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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Sep 1866, p. 4

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f *detury ! plu asiiv.4 wlthdut takg media Egyptian 0 1, I ISEUw PAdé i" 0IS&ïdANT IIT tueop ile he s irrA fIqs kdws Iisasiytpuaioa Ides olsiuedok. k 0 foîtm i iWfisatMdS e Isse 'I, f ss. ie r e , d L" 009tas iw i. aia isorefV« rsssedy, a t fi.'ote agni Puitlsi ialibleu, r UP e. uheverida, bN eue is 55W visiss ifflorhen tscdilaig-(s, wIse"avor lad a l B y buTIA n *5 lis. r.jJigIo q9e4 r>las euuirW *ai5sfl5 s ist t ss*e» Ule r e1ss4, a1,ft m, a y à M2 ls,,si iserdcil.L m si 5aI55is ilà. 555, tua 5557 sa» ipli. tdisIWMI@nCu' Ase umsYOS .sa A iy es Oi suierely ls tessee. I Wxs eadso irs s su Uca le lsi r= s Çs.U<la oûtpslsa O. Aise, h DtalussI fi grr ero ifflopure oue rIb u,9 lm oit 00 mIo hm l as a, oit*"molysewug=y porent usua shi AMvav.mi5ssleu fuIboemse foY- pe'en'l iliaitkesiJO Ise siug " iatle dS vise laig Tihe Egylsat 1 asa coud . e etemialir lai siiEi? st sandi<J. suaSsry earsipvied, sasils reitres noscoi- smi5ria"dm liarfit,lis.ailther rela.si5a. Ila My bsas t dtnt Interai ihtlu esthe it m <sf, se il lah wstisted Ioe aitaliInui onisses lsgrueusla, snd Jtas pu eSrble a~extrae, tgplion Du jeï snosteausssslirkedy asu .se aci s Vary ssf»W qaSusty i ftqsfeald topOrodacetise doisrd cea.Au sismuse yist ro ll rerb ss lssul las <.es liseaIo more rtas.nlai iaity dr p~pf: Ftus014, ilre icene* n orble "eu iy Dtuggwsu.sislDd~ua s i dktiiOveryi visers. JAS. IL GERIE ?ROVMNCUL EXHIBITION Agrloultura lusoolaam, OfJIZtCANADA, te bceeidt ,TORU'0NTO,.1 2lth te 2Sth Botomber, 1860. p ltie notice ntssttise Fenrie. of! Atioles lu reîîacctlvoelasesm uat bc niade wltii tise Bec- ri-jury, nt Toronto, on os beforie ttUalrmeii liorsi, Cattles5 $baeP, oSaut.,Pouitry, On ,or b'itugBitiirdaiY, Asgsitt$ti.1 drain, Fieli l ota,ad otiser Fana prolues Aarieltura I lu plaments, lalilnery and ins- fsfasotrssa, g*sorliy, o11 or before.omaurdoy, ý ojsenber lot Iiurtlçultasai Productas Ladies'Work tho Flasas Arts, aie., ona orbeLr, aturddy, 4.79 siaber Irptt. I'rl;saa1 lotstanal lilaîk Faianu.for niakls' tIse eliric» ttiasacatil haa altuiiiad cf tise ucretarlesl ,ul àli Asrlcaltaral kfacctiea n al Iecial a'la- stiuta iisrssgaut ti PIrovlnce -Bee'y Soud ot Agriculture, 'Toronto, Aasg. S,5, 0' 81i WINE BHYfERS. Art'tlse moqtalt Uy aud plaiant boyau. )*ïs oves offored te tisa public. Tisey wliS regulato tise sppctito, aid digestion, an ex- eclent purifier or tihe Bioosl, a utimulsting tonie, andi a sllglit ulteratîvi, good (or Biuns,preventlng Foyers anal con. tauçloun discases. For Nervous anad deli. esteLadies tise>' daimot bc surpiaseal. W ' lvory ono aboulai use them.- cive th.