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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Aug 1866, p. 2

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it oftahe o<th. vUi 1»1Sp sud I seeml de tral bat tlw*b1w" 0 <ploCanads slt@ art ibsva fllap &uult,"otdobg hber to tbào'iw *66 h slaed.(bcin life- bbliswlt r.ellfsl be lavIle nradeasof ber .tl. Iaflnmm. b,' tes. telingo, sud blieviug tisaS lime eniglt vertaane ge. th (e iatlve l aa ,vonl that commeude Itecîf s. stroni, o -the warmet sympatby eT ever0" they utnanimoul,' pi"" e l a. floiug fTbat thits Coammittea raconimesado th. rctiou et-a Motumeni t. otho brave tmou' vho dicil aStii. battiesef Rdieva,' b*M 1 suic Moaaamstt b. piala th u le Quetets, orlUiverslt Park, sudnathlte expcnse be' drÏnyed b,' a general eonttnlbaiom frnt thf, peoof Canad,, succntribu.- tioua'iot ï , a seto eùw edthoeOutm of one dollar relI eea"eh no;sd fartierl, at héti eermnaton etofb. omou ansd places <(Ir remeliug Oudhtcontriuations. ef th. deslgn for the monument, ofth #ltte,. and -of te cretion,, bepisces! ln thebands cf lteé foiiowing geutleum,, riz.:- Tho Chéiirman, IMeurs, 'loyd, (basses, Edgar, (izowskl Klarman Ilîc>'len, Shonli Jatsavie J. BIlAC6nald, Ü. P. P.,'liou. W. Me MasRter, M. L C, KannIn g, lion. J. Me. Murlb, Kamitb, Perkins. lion, J. B. Riobinson, Ittthea-ford aud John Smith," lu ameodancewvitb the foregolng reso- lotibon, ve nov respecfull,' invite public attention, telitis patriolle olject. la l Inteudes! that ah, design, maîterals ans! workmoiîlip of (hoehMonument shall b. calu*irel, ' Caundnansd-athstil chai! bu cect oitsa a fitting site lu ths Quen's on UnIviry al'rti, sfavounla. rosort, nol uni,' of anr uvn clitons but also of vi- tons t. 'î'oronto. luadis scîsetion et a posçition lu our it,, e cannot but fuel Liailier (laime t titis distinction vibi bc cordslllyecogialzes by ail vho bear lu uniuas, <bat lier los lia killied ans! vouaidet iunabus action uti.fune (li ecod u ivsmore 4 severe titan (liai ot auritther Cauasia taoinauuity, ans! (hat of ailt tIse. hose ancuu<ryCniula siai ao perpetuate by tlis Nationial Mosnument,»en, vho bac! thoir baumes it 'roacitto, are nQi reposmng llu aléir lut rcatingplaco beuath thle turf of -oun publiece~uziereies, viit et tha 0hrwvtunss, - n-sim auelntfrsred aise. vîseri, t*o vene un soutie ,'car tempo- rreas4jqients of our ct , ,suring abair at- toaulncn-tt Uniersty iollege andtive lionuaraahl, sesoctates! vilhla daInstitua. (Ion ana't<le University' et Tonto, âse ;ucesaful candidates'- for ligi Academle sitiuetionx.1 las limnig lie ameunt of lu<iidal costtriljutiotia teonoaadollar, la vas deairesI te uake thbs ruly patriotie vork tihe r ruila of ltosubsonijîtiuto, nouaof thlic.-A 1 'but ofthelan ann,,o so lia lah o nUmea aiglit ho a luting testimony, flot onl,' to the, galliuîrtry o e îjiepantes! brave, but ailuuo te theoaffeutIaoti ait viaicht(he avIol, Province claheriebthemuamor,' ef ber nioble, sons, wvIs acnifilc tiacir lires lu ber dpfeaice. Il lu oouttdntl,' liped tliat Inluntiai rcldcutis lut ven,' hîaaaaciplity ylleuil thlimn'as!by tarminx Local (Jommlltecs, or takiamg sacl otlao tops as may sem t. teru uuussat tpedieut tfor promotin tIi. <bject; sund teco-oporatoit etftoe re là arnrestly solliicd. .i11sciitons wto te crédit of "The Tnumeure'rof< the Volunteer Monumcnt (Comlte " na, hoéepais!at au,' et the Blanks, on fiinagslnelee lu Canada, or ne- aulteil to lut» ln Toronto, £qu9tarra-Joho Boyd, Robta. ud$el, ;I.liarman, J.awreuc. Ileyden, P. W, Jarvaé, John bici>oàald, Wan. McMaoter, John MeMuss'icti,'Alexanader Manning, John