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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Oct 1866, p. 3

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-7.' e ~ =ilboad1in nia mme« w Uct deWriffl OU flOiien cftesPrpApgate Iu a tarable' uanner ln large -AM "irowdï4 *glomorations of - ' uuan. beingi? 1 ooe.m .1Otie Place. 1n whiid-.tbey are. ýIie1teM4 aw /ho* m orewded s to er.danger alike ibortal long vint., ýand terrible a. wu the *courge of1846,' <rons t i tctlone it W7ai1a elamitia, ttIh b.conar itien énsn v6hho 0;,a7~t titre,! ýwer Our tity oo iach mourning -and îdeolîtion.ý loir fiais mien, iten, vu wbly grave pernatuion bpo ai lto yqa ln oufdistr.as adtoImnporé joi'.ymptlay and yoir gnru trbationa fowsraîde te relief ofoa Untb.rblenai*or ofie. ec cmnorao f ftediooe4& Oh8fassfr... Q. B., L CJ. Speaker Legli alle Concl Canada, W 3 IRzII>TI, Vîir Gnaal JOHN COOK, p. P., Miifrof st. Aiarewla Chavch, Hector Of Qaibec. Ibun ehaf of titi isecutive conmittee. nie Rollt 4 yii.Governor Gensral 'lii bienpleaa.d lu maoe b.efclloviug a2poftnnt, viass Miltou B. Stan, FiiqnireM. D., tb b. enuoelsîo Côor'.for lthUited (Jonn. 1a 0f etYork and Puail. 'WALKEY.-At Wbisby, on the lOîh 4af,âe > vif. of Mr. eSaueaitWglley, %arins )x61,114ev of a dàugbter. -DAWES.-At *,Boolu, on the,1JOti lust., tl. vite of Mr. John jDswI, of a mai, DIED. LOWES-Âu Whitby, on liut >5.nday amrng;, 2204 lta.# lobe, infant 00oh or obu M. Love., Eçq., a( the lir:of Iooves Wbttbl, Qat. 24ub, 1896, YalWbeat ...41.0. a Ï1,650. .plg............ 1.25. à 1,40 Ban.7........ . . 500aobac feu a..........50ca 67C. Bye.........45tu. Wool, 3 4ets. Hsy...........10 per ton. Botter .......... .130.. 160 Appt........~ 40 a sqe Noth British SBDINURGg ANDLQNDONf Capital£OOO Stli. Spciai, CoPARGIÂMEN, X0O For. 7,.e bon - fta, voll Aobburn P. 0. ,lahtrul, Oet. SPa 'g, T ~IN ing lO itb The- Dry Goode Depurtwent embraces £1 littls vaîto4 .t>d snperior usortment of everyth'ngin the. Dr-y God id lu t e , i1 i n besaow4 l rw. t » The Grocery - Depitrtmenî i rpilote with Poie h oiceYreh Groceriei. 0 uldn, NES ANDlàLIQUORS, lady Ùe be&u'îit a-û dy- nàrtud,1 mefl ' - f the' càttr bnYs. m4b ohe -I--ý. Witi:by, Octohtr 17, 1806. JOS. F.IÎAINER'S PÂATENT ELLIPTW PFIANO-FORTE. eboro VUI&,dsul nov effera W 5ilp' bp Whloh are e9eont, am ese îatee r e'tbe toilowug apeungot otbîr .., Fta#Lv,-I%th!urnao Mianeolias a i raefal andi bi antiful fr#-nwvieh ii nes f i enornak- ment te ipalor-tla. ustial itqnnro box bolng, toaiagtorined late à piaceut furtiltaue Wth sino insd tent, s5,ePape.,- 1iioEllipbq aup focaget or oitrerr¶g, for thé, ogneaon attIon orugeefoo filea siqnarc Plkuto arc glndt eti-brnk1ni threo pies vil llbheades ArZoak, whie tao entire ailetfthso lllilubîC .pl.ino lI moule of one pieca of vecal, or, bllrly quartel-iucls pl.ooop iaii togetlier n nal acedin a moli o!pocul. l'sr ahaupe aicf lImnneapreeare.froiu vilait tbaoy loiie > lnpoint of fait. oue coilla plaiceu pet aind llitîovat'laa lis Itn ferint hisne et'.atu of &U1 thaeatriti ka itatwaoull» lie aregilwithin lit col]sancre or affect l is laihel illttct.sdigne.. Tniana*,-13y lil aspe Iluai oena.rs aie adix- poeeeiti tI, aal Wlb Osioseu bc ilek part of to cianataboard andti ehebhluavy tituber arlîelofet rqListo te give tîteta a4t4ettatli, bot whricia et the atassbiin laprejaidieiat to tale pairity, *eoii! dtty ai eority-o; thte toile. Fcvata,-ily 1Si t eih orgth 5.casso, the power oo tat4iialai e.