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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Aug 1866, p. 3

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s-I 5 CMITLE WOZ, ffl Wanted,. iluwissg ll,ails()nrwoîii, ls t,,"4 foi 4oba.0110 un, siu ist,;'ouse 5v! hs and4 iîle msg.s palil mA ix kINh ol, hsuaslsa, 15d i Y0V*iB ifostss itou. US SI NÉES Si BUMLNDIPA FUIt KIIT a0, 'ALL lliI4I 'ZA IIiIiILALLY ANDI FAIm-s r18«, AUEC NQW 1EEADY lir#tii ap lat B n utury 1 mitlaesçtsliu f.i Lian 01il l'AI"; INITANTLY, - salis miniis Ides irnl ,wi-rurgil s-gausss,,mg Ibo iss mas i vapsIoss<i mIdsaa K 5it, rocno[ow iV 155151541 »5iP51515WI5îîU , lqren-tis. fuil ternis to Par the. holemmut .1 bomotlc 5p 110. 4frtýt baé Palirltg,-islfoùoOlmU Aim a tth. i" ans. *bsd plouf li. <oilew. souUhsoif or lot No. 4 , lutlheIlis acosaol01<lasâi. J.. .; à îOo areul. --oot.ita1f or lut No, lsu thseIlOtit nce,.ion < Mas .~ 100 ars tiontiî.issWo<lot No 18,l11 tise Utis conee.lonofMre . ~.100 ar, M#ii4d'<ltNo. 14,115 tie 12tk con;cw»sioor lmais ,".. «09,is lm* lîaill orséxNo. 14IL s Muse , "euei the 1 Mouii lss nom. 20ac 1.o No. 1.5, liitihe 4tls bn, itra.. 20 aéra,. Mfortis iall' nI lot 1', 16; Is tihe Oih OC"OisilSiQ ,es'ss . ,-10 *crui. otNo,.16ln tus tia iscon'. seaua, 000 0e4 J'MA tafi u2, eosesiouY.. New ilsrreai1, sona 00arei, TERUA MOUT I.UUtJIhI.,aed wiil benma& kuovs'u on dal a(ot601l,.Th(oc# a ll vii ale lpmust 1 oetok, p.msfutaiMORAZ'8 bolgt, J. HAM ÉtY 119 s4v co araward vii b. psld by tise'un- such lnfirsffstlooi axNrMsCd fmrPo risbën-i1v clou of tih. Parsty or rio, h;on the *Ulght 01 V Wdiiesday, 2Oh 3uly, iBst, st ie luInMY Sair-Miil, esuuiir tise total de- oslrscllon o ts sanetisîmlsqaiy tif Lausbr O&a. til., MIhN hAEtu, Clsrcmnont, is$ Aaguist, l18.4i6,8 tKrOLVEWr ACT O? 186e" 4fibo isemttai oet wII'JLI'Alf BEAI,of th . ?obWîsaP isi# est WilUsy, adu Insoivasse. T IlI Creditors of tihe Ilssoipnst ire uothfies J'tisaili siousaode ais suijciimot ni hii ett s tisi elieto, ussder 014 aluire Agi, te, sodt otis as' e# ad asi t êlse a romsi s thit date, vith seir cîsionsi. eu$Po ffTiss ie seirtty ttu.yJitoisi, Ifanv,,tanil tisa vaitne'i It suA h!i nn#se t*tliiétisa (,#et 1,thivi il. utteoi- .4 toudorostii, Wittb -il.. Ysnbc it oii uppscrl or alsî lairsi.. i)ad t o rklsamYiViage, éMIs day o! Joly, EXHIBITION "agrictural AsoôiatlOx', of IYECANADA, hteb.clsold at TOýRO'NTO, 24th to 2Sth Boptembot, 186. iu.isli<to ellilleit wlI IPIessse ~tlc otc, tisast tise IutiSof Article»lois reupcilehiv. cas.,ic suîust b isasie villa tise fiee t T !oronto, oos 