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Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jan 1867, p. 2

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To «1.0 Gem blt iop l sI -tise euleu tise,res rpectf*effee*ls. Gom quenfl> tisr. V44 ima aform inul< liti. trisSer>, in deprlvlng thos veuldb.tdspeople's ebolpMoftiseC Maglersy. This tia. tisepeopileI uhbOus,. Tise psopie hane lteitét kprsenuîles tb ie Comuty oi ofat o!ts., "presesat,.sOoh fn B Ferr leta uuulonsaboies. 1- - pMr tsDd. 'ThaVs ait, v a e te sayuapon teub>eazt @hprage. Wo voeli d isnetw .4attention ofM leaders ta >1v. BInWue'e rtlseaetý * . bai nov remod lt.lies M Preahwmse»odoornonisof bisoidsg 48010 probébil Msfue. àdrg more ha, eesstvy 40,n sfCi4h alaeuboustg ai itsof idle someis!. over 80 <el deptisud fis dlvldéitby a very oeia ssI Wallilisoa front 'elop about -42 <es deptisin Ofise,sed a loratory. 2M' @bop Io vell stocksd a.d tautlly sraug -sua fro..~ i àotlloviegeo! mund it as tise#pullie <or. stict attesti tu bis bu.luensd su esdeavo: te pie bits numerouo ourse., PsusxvAlwgî o ladPassn or v fouteor ims. eas-veeuaot fiser hbu bou eee loo Presidesoft AgrawvSocety of tsbe Coucty of Oc tarie. Iltle,ud we are <lad ta SuovIl làu0 osetiosn sud-sasub»Muptlos 5a beu nov w se s oo(004 esa,$KMrSObier saitablé, pruetation ffor bis as.> i., "ev".l l.hélnareste of Agnleiuae. id pieaslg tisaS serttes senobabis sM dpprecluei, sit va are ouîy too bappy b record tise Ac" S1AACoiisirm...Ou TaSsdsy 00g lUt afElit». bol, fou r.arsold, amof o! Tbo. Devenu, qo! tise love, vas (Oum sisingbyhbis paneU sud onseoresnuit lu;aile hie body vus dlseorreilluthl osIes ijollu;ta dreÎlilg., *Kedi sileuduns wovus maeiil eproccred oc itiWoeuy 141 the lodyg lbut wsaalln- tise ps4of lf. b. ed. A board hbeasu -pisuileroesetis distorendsatIl le suoalsed tisut ta poui tsai. q b.vsie vaibbgsmmsags l inl and vas drovueil efor, setososueld bars bous reudared. tisis v ol mnacuese bis Intention te coïmaeoe b.Inutruction of a al asel vrooeae,!m"adatoly. lb. Brut ceis le sluuod toasemble on Frldal eves. lu; nextP lu tise basemanot o! st: Aure,' Clorh a ibis.11towu. lkai(pae ui es l lb. boer sppoinud. HiajyrHous.-Oufýamsongst aasl elers, vos ponchaseit ly Mr. Yeousa Oibioa frons Uv. Robt, Oruistos, ialu wookgr velisg 4 0M Ibo..Il vas only tvesty monts. it suit ooke thetised 01 a bulbeS. Wbstby s"d Ess Whisby luion Afis. emtMrai eety# Tisesuwmaeing of ta Witby sud tust Wisby U"Io Agriculturesi Soelt vis e, l tise Globe IMotel, Ereoklv, on Séardai>, tb. l2îh Jas ai Butiev nmý blm e e eprésent, <Tisemsudslreport ileved, à-ba4ieela liselb"7ofM tisa TÏWise olovlu vre eieetit oesuud *Irectbru for tbè vse i s1 Kattboýe CmfisriiPresuesi;f W. B. Me. Yhfllse. * tises voue su, 1fr. Ferry ves seelamado.