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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Feb 1867, p. 2

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"qI> r epe wte its, Beg (MLY $160O CNTd 4 AX WhiJî, b fraYI, F*raiy7,8 Tk. Ceuuîy Ceueltl"7r 0 TW e osoy cadi, for 1867, vil4 m- a body, souper.fevorably i da auyMIlu. esvs oolCo IgAS: ti. mhs 0 nove .dlriy rom9»popli, acbeler lslim",Oay Id W s ddoMael arrcf b. cint vovklng sud ivctb cf otmmmIl. PeO.sd tln.AMd eqaaly vWin dom l lit f., lb. llilgozc. et'tbopeuple, And slficiafmuiiWit U arspects.Prou:lb. cesacil board vs o mie eilatt nci. fautes, sétble amsla0 uu 1fal -noire, su reetairoevof sbe o tas c f Wbitby, sud Mr. T., P. Wblta, for se ueay years v#O.,f Plebcvlng. Mâny a bord foebt halta l, ad botb hesli cati mononto or oI. f tbiîeCmul babr &asd l mas psatuem btves. be do tbe c0la00. cf Uic Cunsou mreord.t Wbatèer théiv difflcom a is adid bel, vboe.doly fsllh<ally. Toserrcbe t oa.o sîltasu i faially wuasaiwAys their or&&,, ob)ect,. ýAndief.,mort efficient b.prssen. Isîtîs. laàîLsrsspecî tissu Isaes Boy. sud Truman P. Wblte, ever mi -at îLe J tounell board cf t1W Ccuaîy cf Ontario.0 Oar ovi opinions on cotat, matters bavet frcqany diffdred (rom these cf Mr. Wblle; but ve vonld b. faiing ia lb. dlsobargc cf a proper dut>, n3îte psy bis blta an sd aufaîrnesaIbis tribale of tc spfet l. Tii.ttaWardsu, Uv. Calvin OsmpbcWa h onn um d digaaifd41aq toc, t la amc.gst lb. mlsshag. Hc vasoorc tb. mon, »vwiii a represonutlîce te tbe Ceuci> Conacil,Ibat wuaier svsycd byP prejadice of part> pollUecs, la glîlng msu aprigit epnion sud au impartial vote. Andeviit, vwucrtalalyteck lb. Id# cf hWIe aoufuld oppcacuî, Mr. Bickcli, icé prcscne wotbyrecvc of IL. levulp, Mr. (5aupbell daas taacd Our ruji.eî Asc wectlfor bis-. Isicgrty sud cominsleaof dLavsctev, as for bis efficieaey Il umtaIn. ng tbilaîcrssts f Letowasbipi. Bachsd bu.losI Joobhas WrfgLl et lb.e cancil board-sud rlghî or vrou-tbor. vere veorse felcas tdta Joshus îberé fiomns Beach.b, lt e vus ughfy socmsimcs, aBd descvvsd t Uicalppng ha gel.- A more tespeelahic rérsentation la eîeir> t v.y de DtcDow ciesptacc et th.e cuaIli bard, thons eprcsca* vracind deji.>hi mis et o<'t'cvabhp oetes. W. , tuburreci tarîhag pojatt, bL CeuifietOntaro fer1U67, lb. ceuni> bus jStd"iltolf, and proves! Its admnlt.d Iutelllgaccla î ibetlein etofLe beieol bcdy. rou îLe Wrdoe, ' ;ebnBesii ]P.rr>-vc wcva about '081tug dcva te- T1'bre'i ne ai fgradatioen TIc-Laid of lb. esimIy Ceuneil cf on"trieans! lb. usmïbers cespeslag lu bcd>, *a i alS.do Juice'te î44 obolee# f the roiepaycrs. Cur Couoiy Cenneit lela hi act ulaturs omtlaus, à"amS as &far jvo.eus upro. portem e u.addcd to, à viii beaano ean 'bobla amublaga Tisre le su air cf ,#Ig0nlî,ae w ver> fri gace#,' bobeîe prusa mmbcr vsai al are lai <Lir P.1aensm assios, liai lSb. Moi«obtas. 41;W MIlla. te'the sspreêésalv.s taem. clvessud îLe lisPi. via doc61teS iben.' Nmtglary ai Nauebcsîer. Pied'131 mr, B,E,geè,yt of Wblîby, la 94Mambte, wveý rs ieh lo, sud the es.iboze eeisniug ati e te m stacn »fsM twv' icdreS SllaW abivts, gr. lirrs vcVhvieseîf ng s. proaice ifent to si. Ferry Wsd charetcfa large éau$eSet fmodes <e brger porion cf w" eb vr., slakRy, - eutblas- dal, se 0ai u t>. èIlansé tv. liudréi dallaisré- asdfl a maWu. This aape arss baie beeoii'1s4lua". 'Tba'frn 1bot-vudis, csie. onfie NIgeosbois Avie mls trom "M Aci/m~csep.su mpfhed of h lis o itbe. W lvseatiea cn f lia . u« rrela a 5 lm e tbausi -b.caen> Tu a waémi wW.auor as'Rmas, en àm My t <et alela Wbllbyea Mr. j"s xîieoýwbe'bus becsappulqb la tie e eley Use,, sud @eiyý L b iaruw ofr et ibui' wem.cd fa acier secs v!tbte*Wollo-or Ou orce fit bu ascc.