ým àaTrial. Nuaïerous certificates eau lic giVon of thoîr eMflccy, G. A. OARSON§, M. D., WIIITBY, O. W. For sale 'by tise principal Wholiuale B'loaters, »ruggltsansd at flt-alss UImaaSloons, EL MUNRO k Co., whltby, 0. W. Bïittera-to wbofpail orderes aonld bli a WiIby ly 4tis1866,6. -o on s ssacsssbletaras T. P.,EEX N vLaatvl wltîhitise Wiltlsy WUbly, Sti 1 i5ufll& s,.01 .b. 5UaaO UaWM - VISM -Wls[tby. Of tiia-hlut messtiossd proparty, - 44 Tindesnsn or Mecisan, aleiug a&bo-6 w___ iliinSd thoise it two montioreal propeafles Wealel ltea tholrrequiromentt. aI 1711b. oid ti a' afisir vl uauion long f e rom meat. -< > PRY J. fEAU ER - Proprietr. * wbtby,li7tliJan"8lm.2 La 1, 0911 os.D ., 00Acres. LWO tiS 791" lé agr, 200si îUÏ th " si iilo100 si Wul7, $rd 66 do 100 si Lo ti i 'd "lelmout U00Il Lot - Il, 91Ïuixbrldg.,100Il 19, $r, d dé Reuie, 10Ã" il 9 f~14,89mi"l 4 i là0 L 1f0,ddo,"fdo S3 o% , 6 O&b Sservinh, 100 " loêt , itit 46" do 200 let4, ifb s'ý ,do -200 Lot3, 121b1 do 200 Lo Ilfu " de 2m L t il 91" do 200 lot1Il th 91 do 200 " NEM2t2ad"d >WhI9by, 80 " MUrerai vlable beuldhetglofa for 1ioiou, siad pilait. rsldanm. utaTown& of Linal notnd ltb1, Fu o ariformatlon. .Aprly to; ROBT. E. FERRY. WlstbyMareb,, 1805. 12' FarmsfèrSal 10 prtU-o.-, ; Cou.; wltbfatwo lots of théTown ln#of P AR LIN GTO-N f0 ri e r stubout 4 snfrbç,of ou ae- new franie bord, 54s0-gOodvell 'Anddos thrs(' tyongoroliard of 2Ï0 taes. TWin prqperty vWi b, sÏ614i eheaip, andl on long toe ri !py of UBLLEV-ILLE, on tige ,3AY 0 OF, QtINTRY eNing *tstpart, L1t 82, 1sf C'on. sidney-con- Winng 1i0Olir"'; about 90 acres el'airod aimai sndr auitlvaflon. Tuiereare f wo llourioliisg Young orelards adsuod os .fra, ail bar. lng tuh. eboimet degcription of fruit, Thoerare sent f arm buildings are situitoa on the contre of tise property sud comsuard a vlaaw of over~ fid. Tise buIldinfis olsit (oras omnfortais a F ranme Dwellang ionsef Weal suprlisad villa sprinx and soft waston Tiho Vartiaasualo&:f- Isouses aire Dow, large aind oosa;mudious. TEIL*L.-At leut $2000 cash, sud balanc on tum". TWO HRUNDRED ACRES, About 10 serais learedl og limoe kai. 'Tiis lax as 0110i0e lot, sud 14s situsted oaly comas four milesq (rom thse contre road. &;*0olLot 7 lu tise 121h con, SOMiKVILLE, 200 aers-wliil f vo miles front tige Jlboaiy- geon iioeoot Rto"sudnalouvent-l Vor pârtîisslorg appî4 te<pro- phd) i. HAM PERRY, Wiîltby, Nov, l t, oprictor, Wiitb, wiiby o. s,1005, 43 tf Farmti for Sale T'IHLE nuderslruad offors for Sale ouesy Lterni$ tise South s oaires, of Lot 82, lai3 9, Broksen front as!tise TOWNSHIP 0F PICKERING, For tenus;, (If by lettor pre-pauil,) appîr ta tieiu nnlersîiged, or W aiao, I&Iusraoù oictor 14 JOHNItEB ' ES Y. GOOD OHANOZ FOR A Bla cksmithe =9 13191ST ST/AND liq Noirth O0ntario. pou SALE on TO LET. rIÂAT veli situated al lk illckemith's TL $1 snt