-i. M sceist*geist for' espilsit, han amy- cion tise sabject.'$ Cirsiseti on ciay mediis 'tisat ve to chialenge tise mre ait;boysaoi lit of 1. 300 Iis sbent 15b stone by iass;rslis lun fa boe baldoi irpoge, ianagineod ýi ilsey coaId nos, ibaun glodt,atfer. vus, c ut sotber ad ga!iUes belor ltulty spe':, aNis ew York' ru a lady'& valise- silai fLb nets. itaIsît s teins hot lite,à amid aio là 1. rd ladiy cf Colons- rier. by, on adySf IChas, ling, ai a .Ns-.Ithé rosi- [aller, JAou rtA,# dity, 241b ssi., by sitet i.y the 11ev, T. t snno ifJohn ILav., aide 1taIliclersu<,ý >3ht fLt;'-CoI. ,Fais. 7, I1847, $,3a $1,42, sa, a 7o *e S6a 3[t, f ILicts.867 ,,lJec, a.3P. 0e.a $1 ria e. lic rdtr11 pOJlisme i e Iai, >)tts r th '10es PitOjiS, Glas &c4& N.B.6ô',batois of IEFINED TENDERS WA'NTEDI BATTA&LION DRILL 1390, WJITBY& ý.7'B-DE1wi sarts5e ut thaeoffce cf SBaturday, l6th Peb'y next, AT l"uoON, Pootise erestilon tsf a Dattilon DrIlI Shedi, ls tboe 'owss if Wiithy. Plans, ans] pealfti.stiotià i cuites en utLtise office. oftiti, Tovt Cark, Jiy cnulu, Wiittsy, 1t07. 0', 1867, c., at very le COAL 014, "VERrI FO Bargi&JBar Coton & col1on <ocd o& ing down in the maot M' UN4G, IIELDING& Aà dlvnth public the benefit, by reducing.the pricf th G a4.'rdig ne thü tîrnt.. lleavy Grey Cottons at nine cents per yard, fast coloredl print ten cente, Wiuaoyu St catit prices, te îlear tii t ttr Stock ont. Cobourgoi andi fancy Mohmai, at twunty cents pper3yard, CatddaITweeds, lseavy, al woole, 85u.ta pur yard. Cleat4îs, ont thesr clotllung at <ont prute R. J. 0U~N, .3Ia~or. TOWN 0F WI-ITBY.' Public Notice lsiq eiy Wen tlist ail srotig demirinz tei * . Obta 'risI 0110;II$llard, orJivî'ry 1.t Coeîîe!I'Air< iie s'cîî1,547, isîsîsit misse api' îlots ', i)tlî's îssîdternsiged, cim or beloue Ssturdsîy A. PRI NOLE, TownofWIitsîy, Fol),4, 1867, 'IT> ¶8W e ittlo out or' (le-. asrl Qsritr 4i> ,.'ssi ný o i v 'sa' toie . '.- liît ~îu t llée usd 'r tii t C uî'îv 'f Itiutâri,. WO Wi 11441.1 tîluettilsurt Magsi.e, sn tihe TUESDAY, MAUXH 12, 1867, At ti o atr (Pr12 vsdlscie nns, or <if il ('11i aîîî t î î nuii r t1 til pff i itiéi i'it i$ ti , mtit lir L, 11 , fl. t), 13 Ban kru-ptcy!1 GREAT SALE OP 1401rif ft o PryGoO406, rieils liitî 1ea i Islttire , ( 01,sîni n lutl suv gîoida L tou uitrocîs.Wtillisitil)iit tio6cicr witil IREADY-MIADE OLOTHING, Beiig flico Stock litipart of ft1 ftfin orc IEDWAHIDS & IIODDE114 ,Asîîussstinti 't4)nn $1i,000, nîalilssg In ail, Ote t'f the, iWsaisd bet sssoortnglitt, 01 Dry <1hqlo t, loi e Cîsity. S Ail thgo oosin îtt b la old lbefore tfl rut Pl sî'i.I i luiofrobîi>tfisrtientiis or w Ptii soreiitely