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Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jan 1867, p. 1

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-I 9' ~ I 9, e ýrtb ft :)SALE Oit TO wglJ r~ic bîk L.wli, tse tu 1 -1. - - t're itutiie iiîstjre&'44041î il)emIW uwkenltî ti lii j t h ver be4 tma d.1 - Oiu Lot Nu., Ouh cn GEORGE OORKaOK.clr lu .A ltrc s lir iý Ir1 îej4 e MA IOJ rPilotograpfrlo Galery, Il'Prrleor~>fb,,t Ovcfillery *td ta Ou,1eutJ l ie i'pr tek Potr, t1e >i0 EOTOGRAPH, A RT PES ?IELAINOTypE., tiy othrl eqr ti#>lo.î' b.îyntio Ari. IIT'MATERIA.g -~~~~J 0#14ure~,, îe el undd-#te sio rWi it .rly ig j i ,fy loîu r~ miii, ,,t~, 1'1 W il t AJ armati bI n et Whitbyq withfzn7 Biz mi1cof ~te o 'fiiiccft,,,i Lsul, T. P. 1 Brass I3and. l'dn, o t t o or d es -' loe i~thsl tlse v ën uItlb, m<llt toonbeee a-YIIIII-on' I gne.,e IEN-D izttjigconploîos!&Frang. rodl>' lue fl proparod do l id '0,000, 'RIVÂTP FtUNDS 40geeOorilylsaJew fte6 rroWor castlsveJ,%. ouim fo(r1w-n of h, largeIaoq .li iidt, tend megoet J.UrEI t i t <ii nO -lt, Wo'sry Fblie. ho.- gf E low's N.' Bailluit,.Dtna U@NEDAitTJiELL, WgAASsl ATTOSIEY, OMMNVE M4141 121,111 tf e1r M.'wxsol n0,~ad Cl&o- CI W ~.w miBET . W aiLsN pcfl ilso~Coy.ro.WI Ç.. DNI~-VIoarisÂu1Ihs aflrolE I.Stor, »lit OJtsCI.W, .5lsissI oot4 S ilTOITOR,, NOT,&,UY PUBLIC, ho.o - W. 1. DLlLiI*oo, tAs lREKovzI) fla T44W OO*i.,t. lntsrt ILchsinor.î, Mr Oie Door Boul!, 0( th. k.îrkîtry Offid...M~ wihtyJan. 28.016. S CIMAULDI! C. ktLK A tTQRàqvy ~ATr IAW, O1CI'ORN bit, Brook# C'. W., 96 AT'rOUNZY-A""IAW.6i~1TR A hancéry Ilotate P1ublie. i(oivoyanOEr, 40.1 Whiti (. W. ou, îVkriJIo, dîxt îoKggstry O Mo. on Brook 4rc4e. 4A - AT<DREW 10. stcrItER4OI< (FPfOE-1)»ndiw Street, S Joore u*dot of Whitby, lune 27, I1660. g flAUU(ATEUt. ATTORNEYS, ',ONVÉY- sndce sud !4ontWrieg Publlo, &o., ho, Psîîos AL.oti-'oerrdvti 1)po Town K. (oi. .icnur , L.0., IW 1.1 olnos tuiwnty icrown ItMo#niel. Fort Ferry, 161th .mrtl4. d 1*imayo &off &d. 13" OVWE-N.~tdoor '0 t le gatry Office, Wliftby. 4 I W# IL STlgztM,- solirfter, ho.,&C',, t 44 Cbauto ttidtç o,gto.M J. E AU-LLL L Ile X o " à . Â.# &ktteoy-04 Law foto'inCinnecon- vè ho &. Ufflo-Slnto.e Srelortit b( -6 !oet Othle, Uh 0;C.W. 40 LYJIAN IONUIËÎ$iiit là 9 fAIMISTER AT L4W soliitor 1in tits- LP.ti ouvoyeacoer,£,h ii .-opposlteve t eOke, Pallava. 40 Joug BILLINGS .1.4Offce, rinebort, 1*o doore westol idvrmno "Ire., &12 Rieô cp..Ou@ door Eaeî .1 Vîrnoli h GÃŽb $IUGEOP< TG TlqE COUNTY GÀOt Byron Otrodt,Wboithy.4 MECANT TAliOR, BB OCIC OrlM TIIONA$ IIJITOgi, OWNfCLEEJCà TUItIgUEEJ, WIIITEY Ofle-Town Jil -11.1w. 9St.,o looek. ATKII#6SO jn EOSWUL4 A18EU. ,Kin Street, S doors Fait of X3 Toroio Street, Toronto. 