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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jan 1867, p. 1

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LVÉIRIJ *NusU K0£31i* . J. 8iA$4 ne iLoGGiKUýAlNBLe Là Do 5'OwrO ATTO Y 1 VIOUX 14krI,,0 ufTlsoi £ssMtoreY.4Il#i0 0E3ZU1. WIRTNiL IBB1:1N,Tg & YOUBle A iAr 'b rTJtot5oitSssIeen CI. ey fhC. Wu, 51,04-13>rois-st., Wlitb. - ARR18T1311 h -AATONEYA L Trorontdo. *n41flus;wovr Lowe*'h Powelles Store, ,S (>ltClr( t<, IOTAIIY BLCh.h. Oehaws, (C. W. WV. il, BILLIWfGS, iotgerras, .*o.,kA.. IJL Chemh#rs, l4r Oie Door iSouths ot the biAtL28. M. dII J.- ItAXER GRItNWOOD, ATTrOEJlIeAT-I.A-tV.SOLVITOII IN ot Tubl;i. Con$'e).Alcer, e., hitylb ivo. laorta Block, *àx0 te Esgotryl ffioe. o i Iîrok lttr'i. 45 BAli #Io'rlt ÂNAT%'rT-fl'iNVY-AT-LAW ~~ troet, 3i 'Jour*"Mor' onet ')ico., Wlîstby, Jîîîîo 27, 1 044. 04Cl[CKfANL & COCIIRANIC, &&msazuler-)yhro.-oîppesite Tuwîs QunvCrwîAttorgy. Port l'erry, iiith lioember, 1865, 61 XSU. C, A.-10=89 %bvll,,Sllestor la Cbaucery, At. ~ OFVICENuivt 'our lte ise lotry W, 4, IbuhSreT oronto. 4- oVitor, o, £ho# o 44, Causes Steet teet.North 0f sthe Pott Otide, Oéhawa, C. W. 40 JYIA NXIr Ufllolnl, L L ne* B&BR41115EU Kt LAW, Solioitor lntlhan- 40 r AW,OCIIA14'cznT, hC>VIAC .I.. 04.., r- Albhert, Ivo soore vestof a,,lrmn tore. i -T37~ CLARK, a. D. LisRoRt)L T<) '1iI. COUSTY GAOI, lIC EIIANT TAILOR, 31110011 TREET lWshitb>-. - i -sATKIINMON hà13014W tILla, ,lflARKITEIS itIsg truet, s deors £aut or 5ARl sfVILLAG, (]W., OPrtilCIAL A"1944# io fr York aiiOtsrlo,,Nota> - Y~bS*..45 ~EVNIl TILDI IAI4 'VO.ý - ~i pî CiLlessud Tow is Cndis, 804 Ils, .AILIVV STÏITL DItVISION COUT.- pLoWEN#IID 4U(tTiJMZZII. Asdres- Osi.rtous .-- - 40-iy Ç .otisu.n'sgsi'iisl udse p ois thé notiseoret oïtissteiletrîil si -~ usefsgessllîsusllty, asld né,4115'or A41 AIt, SoLICg QpitOJ I op vit grery, tite., ho,, ho, li.stvs é Oes u0ssmldetO e t ê,coart oh fo On Ct$ WOpost -,VICTOIA 1U>DLà I~5i5R0s4Lh07 r.,>..,n MCA oirCL Good stablg, eneioied tra u let Bu x a "Fun Llu1B Il 3Y~Nboge te 'raforus tie lu. wisellat4 tiste Uoluty ofutis nsd] enronsdlun eote, tiiet h.oihs* opusssd theu 11«01i on *ilhisu Street latil>' ooepis!by ,Jw« sn uho han ied IilItlod sud tuanii- 04i lalirt , ipitons vIUi li evsry couve- ilsjo e os, Liqaran ia o e bet ueljty. ur u issu i S~'nsteblw-eostlier lwsys lu attend U1XBRiDGEi B0USE ST A(.P 1-1OUSE., ISAAC FENtJoN, Ppruo. B UST Wtnisssd liqisorpç; Mu penberreeet incitation (our,,rave! lerx; godatabllngend: attontivrlosîler. 