mti OYL ANADI! B]ANt, ARTHUR 3KCJIA*ilSoU, ICAJIBRON & NACDOI(ULL# 'Lk S oliltior» te the. B*uk of Monhserl. a n4 the Ud0vp0ratî0n à f the County or Otar o, Netadhitc, *' Whitby, O. W, lw*xnojthlgn Popto.od moay. Ap- fltUiSt R.Attornoyis, Sollékorg. &a. Orol %tretJI!or(oto, C. W.- ý'66, MA1YI is day of May, s-y sss)riing esc thse an- sets. Troriomt; calliuig ut nseîsaortis nti souCis A YA, M ater, Pe. 7 1866. 'ER NOTICE sonu 1!lppor- n et steamser ~~P 1 0 i,. 10 00 a tsd West oit 01te tu I)iAILOTTE, a 8 .central, FRsb% zut htil , Iler rse.F, 'jsi>. te tlise(altain ct sre,-cr Ueo. fleîsiasres), 11103W -Agent, Klilg#ton4 ptreu,>tintl.y u in. lis I I xl si]atCessd' api -raler o-NI- îl,oCI iGaery ,ut tb:ttl Itl rgoicvtsesost u., agldliéoisseptejsred Iti'A, titists' lai LS, Â1l&]ROTY' INOTYPES, nu au1. "f/ee>. Usgf Il1 a tc szveoee ATERIALS. - 'nt a cili, anti sa hi ou à »E OÃ, i--s i toi 410Cîz l i ll *sle14jlvmsli l -b o ire> Iz trot te C ts ndlln,iîlu triesîsstg liîseti 'endcCle. ID 1mi l trità lsittsi 'tnt ind smet csfJsshi i en(lîtlcuto bclow ir lio - -ILn y on ff 4rsui n lxsessr ta i -. mîsi.rlisiand i tugie i , i îe sa t) 110i WinIte>', v0ii gtlll ho car- ait. Y,11 oeap>' Cteitnîtin -Fane- LLIAM TILL- pl.aad te sU thisme=1ben Itachf 31r9k4Li Drug stoi .T h%* Vie birs ofCbbet4ilnpoi uintgIngr itgutai egi 105DDODCali b. foundi 8. Il. COCHRANE, L. JL. i*b Otsr.dlu-etas~lYnco Ç ')I7NTYCfLQ)WN ATTOR14t'P<>ON- M 22J - .JOUXt<ttaE. 'Y tanio,lle9rriester anitiAtterney-zt-lsv Se30 il or in lheuesry,. No'ary Pëblie. &é.- EGYSTONYS JIOTEL, f1ée.-Tu Iiliov'u New Building, Doneîu(e.inopz'. - UTM. ROYNT(IN begs toitf'fn et~uhé ln- 0(9OdaO4l Et DAR'I'NEL, evW habbfatu ettst Cehti>'o etaoria a 13 RIIST,Eu, ATTOICNENt..Ct>VEVÂN. srrcundin* <iulitles, tiiC6hut se ea essthéis l eDp î .R itrr isorEtailIotel on ilitsStreet latel>. Ocen ié,1 b>. ii*yAnà e xutnlintuClieneet>. ror theCoun- Jevtt, and as liahait had IttItted axsd terufss tIltario. Offie Byron-ati., Wlltby. '_cdltr isttt.y le, visitera viii Suc] eveny couivé uiaîîee. Wt nes, Liquera sud Cigaraet the ILon«ET .J. Wlt.ON. beottr nalir>.. B»,,tltB &AT1rOtY AT1LAWW: 1'Ansttantlve oairjaglu as bu S is- VieL'ris Bildlnr, Brob'k tC. Withy. Lindsay.. Foh. 1 , 1864. 5> ACRIRi.AtLAWAlibi PdiLICITOÉI ln lu01%Saery. Clamb5ers-19 Tes-onC-t.. In b. et 'sy se ieâ 1. K. WIII1ONI hpitby. C. W. . . FAtUÂK S OhtCPl<)it ?O!~L ULC SOLIcIivt, &o., &0,. s iS UtovJCI i~liwan1to Ontari] Chotmbb-rg., 4-On. Door South ofth. Wirsty 0Ja..M2-gg CHIARLES C. KELLEIt, il.satAMEry, GR'nvo Enco ODac,Can toBoo#0 ATi i 6 .MPIEt8 fAICiÃŽTORER ATND ATTRNEY.AT.LAIN la Ouancery, t&C. l'ont ofi". Wbstbjyt.suo 0,18. 1 C<,ClANE k COCURANII. - JAEItý»TERg. Att1ORNEYg, ION VEY- a. ucera enti Eotaries Public, t&c., t&c, glit.ow PORIParnr-Ormnr-fllg.lnwe* Blockt. - 19 Il. (Cmsi, LL. B,, 1 W. M. CooiAtaz. Cellntv Crown Attorney. Port l'ors>, 2t Decomber, 1845. fil X]R..C. A. $011289 lUSrtimfir, 00llestor lis Chamali>., Atm £orisel'fk&000 âc. £r OFF-Nzt door Ce th e 9gilitry (fllaeWlilby. 41.1>. Cburch treet, Trouto. Eé . 1AROWELL, JIL L. 1B., DAltCiWfFiU-AT-LAW,&c n. JIcGEE, B. A., - AttOrley-at Law, Con- te1yangter, &a. fi-ise Strcet, Nortit ýfthô Pott Offide, sthawa, 0. W. 4 LYXAX ]ONULI61I, 1; L If. DAUIIIISTER AT goW, eiitor lun(Chan- I>cary, Couveyanccr, &c., &ac. sco.S.-oppoisito Lb.he ot 0108, ('shawa. 40 JOHN BILN4 t ýAW,CHlANCV.lty, k c'>NVEYANCINo Of.jfilc, Prtissa Albcrt, two doora wcistof1 T.