- vise ez tiorz ae ue, - oth ley bismore. asand ou4r, sud ta awu boyo M .ofosavus, adalal teiu l lait Abrahaa Peveli, F4, J. P, <Tlroc wil lnadfftaftise Consty Isige, vis. M Km lu vaideg et tseJudge's elsabesforti Fpu"ps, ves sots otifisilalutime,) Mr.. perry, on tiking île W«r2s'sum LO eaid ul ise bmsdsça eivîasusslad îto elestut t-ofleiiw ositu 'o! Wsvde our MI cose îlglî fedi ptomofM it va gsellleo ' îleontprooue eeeon, (a a$Ls i e a loe, vsdelvs lsr tles poiWmomou.o ! lie People sntla.;4 Tis pope eees4tislvsrunaarov as e '1 til,à,stoteoelitva vo ts of, (rn. ole. o!ta people isst ta boni nlu vas derlrui, e Is.eeup tlbe oee& bal te higisestiss eoold le reesdin- th ifftof ta peoplet large orthe'Cousu rhé Mauelaàip«naue teb.brougit in -. od, notlee of! îlmqConseil tise prnenî suloi W,, Tls.Couty Palittaxatios 40 ta sMo.. Monif 1mfovl7te Lbyiailhosssnddoias monly 'itbada popuistion viei migi onbu ebew s5#,0O@sonlssdit luc .eportance la etery .11ev ýrspuet 115 ecosu to no otiser eeunly, IsCsm&d, Doaris hie year o< ofiS ee spromiseittisamtdu 1!n dussees o! ilie o.nî, 9ae Nul9- ail *rtr t matesî" eonosrnieg lthelutau rS of -tise Cout of on"taSiesu Id's- suive bis moetatteeeoasmsIIrîe,.. Tie f usula, etêsunsl, suidgerai b#ffaIr oM ibis euaidemandai thte *mosi ýn sttendvfesuidt rie.. couàhlsaou no!fisa l1, reprueesaiN ieed. ar sn leoul'i asliel, dlàiue vomiw«1reniie al t se aid tiaIle vus able te ire - tam. On bis partie vonlit dueni" ; hi. ten of og offle.enavoWr le feigi <batlevus It ta e ere of Whily, uit siouldiuail Me asiten«MuornUe. lqu4 &sa etas tîle to nepreoalv.of, de, et ilarge. (HMa, boa*,', su d is of i affuetaitettown of Whly or &*y otiur St' oodiy, at-l raltkm tais lkuturuste as affblgtb. vboi. eonsty. AlI st id seevu bl < Msdt tutreeoehtuuM" s s- Onubs, arttirsbnteuar lx h@ or aouvseed lv taws. Àgsiutbsukluig Sta e momel fr ta prend position il uche nludlgenee tinfu;bis mmer oeUe, sMd -trustlug usaI, îl e maens o! ta sone vw oo f at ljrenlou ogeie ale v oplg tbatsat ouitdonly bave ose thing SALL a OInO TI mSe rau»s:o OoMrs Co.YslrbsuSs, seosieti 1,1Mr. Camp. bail, moredt Lai à ommnitée o e ures b - suleteil b, 1"0#; ot,appolst ta staninge eommîtiees fonta pre"t lear. (Carnet) Th Tis eeve Of Maruti Bxandsuthte a rueve of Osissus, vetoemued by tae sWsrden a scsratiaru. Tb ibllot ruiteit luaror of mms,. la Kenedy, Brabona. BieSeil, CampieU, B.SaitI, Wieier snd Col. Fairbanks, NION 0F Or-U-XAW Vos ArrOunTEUT or Mn. Gible gave notice tisai h. venit You toanorrov lutroue a b,.iav, fon tise b appolutmeat Of Atdtors for ta pes ýt yssr. r.. Campleul, seoniltiy Mn. Allisen, amed théeadjeusaenî Mîbhe ooueiltie forerereumarîlu;tissatise. vr«g gc asny10018g mealers oapeolgglie.pre. us u vneil wvisc ight requin aà mors lengtaneil lme toeousideon the appoint. ment otaestasudng eoaaluteu. * Col. FsllauSe enquirei tbseierauy comuseales sst ouae luto ta -Warde bad;sat sdif s. viesebr tise present timne ver.ot tw e dmo çiieto reet ddis. Thse Wsd'riorpiethtiIno emmenlea. t1ous hait n yet les. placeit in lie bauds; lent- tiaI ie aveti vocitlb e sdley hl aitelluig of tad es0"ltomoo, Thsaouealtties adjenr utail tomer.1 nov aorulgs 10 eloak, muffl M O orMUe. o col. Yarbiab, à# esiém, leshwl <rm isspeio mmltts sû ted in s1.trie sadlgomite l.