1 A L 13ION MH0TE. ÈL. - ICA-ILftOAlBO SE THSOMAS TOCTTEiSDALE,, Proprictor. T 18 Doal bslh ins bEau tlsoroligtily roussi- tvNthe tisbIo ans-Ibîtr alit-sisi#.f mii Lst,1 ist, G.»ou o.ecr.nmodation, for ri- If, PLANJ, - - Plropruoton. Stu-em o lid f] ront Wlutby ca#11 dail>'. Every attentiâon, palsite gueota. Cereful cCd otictî- tive osllirg. -~ -AiCCDIatant, Land and Geiiral Agent,' AND NOTA btY PUBLIC, £~0110e in bPeter istret, oune Jour nrlsotO bits. Slavonei's Drug Store. WiSd a'sd luuprovc insse u lb.hecousules utf 'Sr--s und Smcooer sole. N, IL.Colloctionsaetteudesi to sud prompt ressltusu ade. # -UEIeI1FNCFIS 1-1 Il-su. T. L, Mcl'isrsiou, lit, L. C., lieu. Jolin Simsuposn, b. L. C., liton.corgo Crevtor.l M. 10.tC., M. C. Couiptois, uq QCI, .PlP. 1, Auuguu m orrîio, EQ. - 31 , 1M, Dunetord. Eu. 1 ' ',T. I1). bMcCoukpfh Esq. 1'. p tP., Johin lm Perry, hq., Wiuîdy; and cdi- tugr» Ilisrie FLeansinon', Csas4i&un Pat, Lîtioîs, sund Wlitby îlisosnLuu. 7 ]y- PRINGLE'S IIT (LATII WOQN$,) KINGt. STRE, .OSH TVA. GLOBE ILOTEL fYtLIEebove olI kî o d sitabllso.!d b>- thse sstibonilor, wiîerc lis* îilv ay-s be loti t.! vsn ad ruady t u attend perueuill>t3 the iraîtî of Ie Mgueste, hc. 'ni. prersises usfi.»beau euuveniently sasd eomfurtob tti> ad 1.! p; pointu!, Iprecu, &o. wititoetiss'sofosoftwster t', vaîlt, cuioirry mnoleru snîrovsuistLumaltti1e Jrairuulen e hoe ushxinul 'u,' on LTh ablas besiatltsl- Iysnlsphliob at £Il imsi.a Notice to Yarniors and Othors rof.by gallis,,or bîrrel; lYujte t4ei'idu. 'do,; laspies"e EKitrfa Euotfiea Wlilsseý'(, do, le; beat Port. Sherry, andi (~ugloosiSsuily(or ie esuis, vith s 1151 et i, dî-r .î i site o s it urandiii. andIlorgeotto Dire. A. AT41I&ANDER, l3rsuolilin, Jo.27tlo, 1008, 4 ONTAR 0TJ WFIITBY. 0. DAWES - - - PHOPRIETOR. tuperior socominolithons. Cauîttil -etton- dons W tii. rwlutr&lssonts ut traveicîs sud gueule. '4 paelssîus stiibiino and shcd-roous, sud ready ooýe4ulways vithin euh. 1 VICTOUIA 110135E, V111040 I iTal, Wilits5D JOHN S'UIUL prepritor. ebotv ahotu!, sud hbt lis supplies usone but*#i bu tvnsIlqitore ss rse, sd r.7ftoo- monta, A vol1 ulplza eie. oouI stibllg so4eeloedirrsl JOHN IPUjglELLt.' Whituy. et 41864.6 TEE W0IKMAN iOySie. B£À&VEItToi, C. W. T. B. AseoVs.blns,(Fteueut Boopk,) - 0f MoteseL) t..0 ssmEsdu Setv>. PIRLE. I dqslpd of<etpropeilAt he msuloet reumnu- Sastivrté»o; prouro.! 0 twu ô %oi heCuoir.eto ~Z.4(aolhciif h. sebenolit er Wite or L,.Assursuee Policies. sud Annunlîbe» sgrsutoilon thé mitteirorablo tenmud nu- dur Tablés, iptoil asbly *e t sitances et Ail l&isq tdt ts isna Ail iufnsio u osDprnti en be OIollieIut théues 1..oftlae 'ipsuylu Mus. trou, iSa.!througuî CsuDs., riet. lb' Office Building,;nier tise >eglotry Ofc. TU1E cGuZM3l iICL ,vxiom P0OIT FUND-, IN CAIÇADA9, $SIC, 000. l'O sid 5à, lCorlliI,' isdon, Offlm (dnrlngý CANADiA B ASCII -NOEtL&ND), WAT- SON h Co., aniersi Agents. 