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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Aug 1866, p. 4

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ouf re. W,- -1 Oh T.iiU with m Tiuy A orro,', 1MIld op ilor l lve*And Ail B 1k. these ssilRabre, Raady to %eh on, *M (#4's ommad-, Ohi Oiuviry ant 1Lbor 1 I Triumph snd «lt are tvlts-and 910 jey l'aoi#the.iaalosor roàw; Assai 'lo tifsa msstyrdom to.atqY Dlwags vktory to morrow 1 rwL#, SEVERAL LO' Mars, à- asa.p*per #*y s 'tTwro mon of 'L H Â KyR glu. bormobleilng ft4nf y 4anc0004 lu thNr.,165 4 aifr on LfghîaingÇr..lc ou# doy lat wÎ*M b;y,,hNv~ 8 Tlwy lJmmoditiî.Jy reItio . sa b b L'd Fo.r$ý,I Up 10 Ibo 14#b of 3a1ly, 14173 p6ro batve, hexàn asucld by clsdrs- At iBodin oni the iStisthor ero r#II Dow aseson the lOti, 183; 2075,of wlich I159 wre ourod, 1,089 deoich., and 824 etill uncored. mmIriIS, I OOo, uiLE1O13 À Tiirkilh circulât, Jmoe 01addmund (0 tIbo Jogàllôo, famifles ilit, ln conit. J;aR I R P 7 licence of Ibo deficivo barrest la Tripoli B ;&r7e...afranr Building Lo t§". The ew Jlean P" jeof he 2tb, The follotAng l114 f Lots, wil! h. aold 1ev ayo thât At the conclusion of Dr. Dostieifr' b re i illtb ntmvz sspeli ln New Orleans, on Fridey Oveaiii: lot 15, 2tyh Ma er 209 4r6s the 27:6, 64 advlsed thse iigroes "4to go W97, tTr ' T<d o d o 100 home, and f-nioeloaod by white mon, kilt t ra7i" I d 09on 00 Id ohm"Lotil, 7th I. Mrdg 660 ZY, 19, $rd "4e6 c,, 100 di Coent de Fhahou~l 4urgig th.el1.wper, 6 66~~i,:h" Eul oKpoieor.to binoîhoea o.decoration Loi Ot " V.rIm L~ot 17, front " Sssrif4 wbicb sObuld bc glIeD OxclublvIFy 10 O ' Lot 22, do Idd moen, for acts of courage, devotedneoa, or Me i7,1:lh '-Bornrville, 100 di charnt7.- Thio order là to b. caliod the Lot 6, t01 " do *2"0 6 1,r , 12ih $" do to00d Lot 9 (001 00 d<o 200 'd Tihe person Who succoded in svinathng Lot i11, 7al -' do 200 $6 th. U.S. Oovernmosî nt W of*$0,040 Te. lot 11. o511h6 5do -2ta cently, by mensor forgod roquisitions on B EU 27 2sd"Il ltbyt -50 " iRorral vauabi. huilsic Iotas *,s bu.lsreg*, the Nita' Da1arwrs,ra, dWho wu sr' andl priite romidoîscea lb tiso Tawns of Liait rcsbod in Pbiladolphis ou Friay, loa Miss n,;o;gilsI Wlstby Jinsigsi William, Iogloaid Cooper, îatoly arfnrthcrîuwmstin oni dnwy la Ih. Oilice POWIIOBateau of Appliy, r<avgaR- o11TOBT . .PEfRY. A fa.tUSWno cvce o bhiç aon-What lth; Mach,188 3 drer 700 do, wy boy, do It 1 and vberaver lty mch185 ~Noyer dcsar. -If the sire. ,Farns for 8alq 1 Ioia? Wben 1. torisa a bare. b i i.