Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 4 Oct 1866, p. 4

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8041 O 1h.st ansi" àshat Iusi, oSreaosialâWMO l 1 4pplistioie m siW mdibeiswWemik orby le ta lte.i;d,) toi T,. 1P- 7IIMAN# No i.nec~o whteerwith tue Whltby wrusu Band# UNrutsîring oe Igýfur putfavo*,Rpi, e- I iiaOFf Iffl i P ju" bor 4#16 noi î'rnootjn wb%.i w1tt1 ri,prna' - ~sud and re pr tehè l4nd aàl ulla ddur- iilog am #«mo,,o olu"$nva roanbi terme, 0pp bu ton o n~mde toi' Or te Xi SA KM6, l.,dr<4 the 1usd. WIlthy, jury 4, 1004, iw UNDERTAKING. TrîlIl idoigrÃŽod hltng dlitpmoaI f 1114 T L L A ND BROTHER, WiIn l fttnreo d<vot hi.. attmntion .îehuslvl l. it theiiudrtnk;lng bwlness. Funorn til51 4ttlolmd oni the, ,Iortenoît to.. ggOfinu a~pt COuî,tAîily on litud. WltbyMa li,* WILLIAM T1la M~ONEY TO LOAN.4 rtit wor.isgned la propored to T Oeil Comist.rolist piper et shot d&tes Bilver andi Oroebackm bdugtl and saold. $'2 0 000'ýO0 1 Afi 8i00 Agent for the Fw..hold l'.rmen.uut 1slulJdifîg And Uavissgs ttocisty, wiîl.b lenda, M'IE Per CENT INTEREST, lier mtramilto 10 yoslen? 10 onission obar. Ont plyiel.lil ml, ladW lrao Wi itrytoivc--lielillen'o Block, Brook 0& POIýT WHITBV T AN N UE ReY. ilTry w liât 7yenplumstherla *othlig 11k KvibsrI~u~ liiilîgtul<oiît tsoTnnery CAPT. JAS. ROWE AT POlIT WIIITBY, A re iow gjrojoaro(lta opay tiié Ilgiest $psi, i lAlfîl, fur R emlock park, and ULathe, lis the roîîgli, dolivoireillittliIr Tanney. Farm for Sale.' ( I1N lie îîrtlî-laltf cfLot $4, liftii, 9<1,s TÃ"WNSR1P ?WEITBT, CONTAINI NU I One Iliundred Acres, Xfy ,tf W11011i1 lî i îr0dl, and le a rond aat tf .-Ilitlii., l4a etsjl roqsle,, 'rlre arc gond fondlhatuat hrlvlssg yciou sireliard Con- fiiltig 2(0 celîtticofruit res, iussî lu wall vu- Itî'ml, tise latlît lu tîsodleati>'y adaspîsud far ful frWlast t the alicve Ilj'rtILI@ h al w Aproly onu tepnuîliise, tt %Vu. 1BARPER, 17-lmItiov* A*hîbursi, P. 0. a'Ps 'rmio W#Ikly UIoo to lpliago top- ,frflremonthe eeutidmu ot ot14 qlie op'(ARSO 0N' 0 41-NE BTTE1Se AS'g the Most hsaithY and ploini bne~r- *go over cElore t -tsepubic Tb.q 'Uni fogailabo the appetit., aid digestion, st ex- telointpurlfleeqotJloed, a atimtsitng todIc,' and a oiïiglut slttvq, gýod fer Mlleusn,-PrnetIng FerraandS!cn. tagteu» isus. Ver Nervons aud doit. cafo Ladis 6h.,' emnc.b. surpasusd. or z~very -eun@sbeuld use (hem.