« nibe c'isbuldrea pf Ont own fevÉî là,c«0 sa ais pesita. I*e jlietiWto bh bav#, uctce or lmes, a giondauo a bbmimcomu os setblsbed laà tbe aw., Of course 80Mpps pps mors tissu once la ibis aqaber, la couse. queuce of beutai<rsntflrd lIf ou ne divis. Ion le ancîbarï or front on@ eboutl te su. Otbot% r. Wvlll f ige, pctot ceaI(iberat atiovsueem-fo>r tue pposeý)1, e stilt f nd tihe nîtmborî e W0&75'Tuibis béali We sdded flic papil ltct iebng the sénor divlol*a cf the Osýdhamarse hefil, ss 0; Ibeen the xeglsîerofltbc 8»paaslceom about 10 die,. leds sehcets <tbrec là nimber> sol 40. -,-TIsse Agave scaucufl aliîo10. ,Tbelest *L<tdraaofshue g,»@cwvlblu i orea llei'tn4ie, ibo is lievois bOat budrea lo be tacémssdf«. bowv*f ai:,mi"d thet ibetcs meamiyaayeitIitrmsn vi sbeir pareils and otbers, .vie e tt-, catie. vithla itac vot beir - rspseuiy*e Det receed anIedacaîet cbot log duing lite, ptM pas ea a e vey saie lod.ed. This le -iraaîe 1ryaae meut,_sud Ise reditsbýO tetfie peept cOfý tblc levai, vis bavlsivas brn '<11 allis te tihe dvantig. sd aesiyc Tito VOLUNTII êI. îryba betekeas a saecess ior' tLe 'lante., Bail Io-mo ' rov (Frida>)aIigiaLî Sa ýaddition e- obe large DnaaiW' "ôr 6ûr 'îornpegpie whc bavé ulgnified ýL.ir Intention te b. prent, v. leara ,tisI mMOI <rom a dis, are iikeiy to <race tUic. o«eaiets. aTIs vcillev le fouact g diW ssialg Initie., va are .assnred, are dcl il l&Bin thoiv power te o, e ev a Piqu a ntsaa aue. WP vlcb a uarryý eveasng te tLe " fat v4ma and brava moni" o? env llaaer o thé b.V:olasateetr oficets e1 thse 6Dtîarl0 BatteBioasvIwo vetnîyomit. ti to mention sm Incident ef tise oaiu, No, 1 Cc,e Whltby Ridedovlug the laIe 'Fenian ýraid vas attaclmed thue "Smcooe' 0&atigiom," stalioaed atFeirî Brie-sud cf1 tbis Btein, ifaJe IF5là«aIr he L Boulot Major, sud e,' bel.1 ordered boue, is breLLer cocers sdtvao reéeott hlm rfi1î c oin bSsa cf rospi â'-sud'> estccm., On the eccaileaicf îLe dînietf Stargecu Azars' madeathé, proécuaîa te tMajor 1 isiace. Tic@letimeulalconsiste cf a evaerfat Jin-.eafileld glass, hamdmeil sounimtd,;sudW- vla*ai sliv.vplate, vils seblable iucrptiàn'. Dr. ULisspoelo l bigs tersa cf Major Wallace sud tihe Wblîby Blides.r i I I la a s I >fcm.T.AseUV I,bc.;aaucms, lu' Ibis veel'a Isuetf,y Oerlpoeluyl tise sellang off cf tbibemonsre.îsstock estp prodedl!y redaeed priises. Ibis ha n exqcptical'opportlyiý e secnlng md' vaulageou plavebéss m L es pet lrlain te i l-ry lieods,1 gtG'eery;atd' hardîsare k Coi, (a Lov~&~v idcs ataud,y,' are offtrlug cheiebrai la cmitn eus! voolen gccds, sid groerte. BÂîyfSsa'5eLLWV' IO of- .pt lavensis a ielu t aitCw siGazaei,$ îLe feiiewlug te Mr.,Uie: Jospl FcdcielsuaeWf ie Town> of Wbjsbylai IL. ConiAy of OCatl,- Plné -aè ,"ANev'ud moel style cf vuite OtiaDow ilptie Bcv1d. Mr#, C. 2. Aminel, oruse> lit îrx. y., (th# ailutaeteetg selmi, baeed1r hfr suaeatp),vrtesm ", laàe'srl'c eébU"-"fr itbe mun cf Mu. S.A. AIles'. Wc rid' sretrer cheïr rmedles, bat sadr Satingt M. As pcl apper MI#ye -l nlîai diC . OLB.a'ns0'e"sdforS aIoae Oi a ld t Eaàsd va , "Oeme por lissEpmlon. »rue a'e tRwof uthe si Tise Pm'trctdisgelltions vSfclaarcu Hohenazollernaof tbhGe -Ocrsitip ort i enaouli Prlacipeiies,his bien b is(, toruftmate4la>. ai arruagemne»ot anti fis bien uaasdeosed b>. îthcoianno et1a th sPpvors sl Osotories ci îLebreahi tunicn' cf tise Provitwces acf sedi, *Me Scella ami Mev Biunàsîick hasve Leenpuas, -4 S>. their sceraI Legistatures, aasdAeddt gîtes d4 amstcr.d ans! epresenbtig i i cliasses' of clil- Mau-puoalv snch a uniois may-bc.es affecteil lua as ccrdance iîL tisir- visbeu.-',£ 12i11 vill Leaubmitted fe you, wicis, b>.tue con. sou0rcesvii liestretis tate ssceral Proviwne.Au meubers of, tiselaem 'Empire, ens! animales! by feelings of loy» ail>. telte neiSoerelga-S Isavehears ,vltis deep setvev tisaItise caîsmity oe i tmine pressd-ieaily oin>My sujecbs. issues! t.a mj' goiemsunt lai tisicoutry to ansis tise ultaiesi aicthiens t.allayythe distrob *viicis pres-aies! duriug. the sautuncf luti ysar.' Tiso blessing cof en abuuidarit-inirett basmince tis i me lu- iproves! tlaè cedaticas cf the sufléring -dis- trict&; 1:be perseverlig efforts, und n- scrpudlous aa<etlions cf trcaaonable cois, spiraters baye, !