- $, -1v-s WINE BITTERS. Arc' ie mathcifiîlsy and pîcasant hiver- srzo over offercd heio s.pîii1<, Tilcy l vgoil.Soil:sclb. ppc.itic, ftn i dgtilsî$nnex. #-Client hiariflaror o I.Blina, * siiiaiitfing lonfic, tendi a sllit aiterative, goosi for 1 Illiotncss,-provcsîiirîg Faverli anaicon. ilagloud; dticatc,. 1eor Ncs'vos,saatead dcli. ente Ladies iieci usu , .racd ~7 Evcrv ono ,hoî'ld use 16cm.- <éivu thhioa sTlrial, Nusicrous ccrhificatc eau bu giron etf <udr cflCACY, PUitTI'iur DY G, A. CARSON, M- D,, 0iliIy . W. For sale 1,7 the principal 'sV'iîoleaO Pealor, , 1riggimîa, sala AtFirot-class Ujotclg tandlS.tloosi. IL. L. IIUNIIO &C '; iviii TiIy, aw «loo i gents lfor the. sbov cclcbtrahcdl I;Ittri-to wisoi alil orders siiouid b. zîddrcmscd. litby. Jily 41li 1600, 04 DIVISION COU«ZRT'S YVit TUE COIJNTY 0F ONTÂIlu. 3 4'.1 WsWy........e ' ,Uaisia........ 400tI," Z. BtJRNIZAMO farm for Sale.ý liibtlis ouih.gum"ero! Lot lie.15, li'%thebSuot oncemolaon of tisa Townsshlp of s's'iWhstb 00 tlsse , »0 oi.sThore are hi ,aros.o a w noa. Tise prisalaua àssïWall woftrod, .iavIi la islmg ci»k îhsroligh the 1bnd, Jo.itbrarti Ulbvlsni appiy t10 ' JQ»UNi BOWLEO, Lumber ;P:00 and isl, andany 'quantit>' of liè* walse Il îe derffnud, la,*o- ii herox la tisaTowniifipof Mnvr i 100Vitts'ag, norts-essLpart Lot No. 0, 2;2 (!Ou.; wltlsin by o " o! tIse Town lin.o! .DARJÂNXGTON, Ire (rom atusspu. Cossstrtsbilo g Iosie- uew <rasssas uiîss. -t «L-'o sai 'anid a thitf. tY vong Orcsnraiof 25e? teens. Tls trnort>' WIII 1)0 sai' elieasp, aisal on lftng icis o u y rs msentsI*fl1.assu f';rssu wftllI wo anda l isai! uilol, of IBELLEVILLEL, ons LIs BAY OFOUVNTW Blelsg vesst part, U 2lot IsiCaon, Riey-c#on. ialiisîn OIooqras; a5'oit go sCres»al<-resianid sssde~csliî-tios.Tliser. are two lltisris,-lttg yosing t>rcls:rds andl os» oit!Orelissrd, IIl icar- jIisg the clisocciat leserlptiosi of fruift. TIho lire Ken saoulrn Iiisllliixiarue stiaicad(P l 055 tuetre of thse projseriy, anid coîniusssssd avissi r a!sv 1k-hi. Ttise iiilainfeA Colis,, a. <uo arsur spjrisig eadIsoft srster. Tise I)hrss auisalont-. isougosa are nov, largo Ansdi oi:snodionm. TRIiiltl-At lbit I$2000 casas, sald balance on tisme. Algoc, Lob No. 12, l2tiî eonccisslossStAIA, TWO IIUNDPED ACRES, Aisont 10 sucres ele-041, a0 ogen,&c. TlîsAIrb a, elloiceelot, assi l 14 slnated oll ui> sissfour issues Irotns hue contre rond, -Also 1.ot 7, boit Ise I2tIscon. ROM1ItIVr,LE, 240acr$-witiisi Iwo nilesa <soin tise hisbey- greois (1oesiast Rouds, andl