ieuripleil Fi W$>jii~.fk fnw itmwiit. "tIi YWtel ITi W - M 8'ikî,q's' lusck. Wliîtty, ntt lis. tisii iîiui's'si iî"'iiie isîcut. lie iilita-0 C'ola nmie, coine mil. tisu iralissaftisereisy saviusuc 014) pet cett-tisle szerchists'. profit. *P içatctlon Maiges on FKI>AY thse Stis, 04A'rlltAY, thse tvts, I 'Elt>EDAY, thse 125h, TII tfIlAY, theo l4thi, and I4ATURDAY, the lOtis dnyn of Febru- ary, at the hourio 12 îand l P. M4, * JAMES 1iIOLDEN, Wliltfiy, leh, lot, 1847. OflIciai l Assee. oits-5 00Farm to- Let, l cN pot of Lots Non,. 12 atndi13, Is tise F 9'tictîsi"Uî ftiseo ". TOWNBHIPF of PICKERING, IN TUE CQIJNTY 0F ONTARLO, il;* ACURES,. r- N 's -o-' ;ri#aa'<s qelcail fon tlsserP fo goffiasi i csllvstiott viIi vutercil, Ais sxcîllefittîsli JOUA. #ii1 bc roi, tost fuan a tuta orf linaon ar i'npic'slsis ivesi oestor hefone tise 1ilst Appiy (If by latter pcjîu, to tise pro iristor, JOIIN COLLIiNS, rEAQ. Onistise premîscis. Ou-ce J. UAlMEII GRUENWOOD, Moiletor, Wlstby, C. W. Wliltiîy,,lob. 5, 1867. 41n-b LUMBER WANTED. T YNDEUR iS8511b. mred ivc t tii'> cile cf tise Ta4wst CILssic, Town cf Wbitby, Op ta 1*4 u*cuek, nccu, ou Prleay, Pebruary 15th, 1867, Four- e0,it'<i eet pondl .o'stsd Iissa1%4 Ineit Il>itnk 12 fatlong,sd ani suof eqnut l dtls Atatofe sd. Alisefor 20,000 tat of Caiar scaritliisg, 4xô Cisairman cf Cern. ou Sircets aid Improreeunsa. <WutsFîb. 0,261.tt- At their usual low prices:-13 pourids of Muscavado Sugar for $1 DO; Il pouuds of rofincsd Sugar, for $1 O0; fine young Ilyson and IBlack 'rua, at 75ets; Cotlec 2Osstt per potsîsd; Currnts, 20 lhs for el DO; flaieins, Il Ibo for $1 DO; Uico, 25 lb6.,lfur $1 DO;JIlerrisige $3 '75 pur barrel. Brîng alODg the money, the goods are ready 1 lllcClung. F4ieldh'ig & CO. 9tne Wante'.l Excùutor's Notice. .L tse LîvîsI k.'rew t WtItiy,rup ta Saturday, Fe ry 9th, 1867, PIL 60 eu OF ST<lON E. tt,re, 'toit nnot bo wil l tm dlsnt.W Irsies tUm, sittii e cruIsi lie d'livercill it ulu0 ei'l ygrsi eliiiietet 0 lai d viuts Brook fitrecu *mîllrect&d. t)ie is . u iritd 1s06 ou$a*s silile. 'l1te wiluîîls' o lus it,iolueWa ubui.'yeqtlise irst diy utpliiit .t N Y 9ut teligi yrv 0s IlisitbY. tantisarY29, I ï7, te 4 UCTI1ON 8SA. B ots &Sh es llt'a henuîgrcî#l iu lee J o nietcm T ft i s r i i1g ts i tti ( h wiicis, e1. iSutck.o i> ý4 & 110 dtig JAM 4BAl & CO. 1;001t &'itiSf shoe 1J i e it uns' listfise Towns af ]FRID&Y 1D ATRDAY, Mtis& rF- . 