-nring the, laist atun cxcltd thes bepc. cfosaodfe pi4ot aohdîulre and as!lte ppreisonÃŽlons cf lis, loyal ppnlitlen,',batie fivands "préte exorcise of thte peverae entrusted Ite cExceulive, end tise sostil1t>., niii' réatdaaj 1îli.conmpivscy'b>.muc aI U assssd ceceds have greaitlyIcuaded te realote publie confidence, andI Sas-lin renudobpeless an .attoempi te dîsturi the <encraI trsuquulify. I trust that >'ou will conseqmtcntl>. b.consibled le dispense villa thsocontiluanco 'fau>. exeeplienel lugji§latien foet tttpartiof an>.dominions. I ckncvledge wî,th ep îthankfulncss le Alntigisiy out et decre w i bas talion place 1< tisechoiera ans! in:tise peetibicahie»' aiacie! eut- attia; but the continuel. prevaiocoeof tise ltler ln sente forelgai coanirles, sud lise eccaslonal rc.appcaranlin ibis, vitit ender uecpsg s4r> iome spectai nuures cf pi-eciuttein, ans I trust tisItishe visitation cf tue for. mer *111lesle 'iocrcased attention te tisose saitar>. mensures misicis expericunc bas choya le Lclise anoot preventive. Ueimiatiug s of lise Iigiiet imspcrtârco, an tsdoquate ispply cf pure snd isoe noute valet, h ave directe! lie Issue of ' Commuission te enquire hal e iLet moiss of pctmancaitiy sacuriug suc ae supp>. for lthe nttoplkuiaud for lise- prinipal levais iu tiso densel>.peopled districts of Ilse Kinglent. Oentlemen tof 11M M"H of iCom 1 havme directe! tise eliastes for lise n- suing yesr te be laid Sefore ydu,,. .lhey ,ave been prepieoi vils s due regard îc econmy aud tise eqiuircants ef tise puît- 'ieme rscce.u vii, Iuni assurcîl, give rcndy asseau le aaamoderatoe xpendilure, calculatel te Impreve the state cf an> sol- liersansd te la y -tise fouuilaticom eofau tllcient atm>.o cfsrve. t!> Lgrds and Gentlemen- Yeut attention yullagapin Le ei!te tSe sttecf the, representalicu cf tlbepepu. lion lu Panliantent, sud 1 trust tisai jour deliberatcais, cooiductes lnai espiral of nederalion and! mutuel forbearance, aname cato te teadoption efandasuros vitics, wlitntunýdue ulslerbsonetoflite balance of politîcatpever, aliali froed.elcultise clectîve freamelalue. The ftiqtleol occurrence oi diesgree. amait betvcea tise empleyets otilabouar ond hlaaar vorsnan, cauciai; mucS privase aficriai; sud public ls., andl ccasaonaly ledinigas làsslegud t. setsetroutrage and 'ilence,ilm ioduccd me le issue a Coin. mission te enquire lite ans! report upon b.e orgsnizatioai of brades' unions sud timer socleid, vIsetiteL et iorsanior profensat of tise lavs for,-tisfr ovai> bene, l. Application vWitbc Modc te yon for pavliâmentary povers visich in viihL îccegury toniake titis enquit>. effective. -Iuave directes! Mills te beslaid -befiare eti for the .extentîcu cf cliser tIndes 'or the boelcial prelileos cf lise Ioder>. tls, especilti>.reportes!l>. te Roji Coanmlson on lise empîcymeasiof chlid- sun, egîs! tfo bo btter regulaliconaccord. lng te lise prînciphe cf iLca. Acascf vers. ghops ihore ionieneus! ciidren arc ho S el.edtute mercantile Marinc ba attracletd ni cericas atterstiou. 'Cent' plaite aemaa&s!. Lethe stpp>. cf mea- mo art eôfcienl tas!dtise provision for l ni y( r' li 12 i sr t. roi ai Pa IC hz Vt lai ai rel otdme f l b. he leve f in t'pt>, -d"f bd usofldadon'cf tis Ceas-te cf rohbet as! Divorece, sud Amurait>., asutLetis canacf dspo iug Ilgreafer deicit [l hMarmssbunîc oS isticica W$'WJ' for toeÇr60,090 ifL oC pins lumb se alio fr 90f.ofcdt caQi>f oif osas of tts ocrpcratibn.. ce Mr Dopié,aa brèoahuit'1.fl t P Y Of lise staiplag cetmhteasn iplc 00 let officqi. ,eus! oasmâtion cf Mr4 Vonovt aw vnt llsaicemmitbe cOf lbe-*stiete Ur. Gerrie lantecla. ou' tecm te ans! rgp-r te4'j* ïtrpq4m'kwIt l 'mton, ra ament. Report reegýn d si ae. i MrDoie~asec& b'>l iB> mOY i.~~~~ ~~~ fptaeofbids~ y- eîo- , ps i Ilecrtait levaificera fer 16,au!lt ot h ambe sov rcg!edt.frottme».i h On ancîlenscf Mr. Ponov01an,uecndedi Mn.,Bay, tise puncil. vaut ioto çoaimiiid chaiF -C 1nlî, p:rosMe' s reportes! Il 91 report vitia. sonne :isatsne Bp W rocelved and.sdoptcd. r- tM. Deucînsu d,. by Ur. Rey, move d taI by.lav N.