4A .V$eo for 1.1tk sd oUlarlo, NOtsry PBIKYttCiAlbTÇILE<4RAPU«Cos OrIUÃŽNCTING WITU Abl I TuE 1'INCI- 1 JieICles sad iowu.la timide, sud th. D. 8058. .1)LICENSID AUCTIONZEEL Addre-- payel"D.40-17 EDWAUtDi UOk~U m5..iêrs,îIOntItoril .1K. Ge4îeinente Msdo up on the tho tn6tnou -of thebeet quatityinit.rial iln AflOcrkMade apon the premils.. &#et imp relonsof aeId4uJî,nd hgrese vslty-new povelîtem, 2 con#.oI# 18411 ~Aa atdeatlve celles .alwsys la alleul sUe.. - i4udsdy, Feb.l4,1g~~. I UXBRTDGE liotYsE. XXBRIbG~. Proprjetac. STAGE ~tOtXE4E, NANILLA. IBAAO P*.&~tok, B dition for;-se1u;do!ssl~ itteutivotot. - .15. -ALBIONFHO'T'EL.- TM"YLDÀt,, poprlsor. 'J ote ba. 11.s. bas licou thoroutgbly i-eue- I rte!, lté table-und J'gr suvrin supples! mtth th fià. (00d dothmodeb o for pri- vero bourde?» sud <01,i B. PILA1<I -- - Propntor. Seta llasudrom iWhitt «Iyciiit. EVea-y attention psld to guesto. Çsr.ful scd acten- tIve cistlrt. JoUtu C.e OIILN Aecutt .IUabd -SM eral Agent, 'UrlTjoOdieln ««street, Que door uof1i f r-lAveuaDImff&,4to.l onte of '>olario & msefor Osalo 2IB-.coeuossleds!l sSpklp -ilEs'EEENtIE8 lfsq., au. . F., ?J".-- - - ' n' sud Wt Chernos. Ui4S1 PRINGLE'S fl0TPIJ MLTS WOON.'8,) GLOBE HOTHL. T 91E sbonê veIl kuo*n;old] tJ,4 bs J.041te sud preilis hle b1pbpas! b> ti..bor,, misebk mlii lmsys bd foud on ItikMd resdyltemttend pst-sonslyt tblvants of Lis guent§, *o. 1, 'Tho prbinîses fiasebeauooonedulnA U& omfortably -ît 't;laods!'elrfe mib tste tsoaslî'1 Co e 0 Ofliat;actohl y modem limpivmkauto nlakoîthe fr, ler, Lo.u tt.lti ts!h# T4ble béé tt1- Il nepplbid Chtsà taue. Nroti éb to iparmo is aid Ià ô rs If] roo,by gatIbn or bat-tel IMnsolous ( leutevlî, do, do.; iaspier. *la ttf lpd WhIkïl dodb;bOst Fort, 0 ', *sus! C.già siliyioteaoiwtàleef -Llisors sud Cîgero of0 tusîbt-sudsn Attenhln6oà fa~, sud Hrsýt 10ait-e. Brodtt, IIn, t.2?t1 ,Ses, 0NTAMOI4 OfTEL ,WùrIBY. D. DAWES - pgooInI~tïd. duperlor aeoomulodallqni. . Corefel me ý dIon to the réelité 1%-1 1ta0 raélérl sud poeste. ~'COXIA KOUSÉi 1 ", xnu 51+, 3** tIME subtriberJésiras te. lu!ehu hi. man>' .L friende isl ie$ oi o «n7nl'thnli l'neIo1,sud thbs le ouppllenS Iîl bout o! wlneeliqostoi go slenflb- mete. -*Usýdu Mteli. &Ibcdtsblta# Whu enlsydr9. 144 lm Iwo ALE KÂ1 TN, -ermathed sudî]4 i àM $-ttb I at,th - , 1 , a n incos! Ste lu gré A ltut.letrib d, "it.îisiàiiàtn ne G ro && icgsud o w . , - - Iloa - iof« oàtiuptbi abetêt Pr aut! o.o Fri, degi irN QGWW Gliisi S- -8 LIVIERPOOI. & LOND0Of ÉmIJaNOEColis) Jusnn,, 18SI AN;Ax18W À,,1 OfTsoei ), , ,l; 1 .. G. y. ï.Cleih ofllLonte.