- Clive (hem S'rast. NUunir &s~rt5icww. tan> b. gilva(ettbofr offic, PtIÀRZgpsir WTIBY, V. W. Vor sale b, th. principal whioewej Délrsý Draiuito. and st Jrut..l Roteis Md wBalons. IL'L tT S&4~, f Wbitb,', 0. W. General Agents for (bu abore cel.l,,5od 3IU'r-to show aàl erders abonid bl# 8 ddressesl lVlaltby, Jul,' 4îW1U0~ "Age8n W'on .tJaIiyLlma nrblelisan -sdaI ladios'4 iaioy re abuites ; Gnte )IQYr1ftu-d cailfr penciiaý-everytbing. e eanv,1 f Pian li èlodienb, violins, Guitar, o. -: 00 cortin ~M o d o s i cal uial nsr m ns f Sflnlîli. %IiO, soot mêsie, utnd muaoebookco, ltost pub, ouMti Sl~arfels ot euumaratod in the abovo branche.; LOW AS ÂNY SJOtISE IN CANADA, 6wvor ms with A. CAU et 3, Brook Street, Montreal] lir VA. Whltby1 Anguat 22, 1866. as, s,- I F RAN uS- f..1~. c CISKELýLE INSURAINCE IGENT9 y LOI smo proe a ula erIb t' 5. - ru ta At hbsnd, rllsuaauy i.. M 4n suamven bu Ibo smas(. - îb, netb tudwhiltwldag l uus xa nall uamely AU mui'piadu requimno sonea lk eshrismdimu stamalI>wulhunlb.peteu mt sl, ) eusbasnoelsaueu hoedlit. sableetw exîmu, glmuolt moduecbo ui it ad c eA I uIllrM lia Os ab(bafud 0l Inthini>'de-rpypllun 014, O(m r... f hsb .i.uaslorwb. -l'or tssInWh"kbbW, JAS. IL. GEMIT. Wbhby,'Ag., le, .soI Lum ber!l 5 00 fu of 1 k, nd ,ON0 f«ocf Asb B;jk ïý nd m,,,n âX 4ntity of bang. for work, tlbseOsrieop Wuuthy, 17, .l.ny. 1886. rTHE iPIANO-FORTE. fWe.tLY alos la ve toanonu ha and on tigePIuL-fforte.At a1tbe roulcuu.orflier BYRN TRFS4'1W0ITBYD- Pnarsolvj, nu hlthorto. ÃŽnd linatruotuti logail branolicuorca band £ngluh £dueation. Whltby, bopt, 12,1li40. 86 NO0tIC0E. Closu,"oita'c strle, IoSic.ygrn T »Y WIC-1 i the 'ur t sIs. MIl Prisas, (iyer and Tramînorand Gnenrai (hiol Dollvry, wîli bu hialden rui and for flue Couuty of Oaatioric, nut Ise .Cuirt liens.leusel Town of.W bitby, an Xonday, October lôth, 1866, At the lueur cf 12 o'cIclkneont cI w1l&lcl i coroeurs, Jiileca eftise Felae.anti41ail etîs cenceriued will tuao notion saîtleinras hum. collea amyodlngIy. NELSON 51. IIEYNOLDS, sistaîri, O. 0. hiaf'u 011, Wliîtb7, saîît.mber 4,1566. 81 5 '3 Land -For.Sale T O FAK -ME IOlA?4WS, KzeILO. Tanis iand ail ethiors wlulîlng' tepurohas., FAR]1 ptO~r.tTYf 'rie tcllo.lng list ofLd ,il, 'ho b.selA low (Or casa, cr ut a fait ValuatI'n ou Cime, VIa. At 1 e45h Con, Mars,£00 Aords. Lai 1 M li i t ilni 200" Toorr"nto 100 $~7 rd " do -100 7o 7th lii " lemomt 200 It 1l, 7th ::lJbrldgo, 200" XýNp,lrd l enu, 1O Lti th Il Vnalom O' Lt 19, front"lScînorvilI,, ' Lot e2, -do 66 do ' Lot & *,,> 'O oinr £' 005 ' Lot, Ili O do £00 ' 8it, 121h"id oý' £00" LotO 9 tlm do 200 ' 14tlit, ith ' do 0" ;x*tri1 at, " do 2O' saealv oabe698l4i< (1 for huoUal., and privat. rop danoes la thé To*«is oe' lIÉ Apply toi. ROBT. 1E. bER1lr. Whitby Whitby, Marôh, 1665. DIVISION COURTS TUE TIIE COINTY 0F ONTÀRIO5'ý "~~~~~~~ 8,8uucetOtb~ 6,' "fBaeen........" 