<1 orînat'. tore. 1 Rm. W. CA 7ib gttlc-,. ionr lEmt o ot Yrncld à Gih ots'M S4iro, fBrookl< t treat, Wlthy. 441 g.IYIIEOI< TO TIlE COUXTY GAtIT Byron ftreit,Wittby. A. ptliNdla, EtiitIANT TAILOII, BRIiIOCIIEE T ON CEII< STtli2il<ii<WIi1TBY B ARIRTEiC8, Kinir Strect, 8 doors £east ef T4ornsîto $tLýt.tTorosstn. 4fi .ARCI[E5BALI) DAUKOIiJ MARIIiIM VLO,<.WOlC Assigne. fer Yerk aud Ontario, Notary Public- FI 45 FI0VIYICIAL TLIRPICO.è PO E( IG 1l ALL THE PiII'I ~P (Itiasad'osn uCanada, ajis the 13 ited States. ___ Sn l Iiby o nb o cuh f te; njgrOtoBroSItrt. 81 B MLITI IXTIR l>VI81PN COtIT.- LICEiISED AUCTI)NEMI. addrs- *isvorton, 40.1>. EDAILBDr . kgnHOeufrae.a ..E..e'tiamenu's germants Dmade nop ounCli *lsortist notice, of isbst zqnalCy itofisi lls th sty es. à Il 'otk madel.p np t h, promisées oprit moratz7tsoof .iIutrtqiatiy1mand ATT(>ENI&Y AI' LAW, SQIACITOU,1IX m-Chanieory, t&o., &.,ef*c4 Removoti te Ofiete next dner tu <ftoeoftMr. g Item lrk eof(Cenaty Court. W, Opposite O .lE1SK OP TUE E zNr-oismîîo j Courlft h.e onty ef ptarie, Con4ley an~or, Comsn a s ceasBdeh, t&o. Eureusem-AtsrlyC. W VICTORIA lMOTEl.u Ws.Iy t on's.) WX. ANNAN!>. E 1-10 uHOU E, ISAAC FENTON, Proprlot rer. B EST Wlnosassd lquore;su p enrjopn.o ALBION HO TEL. DUI'A@ aarur, vuivsyr. JAMES BLACK, 14Prpitr IIAILROAD 11017MB, TIIOMAS ToTTpqIIDA1,E, Pprbetor. TS ôtl is% Isasheen tlss'sosigliiy rene- I'etietable usut lbas-alwvi; s aspil.d vîtis tis enet. (lood i accitnodation for l- vat$ boas-deanud guel4ts. - I -REVERE HUE B. PLANE, - - - - Propnietor. Mktsgea to ansdi (son Whitby ceil dally. Ever>. ssttiass paId te guasta. Cureful #at tts- TRE DON BIEIVEIIY. IIF, sanuotser lu mev oirpreparet iCeciupi> hle ptrons etfithe Doisnisrwer>.wltliun excelent as-tice, unaùls qîuentitles sas may bc reqîsirati, and tioCrns teeséititrirchase-r!k Toronto, Soptie 10, 180,. 37 JOUXM C. nMCMULL'ET< Aecuntant, LUnd and Osiieral Agent, ~Offilce tsi Peter street, ocedeerr noth ol -In. $lvei'u 1sg Stor, Wbl td dIusproveti Perses lu thse Csenstlee et tiurlo eand gSusue.for Ésise. N, B. Coletions eattesîiet te anti promept reseittenocas mode. lien. D. L. Meilitrsôu, li. L. C, flou. .llisi ARiuson, 31. 71. C., lieu. Georize Cravtor.î, M. L kM. C. smprnm5Fis q, Q. C., M. P. P. Angs Morion, Psq., IL. 1. P., hi. Dunetforti, Esq. M.Il ' .Ilp . Mecosike . L., M. le. P., John flm se Ptry, E.cq., ithy 1 anduti di.. tors Bars-te Ecesine,'1Canedisan Pizi, Littisisc> enrd W hittly Cit11Oli. i t> GLOBE IIOTEL T w bv el1 kuowsu, nid establiltiieti1 T itoteanti dprqiilr;os hlave0 bo in uroifflilc b>. tIsh ibca îes-he ushoviii alvwsys bc teist ri un losiîd reuti> c attenid pem-éon.sahl> C, Cisc vernt.of 1uts gisesta, t&c. 'rlispresiieos lies b.assconveutenssly anti .esiturtail:i ltti pop alsatoti, pepero, &a. vltfitieis'o efsoftva ct avts, 4nti ory hmedîirlsgris 'tsyolildCh *6cbonntlfal- 1>. oppîled ti AU iLimerts. Notice te Parmers and Othor. b>.'roof, b>. galion or barena;Mcugiti filenle'vit, do. de.; ilaspler'sExtra KeailIfieci '.Wiinkey, de, do.' hest Port.5lar n Brny or lta io i, vth a flot cf Lb qIooti 55c, i Cgrs f the. lieut bs-suds. Attenttive Ostiar*, and loieseto lus-.. - A. ALEXANDER, Breoltîlu,.Jan.gItls, 1808. 