î OUfra deirpUiottof ?ropuet sI ossîroman LoeeesdJut.dne soas cistlasotorl w o li.carre for, ultsy service 1 ,Litdae @our (rom retiure .40by Cedlton ro ' s)ides atd AnnuliLt ffrsnted on lb. inost favouîbl.ems-o, asdd n dor'Lbl epe»otltly sdapted to the eoînn 1.11 tifornnsttoun u bthlDejpmientae oai obtetned nt thé lio 1-be om Paul la mou tresi mud Li.t'oughon causait. Agent. Whthy W <lnoz-tu the Provincial Tolet"]p OMMic Bnilding, neir t!,. Eeglotry Officé. i Tiff l CoMaualciÂL VNION ASSERANCgg90111 CÂPIdt- *2,600,000 M., (FULLY su8entpub~.) INVESTED ovER0,0,00-E MOIT 1IUIU E INCANXADA, Sb,0 19 sudd ,orubill, Loudon, Offices(derluj relIdL .ries CkurohStrsolb SOCâ- A 4Â tEiANOJI i -N D,' WAT- L YAUlBAKS, i.. Agent, Whltby. Ori4 nlis,îi Tolagrapli ,l0ceau- thn.uerIee trttry Office T, CISlLffLEINGjSTUNl, p. L.,, tnopeetct Of Aeel lu INSURANCE ICOMPANY' Capita irv.MILLIoyos TEXLIiG; BOA R D. Itoison Lq C',sbrsmsThis suesiloSrlugle, ep. AanreneMees., reouistl oh olnson. Boeslet Aort.vy mlsâGnemAgent-A tXain Euldnga,26 ~. rano!, Ysnber Agont, Witly. * ~ ~ Ie Oh Ozu Bk-.81 ORILLIA; ROBT; BiwoB; J .zi - iur the ttsrolitug publId, tisl ho las lesees!tli am* mveauJi; pré l lwu «4419plison. ToiepSUdL oso- viAns! iple sc- ~e~gm as! tel' mteation pols!t. lhiut .",mut»_o 1114 24 DIJIAUTHET W IT~,C. W. ' bassedlb ig ufonrly >rkas,_ya r~pI1tro'. n inales! A6 ssub ortue *Vo Copûs i~0 Appio,, MAXos.< moBDW(lud oui $25 000TO JOA -To-41 iN Y TIbLîoHess!C,~ud ig s s mypon.o te lacomas! Efre. iï e- JOBS BLOW, -Agent, ny W'200 or-t Wblte Witby, Àpt Io 1, 1865. 1- BJcemiuOs To TMs Mare dg farge surpty Or MOÃŽ ouleisiou hl proves! Parmu, , or fi-e year., -]No O'-mÉ81091 or iolttor errons.., boyorid lb. tsllal cb.rg .for oouvsýYAncing sud vs1iuWSdp mîi b. umade. ) om»o kc..opJi>'to. - seovetary, BOX 14, Toront Or do JOHN AGNIW* Velnalor, Whlliby. -i INSIJIINgg CtOMPANy 0F ENGLAN19 De (LXXTID), CAPlITAL, 8,00,SELN 71 Xicg tt manciseter. MfAI iAN....q.TomulaîeuuM bbett, Eôq u' P.ro-malisin, Eoforu Club, oid eia tlo Grange, ornaeon, t- aeiestor. *loy, frq.,l M. A- orsct> oit.3 sud 054 t-Sa LA&Urer- Queeu'sCol1090, Camg,-is!g. ,îe*à OfINcefor I. N, A., Ontario f Uit" Chut-oh Utreetî Toronto. marine "b ( rom lo Isi utt O th ZiOnssa ber, amoi b.4 a itrat".. SCOTT àh DEGRASSI p ff. I ' ! o i f A Ms u g o f , 9 . N Msrfr, Inspoctor. JOUN AGNEW, W i lî y 1 M s el 1 ,1 8 6 0 .,A e n t C. lu. VA"S, R ACI7CALDentIi, tebiva. DenIti 11ooms, dlrcctijoppo. itehliPos.tnce..-Entrs".00 o ffmooeâtt-epltbird!dooruorth ofbb. Ã"ntsrlu EXRWC RT &,e.,io Atout ~'rPEÉ Rsborts beg to cai tise sitlonlion of .1. Fat-mot% sud vod cutter., to s uew 01ro.s:cnt sswlng Mfaohbne,whieh h vit>,ouî doubt n0» t of t e ruujýr go dp la Canada, tore osllatidaoelbebei Jsuy SOîli NA. OLAR1Ë&VOET %e Miost respectîulty te infor th Ie lubbu tant» et lise tonnîy q0< tiorbo, lA 1yb easd~jor~~roibe 114Y Ocenâfios!b> id d r andsud rne ~ I'dtg is seoonsnodste tb. rsr.ttlup. pul,&rT Bi stokes! v>tb lie ben, lit4uorsas!depeas u tie uite ost e alvsw' ys % Atte t i an d TB tO1nrlthe Cabinet riett>t-s «rILL AND t -ý1 f