1 Fiti. t u, liecrectsry,1 iic$ 85 h 887, Age1sI, Whitby.f ilhsg. ne-ar tihe lissinry 0 4ei T. CUIILU LF iVINOST«4N, P. L.S, Ita'peotca Or Agolliscios 18 FOR", FIRE, LIFE & êN4NUITIEB.,1 Capital['vo MLIOSSTERLING, B OA RD. William Mbolsou, lFq., 0C!,.irmaaý- lseue Key, l'eq, Ileiry ThisssE.s., ldon. Join. Young, - vid Torrace, Fq. BAsrvza-Moloonn flnk. Limt aAyssM~r.Torrenou&h Morris MSOUJJ.L Aess- ns. therlsnd, m. D. sonytyon-Janes Il spriugle, Lq. liouidout Sortary sud (touerai Agnt--A Foilos. Union Bilding., 24 let, Prenools Yisvior Stroot. FL AIRBANIS, iJo. PolsoaToAgent, Whttby. Omos-Tu rvi idTlegrepla 00liceBu- lbaiiig, 'leur the, iefti.try (>IiT. 5 LONDON Assurano (iCORPORATION, ESTABLISHED-1720, IlOpopeo.! efuet uoiranuces doginet bisR Lorduiuug9tb>'Tire, attse usant reouab&le esites ut prcmisaissupoîîevrydescuiption ut prepert>'. Fa Loess-s p t.! ths dcjb>- ISA'AC C. OILMOR, L. PATRBA i ns r, Ageunt, 'Jor(suto Agent for Whsitb>', Ceissiaeasd Counîy ef Ontasrio, Crrcoz-liw Provinial Tolograpis utile, Bseclu ltet, '-Witiy. l JILLIIIER, ho. lu iejsnicl teeule, iare aIl un der al luiser liue prouipaI- enfl rOnealkIc ladies and' goslimeu's <clt ais is-cmlisisi oleeih. lso ail vosk Ssieoiticehin Du o- .4 ORILTIA BiOUiSE" ROn'r. ROSMm - O T 'TlE rpldor oljtbisolld tslIueItta Thg= eite-m l unuos neusud tiseîrseiir I îbff lt, arb thets abois prtmileswisur. liei yl ssi pru ;tlloo ýArt"toOort, wlied if niqaired., Te*iehiees sus.! Brdens wIll nd usple ï ceodtoan sd ever atwautionpopid te ttiir - Lbo6 wUr 1-1lise <enui s'W «~a lh h ubeiept hqu~-sClge., i. 4 - UVK»3,-Mous1, - --JQRPl.RICoToit, Proprsor, Epe, .Uue4 tabllig sud ttenive otu à Wuhus eau Qd.!etallig o4~tite'1 W'sefoi oh thGkVe. Wbib71M <;pta, #49OQO.' a v ;lniitn pol,. TEOQXGSO 'Whltby, Jeu.,, lotit; 1860. 2 $25 000 TO LO)AN. 0 NBEawt.ljà inuto si* bOurI'oer,, bcelt rousit 2ysm. neetIw u noBou o Cws> 9 oIrÈ XfnYPILLà Ou te lnIl and g li, et ti0sa VYtlwestpn osl,bl ieofemn [h- ns: luais upon the. Company usy ho redli.d JPHN BLOIWl I~"Offleusss JasJoqowe,hC. TECOLONIAL SJCLlKS8OILe TO TUE-I -Canada Aeucy Associationi OP LONDÃ"iv, ENGLAND9, maire S'laes uppty or imoue>'to Ion.! oi sm> prove.! Parus,, for lre Jurs No deui;sisior for conve-yasciug anu.!valuaion viiilube i0d. For terms, &,,sp'yCo f3ocretetjý, Box 74, Toronto, Of to JOHN AGNEW, WESEN For Fire, Life and Marine. ÇAI'ITAL, £,Ml ,O0,STERLING. CuW O'sa-7 terloo Ps. edn 77 Kng lEt. mauchsuer. l. 'o Sr Uldhasin, Itforin Club, Lendoas, au.! IloGrunogi, . litois, nie aMncetss. 1 (EILUAL MANAGU....A rthur Ss-raoi- bey, Eaq,M.- e. orsassriy Vlley aend. .ulo- P-o lorturon. Quess'u ,Colles., Csuubnlsg. lIeas-Office for B. Ne.- A-*Ontario ffail, Chunch Street, Toronto. lîias-lui is trous lot April t 3ti lovons- ber, eociptedjillueest rates. SCOT&DGA& CAPT. R. THONIAS, mûir Msla' nspeter. JOIIN AGNEW, Wlitby, lilas-clu14, 1846. e.N.VARS, "RACTICA 1, Dotitu sa Douit. ourms, directl>- oppo- findoistrputtilrd .oorusortb ufth ,tiaatrio Rank,- l~EXJ'RY'S AGENTiso, aie.Agent UFEoçuil-,epruIi'og t al e auttention of T Pniar o lil to.!l tese', t et a croui.cut sse-ilg Moehiss.,vlllc liq vitiontt s dounit uneotts bouit #v-on got uip lu Ustifuiu, ciseapd!srulo and! ufficient, ouli sud st-c il ho- BBOWN àh PATTEUISN. dm7 DOStha 1066. Beg