~.da a tt "wut Masopted thosmdet folo,.:- E C70i * F#49<4 udAeasMUtd - 1<UU. Brauos, sand Brou..nube À«mil, Davldsn, »d XKsIa e Jst tbi Boua fB,<es.-C.I i. slrbsIss 0lests MursUmm gom"y, Brjsinoas, Bil4 KW1ogbi, Qrabs..sud 0hSiima. 1, b O" oi4nspMyA"Mnr. ylexoim Sali <8eeàud> e.rs&d rail sud Hbisur. ,,thse Bs by- ssslsBtk ,a p qir polinu; B alU othee1 eqis iuont log tisemunuer d,sudvy lu visicisile o fun jo ofueasa sud ~ ~ ~ M tsll.omiteoast<Must. b. nceea BrabiOs, Enneyitsoler, Me0regist, obible obali (80094) Glbbs a",is(&.Wiltbri) te$150; »J Drydien. plankisg Atm'iss. drivoer, 1fr. Gubo, Seeood.d ty Col. Yakelrol vs, oanty.4 >bisied 1061e.401lft e a £By.lsv, for Novemibs tb. »poums o!Audtors. TiBy. prmW<IS< suw puse, tisroc s.i-i.~ready tf0ý à@oe .t gb i.i st oms tue M . the swini »d Jo.bDe., uios-is.ttaIsms q« h& t ii Bjisu0 b. Wudes s tise Thst ulur to be. , , ted under fui . tb lisslrs- alaitatt1 ti'M 4 tis e c "e isttseupit ",forI.1,g$ 8 ruent year reqslred of thsaditon,w«oe ponditure bqai graud deoieved a-lSe saun.il # afmet iy tise oapssaio tu s e tis. auiouwou1 old t le d.tie County p, lfr. Gibis. lad no objeethu 40 sut- ate tise $N0for 0;,be s tmîhmot F M. nwwIE 55WJ Sff ului UUoU1b rle Mafeut u1tiste l.aceuion, &ud 9tien MWi.dla accordisg 4,. voi dois. Aftt., sou,stis.. wremarIa front K. Gibbs., 'Col.-Ma ad Mr. Bickeil, se itaa vos $ds~*0,-tse Warde esiligtisst tie e $6se<om 0 t. *8 lstyea u eo eoa extra vonk lmposed unputise udisor, sadtisi tise amea migla b.u «ezued tise pr.. 1 eot year, at. tise I<ossef igh4t em nesnry, vises héitisedals sud neur extra vers .. ee ne usood. MTise *0psi vus reisiseti Xun psir. mm.- On Mo" ofo!Col. tPalrb»4l ,tise e..- asseses von tris te Repu> Assetsnî Adjutat Geners, os tise suJet: W dril S"sd, vis refeffed t40 wsuea eomlmittee eossiiug1 lasrs. Blekeil, GilispIe, Browi, enned sud tise momr. On motion oM Mr. Bîekell,à a leet eoomuuluee vuas ppointed 40 exsmlue m tise saunes sud detiesof tise Co. ofoms, sud a tevbethersa elsange la the saosu psid migisî sot, b. sdvis*iel Mr. Campbell <ous«ti nith ie word. log 0< tise reslution, sud srgued tisat; il wuasO souificiesti> deallst. a 40vbtben ehasesabsoaid b. in lb. s&dari% or tise On motion o! Mr. IBiekeli, sec. by Mnr. Campbell, tise Ww4rile lat tie chair suâti tvro oloekr. amnd4r bg.lao, Nt. 19,7. during go Fur ~1866. 