-orlec ttotai te rery con- Iileraiily listreteei. As csinnae bley mure atrun itloistacatrane oCa"o 1,8 mies! aor te' aiteh at onae, frean wtaii.itpiela tlîoy tii, nt fait:. atige Éotqîwrc pinonroquir., fa 1.e dravat up Et greot anaîîy trinicq ebfore tlaaty vili Ptaaid tpopici, aveu for e bref perio.! or cuti afrerdai require te buc cpeb.as1hy together vif h 1I'toicoi t aimai tyieliliftu toita, al119dâme Ite motail la n-inpairt po, bbc1 toase a moltii àsa ycirvr. and e lengit andi purity of vibratimn, an .niar te any eiqna're piaino nov menofacure.. gix.inL,-À XA'cao ntm DonWy So'rndiaig. boardl 1e Inbreduoeal, ganaaîg gesvery lisep balle oinin , toeaw<ying ancre shaln double te vibra tisaiel1auordinary mundllaag.tard et tbe leilit toisit, tbla n iînblatlalig iaionosu, anitcm oignî poiger lu bbc ounal. lSzvtnrny,-A 4 New Pt U rooved JkZ Bar, #liaismous$#ag-boand Itîla.'. luthei groive, 4i whîclai t Io hopt ecuraly faaatonad, tbn, gir- Ifig.a (ros ud anal lki vibration; flia alsec jo- refila virlmg,vbieh aoat plane. are lsilaite, ZiaiTuax,--Tlaa Elilptic,etainiiaig uroi tire, logs, 1%aweys bcaring aqumliy, ahesiior the Ecoor lu levait or net, previntaing any twamtiog *train, itulîieowold liIaibie te dananga an loptrumenb re4fblogg supen teur le At Tiso reeveai bair cf beil anaifai pnpcitirn, hotateiere referreil te placeOn 1bita"rots Cia" eattrAly ln the elbtac,-tboeieua.d frein lb r geu inlugreaber parity,po rv'it. anal aolityottone thantbaabo t iaaîiroea.lai, wlaich laorsed lauindistinct in coanparieon. ttn o!Iron [làiagbe contruction of Piano-PVerbes ne caisoat ha diapanoi witb, froan theafiaet fotbtro ln la ijîurona te tihé prartactinofa wetsobarnaiotuaoand-niÎk*.ng lgaatod e liétber fig Yllptl ernfort ntbaSquare feint la tha e boat tisory la e point for serons te dechalsessa; bat tebiaisrcatotc! two yeforma la papable te aver>' car-Icinniator ta,laarnr'al &. nimbeof ettllksty-lae niInstrumnct#, lah vltb th, aboya pstciteil lnaprnvamiate, sarao baug'gumaignfecturcr by agî>rlicaa lwonkmaîa, uondler my poporgai ooprdaan,ab yeetbib moenit, la.tnoc'r,, e'or Wurnar, ci viii bci fin .iehad by fithe10)ta of Neroînher toast. i1 Invita bouIe irction ef el-wibioat futireoftfac ne-' agiit, ieS lae is llo iiic 'halais te ju-ige eP' thiar excisa lne.e and aipîlrcl.tas tficir aaair toril>' oser other loaaeaanta Iy e xa .;miuing fer Taesbiet Muaicianc of tho Province han, given tlueur opinion donut for îtdnrebilaty ofiseut- Structinsi, etreaagtis i, et coamîtandeu elisgaicsor 1elie lsAla eyle cof Piano o ataadauzaavàÀLLau 1" hlo Subecriber hais a i reat flamber of Irest. montaIo,, italiela dof p not tblaak nlwcuaavy to pibiligh, sioftetiîtlînee Mianufa«crci aan off on thle Publie s ior iitruinente bbieuch temiuoalxaisobtaisondt rain musitiaine,for vbicbs tjegvan aquivaieut. This praictie ebogilal bdaoragedandtiuInstument itaacf matis nonteS A giotiIpiane