inuit nset ai-te .iorus tis, lulabi- tIante et huaCousit>' of Ontario, llîstti*oyhJAVu laeesl%-iseaboye ps-amuses istel>' eeuuspd by sànd>' Pers-e, mWh-es tis>iyseîe usl fmi-s'liîa- e.!in aônisted, sud beîy ara prepltre.! to- scoiumodâte the trasveling pubia. Tiso Bir eltookosi vitis lie huitliqis ro au.! cigare, oa.! aru attente. oitler, flirys ratteudasugo, CLARK hVICKERY, -- - fropricors Br-,oliuAprJ, 156. :19 1>- IJNDE4RTAKLNCre TVL.L ANDBRCPTH-Eft i Wi lu <alunjwe.tîte iis tlçutlon exeins l'te teh udrekig ulses Pliirsî uV np lj n e'lorstnloe ofas Auuas,.zet 0r, Til- bos eri m ili i~a~rnforiSal Or t iLot, w orhi anul.the ~edernluofiLeport Top, Ln4yud Foe M5#.4uot. two ):cas, tide osiusoît, et r6lIt, (if rsbe lt',W bu ,xpitdxlonluiprove- W oni Le eoigo4 fur suitablo Village C. C. KEILLERI, soileitor, C*nitiugtor. Or P. KELLER, (if by letter pre-pasi .) Ciboire.14 MONE'Y: 10LOAN. ON DEY to bon on good Parmiets ight .L.pet Snt isterest. Butrrister, COshawa. Nlîse ov. 2,10.47 T ItEsubecribeoe lacuiy beg b o il iLe Parmners, and the Theessly (rosis rrivPl i' sII esi,~ isibl bonsTd ud oi as hua Ifoi aas îtblesD 23 rAlL S OVE. hCe. STORE YII ÏAN AND CEGT TOUR OWN t!1 TÉd"cera,'gmthous' te Store eny quautit>' otgraiaa, ln Soparate 0lns,. Sosthat ait! visé-placo Frgoln lu eoroge, obsaiI -duii keépeppsrit,'osu liant buyers a ionsype roI> jupon cetUlug thse grain tise>-punruisee. Tteisuderbi4,ued bave olo arrauidtoco- -vor 1, FLue Snurar.ce-Pobieal I-<*riï store.! u 9aricri' eonsat,- n sudsàr wvi losFur- Klotiusgdsginut su>' lqoAs- b>' ire. until 1 tis 0%vocr sasxt4 vitlsoný ttys>extrtTecharge. î Yresh Sait. IPLater and Wator Lime, ah4.ays, onhand, and for Salo, Ï1t foFsprices. -JAS. ROWE à Ce. Po4lt'iib>-, sept. to, 1560. zô TIR11 OPITABIO'STEAIX nov lOttn euEatierflinov 1n opera- d~(ois., sud lam' cpucit>' 'or leistIug tou r tiiotussisd (4000,) busiiel, et grasiu per heur. Parises-s tiies-etre fhave dw po dl nget- tingoisiloade.!.1 Eferchants and TABlIERS drslrlistorago, wmli ia'v'e thurîrovu Ownm Separaf e Bins, FREE O'CHAIR(E Port Wisitby, Spt.,i25,1846', « 510-88 Sait, and cool OTTAWA LCANCER INFIMARY, $Prk sd t, ei.s s recese 1b h&a.$h mtsi.SintNo nwd oùstbui 4i s ti ïnsBsd. h ,ms, tompe dmetO my bm, 'And lsYYoiur hlue'oit sur brow'i Tho sm oum :tha thfflw e lu t lY 'tiistârm lied, 1 ! 'AMdïtais tselest *oseayonistuorom tise d- Cafnb ugten ti bii oen.*SW As,.!pur trust iris to erons aud true For hbit i Niselo bortbrùïw1 -vîen th1s>an Wsu rnkllng dep -inrn1Z dipbate ieart. IW*- dSTCIgwp 0 eor tobas... 