01 e<oro tub sa dcrneu ritionsld date vis, br tMf<)eSiatlssts.iy, Asagnat 180i. Oraliel l ou)ti,aid otiser Fi i poli so rsiPemente, mucliss.sy Pusud ie- * i 3~noior5jî5, où 0t boti OWeaurdty, Iionltialia Irodsseti.LwIllc5' Work the ?Is@ At# '&0c., ou or beforo tatsûday, gert-- 1'rixeIo uo ati ud loli Formos for msiiitise eitrits lnîiocsushoakeîaIsiesl of<thsé icruteries O! ail Agrielsltesral Suelctie.sssiM Isnle'1- id1%, litntutisiougliottiic Pîsuina' JIlU 611Cr, TIOMPSON, (tac'>' Bord oit Agricsulture, A1or ugî , 9sg , 16. 8 1SELECT CLASSES --0- W-odeuday. ti. he iat t lse grot bulIldi nusitso t.4Ae i'aueylNoesile Work, Draëistlg Mdt am- Off *for Europe. iwï àeuy l dmrou mr S, cnewrhm a#, tg Là4 Tibd'W btlastorm Mfbifrad. 1111_~~h 2 ta ti&llsfor Ens land, usai Wodoedythe Zth lstansi Wi4île4rtninug elà ls %pteuber, $luesnhéItl oi e bir- snb smu saeont New OOODS ~(*REATIARGAINS94 reupreceulSTOCK JAS. JOÃŽINSTON, Watebuister sud hellr. I IL, lb. ao lamai HE, QU.EÉi i H., B, helat -l!nnw Prince Alber't. th.e1, Pyluceof W'sI.s. Tise Rotyal Pamil>'. nsud Ilosicb 4114m!' mot of tise crown'ed b"e o <f Continentbali Europe, bit bas revisited Am*ifrieasd mihlise acensuuilàted attractionos clled' froin thse rak tgW tisa beab.Enilobisndsud ropean Arts, us THE, TOUR 0FCANAbA, AND WILL EXUIBIT AT STlîursday, August 23r4, 1 866,. Ee nmrousenved lt mes tisg. V* 50 feocets. oiI L iat 'tratorion o!Siàirutadot npposgoï isl "al#aisnte Pç- L'.AY i Wisillî marks ttisaeinooof tii etsblsisao toasChi 'place Ih buctisa Isolsor o1 rlsiting, Aisi lusamlslèh Tic offiemp or pngdwobry" suceede tise plortcs ftihe dais of ClulyatrYo or thée Ulendors 01 thse PleI< o! tise Clous et Goid. ,An eaîIbilieus *ilcle euple tf Ituglauitiflorked 10 asfw rmitss- tseuor nîsîs>'isues, iid vîsicis é tisa'învcrnsdly atkuso*st'ietict aasuaoeil anytisiusg aven auso las Giesat liitstii. Àissoug lie0suiso> bri fauttsud sesonauigss lctures nIl lic !ossd tise ""G(;AND CIIÂIIIOT 0OF .£OL1US! 0*'siquislt ~s-f , isi i'4sbotrat Aîil, ss r> upi lsa but X,1(HT. tredep.o-pfrg, sftà I "ilitsicosusf)lel-t-, t" liIe tie glor>'. Visa KssIglits ae-*rssiiiiesi Io), t1i-I al Âid>ensue," tcon. " Yaltitar l.o ioes"aldois orsnte.I pÀ1o i lleioci aM T . - D,4t~4 ~asaM sl ote ofoiflitinueaiit,] ciarloîs, noos heîi isre ou* toi ":r'sn-ii, o'o-lis tli prosstl cavalcadae, iome sP ..olhr ie(lorleos, Bisîliis susdCars or grasofil <inn>, ra.