-Io appoint fpvn officel >f for 1801 Le nov resd a thirg4 tinte an L piascd, lise mayor aigu tise sanie,, sud ai i tise see cf lis, Corporation Ibereto. Y lfr., Perry, secou es! by 1fr. sapbel B aovel tisaItise Maycr, depat> rece. ar ithte aneer Le a select committe, te asi 1* ansd reconlvctenders for lte erectien, of *driilsitedîn lth ae ofWitbiy, semér -anco villa-a Ly'lav ' pased et thse laIe seî sie oia fthie Co, CùeiiL. Ur. Pç rry, oud& b>. r.Povrei, mie ltaI tisotsudiai ecmdittee on streets Imiprcvemeita So sud ars:bereby lunstras. r cd te bave tise' leloviaig asdevellfsCeane 1 resu ncv swad icep' lta expiais, iga Sepay 1 eLle Out cf tise general lundsoret tisovai ý«Breck at.. freinS., Z.- corner W'the inMIarke -sq;lluar e thse-base line; Dundas et'. roin T ion *saide line, entetly. te'Rieo bleekns sisoop l'u etVindscr nndirat the résidence el S. Cochrane to Lynide Cvcck bridge; -sud ltat"tise standing "i, mil.le sunStrègta k Improvemeaits Le vo qaested le secethiaI y-law Nýo. 4,for keip ink'tae ldcvahisa free from, zow om, ee fcrced-in bie centrai pqti Uh. love. Xr.ý Broywnnvd,.,gcwndetltyUrM Porry, tsi ciceommittc 'Ïfvê bý appointes! té luquire inle Ibe 'deas'xàbilit, ot preerng A-pipi o<grouaid for sei.e- coetor>.,for'teuse cf. tiseCerporaie>. a'$s commtlte tconsishtMessors.Ferry OsanLei~ Ge,, îcisoUtW iee, su lit 0i op Ostie te report te tii Gcrie, lqitho 'Slaudung Cemmitteeci 85-cotÃŽansd Improvemeuts be and are isare b>. instracted te asËcerfein ise'ceaI ci sireet ceai il lamp;a;me onmaieïlimatc cl tise qlusaiit>. cf ccai nil reqnired for enci leup annaliy. sud tise pribabie ceel o cbcaaing and iigbba*g bine sanie. 1fr, Pcrr' soved, ucconlel b>. MvU Broyai, tiste eCônmitteaion frels ansl lmprcvenienls b.cailare berebv 1reqaiatý os!t ho(trnîs thtie Ccuneil icbsente scienie for tise piautiug vils misas!.Irc tise ifrecta of titis levnandsoltise probables coul of caca Itre, planted sud prcpea 1> boxel. Ur. Ferry mores!, secondles! b>.Ur Birown, (bat 50 oc as notise Assesser per, fermais fsdut>. 'asausaaevand! reluirai bis rolli otiste Cherk, 5h51 bise Ifyos grant bis erder li fayot cf tissaAssesxos fer ltisia nof $100 cai acéouaI cf hlasmal- ar>. as Asacmas n sd Colector ('-r 1897. -1Mr. Browai mores!. sccod db>. Ut, Porry, tisai Mesars. loves & Pcwell ho requestel le premide Ut. Causeron, a sait cf cbetises, L.0 emantee occelIbirI>. dollars. M4ore<l luntmondmnt, b>., MUrGerie, secondsxd b>. fr. Pililp. it $20 Se tise umiounl for s suiae lo teies te Et. Cam- Momed lnb meodment by lMv. 'Caisipbeli, secondei bv 1Mr.,I)onoîao,ltaI t tesino a cf $10 bc glîcu tem tise nisa 'of Ibis Corporation te Chiot -ocastable Canteren lu cousficratien of bis extra seviesdur' Ing lte tintecf tise Fenilan cicitemaiai, in lieu cf lIhe sutlo f clatises nsmed in tise origial reclutio.-Lcat, Tise original motion vas tison put sol caries!. Mr. Blow ggsve notion ti a a teile meetingcf tise Cowacil ise voul MOs-e for a by-law te protide for lte layiog ont lise appropriation fer atr çfs, sadev'tss ail fimproents lliste. theieo ,f*JIla sane te Le l is.herefin a d,.lcaio! b>.. liv 1'29, laId>. r#pesl.b è Oo'ton cf 1Ur, Pettv, seconiled isy Ut, Broyai, tise Cuncil 4adjostoiïo i P46t WbîtlyConnca.", Members ail preea, exeepi Mt. John Smitb, tU s revepreldiag. Lient. Farc- vehl, of thse ColÏnmbus Rifle Co., lid belote îLe ictmdil 4Le plas Msd speelllcaîfomi for a drill ies e ëbuali i et Combin, . lb. -ecaucil ap-pointeS l te veve, depet> reeîe, asd Mr, Aenis, as a commilîse to-est vii tic Velauleer officero, te ediertis. fo'ans receiîleat4ders for- fLe Ibuildtng c ils!i sb.d, Oni motlin f Mr, B. SolîL secs!. 1bY Mr, Aonni, b. esesser ivas'iclvtaced le 0000««c tlic ascsMeildm lot il B. V.con., sd protëceoneetirely villa sS çes!conceselos . M.B. Sualtia, ses!, b>.Mr. Hepburnscies thal W. Sey moers leader fer loit re. 1,of coertils- i ber,, aa .Byu' e os Zb, cpd.Tha folleviug cci.M e rs mprlu- enaies suddred to-e Le pal s Cb.vsîtî sasu aCulicence orlifcate for ma,. Esîvi; frcu T. H3odgoa.ed 29 oësbevi4 2ïci, s jdà.'4'cr'Ibs. Tilyo ( roui jas. àauhep tIceame fr T. Hcdgmscu, drom JI. Cc rfiug for er f t tir -a spec or grog"eiL Et. Assis g M ai .61zV t.eneuglabb ltheM - 1, uani tlabid hein Ivo nôotd ie 09p; b4ssstilîlurthier lner~eeofeou S-azeaf niel>:,bine lav expeain"dui siti