1ithtak the Grestat hterfosh Tliit our lova Sn net lâ'v!sbM là v4ltn 4pd t e forîns tisat VO wllspJ>,ipsthut w. kL.e. lieuer 'hîrinisAtetuLb. hadow fpa pin, Sy thse llgelit oft tilSe aStuii amItisiglit In tise strouiticfti leopelisto I sçtrguq With ii. biso. 1f w l Leona, look f"Yth sd hohIOJu -wold, 4na tihe dom s tite glaltoyigep., Ti dmoi' Iver bale stemnutis. Dowe suuîes toa d lo.sns1ss1 b qr ,o he eu Ath e0t, e is aethe O emeog l t ftevte ns»ytomb, Ziýor plant muaitk pS li ,, tise4sad Thoe a rstismu1romestoo Iuiret <01wi !tic tswhero tise liSes etornail>' bl.som Inluiie bln bresting gardonsMo Cd. eer1% théo&@ssmorSesiburn," bdsssW et0yeissd te ésb;- And 1 soutinsos halre thouglsl tbst MY isus 'Tvoàld oreu lue pleus fft te tilt A 41 krjsyyOur*A1dote tise ast le ! ti'4nult lusniîed lu thse peet. Èiohà, onuèmho1heJ6u teblefe Cé aire 1wictu -rrouwIl ontbr.." f, ,An' ýérnér;thecUref,1h 14.4.uîý vidirt P i' rÈoge- oýsý'. Nseiig-sso~ tsegrand bille otïev Hsui.hle, ai iseUnite.! litmes tsoAer - ss, ses villa egen ulbsd Wajrbory. ýIdnt Censure you àifyon noer vre. One eau geton bitory w'ebl mistoiu g tWaterburr.- Iudued,.tisane are iuillibbs of lneîllernlos pus-sona wbo.!rerenoer tiere sud yettse>- a-e iappy. In1 iipeaceful hanslei lired as youug mans uemed Pettiu<ill. BentsenPettingill. au von griculturlst. A, broiad-sisoui4red, desp-ohested aigri- Hé vwuconlessted te lite in Ibis psee. oe iud it vas butter dieu e aGis- Cîbeilu. - Tisas do disse simple cbildreu etf nature joke lu a lirt- clan usener II.-uMsgS-v. 1 irrite tisese roances, lo thw Puttab style,. -Yes Ilsomeîbing !thut me>'. Tii. French stylecosstgetof peliug jeus âekmâany pmrgrapaS asPossible, Tssee"ys>- 111op 6,0c0là&Vary- alor ime, Os 1 eu filop Iud- b s -th 0 ài Wvii lu ltlausuraw iEubua Pettiugii[ vu s îruael, Indus- Ir-on t. - - -1 M 09 oahngr m..fiiw e-- ofw-i- maldasîn ue> ietlg 'lsoietb set*a.fvsil Yeî denut frei- olai~up l> hsie.5 es lo e î' imï,an aitrigisi - oui ,~IA ' a. ê NAN jstaS». - aIra "iThemniras- uot graer nsrlol, but wby [Du 08w ofor gramasharas ogso we rgod? 'ois Pettiogill cogleted the farlu. ana - I s w d tht iàt it igý ls l I loeIt f-hesu prou sbopld sienulue.spuse gorgeons 'ire-' wef yensb, sud oxhibit tient on the violage utsa monr o, te o u . ot insof faly. ilsg1 go se.dthe '-FAOOof Pnte voilA fisp ladh bis wiogs ovortmtl4 humble roof uore>- vuAle ýM' eny.tipg - - , ' sa dg a s iboot j,mg4bile la»s uad ù7t -of -met, ssy sou, if yOn '90Oon iis le.yLipu Acd tie eld.mas wapt vieil pos idoer 120 gAll oeaerw are T ht 4 ç, s ays ,a puachon. t ueo Ibi; ronce lotoea aie. But tSi eestrng >Younug iOsaà wnt te verS, mskiug rors - - MeR bongistsud oelbly, studied à work on piroteohun'. Tise villagr m itle vasow - é inrab> isiîfn'l «yoang ts si, asud iltbey aIl seid "W.sballi euet treat -oeil 4is of l>.", Meuvble Pettingili vorkid ave>-. ho tgniei&y leuse à& lest. -*ousud%.ptitgd ne t e, t.village f rom fer sud, near., Tiser. swu nàreîiou, of, Course. Ye ièe.vis suiniaý. -y Our pelitisulerators never.loe s clissa. Tie r IL a on canuot stop' d7ly, --sud iii htelienlbefore pliug9tise, loe round the -uun ferla tsk, auksd bhlm if hoe bsd s>teussrkç to ske?. dense sssovd lti hs elowëÉ-I#j-.