îoilidont ibIs ,' iùirrors, puifsllus andi oidlcaedisg thie G19ANIJ ALaEWORICÂL. lI, onpdniseé tessusilV6 siUla! rwisieg istlafr,*isesI a clinasuuiig Ta- bîn Vîrast, lis vîsiels à assiniser otyos555g laisiis, elegfautly draps-il, Sfui Allcgory orf ' VACE "ussda tiriilitigly lusirt,sIve.fil tIslicio- An -onormous living lion, tir*ined by Mr. 4 Ç~ Crotiket, V!Ai English Lion Ring, anti lylug couiasnl lii lea ust tise i'eb nori'lsritsairianit A. srrinitc - < ,h' tise gr.of ii'oiesalt TisassssiiesVriîki'wr, ~ "W','> hY~. TUII'. itasi.5St .ss tise ve-r>fint trus "ai t lsst t uaniriplel] teryîriaot 4#1' 111.tns ileiilit,, issited y lle,'isalgtcis,.st at usais' n("sçlisîr.piuda-, JOU lasyet Stiarisoisiis tisisseia attemirIstay l>'ie0 rade 10 imitato ' J-_ lttu'~hioti(rt tsfris-iry 'isdoiius(r;t tiii iu siiivi lt andti Wsak sp- (sTr lrtxhuiaiou 1 tI I~(iiiht andbu(lAç lglymwtiIYIicti *lia acuise ustiasot, isire e<s (!ekell' sSo'f<il ilal Lisis, drawn b>' sixteei ssEii4,is isosi-ca. Tisc-ellsirce t su iîsails (i mlsnue ,.. isstlzltous,) tissaI cre'stcd ascis ais ctctit I.>' tueur csopa irons '" '5tiloir cageu t Au-"I tiliisisg une cl'llc Siie apa.sssidlerribi>'runtl- .isu'sj'llisg antthser, Mtafow-u'iscîui- iinssylr i;rock- itjs)'t triiasliiis, le J It-c to tiis'ir daits, tiaaiIrjuvs aititi drip. T"-Llsiic itît tise ii'.î o! t1iaitvicissia-NI r, tI rieki,-tb bus-bi so r- -at~i~iarIcs rî ilgratbsstr,~3Y(4UsIsi5r CM1AND OF1?IIEiI bi ÂAilTy, mii sa ni'ii!'-lcsl i1 l fi i 'YÀiT'r tipots tIsa vairions cogisîza. hlu. rocirai»<,1 acasis-d f-tuedheelzeiss of losstonaf -'* -masslve jemello icréosn as.rssg, ussi otîscr toLeassa c4 publie #p i<'c'a Uo latioas of hiisaforsa sassai sai'iii, JkIr. CÉOCE'i'iv wa sia <'-si ty S l lai-s, lais-siu. asa ad hi. 54(i lisussnuienJtis isîgas. ls.is cuf oitis. siatheil s . r tK4<e ucleaiee exiil 1~ ai'isusai is.-silU Il ios -. t qa irii, idwiii bu seiied h>' 111Ait ' i'icié ~iie îanbs. Iriisiausi sàu esassi sl f »Ir. Cuasclie-i, mi estis tIl ini nlis sDo eue ts e <lisaausinli sli sewli'es-! ils, aiseisce, AMs i r Iai iaig fil is - brofft ans ory triiiii otsslissn, lcnut vî eal hieli - laaaaa. Uit.ekeilit uthe'sl'a-asiat tam fis Dur.uing StreetI Pogesat, miili e i(ound lu tise Gorgeons - eamotis Globe Clisrloh, bentiu un it@svaraouc plaîforsus na sinber or Living troupcaiopse mbole vurmoountid fb auslsmmense -1 sirea Iboinsi 0 tr.nja msci. anai iuniaa#leviul is t iius mae- - sai Iseesillai il'iiia e la, i t i t, a..gsi, i laskeu saia10 itpraess iy 5- Vontla ier1 % fi eh lirit itlpw . ie i.istsriss, g fits aejn rio rni o oto soie I Io irril ors caisito!uaesi tus si i ssi'is't i a-sflu, rlssti i,a-sîsrc s eu ;lg ila lv 5'gusl oissi xhtb oiss sar if ift,i ss isssispeIr ie ctua.dmtise