suof 4a01uased by.iaw, An& îeaddllor Mi te tic tiuîvu cf anotiser boi, Anid as-tiss an. tv<iemri i s§Mdtecpeaitiio t e, 'at le " rs, L veaid iraStnotice-'liTh mn âait >.liFO ' but how habuidha m~e becn-Uo~eld btnat me, perbapu lt Id+ Mo-ot'5zmétî aii icerOf con'ndrtuas, iu out dtimes, eould net. ïmci' ' ' -,'Early in4 fai cf '65 lb. Town cundi 'h le tsr- ooct6bidusotd-b eqaire exP1as. t ion, passed a bylav deciaring that, i >7future, ai, certain, fragment cf a building IOt lo tutedils t aiddletee t ownlva bard uStfficlenmi Woa boàMean.rbsd pouitry yard, ainould b.ith'mearaket stand tu visîci ne ail Carmer., aatd otherai, v*he iad gralu.kc, vSte soit, uhcmatd reDort;- but, fortsecun1 ÉbtIth;*ibonnet' bre-adîla cf surface §aae ed vouid not accommodaI.te h< fftiet4,part Mu cf lise grain, broughýin o lia.tovo fW id sale Ionue di>., faranters, and clters, viti Ixtisir loaded vaggoms, verc permiltedtu librcad ltoir vseyf t. tbre e ificd sec- i.s loncf the adjoiailog strcclmiatnd thise d bave' liberty tu vatider up and down i Pr, quoât cf purebas, wvu certification tinti 8 if t si iould Le conviced cf Ilseluing d- remsu, liy,,airaw, or woodï') m-su>. ethser W. street, or anyvisere Caioe viîin" tiese ix aqoarsni ce sig res cf tlisei botsrsdory, dtise>. ould' bc lable tu a penalty cf $20, anmd failing paymetst, le 20 disys Iu gai' ,t- Te wbat eziciat Individual nietbers of the bd Town Feumjlp&5ed Confidence uIn- h oct 'know s, but te cétbers il required littis il effort. cf usnd le fçreaee,'tlal tfi1âaiy-law, Mt viicis is e a.nmaibtakeàbld bransd of es injuistice samd.tyranu>. ontise face of il1 a il wititering i ildcion cii lise urosperity-.cîr 59 tiie'lowu,.atsid vitlurs lretcûtict tpowvea n' wlîich cussttted lise 0dor 'of ext'avsagai,îil -cilleuged li acourt cf lawiIL couliIhave but onitee fitle-thait i extinction. Welli, IL bas bacon chssilieaged lhêre.il -bas beers quahed ltmre, aaid ii tisai nov -xial q cf rits usortaltiuaniee v.lavyfr's bais. )s tu lte payatsatt cf wbîicb te attention ci y lte ratep)ayeta viiia noni-Se calied. Tise - sizt tsiamg-I would tako leave te adrert to, . in tise uew bell ansd tit'c uca1lcking ', lover vîsiçiabas been ereeted for IL. For , te ]art cight yeuxrs be havie bailte s iaae of a be1 eqtuniy aeflieent yul'. îthe now -impaspsimo nre convenicut te the towm, r.andi ever ai lise service cf thae public en ail si retasnuble occasçionsç, vitisoul charge; anl bagain, thoés.pcçal admirera among un )f beill enpbony laW, beside, tvc "Iriaigingu )f in" oicr> day, during flic day. ce tue b week,cf tise Jrsanar soch el. Wlsere if thson, Intis, naine cf wondtr, vas titere lise sbadov cf cause for tisie newmbbill?- it- (tltrue, if me, tise living ratepayecrs cfr il thes. tira"c, bl e aa equally firan f-ith as tisaI vblch=eourri'slershbaid, in ea datkerage, te tise clinkiaig cf bell anetal, x as a severelgn rensedy fordriving cif cvii aspirits, <lacets, Uc, romthél .abodes cf moann, and was «ven Seliee te go se for as te coufsnd viletisca lu their oeriisi excur- siens ridlog on. broemetieka, then, indeed, a tolérable casie coulil have beu usa 1 oui a in famer cf Ït ise61; bat as WC attneis ne r ancre urine le lise riaiaig of a boll than r me veulil do te the %vaviug cf à a caige lest lun te air ax a mens tc accompiish lise enmd retcrred se, lise conclusier. ans- voisisill> folio%,§, tisaI tise pîrcisage cf tis muewltle iai oone a <coi aud vlitou Lvaut. cf a large sumi cf putblic mcee', IL rs is oever, far cliservise vit thtie bolt tcwe; ilas>.eventusali>. proie an InlpCr- tantiag te. tise tuiris cf the Towan,lI- 3asmueitiilit ever xsouilà bcdeeted expei sont 1cr ilse beaieit or ail, concerticil, te subject lte irrcclimablc tai x mtfacisr- iss s;ton cf tise To ovai ncii -b oa bit liagy," andiailtclisers visicish eJie dn course cf lai snd justicemsy sol Our ivway cas lie rrana, net a cent rcal be expentlcd on tise erection cf auother gil. lovm-f<,v a suore utriking figire cf the etram.