us. ItHve, h Co. Wloitby, Arl1,& 08 OJ""VKSSOBB TO TUE ANAD GNT SOITO gasve a large aupl o! înuey to land -q"a lu proied Far*.ina o eyeaîa. NK- c.inion or othor ezpensaj, beyosîd tiicnal chsarges !riivyaueing andi vluation yull be mia&, For teinta; &C., appi>- 50, É. J. ü. iILA. - ,.i Secrtar>1 Ed9 14, Teronto Valugo,, Whitby. 10 INSUANtI COPANI Or EXCLAND, (ILIMITED>, For Fire, LIfe and4 àrino, CAPITALW,00,O0é,tieSTEIcaird. COms, is4 "aes-eplac, London; CHAIEAIL...'romunam libbert, E.eq. M. P- erUldisas, BlRefs-sClub, Locdoj, sad' tile orange, ., mitu eitaUebhcster. la IIAI INAF,..rbrscratchs .y>, Loq, M, A,,. !emaielyjFiilow oeud Salle- rus Loietem. Quosee'.Cdllese, Ceeubrdg-,. Iadome -for 9. 9, 'A.. omIarto Illcisîrcls treate Tomonto. Maie tk»m<roistlsApril te os-h Novas». 800TT k DEG>UJgî, CAPT. IL TROUAS, C. N. VAUS, SIAMrCALDanhiot, Oebavs. fuscotio4-ttblrd domnonth o tise Ontario W5' EXPREss AGENT' &e., aise Agent for Acudas>:sud stansdar-d fnnuc o.17 KOTICË. 'Iffl ibocriber bIm ciçbi datnOuf a. lamner sio Md eai eîttere, te a Sew erstelving ltaclstuehiolaisvthmut a doubt eu of the but aver gel op inu Cenahi, elwL dilesi udsneïi t ie- D-ITEEL SREET#N HOUS, X (oédthe uboi IUZ s sievsz,,)in a ro!urh4, ansi.$4,tp tbhiouît, itache buteofutule-,.Tii. preaileare p'enanastjy t. Cateai, eppeelts tht PetO£ee,an.3 la tise cri thte~l i etehe aWtl .-d tbe ataSOBfoi41 tbàoor#4ilHo.rsawyuuil,.,,s Cfmýu ddssed Ilappler to CbueÉ tinqgoà - close ezamnfosti Than to lO È Iwo pe 1" eof tee P4 trature. rie flut pnefai AIià orIU xTN 1G .'oEo a àtino!tise Golden Li3 pcn tise ibiefId et laùe nosg $"thisee tëilvlng licideu4 id l te bha o' cs- r - lu" iejlu ter psr o tise eieîrn ésrsy iÀn u.relgu or Plip Aspeta ThseprInce Iru only 5 vies s0secnd éd t i brono, susttise troug ssnd vitis lbosleafed tseeuao!oevensen sbc sot te edespis.d fer-bi. yostls. Tison Sby $1 tio' r55 ise gs-cstry «eud biniat teuii Mausof bis ebjeéé, tbig iiie *v cdMoret tia nc00-tisreatýes and eai" a tabpis; but tbeaeplots lnvsrlubly eafl Mtd oi-og tise LuSgltynoes, o,,rse 'Y setlivecoder tise restreint lssposed spo Ptisons hlthse kelng'ustrn; Mas d Jin su mn4uly seart, Iatise sommsettf the menti s CM 9bi reigo, veeeyof tbeise c rs iste, tiiii resired Wit is sucourt te bise royel reeldes et Chausnt, erhicli a afavorite rt'au ,AMOK g uetira-#vaGeoffry o'at di Neville, tise Matrai son of Loos .VITtistl binie bsif-lsrothe. He vues miii sm lneffeneve aieaapparegly Weil Contentei n iti tise tille sud eftate confé,rred by tii àlut. king ispons tsi hdes-, sud viicis h b.d iuiseritâ Ispon ber deatis, but anfert anetéiy b. mussrledaebsgbty, smbltiots" -Oàn Sb".ncha vu il!i iised io fasieqo h olassete royalty. At edm desbof LWoubie opulyuss tha tbtisese hd bucsa asecret marriago betýtveen sud 4tise IAtýCdont" de Ne- ville, sud shal spofftise, iseai of ber son sjoWld rut 6ise crof o! ipas hob hing 9We eide isoýs.lost tisis tise Cont efs ad t tedo, heing iIl-futed hy »satet c a pert reqslring more tisesaisi ees-rgy e»d eblityp hes2os,. eninug teen trong an âcectios for tise yous'g king ise isad tre bate iltis uMMsugna ineu, te eeeb te doprive 'hi- o<fis sigitfsi Inisertance. IfPbflip bosrd of the proet @ns * >jobl t6s Cý#eeeOut forth, lie maslfed so ostward tMes of dispieaenre or distroît;$ os tbe contray, lie guve bisibrother imay evldecesof regard, appoissting iii.te isonorary l geme ostuisepero,,aitsougis be