WiII in1 t-. evoLe id. tîti" .otnslvoiy 0e 1b eZerasI >u4tnei nujis u tur OVPat3gO<LtNq Aà 11h r e ori d iy thé Buit rio td .0 t dfi ei ro Al .5 i.n t ab] ari~ t s du ib Win ka cm fit «s3 s Mgt ~.n~sïi---P wuw&»* te trriw-- tg- 0di, vieler a psvsod suppresie!, nite! for agbt not lie foetad, vho, for moue>; )>fng 'dise WIldmrious'vold-proscibis fuuersl sermenu "Tesp' unéions bootyý - Wds ile,'é"I mools! gladil be l4àmsu$ iIr m t sou ta>'- sud! uWiildte.give ée i ll1 it !.. nnAte a cotcme 1U biet4h -- dâéw hÉ-- - tféiargntd t b. li t. HIou. Thos. Lefroi, vas pro- litljlt t-aiste ti~sentes! viîb an ddrees b>.l.uiba-od arrang4d dthe metliod bit retijem.hreceutl>' froua tb. office of~ S lg,w-o-szçd per-. mhen utieo .ed vas doo hasardons < or d0- tTce ffrela'nd, ern agoto. unde«gsd *Oid M y;ie t'.rsie * op j ' executioss-$h u idihcb lanModeaianety4eond yeasi4';ï îgs!ttbesié9ù'ènont ridlpn vltb bis ovalisas! aàd visliont dli, - a col detail of bis use or glissel. . b. deatroyed and theo 1Oea. Bat hu r bs iitten s letter t1; 1ied " i 14e dffagpisthé b. ppo explaiuiog the noms b. ex,. uco!bbtifi lai4 mesi t-eres!adut-lut' ie i'eoonî ýexcursion eof lintô dbé kithen, ans! Drue ob 0db.ieiifs Ikateulugu of lie'bock n or 'of., the peope oplyiDg îlvleve, Né Étiesur q esrneatly t6 the voik of t-estornug tlit ,pef, ' -évlu i fa o'n erti-Uoperiq', and, kil'ardiug ioemot the nlgop.. n e f it-st d l~rtya oee-sUe! .ey . =u isin-o, but 1lan o 'irdnmutaucos eounte4o len L tetios! L Stl. ny effort do revive bauî. ýy ý.tise ro-rssd ,hThe foltomieg opisapb 'lssi iunll y 1 b. mfamilybsdgao !~b ýb'ldeî,wo r -i lereiene 1îe - JOtsepiaat; bpJVs ï,deiperaterres@? Wgo etcleite ews-ale; n t t, bro ghB ut oio c *ed ,' an De dropt dovu 'lus!, 'aocae. 4.oene Ans! 1eit beLaglithe tale. donIta ertlstes - W3Pfr331tle toibs,, Col ~To n.et ifsdoou4' ulu~uebealii; -~st io*» os idsieior;,., 01 sti ba Q been 81. bene. . mt idvell - rio ', h t éuiht the lsu-heavlu or bell ,, se.iteudvith dtoe o~M is r*vuzz EcrGrfu is s ui L;riidthbefssnly in. -9, éS1ýWt meskekt f1ýýo' o ysyvill oUen =k bsr, ITeiëlâ" islau rot bLis 06 SI l i Ll d ef t g tiellie. 1>eelà ths ,aefora àtetel of breàa ifgVti. I o.eeh~7~--~ 11% 1 P o I n r e d e rt .g U s d1d c a r n n u . T h o ln o - a fu ll b rig lil b a r -. 'fi a I - t e0 oa ' h d.beàutIfnu»oý iJk W1ljls ýn uet,";,But, 000 1vi tl .. , m uud lnl; I piedon »tbo pparkliu u _SdifM, son Onc lifil l. estifl no srfs#o of db. vsterdlii I Mé ( he chili of l(h. tli'ey wero M Witli au eje liki, Ita orstall, s her4 11k. Its tb, nilibr~eée; thon clàug 'ihli t e, aboat16 Ou w ,l v dfor my $n rxcu g rge"- tom , reu 0tntly, pr#pïrd o ndreu . or 1 . ', id 11q P Is te, d s d o t h w îi dis ip < sy h dî Mp a Dy çp n is d V est n id d , d ôz en ' c e Lri d , ",- bo adis4t ,~ cr a