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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Sep 1866, p. 3

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9 of Publie Pstnting, «Cçe ad for beiug &s. W, ýbut not accepteS. lorrall,o athi ra of Wood, poietos ( be Combri *a Eepubliossssof iiDis 'tu. Ha-is aultata &Mmuv.. Bois,, and Debow, ojposug tudidsia or jaiier, vert standing talhing tqgesr oms eveussl at *esk, in!,uerer Coansfy, Kêsit"ky, boc te w.. aek ÀmuSOÇOof leoney biu b...grn*d <bos tIse Britib T!ehury te lb. Depruss.ssîof fritit Ibfor t1ge puspo f condstng sew$us f exerlonets Assd ruis'eb. esi cas eoatlonuittise puieo lbr of celem. h.lo.,uotlve boi.vert tis -e um lU.Dopot. Bsn Prutio, nPloded c« mu.sd&Y klissq<four i", o'sud woonsdiq WhitbyBSpt. MuS,. 1864, ra11 W1ue*t *1 O. 10. a *1.25ci Jiir.y........40o à 45oýs Oua............octi. .à y....4ets. roao........2 s, 0,.00 per t«. Dattes........ ..1a e160 - PIS...........40 s 60. * MA 9131 D. 110138-BLAC-M I Wbtby on the- SM S sho., ,t ise reoidenco of tisa Revý, John .Pent1snd BI. , Mr. t. H. Ifobi, o Xie C b *loteBlack,. DIED.- LEON1IU-At0.1w.,on tise 29tIl ute.,sey, c1& # d#.t *gbter of Danu. !*powdpd, Bq.-egod 40 ycaru NZW ADTpz 'BTENENTG loyi I'eau anid Cate. T "I.nAr',ot sp . ir(Ionr ani on or *hout disa lOth 8EPTEMPERP IN8tf âRer wlslcli th#y wfil bdprqsssro lu >î aS -100#M470Butsalele frloy. 404600 d 1prirng Wusest. 40,000 CC- PitiWbont. U00»0 dé Pas. 900 6 -Omits. 'l'et lVhItls7, Spttms>evr Ion, 1364. flssa.C.-D. & cl ntissrty ustri 0, i Ti eolsy ait-on, tisat 1~1s0ip. OVsii'I Tra.ssisser, susi (1.sersai Towss 4f W litIs,, ýIi - M na october lLth, 1866, 'Mi ho )tosur oriftee.k, isinon, a ut lstOU si CysrsJss.icess nt 1 ie loe so J .ft t#tnsspir.i lwilli tise sstolicas.i essessiis otsi Çaiyo# occusrJssgly. N*Yt,$OX IILcJYNOiy4l. siturv, C, 0. A marsi-sd ssplo utemos-lt an.a Fîssn, and -os ort*trtueplontlisnsas dso e<d 0i WI', iasd IJIBERAL IWAGES ~A1y1ssg rcsqla o lartor, iwiths à Pott Olcc-Irope . K.t.slsr l, 1864.,zl. PRINGLE'JS iiOTEL. kLYG S7REWIFI OSHÂE-W. Aot Witb otaislto ýO oba Tert 1 mll"Pootas-i, iidtItoswa h ruu4ieis bros-tsitis te i érni bi otte(Pt* psldj WItbyt,d . 2 tb.à nlarki N:BW A~WE1TJSEMEXTe, ~, - ~ î['atLI ~ iicI:~tor ~t.a :~ MOI. PW-m I 'q ORDiT SÂLE! -- UNt J'qi *Bd 20tib St. le"s t Wlifevale,, Fok0rlng, 0. W. Tise naorsnoitionie4 chooe.famlr)g Stock aad Issplemscstis, thsa4rol*rty of T.- P. WIIIT.ESQ., S Issu flssrielsandi Mss-se, 2 sry ManO 2 ('sltoa 2 yas-e0101-ltsy "Jsitho BIbr." iFi7 )y -ns 4s1--i.y Jckitthoise ic,1 i'l Yesçisgliy. r es lirqVoit. Fpite Csie ilt, tsy 14iennssttt' 1 f4usring vliete-a ti l'curling Sî-r 10 1.usssSsar EWscss.s.bi 1i Thiiisssascv iolsso.cr. s-$tt SIbSieigli i Tutin gSulky. i pisssi gTlic-ti 2 Osttn 0iSjle lsloasneo.. Isettt illekis asiti Tssek e& W.lltt isketbara>!iteps 9 lacis Vokes., i Sentais I'Iussgli, (Tros.) 2 Seoteis I'tosszilss, iîi. 1 I'sttas-eon ilotigf, (Stel,) 001isiswa l'usfisii9(mtece. i istt orf rota larr'swm. 2 0ettt r ofwoceu lIns-mos-a 2(o-salfs (s-iljie;4 à iSetis.m. I4is)vsla, sapi, laIae*3îo1100, Tcs-ko, 9h« Clialues. A lot cf13twkausltixta(od Tive Acnes of Turnnps in the Ground. Ibed liîle amss, tihe mlio-miii bWt cul T~EZRN0 O1ê 0/IEt nitmp ofe0 adf)srinier, CAtIt!, os- "tIsAI amiint 512 tsslLti raiit *111 bu gisson i laullhigpprevei Joint x«ie, sale <co ou o aeccs dY At 10 0. sm. IWIJUOV'go, 24ue iow er. WANTEDO t T T!!E ROYAL JITE,4< MW teuug¶otisnto , Ëbn11I6 Jlcas JACOBE BRTÂF. wkulby, Act,. 