Naimuiali, Vi-cdnk Penkina, J. 18, liobinsou, ÏIl.i aherford, Jolie Smsith,. JOHN MoCAUL, Chairman. C, <0. GZOWSKI, Srmasurcr, J. D. EDGAR, W. have, bien rIeoed lb,'Mi.Vin. ueCaI»t o f Oshava, to samuace tai sgo »Eta smnual meeting of ah. Tasuhes'As ah. Totouperance hall, T«oos, eomea lat on-TuesIa, ah.serenah cf ahi. menait "oneer ouvesiaace cf tSeacers trou tibi itiua,, a (c ià meabsip tickets have bitcnloft it M. Mils, iooksller, Brochamutra To l)dled .gig* dnniat leg, 1dsirous Wf itteadîng ah. meeting, tbtse ill o ibgvou, uoUsostfoc, on apli > ation- n tiif*bd> iin,h,'vyiliih. ese ifleosiboud,' of Wb" tha e ise Ï: tendi "ig. TIe,' ara"imci of«vMé VuA eaupprisel b,'-00 e las ens Contes perur,, sa i li sras of anlsg, or radie 0" of .1' isnulsm, r Iut ge a ~tr 2h. Tep ulsanl M bMia turnual 110 a pellllea mmaunti, âÏept $Uleiseaa E.~lloss ntiDeôG~ hi g fer Tus Mu ow "01A«0u11ssm Bua eu lanàTalr i"y to heeo.e labfo re, ta îiooe a.proset essionm eS e satgpetlmove are lad t. us,',fet île slet eom te ppelatel b,'t ConS, bille. Vsai ar spr, peaal, te rerlev lieu. Sào ZavL.T. e. .. Bsrne opa mepe.t.4.toomsa, llm ui in Europe for ean,'syà r, rivaI o me safel,' on Tmdaesti bt. Ifls man,'f"ni illlbapp,' to kaov bat lehie bacn blighy suaofl luah. e coupisbment of bis miselos. --- -4 Our remarias a ferî ioas go ccern, log ah. lasimsllit,' of a caeèer,' fer Whitbyi, mm..to have areued 'qome ef ogr otiueneto, tàe.action la ah. malter, as ve hear abat sMUerIgastieme areis- cuseing ta hailng, " ai a ited.altelle iles anoundti taraSis.W.*aineeel,' hop@ abat hefore anoal,,er PU paes is, 6&Ontenlo Cmetent "' ya'beome a reali atr, *Bd aitt. e tis me sorasent as vr asMi useWhiib.- 2h. folloisg le ah. resait cf a match p, 'aiyat Oshav, o tanday lut. Whit. b, la vîih i clorel Oher opposants la out isuings. WIIITBY-1s7 arme... Mel'huawo b <PKE.fo. .............. 2 00r ar traîo. ..........2 ets~al b 'Jef .............1Io ls« ,' e U'l>lb h tey 11000'...4 W. Lang ust Qui ..............2 Duf b Mebftid. .............O mmltla e lllelaeusb MoKittnio ..........o Gsmn Meîttle .............I1 Miller o (Iooper b >tcKttrie,........ OInls.....it. -..................g0 Total . <Yao:It ~ 0....b R.i,.... O 6 ui. Qb U 2. Stereuisu b W. lalig,..2 net'ont. s . tfrrollin nt.....Ob 0s, . U'Dnaool u.t ua. 7 e A.,L.ing b h W. ldàl g O Wentern b W L 0iil. b hWlinc.,O Cooper a Ray bW.1.sLdig.. 2<bia'. Mtark*ab Ilay,....2 b tey . O itan & aly........0b W,Lin. O GesiralNapler lefa Toronto 1,'ah. eyIk Mail1 stemer Spartan jeeteda,',on ah. va,' S. Esaglikal, bitera'oftColoialfe.r. vies havlng expiraI. 2h.Generil Iva scemp»Wl.I t h bafb,' a volsstaer parti et bonor, composai of tvels'e ma anti aseqesnt rom .it e onps.y eofte Queaa'e Gin, under uomamnd of Cape. Croftp »s onad oe e 7alaEegim.sa# togeaher vlit a large uumber of ah. offi. es of tho rnison 0d velsteens.Cipa.. Bell, Geu, lfspie'son IuIPI ud d a-I.. camp, bailofeta'on Mond,', Iaieuling 50 secopsia fy ar.'a. Napier bure. Canada 1>,' ah. C saanmâil ife... er oifaLtsounSaturtia,-nair."lh Districi vîli, -for ah ruea< h.bu ide coustsal m C4 .Peacý o f eT h.Itt Teslnsv. ayst SuId le»vnIutt wd, -oPb» ibe(ooiasai t (ro Mn. heae1 ifle.SuheneWar ef ds-Asaion, -Mnta. îree h.sbpilks ge te epu 01 i foâlàt m *ui#ltsI t.a 4, f«, ti l ela,(rcs/ , '.. Vow ,t4, épli - e lowir svf: ua, la our ast ais bard t. ioda.