5if, 14 mC2WU * E AS li utCff Balaie$ front lm186 ..51$50 14 1866. Nov. 8, Jobn 0'Do. neIl, breakin; atones k deasug r tb 10 00 11v. ,0001ont«, do,. 1600 Dec, 14. Jéls lsbey, gsîlllg........ 4 74 0 074 ira z~ u osEras OAÀPIN SuOc Baise.from18515 Pd Ifli e.en,grabbing Mnil turniks.. il.50 556. ai, rus e.WTEU 0 l,3MKAS. Deine froiu 86524102 A. Campbell; voriS aTai. dite1slg te,.......000 Dee. 26-, PteWV a sti Bab".usplt, orS sot 4!<mlted.......15 00 '2410<7 ma. , Tay, rassoi.ês lx NASA. Balance dueftkm 180... 179015 rab, 161 Joba Hârngtoo, tornpi--'1 se 0 thse aggregsie number of d*y"on Prison-eM- vote on <lau aà ane, Me <estfo ration. $150,07,boiS 4pet ta-, for aseispaisomer on tise I3mof, Octber lût l am veBidgeç,ad nti oua qoeçl ex- 'o o- Ü»evoks, ontithut thse actiaon o!, thse p lenou scib.h à ovt 45 vinteri sud ntmtsd tioro, i$10& Tblatlagssd cayod sud Snoba , s o raire ou, t b.cdivsmonlr tue potetl Mtie, for viieispurpose 14 vii mary f0 procure a 1le -drrevu tise 0>attwsi hl&,villfros$2 tise .tiuaated cesofMpilifug, ànd the -ame la *120, mnaalgfbe ilhmateigt a! Icdis; aàpile av> $40 0is one!! o! tise of Siucoo, AtaI usesion hait lu or 1»4 orderedti ie vork to bo -vis,,son asibis ceatylso loin ln il. Parte!f tie tlunbc. in la i decayed to soinse extont, i la considoeut sa(e for anotiser yeur. uat for sonse tempo...> repalrs, 40o $10,75 labenevitb submsi"bl ce baisse o! moneys, uppropnia r By-iav No. 127. anexpend tin 077,08,) basbeea expended, vill tieu o!$150, on. tisecentro nosti b, tise work for s net fally ceas- Sdotaibet staleesniof M islaex- i. la rita subisiltted risich la respectfull stsbmltted. JOIIN SIER, Counni, Ilgineen. Pansne'sOffice, by, rd Jal.ut 67 t BEPLY. Monday, Jan. 21s84 1861'. WitIby, Jsusany, 19, 1867. Tt1 vus lalI-past 12 9o'c eis lsehîe W. H. BItrixas, Eaq., -Conceil mesanbieti, sud the meaulers com- menSeet 1km;tbohe em, Oak Md doclaratlon Mi office, Mr. C. Draper va DASSK tae fret vo tooS the oeils. Tise reps.- 1I opt hisgi<t ih ' e * sentaulof o! ieNortl Ward oepita iepleasore, valis; h Itnot sein eisfor itsel!, m sats tiithe d Mofte table ; alsof Mos &tO5Oft te sentmet ota0tle- ah. Sentis Ward the central place; sud. mes la *hm e5e lsityou se, sud beg au reprueuiatlrcs ortae Centre Ward teeS exps t4 aindityon, Sir, as- veli us Lis l er pae. T rve Io*sidr. te tise l bitans o! te:lo ws in gesn,al, 0abSé discussion asM4ta mode0ins yic île isigis degne.of satisfaction il affrIs tar ot., sboW oten uses m ii ther me,10 fidia ylouable service, asà rutii.;-emadoier he . la c.r, set ti .te0er, laie. sot, basa overlookeit, ad ouest, lulimatei thaho vonlit tais, ta that 1 laie lesu su forinnte as t erssa- vote «uIl o!flb.e ouucllors reprasatg; tisa. oidece5sudma éteoin. lie respecie vard-tisatlat va s 1 hâlve theeionor <o b. Sir, opinieone. - t. tise C«onruStioof!tîlà*tv Tg-or bambl anti oi, se'rt., -beatubÎ ho ivas proparet 