4 1§aperlor n c mssodatlons, fsanaisUen - doeiso e sarsquiremsentà et tratelers anti guests. M 401011ostublinir amI led-roru, ced vcdy ostra îivays vithin 02li. 1 JOFHN 8?RJCL Proprltor. rrIg aubucihar desiros1 n t efl i hiemais> TitloetdonCt lie IA nov eeirrvug on the astr etwl viesd hatlise appiles nonu be h letO issb ue4osaot ars, aud i'itreuh' seonts. A vill suppliescitable. Geeîstà l.lini sud enelceti yard. Wisttby, Oet.4 84 O NS i& IL8 TE£ WORKMAN BOUS * ~ EAVEriToNC. W,.. B Prietor MoUX Mousset' efSP I'EBTM, Preprhito,. li o oCI, stnstad st Pout WhiChyst TI islted npinutirsf-t.lgsu style 'tôr î:se no- ce1110Mnioln otf W v mtraSu Iso im Gooti tbhilna d ttenti*e lrosl4r. i r ANGLO.ANF.IIcAN MO1TEL. - rlilbrlits a tea op tiihe bve .11 raoalbehote,vwlithe v!fa drd trs.oemseedatiom C toh ae lln uil à îabaacati. Good sbsbllng ands«, 1a JOSN OQf> , *W 077105e-Su PEGYIxtAl &TE 011kFlIWLD4N-».kdoo'to -Eegi TUB INSIIRANCE CON- S Ixeum, 185 l 18s'le ArAvar.a umà usai FUNDSINVE D IN1KOA. OANADA 9D op ui>O >iETOULS T. B. Awnriso, Psq Oaîrma Othie Baesk er Montrel;1). ,Pei (CIsaiifa Ontasrio Bank.) HJwNET BricAumN, sq, (Manager Oufi Bank.) E. Il. KrxQ, Esq., (Geoel Manager Bl ot meoCsscl.) dt. y. C. t$ir,n cdent So3rotar>.. Itr.tà t E~sz:DiwC AOL plu£. Pire Ingursince Pol;eien groetaton5et dlebcripîifou et PVoporty etthCe, lowira i ratio'. rates. LoRmes adjustati as seen asatiS"act provei. Lite Assurane Polica sud Annuni gratoi nu the mont favorable termex, ausdu dor Tetlts sppclisily adapti edtisehécircrl sitasieet fAIi c1au,, Allil isfrmation lun1bâtit Di-artmeuts casi obtuaie lsti uAas ettise carpas>.lnu M treal i6ud throughout Canada. L. FAIRBANKS, Ji. Agent. Wilt w» (frira-lu he Provinciatl ',lcp Dhe uilding, nepir theo lcgintry Office. TIÉECERCuCIAt l UN ASSURANCE -(0M'N Y CAPITAL.- $2,500,000 ST( (PULLY 8StIBSCRIBI!fl.) IlqvEBTBD OVEIT *2,000,000-Dl 19 asl S, Os-iltill, tsntiiloh, <Sities (dutrs re-isisbtiit e, race Cisu;rct.tCset. CANADA BRANCI:. -NOUiAND, WA' SON & Ce., Gamerai Agent.. Purti. Cou.s,SApcretary, Sfie 888&A$SI St. Paul Street, Mests-csil. L. PÀTRBA#cs, Jn, Agent, WhiCby sovtnciai TaegrapisOffice Bu fiiusg. nausr tieta fglut->.Ofice. T. CIIISIIOLM LEVINUSTON, P. L. 0., Inapbdcr ef Agendiles. l IN8URANCE COMPAN1 FËOk PIRE, LIFE & ANNUITIEE apifai Tve MILLIONS STERLINGý 1 Ae Liverpool. CAICADA Batitain Orms-tmon lselllgo William Miolsen, Eeq., Cisairmia 1 Tiomu Rnty, Y*&Henry Thoma, Eq., lio. Joi Le.%aaAî'vuta-lleasrs.1!orrane & 14oonul lklEsusuA t'ia-Wm. Sstiiaerlassd, M. f) BuSrino-James il. SpuCssgrle, EAq.ý IeaIclamt Sacratur>. ad tunt nai Agent-À Forbeu. Viulon lbnitilngu, 26 st, ?renceesYAen. Street. L.FIBN1~ a Agent, wtuitby <i*niczm-in ProvinscilTet'nus-ph ill.fiaeB llding, neen thre Ifglit-> tiloce. m &os1ranoi CORPORATION EWrABLISIIED-1120. i8J ps-epareil te effeet lifouran6m um ogstst lots jor zmaigiqbyl'lre, at tise- mie-t nlssoriabît rates ot prausltitu, sipos ev-s->.des-ription of propos-t>.. 'bosaâpalt i thout dole>'. I - ISAAOC 0. diLbIÃ"P. L. ?AJItBAIiI, Jr., .Aet o(t Agen' .fer Whitby, Osrb"ai à alfA cirify d ontes-ié, Oit*rls-Ne* Preeibtal Taiegnapis office, Brook Bts-cet, Wbby. le neTL. IWoerWaYM. dies, salla hulie, îe h le ptpr e e ail ehor. desetli îlo l prosapti - aed fallooeisie. 94les sud gonilthen'a Ãfen isrs.vvbats eileanei, t&e., aloc ail vos-k lu silli on the shes-tet ne& tîce. 40 6O1 i nil.IA IIOIISEUY ORILLIAO bestluors iris merops-lenjg ail lre buotelliirg P1011116 thChatoiebaslessesilfie ulseve p-amlseervuaraho vii sistmdpes ail>. te the vutaoft bis gdis Prilvaitspaftielt e a ho hait EtraqWId. dolistoend t-i Elle lkr vii ho touaI stockit tit hh sholcest Liquoma, Cigare, te, Orililut15h junem,, 94 I - *.l1 in7.OPM-..u.Il- s.? .