- fertie îite&wold usa oa, - seul te yenuraoaamfle, pguatagh nu*afetitr,-ýbfor er mulJut usetlonger sad xi b (1,'a percu& , ast sul Sau ieptAserdu ÀMof cf h ef la uaji nitm&Ill GKO;'-BLAKiI, Os -boba9 -of île Commlt<i. Tour Comslt" bar., procin.l a psa <pa englue boues dir.eteIby isà osel, ibihi.yl begte sut. Tior ýmttse . enid on4teIli eiaqn<k sa »e et l wbreat enle mu#ï e- fa tgas s l eesu issavaa ment&. »O)ja mtIon of, Mr. Nov., eeeedtib, M.,, aIe emaa nTouspropen, vas soriseti te lnge a beti ereetel st ait. iaist ..lof ahe Tfois hall,fer te use of th. AgnlolturlSocle,, for aho presentie yeeri, eus bat of ah.coisa t. bepail b,' ah. corporation, antite boias-eb,' ah. Ceumeil adjournet for 2 îela Vlikerag Towsshlp Oonneli, .Studali,29tb, 1866. Th. Conneil ef Pickerng met pursuant te aijonurmana. 1M emhers aIl peesL' Mnates of lut meeting reati anti apprerel .#Reeerond s communieation froua (ho Comaileiocer e1 Creva Lande lu la- feran o <tho#sry of lot 12asdl13lu lot concesson, Mit, Wclr presesite i lie petition of ';mes Dlgbysuaotbarsoprayiug Trsau ai- -teralon e of sde r ond beaveesalots 18 sud 19 Inut<ho .tah e once.soiu. Mr. HAlgbt, mortes abat esans. Ne, Cregha, Weir, sd ah. moyen, b. a com- mitte. t. considen ah. limitions for aid <e Indigent pesons, anti report thereen at tite sert meeting-Cortied. Mn. Woenmores atbat Meurs. McCroet, HlsigitSasd ah. morer, b. a speciai coun- mlttee toi cousier <ho position of James Digby ud othons, antd report thein opino tbereou aMt e st meeting of <Pie counecil. Mn. Haigbt, mores abat ah. coeuil re- soir" Iteef loto a cematiate ortbah whole t. eonsider (h. complaint agaiuet James Gonaul, Joseph Gormle,', Watt. Gneig,aud Âudrev. Bacban, for hais; certain oh' sanactlone la t. hisgitvs,.-Carnied.- The coucil la cousmitte of fit. viole. Mr, Werin iathe <bain. Th. commitase rose, reporte-I progrcss, anti aéed leare tuosit agala ah. era namet- iug of 1h.e ouine'l. Tbe eomuaittee ou lititions <or aid t., indigent persans report anti recommenti abat ah. <eloiug appropriations h. maide fon 1h. relief etf-sd ezpeuddýtibh. se, @roi pensons hoeinafier uaau.dsaid appro. pristions to continue autil ah. Bet day of Duec. nert. Ezpouedtib,' PaiLawrence for Widow Kennedyf, 6octo par veek; Thos. Tipp for Wiov T.quc, 60eta per vsek Jobua Hlgha (or Wwdov mil, $1,00 par veekj 8, J. Greesi for Iuvine andti vie *1,00 per ve.k ; Tho. Chuer <or McCormack, ti0cts par vela Thos. Wtod for Robera Money, doote pur veek. Report recciveil sud Mn. Baliurd,m t <lt a. era sgrant lis ordar on ah. rassreu nfavor of Mn. MeCWegitt for th. ana'of $120,osiS sua' t, h.uti.daeteti froot ah. yard appropria-' tom for ah. .eooni vrti.Cunnid. Mr., Virir iies notice atbat holis ii, et île nasa meeting o e osul, more for bure to lutrolsue a b,'-Iav tse appotuas s 0011ect«or cf ate. fortu. prasenayear. Mr. MeCnebt, i-h, 'ot<. eaue gVat bis orler on ah. tresuirer ln (avor of George Strachan, for ah.éana' of 130 for sappoaa t, ofgsas SvupaounIndigent eaoa-Csrried * "=-.dmotio Mn. Might-taeconu- (rées Md beeqy t.es»Joy, es#aIl WL4 ls o(ree.t p. Mind, toh. i*cm"'é, Ai nl, *à a ,1 cmpe.tos l, e îh coti-Mi. Fiù lw rotera, wbesJem adk*»Jcîlioen ventUrdL -uscntiolng ithat t1l<idgU vu fii 004theil nd:of a enrlnt qsbl# u'r oo'e o W*IooI'48 Mark$- blow. âtel. 2hose (o Wfbywnue ù,t là,l .ignt* b ahlé Cherotpe t.Iveup a#r s is~ the cbairmati's) opinion, h. la the beet plis... -vit it ws ue i Idurtood, ta ho £ contintie b e 1 teëWni;bipe3 rate oftbeborna. They ileo cu1 la éoa *Caia 3ueIbaitin expoctdng sk ite bys voudb eurnwd -v1î.- 9 lt itutlng ah..etSbolsvblpe tboui on 'thé 1retire trip,-* la IbIs tbey tvould h.' »abund*titly realizd, end à vuedimpoiW4. TWpar« dÏdbüdbehlthy, stimulus IMP*rtetÏ0t.the great the kàt d s.polr.efTb P eau d t ucaalou la thitbisblf SOU# vb ont, l d di11,. me., uction "of oun noble country, Je deilrer W00asa eilden fB~daeof ros < d i anilmatetid cluet tsre,< thae ulgit. -ÂA'rouge, llloolilng £oiîor h. e iur , wbMrb Pok qbg liev., d.puted by dia ponser ao do bis <h mettee, ase evincedIn Jothe 11gb set. o panser%.),; dcs,, a b ah.disbpaion of tb. eauoaml.»