* 'icdutype tl'is u aperisape art lgscif ccuth'tnrt aglin devise. And ceai- venient li poi t datait, sn itlm is sÀaking lu oniline, ihis spectre tseti-tcwer bas a large vind'iv whihBixks lteé mati aide of1 ansd precisel li 'te riglatplaca for alloving colcraft a reari> egreas, vilS hi# devoe chcarge, for time purpose cf a4sigu.- iug lisean thalr test stand ip oint in the. vorld ; sud te-c Inca, if v. add tc soiemn climea coftce dests bell overtieail, we -bave a permnenat appaatesofcfts i nd, nse comuploe i n ail Its detailis lit permaps Nevgate itzelf nilgist bS'erov somcllsiag te stivantage ros il.But his là netcnly tise1 «Ceotisai sving sime.derivable fron t iis9 barebeaies becltover vc havé beteoks, o i l bas alroe facted £msttcrng cf Po$- hue ced isues onIat, b>.aIl;mesani, t etb f. Issu0 iesa vaîta n lg vin vltebu qisr iggt tnsa bar'faedl »ut ' if i f l umcf Pub0I9, asi> inhielsbau basa 'quosd" éà b.it nw P9madahqva u; redm e li sa rriclstmro 'a broad -moresîth" ent te 41fng lLem bock loîbshif normai Pr! îk@taie i Grand Hotel for ais ex&:pie, rtarif lea Meu*reily',zlravagstit, evews w iii asti any readev ie oay have Jearncd lufi baî ho vcid tfiaiofet tveut> per cenat added te' tise bilb. l,b. Leundoeai. meing. Poat sya Ic .musical section cf tbe foriaccaôl eîibitiîien *viti revesi soue stsrttmng 1,i ln res pecl te îL. coltol<f Musicatla0si mnte s id in Eàlaud of jria an l are, Tii. capital cf more Iban asa setierli i.ro ipaaIs emt.pioye-din Paris thse makink cf elaeap!plaaofortesand1 moaionms, viicis instrument$ -are -sol Ahi sud onc isandred 1par ceni profit., The CcndaUer c lAustula. Tii. Vienia CGazette caleulies tisa tis. ramait of the new militar>. symîéem opted li Aitria, fthe army vii auto te, 1,000,000 ueo, cf vhou 8O000 be oit the active liai, aad lb.hesidu the firet sud second reserici. The prej popuationi0et Atietria Cambert about. 00,800, cf vhieb 16.000,000 arc -ma nd cf tuiie probab>. about a haif betwcen lte ages cf silteen sud seh But cf tits number 8,000,000 aduit t under sixty years cf age, about ont-fot voold be iaeapaeitated for militar> sonv' Tiscrc are, therufoe, 6,000,000 m'en faràish aun active arMy of $00,000 whicl more tises cae.'soeeth or ail thse ami men, asd a larger proportion stc f men vho coaid rcaliy b. cbîsined for roIsi cf îLe aru>., and wtao constitute laboring classes cf -lie communia>. À correspondent of the 'London Titi writing on tise Srd instant5 mayâ that fatiing off cf tise teveatie cf Austria- tween Jannar>. and 3May',1806, Il 15 atI basîad te the generat stagnation cfcc merce snd m'auafactnros, thte backms devintopaaeuî cf theairaiiroad uysîem fin empire, the inapoîerimbîment ci landboldi the tagtttnets f the muey markset, vant cf cf credit, and aise tte aad i vests cf lte tastwIo yearm la Goudaa Bfugar>. au tishe prostration cf the ft grade in Upper sud Lover Ausiniaà Sîyria". Prince Edward liand. i4assi. pour euovc. zabey vee;aicrvly aeueti.gagedin a ervyng off uhefr daiS sud vsd onnded. 1< 15 lb. supposition daS th Io oae fithe Indienas"uneaeted te 4001, lil.d sa wovoaaded. ' This fâct, bcweîier,'is n'eS r'ciii> scerlned,u (ebey cariy cf ibefr dea dndcid uadd on parpese te keep thens S(rom bciag senor <Le' aiaûbevknusvn. bar.e F!owt s. Scity w bl d.Ba he a Jli sI d vas atîc ded by the : larg st cr vd ibat 'basbeea asseubledlin -Greawcod for seme, jters. ýAt 7, oýoick Mi, Gaibe, preui'ldent cf flactheSociet>, teck îLtÈi, 4, as end 5(1er opecng viii .iiglgi a sdprae'r, sa. caiied ou >ise Sc'y, -Mr, A.,o~aot mail 1ea ;b repot, <rom vb i apïared viii that the Society. vas; formed,,oasy a littie la inMore tisai a yéer tugo, siuc.b'ch $81 bas >seat becs, colIlectai, - iseýides $37.38 reaiized- 32,. (rom saIesai tiig, Depoaltor>. les, The, Society at presfne ;é notbing lnu are debt, aid vas eLle te i;e tii. <lloviamg utY. frceeoaaîribuîioýnsi tote1U. C. Bible Soc'>, men $10 ; àonareai Aux. 8oe'y, $10;-,sud te, irih tise 1B. k&F. Bible 9oc'y, *30o-total$110., Fion. besides payiamg a large pairchase account. 