aheoad, sud ýa ho4ýe si -(the banc Islhr, feafulnois, vlli st~sdcranis suc- ucroos the liîke.; B II u, s c eos." ru s b e d in w t h e o oii d o , a n d w oll.dré c ted fû t l o m d e d , mny i e i I i 4 v o l a d b i Y f i ; - .a u t e e s Lr ro r4 tr c k e n m î id . s è r và n t ' t t . Tis vrtet rooltîhtgosslVrIn S, Tiihsgivtnhe ztsnîy ft'éppmo.bslloo#ldir. h WiIi tae à swldo sw£cbpeaî I W"ltoor 1W is o'dnez p osr sh ias l vl jhso Fo litdst -on 'psbqe,, dsa1lo iIkadis1yauo4ay A'ýrolley <rom iàîjhout prevonw dMY vo- mén'armed vithu&l L 1ev sra na4. ##i b ud bo th# I Iis boatitfial sua d tb4'cmahing e b. -'nd , n c m n 0 O ?r M;hùoul tiou sinher *th novlir tgo 1 th, glassvas sll#'ped byWinowsbas, dielst O Ouranche 11w strings Il ho ld bl e w i.u ibM ig lit nade'11 an eceses'y. JIT h e. h on nît eJ i t-- sc o r îbe c un try - ow es a tu, tck d," shbe s a d ud Ilin ith asnisipg sud y~ vo a a Iftheelow sud 1the lob strtcl tohy desperalb aelf-po.aosson, sddo-" tho e a-sxoto-gn train-veys loaded gans,*ove thie kitchen fire- robbevr e p#ore Yidutig, plce." o bbU van owu L.corridor IV scé 'h * < ~ n ' g a o u b , - t d d i fi T a e r <-he , 1 4 p r o u r e d s e x b u 4 t od - b y dt h e To io. or broye,.too *êck (« as roan, wespbn; Young 'Morden, 'irm<oI1 vîth a in in& btheitié Toh JOedl lb thet <oftbo i.caitown, 1mors!, met tu. Ta takfapo rcrbe-s*v G êne. tu n d , lin J Jotb b o f i te110 O o iiii±g oW , iT hein," b n * in ' lpo r r e o sd- r e htr u » down- Or. reo js IY i tmitilwi0 ol TO 61k, aStiii. li MO-errlbiao, uow;Our vaketpont#tAI0~y, 4 t," thc aceuo, of aMtio WIth bd mashtoaa -sud beauboblisenL.ledSiedtogether. snvery sligl*opp,.j .-'- . - heliiRisbript tre,burnp u b.dr;adt,4 boi-d. Ii a rg indod irp foodrfàe tbpho t - oýui an~ d LtoLI io ad unptId onfâi r giinat us.i the lava vWU' tadin béa&, 116 - -îned bdc, b a a - - - esemsit, amad wt~ ipt ~msku5charg ofbésavýyos rlcoionel'l*ott-Tui ÉisttAtgbk 'engaviug udbillomiug Ç,ý,rlghifsally,. I -vas theo-stimonge.1 tb - lespes! upothet .table to scizoe omuakts more'i't' yo-emt i rÂLE ô? TRUAND. vhldi vevo îsmpoudo l l.plce isbnt-is-Iib; bAd -MordeouW dgibe&, 'I hnd.one t 10 a 1l f t hrtr âve yésri; t hjs re iy m o uh, a eu l iév eb b . i'.blaed o tt si dllttuy p î o s~a v i t lacbe 1 , trtered v i hùiyÉelr.îlusd= loyrd e= Ib sdld îtat t-y dspolit -fod; roollet Ub lii. s c. utuyïlv.Or four s#bots ver. dis- -- dvsssjfeomr srly fo!g4iIIVbo#siiyàuthé. Tblrty 1eb& 1 'hb*rd Ï ballet wbisUe ýpast frid-d Mr Mordémi meuh, bu 1thé ss" k&Y Wtu1aI Ian relves!mylid ad kt sOmehtng Sd*k, n'y inuthdb . Wgpfo-b o tnvsîloaroai M èn Mbdirjaj vihota slould.v 11» Lbb ÃŽarp ,at ofsbip., but vente- of(ié e41* bn.d Woved sàmIomsb ucluan a bo iviug Osoord'd. e Ijmpéd froinde iol as!l stç e £pen4s vpkvttb biltnsd loba bis