<a he aOWnés<ýanud llà 4,6cen- keys giffln U'p, and Bradley of course, not fortablu anecommodioues ohool;hbuais esnig <n laies~ cbluin, gve he ith vhicla aimost aIl tah. $ections vet otsteroomas e bis eompaauloi souk. or wr _euprovddc .pl ot Berthe vert lkept by Bn.sdlqAn d bsc mi, tted dm ilmentao the Tiecbel In ah. , o«iïsbip, c n.cated changes, end oz-- longus for carl playing, sand vors. pur. oued a.bl, tat the srlt'uesedimsos l'iS,84paon (eaned "mmacaid bu. ievhchthe were mnov engge l d dren oimpclled'"ao remlakn oud il 11long cnjoythdir viu'easrv s tle uight. The Ca&ptaita va , Ivisible j ito beltureil thom t. h. with6stt exception, as. enjoying $1 the gay sud (eial'e"viîb fsitbfnl snd cffilfeut Inthe diacharge of tome ladisn In bis- privai.eshoiai, and lia- thirdattes, Be expreeséd ibss axious tI. roubeilbimsl< a todi. omor desine aose. ah.e ltuiutlônof the tncihera bie tpmuagene. I p A tÎlay ceinsor finade mores&taie and permanes thonit bis m gél 1 pa d inryuto, fud bas ihnto b.enud the. pleemune h hr«esk<'eAmober fay for dlela ad luit nvitneuaing s groaing feeling in (hie vonse raine alirergot lu my lif#. There dir'ection, lua te country. Be@srguilin wuse b ait .uough 1a e&t, andi ibat staong formeatapon parente aff il 1inter, vos uppled'àvae <h. vory vont kiud. la ehteil in the cduetimof etah. islng gene- shortas more occoomfortaitle trip, tabig ut nto encourage the béat t ed strength- ail~~~~~~~~ lui encut utvi . uoab the ans of othe teseber, lu th. gre_ st aitIn IL oud mt vit e Riood. -vork la whicîthoheis eugagd-snd vlLb bngapproachiug ah.enne sd hror titis end Iu viewr, te treat hlm wlth irespect Of 114001 wuvu Oaof th. quetion.- -Th* aud reverece-to t osser inch feelings lu tri p sa for uls bi1b Andi honorable namte ah. broaute of ah. youiun studiously tn le concerued vau a complot@.soeil. Tuk. avold aecking of hlm n their reence (ai I got home sire, aud vith th.aisen- iu tcrma of disreprct andl unbecoming anee abat Mir. Gildensleve, ah.e ovuer, familiarity, and tw set their "socs»gains &hall hear of th. mie-management eof b is11lulcbeaiug And ttaia-tattling injualoui nealy s vel ~ to Ilaie caracter, pogition, and us&-fulncus. rolybandsoinassttamboat, asvoi ASThoRer. gentleman oiclsded an ecelc- youneell, cnt uddrets, wlich was lisaaned to vith Iams, protoaand attention, amid lbus! applause. Mn.,Editoi, lic concîsaded litaroducing tbc Rer. troll youns, James T. Dowling, Superintendent of Lx. EYCÇUqrONIST. bridge. filsesubject, as, # *se "eeut Jabi 31, 16.training," vhlcla beiug. ah. biglaeet of &D, le conseqaetly of th. greatest importatnce. This the a ker Illustrates! by a referene A letter (rons Nov. la T. Dyrlae, tu the varleus kinda, oflile, andl objecte ef - lire wlth whicb vo are acquainted. Lie To (s Eftoroj'<hoWMtb OIffoicl<. hea ,d, if a uiyetery. none coell.11 aba itfai;but lis clearly digtinguisliable front Canadian Str* PzarviAi,1 moeexistence,.In ah. nioscovcrcd Jaiy 28a6, 1806. * tone b, the vay -sie, uudcrgoing no 'change vithinlasltei,, w. have- an instance Da.ta $m:a- aui %ipie existoe.Tho atone Io capable Aller a absence of 01p1a31ds of being scielptured into a form of beauty'; of ton mouabe, I hople yona yul allow me busthaat change frno bapelesnue &pae for a few passiug ahonghts, whieb,to grace. rerulte not from itief. The gruat coma uan, ii oab ov d.ton