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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jan 1867, p. 3

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S1tL~w,4laPrMo rt G ega h laflrea awnp5e~ ulgIp~ ferlEilqnaryfor* thé ou cilbeyreolteo aféie migbb l btlPlldediy th insortabe, Mu is! Deadoy, ho s*Ws ~tbe scepu. o! (prm.î *04 vif lpU.oséttàfor lore fowloighSec Pouvsi MOguieo, i8.-Tho long ww orhs' fosaspropsed by <ho ladin ot tise O.tbolio Chbarois in Norfolk#, a mbeth V.r so uMot vueon psserdsy (tb. 71h) pr@a "0'31@ed <o ioIfOmou Davis,I. la léquarterai fdCarrol Hall, by *a ssledman nsmed Ob iGamalge, a rouldont of- thsoityo t ~o won ie boulo t spublic raIle- 1hosnwblcb ba blen ýPreoiy de, arhd emede of si-place 0 etOk te. t roe Hierebel rate Merriniac, and laseur. moussited by mulssive gold'hoad, on wblci st luiarlb.d su spproprlate legend, vi lb. name of sho ex prsuideus.3fr. ()am. nge srald-0be1r. yest.dsy morrlng, *itI b.e CommIie0onPr.soaionansd afte, 1 uulprellalnarleo.vas adsnlsaed se I qurtas i Ma Daia.Aftersabsort 0 ofersallon on dlffereoî sobjecue bu pro. il the cane roms a volvet liod dbox 4 id s li,. Davis-B, chance, sir, At balbe. e , yrry pleaùsu, b t preýeoï y i bis cane. 1: [ a -aà oh.. rotrespect, td eIssus. frosaithe.ladiesaof she Oa:hqlic a - gftatlon of the ci, of Nforlolk. Be P#M as o scoopS 1< wltb ita noble mcoti bu âb.frlng otfono, the tribut"a mss. Il= ~~jlt se as a filthfaal reatindor of r. -Daslsnoped tbe beaifif gîgtlui <s bief aid feeling r.piy. Se jlladed Io tl klisdau«s1 of she popls of the Sontb <o bidoiiih5bteprisonIlile, especlally b., h,I0., sbnstiney aed petriotlss tif the pople ofrlfoaolkt andaid' h.ebacd uffeu 06 lsPleaure ofr.civig tokes of Cbarob bis gratasful achnovIedgemesst of theilr besirnlfel guit, iuslusatsotaeh woold (arthi erkaowedg. ilu recuipt by letter. The party-paased s plaieant honr lu convarsailoi vlsb Mr. Devis sud bis lady, *nd am le termlhaiton. paaied 'coapsauy, exprinlg th* hope@Ibsthe new Joar tlght bW morne <nIl of hope sud hepplucas id hlm t6ha.e.darfr, dismal monthe eof the put. Tla* Igontioen cornapoing tbe tom-. - mksoi of! presetalon were voîl ploased i'euh tboir trip, a04 remarked th at thse hesih 'of nr. Davis vas mwsb botter tissu hed'béei e rpiésssntd, but %bat bis heur wau eonaldersbiysiprinklcd weuh gray. tThe Ster>, ifs Oroal erps se. Thse Poucnlnsd Oleltal BStens 1<a #Iptilon Compansy laIoly bold lia anta aeqetEng,'anA lise Diretors prieontod i yep bort hleh osEffset a bisîory of us Oonpqsy'procedi.g. frons Ia fitandationt la 1841, W thé ps-oest use, 15 le a bis. tory ofprpnosufions seau b@ginnInga