ý"1ourïii. sterrd-fallsréiîien dou'ls ise linud te malm*&aapeeoh dis, inla lunry,Isliould 11k. eeeluydf? thie, lrec0t ueaaiou t&mie sin. eùsrkson thse Dussify of A sfluChapier vin., lusre vua 5si fnud depr orto.Thon. vire aise, proessoand lch ionb " i T h i s s v e ul; i u , " s a l A d e c la i r n a u - e t i p s î L rtise comiltre etfsangomessts, "ibis futise y eîeoiug, slo-lîznster -afli.. atl s W grand diàpîs>'oet iIreworks on tiehie gè avne greusuenrseule b' b . heisvnîstur enA àldng, Thé uiautstorr, nr ublc p;itisd tovussus frebed nt Mr.&kaeouPettioglIl., ere hailed ighit cosd àu sdimnse aoucourse TbeyMb»ýt c tpepegatbered bu the village grfeuD. d-iu O u a n sie d p î s î f r n , i i s l t h i Çle vorks, stoci! Petliiil. asgn I l0 fié t -t s a I t h e g r e s t l ie r « f b is , î ui ïi s t l come, sud, lu a drus oer toisee osold!s ngsln - Tie fuet firevorsu, toIler citizene, bt tis-V2 ir, buet, sud iasme Lbhape ota son 1150 1T6,5rkt Se epplici! a m ieto ois. nroçke4,-buta una, i i s t e d e t g o n g o p s u d ie a i r , i t d e wv mI A l d e u t î y l a t, duvu luto,,tise grue, nnin>' som die" hme! tanceévus h ilsîn. Slad et s ond nAsd e<ise caeing tie lm#uetojnmp rousi! in a îerÃŽ PljingrDutct Po4siLvas disappointed, but aot da- W ua 246 ns boarone.. -tlslrd tso dl go-upla tise âirv,' horstsud - becoine à assemble.! l ,Bnet W s iAds't. t', ouI>-ploughe4 -suditisé us'el s lutIle farrow lu tbe, grsva groau, luse it lighsti os-e uphapypedeos.o -wsre repetted Rsea m iltiuïw uhif ge: àtide ndonip-j inI-but, Étm~ly, u I hew i',' -Jfr ce 7. Db u t ne t su linch on 1>' ber speed-,asecdily tu uotbog weastrsled and ni s9Waýy. At nois onu-tio.g dày, we score. 2 Io., ileshl, sud 280l by. log, the disceps IonutedoI lsy a curreut wu lie yacht over laent>' sslim« West; Clee, usbisy ve tie day, ansd!,b ijht usoonii 'qaional sslnow-oqszajloataI ig r e o r t t i e l3 t i s u t I e " e TDe neit lusruiug.tiso westl, sd wrp4, sd te su a ha of tbý guOst4eoyetbeinji tie erants nextely visite tronscris, ecesd like tis ogdepeted Snwmer. ssiglut 4ion tise. cees sice gUnîlsand Mother;1 arsy'sc Doon, wu lied aade two.bnc mile&s. ,B a flue obdjeriatiem in, $tie p-id'mooa hotie theioeososmoolis as thsc/J cliuIin l.tise couifortabîe -Obteaun Mrgsx and cigeru reuscl, tise gwlsta4listeuod. te sto.rics of isonted as ups und O c o . -T o va rd s n sd a ig ls, , sana clpgos, sud peatjd, vain-ad isll, struck--tie t" loiu sr aloung At,1eJ e:rsi awl e u d .t is t o u - enr m-e1tise neXt mShosing-a ;bagn;- tis salsud.5>'se=, bos weTeaosdep a e é- celu uuîîi 'iite iti Ws 'aov, at tisir work; t odek iý 'ticeably uerrovnd; as theo - dov, the fonrtia 4 pWc irwateér tist fo2d ppbr prmasu. ?Noobses itby deadmekonj ) >ndrod and tus-ii twety-our -boums aclit ssiked Lestar Iookod ovcýboei Ne scemcd 10 bu se eky ded, -bi atzunm...and h,5. -l i bors vou1 gloaisi atemisi' lu, nvoo*ê"a tis Wlts Pi 1 7 y L

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