10b. goaru. , W. C. MIDDLETON* ait by thedussiofo!taie cnsia tae cialter. Tie vota vua etie-six org S. &Ausa'Casi otr-b amd fie Tovn Clenisded i u aven 0<of sa", Soeo!tise congrogstiou vor. lis oas vlev by bit cashs; vota. sspi;l t sde' itSvshl Tise balioing tisesn esutet as follovo:ship: n -t drvsCarbub M s. .B. Powell, ol lie Nrt l a uthe echSos theaeeis; MofTisrsday .O'Donovan, o!fliseoestre, sut-c. ti, asti vas very larg.iy attaudd. Be. Draper oftbe 9SouthWantiseire the, 5rnl resuaunts voesusevei in tise bssmea Yean. 7 - . - astiMdvers, astnasal, both chi*as daid. Th econd yeurMsrskRy, Not ans s ut. heA s u.cssire talusvers serveti L.A Campbll, Centrel, andsit ery SonîS, netre. - C ertise Compasy Voes&hov ntste .Ciureis, TSoe eleeted, f!pr tise fultentu oM tSi-se vere tae oboi t tnairnedti l ieu usa lemi am -.-acm sH. Genrie, Norths Word- feupises so!fmuie, uni!tb. formaioues- R.uth. P tre, aMsitJohn BIoov, las; o!ft* exraies. hetIsf. lr od»nà,'m At 8 6o0101t. taé chlr vWstaises by the Toh. dhe allo o! l ln dtale qnïe Miuiatev of tae Congi-egation, 'andtihie (e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~,nw of i altssni etae-vtt pasn s tis eerenug, Dr. Taoker, 1fr. grest stjeet oMitiseussi; thb. terpre.Gibise, suithîeRai.B. M aebiulli- cudw g illeeeusul vs.e! fa tfOtsIsov theïr smatscui.pafr..M. chraleranti Brown#te lu apbell, b,Îdosnehb epen"eitaiemeeting witls prayer. Dbllot anses.lowrr, ovnt , Camellhlie issrmas exprssssd bis vegret et île lu; coumîtesa9- taeappointmnt Ït wiotbecs anonceW is à. a peaeb a vas -deferedt lotie nidmeeting citae detaineitb, rfy islegeet;a sosuei - tise same tisse la. atattbie conviction tha Kv. Lswde was' appelnatdl ton by ah.e 4M&eles -bliai rldvsl o Macncisd tise layon sUMMil l.<ail (c interesi anti dify tumeinl siby.Isv'pau"etappointis; lotis tismonàsel D.luS4 ,sd'n Gbs,î genlemen. ' eselo! vboa the sudience lat1 t u ImfuraWo iasi129. <ruai lattendesn. Tiseir sddresu.,ifrg M..Bro.,deptvo..,gave 'oti upesl lp ed astyle, ver. aliks felii <bat bu vooldthe tie s ati suflu th t 'm inso5r51sud auser, »lsuitsoptable sumetmoefor frietu, ltrée a, . ,I a. thoe uproet. -làs]Kv.giselouiln leu repucliug bylov lV». - k satae -béemyu.apr4sfoa ms msmm o'couamu4 ad teie teegbasS - tubsrver-a Tb# 6"eteIMml#e uçpmaltew D ov approaticlgleris e tiguiy f, àph- fuse lI -th asndtstemmistss rportaitosopisur ast taen à.liig hs llseak t stot luetl@ ete 'ait*$ugeAtaith@e seath~e pW@eys fa Malouai; 'e Aneio te Conil, os mtos Mv. C; esa u."bistô iir!vV- Envsj Iouiseit b2"Mlnt.aI2J -,Ke ai..n -, Ia Ife Cre t wf ss o , a olnp iN n a u t ta IM.1r @ jIe e #esAsouras;, tbovasis, lis u At -I» - tov)ic70ttag vIlS eésLy, s- sur sles Mn-lsmeissilsgdbpe vaJet .ulea~sthe Malinibat." l'dos ju 1.4.1, rftmt I veoo ,IJ e e -« ttr ains t rel i litelsse, 1>eo ni. veet a The Coseil beî st Lin d mi an"o plamesouI..tloýnu lssa dtaverne, and to Tb@ Conseli tiss dJoss.w t se trat Moissy u Iesaq ai10 o'îlo*g , a.ma isothimmbow e M. tp a OL 'eleot b.