grassde.i, goswm nitgtem viergitýn, xirlr afiti u t ' hemoit i affsilsicet-- * c,iissa i<is er isissa wiiiiiii the riie smarsre. couejuor'. coasouseand! sure t itan unix ilor s, .tcg" uei$lssb-u ss.stse aioJ issi h ie. aamais, ig isaasauil ngi*us ia #ii foi 'nu atieY0's lOyal Asessisse ia % Vissoosse l.oionleasioiilaiiss iiii3irogtiolosis, sd sue cnts 55<w 5tumisvis-se4 u ai luus s.iew Wauisgi. Ps out ssi aetd(suiy daiicss-igure0<s, ihii a raste paed> Easgiioh sos i* syle o <ils..aisiseab-.easffimisa. wsis sea ai M#MMsal iim .as cmaipreiaarie, dail,$sîerve u, aessasîc'ili 2 a ois i bbsti i. ier kie u4lià *Iw...a..tisre a4ipeuramssslper oi shes a mainla er pro- Ma JaleulJoDfis-issuass lskpnu AL MAT RA"EY IApVJJ4T, i respeelîr of ,vositis, âge, or beant>" sud tise Wof,.the oUppeite onean e ai!i bed b<l Icuingasini. ruIslm, s lreeienaos adsuunw amp tioAieLUCI LL'II >IIAUX4( attj n is' T orke Uit>'. iOVELir GIRLS AND PEST1VZ BRO, aund su addreased. ourelopa anti *5 ces, and 1 i mlI snti >ou soine vtluablo lu- forasaotshsat mliiplaie >on. S mARY IMOORE, 58 823 Broatftity, NewrYork. i# Tis (J n1 o!rMAX aU STRENGTZL Glon !Wbosuffred or ears front o! >oathass usiahioué auideus a ieud- 1 iigodayaîuisopelu = iess' l, foi tIs iiaknfsafcnug auaais Orau> one affictet tise uuapla maciasuset b i b> ' m ii a.ffsated a aue nia sfew meeki Itar îLe <(silure or uu- ms-nous usediclns.. Sanda dreaessenvlpe and tiiasupan4 t * Mtcolyou uotlalsg. 23 Bible Momusiew cYork: OnIly 10 cori Ird. i; on thé N. .~-lIgôod and u çheap au any bouse in the tUid& rranted, fitst-elèasu. L & ~ Lowe' & Powe1 In view of a chan ve. ither busihees, have decided to offeri at gre tI>èéeà *rièé, thefrxir e t SOcIr of Clotling, Groceriesi> Cr-bcÉr, Ifm s As they are deemndOh I hgaclaa ftheirj1e'et Stock, or1 tielto( Octocrnstlbtfue lxedpior rmoig btbcfr ?eetorcc nov. lu gotwsc ofcectifinon 1 ai ouvo>ok Dunu îstTe iltllby, bargain are lnuW ftrcoa rise orner fvwwn& = l"t1 9ài1henemher the presenùt stock mnuat té dippoiscd of-if afuà sacrifIce, as thc> are dotersulnÇt b opo this nei re'miscis witie an eutlrciy nom stock W'" They would further add, that it is theïri intention; when in tselit new promises to opn for the benefih of ail concerncdi one of tihe iargcat 3MIL- LINERY ESTABLiISIllEMN l inisetio# n of tii.counhtry, hsving laid out elle up- per stérie. ddIth. buildiing for tbat and TailWnfrg purposos. R.