Valenfynas'. Cornor, togettiser îih Mise bain* builinfg oocu ld a a carpen ter'% *hop sdjolalng, sud bail!faits aera orland. The elsaince sas goodclue too n industries sueochaio desirouas of! sttlilugdova lu basi- boss, as tise premusc are Altnated lu tise miaist of s thlekl1 settled wealtliy iocsity, sud 10, cOul4ore on. 0ft9the very boat stands for a blccý1ù1 Iln cilNorths Omarie, Tiie brick ÃŽla42%U ; tiglse oav *~ ttao44se O 2'tia Carntoers shop 18xu ~or teu anal fortiser particulas,, pply 8-t on lot o.7, UsCoin, %Zok, EXCELLENT eol alasg 100 t acr es a ndft fOuere. ca r , fli 6"i. Tvo ft vela andas yoeng bor- Iog Orelsar4. nt stdbiîm Isafresstise Vilegeo! tlsrleansd cAsamile, f rom -OrI amediaitepofflI.eon viibegivea. P. 0.For ~<artAuar ppi> tas z. Oliver, f&&Atisbuam, or Eobsttra. B~591:*I 5t tisatise viiibailiniop7'ta0 attendl toi»orders entitealto is$cure, Tetis luserteai onsuolti, Silver orVtàimaiz4d Ktabluer Base. Treehs iletioexiraetet i nthoebetpcMlsbie Fstclaratesitlon pait ttbe rogulatioio OËlidroua'aTee$11. Aihrorkwaarantad. 1 THOMJLW.&111.LTARD'S XLdiul>, At 10.20,s.ifr i1nb, & rlgape laer place ait , p. as.1I, ' Mciu- villa t$1 Ita-gar» lndsay aoNorthlaivrt, arrlîngs.>Osusva as sme for v1alg raitaior ouOT.If, aii es a ud aat-Fr orsia- vaD" teCirsu 74custi'ii s .oits w PiseAr a ais TOVEtI2 Sii 1'TisUIE T IN CAS irIA. ire Hotel Oooling Sto. Agricultural Furnaces that wIi pay for thomuelvos lu one Yeu,. Eavetroughs Put up with iron hold-fasts. *> New lnbnge Put lu old ovens. Ropairing promptly attend- ed te. AUl klnds produce taken in ezehange at the OLD STAND. wu. I3RYAN. il ~~Brook St.,illy MILLINERY!1 M188 Stuart baugs ta anuauuuce tas tise as- saow lit rocelat of laer Saisct.kflliîra anad lai prejuirealto exceato ail urdoeias-lau- iaigtriv aiaidf oit work, vitis despaiois. 1is0, algo taikes ene ate rotaru ,,luro tisis4 ulor pat favors. WV B11100F.STIIEET, OSHRAWA. April lotcs, if606,14 T. P. FRErMAN, PA INT ER, W cc Siîahop GCrreu StrocI, 0 doors Southa lwi ltisy, alne 27, I5f0, 25 E, RiE 11I1NGTON & SONS, NUSEETS AND OARINMS, Fot thai Unitea Itates service. Aise, Pooket and Baht Revolvers, Rié antidstOnaralanald an aiferlis moiti by (humdesara aud the Traidegon«ar,. lIn tiee days of Ilosase.breslolng sud ro1is- bry, every ouseoreq ok u lSa sIsouotm bave cis oo u uewwrk Nmre emitnton Rsuporisurvat 'isuhlpan*etiris, iii uad scomlulasd)u 4sr arimaxinîlieb.furulslsealupofsapplicatIon,a Egasa, N- f>Casriiss N.Y. & .14N -~ ICabinet ¶~H.avauags oerd b tfnàtfttion 0?aur s.THOEOG RCI T1CmAL dB uSn ESio&s eDUCJÂinhoiN aespri1t nyOiliesiCollae I Bri- tubh America. Thse Branchai taught comprise everthlnt necessazytoi thê kee air sud Bnaincsi Mma; 911. inlude- TE ATUAI, URNID BART1ENT Is-the mout complete arrangement of is kindh eing n ledwt woBNE MEILCHANT'8 EXPORIUX, and an EXOIJËk b OFIe hhre opatie«iY daY for th1e transacion ol Biinems iW Mases lu TEEGRAPHING evry 'day-lu PHONfO- GRAPHY, semi.