mat,' nccompay a tate of existence; la ah. tiret pluce, 1 desire to . nv but le utterly incompatible with aIl Our ideas of life That wbich lires la hu ledge God's goodnes lulesding and eus, -i1i1î,' diltinguisbablc (roul aat wbich aaiuing me duriug able prptraeted periol, werci, exise. Wbou we conteaiplate the sud for ah. large museure of sacemse oueb- varions kinds 'of life, about andl vithin ns, &afed tth a iesion entrutoti <0'me, Ta vorecaunot but notice silos, there le à kins! is Welf lnovu in man,' parte Qf Csuasa uof Action peculiar t. caui. lunathswhich abat 1 vent forth s e , reoeutative oai*lives andI vegetl tre, enotice action pro- th. Freuch Canadien Misionowy Societ,', dielng growth, kc: bore tue trac. one of and neyer did 1 appîy myseif moreseraar tin.loe "tdan fltsdcueuu esily t.a àiork, ahan P baye'to the pro. andI alo s0(action. Animnal !lite halin a moa:on of ils Intereets;aMd, ang thfOi, h»ighcr object, bas a bigiier ortier of action Divine hiessing, itiasiben saida su oe- -percetion sud impulse are mani<est in ceo, in avakeuing luterest, aultiPlyiug a anogt approprit. manner. lian la Poo freudse raisiug fonds, suctmu xediug îlu sesses! o or oral lires vithîn himseli, phy. oporations. sical andsilnstructive,-itttellectul andi nua white engagedin tluisble eal îork, tbinking- betrtl<e vlîh Ils overeigu a<- I bae sen litieot h. ld ouuny-fectioni., Ans! out.gnshing love. To each 1 bae mn alitie f te Od CfintY-of t<lisse ure la&atachesl an appropriate haie had extensive iuteoanuse ,ith peNsons action, vhicii clearl,' and! unuitskeibly of the bigber sud mididle nmoka 0ofa&l sec- -isainguiiuhes eci. Action rom mmore abuts of th. Chui*tisu Church, antibai4 impulse, in A being of meutl anti moral etijoyes opportunaise of asefau in pnb. capacitieu, la a stoopindbenesth the digul. lie andl social circie, vhicb, 1Ibunbl,' tY of tht thich resse n ud loves, t. fla tratf wli efas i god, he isie sdltret ofthabt whlch regetates lu a cenge- Mal sol and atanosphete. Intellectfilese serice. in foerai promincut plae lagret amystery *As flfe;but glal;at lade- Scotaa ud ntirlanil, not erltiug Bel corpliehos more thoan more Instinct leaesml- <lut, in helanti, viii ho long neuembaNed J11 l pereeireeL 'Tt a a@s.,nuturai fur la t. sud mmy, incidents and (ml vitht regard reusonuAs <or t. living ceeture t. More, to, abs,. ocaiaies trnih . u atientidlanThought thon le ite appropriste sctima "etil, ver. yonr cogen»enpsa bth.*sama. laougbtioosusisleas utterl,' st vanuance yatl amid aig e040500 ezpe$oic4d, w tb intellectuelai le sud healti, as 1Ine- somefev emon awsdedattabaie ti~tvit,' la wltb the playelc.i or ah. faiplle somate«honre srardt t$bmave lu sire, Thesouteboldeo din roegard ta bomulot M e. Canadisn latoitst, bia b. hebigf l(# f t1 h. morasturi, Thie no degra. benudimsanle009.004110 9l la brt lasas esta amysteryase aIntellect aue eounany< sndbho nlsiutionsgloriofli or the Jife; but te apporA.action anti va mal' veii test prond4la,»i--fora'elearl,' duaanpwsbes la(nom tbem, wbite putran sdparce.!of abat .itanntel, astloaa; tumoeverboubellevred toacavithout sud éatuie, l'bua. Umm 4&sliers,î enota. What ah. bsrit <fe# lh vat t ,*fa I.ah.estataiti 0<menoftl5t wu as ntneudat.do-tbat le, te lofa, MHue sudm inthne Jo Ci'.ioaua* aS' lote not-îl e wku b.oonoaa 'i t and nfluncein te Rob* AM o 1114atets; heurt& ma,' love,-oug Objci riiats oomesourisse baie 14W toi po, but ah.eappoprImactisonon f tli",a daue favorable ruesala u hi 46,"anthéttinaturele msnif.sal,'-W is'... D'ne mt ait rma brave'-sud coaragcone, MOvemenltlad Seltat h. huart vbich le ýdOidoaf. of~~~~~~~ .. aaiiVlaaersa . -o ___etirn155go _aseti àud b te "t'laltornIs~J. oe c îîuThe tbe» sang Johnuy-OdbgokeVwhle içift- Tbé Volwautfé dô can" 2h.Ami' at$Naug a~efespasme Volantaërs of Csnada, Allimg ah.t: 1s - ghi aSetigeva,',lai,': 2h. uoidaet ofitý MIIIIfI la 9,udig, il htefvaamauitloa <ale, a 1boit viah moreaandbl tr nhY. 1, postebhbind LsosIe fl aes ithý repeidg rSJOesvIlle a itvelan lear» snee, exposaI t. eten' sotteot v rit, 'n beyoead ail Pro sandi<aAo e. W-0ntotp. t have aven, le nt leoVPredo f si tfes.nd, ilth av or ofa van vitit au,'forelga paver, v 1 ine-.ý ca1ve Most Importasnt ssetae iZ fo <ein, ranite. Csnadagave us eue aiK ut ndur.' iug ah. Criuuuaa vater, antiman ver. ofenrel. W. onîl terfoei muet soriuploas lai bing avn,' ,Oyjustice te a pao., pie se truc (o tbuir ilegisu .ce# iTours appeans e. havre-beam oaa ver,' surtout mistake comultti, fer viicit X. 'havenot saon ny satlsfactory explaoaaîonsto ehicit 15 îold ~ appear té bc on duay tSe ivetI. gala, The voloneess vure senîiut. ah. fieldlMO t~laut àspp< e .monavoe ns #Ton provideti viah bavenacias, sud'nO ammunitittu auouspuiî<hem. Whce -yens <ho commJilasat aud store 1officene, sud vitat ordens tidti ah.boods thes depanamente recire? -lieu v vent go fight osr bole., - for sncb <bey net be tenmel, botal sigt toi epeclet 5 i a., sioold bucî»Il suppliel vitit every equisite la thé field, &aid lia.,bave Dow à est ns- leabted right tw insist apon ale ing, enquir, vi tbs,' vote.Doct. An negleet on out part <o rentier Justice voubu Moua inurions, sud migia cri ea vrt, bal fecliug'isa coueequunce ort ah neglet' of man,'Colonisa. vho enteneil ont erriae urlug ahs Canadassa rehoilion, 1 15 le no justification w sa,' abs th. Co- lonIal Govrenet ,'rs houaI tosuppl,' aheir Volonteers. The,' vere un deontu cemmeausd il vas Our dtto me abat te ah., r periy- eqnipped, sud thisa aie necesiar,' supplies sud amminuitii voee dispatchutli belte va sent thosut. 'tii. Beld, A baaai. lest lu coneqtence cf mach ceglect leon disgrsci, sud esaoul thaoefore b. more particular vistL tii Ca- nadisu Volouteers < banîitb Ir ovai (roopa. Somse asnnugemti shool aonce beeutered lt. viah h.' Canli ai s vt ersiment t. alcv ne to p,se su ,pi,' abs Venteen fonce viicit- voualb. loue b,' ont lepantmeutal staff sndunütr un don-, tractset aibchles. ahan it at prose 1t cette, Titis vols meure the. couttora at d eicl eue,' oftah. force. The Bost« oin urcwalintimtse that a itaga epeculation lies at tise b onsof (h. visit cf ah. monitor biantonomah to <ereigu vaters. W. quoi..srIla&vilI bc neumitureti abat su erpedialo i, corn posotet etatgliatenomai, 40go ta, sud Aubuelet, vsBtes! eut toe arn,' Our ns tiossl congratulation te ah. Czar 0o1ail ah. Bassine, On bis ««ePe <nom sa"$ snation; but, if v. avie bucu 'rigItal, irformes!, thera le a proty littie spuculatlou 9 nauct- a1 vitl. 2h. ires clat i yl h. rougbt tue .notice cf ah. Czr ar onenpoints wili h. placetileolits most favorable ligita, ad l la sot imaprobable that ceontia1pardie in Ne* York sue pusparel <e à oiid et uanyllerhasma'bc ortid mdCap,' dona laing th. an, viii bavre cos derable influence at couran a b<ainng a f orable resoît te i o u&# ceniel.Wuha huard ih. usinas o ttre. eminenatNew orkerio m«n Of argeMeen, Whboreave ample osvnetmeals ssecond th. riais ofthoi agent. 