& .CAMnPBELL Beg to inform tbeir numerous tiîstomero, that Mi. JAMES CÂMPBELL, bas just sailed for England to pur- chase their FALL-SOCKU AND ÃŽMPORT TUE d;OODS DIRECT, Arràngcments are nbwi beiiig completed for enflarging thëir premises, with the view of adding a Firtclms Millinery Establishmen-to Whieh they feel ii wanted for their encreasifig business. In the mean tirne tbeyZ oft'er die balance of their Summer 8toek 6f DressGoàdS, Prînts, Cottons, Llotha, READYWIYUADE CLOTHINOI Groccries, &c., &Ç,, at greatIy rcduced pri- ces for cagh, ift order to make ivay fôr their hes-v' Fail pnrcbom,;e Whitbyr, JüIy 4, 1866; 26 AGRIC TJLTTJRAL WOIIKS6 SPEOIAI NOTICE Il S kni.Roper a nd M*ers, adReaper od I Zowers CQrnlbincd. The ubsribers woüld dcl',I fttntion of ihe'Agriculturai coin- msuite t10lw iseitock of iuplements, wisere mlii b. foud alisuosevmstlslng bise Far- mer may requise, sud eelO lly il buis Sci.ssn ftié se 70?té bs th kof 0Ol seea tid, sudof thé' Là1es Mke To -*11h1ichéailTiiA1 tJestmus n fud ssecfsry jprawcîbîe testé dsring 1wt o seasou, haie BalIs Ojo epr a4Mw omie&1 Ca"gsChief Reap- or sud Éors~sbud b MansluinglcaertieCaynssp .slfor O su> u 1 <f tsaavi afiWisseam U a striâLt lse ro ara Danletie4 *dtiu as., And. eau be gu aranteed tor thé purharrto ýjgivýe satiui(Aion npou A FAIR TRIAL OR NO SALE ,-~>, ~BRON 4iFATERSN. COTTONYRN, WITIT]fEAIND COLOU RED HAMILTON * Co'. NEW 1il00P:--,IRTý orTME LA.TEST STYljES. e HlAILTON & Cols.' FACTOlIL (OTTONS 01 1 . P ,I,1 At greatIy reduoed price., me1 iL COCHIJRNEgS.0 FarmforPal eÃ" B EIKG tise nortii-saf omeot 4, itS t f concession or thée TOWNSHIP 0?. WfýBYt, Ono Iltundred Acres, 86n id i.elgr leare.1, a11d las a gooid stote or buildings, andi a tlsriviusg yonuig 4isrelissn cous- taluiug 2010 choie.ruithres, and fia malva- le-ti, tise ilsn 10 exceilentliy astipld fs;i <al Wli'ast. '(isA1bovO lirepcrty miiili e sOlM itis or vitlioust tise = ç5s TtlG ludiispiitabie. plyon tlia n-saiuiu, ta lu - eTorontoWgGo izyase <cUlpka.uet>'. Public gf9zraUy,_ 1%bl; hier baire jus recirilsA. "os fàuignse onIaÀu5l te*'usoie al. ai*a 28 JAMES BIVY, ttCe, FoirSale lre -, o ailu Influe thlrviI¶ff.of LuidlTUW'N4U OF ; * Gise scottiI, l u l 16.- * Gu2 IM~PORTANT DEATH- Aie. 1r TORAT$, Lits, * - B.d Bugs. AND ALLK1<111)5OP PFRIIS &ROBINSO-N'S W«Ondcrri PEsrder, noves aen fo tue ueraîany, WIit»2 is'iieit ràé eitoad 0o or berote thie 15is dny or Msgut, Uset i bar" aovKe Ihie Iakc, provialed. iner or Moie liorseus smirt, rnulo' liou, ii~lre ilis ovre, b isarnessa. - *~ OPuns, rcils~ie-~shneyer SECOND DAY. flm0 Furfe, open ho ail1 4rffl ',)iro u bete1isadusis. ertst,,$l.10o, ilew. rO bousa4m s o ~î oi, provkk *~0Prs., rost aIl boues;. uralo hotu, béer $100 Trottin g paise, for aIl