18Ra. At tissir place of btm e . BroocS Strect. Th'oci nin 1 or gfr ligir il'talil tock, letlisa jintlle, li. tîecltsifletitiiir'îîuIjg sinw no a 1înuivl f ssg 'li asmutio isusi ljtiiii aî o i, i 'stti n ieu'ii fiuîut tisiforin liss tiorIse n iialca. undilistetis ofity la keep tt, 1 0 tinfsctusro lis tatare for s0ite, fiusoit u Ilpnt ty v irer isefaso uffen. s..i t tIhe i iilî1 jr'is liutissg 1Butyri & ltl1*Siisfthss, ili qissîits', h 1e rate,.'Tis. $ft,le 1111W 0aIl 4, eousits frtsitfullowing s Mlens' (t$if, ,and Cov îJe lsicts, Meii*' Dlscsis, iiriree#,,dlFinte. 01141.tut ytii.' ilnrt, atid linse, fever li'ai ndiiu oas, ail kittdo and y >tc, lunaesd- lts. vassntt t'eitiig nt moat frone week mtmesscing tisiblottit F, lu.Its Ai.go'il e vii w icoféermeilt tiTraite, 50 cm§tei of )()tg, cuîsip iiri(c ftefisiWm 555i' ini lsC Y os" 01111 lit md clîiltlreus;; cuiter 5>7 1 ti e ieor sIienii TE 18 s-Allisinsns nisler $100, e ; oser digat olithls credus, un ap'i'avesl note M4 to commeiince col aIsisy et aise ock, issu tosi% lusthéecig LEVI FAUUBANKS, hlutby, Jan, 30, 16<7. 4 V'OLUNTEER nion Bal 1 T. niidits,of I 'woiyutu N 000.asisansi toursid tise 34[hbD± A1110BATTA ,V. M., 'Wsll v hs ge t t nUsie 1Bull, on Friday, Sth cf eb. noit, AT TII M E CIl IA ' IlALL, L.C ol. nirbankcs. SIaOit WsLuII, MAJORa Wà =zta, Ces-rxis À JUTAT JOiNFs, Cet~ess Je isu A MTzta U. Z. Lmcura. c agi EEIs Cupu, Ceisen, Nu e. , Zl>s'ili. No, 4 Co. oii, it . 1c1t, t lJtswnsis V'iiguteisse ,i gis Yuntr,'t s*e cc ,ssjîi, Sur g)tParker, » c up turév. à Cen6. t. 4 MUSIC y Iroem nle Band, Brerle itSa ippiil by Mn. Culicu. Dseigte stinence et 8.80 P.. AI û~A lsisers andth ie friands anc Initit un nit wtisot furtise Ott",e Ticit aeitttlug gentleman tiilas, 81,25, c otitluit i rouis any' o o lé s- .OLOVR SEROGT. ILI I, W bJais. 23, 1W87. M enscns h tvig clasis a*guiist lenry 1301,laste eut't lui Tc 'wutiîhip tsfrIesci, Yeoui, l'l, (ouiseed, arc seqtscested ti siisd tihe maicitethtie isssridrii, ous or liefore tise lmis ilsi ofFebiiar iixtAu.lti a openisonts ies- distted ci tm i'ýtitcoCite cal.>Bell, Darei- qîussîted tau itlthe t u.niie fortiiwiti. Ac'ting liiteestur,-lj§ati)sss1'. i Josssssry 28, slu, <47. tf-4 Farm for Sale. T Estiieftt60 es'acré f lotNo. 20, lns Mi ie O sO5i-noloii cft;. TOWNSHIIP O? WHIBY, ALI, CLEAIEI>. Aus exeen'st, bougsîsl -ssfliîîe, vitis e-ttîim fs imu~stas îui eb"o, l inîg.4 go0l houtritis lxs Ii rel eusrd vitis ttee isic,ett itsu <uît oif fruit t roe,. A large barre 74%."U, Ivrge ytuaiiiî ' tissllg, r iîr iels, cuatie 0a111 iieup l'ii<e i.tîw iiisssse 4')x5lte 'îé'w, ru'i li a isift water à n t4ts, îon 1tine irriie r fty fout V<ot celli, ti , ýfe ,"sii evio'y ri;iîiiite féos etit.',sf'îrisît,ln tfuosia.io uis lîiîs.'ies nisise of tise iiisu-t iîiptiet n is <'vry respt nt si foi titisîist demirtîlie ;iureisase» luatise Louîsty aof Oitaro. Apçîiy toi Tise proptri'tormnistihe i'rcstisesm, or by lutter (iere p;u.