tSont cametittbey ivere oas inou lerrai but SIe power. This Vas aeose oare ofgrIoVAftsO o t tise b.sgltY- CoÃŽnss, ise relinuiised thse §des -A beeossing e qeno, bah fondly ilshgimd du e o onm unt of Phlllp9s yoatis1 his brotises veuid histain snob s etrong as oendency#lvor blis nind ce vouiti maes ti king lunrouit-, if not lanDamse. Thsis dWspplntmeut vos %eh vltb la, cesed biterss eas v she cbecasu tise motetsr of s sou, l ison s slccntred ail ber amiusn hope., sud ailitise lorieais. vas CapaileMoffeeing for saY-ose. UnlisSeonr moder n. iiidl.., Lb. Udameseofisigl: degre" of tiat remotepe& riciwo ve cririisu ad tbe Couasteude Ne#vlt, bilesteeS long ride# on umos bock bofore tise de* vsu off se puai, us- st4euded, esespt b>- ber groom, rbo b.pt a repeolable distance, joeu t igis te lue "a sn mii .seuld hi. lady requin -su>- .se»asorwolg 0 sisepsselafront of a lîttie cottage,stetedi na perfect -lie. ams ofbloom. As salnvoinstas'@)sa&al stion ofamrsrle:mauedmsration .ceped ber llpe, e pretty, Intelligent ooekI4g gir rai.edl ber bright eyes frein lb. rosebusis "I 1 aie, sOo nIadoer vtlthnar- rousget! la hoquet." out sad, sinsllng," if madame vould lite to e«amine tiem.ii Th ovngtssýyiaeo! bprbo.te tise euririae of tis ervitor, vise bad n«v' eèue ,i4eél eolslns o i st, a a - i "Al sisvof tbemara#,or~v l urs ione ne il 1 to ber *te.-Wsa robis xMejei4ri lu bsprivate *prt11st a bour es...t vllput ii n bislg iard; tben, essai>,:se Sera, pmieoa coe ii l~ somïytsaî te tisee urpiem Preoej? '; tise kinggmaietdo disqauade s. i bl Sdle.uore, sheogi tlip groeq kobide «iv ecvvasmer lt visieV" b. lweteuud sisoved tisasbpis, sessl r.à0 1,- aeîi j m. e e O Mat i are t o oe vie$beu u laom,., bou hens-ier is vu, ber vnt, b 1s , King Phulip senlubis audence hall, thse royal b, bis tna. amer tis enstiasCent de Mcii.; hi. l~ m tise llie isouse àWýtbdypUr~p~~ vnntng OFd"$risty ehml.iie fikiorIte vJtistise biisg "And pieue e Mjety, Mis, tis dover girl, il vaiglng vlàhiùpusf ul0Mot ef tise guss "Admit ber,' au té O&ks0 1"Marebd uevri esbuPlslî ~i r" e~or sOteé ie royal pop b.t ssrreundeh ii. lmpreesedbw lt us afeel. fut eofave a aise entenfd, Est- tiýsva qsickly hluslp*W db>-tb. klngus gracIesm manner a ie baie bei r oaci "1J use y.,biae nsftrgottes mi>- fro. t fro s b« iaptdg, " lues adm irtit t as Ruufenl lilie, <airCouMs ud moaInale ' fmgs-oa.sfr955 tl1srofe."p b. added, a utS an ;uolintait osbaddem Il sbe drew bacS fs-om tise oweuu le@ voijdM baeplscinu ler baud. éh@e tammueed, buittise oion of tise rmOu ilIvAys afectame tisse," Tiseing'# eyes folti'd "ise Coua"Tes Masbe tetreatedsoýtb isevfdov st ts.<u., iser sud of, the b&ul, Ashe the #Mrtext detC -obtaining sir; bha tises Sued tises, eeaîsb lîgi>- on ber isusbus'(ace, vis eminai( seuwecd te, be entirely o'cupleW' b>-the tc 1aiD bolghbe beldfisnbimrm. -Attracted by ch.be flgtt coitsvof tise « ic.,a tqisld si tmbtcsedqatiti bads or b... A enéden tlsougis trasS tise kbig,1 asbe olerved tsi& to "Oue how eagery Lubf,sf eerd tbçi Lsn Wd, tsrnf té tie"ta - Wtb afood spsa t oybob tise bism fae wu itis afaltgaabefi elito died is ste'sare ise Ceuies t. a & Ê, a istbuvaei os Lb. bing'. amve"ene rossi ber s'etme p euh forgsulag serïtisiu lu beyrre"r, b OPrasg <radtetrseI~rbehn' tupes m bisa stige >efibeai Mfber zeýMUid.