(.eofna ban eesoalforit B ilun, 1. MarePoo. 0h.adOfn fise Anomot Mbo Truste'w,-" s.til in bis tretMi b> tis. Boardt, l'arelut cornu <orvarl, sud in tise Moe sanilomo aamue,:prueted lia itaisamoreMsIl stai eidlueslalf o! "ii gsd, nMvi le sues <ratise folilbg ail.... ihicis vu pablsi, vIls Mr, K&¶ltos'a iply s WisbyJsnary19, 1867. W. C. K115L510, Eut., On leisai! of sàissber 9f nusidents of tise Town, vise desirs 40 expref ss e Maatenisi vay, tsear Bp- preciatino On Pr servieus, as teomber in tise Tovu Sebools, sud syupath isy vusyen in tIse setlon oM <Su BeardtofScisool Trustes., as ta, jour <attIse gagesent. I b6g tisai yen vii aecupt tise- enelieti pare, net for lus peconsary value, tint as a anal bikes of tie geseral estees ansd4 c o n u i e n ce , ià c oe r d o t a , a m e 1y u residence in Whitby. %daeyu sa cnel> yYOMr, W. S. BILLTNGSP t- tise ev s à sud ,ptçsdet i lu bis m ail B 1 ileinglq, » db .te ehairmom tb Mena b SpogudM ntisus tbo:ldbs ç a v e r I < o e s i i g d d e a a $ti l e d n vishts &eetsryvss eld spon té î 914, e iport, Caom IV44 tes pparedth tisai t l. to t e ie p te fer tie y eBr Iin i . iiig lu iat tise Dposi&ssyamounýt WSe 1 5 6 4 o! -is 5 ,6*8 ïvss é st40 d oi paecas. ,acco'end1I565IISàen"etîsso $65 lu Ime.donstiont, md ( oit ptlo.tie 90 Bilsis k FPo p g Bible S osc *8 , U.y 'i l S oy $20, sud tie M o sreal e A ssili ary $1, eAmvlnsi a laie.o' baud of $ 1 6 , 8 5 6 , m e t s u i s u e n a l . P e s e e . tba srise danlÏs; b. aiuo; ear., A Ît e ieadoption M tieReport , visis is o vas movedtsy MIV res er, secâl, byBer. 1!1 utr seot4ls ashort, bat îry appropiat. sddress î, a- -<llovl*iô sostlosva motedl yS.,B. Tobooou,Eoq,,tis» travel din li; geùt.ed. b> B. V I. maelsn, v sud uarriei "Tist tse leitas lulisss loteihall a tte s de d t ih e l a b s fo ! t i e B i a s F r *inu Bible oeWey andi kindre Iistitut'oiss in tise glonios. voiSMofdustrsbuig tise tes aisere ti Senptur es alla- or O ur -$îse.r gratitudle. vbile lb. videaing el a bieb ij t o r e ffrt . req ur th I '* ab ulId pr p u sse v it s im creased t b is o rk i c is e tendeso 'lemdael 0l.sdscms of God'à glory sud tise amellirtion o! ucol k ,voteO tmIlw IS as tendered'té the lad ciec toru for their Véry e lilee t se . vices. T4.e siffielsiy ofobtaiing col, ectors for s. rdunà a vrS entites hoseth vio bav e no reely a isud ê erfuly do us e % t h e r p a r t 4 0o d o b le p r aie . - in Avous. of ti" U . as lso -tendere t i n 0 tie Seressy, east t seretiring Deosit. md ed tbe society for a sumber o! years, sud . 1 6 i s s i o l i t i i e d ut y > 4 0 r e i g n à o n > u - c cont of bis preesî plce of business lsi being rutieracetral. 