in, vait and. ocmpliled sislerprises. This grest Cionspssynov înly B quarter if a cenitury- ild, reprudailg tholsorgoat and > ::o hîaeî r"tfirce if carrisrs belve gansd lais. pouss« a ROcs of eftlisips ieqille .nsvy if àa segond ore third rata state. Is cens noi fa.., iiisit53- ezS.loss ulsats c of large ton- msqgq "d oouceisrte poveo bouldoas iqiadron ièf aaziliasy tugs- aendslliusg trauaports. Ibas negalsr sta41o.aeaIea. cmdtovby Important "saport ia the EBut, crs hosierq. Ih cardies tapon an avorage abons 16,000 frs-ti lass and 3,000 moîud o" ais5Uo5lr vey yesry uver a roete- of many ttsonaad mles. 1. pays .ver'y. r ndÀ ,? baîf smillion $ter. ling for uisi., aud hep.asbînS 100,000 tt%.s, f iadfie onanîly lu, stoek, Je roid) à,volt ju <car-Enlia pssaer, and lts,4p#dinro of storn laEna singls ear eoasperso 15000,000 lb. veigbt of pie. viioo 1,000,000 botliesof vine, boer spli, aid l160000 bisAo! uaile snd poulry.' Thca djinnaeVill appoar Pro. d1g1ouéc e, be &lis fi t at upwardsiof 1,000 pemu meavieSalld dally on bo& c erd .Compaa'à me, BI. Eerynov sa theu la gtassnationsal emergniWl.sbe clomp . oq-Y _ orit transport serie.é for tbe Gov.rntcpeet. Dnrlg lb. rime War she PVaJisnnar aid Orietalataamiea easrri@d 600000 Mn and 1,000 bonséea<o ti rdestnion, ai sd Ibe samo iaais et <h. tise of lb.he #i»latn ly carricd - gm» rgasaia r ugîment <o the Bt Uie îh Mahisd Uss.ly -daapstob. the .nlsrprhss vu OrlglilyPtojectad os a smodel seo*epribibly yitheel &Dy np"eaton ot ile oal ddévopeet. A eapitl o i e! £ ,o00vue ihousht n. ciont la 1841 for Ibe purposos ile vwand thosglb provisio nwîudefor -a supple- '.tsy stiekt th <e ezieul of £0004O le vus not setil1847 tiat, Ibis rase@u Vas ,'oMplo7ad. Sev.u yefau &fier, hie. *ver,1 ushily vas uesght and ebtâlssd fin Wemiung lb. opitll ptokby aotb.r mllim Mana iga total 'o! M,600,0009 by 60,O000 sbares *s50 cash. cea; y iFusalsO, svsecn laâne fuir" edwith te.prilvll.gsof ~iese v*ssot vide id lb., bave beea ."ni"d.4, Dtono iswa w l CÂYLT....OO bglDsl bfut., aie vite of<B. .J, D, O'IY14j0 osscabent Of Alil SuiP ObréWiltby, o a u. lout., by théEa«. j. iL SotRbais . C4mbeUlià%., icàoag, o %#Wis W RsdWitby. MÂY.As Mlwa.s,>on the. 28t6 or D..,b,,1Sy. W. Myauoëd of of Thot, OEs. fQob, gd? lui# = I Whlsby, hJe. 10, 87 PsuWbe&4... 0 0 .as$1 *0860 . sprnt.........*1.85. a 1,40 Poes......... . s... Oaski..............4. peair ................S prton, ss... ........ 00.a670. Wd,...............$s4 &. rpi. Fiels...........5.$4 8c Papl *oa.......0 0 Sprntgs............ 14 caS ...... ......... a go Wîod,................. a 460t . Osîs- ..#............ ...s60 ol 30 NE W ADVZITISEXENTO. Cleapest Light. JttST REtECEWED 30 BAI&XELS BEST REF1NED OIL, PRO>s TUE CELEBRATED IIÂRTFORD REFINERV Wlirranned *041101t'Oieba Pennoylvania- ROCK -01L, ,iud s4nld ut thi Oe $TI191CE-4 olîurgd for ordinaryUIL Ili atier plates. JAS. G. GERRIF, Wlîitby, Jmn. 16, 15sol. i9 TENDERS FOR PRINTING. t. tede.,ý (elreso the chair.- msail -n isi,) vili b. rooived t ti TÜesdaY, JTanùary 22nd, imat., for Ptlutîluglih, j OURNALS, &o., c1 the. COUJNTY COIJNCIL 0F ONTARIO, PoltvITZa UB1861. NÇo Iehdc<. reived, nssles.e nupou Suc fors. adedaisib>,tise Cotisseil. Fos-m ol Tende- cen bic isad, pon application la tihe <leAL oaithu Licitant>, Clerk £,oerk, Coouaty Clsrt's Oos-k. WhItby, Jen. 14, 1867. 1. CRONICLECS WANTD. 5 ENTeuh *111bogsriaîfor Nos..<t 0of INSOLVENTf ACT 0F1r864. A14D A14ENDMENTS TRianTe. Iu tIse nattar r oJOhNBEOWN esd 11W.' HZCresitora cf lbe lngsloIsets &fa notified T ta h (thesolivena:,) bave niade der tise ebaive Act Saitue th. ussssesiguosfas. digne, aid tise>, 4iiecreditos,) aes-es-qnls-e lifusilume vitihil wo fsn'<isulssfs-i.. t5s date wI;is lIeit cuins îeiyiug theiu, asity tise>, iola If oyan>, d the veluse oi'It, ensd <t unoe, gt&tiug tise led; tise haile sttiedauns der- aith,, vth the vouichers lu support ortAuch Delca et Manille, lu thse l!ouàlg itfB3otuk, lu tIse County at Ontario, Suis I7tiî as,>,of .lni<1A»,1807. RICHARD EDWARDS, INSOILVENT AMCT 0F 86 AND AMEZNDMENIýJ IllZItETo.- Piovie if enau& i 1.tIi. Connly-Court o ' f tusc ossaI>, dfun Ccunty cf Ontss-lo. tes-e, In lbs nater of EDWAED JoBXIITONr- qta Itsolvent. boTCEshreb vons, tisa i Mondaty Nl.thi uelghtcn à hdiy f Mtarhnms4*At tn ut th. elolc, luth. forencon or . moon théo sitar sasconaiselcon b. os h uear r siln.d wllisLy o he Judg o the sosld Cour, or Detedasig,51wlnUso 00.57of On<srio Uahlth day ofJ.. lmypA. P, IY. EDW&RD JOBNSTONr J. RAMEs GREWOOD,- AsSopssvfor 5thé salAinsolvent. m is tro tut i ;Vwting "Yqui the. snigsm loUsth., peè- Comnoece.» - pp)l tO he lit -JAi O1W Y£w W. Il, T(OIBBO, as BÀN.KRUP8 TO01 Til~d~oq rmied anà Ed wnrdo,& .llodd tfcs-efor maie by ictel', et 5hiaoirold a Klaig Strseî, Uaoàba*, t h,#whol, ofthe] minsstock of over» .800WOIRTH QI GOC0 Boita sud soeuta,% C1ipa aloiea, Nitta,Nokes A& thce £Mato ssnumhaclcua'd up et <liado wiii 5>e %014dutst a -ct sarile. D laisgeta<o oel sad poraphae vIsle eu p uit>, la sAoa'ded te at dheep goods. Aàudtion Sale every Sitturdi AT 2 &I) 7 P. U.1 Dy . notioo01sa Sînad<ty, bth a J Ilssrses, sulky and udatter, N. Ë.-All parties Indebtesi theIs,*bore - tata, cither. by niote, book amaonat or ot ,wlss. Inuitnala e ldisa forthvills, or4 wlll ae.. Oabuwea. Jan. Ss, 1887. Wanted. 