1te After tise re*port vas rend. lb. meeting vasm ,là is abl addressed by 11ev.1Mr. wntasOn,-Be'. able H. H. Budge, and t ho agent céf tefit ý . é the Bible soc',, M,. S. B. Johsouon. Tke the titarisu cffla Cmmteeae4ae te Ma-. tihe Budg,,e, viso îraveltedaà coansidérable dis. tance Ie attend tise meeing, anad gave an nea, 'excellent aiad approlîriate ýaddrfum.- tise Thii%- v0 ibini, nogura weçll for lte be- fitînre of tise, Pickering Central. Brasaci Paystorg s-c Ve.XrXsIÇS.,- W. are gls! toaicco, b>.an' Ottawa deapalcis, tisa ti-Goerumnî sasdelnaed apea tise amotnt o! pensions sou, 'gratatitiPs le Sebe avardedto eolnUleani 'iso,', ufferçd dnniig lise raid iJluiue.{last. -St viji Le scen thai Cupt. Roctlis ýreceITîS $400 a year, in addition te a gra'uiîy cf *1,029;- sud tline a lhue pension -ans! graf ait>. la avardel '1to - apt. King, cf the Welland Filem i sîery. lThe vilcv of Ensiga, 31EcECImea« isto ree!ie a pension of $319. This praeaicsl' r-ecogaiitIG or cfbîLegalnt services cf our monteeri' s h Weil imente!, sud tise intelligenice .of il vilIlebu reeiie! vila pieasrne îirongbonîtithe Province. A YANKBBz Oruxox.-"tbe fclovlog la a Ysuiseeopiniou cof tise reperte4dCaualia Sols! diacomeries. The Canadien pipersare teeming vila poettcal descriptions of the veuis c f lise gld mines la -the provinces.- 111es-ve>. eviderît liai lioearticles are puislisie! vita a view ta iaduclung Atuenicanti o<c there. Sli lu but a shoteri ime sn 'iîe LTV S. jonals ociainel ie, rustrou; connes. pondeals viscrein 'l Vase proied Ibït the average dail> earongs of lise gels! voîkers in' oeeof tîLeGanadasdis! aci eqeal the mcuey pai! lu Ibis counr. t. endiar tasbeners. Boule cf îbsse Lutersattfer the metasl carnes! netig et aliand mit xper. ienced gres at !dships. h le aIl vory vail for the.61bize unis, teseeli le lacresse tiseir popuîlion ans! su 16.1v lands, but vu o enicruemaly exiont fccpe îe esua earu a liieidos,rete remaiune Sbi lot veli, en.ougs slgIca ' 1 SIrzatItxo FacNw.-;GcO.AlfreTowvas s end vritem a "lelat $nodal 'l sainuSt. I Louis, aItishe Soastera botl, Sterling 'Priea splendid neafor a soldisri ai. mosî gond cascugis to L a di-amati, per. ronzoe go vaassoe cf îLes. gergona of lie reblclioasof vL.m va end es! LBi picîernug to cnies c a beardes!eeg>, oug. ses! unquenable, liSp Silioin or Bto.seiau. Iaai be s,,,mecPeor clU ' mans.,vhcus pose. bid mmi. pletsenicviseu ver bau mede bas d andl.e,*Bis gr at ihndr,Lat aider ibeirdviudled fieit. is (et ere iebmaukeý'n l iirgaitars sud raîttes sisa afvc pura à 'Leo Ladit 'Js t'ie bâitlléftglt,'roas bis ees î«fibs tarsranzc'I front laeiskochele'; lis voiee c-f comusas! vas tomust its oiiîLe vahent te Lis lips Io ear bis ciioice cf' seaps.; Deatitute lai ais age, tise spectrie fa diaiug,tablei oas haf th eula4 wiio 1ohe!- paiS Lint plîl' 'utty bail b>sun.bis sotc4* n' u ;itLevar,- Tre limes -ho ivepî isga-se yu -terms! Mutlljas,baird Jelet Ïi Novf" me est# ifise ls-ditil sae-fm eonsila 'by, im-msrtied -Lu'tîey ea cmii. i, b emb en f #F0e8mi fusra? >nice-andbyav do l lebl " ettie for bis tresi>. day.."- W. bave noviedW, p«r&îlsntic Cable, cm ro*aidm 0a1cf JauipqGordea Bennett#- Pl Ira sH, i'iWta,'îttvehbop@ tbat0 tepllggeatcmaa. vinasbis capsel à f ménager ofliheAso»datedýPres, spire s aytbiug farier'-tb -îese literesîlag , snîsmï misiat<ies rô5...c-A .-.- SM. ise [ers, tie har' iron and The Halifax: Reparler sstas liat 0cm. emnor Distadas, of Prince Esb.ard 1isas!.1 "bas Sceai notifies!ofethe probabilisy cf bis emuiuiotraii services not belng la tic celony. aCter May neil." as!d- bat the gos-. cruamntilbas-e decides! aidte Lame au> ehections outil the fate of ceafederation is kaowu. St aise givea curren>. te b fcllciig imbrocglio : "A asSis ! unionisî, Bou. K. Bonder. mou, buasbe.