1 ~ -Z. BIJRNRAME, j eudg, Ci0. ,Wàdtbi, IMay SOthf, 186 Th£ BUT INOCAN DA. . Agiloultural Furnaoea that vwiU puy for thomslv.s in on. Eavetroughis Pipt up with iron hold-fuita. O- NlininiUàput lu old Ropalirlngprompt1l-sttenti- oti to. Ail kinds procluo. taken in ozoâno t heOLD STAND. WM. I5RYAN. il Brook St. Witb1'. MILLINERZY 1 hp at. aomnet thé, la. is ort>iaws sud icjity, that ah. I0 snd lu propared toe aet.HIl rdero-.1cod-u, lngsrawasud toit werkt wth deapiutliî. VU,iss. asetaire lhavi f utuire .loare thmnks for' put lavora. £3 SIJICOP? STREET, OSIIAWA. April loch, 1866, 14 T. PYEZAN CAIEIAGE, SWON & OltNAMEN-TAL P-AI1NT ER ofWerk Slep gruau Itreetf 0 joors South- ofWsikey'sÇiaaa# lîop. WIuthy, Jian.27, l1"4. £5 E. RENMGON &SOINSu MMFES, KUSKETS AND CAREINS, vol tho Uulted l$tateas ervloa. Aise, Fooket and Boit Revolvers, aEPEAÏTING PISTOLA, 13IFLE Canes REVOLVINU RIFLES, Binle sud ohèt Gain Berrols, and Gain rautealu ooId 1, -tin deaulerusîand tho Tradui goncralIy. In th##@ daya of Monobremlclng sud rob- bn', ov.ry liouso, itora, IBank, sud Offie., sheMIA lisir cee c -V,7 ±FR Parties deairinq te avait thois.lls; oftho lote m eninutlu PîFiodul, aU4 spIIrlar work- m n dnsid orml wil td aIl oomblned ln the New emington Revolvers. Ciroulars ontaiin nt and amiscr1ption of eur arma wiIl b. fîrnished sipon applicatilon, IL REMINGTON & SONS. Atents, Ne. 40 Conrtl& If. Ir. 14 bOH4N QARTER9 licENSE» AUOTIONEER1 10K1,ONTÂUiO, 4AND PEEL, -e-- W RESIDNCE-8, @th Cou., SALIFS attcided on tho iborteet notice, and on ronable ternis. Ter niscib. mde.a, -C rter. 1 D-E N-T18TRYU iat h. v11 b. bappr' So attend te ail or daru -t heihmu rnd, hvroVlaîa or athldextrue ted[nie Wtpýosaib1e' Pbrticulrauednticnsad tetb# umticnel .ChldraaaT.u AIÂwork.irantei. 61, W, 3; CARPI iReproente tihe foI1ow~ingwell-knowu Companies: THE LIVERPOOI4 AND 'LONDON AND> CAPITAL *10,000.000 THE EDINBURGH! LIFE AND LOAN ASSURANCE O., CAPITAL 4500,0S0. PRO VINCIAL II4SURANCE (Jo., (OP CANADA,) VIRE AND KARINF. BRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE Cu., (0F TORONTO,) PIRlE-AND MARINP. WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY [OP ENGLAND.] ACCIDENTAL DEATII INSURANCE Co, [ENGLANDJ CLAIMs P4, 1$1250,000. ALSO AGENT FOR TUE PROVINCIAL PERMANENT BUILDIN-G & SAVINGS SOCIETY, [Toronto] v'ý. Al clamso f property insured on rcafonabio ternis. Also, Money Loaned on Ilcal ecîtate. Prolqiectilseq and full information gisvcn frccly on applicagti. Also agent for Provincial -Tologrq)lî (Company' FRANCIE KELLER, Pootmaatol', Oshawa C. 'W. ÂGIIICTJLTTIILL S-PECIAL NOTICE!! Sng le Reapersand Mowers, and Reapers and Mowers Cornbined. The subscribers would cali h attention of the Agricultural com- mninty te tliefr Stock cf lmpluents, whero wililieb found-tlmostrt hlng the Far- meor inay roqulre, and eî;pceiully aItlîhis scamon cfthie ycar, te herStock of REAIPERS&VOWERS 0 several kinds, anci of the Latest Mako. To which ail the La. test improvoments found nccosary by practicablo teste during the lait season; have been addcd. DiaIl'a Ohio Reaper and Mlower