201h, 1840. »iitMaien rsetii atten nl lJdur- *Applilfiis tusb. su da te, orsto ic.,A Ë J WLV,1Dzr1 whilbr, joliy41 lE». * est assokti diau Our lkwest in ~s-1uit ~eptcmber ~, 1266. V & Ffls-A1ftJI~, Ncs. J, on tii. corner. ÀLUIN'S STÂTIONERY STORE, With a caI4lWlïrcre will bc found a full assMrment or BOOK, PAERPEfl, gINK AND STÂTIONERY, 01? %U'IIîDE;i béot deuript1on suid reatet varioty, ouig BOO~~~ Bibles, (Douayas 1as= tii.f~Wi*d V' r- BooR é Grmmarand o<ao' 001~ Book&. PVay adBook# f i nt , À' elu i1o thîe prricipl Clbadiaa n'sd niws , »ew.ppme Md publkation. STÂTIONERT..cap, latter.dDm and w onpp.. s~ lanoey paper di erery descriptionu, wrippfrsg papes.,respae, envelopee, peu#, iuk, and inkaus, laths rusibor, bloUtero, and blottUng papes., p Leskiv, quiliss sate*, poucil. twluo.Iolsk.re, aud oeeytlsing l Ie sa*. FANO GO DS.aun eather ags, lu greatvir l st uo a cl prce*,brooChes, jet bv.icetg, chains and uek- lacs, asets tiiles, phewgs.s N a sdassIiladicesiassoy re1;10i~f; Gonws waUss stck, aney piper., ai;r uenth , "Igrlierpnie, chalue, b Moes0fooe, su caelel hir pesiei'5 -cve yijing J~[j$~~~.... iancgs Melodlipe, V Qln, jitars, Con- cý-tniq,.Accordc>n, &., cII musaicsl inagnuméxs aof stierior malce and fini141; Ab<,, shtieet mugsie, and miîsic books, latetit pub- lc<l. And a thousassd otistr atule stcsuu;crssed in tIseabovo branches; all ocîliuug ut PRIC ES A Ji S NY US11E JN CANADA. ieé7 Please fitvOr us with a cal ut 3, Brock Stret, Montreal Telegraph Office. Whiîby, Aaxgsgt 22, ~-86t1. FACTORI- 33îf COTTONSI At greatly reduced"prices, Mell H.CO(CRAINIES'. GRAND CLEARINGISALE.3 Lowes & PoWeil In view of a change in their business, bafve decided to offer, at greatly rcduccd prices their elîtire stock of p geucral Clotlting, Groceries, ' Crockier,, Liquorio, 4re. fihnes,1 As they are determined on makcing a clearance of tlxirj>esent stock, prw ote olaot o ctober uext, tC i mie Oxcd Worremeving (os tisis. tw Stores nom lunCOÙTîof érections, on tihe coiner etlJroek and »undais steca, Wbitby, bas-gains are in Store for a&IIIlic nMar favos' thonsm it a caiL ?Wmemùben fthe present stock must bC d4sosd of-if at a ga ' theý' would fuirthe acId that it fa their intention,1 wh en ln thefr ssci preanueeste opensi fesbanclfsifcfal concerncd, on. of thse largeat MIL- LJNERY ESTABLISRUENT-13 in<hie section of tise countryi-lsaving laid eut tis up- per £0i( if 1thébuildi g br tit ad Taloriug uuipoe.g, Vos11TRE - COIJNTY 0F O.NTARIO# HluNTINt ATI . 9 9I, , stialwa klses lJ aiti soulces~ aillaGielsls n slse'ged -h -5l<lac ef= udLasaIG, Angudt 16, I o il CO0TTO N ýYARN, N- ' or nC.