doce ueS t tnd lunoei cf bbc,. ocertlite ; e grist megn> persona grandi's: ocbteotiinotiala know nethimx et tha prinoipia cf thbc ouraitqn cf Plane âetastd rcÇa u aquently .ne joalgea tede- cidevwlignsy fidroma or ortinty. XBry>'Inotraînent .ullected tae bMoncs thoronghu t3et» e bfor Isralrthebbworkrcaona. Haoing takaun mre irastpism at Prvincial ifxhlbltloni thon lan>' ether bsnioaila Whitby, 0. W. &obk, .,k., Wlîltby. tie tI 0,nDnWoodt O*tp , 1,, 89 JORN FRUASN CREI.SA LE, a'rm Stook, T onlLoteit7, lath a THMUSDAY, Wrov, lt 86 Prm 1 e'.1ok, p. n., i.f'lnin iableh gvror!< be o 0Mr'Win. 1'ADUET, I rZSn!*21à. reog-ya Lob-""t it ; 1 Mare, 1 yarold.ýb yen.!z"bmjolléi ln Silb(e m, bc 1 I licter, 7 yenva olti, an ~ ~ wo bsi )-Ewa. £,4wejoLombo, wcll~~ ,rd at I breu ; 2 Sewa. ýgd 9 mil tne, o!q;l ilit wali2un;I'is1 *uî1he1Wacns;moniti- honni;I ,Yon < 1ow; 1Wo e4n Pl_ ; 9 pi~fiaruw;ii saanln Mal;fIsr 0-1 aitie Ruai'.î 1 i iaabtn1'~~ ;1At'or' hr..a ntka ditecf'Iabli I suoaa:2etito SIe c I*i#yia > f;An attyoTrnlpa,loik ,and ot1jýrýar9ici. ee uner ona aution. TEXIUIM'0F SALB.-mAl anme eor 4 cacit; evev tMont ainetnt, il mfuattia crashS vili b. klvens by furntsbit atn'saiefaiecry scaroiy. luterct fronatd&Y 0f sol$, If dot iald whbï1 duo.,Tta ?"t Whlby, oct., 17,1 1866. f4a Cash 'for Oats! 00,000 BUSHELS WAlXM. -- ff' 171' ntiatgued willh pay tha hI<tt t thtn. ..kat price i lu aaiior ny quaautity or. t~GOOD CLEAN OATS1- Delirot sit tho KENT MILLS, BROOKLIN. Pl FRANCIS & DROTIIER. BANK 0F IIONTItEAL, Notice. 111-I3 lingç i I ill tdruaft --p0,on i 1.Brane. sandl Agenct l lrhiontb<a- noli, te lb. a rerniairistatmer, for rovincll fiotta, ori bie Noes tie t ear Bankx. GEO. wl yARKEU, Whit$)y, October 9, 1864, 40 BROIIE'SHOTEI.L <LÂTR O4N4D/. JIOTEL,> QFI'OSITE TIJS 1POST OFFICE, MGNOSTr., IBOWMAJIVLL TJIOS. BROUIE, I7wANTED 5 Te, t y a sovant Tenant, ai lirvlParmi, of frein 50 te 100 roist icWIr Or et the0 OmoffMIo!Sipaiper. Teacher Waîited. A Toi Scloe3dlon lie. 5, ]1'tokrlng ;-wto Tcommence olt Jannary neit. Tr^iiply Il fby lette,W .pld aad,ooatng ttag nLala,)tea.& on.of t6. uu&arb'gnod TIKOTRY Y O'LEMLY, >Titem. TM>M eA ,- , 1 I.loerltw, cet., 8,136. 1.4 MI. o u r wXLC Only, #4 0OO eacb,£wjt vt bionets. CA&Ltýl½Nb'$ECUItË ONE IN TIIIR' -ý Tlhe bes of' the kind 'ever nu*de, c ail nd eiamine. WL 'okIjgBox, ttu ?rlor Stoves, n'u a vait- $tove pipe#," lbàw, ~ »g~avre PaOis, Gla si &kc., a'firgt-rate atsourt, mente at TorOnto Pricmi dceS taken in exechange. op Bè&stéf Coal Oil, only 4O'cv IlAmps Chienney's,'Shades, &., at, f etober 17e 1666. Farmers pro. ents pisr gallon, HATOI! & BROTHER, No. 4, Brock.st., Whitby. F86 ALL IMPORTATIONS, 1866. WILLIAM H. DOW &Coi ýWe are noiv receiviong ouir Usual fui! sup- ply. of sensonable DRY GOOJ?~, To whicb we invite the attention of our customers and friends from htyadni4ghý visiting the Oit>'mWib yduegbr~q1We or' One Prive UnhI i~n plain u=~uo. Toronto% Oct. 1869. New FJm. H. DOFF * o, Corner of ýÇipg and Yongo Streets. Fal Goods Newest styles of Ready-made Clothing, at Me H. COCIIRANE' S9 CUFIs i Fanels, IF',cy Drees Goods. Winoes, j Woolen Bltsuketa. I 81 ixtures, Coborgs, Factory Cottoqa. Canadietn Tweeds. READYaMADE OLOTHINO, 0f the best niaterial, and mnade UP ini the newest style antd fashion. Also a large sueýpl of A SPLENDID ASSOMTMENT OF' 107M FIIESfl GROCER.IE$t ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. 