1Ur.a. u. g.ce a m r e a .is e p po te ti bis s sce m a r, itl sud those.hboviiss <o obtain eopie& o! Of 1 the soipturssau ow obtain ieis froua mot Mr. Gerrie lu su, style o! binding tisy for ns., deie, andi st pries eeàdiugly oy. sDife -The folowpg parties ere ppeitd of f ofi e. bea rrs sund eom uiteu for tie e n 81* soing year,iio a Président, Ber. J. I. Scott; Vice--in C Présidents, tie rsident uinisters o! tie Japi Gospel, sd Ileurs.J, Agnew and 1X, Blo. lber ecretar, sd Tressuirer, Bous Jobuste. no )epos hs, 1Ur. la. H . Geri. - _ ýb e C o um iu e- m u r. 'L . H oue Sr, G <5 Cormself, J. Bain, D. Dow, Di. Gis , . -Frier, J. croie, J. Woodhose,;P. lette iiitùld, Wz. Spese, Dr. Cao, Job. 16 low, IL F. Lookart, Wm. Dosaldios itu. Sier, sdB and dug-Ceau9,tcs] t ourt y", . .A. AussWorld'0 Hair u ici stomr sud dresing. BErsrybody intemutet. 'hneginyvhou heai* flueseofs, A &G ose inssti a tun rai ofusess, eeio tayto usins ae re Mduti <rue fro t.nene, 4T alla;offastdsosition t.fo greyuess. Tbaiesudreoîle ba l is e cc.suplaeu itises. SoIt by-all Drssggi.te Progneuai .1Confédertilon. Tise Mostral gazet epubiias a àlutter "Yen .111l e pleaàe4toîlsa *s tSis Stae Banquet i.'to b. gires by tie Lrd Major <olwb.t' egatos. Tise Cabine villb luinvited, audt ii e o'neM 4h. gramdesidinsers e!*taPueint lraIty. T szevii! p nel b le 200 o n le adlin ; oisemesi suitgentloinan' invitet to mU*t tae ticlats. lb. day i. sot jeët fixeti, but 1tbln5 ýitl 111-leabout île -SUndi l'h. oeeaslil! o! ýco-lbe lupsovet by tbe delgses le tell the tM ofcth. cîe thé tir emulasio t 14 thi ur, ast li", »Y Parliaasetsry gentlemen ujI te iaie eqesinted vit tise sqtsjoet o csideratou, lu sutieiietioa of! ta sedotise- wll baslop= 's bAsSein regard tà, , laes -lt iruem. An the, piehiw u$sssr e - setule<for t4. di-aghbial lIndtue a tuai ensurse doma to la laid saIse Tii tcamamon essEit1dr ou tUsaitabtorî$éam A!Ca»R- va it lu l' e Payd of tLsisey, tse 'gaît-la-elle!ofte Rongesu ltte. o! rieS vu subjoin a translation s "L veIl, Mae.13t1 Ded., 1us6 "DeiSrp1lareculletiY0da. rum. !TissuSs eryour unt sud courte- 'p nlno e#d ýotdunez. Tt coufirm eo oluo. lt:icomeI n sd oupressei, ba the suaxaiea or ab.erptlon or le, nr the falune volfLareoe! îe UsitedStas- "Brn7Ausenicasttosu= as cs a- seciaie. -a qesi ndtlau My Opinion au nui coma 40 one- conclusion suspect>- tg tbe adîsstuaes bich las solin rougs anezat o elil coser os tise "Bu, Y. BÜtumS.u Tise Besj. P. 13üti, o h ssW signet li louter, l is e loueraiBouler, o! n- viable (smo., lie j. Il. Ca Ie M.D., a pzrson of no batte. tapute, altsong a mueS- smaier vsy. --Liseï fada -iS id birds o! à featier, Bock -loxetber, .as tise. Anserica brothèrs. Tise M. D., sided in os- o! the parisses iif ILover suds, vurhc eS h.fosasti it O-pedient to sv. for rismons cttbisor tisus tise.oM a!