>,) Ampiisirîî ' le. 0 Wifithy, Jauusry 3 thi, 1867. 4 Not icen 'NOTIC E i. iieralisyiciives). tietat tise c'pi. ratio « tuî, f t), sydi'si(rosis tise dite titre' air, appîlicatsions wili bc sîide by the, usiîlernitn Il , tu i e u sdso o(fdt s unnagato Court, cet dite C'siity ofi liltorio, tn[ ii li ppisittul nsilsîsis o( fut nn.sMorrow, Jolis Mus'rrow, Jliisise Mr. ru', siîîl Alssxisinr Marr )wv> init etilidresi of jouit -mo'rîiw. lisa or tise owntsiifo c WiiitbY litise Couiity orf utatio, yeosssau, Dâild tise *8ti dîty of Jsnuary, A. D,, 1867, MlARY MX)1lLt)w. ifolicitor for appviiesut. s-S4 T i ihh ilei- isii ast te ave fle T I-ui E3ST.&Txl bi SO UTII ON'AIRIOt, Compose.> of itNo.jIl,. ti110 tfie Coui"icsîiiiou 200 cma ti r issu, aisîl the ilnnth part ni 'Loti No. 153 and 14, 'in tlîe 71,1ei1c. Sb,8 acre,-, mt;re or lu lstIse Township cf East Whitby. AI*) so "f as acre in Iirookîsss, aujloiing tIse Tivsssuutip iall.' int Na. ,l1 Suis..114> asresls.sireci. tise blsace hs'lstg uvercîl w'tiu isî'av bsoird wosd itmmien. 'hoilac stgs. ircfthé 0bni.t quniity, vii11'rater cd.il o lii. naisl finîn li osiig u ssl it. itisuteti tîleaist ilatitl ttîcîrtis oft()Ii:ia ', stin tîlosnliuii, -andI huing 8 faise, onicmî eof wiîich 5. s in are (rciîsrsl. itt Ibe ut -ai. iisrjtsu or togoitlser. FU PtM-27i per cuist dis. otiisici, listo ' uit pir'isi'.. 1<ifîrtflsr puirtismu- J AMt S STABIlACiL. Ccsiemlus, Jusu. 21, 1847. *Sin-3 PIRST PRIZE Spring Wheat F01R SALE. lT tYR snscsibcn affeisfor sale, a large _q-ais tit) of PURE FIFE WHEAT, FORL SEED Lot No.e34,lin Fronst, Wls-itby. llhtb , Jis23,18607*61 n T 119 SUBSC11iBRU I LL PAY TME LlJlgast Oasis Plrcefor 3,OOObus. WIIEAT, 'DELIVIEIED AT MORRIS'S -MILL DAVID SAIT!!. Euit Witby, Non. 21, 1846. ' 4 AStI, Up tc. 26tI Marcb. .0jrIt will, be -Io the,- AD)VERTI&EMENT$. - JIISTON, dmc;' Boato asînounce that ho lias been appointoti SOLE AGENT, for WHITBY AND VICINITV, AKID IILL KEEP ALWAYS ON HAND A FULL STOCI< IN G9LD AND ALSO JUST UECEIVED, NEW GOODS IN Ladies' Gem Rings, Gold Brooches, English plat.ed Drooches, of the boat qnality, Jet Brooches, and Ear Rings, Gente Scarp Pins and Signet Rings. t> An early inspection je solicited. M-' BROOK STREET, WHITBY. &J FEBRUARY e, 1867. CLEAING SALEu Caps and Clouds, In great variety, now offcring at half-pric- HIAMILTON &CO. SIIAWLS ANID MANTLES, The Latest Styles, at a great redaction, at Bo nnets, and Millinei'y IIAMILTION -&CO., AT COST PRICE, AT IIAMJLTON & CO. READYaMADE CLOTHu NC, AT COST PRICE, AT IIAMILTON & COi L&' FOR CASH ONLY. N. B-10 per cent interest charged on ail over due accounts. Whitby, Jannar>? 