1000 COUDS oN' HE-MLOÇK WOO.0 DELIVEEED AT TE G. &T. IIAILWAY 3TATIOI For tusthet Infoirmsaton. apply tSi1ho uns 1Wlsity, Jen. 0, 11ici. B. GIBSOI Cash J-ob. TO CARPENTER EIES*11l cl . aultID IW-CENTrRÉ MiLLê On 1he dth coh. WhltbI' nuar Brookio. St otMI,70r40, four .ssd a hait clos-les hig âlontractais- l tefur»issh ail te iste iis, es-e and esicioxe 1h. building, la, the flops- a put up~ tlaire, For faisthef iPartialey9 spply te lihe us aI<goed, or-to, Gibbe s-otiser, 'et vsoe2ai plans une>, h seon. 1 do sot biud n ysoi ssoept tlse lowest tende-, or euy of tise,,us lms. atlislary. 1 Osa alse t 9 9. t h ~. BICILE ISOLVENT 'ACTT 0F 1864 AND AMENDMENTS TRIEETQ& -0- In the mette? of NELSON TOLKAN, thée To*uslîhIp, of Rcech, lai ta* C<ounty of Q. saaio,aAh tnsoIvbnt. In the Tovîî oi tbi;onyf uac Tbrdytiie Bloc dayofJan ry, 1867j examinston 01tii he nolvOIlS, m ordorrlug et the altaira of the Estte.seeall Dowed t WJltby, Jacines y, i1841. &TAXES UOLDE1<, 12n1 Society of South Ontario. ANNUALMETN rZ 1Annuel Meeiuy cf tise (bonnt> Airi- cisktrmulSoclty Clta-b5 ii ToNHakiL WHITBYo Thursday, Jannary 11, 1861# AT s U'CLOCK, P. M., SBARP. For the eletIlcu cf m rnfor' i.prsaent ysar. Fie Officotr sud ltedlotWtlll Umaion rouae, CourS on Wbllby, *anyta usA, f Gza. ROBSON, tuf.Ml S~OTrNH PEOVIMcIAL Thýos nasDivisi ofoProfita (ounilaw. 0 L s' a a r e Ln s l t b a e o < v l i n àlaWi P l'Arsnes, Des.#IM1. JOHN AGNEWe 6lt 0 OR E 1R, -0 P 1 aès0 honorable copttou ~ea~ ~ te undersold. Workmen, on thesbrtest'.notie. Whi.h., lat....i e iesw LO1Vo PO a. 'r r, '1 n. *1 a- 'i '1 c I f ai a gy Jb king# S onice, lay' rom#a ia o dt Is lie gh. 'er fcd r-I 46 ofr ad id o At lie te P. *ýJ VIU5Ja, AIM7 STOV -E, 'V-- AT IEIED ftc9S1 AT - HATCH * ROT4S Achoice lot of rar-lortot-ves, whicb 'm be sold cheapl aise heavy Cooking $-toves, with Firat Prize]1 iltuse, Hatcl's atent Damb Stove, ef which a nuamber had b sold-Price only $5 00 and upwards, warrantod, to givesatis bion or, money reftinded. AXES,-wholeçal'e COAL O1L.-.4L Beâutiful White C WVholissae and RetaiL As in the paît so in fthe future-Che cheap, at HÂTCH'S. 1' Jtist Received.-A g4ý.d assortment Latnpui, Ohitnneys, Wioke, ]3urners, &o&. Country Mercha ruysupplied, chcap at atid Retil, at ti ee Ma In .1 il c E ) I 's 4tA' & Brook-nt, IïY P. sHardware, Ptd'nts is, 'Gia Ss& so tisuai, aà littie above cost. Rob Spuced'Bacon, $moked Sainion, Buckwheaàt Meal, Corn -Meâl, GROCERIES, WJNES, LIQUORS. T 3,1 9, 18ui. Felitz' Old Stand, Brook-s liitby Jan Wheat HZ UBSCIZIBEL WILL PAt DlgierbS Cah ps-lce for W;iggon 6h op s ME WALKEY IA prcpaydc d üi sfen L~factitre hiodore, a&lkinda aut CARIGEB & WAGGON8, SLEIUÉIS,&c., IN LATUjT STYLES. 