table unWluj oWebei-! l' M en kuowu, s.d t"o4oa epb*Invips tdoSb -otlug, lTageu. in lie >Passage;- bis manne u aslm sund kept the, djohdIig'ý lemWd sbtavW#&ui cnmiles distant coqhectd as b ~d'theservant ma» do 1the rebellionva !rom lb.' tovu sud slltn&d in A rty vo- the front e0f te-boue, sudd sp*tébdbis the" put-pose of 'robi red par of d1. cOùnLrY. iLfvas s&vus!dsda'bter <forsmmauniid.ansd scuriug1blieol, 'os bsalfl esien.,p Mne hen anbi A ropping firo contInue4 ; The , odo11. mtr.mity of s Peulusip vicbiutt.s lu. fi-oui iout- trot vithîn.neos liebd sud lIang b-ongL 0 a u e s t e s i r e i k . o a d o t u s l b e e n r e t u r n ; à l a s, I L . r a b l i r s s l e l $ c i - d s a i l l a ii n d u ffev.d sîlîbe luUnbd~~~euts tip boluî to bçh oretslybtlds!the angles tue dpitgd~ae lu flebtug oèd« tb olb n suddL. 0ltho!îe gptes ,a mau pâme Ii ýtiers boas'des e; no msn lireos! tW Prom some bàrries! *ordo vo overbeard, iutended robberyis hmu M . oM 'to, sdhis daug b1*e mîîiy, (by vert aria g ng s dtom ined Attsek. faitt ck. le moa us! ber 0rpba couin irbo, resides! v lth TLoy vit! tuake a'rush lmmedlatçly," soubut no -attomptp le vero ecdedI dbhé lue' vom e ro nhé id dbeder M or e n sd bre coine bis deip r t. o nt-am m d s u e s! e d L e t S t ~ h a ~ N oo.inil y g o 0 td L m d t c o r n e lu lo v e r I Lth e nâ o rn in g f i s br, dbhe , t b t 1 acc e s ,t s! d g ote. - sud d oo for é t>'or ffty atridges tdire. otheri "m a ilh , mn»Mlrztslou mlltuglasd ontILo>ap. vlicli îe lias! buonglid in tho sklr r asilei)-Le gaive ai oiuted dayput myseirf to s postohpise, drmaing'gomn. -Notmltâtindiug the pet-il plank., id reacbedl in lime for dinusi', of ont- sbtuation, -1 couid- not but gaze a Tho dogu-vm orel Tho lions. vas one o!fdiiose old Ialiion. !aQlaent on Ibis bravo >ud beautirul girl, promises reconuota d cobmfordsblb Irishl odges, vLlch ire *'Go,lin,ell u iohn»-oUrlug,tLo Oaptsin'S of s boggar hqo cri ,W citin~, or o" * tb go l u u n-case from h.ciabeansd do you, prepared WIl arsen t il a long, 10v bilding, covred vitL ltrily, match <rom thoeund minlom ; sud thon ,iiadë '" iva 'i n infiîti of thatch vlic boba4& defianco tfypu.se o n>'motoniont ou that aideaSp- asertained (bah îLef à min, cli6soviTbtaflsund nar. prit. us of id Love. Nom; i>' boys, b. door vere difaciro pv csaemonte reaclios! th.e Ound, s cool; lrl gin. iaybesoeto bhlm vIn> iug 411e hnily ah suni îndaoio llvpr-bod ex~l~ dcir h b.flratmau. You -bat-o s gos! trauce mhon th.