'Ties ànad"osi epeditio us,' ,ut bc twooat toa.profitabla Pn st Pa- Terible LePOSesetîl ÂeS ns lYrons <le ia Taurjoie , 14 :;h.evar la EBohomila loa'nfat <rbs-I 2Th. Anatnlam us eare' old,,-loisa 15,000 mas in <hein vukaleus ancoai i thtie th.,' boit 26,00put, busr4@de miat in The'et thed5- Irish SI ,Isodel <nom ah. Wrn. mCou nort mulu;layiaag vue m <elograipit IotaeS. t aleneli Latir mý tlles et stable pti to luit. - MAL 0,'Baoon arnitel a yuder e l île uelituwnes- fi Th. Orma EssteM IfMu ne ilweend vuoptiad t teinyS egibleon board lte ra Eàeaad pm., tvben tlie telegraph fluet tantet for' Vetalna.ans! ah. Raceon started for lTite»tel.gisph "t;et-rted lu the<e10110V- a Ïàerrbll *hesî 0<otte Great astero on lbhe'tstl>ans bon'; Media,' on (lic port;-, ad MaJbt,' on tbe stanboard quar- ter. » Theatlier vus tbick and! foggy wltbý ter, ain:- Signala titrougi thte cile on b tn he GreatFt Esslru sd te teoegrapit boua. a t Vaientis, t1.4U4 rniles'penfoot Sot. Jul,' 14.-Distaisce rua. 108 miles, cablà-puls! ent 108,'. SUD. 15.-Disitance run 12, paid! out 139 miles. Mion. 1.-Distance ruai 116,,pals! ont Tue.. 17.-Ditaace nain M1, pals! out IVes!. 1-Distance ruai 100, pull out 128, Thurs.I1.-Distance ruivlS2, pais! out 129. 127. Bat,.21.-Distauce ruts 122, pals! eut SUn. 22.-Distance ruai 123, pâalont 130. Mon. 28.-Distance ran119, pals! out Taies. 2.-Distancoycu 121, pais! outf Wed, 25.-Distance run 112, pais! eut 180. Tisuns. 26-Distance run 128, pals! ont , Pli, 7-Distance rata 112, palsiout 118, vhiale, viti t lahel-. teendioff VIn. tia, a distance 27 miles, câble paid'out 29 makes s distance Fun of 1,069 miles, ans! câble pais! ont 1,864 miles te licas'. (Con. tout. nt 8 a.m., Jul,' 211h. The avertis, spocd ofthe Ahip (nom tbe lime tijo eplice iras made ntilve si land voa alitai. loes than ô nautical miles per beain, and!lte oebl. bas becu <ms! out as-an avergef b miles <mer bout--total ,iack leus tIan 12 <er, cent ru. vweather lias been' More zupleasait than I bave crer kno.wn'il on the Atlantic asttis sua- non aof(lie ,ear, andI vo have bal alternate da,'s of ralu, sometime. fogasd squashs. 1 liaie requtastedl Mn. Dean, Secretar,' et ti. Americar. Tulegrapit Ce., ta tond yen1 is hanr,, viich vilI ie ,'ea a detaileil1 accotint of tie hope. ans!f(uxs, tie ta0 andI dowusecrpenienced lai Iaiug thse câble taons the Atlantic. Wo',ar, lu direct ecomunucatIou ilti Valeutis aInce the splce vus made on th. 131h Inc., lanti bave' lu,'receiveti neye front Europe viticit îus postes! enasial of0 the Telegrsph office fer lhe information of thua. on board thé Gra s stern, ands sg. nalles!(il t h ie ssipe., Aller le4kiug lu ceai th. Telegrepla <dat vili mil for the spot vhWmre ho cible vu loft ljas 'ar, tans! re he itenmd sud complet. the second fine halee r.àoelanI and Neifouuaie,' aids!olise iMedia, vili proceei te ls,' b.hevWCal! erosm ah. Guut of St. Lavrence, ' The cible vill b. opeu for busDin a fer dayesud :ail messageSsntmttéEurope lu the orlon te,'iae r oet aS H.ant' Content. T canuot lins! ordes aitable tocone,' rn, admiration for 'ah. mon w lhava se (Slgned) C..Fe. iîfe :ContentJ,'2 . Oaào"p,'Bs,,29. The toia2rmaof ah. 27thbu,.f th. Atliantic Tlgul Iha<etis tise gbon, ' amaeat atoe u u, wbo bave adalerulit .dedrt le hobooer. ed as bemeeaolu îthirrale. A tresty ofpèsc lb&oecs signes!bof tîcenAuia nd ss!Pruusia- Ill A-îproIenselegram s s'.ia a Ove taias armistce betîeeas AnasenlaanulPras. sis commonceilnt poon on She 28rd. 21cr. vas fghling on tSe, 22nd. theAn ciaiming s vicooq' Earl Shsflsbirj"'ad préteiel la in . Ifous. açulnst th. Refor. meeting Inua4ulscussion outa. tar2if ~r job, Palangt4en adMitte t bs EngianI wu e. Asevuese oaent ,tock place on Sth 2togtls f te ad(bo . sst$dsi- ý1iimaIa Yi",or, tleysunsk the Tlta. looutrusamng deaua oneandi blosiing aipibe.. .