-- ' WHRTE AN]) COLOIJRED eL4 HAMILTON t Tb I V 1 oll a t h arvsl s iec lé NIEW HOUP SKIRPT, TuE Â~~ET SYLES $5 fRéwardti HAMULTON & Oo's. ladstyit aomti e sssi.brbo s Bcg ta inforin their numerous ciistomers that Mn.ft I&UES CÀMP.BELL, bas jut ailed for England to pûr-' chuse their Whitby, Augisat 21, 8L J lé InSakcoeas$t~p .d.ait AXD IlfPORT TME t;OODS DIRECT. BEN th"' hetre t86,i Araugce.iatli are now bcing completed. for TOwn5Iuw Or WITt; enlarging their premime, with the vie* of addiug a F1rdlams* - COIITAINJNG M i IIi nery Eetabi OieIlodedMee* Which they fcel fa*'anted for their encreasxng business.cs .Ug jqrcss- lui th ica Urne t[Iey oufer the ialaince rlscîtsac-p.'Wiotqasb their Summer Stock of Dreso Goods, Printâ, Cottýous, i'>iothe, Vpl ntiepa I LIiu.. tIt.- RcEADYmMAPDE CLOTHýINOC, M, Groceries, &c., &c., at grcatly reduced pri - -'PORT $wi4vilBy ces for cash, in order to mtike afothi Yl ' Whrtbbais.; t4k.186tisT AU N E Rlé S PECIUAL NO TIuE Single Reaperg and, Mowers adoahr and -Reapers and- tWers Comdbined. als -dhdia-dlal~ne, Fhe subscribers Would call the attention of thse, AricuIter4l coeù- MONYI suuity, tô = (I- tckc ileasumiWhai ill . ouistd ja1m« t'vrmthiss& thïr- . -..E Y JO .ANi' user tisa>reu nd=sileaecai aItil s nof tise pas, te tis " uist un pi»h r,~ , s-] n O sveral kinda, tenç of the Latest Makq, To whi tet enls teund u.euaary by practiU4ble <ta ds4u< i h Ball's Ohio Reapeéran MoWe.r combined, 0,ayn-ug asnsd Mowie onilitthse sing Single Rpaper, thse C£Yup a1 551 pf9 tisAbefmach ines w4sito aà% t,1 115.7 as-c asassis e<tb. IJest &a&iaý4' e Worlkn AuJ eaun be 1 uaraniteed to the purcharer to give sati AIMEIUAOltNo SALE.- Wiiby, Joli> BROWN& James Byrn e, t1.qeu*ug sAd P.lChIi.f "Oorter figolià* "sudgifm 1 inguttas Daggiwstawm lYTm zoet ci 011. & Colon,- PatentIteddco, Prfdumeny, Toilot Articlo& BUÇISIIi,5ol?. f atJ1ft,iono, îsd sr.r>tinlg DRUG B U SINEHSS. 15AIND A<i) BANIIS POIL EDICI- isuseiçur'otse GVT 7019ALL rOVtJLAX PFIErA. MARLE 210WIIADY 90r ilrock Ntrs'e1# opposite EsuR .1 16sts,)assa i, 1844.\,5 FAMILLID RUJù STiOREri ]Dndoa St., WIýltby, COAL QIL LAMPS Or TUE LA&t1st T TfU.ç3. W' lest Goal 0OÙ 4Octs pen tIn loiyo <'ttfs u5. 1086of4-not .. Alil farticc ss or id u egoîisiting tisammre. * JAS. MLYKUO. (JueinelQurter ttemionz qet Ose -coe end fl(ihîu»(!orsst. lns and r5 tflo cssmty of On,- trio, mIl ssrl b enattisa Court lieuge, lu tiso TouvuietfWitby, on Tuesday, goptemibon il,18., A? ?TUE Rn i 012 oWc I4 iSos, 01f wtslsiJs 01 stleesof IsIte 1 , Ccrouerss, congtafflee canidsaithos socsns lisa siotice, edgu7oaa ucm.cîvea sse<ringîy. whithy, idc,2t, ,g4. O. ÎSADI)LE PUD UN Poop~ef, S.joléo e(IssuS, Fort fas, 0gs th bacî. ie pwn ocaftil JU1i* TYZ, Tan"sr, iPort whlt.sy. IN60LVENT ACT (07184 Provi n eot0? Csa nidaibthse Coely Court Coun of Otite o 1» b. sst7aof on- T" 0JÂt Wbisby, tt<&syc UutsiO-uaSCs1et £.1ÇXosd tsa»*sdoy0 OtisONe1W '. ........... lit, 1666, 0 n« =,[t aegano ftis<dck las tiseforts- : 2iFcke Il &......rdt amcs, tisa uatiegncâ mjl I l tjoage ,Iuiesâs-.... ol ty ea diceluarça cusr t4ise Aid.M66 0-sCcsunt U tber de* DAtadsî Osisa-a, tia." 1dai-of hc, 4, BJikvteu;......" std A. tray iUtw. UWl y at' 8Ptb, 18 f$ "'84 iou lan I. -aind 4qr tise ex. A nor iip r 1 1 1 X.M* J&X.«Xnxmw-ln 331-tf

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