> 7nt, oi dgd hY s boitl udgb« sud uppi>' of atn. nitio ifir e couls! but attempt h o made an t t roodbiuo a*bd éthercre es os(ooed the oooxtheésonudtets iromi bpfr shokoer.quickly pcýeroI*iun ludos vtb toirloin. sd bot-ts. ,y -y srat" The ols! gentleman took serred by Miss Moi-I 't so0n distance à' mol-tock ed i nirs! tie idiot's ppit sud pla ce s!. oat 4 611 it, & cou a l vas bels!b] eW4 O nÏr à i* 'auns j-augC f --l , w ile HL i an sd 1Jë"ch os psition ou mis ,forhuatoly det le vas is ith 1 i gcL e,ît -aidé, of dthe brôkl» wiudom. Mr. dtie ttack until dlie ppres! Méb-idene* wlîls jed Mdi- M1ot-donvalses! thée gsrieutt o the brescli; -Test on i;and ils I diove fp tgliM n çuo 1 p an. il as Instictinl e M n fkota itlou l; -NoIing o ls!bé b * rlt fe t red, vel- od i m loto ; (ih re . .blu leti lp rfor ted i 1h sud a it <.11. tesu o o #d tIbm Mitea gifbliobin: frot'a snoighihorin l! ges do*n b -Iroared a robbir tion,It vas to leapi et -kl lo fturiees; sf" 7 e.*ul;ingiyr "N o , Ifurphy7ri àom a me : 'te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I foini oa a é ie l libt-, ime;S ihsih he.d or *11t ii. sicgo."1,k dbe or'riisi thag aOut -;LPOG dtheInstanty iiget-ffan aprsng rom be- «« ineprov X a kn e i d è qdko, g U t pv o n Pr. l un d i g b le ; u s r sh vas i ao ud s!eu Ilat a ln e p v o vue d t à b , M r. M oi U ew u Àa, blem r i ia re spe t, ho sttuc k t vi oe ithli ab te i- g orce c te ne y o u g i toman;bovaplaç4agiit ti- ucrt-al ecoulis!rwboad on biti. Wbeboardplc4t-sb.w g. esse-.nb j lfplin ans! impie. tLe Ling iv-re Sai loovfligrbe ubsbp îduiîsl«,p u ltq îy fp b ul- -s u)d s itat'criical um oment'. y ong i leile sd t be nodIs . 4 u i ' « a t f t - . M o td c ' : g t m i t is s e s ! fl r ç -p i ùO r à èiM l t o u 4 r s t h e , I i n st b u -u p o u i t a t it b id e s ! i l ieb . c t-e d s lie s ta t & . - The1 - us! gi ntelin s- âiOes j ihb ca glit op eau xe, sud ,,plac d ilmacf CÃŽrcm atneegÇtle1 endl>' si uei ty , sud bis h adgom e doterm i d ty b efoi th o deer, b1e ý i h , m n p a eus. Inu i$ird~ iît e lem .Thy oxPecte4 loetaiy ,b. nl.asoolcn-dfb >iO5ts4i~ iin oit*H 0 Mutiy; ,perceiviug Lth tindus eIfrc(oiuh deiptton-à Il, .1~a> é d evhait~ylzdof bis blom, Ca Édobsomsepo.by lsord.u th" ~OtG U oe estfbdlybu.n- r.dy. Haosfbutfn ad rom scène dipleyed Lbe,, soe russegq )a me-,,the edge,,Sbd boeliK os!di.iaieton, *b0oÇ la abifflir alter ~, -i4hsblow wOud iýýo,1ieethé door the appçatnsnoof agi "1u 6 -1 faet*a g poidrballtb dLkogh't11.ob élitaa'u de ousi, voldl Ak -the t4 a i o 14ihpiionu, orlerbrtérn nwaeI pbsie.,» saInd in.a b.teaoeodu ltsh#in Dvyera is! e a y bid.a iOt09 auOqm the WW. hvei gl-uoudnl.b dws ousin, iii plis Ji- a ir ps . s d i e 11e m sk tldA4 m a . po as, d b e nê ot s -les!. N dOpe .,w#q ~*an uer.d herufXidon àvilli dbtifrg 0q-i a b.d beàr on Issg5ft~'71vo n aj;,LIo v m e 1no1leysdheysaowdohis toared.- "o iteovv tai 130 lDSUhhyslihati ht.e vvien gt estql muncmlou c a'»ancetilii1kconten"enemuid ir'. -qèi n uets<Mo1 pes W&~ diZ s i nd b t- ijLi.. cour.z... i. a i g ts danv. . 1

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