30ti, 1867. - GREd T B.1JGAd1.VS FOR CHRIST-MAS, AT R & J. CÂMPBELL'S. Dress Good's, MEDICAL BI'NXKOF IWNREAL Tooth & ai rushes, Toiet Soapof - ',P«à "es, Ciroular Combs, Hair Pinu, -&0"&0. o G~'Cenuine Eau "de Colo,ýge of John ,"ia Farina's Wi- dow, Cologne-on-Rhine,-Prussia, in'pint.,bottiles. G1LLON'S ESSENCE 0F BEEF FOR INYALIDSO M»' Medicated- Lozenges, including Musk, Lavander, Rlose, Magnesia, &c., &o., and.Fine Confectîonary. M» Fla'voring Extracts, Pure Spices, 'Creiam of 'Tartar, and t> -PUE PORT WINEmAuD RA»Y TOIR KEDICI- TOWN0 WHTY OF REÂAL- STATR6 TNC=n r nnocf a Deereofitie Costrbo LEWER v.WHITE4 AT târ Paints, Olis, Dye Stuffi, Cbal 011 Lamps, Wielru, Ohim- nejr. Burners, and Shades. 9W- Coal Oul very. JoW by barrel or 1Whitby, Jan, 23, 1867. WOOD?! JAMES BYRNE, Dispensiiig and Family Chemis&-I HATCH &BROTlH-ER,- 209 Cordis of Ilard Wood in',exchange for First Prize Stoves, (or other gooda,) which ate ofl'ered at redu~ ed prices, with extra Hea'vy Furniture. Thoïé wishing to avi) themseives of the abo've, will please mau at once. GUNS AT REDIJCED PRICES1. Agents for die sale of' Wanzer & Co's. and Raymond's celebrated SEWtING MACHINES, prices from $12 00 upwards. 4 car load of the best White Coal Oil, JUST IIECELVED. 8crAll accounts must be settled .fortbwitb; 1-ATCH & BiLOTEUR, Dealers lu Hardware, t'asnts, 0110, Glass, k No. 4, Z3rock-st., Whitby. Spiced Bacon, Smoked Salmon, Buckwheat- Flour, Corn. Meal, GROCERIES, WINES, LIQIJORS.1 COALi Wbitby. Jran. 9, 1867- 1Pelita's Old Stand1 Brook-ot. FOR FIESII GROCERIES, No,. 1, on, the Corner. Best Wines and Brandies. 'Try No. il ON THfl, CORX4ER. OIL COUINTY 0F, 0NTÂRIO, Satur dayyeIPb. 10h AJ. U«16~, At tbe hboss f t*#v- S oe>on, ln two parcels, tise flofflul prenhsses ~boing mmn- pmof cParsaof let ce. t#ençths,.-in tihe second conesslion, cf the, o*mip of Whitbil à " n»w forssiig Part of thée ToIrncf W1J&tba AÂlot eteronnd on tise Scutth L aum ment onse anid a ,Ifre be tise6anemors or le* po, idlasd ebg tLe ,lar.d evied b > tise let wiit c Tho ÈesBenuett to -si1d Beninctt. Ulposi tuis P-arcel laerectedà brik (ltea and ont -buildings, and vos f<crna » w 1 ie bytise suitiTisomas B n et, l as One Acre cf lande. b. isle aine more or ls bunsldixii voitb rteuiideuek 1 Thomm P»tisriy d.swIbe n eedsfrniini 'Crossb aQ ia iiisut Cnli, to Thomas Besilseti. Thtispérea UItuaté ost Dunsiss Street, lu thse Tva or. Whltbyd sadla leneed vîitgagiod board ditionisof slcof tise Ccnst cf CLsassry, vtis tise fbulinsg Variations. 