1Whiîiy, 5pt. 26, ý866. BUGGIES& M.H.,COCIJRAN,.l CAlIRIAGES M. O'DONOVÂN'YS 103~ ~A good aissertmeot of Buggiese'-Carri COIJNTY OF OINTAiiw&I &o tebt tm -on eolt Sal. abaiadla my art.<fb.Ceuty 5 uikol Tppr anaa Bistaken in oxchange fe Wbitbyt eb.r#1 , a ~ W -.9 I ~'tILL "1 t - - T ~ 0. i 'vilE 6 Whltby, October 8, 186& N-EW wAýL'L GOOOS I1 IIMPORTATIONS>,O? ýTHE'LATESI! ANft -,MOST YÂPSH1- jonable' styles à Staple and Pailcç! Dty Q<>«, 4us been received by the subseriberî, e 1 I4îpg qof 50 plecu.Cut,4 de- a Rdey KSqI a.IRW Miair Oil Colb, e, uem; urMvd Grey l WhIte Cqstona. on a T -1itosr*, y.~4 SbeeSi«Ég.,a.gomieù~ .us >4ài inieneu4e stock of vrY 5uprl, Prnc loths, -Sootbhand, Ca-nad ian tT weeds, 1R L Ig A Jme #atetyofChebille, Mo3aip, Volour, Ctht Ind. Zan1o- ûn&Wool sud riciteetcolora 90 i ses',m and Childreng' Skirts, (alyle) Flir Câpo, Vlotoriiàës, 0uifs, Muiff, Gaùntl.ets , &c. . 31000 Linen, Grain l3ags, (ail price&) Choice Family Grocerles, tongtitntI1y on, hand,,ati4 their stock qf -4qn, Sheif Hardware, w. iii be coni plete by the 15th of 'Octobeý>r. SA.LT, PLASTER & WAýIERLIME, The' sub,%cbers -are determinedl to soit al goo4s, tat -yery low- Prime, for CASH, O0 S0OT CREDIT. And 4eboe l 411n partieaiudet btiem, xIfon taà tthi:9uropay!ue4 9,OisOuIIq li Otobpe 0a:'LOOK S=19 1 Grey Cotton& A44d Prmta, 10e. )er yard FALI 111V O RTÂÏIIZJNS r i The Largest, Bf3est,'apd Cheapeàt S,@tock DR r (GOODS IN Q NTARITO, 18 AT.,,. ej pl7 1i" MON EY TO 4UND 1 4P VATE FONDS te patr loa. 'amn amo agent for tare of the l4?pýt umiîd f4~Iu l à 41 la ud, thstt 81om y ili t IT 4NTZRET, for <rouiS tw Id ilraid Qr.oibackg bloug4t sud Sbld, Loatativana".k Gtouara0*il AgnW4iU Obclin, #1% <Nbb, Maremfor Sl. leto l$tii "Md Or Lo P217,onf h Sru ingo F.~~re* aUt Wl ne* Paw0dro efoüt'dr ae. la E atn=hîtb b witbh j1H 86tualbIer '~aIl '.5Jn a inv om .. J. r wma &eCo Salbiy ompae o Mo.17 onfb 11h oiailoth toffti »rowashl p oahlt W1ýiby, i CqNT4dNg pi"AC«W,) The buik of which bavlnigbeen jpnrchaaed by Mu. iJaJ flC4X?-- wiII esa 9o b eap for oi, 8 URI NEW MLILLTNEiIYSHWRO , Are wC'o'mplet. -With ail the neveet styles in Bonnets, Hat3, Mantle6, PloeWerý, Feathers, k., k.C. Â~lage toçkof ieuGoods, Shah&w% , ottons, iànnos,.Car- etsy iîe4Bnaisd Clotbs, SU 3k MureTi!'.. T.euR Cl<~otb,êf READYMADE -ÇOT4I In ~ ~ y MesadBymade upon the. prmisa n imflcr dewtnoet if Msmvgd by sRiFrd-eu* Cptnê- a., - (f '"t f k 1~ Th dedi 4 l th jes mid the, The 114bor, iag, sb at Kfr, bodnng. On for sruess usim 4 idzy, Oct. 1a. rlii vu au atien Ilyrne, à eaool IKv..B, eîinge, mie tovnsialp antd ctac 1tug isgîby aud oisndp, A. 9 vive caliedot pyluz Ibo'court 0, Verdict for or on@a biiiig., 00b .C. B. , Svia" Aid# nada, Ma thou Ivo Qconp4agr4. athor b>' an lnq ýelîco4 o sahm. ,cily aud loft IF hghw*yu imd ci>apaaalon, ne Igowed in Canada s mb ïIer countfry a Wu vert M. andti t foui &n4. 1 1- 1 î

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