-u.* ' 4 ~a 4 ! o a ie . tf l o it «J sM YZm1 . 4 4 l 1 . . d ~ J y iLE~1 , &7TT& Co., Agtti lot 91AIA0.1 pnIhevigoroa - Çanaçla.IV- - - uât charge, ~AXEI~& I8,i, Mnag7. Iamb~eV ne> C~pes ~ fo 4q Uj imnl argile~sI~ Siso moe avrhl Crm sd OtWEeu lf i~rm 0i0g , jbuqNC -gos O. i IRae ~ ~ r~n'f ~ - 'r ~ yag 4tosv il, ffin I< KIug. 18.C IPIe hs i ei azlrahee4 dç 8udd" an pi*ra f Md >Nolfithstv~isu'o1le aa r~evr toel .#aIi4rh 00 ~~r~ oddwt(dbAgentfcus uer.1.@ÇCiemai Lge'reapl. ooeta'11 thé ifir~~ .000 .n *..1..,.......aa W~ lsu m civnt pr ieisl il*'plteydaô oa,1abaqpE.g. (her.j . $rat s le cetA aic f p u oberthee AfUIeghpotat t(e qi gee a oL a",iUn 4 ~U4aua~ 000 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b - uiwcIIk e is ffrCau aao haIStu t etA ee we :55;M, tael 11i "W w l'x. Pil , .b" 9 0 S I ; o 4 t fe ebfl d J t i e r o . T s a d o ts ' C u d ' l t a a . ( i e u . U 4 a ] $ 4 0 n1 l i r i s r r > p l c n t is a a i fe a a s v w , r , y l n e l i p o' n-uer tt." e- e u r i, h o o C t t s e a p a ,m 4 e f i c g b e p ta. it gsf ,o f4i - o l i t o c u A i e t f r f i eWOal h z , g s e t ii t e d . " i eu i e g c L W 1f h e d b I . T o s .Kt .- ' e O I a r g h k s s u s l d 1 . 8 rN e ct at l u ne te s is b rrL;e sZpr ick On bisall. Mre o t W f?* ~ i e Id t * I $ t 5 * orier 'l. At. ;d aldnHonTar 0 <,o.,lHon0(Vplit rioq Spr. e a eu s refyte 1tncrkl eipT"d* g- Ci Oto ie osiaa l adi-teat le r odcs e pildIs. ,d t - -f s c ihiâti e i n e n te re u h o o n u e e a P i bon aubjSO , deceti bing erusonBlir O ur braa, on. 75tr i seot' AItbonl hd m an , I u i m u a . 11. O ur l a B er e rd, l î h w b ,o , ain v e n 0 11o n 'la n d e t t *' Q raJ ; L t.o l, Bd e r'.1,@4 4es u0 ed ingh e m a n vî tis C . o e , on P o f oe-~~~~~~ ,Oyn I<i, " ~ ' ~ ~ t eNdts trji a to ok pJlac; s Abo eu i So t oh i'robton qudche ia' lila e s . b > .. X A R N E D E P A T M E N T . he o u e to n a i d b . a l > 5 e ' tto;, ) f C a i a p o 'Tin h e r b a n d o t e n e 0 v t o a h rits srt h y K i n g sto i e u tpb Llcoîuil atitirgo Mhbb'etho inrkr cn. vasmatie ie lotdvers tan 'e ly ht finesdeeCr a o am pra n ie uie aRiveaH rm V rin sfc vîg dbrn (jreistlheelasc]isssrelestsse~cs.~~ laed wa lacelf upe a standpeinte VAS montise otisrr enn e eu isrohe onet d to e booise ueetf plaet iimcifaith d-ta0 eetMo a te.Ste e M P,00 'htyja., lth 8qi NBOW i osemeno b t&ilg of is ot ad..eJds rrMKaal on, riC is"59t c p stoliaitJneta shri l, nd 4uu Agent shovTi th etêeu9 cbieta ibi r. ispil on, cIl uitroastom'F e nt. as s fluiatisalîy ne did l a i houe Pot istn cpoeChreva asosueî nbhngbu Cl. o 't, Cp, esoHoJ.Pt.Ii-le base U goni av else tu"ls o thse E- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e"rl WelbArl~, hr . 1tsn~tonnreBepon.n , P l"Hpe . aHon. 3 adn . Ts os a m u - eni F T i e u t i e r -0 1Lyn s c wS r g er th y le; C . b b r . o a sB ; D . H o . e r l i n C g ~ ~ i B u rn s[ i y v hcsuis e > a p e a r d t s e M . e r ar d i cD . Oi , a n i t- c e u i > ; . . -oa , e p yl a;gl a î n l o n g a n î ô s i d l y c h e e r e s i . )rlly nt foin te 2 Yers. nterat lw, Ai rh.vehat Ra culgon noDon o cr i sui u O i lE marg .TeIi otl.ep lu sL piat e ic U A -isMcommcal Bns;D. ikes . Wlsenquiet stur 4ioros , h t Ib eis C unLO DONENGAN S , t e ps ot.le ant cce ruung the ari6 Aid . of J.o f ?sissy 6Itin ofsà ne' ti p o f