couivesi. onti t0 Mill%,, ciol&0. ifor particulurs apasly to(r-îai, J.,IHAM PERRY, Wisîtby, 110v. î t, 1r'ictor, Ilil,' WllbNoi s,186'J. 43 t! Farmi for Sale- T Ii nniderpigin ofTarg for salo on easy . tu-Tss tise Southls80a ares ot 1ot D2, luà Ji,.lJrs.ks ifronst ai/lis TOWNSHIlP 0F PICKERING, F'or i (-i if l,y lk-tsar î r<-îîl,)aîîv 10 GOOD CHrANCH FOR A Blacksm nith. TUE BEST bTAND lx .North- Ontarjo. FOR GALE OR TO LET. - TIJTAT srcil siinatsral bric'k B.lssti 'lise cissase. ts ý 'x ose JOoranss lidu#tr1onas ssci,, aM tise rotesas00ealire N;natithe îl lomilt ofla ttilek1 a'cied woolttsy loctta ndi cesssidr>.d ue thetise rer bet l>,ausi l a aý,lack,.ssslt inali!Wrthnisj tit ialafora bssllisilg ln 425t4, the cosîsm"soe ttudlsi10% 24 ' tise Crpetrisoax Yor tolnra u ana <sihr sr cias ppi>' ANDREW LOWE$i eti n To noVroglantoss ï' soîf O n L t N o.7, P:i, Con, btsiia, EXCELLENT - Farm foriSl 1 BINfiglb o sutis ee-If of Lt 0o 2 lu the, 3uinies <on.,of .s'e Townxibîp p Mars cositalsutug 800 note-, s"souss 'O iaesoss cia, cei n goos ds7eliixglison" ganal a nov trame band, $0 b>' 40 wlis stasie, nas!îseais uder f,110 barn. Ta-o OS 'lianlayngba inn orelard. 1 tisatea] about 4 tusilesfrouabbe Vlueof Atiieriey5ssai moyen mlles ffrom 0,1 ni . uisunes.pO"eom lcn be giron, Thie lnahlpntable. JroPrlacor. Mnt Aâbbnrn, or Iloo r<s. list, agnt o th omle iVEP. 45 P-t""r Aapl te z a,-P, Q iraIs.. pot on saucu,1 'footh 1naortssd on (old, Bilva r eVuleaw,.c Particuliraitntion rt'ebohe ugulalXooi CbhId. 41a' w. I a: ynto.l. 51 W .CARID. THOMAS ~COITLTZARD'S i~8 OTA E., rrlp ii ao liunot îgs aes OSJÇAWA T daihy, At9.tn n~frEosaus Aitss aI Lis plattrpse.nt5aI , pIn'. 4coussecting wîlis tif# Otasges for Linsisa>'and al IerUoAI llctisrni*ng Ilesves aslh...daIyt 9, a, snel arrîvo il seUawas il îno for evenng trasîs, on G. T. IL., Eastanal Wct-ynre <soi lJsls. toir:' A'lbert!sss 7 'en't» ua' lu«s, Secîs sill fl?,a AlcrLL' it, oss> -a 81 oi2tae smillaSi 5', V'se a'srs (oIP&Itis ec orchs ae Exsoiyedt',.Itleeis e ssa ait'a ndIe olae. liarcii deliveriiwifiî lespt!ls. 1Tise pro 'rio. tos lot 55b hare.wanblufor plirec os or packagesn uica.be Oas d undal aial for lu ad. CIIEAP STOVES gW" TisE BUT IN At~D.~ AgiCultural- Furnacos that wlii pay for themsielvos in ono year. Eavetrou ghs Put up with iron hold-fasts. 0:> Zow linings; put ,l, old Ovons. Repairing promptly attend-' ed to. Ail kinds produce taken in exchange at the OLD STAND. IM ÎYN Il fBrook SI. Witby. miIJ*LINERYI ftf14 Stuart beg% tb annonPce tas the Ls-- die-.s'(>r-issîu-r, aussvit'niy, lt i *et ausilap;red ta' csca'sie l urdei.