-weokly.- 5F«r Montbly UîwomAtz, specimains of Wzmax, "o, addrm a encloing stamp), MUSGIROYE & WlilIIIGILT, 24 TroRONTOP O. W. IIALI'S$(JÂRRIAGE WORKS, 163 KingmSt. West, Toronto, -o- A lrgevaretyof arniages on hand. The proprietors of this tha Establi=het, possess fac-litîes fer manufiacturing Carrnages thtenable them to dpfy compitition, either -in price, style or finis'a. Call and 8ee for yoyr8elveB. 39 NEW, SPRI1NG ARRI VALS GROCE-RIES A varicd 'assortmrit of superior Dry C oods of evo'y quality and pîice lias been added to the O0rocery and Liquor: Stock aud inspect the quality beforc Whitby, April, 18, 1806G. Consuit bis Fst of Prices purchasîng eloewhere. JOI'IN -FARQUHARSON, DuncladStreet 15 SPRING ARlIILS! Mathewso-n, Ratolifte # Cou Have just received a fresh supply. of, DRYa GOOI*8, Groceries, Boots 'e >,Iioeg,4e OLOTH-INOý" READYMADE-, and made to order on té hotetnotice, in the LalesI styles. Tweeds, Satinets, Flannels, IJuions, ofour own Manutotui'oOLD RETAIL, AT WULOL"-ZALS i PR~ES, - MATIIEWBON, RATOLIFFE &c. aB<,okjin &Apritlot$,186001 Aji'd -Home-Made Furniture> TILIE BROTliER beg to inform customers and the public, tisa they bave yssrobaetd thée Stock.iu'trsde sisa, intca'astin utbehebus carried on-f'or tise liai 84 yeasin Wbitby by 911cm fatber, and beg-ta solicit a couttiuino tho pa. trOnsge bastovati upon th1e esiabliilfnicnt for so-many ycas. "SoàfaisBureaus, Lounlges-, BedSteads, Chesta. of Drawers; Lo0k-ý !Dg Glis, Book (Jasai, Parlor:sud Draiiig Ilosi rIa, Rockiug CVisar, Office audOassa.&ate Chairs, Tovael andl Toilet Standslenlugreat vain'ety,- andalat greatly reduced palets. CA IJPHOLSTERY in ail is branches. E very article being maide up undar ihoir *ovu Immedisto spcrintendececii be. warranta4 ot fhbe ét mas. Laina analworkmansaisp. IQ" AIlainaso is t U 1 ouidingoa andl Pictu'e Frýames made te ordair. _An-etostilWon -of tise prisent urge, anal sp1eunl5d stock ou bass a repeet'& fuUly sollited.W- Wâro toms, No. 4ý Brook stret, aind No. 2 ' Colbois «Lret - TILL & ]3ROTIIER9 Wifby,, May 1M, 1806, 0l JAS. BAIN- & Co., Would- announe that they have 'removed to the commodions brick building, a few doors Soutli cf BROGK STREETWIIITI3Y. SUM:ýM E R -SHOE-S, 3'ust te hand an sssortment of Ladies, Misses, and Chlidrens Sum- mer Shoes Aise Home-made Boots and Shoes, and slioes of ail kinds, Wholesale and Retail. Two Hundred Sides of Spanislf Soleý Leaticer. Machine Need- les, Silk and Linnen Threads, liard Ash, Silk, and Cotton Ela&- tics. Ai kinda of Shoemaker's Findings for sale chçap. SV" TERMS CASH, ~ Whitby, May 29 186 Fire JAMES BAIN Fire!1 --o-- &Co. 17-ly, Fire ILIas re-opened the Cari'iage Factory Iately ccnpied by OOA WALKEY & Ce,, second door south of lis lit a trad opposite thc Town 'Hall, Whitby, Where ho is prepared ta EXECUTE -ALL' ORDERS, RiEMAY DE FAVORBU WITH.