gtoWal, sit ho s u Movi alre-npî Wou> blniit6lin en arto sow h. t t h orhtheisnenio n . ()iaidb rept fh hy C o Trni. ca ffairet pIe4h vravsy mach ef b i o- ofts r e p i s s , b y . d t s s a c t - v s t i n t i t , l f p n t a i t e u s o r1 l " o oo t s t p d W c g p b . preve i ru ,, l sr 4 ea rs. N stos sttsi seu lir o re v i e b i o t s n r a c , C y n e n , .e E. M e o n ai Mr . ,C d e m 1M . @C i e fi # . til s iisJ 11 b a , a w y t le. s 1 Fer tarsesttc., syspy te, 4efo e e a tse ub e n t h.inex n ein-, Mjcis ]ai , ol.ep, Ç oqu. IL I Cin,. neo srafrplU*acpobtoe - i 8 R .Jb cC J M A ! s h c O h . eOR b iasr d ct i h a hc i n v e ll o u s M a n a n r& e, l ' e Y p er C â s a ; M . 1 1 ti de H o J .u e .f M a c dtis e dh e r u , is [bu-try ox7, eeuo rsuit hibafo à ell *a s >'ilglti' b s . bcfn T to , N. am el1 Smlsh, Wr. B William ol d i gs t ouwtimuthe y et i nglla i Orbe JOHN GNBW, euto rd t~at br nlapint tseie BrdL6,Nr.Jon . ng l.tng he stô hufend .) Art bis e nti* . Ld i isueuds c9lis tthe T is neTr oNeatioCena .Wi Sann 14 iiot, itioçoe iepz.) t li isi> a ha V,,natrWlstb . in te ptisen crre e bul rec eet Cf agen M X vo. TW P liea icUe ead M A RI E TE RN N t ho i e i , b isose proBant delnetiofPare>., Ir.o . G . 0 iait lu au aln enhv e trstin nneccary.1 Tise r at Ceigstor e. Jamesn igSisan , u, . on n ss I t, o uC av ppr elat ter if L. I N S I J R A N E E g O 1 I I P A N Y l u s a r k e e g i a > ' h tt t , e at u c r e et n , M .. oui ~s OR u . l li m o , r .t oba l s u t s u ib i iyr l , n y r i a i h oi E L9MObrd naomc ria. A r in t>' isneem deia f.deoe raeodj h rnn'mre t vie cuies visicis t4 (L iMITE ), tohiduaa eeista ciie re ht ho ula1r.o hlt, M. Anrv n on hoy bis l voi 1end te vli-ovnd F o c r lire n L ie a M r ti . ti e ' b a fseVI',he v er w sp n -- H nîe d r n d D r. . Herkm e r M. . F e. nov m i e hfn e mt. or( e p oi e a- ien d "5 gte " rgiuichniuitdor t crm e tein > bal no ct tpioemmeM.McP th Uv .Mu.(odchos>~ afl e uretffla4,vu il . 1hedfertt01,9Coduceaterdoa att i fesre t e , n dil t h e JLIC9 Pii.iste2o vc caigQOn Cn r i <)Oag016 Wetcc ' n iv r, C tcise tre uho n bclp fr IL f iL a no sireg.Coiend a ttn, G o I. W iien e sl vsi is h m d où*m ûtitsc l u 77 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~r ali i.luciitr lePae ed~ib'iursigts vih u oa tLs sv io n d . ieoMas * . c bs e fld fi, W y vOmfCailier1e Infitibriid ooale cleulntes.> ani eue upona t-adpltedse ntis the, W. H. G rilLa, M. Wqs.enteW , sh u0 ttse0,e rliiarad u J IAI AN.....4 To mîe(0tlusen Maybber l e cssardec sv , armt e reu viterard Ctiste Mr r.enege N. o vrissile Pr h M vh. h as aide theark et o- s t. tAgertnge, . rrfhston, neer loisciseternd ii lir>P'. 1fr. Jas. Rosamoniuti, an, Mis veA tloi ehé aeem lmeland GENEIIAI, MANA( Sesfiteli ... .MoW. Simps on ccef Po ops e M. aIl pubi m0 ItfiIl i tlflvu c Cdou ie,. i ,, &seCou.iu-r'y t on g bus tio . Jt al' ers , uts. Jnd,, elAi- > b i0tise lit e e pble a f vtas Wls ty (haritret, Toroai..Iis siadr s is ers on t ulgi s tn ali er, i r. .lthJoesd, Posr.H W.M.prvelaacashaJti>ben od bor 'l'Oie lva rt, aeu to-(e Ch i biseoiggret iopBwarle 011-i.A ga nl.Teiu u I nfak -tf iiisn Ma k esi a Cri drtcnmailotpte ions tv d#eud po. I T I E COTLON II A Pingeu b e e a r n, v nadO bo r Cd is W. Fla, tnn ai, M cA r.i e, y e', ( sr e r) Ts I e v ud 011 U Meassgcrscsqu.,ho B. wuthN.. AAet mornî là à - <re; Th *le ro is enatm ed e lnaaG . i eho rj.tan e;, l b