ps'ovinffl bred isoraca, t i'nver Iseot 2.4, tmoluilos .fe%5 oup, ?rcen trpWvz lsoreca Ibat thoy -bl mne>, nilobcstgo mi THID DAY.. $100 fRurdiiq Face, fer 1rovince-bred isomsaoui>,' ifle lieni4., ovoe four lbnrdle», tbrea <eut- aux is ia lis, -solhtx 14,51Wi. $100tVuie, ;fOr alPoie-bcbiss umie bt, handicapmelt. $150 iasse, -mille o nlie alaseo!f825 cah, for Stllisns Iàbaie bssu regisrl)ç sslvcitiâed sr.d at.sod <"r auirtila s'ousjon, a iowned sus Causssts. tinisssb evo to tise doteof tîia Isill, 410r), gota- lisp liraI boise .4 d 801tithe ond. Zutâa lucnninsi $2% <onbit, 10 b. usis iuthse 'Suffeir , is or efoletis 50day ofAu- gan, "tiài r bornetsemyae hbu sakc i>OrIe ons or- more Uoi"es t4ent; aisa, bient*s, T. C. W. 6IL'VEIL(CUJZ, foi' nntm1nnc4 hock sorme ,aLMM -AND REGUATIONS: lancborac u u tako j'.s.l. i lai. i ,tro té %tort. Entnssscss iusi zn0mi f ' elit-A tes srcu.Tisis aW#rivo nsseao C làssuc, cou-ding lUtIhe rsslosî o! thse (uni,AIl eistriss to bc muode lus 'Vrnisix r t u mne ul. ii tise SecretarÉ, hoes<,issue o'clo-k <Dit tisa aveu-, is &Vin ua ccludc". eca.AIÃŽ riderao wiIi bo ieqniied tb drig ls .Ickey- stylos Eyor>' Ps.uraçs tings^,is<mnso 'iil bic réquireil 10 frivo Ill*nin, Mm ie, jý,AasiCOlora. £blc Jnudadcialis t10 bcfAnal lis ail oes. ,pro-à vsssec-bnelie s slîowad gaver. poiintf. ,,or"c n> clrattIse Pontl b>'psyiug do. * THOS. HpSTO.Ný, W111071tsuiy EZ4TIseorer PORT-WHJTBY TANI NýE'R Y "Try mIsaI >ou pkm, cr, Io le otiilog hue les&tber," rE u ibaérbers hae. log fistitise Tancer> .1 llal>'occupedly> -AP. AIS. 11OWJE 4tT PORT WliIITIy, Are DOW piopssrosl to PY 'tîsoeIlgIýshpi * r~gl, ~ and ILoather, Wlitby, Jul>' 8, 166,.25 Quadr Ile, partiesE&C, EsC., willS anppiy th l'stsd lattt s! c, pis epsbab o u, Oppicstiolgnsma t -madeccilsîrpersnai- - 1>', r byeuei,<poa.paid) to ?celnoction i wbisewvigus ts Iis Bonduu. ITN reiuni fonaet-l- i ind-ns log hi;n scos TO PAIL Aplat Agent fo r Wbiby, Oiýr W1I8LE91LE IB 9 P 0 T MO FIJLLARTON ît godi BROO0KLYN,- NEW York.: - cuill>',. 2t sto, " vOpla giss.Bu dga LOTS 16, 1$ du',Iing ou sa"ug£1 Bsoktffli,uolre &loi Wst o ne5tos Mbî. ae foruary cni upic&b>' jci ~ ~ > - BrrIsbsBr E&C., wbltFby. WgviO l g thiossira for rame fssvora, are tic- thisJuls ia tsa> 91' yeut are prcparp4 te attend ail cislla dur- nus1, pis theIso m.; caoushIbe ters m0. cou b. uile 1, - J. WULtENDE, -Lepsar ni tise Baud. înî>', if", 24 ansagasnetinla rerýle t o dWsoun C-smgnsecial parier ant sbort dater, b1d Greoubftku bough; -,. - - . .- .. . - 1 - 1 - ýAR104

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