èu ecpele! tc resign Lis #st ii tise Exeentire Cenucil. Tbis gentlemani, noker jn ssiug s çcnstitnency in tise Islaind, aud aiâisi orif decided>. oS- nexieus 10 bis former celîcagues, recciel a iiotigeation <rom the Prosidenuî'oet-the Cenneii tisi Lis services veto no longer reqisires! asuite ta!cesses! toe ecober cf tise Legisiaîiie Cencil in virta. o! viich Se vas elciatel toa aplace nlb. she ocalive. Ncîvibmîendiaig ibis geadle diombusathL hoidi> stakas! inte tb. coannil chauLer et the lest meeting cf tise ezieetuve ands tooti lais sent as neusi. licreupen tisa presishent cadercilbina out -Lut tîis ho refuise!te do, Tise board. hiovemrr, weuhd net Iraons set business in bis proence cud lb. croit. tialien -miaists'r was cmpelled t e bave. Pehitical meetings ere Seig b.id in rations sections cf the Islandl, ans! mach sapposition manilestedl tovards îleý present goeon- mut." Tise Abbe Domacecla, tise Grand Ali. menner e! the Emjpcror Maximilian, bas i recenl> paibahelsbooks in Germaiy, en- litios!"6 Ivo yesaelu eici," vsic apon tains lb. foilcwing iuteresting sendtie ; "6Ou lone occasion, tise Eaap.err enles tegetier Lis cabinet- On thte table was sà siluer iauk sftand. Suldeni>. it vranisil.ds Il WheIsone 15l"sais! the Etnpercr. NoI nep>.. 6 Gentleman,' said! Maximilien, 6 5 s sai ifoi csrefully close the vind->wo ans! a cartaini cf titis roona. -Inu fis-e minute§ I i shall open tiseanagain, sud muetlfias! uy -i Jnksfeud on lhe table; 7;fHIl 15 aclt tbero i I viii have ail c f yen arresteil.' Iboroom i vas daisecd, sud vLeu, as Uic cipiralon t cf« the îîv, uma uteis, tLe roc -1îauc lfgb, t tLe misaiunsartiele' vas on) -thtia ble. -' table,, vblci ,va uisedvaii#1er 1 iures'mud forli. WLcas ieir-mont vas et a attnd u!,his Majesty-vropped ap IL. phate; c las a apkic>r -viii -bis evu bauds,ens! 1 1audhes! Il-t. a German torrant; te wbom l he Wsd la Preocbt 'Tale are, ii ha her Mexigan serrante de, no e',t .Iir lingera' ou tacs. thsigs, orri sai .ti es.' -li 'Agaoaecrimineal Led-,Les. settecil! a î&-b Legroe. ~re accompaulid Ji i. Ùirfilo ~ cteeV)and x'-o erego,,s # e enticner's assistant bis Ibvoad brimme! bat o le heM fer&a moment.' Afler the deli-a. îsolisd kissd thue rsfgiejrstt lornes! ercuand, but 9W ssisioa&ast dtÏe<il bâ ail iausies!& -- 'out t tisil bad broisea ï be bed, euS Beu à s- ..d ct teetcp on m-3p Mnt Yres, ibce re MI ia IIo"l'y -' !nstý, thevife pf ôMv, f C as. rn.5 Greeaood, onaTbursday, 241htult.,'6~ the Bei . Leid, ý msied by lb, Hs.Tr so#bb,-Johua,-yonaget Son cr John.- Lpw» ton Ewq., cf Inglevscd Farm, y kva. te Margaret, second daughter of Lto.'i 'Greene, [lt0 cardi.] Whitby Marmets. Whiîby». Fèb. 7, 1887. Fait Whe t i 1.600 a *1.65..- Spring .$1,35 a *1.42. *45ct. Wool Sce Tuky..........0 a$1 f Grees. .... ...... .a 1e Da.cs.........40c. per pair. Fowls ..........25C. à 30e.- Apple,.... ..... 40 a 59o Eg...........$11Perton Wood......... SlJna...... 4Oc. i 80; Wco.........$3 a14.- - ÀR -DVEIITISEXENTS. Mortgage Sale, rap Lt 3 , Con. il, Mura,, 100aces, North, ýLcîo IfCon; 5f d 100>', TJND2I1 ma Pv.o uer t e ia àeertilo 3Mrt lut byTioinxRoion. xen tii., inathaIoO eacre" o And another cortin Iortrgge,mud, iy John martigt, on t»0enh x or toiLNo10 , !ngtis nThe, ahore1mentIÃ"Oed propertica vii b.w-old &T TIJZ Royal "HotêI4- TOW 40FWHTITBY, ktur4ay, 294, ofKao U«162, At tahe or e-t î2 'clock, P-- p. TERMIOs-On. bath cash, «r ,tis<stery" li. uta s,,ontli, ,afld theataisa., Intlhft. @rquait atliai ayliy. , vii tk esg tAts ix per Tonti, parfot. -- .4 uctlcnar >0 labcg th. mwNorwthec b. atbovo larni viliU,,l re,.;Tho blitdirgs on the preis gr,@ Asw th g 0d e o cemllent qdàfitry.. Yr<rerparticabars ipply to, - ADAN 1PLYE8,: Lot 29, ln the 701, ofOiPcksza1w Peoaa~ th, J807. Farm for Sate râl'1. v t -s. q., SBaturday, la AT Plaritarid lpuui. ue. of the T<,vn CI. whItby, ?eb. O, il TOWN Ol Public ce felor the year iJ tI , Sib mt. VNOT L.atfit tarie, lierai Qana'ir t .,-t '? ' jena.biatdî, 1eva1(Wti.ys a i TUESU&AY, m J.ssstioca of 1t10 lce -- - aaa lsiiotiterio conem v lit4 bvFa-s 4,1 aL i nmetit rdf Drj Cin)sue C'ouiaiiws l th.es, i3c tt. r- - -a laget tesx W, 0,u lbýb tok il o<- ne,- arga'mi te mi e gsaoda inszi sAýU1'sis.res, sItisas lrffsai ioteibvOr o( Cgouoemouelah.t eStiatUiDAT, ltistet unp, e ic iaes e S'91 oicit.soI wbTOWNSHIP 'li - INIR- Sam m ouxr kottii--z'i -ar TENDZIUS vill e Te the .Town CWék, 1 12 o'elock, lot eeO fect -goost Plank,121btt1ong, mil MWTfor W'i0feetef ilmeoe ftlonig. --Street ro-

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