d h bi e iuili plS ewo b i OAl'T. IT I ES OMA8.. whbc eb ctkil re lde ie.,,3. H tope, TorntoM. C. ibbn, . . fdiCC Sê 1i s le tA. dacer vho t. ru Mari e IoM adeor.aic v l Isatet i n p r nt i ktorl op- ab out anC o nm seril ak e D icgsa W u' uia e ahi. 10 m ut sud e ver tho s i I JOI UEW is b vethé u i and us hloti ,sud; CTh Mr'le>.tav9 o. rJtfâr-1-0é Os04wiii k i*pea W hi Lt y Iais 1 , Eue. A gcN C tti , e ape e p i gt te t uh bulie all d o M ddisisOn - e s e ve d i> b. ;. a ta h , s d meuaie . v a à t h -Y a v l r en amy r M a o e a i e c t ad n cb a e r in a lu o r o b o s ise B u ns t, to ards t rs l e ue i el o rC h s nelb o rm a ls t e a n eit o f s i Proved Pareil, toitnov, ysud wI trndiisltis e on . tH ovl a n e a l g h e p isi e e n e eli e d tf 1 1 e ( C. N A o rti osijva. ; s er S o Luc f A t h a st tds tance lie' C C. u rt. m t,a u issd han> fsp i he i le ov Xtouh itdee t( u e d edtosntypibi a or tifr xP01l" V Aôyu Sd hplisel liclc t row e r blt th aligigi>' rca y ig, T hs Csiuls, rop oeiegoc l. fvTo is' aff ireh a s 'e rhm a» p e vobi&n t fe O o Anci'j r dvllsin ilbcm d, thosa T e t o pon lui . t ls bremb in Ct n oast , gars hi. greIL PesP.) t sP . l i eue. A f11 ,ý-in ha C rva e sft~ liel'sêuftoe...Euibasîceou tin, vpltsg tise enspietlos fren lai prAiUisit Ihafgathrintile c. abenda e hiebal to othr day a atr> viicis o Ji Fsnor tnept,isrd e ernpp oi tteO taujo b o t aea n til, lu.pBenard a 9ut. ih e rao, tMo sr. P t eusrvPMlise>. mueorea te ee Chu e oi pà hldlhflboe- Io rl.- leu" te lotsthéas cmente a inee cf a,ç a lglioiM.o aict 14do# ieton u n ~7 El'R~8 A] 1 uï c, P Alq. t Cent ichlhuse n-, 8 cll fe attarveabout g deligted te hoofr. e keW i er.,pinte.^" ea a it â *0 bLa M o ëi ad 1 dl ief aý,B x7, o u 'l'rosat.u' Tfaceboit *sent i , ad bo uton g ti fr.Si tauls it h . Wilnliedgam g i e th m ee p a a tisà ~ Ort N O ; T t o t eE. cl ia nd ornonit pontthelm Brdî,sa r. vasdn uaC, itia ilC. o ore, t ise. seso rps d e ou ! t ardor ng bl - ilna or ho C i t ue et e tb n t l r k-" Of s u aisT hian e nte e i r e Sesar>', Mnter i en ih e i l t (hlem ) I A Mj%1 LnL goo f l aube bd1sr s i i dsss oe f îse tittae 1t0 eu th en- eizt bti n ve r on>'boncs teof r otWpllgam frenuAh. H on.I sse g ot bnro lthe Jou a Ise> <s. e a etlu foreE R the g iticoc mn, ale tisl.t o marned s. p Crunés n ve rd C P , 813 0 1 i is ar. e ry telM hi. . bc ivo h h ilt e nasasede > lings t eh.7 c elsa*es-evas, ntCXi, y t, t vas rid iThteue i t eitCehaMr. Isu Sh.anon, Si. ver>' sioulores lejmno v. t ro a e ud mi ts ih .iNSnyUi IIN * Co is soi~. t d t i ere, ud i tt k nove a l ie ni bgneMr.spectad edrs r.lfon d h utfl etim-o1 sdCes vs ts 11P NY canbcnonqititi e t n te éo ef lfsion', vnM e oiÉe e M? Mrd e. . blg ed fuaiab i-li e eteil« r adle nma O PT E E G D O N B O U SE , b Tlto n o v e rk T -r in n C oke b. pen i r . on > s d b.gno a0 .in l lc e or- - C sere ver el b sti a h i ei >. C uet Ioe Fil tsoairnsss nons,.,éliuit>smrbkn u etaaat ~ e e Mr baa issg. Th o f ratf Iordjvhe. fo , mo 1 1ti e frpon aes, b ie lh DUNA S TA RET, *JM B, tr L u a e . W v the di e s o l lr ea n ei ltn r ein Mv ang evin , Bel. IÃŽ In ei- t Ion o e drp o lCJfMor ul o, 40if lIr Kin GE t 1 aPnchtes- uGel'svncvCes uishtter.arevi hO, P.Mr. WCiteeadBr> . e bs ol da aek 1 i -vii of ui bse ithler 'of an xchEeutbbetstji et-11 D011630, M.