14arpg, wWp andi promptly gThre&doîrs Eut<f Mr. Wuu, lais' St1 Dine t, WhAt6y. Wh~t7, e.,ale..S$ Lot 1#o. 4, I~i~ .'fiudr e te et good sultivation, the i tder.laid rf usrig ertiodilas isUlte the pro pj4tori oq- the premIse,(1f b; liUer, pro VICTOIRIA Skat",'Ing Rink., >' IlE1 OO@0bus. WHEAT, MORZRJSts MILLI, DAVID ilIfTEZ. Bt WhiStyp Nov. 91, 18e6. 4 Boiuer for Sale. ode lai At i IZOSE OWER-8ecdis 11h4. App, ei tise Whitbr Foani rc-tu, ALIRION HiOT1ELJ. <ST IKEST SQC1I&E, TOIIoNqT6. I tâbilgu , and q,-ery ammonmcdseou, et rate gce. rBoAIWeI P~RDAYf ~ W. $UO1<T, Paoreseroa~ 'onlo, lIed. îe, ledi. 4f rh. Counilï or Tan COBPOE(JATION UT TEm OU1lny 0F (}NxTÂRIO, Ml mess, in cmpllene.vils thé ,roiaime isola otTvo thee.tm.aUsCu fin thé TovusOfWhby C..0 >Y, Jan. 9 87 Am the mmsrin te cofusi" i ait - th St. Aho re sudvluiea son na 4lently Ion * mik Mbv d TICKETSlot tueso SebWnit l thlie lfhe466br atio émtàuk, fafli 4nl s a orsrline o f Sbise hin@ dsrlîsg tise pisset FMrý D , tFurFude' - , useafoal bnA ojllpln 11. <ell- m the 0 Jur i 1 IL SOROF1ELDb. i. . ZNACOOELI. ..à , i l, ndy3- l'hé subueribers bîg to acquaint' their eu. timers and tise public gcnorallny, It attlîcy will'auri* ibis metis, oo 0I oe hr god et- tise iblowink 1214. BctBihb P. B, Sugar, for $- 1 00. ilia.yelel ic edNo. 2j srfcsfor 1 0W. 91 bYellow Qrasstla±ed No. 5Sugau fur 1 I00. 8ib.. Crised £. $ugal or - 1100. Bib. Cr4obcd Laf ugarlot a- s i -do., 8lbsrl Md0Sf'ngafoÉ 1 00», l4b.QeodVa - à -1,00. 9ib.. Beat XewRaisiné fôr , - » .n Il 00.-"' iba., Beu 14Y Layer tÉnaiis for h i 00.' 71hz. GeedPiFi*,j-or i00, 141h.. GoodCurenta fer -'100. Fresh Fragrat frole . Soct.to li-où" Pure Old Malt y $. 1 10 per gtàlàn. - Pure O Id-Rye -Whi*j $1 10 per gallon.. Choice Irisb Whisky,, 12 yenr ol ,*-3 O0 per gallonq ChoiceBrandyVin CM M1880,0,OUper galon I I I 41 i N beImwe TERMS 8TrgCTLt IS.. 'r.h. CMILAN & Coq, tst L ta tha decde leIWFs a: bni thoouglitest fo ithesa>o nsisaeno i lise(3< 0to hespI.rsputeî'on w ltedb> ltssransgont thé FIr arm.4j and a Tored rpuEsbcrifIo ddis T Xah, l HAILTON & Co,'s. New Treas, NeW Fruit p A FOR ORITMS - AT R. & JAIJELS Dres oods, 1T . &J.- JMBBL0' ~ Oflu AN IME~Ifl TOCKb~ IW RÉADy-AD~ CLTAgam ILL&G ofgA r6l ýèe à sfot entffbil is TAVERxý th de Lot on vble îtea of. h.sosia,. s Ss Ib. ,s2l li il t NEW FR1O c At ROI&, Whitby1 Dec4, 19166. LIead. .Houise.!keprwhodeslire ýfor any No. I, 0 flot]RICHARD ssud mnu, f' XÉW CARIIIA(;E AND -1. 1 li REDUCED AT rbitb.v. Jan. 1 comffy AGRIMLTURAI FURT-HER

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