ý11_ , ü ý1 1 ,, the Nev York, New"dou a"iulod Tegraph Comnpau, i - Peter ooer Cy'ruis, W. iel, licec-Tsày'orr arha O. RobertsO WslsmG H uant. Thsâdleut cfé tsCaspan,'are Neen Cmep res, dent;, ymnu W. Fit, ViceProsidnt Mom T ,'lnTreuurer; Robert W ýfrÂkos uCoinar, ,Jul,'2-.,ç ' W. icll s,'e'abrebave beeù-gles. lu London on accoait eoflte Ognorerunst ÀAdalil,'paper bu.becs. publwahl «a bOard tho Oresa Eastern, .85r13 It, 1C. B., JulII P9- .30p Ail despatches (ros Eairop. vis Heanl'd Content atsd.Potau Banque bIng rnaiul%. nelall%'-t. (boeaiucceastual layîug eofin câble, have beeai ('amardetib,' eop frem Ibis point ans! tic noie yacht 0al4e= thais afutton on, hqr roluru t. Port iu Banque. Anoîher vesel -willinarie on Monda,'Imorning (tom FPora su Banqua îrith <urtisen adrieus <om Site- enle sol Europe. The-aelegnapb lIn.. are lungoo vworkisu; order. ýQararsaonranirti7Tac or"5~55 - or lac VrIMS» aM.u Bay Juy 2,-Te supenneui At niai.e wcock titis nirning, viîb a m sage (nom ite Qucon 0f Great' Britala te lte PfrexidestaM-téw nittI statoe, - id os»rl zily 27, 961 0 dw eh. sIkntof am ttait e tat«., Wuli Théi Qucen conïgratulas.. lise Pr esi.o the succesful comptetion of an .cndertak- ing wich,'mbo bopes uMa,'serve seansa d. ditional bondi of union"beweua, lia.Unitusi States andl Engla! To vbich 'te 'folloing aeply vau senti "EauaaMAUemoir, WÀtsarroi.r 11,80 a. M., July,' 0ô. 00- or .i- jeaqi, <la. Quceiaof <00o 17n1Le4 iugdn of (keat.rt4zn and I relot4-The Pre, aident of th. ltXnititimes alnovludgs anti profounti gatification tise reccipa td,, ler )labcaly'a dustài, ans!erdisîl,' se. ciprocatus liae hope titt ho eal. vItich uow unite.ste casteraanti-,western itetui lepheres ana, servete ,stnote .n su d te porpetuate pusce sud amiS,' betiecu a h. gomesment of EtagidMd atah. repuhla' of tie Unîte! Status "(signe!) NIWJO SGL Nev Toua, Jul,80.-Tlte (doovng, s!cspatchhbo en bisa-led ovr eiaAt- latccable: "Màe-osa iOre, "Nev Torl, Jul,' 80,1Io". "To tua L0ord 1<o of Loudont- "2 h. energ,' anàigeufaiof Fm, direct' ad b,' ii. Providence tof Gel. bie oUnitedi <ha- cotîsls. 'a ,' ay hI.union balunstra.ý astebtailnu&=cring (lad happînus et ait- salions andibe rlghts ef a1l People&. - (ins)JOHIN T. HIFI AM, H a'sCeurvJly 18.-Tt e S landTiol.grph Cabieis titis dayope" fer msigud) CYRUYS fW. FEL'D Nevw Ynr, l I,'3-The foliba bàuvé h.ea ixo ae .ratuesforathe Ad»a- île telegrale t-Tram u*oftelgskw in Amerlm oay n,' 'aPmn'fi at'v ords or lms, laldinu toti asaden sMd nirer. £20 in wold, ~1 s' il f' s- Bothil Iaorpora" Montfla Baflsini eeeis1p-IomMn. er m Br lt.e Allumas SIGNE» BY ALL 1 - ItOB BIOTl Aiçue,'Bey, Jel,' 30, bnalrofa ~ ~làw nom %eugibt, ,fariber'duSeau Atliic mcilsiv-ae becs twuesir on Eoglasd ,me among alum eba Coitent 1' bi s*ýafr àain lies maade wiI'@ ftpil anti frçquent ats Polub fi-cnm Vna« «I mai11tW.(1,1fCel*le la -Léoulout, Sa*. er'g., J effs repforts omtse ou peaeuprlfialnasesbetwu Uvarpoo4IluI,' 28. s tes marbet le <ri;ng id var lb.. -fe Mev o&rliay $si, ,h. fotliovi atoegram o1 "ýQUeen otel, Loi -As armistie. cf four vue busbm eund by ruu vanlas'and <e otier Qern propositiomen. a'ira-a git viole eoaen'of-9 A 2lr" gapea" di sella data. Initia,'ail liom ofetCemaous on il tcinove s,' irritaton a o.» soaeteuiliatoh. nenul anti ou<l. If <la. s.u<el b,' >1. Auericau g ieitgovcrmeai intustiel Qommissionta inqaire lus laeUntiudif pasibia revis Asatiter speeia tt fol :Jûl 2, Earisg 114t lange ltaum 1 Cossisfor moue,' 001 ierattelabik rits xI Ati a etors DeSMs Paik ,esoLa, 15a0 Poli - mt .0,Mi4f dprolsete gmm .ver, letou. T21 frme silllJng, antiforWe ý&vewalpensoms ve. iujs Ga* e îlte psepi t" s -* 't' J - - v

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