#.. i. t ; , d,3&4lu51... v v - odoietbisile o Ils bar br sto sftsônuectib.hktQo basf the iidcn 1otraion, Ai'~~~ R. T. ýM . HSenryLio" SeteScrin s00m ilaso TL lesoedi te buding f'osmetykevSropresfnts ea>'oungtandtiomin~~lg voWMA- r ,Hn . dit u er'em(oftable poticsotis te book ofth b. goit rl o a ,V t nelg n o ie fatu vu, aB11 etento goneJd'vasf te s. a i aroas.But on up thro Ods lu t é datt dup hec:1 2s ire rey eyeW fuli;lpm!, amaeroni and Otsetis*,:iOiIfi-lg Ntif>felvno LooW *r b-'tise rdh#e"oisétisr bi onlutccep4isu et v tatomm ettM e C.tisu -tise, CrouasdWeored tlua4 h 540. ,£ nrato théopon, CIC ate n tie air af irtoimPle di and reesalDaet4pion bal iitten bide seaftherapon audrie evan The gilty e'Omnib-ts cael@ ta th. iloCof aliilaies ovyvisere, Queeu Emma la dressoit tiaiai eh nai tfoua i ig ibu h 'id Wbetam su u.ircetei tise stogeu for Uxbridge ati Bayoton bv s bc plain t anti moit enpretsn1iing "isl'ho, Ë" Of, Waldi," O<ltaisvas dusuismoallef f1 sam.- If1t ttmrrià d Yim m theor Eeryrnrnn. oaii eds..iC>1, and 10CM tise Ver>' antipodes Oe: h îi is.getter0sgmâ e4 ed slesetbeofat*voaLa_Èà tl eigEOaR RO(8N. ladies, tvho,-b>' their redliuloux, wleas ch.iue Ë iw#attit~"eîgdt uubc tfudoudl l veofei lostlers Alvsys iuattecndaueô. floes'ide«lon dreasu aeti seseâdsin Wib>, May, 186à . D ur erééts, &acnd stcafnboatzQuema f50 hoaltis of the.uoblata 44«WaINpliée sesmgmt c. goadl 411 y..? If 100 mnogm ~ ,Ena's dlairnte bise titisetflady, evideunti>' ethh.abod o f, à fil ib itdonis>', &r- i"iLobUd l tiC.i 0 ield tilsi Pro. fma CLAR ~ VCKEE~, -lies in ber chars«t.r, snd I o ttfo ha os. lng oneetflise ut uiomentmtsePeiode idames balgW0âe lej jfoi wiJbt lcStis CL-K 6pltt.timatéti b>'tise veigit 0(eà chaîni sround of, alit idry,isud lu thatpoilt lon s îe. omiiemetoe deatS." 64the . >.vo Eegosatreuctuly t lfeiu h.lnb ber ne&i, tse li£eof bereesi backled. playel tise ceoineas sd lattepIlilIf. vls ln' 1 eo-lat le bot blae i Motvomtelbb. h i Uo e aterfail4,or Ch. akilI 0 rsp ebl * &à iUd lauaueMy tantèet h futizny orbslthiioccs otteberever eIlrc-er&.daBidtIb ocb1luM.-.lj sus Isà *sdhsee4Me s tesedites&bore .IWM& ele ifh vhchà gitë ho manageste tIf -ula téb'rmr d oâ,8 macuin tnt lt a V titi'>' Lv"lemollmy 1 ovre nanmd canmai 4W*10 d .tf 3ta d réaè steantisd al .anieastfrb'Lh1dutnf e, ý»« urd. .wt ftm igdiâltbf Mêlethe isvellfgj pubblbrtdcttda1ld0onefr.Thes" ie O4 BarIC sub~ tinta ,tAôéîîmloile I CI'srcy cute, Ba00d,1"Ths trgienU.. L(fusgo#Urj t (ugiô I 1.1 ias~ 90à týf td s lasttandenes. À communication lis Le Paysu ifates Ct1l e .provie isade ivn MUYi*éie .01 ClR *Vlcirexty, he@ rs are ut 5,,000 >i sndine Tb#,Cbalrda"n ai ctest tout mal.. hWI lad ov , m oi éïf# bts Proprinions lu Chlè4tOand, Chat- hfisc>' ltoteeste- à tiOOmameat. Ha gve "ieAmy<-ua ieÀre.e light, met tutu x"1f &e Mii-t lb à s b palper.', 1000 d» II Cet fïlrk i oj4b> W M in 06 u ba tWey &té vauck ai u amn a-incquence of tise issing sutagoniste o e aaisthor anrd eil - b a l ba a f a n d n e s a -e y i f v v l r s d Ã4,i prseuey er onqsptioi it tise fioibai cepoist>for titol jtîow'indes teocou. C getbir sud prelità a iitaI front, te Oar (liende ever dm borderi tliori tisey sisoos -te change -their attitude rem i 11(1 cf frndslmtist etofea . vawusurprisel e Cire 'pregresa viics <LaC ides oet no h>W mde in tvp short yearà ansd hov lis. gem vsicsh asiaprng apat th iseBuW Ipiii lsa hrlotistev, in Sf ptéoshei 184 dMtidtiedsud grovuims a ëà tre -tse lreeetBridais Ameuicsavititsh branches expanding ovar e great pOnlion asled .afater tise glonfoje ponstftutiou o? Ourest Bnitsn, vits Ch. mes répees for pnimate hibsntli privais ri giusud pri vat opinionsudtivitr &Ws sainsexcellent pnin.. nip'It vidlilied' dO" dz lUioeCinte bomati lise glory, tiss 'prido cul tie KpudejImiiy of our hblovssi.mother coWssny. .