-i4ussd 439s'traw anal baîLa ork, witi i euteils. M"s k3. abso Lskc luave toe tnruit ie- ere tlisask. fur î>ssst avarg. -M SIRJCOP £TIU:T1T, OS.IIAVA. T. P. FREzMAN, PAINTER-, or WalZdeora Sosuteg Witby, Jsi no 27, 1s "Or, - 215 E. R~11NTONSOS ~YA~RYa0y Pooket and Boit Revolvers ]EI'EATNG PISTOLO, RIFLE Caa.. REVOLVrING RIFLE., lleh sad ShotGa« ubmeIsa ôà i Onsstpl sold b u nu desiors adthe Traao-oeraîîy., lu dessa of llonso'brsailng ands! rob- bon>', oves'>' Moi,, Store, Bautk, ana lbese, shocisi have one or BIJIWG1 ON# ve OL r1R rarices demirin 1l $0 iitlsemujs-eIv e ]nt$e ab .tmprOvOsnuntis Ï lu Itea'ija, u4 nperlasr Work- 'sai sdl mui1w, Win And, auil ouibnl New, Remnington Revolvers. Cîrulaaenhilssngente sa desesdilsu f -ou.r armae Wi b. fwuilised spon appikacioýn. X REMINGTON t OS MPIIEaÇtlilCiobq hliX. Y. Grocer eu, DO S ' oes, 4,C. anid made to order On the 'sho'rtest notice, in the Latest Styles., Tweerds, 'satine'tà, lannels, Jlinions,:&ci- of our own Manufàctuer S, 5 BM RIAIL, Â WÀESf LPRICESBAI FRÂNOIS KELLER, INSIJRACE AGENT, Roprsona th folowi~ wIlkownCompanies: MATHEW8ON, RATCLIFFE & Co. THE EDINDURGIL LIF AD ONASSURANCE Co., PROVINCIAL INSURANCE Co., (0F CANADA,) FIRII AND »JIARIIÇF. - -o--- BRITISH AMERIC&ASSUIIÂNCE Ce., (OP TORONTO,) FJUE AND NMAUliqE. WESTERN INSUIIANCE COMPANY [0F ENGLAND.] ACCIDENTAL DEATTI INSURÂNCE Co., [ENGLANDJ ALO AGENT FO~ I SE i 1 O9VIW1CIAl, PE RMANENT BUILDING & SAVINGS SOCIETY, [Torontej 8-W, Ail clameas of propoi-ty iuisui'oa on roafionabile terms. Aisso, Moncy Loneda on lcal estate. Prospotu,4i anald isformation given lrcly ou appication. malsoagent fon Provincial Tehugralu Company>. PRANCIe HELLERPosîmaster, Oshawa C. W. T110 à ad vaànhagu s ollcc7,dub>' Iis I 1n 9t 1t utio0n for acqi<ing ae THOIIOU«H PRACTI. ¶ CAL BSNESXDaiA[Narecmuperion te an>' Comnmercial coihege iu Dri- t1mb Amorica. Tho Branches hsugbt comprime creryîhsing nascsasn>'fer tise Iook-Klcep. or anal Bsissun)dan; thic>' includ- TJHÉAUIJAEUSRES ?ATRgNT 1« the, momi complote arrangement of iis ,%lind, heing furnisbei with tvo IANNS4, a MERICII.&t.'1"8 EIPOJIUSI, anal an EXCIIIANCE0OFFICE, which are open even>' day Wo tise transacrtion of Bsinsess. !&-'classes lu' T LEGRAPHÎWià every day-ia PHONO- GXtAPHY, semi-weokly. SFor Miosthî> ysz s ass pecisseus o e ttxuao , adaircas (occoslng stsup), MISGROVE & WRIlL-T.,- t.L.JJft1 an w aI' clofl î7iby !a ?,14. 