1Tlsfo1ncisssr or pnrclssse asbsli, nt tisa sas 0"l, pMy eiwn a depait lu tise pro- pSoio i810,, for every $10oflit iriue CobYt iVendcr's Solialtor. and tse-bé- frein tish, i f ae Tise purchiser or Purebsa"r ssual sigoi a4 agreement for tis e osuPeton cf tise pnrcisase Tise lendon alBush uDt hé bcnud teprodeés goy 1111e deeis, Dot lu unsir possesions Tise purchiser or pnrehias.rs %hall talta snch titi. de tise ogeMTlscîneiBennett -lind, lu tise saisi parcelasu ad oi sfo cali for auy flirtiser titie or ei'dence <of titi. tiserM etotists tM i artise sanie toBontsand sst t lflis of tie lqui I lcutstt. matila Bn3e Joep Laver, and Eplirisis Vste. ntJs Tise dccds tob. p repusroâ by tire endor's Scitos, at thse prlssrs ' nse psy. ment cf tihe pôrtne isis mseey, tiie pnrci r te lue entitîced to à aconVe>atdanési to bdelot to Purtîser pertlenlars Min syhlid %reonSsanuel cli 1rane Vendor'. &siieterandiRoisert J. Wilsons, 1oquire of tise Tons cof Wiskby, sud tisa nndarslgad Muulet iis Cours st Dtad tii ltis dY c01Jslasy, ilut. 2 Grlq .mi H4i buDÀi forNos.LL0 8. H. lo0r" htb.N$bodr 'Vpl attIroa' S snra. tt. DISSNOLUTIONJTEDI Partnersh .ip. N('l? Eln 1herobi7gi>n. tiaithis oncf B. L. , & .lsa&Y disotve&. AIl déis eprtaining tte tiss tas tb.u 9:71nsws, bîl apeit by tise usierlgn.uiswop 0u ilit anticorizeit te give reccipt for igtiee Oonnts aiSe. -Partios Inaebtadt te fi rm, vIE phiie ma"L anduzsaudlate iatti.usint, OFPIE-Brek S., litby, W sasay29uis, 1507. s.f FqmerIus- Triimed onnes &For cho'ce Finnan Haddiî, Mackerel, Trisiamed onnets & lats. 1j.adwhite Fish . 1Tryy1 AT R, & J. CAMPBELL'S. AIM'MENSE STOCK 0F READY*MADE OLOTHINC, MADE UP OW THE PREMISES. AT -OR& J. CAMPBELL'"S. NIEW FRUITS AND No. I, ON THE CORNER. -For Teas that can't. be beat. Try No. 1, ON Hfl CORNER. For new and che p Glalog-wame Crocèkery, and Earthenware. Try N.1 ~TECRE For everything un the isami on f th@ bhst nsalitv. Trv For the Christmas. Iouse-keejtr -At R.e&Je UAMIBELL'S Eoomwty Whitby, Dec. 19, 1866. Wbitbye Noy. 280 1866. qxrocery Line, pers who desire to practice No. Il ON TME CORNER. RICHARD FRANCIS, cornor'ot &ock ai d DUIidII. UPE ASURANCE oeEit. Tise neit DIviof e Pref. (&niEbteW darl7 pvccctint oveaus), takues plt& au ss40!nemI. ries esfeatinAsprneeev vnt." b. asftloteglue is Imeilae ens, WHITBY NEW JAS. Skating 1qc> Ijats, th waa ne iOýÙn ot'd-- 1-'iis- pré- 'vete,- ths Dry; "theut lsa promsis- whsite man, t"'e"day of sad resider. be Md costi 'edildo youL. ilnie iraust ,ne ieM e m ue sat luss-Ben s5 foi ti tbis loti, ip inti0 for a -X- _e SILVER CASES ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. -0- Goods. 1 REDUCED 090 %lumitivve jkly Xô. WOUDý FURTIRER