(Leit 0iseers.) >He spolieoethtie cenatitutimi s(epiait et quebee, s a dulqro mise enter ed lihtO b7 fien vil*ifé vililig toi sili local îbhlnluit éintitsa (dbthireits it' the coidliutbod, sdansi ise ltnd4 tô thé liÉflaies visics bel! ohetuistel li iadojg ion ia N1evwBrneaick, vhere tse inddi. ce et local interesta Was fon a tisa. pro:. coi' p, ýé Ti V 4 g s 'sty tae sa c reoit hepseopîs mit tiai prer ipois,a i (4n rsics ve in Canada abrouaialwym Iid Id gratermil appreciation,.,chat visea fi baesili apparent se <hem Chat Impeniai inteirosti aud the geol of ailChaïe preovinceodé-, tsodeei eft Clih a sreoSmiderallo f ilsair decisiou i44 11eêtil a tireftotb ai-acna rashe Wleii oyals> 'iowii5Jfatyt ise Creowd -rve-el Chaeir previoss actilon, sud re artuei te Psnlisamt a uajoity vise ed r fayfot ot confederatien, Sud Ibail uat &pring elioptus e id duà i '(Âo LhiseIhïdnit shlagf id 6 iscairieileue. This nction tf tise peoplietl#iv Brunswick aai'ld b iîghly approcicted hy t1h. people o et 3adas, forer Chacyal cn0csd aill their ovuf lcal feeltgguii enddr hec tissasproincel ç iiguliteus oanuecosfnidi ti -oesgens,-q al goeenment, viti oehé organlititla foé stnce, miuitia, tuas., *coomses, sud inee. (Ciseers.) H. mev that it issd âtai M tSsiCht tise C4usditn govemcnqt id imopro.pei>. delayel- tirhenomatoit i contedersîion, ansi Cbâttire Canadien ninistera or a deisgetion freinCada menîl bave beau la Buglençi long ago id 5-opes-ata vits tshe mtheëilt fruïiw ýoer Provinces, Nov fe veuld h ri; silfiseret ti banni%'ard .oa-s-fonteuti detge moade aCtirse: Queisc Confereulco toi abulL tirte Canadien Pa-lusuent et lit ie session tiers rsointiens adeptel hyj bat, Qetnpe-Tise>'did .se, baCt i svôrssua ie tioeer l>rovfico e" sable te carry ont ca- iailr peigà le r thein mt ché Conformne beesuse tisé eoucione vonld c«artiIbave besu dam, etaedby Choirlocalgoienmus A por to eftheis sahou. ch.>' ,ipbred vas that Wrere tisa impetla aît of Stlf-aienw tpal Le iogialoereofethie respective previnceà oel setuie tisir local constitution$, Idi ssia tbo general consCitation ivaad*"t 1,d asdle goed faitr tise geferunent via mui th te Ledbélitt tholoèal constlis. Ina for Upper sud Leover 'id 0et the lut sosion of -panliemeal id tse local costitat-ia Vers Z dopw.e4ââ Bat f asSaisi lst parliameal boulti have hbeau miled asCia eà nfler pari. iand pâ*led ,fhs*. fetoldos botordi, il dfdrnienl, b*sver, i(mm Chat uçgl va coingon lagia t tie poli1 Mev Bacavii su Chat if tiro lgisis. w l otCaaa . ben«e tir eeiceost sue vu désisedl, thé aUbjfivsilsidW "Metd fièe. y sie o sna aiet tg iceH irs la uh nb sva'a te have su injarioel rce apon tise le, 9ev Braevici. s 'Cenadies govirnect al a visol. ue dreal oet ie 'an effact bà iug pre t4e d, aï e'reaei tsi te pe*pid ,e iaiiii, rcýaîsis&"Id go te ch. polli th. qaaidn of union or ne union iditr-. i agoy aituansosl Iditrefro ueCanad Wtvr diser, hýeà 8r *ben parliai uot 411 miet, th. gorninene feuud tthané s net onîy a_ pef'ncterynecesi>. Cd r>' tise reolitloile thétiiloWaIgoverc; iitobut alseito adept i ssifor tesas ieor té e. poed wvhs 6hor lasnci LONDON j - 1 , 1 À 1 - 1 - 1 1 1 1- 1 1 - Do go ARP. alcrZEN