20 - '66 LAK SIICOIE. '66. TIIIE STEAMER "EM1LY 3MAY, And -Ho0me Made' Furniture. -1,o TU-sdy, hestdayofMy T IL L &;,, 3 UO T HE fL b 'ug to inform c utom ers and the publi, ¶iii ryse1 trilixri. ro o 161te aepsettiascd the stockrin.îrado andl intercac ln the bugincss carricid on for ReLtn nIr tilit fcor Irïin.: isorils and"'outb- the iaat 84 ycas lfa Whitby by tlseir father, and bl;gte solicit a continuance of the Pa- lt hi1we v-ù1ùUgq. tr n a g o b e o o w d u p o n U ic c "a b lia im e n g fo r 4 0 m n y y c r s . 1 A C M Y Sofas, Bureîiusg, LoUnges, l3edsteads, Oheýts of~ Drawers, Look- B eI wart, April 28,188.1 7'l I n g C h s e , l O u mCa e , P a rlo r a n d l D ra w in g fl" o n u « b a n fo c k in g Oh a frw , f0 1 0_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ gud Cane-8cahed Chiairs, Tovral andi Tâilt Stands, a&c., lu great varicty, andal a greatiy sa' UPHOLSTETILY in o;dU its brWeihos, Evcry article being 1JNTIL rPTTER NOTICE madoi up!andoeu their own lmmedL-sîe s.sîperintcsaencoe an bc warrarnteal of thc bcu ina- terfal _and l work nan saip . tO 7 A hU kind s of «lt m ouldin gi,»a na d P leIn". F rain co sm ode T u l g i l o t n » ( p c a , te order. An exssminiahion of the present large andl aplendial stock on hand las u'e iaea Mcane fully boliieed. gf9Warc Iloosnos, Xi. 4,-Birock btrect, ant! No, 2, Polbornc ntret. ' TfIL& ROTJIER "Corinthian#J , fJILYSLEjt, MASTERt. -pot".% crse IIaOc vry evcn 6u4lg auza~sic1)su'fo!ou n, ît 590.v 'IoCoi .tcr ec.............7sOZ Would 'announico that they have r ovdVitri-tu 4,oï ult ri tte ccèmmodions brick building, a fe-t doors Southi of T'a 1-veI. Y. Centra De.ot zry*y. lisg , u t 58 c ci c , tb c n n s ut w 7 i , s , ne t" Freigist-4 sud pus.i<a. st ,sssasqer rte.-0fo l a X q M £ >Cw.r a Orai:ûr urorrnu oîî spply , t e the 'aptain C ho (,Anilrety Ciclsnmc, Or' Gao. hicsder-oou BRZOCK STIREET, wIIIrBY. Q lcp oteBUWf - 0- - - April mOis, is;4 lu 2~cS MMERSHOEGE~ORGE RXCK, Just to hand a sortrent of Ladics, Misses, and ühilchens Sai- <-d mner Shoes' Also Home-iniadoe Boots and Shoes, anîd shoof t'ail UT N D r, IB T.A R 1 N G. kinds, Wholesalc and Rct 'i1. F 9110 t îiiiti spphr»1wiced nid ateU, T w o Lundred Sides of spanish Sole Leather. M achine N oe d . siia. Jia1-.11,s11c, c ntm ti, W'A i sietojre ons libetaî les, Silk-and Linneîî Threads, Haret Ash, Silk, and Cotton Elas- GEORGeCmsCK tics. Ail kinds olpShoemakcerls Findings for sale checap. liuYrb5h 52 W TERMS CASH, -M, ib * A M E -ç BAI N & CO. W7 Photographie Galery, W hitby, May 2, 1SCG. 7-ly " WILKIX NIS ' lO M" f 1tPrps e oro c ioe Gallery' w'oulh Fire! Fire!1 Fire 'prc; PHOTOGItApUS, AMBRoTY, ~ ~ ~ Or an>' othen mode of tise lep rt - l~ Prices Mgr e ts' aîumiechianirvllef occupied by DONOVAN %VALIEY & Co, . ieondj doorÊ sojui of his late Factory, and opposite the Town Ral, Whiiby, where- ho is prepared to EXECU.TE ALL ORD ERS, HIE MAY DE FAVOPltED WITIL Whitby or Sale,1865. - S le. A Fsm, onasatsoh 541acre,#more or ALI Iosb'ig r tl é îhsesXioss, of 'the Township of Reaeb, itAN'hiZTgRJ. ts <r 1ble. iera l,. arocal two Store>' Brtck Ilbu, !t'ale» Brr Drlfing OSsealssi obaie- M ou ierns5o tsus o! tise, bs.tdsrii eiju ats raI-teob. usade, (if t,>'104àe, p TOROINTO,,C. W. I Or to lot. within a mile Of III LL'S CARRIAGE WO-RKS, 163 King-St. Wost, Toront Alarge -varieîy of Carniages on hand. The proprietors of, 5jEstabishmeýnt, possess fàcflties for nau tourig0rf that enable them b odçfy 0oippitition, , cither _uiosy 1i I.sh. 0ài and sec f r youÉac(invcg.s yl this ageo BEAVERTON. 1 SPLENDID CHANCE. tie toirainVilaeof' ûs~ufnoitihe Pro- ~wse tornansa oflb. ort ope, 1iLsdaay ns NO0 MONEY REQUIRE D For tuiIors two yeara, tise anionsst orfornt, (if farnu ho Jet,)ti',bcis xp.snsrd on lsproye- montir. WoidCho oxciangd for saitabi. Village prpsylau OAa*dss. sply o l gt Or y. ICEtEIt, (if b>'Sietr <snntu 14 UNDERTÀEING. T 9 n&"lmýd laviag disupoued o! biga TILL.-AND BROTmEfl, Wilntstiaredbvoto bix attriion oxci usievoiy totbonnertahuag busness. slnwnroi: iy cuppilcal on lb. shortcat netico. I~ «ohms wmra.îaiu 'i'îîs.. I ' " "'~'~' 'esussal ¶sndui54,~a.iti~~I~ ~EWWE#L-Atboniî - 'aia ~ - 1 5 nsh~tofore. * "'~' -' - #îèTOiij. WhitbyItsj' 15, 1d6~. * 19120 CfAMLETON L~"~ wILsLIAIL TITJJ Lb~, Ms>' I5~ ISIiOS I2ITILLTAM. SCOTI yy Wsn. Boyntoa', lia inssastnaulala new sahocle ot ARTSTSe' MATE-RIALS. (bis lsiWJtiie-oali a dai ,madseo hihi work fsori! , XITism:7. :qdr4LTy o: Umesagzs 9ýrAu cu'ri>' cal!"4i-§0solIcieal, 'WfltbY, ?Us>'2;-, l15 .C.I£CALDWELL V'ETEPNARX URGE04, -îsO"ivafine ,anal110ieliopcibq .~reaten. -0'0. uosess2.,lin îAr fpbi PZ! M a lar v tario,59 idalorîn <i S~Ieo-ln I - nary. and el office- V-et 3 AIISTE aliceont P tirP AL 8 I ',tby ., I. ket(rilsyaty Off, MALA T. (-L * rTANXSET * 3AR1STF. PROINCI ALS plal nn AUortÎa'rcay 'ÏArnauS - g'i' T 1 -- ' -- ' - --- ia~-*~~'----- i - - * - -; .*,' - ~ -~a f8 IN~ - - I f j -, v y-, ý gaula TIIE LIVEILPOOLeAN»,ý,-ýLONDON AND GLOBE, IMID iriu . Postmaster, Oshawa C. W. 1 IR

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