*i 1 siatvté. tise Ifdvers, 1 e4ili il ti qissi rg4 pwgro, 91 bd wou1à blae tur . c- c lawe tie tm lebi Tou sudd Tiss4 Ordaî semis omn idiei u du dmngei.e! Hua mil t'.., -.aw a ~ praoU' frosnsit 1 -, ijsii@ tucs ioe tp 1e mrn , oit cathlic Mjety, qaite aporb.-robuet, 1wygtt lobhg o darv paxesutry assd g«%cy dispis>-, the da! at Prbvidesee, usaiet, Oume mode' pie. corpe&»ftoftb.ef asnx goit intto fruetâin uS Stise observer. iilt iîglittering, df9Pt0,0t-w lqO&Meof Mr, hig mao seo , a a, , uid,,.ls Whoas eàf Ies nld set .i,46 s stram. Tliee, iavee, ar. t tintte gentlemsan if is ,wauwo 4~'.cals, nuel robee vbieh dock ebe sboe«,~"Iffat i. yomi Meme2"uSed r. 8-.s Crisft. iss peceai tedeioue. seasigthe negre Ilvitis lie f foyepeet kied et aaetuut, stof coadera- ikW te satbp pe0gnuîQa of ome dis-, for the hors. vbich eepart lu It,, tingaiebeai Sentise-Is"7M &Ro~"gg,"leho Fi iS are almSt Wto e t Wdisehow- retsr5ed vlis *,grfLs. $i"gadier 89 b L on ibu boop 0-4 sMM ~. i, - T114 progfflawof o! i .es se li l lISsIt, l.ürpouded tise w8r, 0bâisai ylsable place 'tôgda» na utise asMb.tgiipeseai lt aregalai Àfric@4 'àn Of ifaftdi 0f on Lady of As. yuffw . M s- fl EÈg vthu 1 butt.s Moensafwnmoésrvc lua - m et mn gbt, danciang euM d la. é arnBorkeuM r lou luth sqar. Si lst s e.ladies lu tic Man. Ilw tw 0#11 tutsm m asm i in b e s neu asmq f tqss o kb ise tise i Young. - m es t o be ei se ~ ~ X0 -m ner.g r ~ e> ave be nsefe ~e s otryf XMdrid; lu tioialterse"os ut Iagine'e'beutlfal705 ea ~8Trlvew ,Il b ~altdthre 0 pra.. omun, itb*ll tie dignit>- oraa dei & iic tise am g teurq t. laie sb i@ i >on sae lu tiI e oses : ~ ~ ~ ~poring vitis iquer, muai tiýpY appoius me te "r d 's f b . squa me. Sdiins ctant, exam ine >o u cc rd n t . u r etabli.hei festlvtce s brcigday.fDfarS M I Ig' osodaau ~ rtise f e n of M A rrastarla, near ees e. bsle ullny ag qi dos mrtw6yois vIlîleo m m od tp tie V ite th er Jaya b r od f viste arm rou-o r s c lpo e ToPleeiytery, Peuix ebai srsvqlemubr ÇI lý àm pstPo ubermunovy tbe troc. ti se-b asu eo<o f t 5 ber ang el ,il , tu e lt op ý it a am ile las M t -. ig it, M d 01M iga an d o.by. ant > . r ri c, ros>, à" peuhvský api . dcco, mrowow<àt for tiseSamanMd ibeBuMane L., uMd de"s ooë 1, toau pp oitien. "I8o 0L be pus by Brosu - y, w ae.dayéâ ais..,a imil.le M -e1*45 tb o rder domInl tise 1errooraund l in 0i(sItenu, 5mev vbi>tbb mi viter.musaiuetanéd t. itâ I1iiî Ir Mot" ldvutr ne'know.. vlt,,b. mesn bim. 'd~ et ofiscete-bth 4ab" Wbea BrwnIngK "' oc'&'<. fas&at bal âmea igue i> îî irulà tisý d, prlstlug.c"en votil. luime or bat baeeevu l&~U ebialy~ ve. aal iutsat b. jm ove ler ay~ispp. , I lbtor sby ,y !&Y $06sperlusu hvin#' ci,"rfpletfPs. lId,~14dfuer aemtrai n vr>- eder liso of It as Its teo4 F aidi money>- brotua, nad ve Is tise mespewdpt TiieoasMtber a PO" 9 pi te t t.-4"S Mod"r-,veuot. "geo batut il I wu batter tissmoa SM 'a - , i é rmt 1 lg-and Iisuret" en eau ha pal0îe q eîgdgut t i bakeeperdo sic pou . Doiglu *,>rrold Wbaisll; hm out. , - andi foybill.nte reai nytiing. Maât ocq re>"Aud 1!beif tiercornucould flot reqM41etmtaiuooa1 j 1anSM , for bis sinoI, bha it)UPM oa 8s sié.! ba eiremotam probily nover buP. On hb. resd, pego fter' Mae,. vitheb., 1aa4ns>-neyr Ã"osm aalui qgable,,o, gea adistlu# lmpre*miep,,or. t> loe tfa ar eeYis ole :of <ena a coeent le froîte s.sf bi ld«mseab»us#s Jor, Ais r..Agm.n.... ..arp im au A Z &hiý er imatbid or iti N. tclam à 35-j>-' cavas r ~s i i - - ------~- - e , 1

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