-ý tien for .nepcblicss institutio s. lRe, la's Ma4 e.sosssuost O! tisei liSe cbutsctér te blusIf? and one or ïru o! tissua vso bailefi bsOonr estoes astnpd si eolotionsJ îs fayot, Sbe aunex ation of Canada 40 fthe tu it tes. Tiseybave jnst as mueS anîsonit, speak in tise sa».o! <betir contryuaen Cassda as tise>lare for thse 2ryeoes c!f Pa. lucte, them preous.na-bave Dodo gratuitou sd inspertinl, suad ,realIyconîeupdbîs, liai îiey lave r s psssd over, for, the m" part;vatis- noti -ce la.-Itbis country. Is f, boy- , eiuisetsI eea Bullen'sa r fiads a rer, y rpatise i msera in Pays- O! Generl Batels ltter Mv tl i l l e b i -l a î b j fi la te- dAratioaa of ls alat ff, il VIII soi crote a feeing lu bis, atry faverable te th. object iunoiiv.-.Iw telgam fromt Otta*a,domsT lisps. n lst eenis; bi Mn. McGremi, -son. tor pavliau"t badu.g i i i le, GestOasa V'shroftibe BIseS inritet <nuot; tbe basaiof tae lootib t. wilibe la atentasse. A fev days ,Surgi.at-Anou KeDeonald gave a c sifficent sisterai ment o!f tise saue t. 1ra w ý tar e mba er o! iriesti ." B is ç 11; inas> blofuavetrsleou e1 ýai Obtava, after tillthall]wiseo 6 af ta dusllsu Of thse plae, andth ie- M qase oflte "dm- e~of gov,f9ngsîmîRe tu enabl tea o lirelan sUds a Dsi arnal aspua, puwpbfislot sa ur id lu -agr s1oi , r nul as pblishere, er etn thé place of -sie lselsg kno.v4 aud al ta.ffors lestian (lovemmesî 4 feraet ta.. ave U t 1pothe isest dts.yrov. lem -, 4series Mr e first fevaumer rmubÎd Pais, u,idt i. aid zM Ji.je *4no Bdgc liaithOs. -so ode... ta e magyar leï.ipiteelave t" mi to le vnitten IM çoMbpy a nd iiuuJ, siA sil tsu itpolatsui utai.s y'le ta e oais wo*kOf »Ofn !- *«,aindiof tle couhi, Tt in ais aith eaiuina, " & h irtanh. 10,18 . Éi BeIy......... 6&à )taou .:.. ..... . Woôl".. -tle2 a e. Butte40Blpe ... .. i..... 0. 0e ...i...... . 059 Fa be......~ 1 ie o .. .d... ..... 4. -Trs....... ... 40t : ges. ........600 to 6e NEWADVERTISEMNT. Uni-onBalil, Jj~IEQUos. nn eosmiwo e4 Cfon of(%of 7b. ose sud AsIgie T~erstÙo lci KOIAT TUBS IERNI'HLL 1ie WÂLcs, MMS m Issus & Qwàx*rl. Masy u. couFsu. COUXI0 S t P M "CUSZC by Premn's nd - sein to 4 = oujot1s a. om BOIIE RGI. MILi.!, witiy, JsssLet .bgrem iut or tIsecx --TheaVendos issu émsy titi. tise la, not] 1 The purelsaser or tille sa tIse ait Thué .salil pareeby*ssiUss lIbe seat Benifct., -Lever, su-00a n'i Tise deede te bu 1 - icoolleft ithe porc -s.snt oftlia.punch»0, 'ponsessos. Jft.Coesaue. Venda 1,. WUlA08 Fsqaire. nd the uneriwnse GEO. Farme TO T 1111-uhmer-L.er ]ha - to .uzlcea vent tqd "edsls- ansd the 00e " -st busibria ilmi to Pome.,aou limu J=tySi. 22usd, thse el -Anti vits thse TOWN OF- MIls. lasar o o o ' ll#AT 15' s, cOmtaiOW9tue s, vlsiclxvil bc se onti purcis yd eusibnsof-rate Iltthe ceutMof vfaiina. tus.,

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