combined, Olaytiga C'hief Reap. or and bovcr comblne, the lannhig Singlo fltupcr, tlhc Caytig'. Sunier Mowr-!)r iny and &Il ef the above machlines, «0 Invite a trial. They are manufactured with Caro, of thle Resot .MateriÙ11 cf Fl orkmansldpt Aiô can bc guaranteed to the purcharer tu give satisfacýtion upon À FAIR TIIIAL OU NO SALE, IlWbitby, Jauiy 4, BROLWN & PATTERSON. IIALL'S CALItIGE WORKS, 163-,King-St. West, Toronto. ~ Jare varet o Carigon hand.-The proprietors of hi Establishment, possess facilitiez for nufcur;iuing Ct~ag t at enable them to defr compitition, either in prièe, style or finish~. Call and ace fAor L'ouraelvee. 3 SAUV7EL WAtIUJY, la prepsu-edi t ni. fiofaro,» erder, sail kMnde tuf ,, ý - Repafrlng. neatlV anci prompity off7=w4.dcf.m- m us ~ Ture JoruEssc f13.0. .Lae' T11 ab8wlsuu harby bUS te 561fy'tlie ]Jares, ant ai Publi geneafll hcu'ed aud on bhaId fur 4saet, la nd i Whitby, April 18, 1866. Cabinet Maýkers,, and tYphoiste facturers of al kinds of CABINET Wà And ,Home-Made Furniture. TILL,& BROIIIEiL beg to inform customers and the publIie, h1t :hI y hlu pnrchascd the %tok-in-trade and intcrcut in the bînescarilcd On for th o a84 Iyràor In Wbitby by thelr father, and< beg to solicit a continuahce of the pa- tronage bestowed upon the establishment (or so many years., Sofas, ]3ureaus, Lounges, Bedstead., Chests of Drawers, Look- lng Gîasca, Donk Cases, Parlor ind Drawing lloom Chairm, Rocking Chairs, <>ltce and Cane.Sested Chairs, Towel and 'Collet Stands, Le., inigetvrey and at grcatly reducetl prîei. SW'" UPHOLSTERY in ail its bratnches. Every article beinc, modo up under their owh I ImcfliSitO sîperiniendence caoi bc warrnttd of the bout ina- feril and workinansbip. IW Al kinds of G011 fMouldings uand Pietute Frames ruiade to order. An examination of the prescrit large and splendid stock on linnd lu repect. fully sollcited. W~ Waro Ileoinx, Yb. 4, l3rock street, and-No. 2, rol Woie urect. Wbitb, MayTILL & 13R 0'I:1IERO wib My1,1861h . 1.y Js.eBAIN &0Co, V. Ould announce that they have rernoved to the commodious brick building; -à fewiv doors South of 10catp ]3RO .CK ST11EET,, WI ITIiYb; '5DýSUMMER SHOES, Just to band an nssoî'tmcnt of' Ladies, Misses, and Childrens Sin- mer Shocs- Aisa Home-r;ade Boots and Slocs, and shocs of ail kinds, Wholesale and Retail. Two Hundred Sides of Spanislî Sole Leatiier. Machine Need- ics,.Silk and Linneri Thrcads, Hard Ash, Silk, and Cottoti Elas- tics. Ail kinda of Shocinakcr's Fiîîdiîîgti for sale elicap. 9W" TERMB CASH, -e-- Whitbye may 2, 18636. Fire t Fix ,mie 1Fire t- [las rc-openedl the Carrnage Factory Iately occupied by DONO VAN IVALICEY & Co., second dloor south of his lato ;actory, and opposite the Town Itail, Whitby, #vh-e ho is preparcd to EXECUTE ALL' ORDERS,- MI MAY D3E PAVORED, WITH. Whiitby, April 4, 1865. 