- 1Wbitby, April 4, 186. Farm for- Sale Farma for Or to Lot, within a mflê of A.leis ob onsîst sn of 58 ERVETO. Township, ofi A PLENDI I CH NC. Andl anse1Lot ffrom ifiriv ILANCJIEiI »isfor ara oug e ad 10sroodIvi tore>y Brielc usb 83 ~ ioisse nal i Drlvl lod, r l iSao VIllage o! the pro- caîtivatloas, tiorougis> idr Useieanna ! fise port SHoeLi1555ai aone o! tise assot destrabl er 'NO MONEY REQUIRED -pfP>i!jtloate benside (IfR For tise trot tvo Yaffs tii. amiounit of rouf, QILDEET FEGio l!aimb. o, t e xpendton lauprovo- OrPoJAS A tdx Wosald b. exbangeal for saltable VIlSge solleltor, ah.,w pool'lia Osusaiva. solicitosr, Caniungtu. OrUKlLER, (il b> lctterpro'pdlu.)' Osisiva.14 liE iuderigne buris iposialo!rlih4 TILL- AND BROTHER9 to thse niideraltiit business Tunerais foîîy 4liapsle& 051,9115hotait neie. gCo±fns ispt constutlfy on banal. aWILLUMTiILL W 15,byMalO, 86' 1 Province MOCissiala, Iof Toao Witas, tae g asut lsinsstter ô!'OMà >la - Bell Evart, April -28, 1848. fis sud soiitlt 'MAY, IJN'fIL FURTHER NOTCE "Corinthian" Y OHRSLEL, ASe, ùt Toorg01do * 1000 ii 0» the aira irai of Traist aisud West ou Grand Trunk Raiulwaiy. witb Exprm sTrisalâX. Y ýnT4-& West anmd South,. - Tralim louve àN.Y. Central Doo.every#,u ijutaolcIl<, 10 oflunoct witis steamer. r4oiglt4anld pagaes ait sumuher rstes...or fardiesr Informatiosn spply to tise CIs'cff0 d boa3rd, Audrer Cocrelsan, or Geo. 1leude aýhb 1'r 1 p, rW A. M, IBROWN, Ap I s «d,12., GineraiAgent, Klngolouni GEORGE CORMACK, L 'UMBEXl MEUC'IlA, iiZCtpenter anud leJoluerCGreen St, Whiltby. AllArgcqa4nn tityof %fi kindfi of lun:belconatantly on baud, WA ÂHOaSO#to llrepon liberiilt.rms, GEOIIGECOBMAcx. MAX?40T]I iW- Photographie Galery, " 11WILKtI8cflj'gBLo mK, rî Proprictor of the aihove Galery wonild J.I nfurmî tis pulile tisafIt 114lai nv tise moot Poçit l i1rovnce, *adusbcaI Aspiepared th taise Ilctnifl, rItisur In PHOTOGRtAPH8, AMBROTY- PES MELAINOTYPES, Or amy Other anode oftiso' My»tiloArt. rk ries, aes gAn any otir Geieryfi i I Sale of-h Reach -,oý VLLAGE OF e siTieri las a sframe Sars,- I a ' u r gaosf ý-drslucd, -andl is épideacce ln tise, b>' icttr, Pro- iÃœSSON. Esc. 'uRTST8' MATERIAL.S.- ueo hîs vasitiug îoom aCaîli, ssudl00e bt- 'York fSi yoarsol Vas,. ailsiauvie ao.t.asrr Os ltgirrs. ~'Au eairly cal]Is ijced giîays> G. .ALDWELL VETLMINAIRY StRGEON. V OS mdwi'ospefttuiI1t', -ma.the Je, ton s, Jas . W "R IANI Sois, ree , 1 OFFIOZ-Dan év/ Wbstby, toma n'ai,. Lt.C«XgsAai, I Cessst OevsnAt Weter, 1 etarcs . 1 SolJA" 4, Chmr4i aJ. . A le. Je SAItoRGaEON iT Byon tays 1 . W.à#] "~i~aiOa -or-ai 'a ~ ~ j a - -a a' t-- 1 O.V

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