13 Mathewson, Ratoliffe &:Cou HEave just received afre sh supply 'f0 DRY dit Wisitby, J40Y 28, 1860,.5 '66. LAKE SJICOE '66. TUE STEAMER ".EMILY. 3MAX," 7,Wilimalte lier firât trip fiais souscon et, Tuesday, the. lot day of-Mali LevrvBeloit Fa:t; aeyorminrg e ton i r- rvictiemail trîai"iriîr oruto, oallitif At a il itto ocf itercst. - , Itctiirnlng-li tLluic for trains uortli snd soutii nthe eSi,&uc RSAY A, Bell Ewsurt, April 28, 1645s. il 1866 d1o6 tintil Furtlher Notice The Mlsgniicent con .Upper Cabia steel Ponte s teamer-- tmCori nth ianfi VHIRYSfLIEIt,_ASTER, (tovfARLOTT .tgcv. 'zv ean Xr'rtli lîaie..cvery UnOruilng, (Suia exeùlrited) us t'llawb.- lniglitei, oil If aotssWejcas aiid T licre d y , cil y . -.... 5 CCejharuo.e'rd~.. ...u -7ai> Port lfopggý (d......'~ 0 o>îCi r irsi eo r raislsus Zb tansi Wéàt oit Grnd Trniak lisiiiivay. 'le lte.1mor qaneects g fALU vitir Expresos Trai, on bu. Y. Central, EAbti ws'st isitlSoCa Trioai n, lîo4' . Y . C ntral D tjOtevor rvti.; liC 9 o'fIlock, ta cengîcet W.11 t a thne. Freglî. .id assgescesaurnîenr safes.,Ftff fiaiisuriiforuaioî ipply to e flosptut i t lourd, Aîudrew Cochlranec, or exeo. lcsolass tort Hope, c. or f A.MI BU6IN Apri 80h~1e~.Geucral Agen lin4itl «~ORGE COU&ACKC.. tity(tffJ&l ki$udu of luîr.hezeonatîy on band. 'u N b E R-T, A X1. IN 4d FUNEUL9 Mfully uupl.lisd i i-attgaledh a ZOUIGE coEMbACIC, 1W lstbY, Fob. 5tl,, 18612. I -Photograp)hM Gtilery, TIEHZ'naoplitflo ethlc shovoatif èfy'*Outld 'l? frl ist'ai C ulie 'hsil t ls l uow thse mtsu ta tiake lettres, sItber ln PHROTOGRAPRS, ÀAKBROTa PES KEL AINOTYPESt, O r - A îy th sr m o d e o r <th e ysti e A r t, 'ïi -i» l'riae Gr ta n t lothf ' <ldlkry ARTOTS' M&TÏtI1AL. dlive llus wnitilnc rogonia Calil,and se nu work ici yonnoi.ea. Eitn iiiei nQiYAtitt on CiiZpwxm& SAit oarly calla uelilcitod Glsti, lO. 9",C'aL»Wde 'VETflRINARy SUtO( 'lEOR mcsnét reaps'cffaulîyti> ttlffiofô f. 1thé oointry, tînt lue hllt commencesi pfIcet dlit ahw i 101, and h ope. by'« trIt1te tion te butiheuoa tement a uur ftb patToonago On'urt.-uun ttreucoondilienue beoo Mois' itel, mîrkhanî. - 8 GOODS *ý, OCLOTHlINO READYMADE, eand made. to order on theshortest noti- e, - the Latest Style. Tweeds, .Satines, f- laninels,uions, &. of our oWn M5Xnufactute, SOLD UETAJLI 4 T WHOLi4 SALE PRICES, MATH1eWSON, R4TOLIFFE &(o BroluApril lot 1869, TerenTa, y M t3 ari, fi rrote, e er.' ~stne - ,fy,andeamn - '- ROBER Ocye- Vietnr!a B C. 1W. S LBro, C:N% A TICX LOY-C t1hîs4fhertty(1 A RL PoeT0 m(eY et. IIl t lE Par Âîianery, CNah 4 4e, Chuiilah';W Publ- i e. *,htalc, ,î 7 07:.£iu.r n Mil I"îcaÂLaar * O.li PAr PuFuor-0vi VICTORIA la.mu Uv J,' r f.- J, 3 V i i f Ni GLOBEI* WORKS&I

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