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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Feb 1867, p. 4

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.4 'Wl., 1W"' For Koni torà yl Il packasituei Agricultural Furnaces that ¶viIl py for'thims.lves in one Eavretrough Put up4 iron hold-faata. c> New linings put in old Ropaing promptly gttend- Ail kinds produos -taken lin Oxobaup e at the OLD STA», il ' Brook St.. W iby,, LVl-oeyto Loan. O NU nndred ni-iniend Dollars te Lon ow Morge culy lausains te suit borrwr, a a vry odeatorate of juterest. Applyat tise <sr-<sssnd Manchester Ware- houe, JO te-OSN Iiatq01cpeeakitli# parmitt.d ft0 T. N. Gibbq, D.~. ~ros 1o; 1ev. J. B. IWrrê.ii, M. A.,, L ncUmbent. awss; Wn. Luaing, les qWlit- '1V., Caldwell, myrtie; ainmGor. 01, ',P p e 1h. Manchester Ware. floucfi# r ,îRi:iy+ "Iqllia; id rvoj ;orV lIrab"An mqWick; Vroomni, hIenty jlettiotr," Esq Jaudc J= ipolrn, Rq,, rootantoi; uu. Clark, uhes0t.r, sept, 7tà, 100. 87 ý 'PORT W HiTBa T'AN N"E R Y làTry wvisA yon pies.., tisere o i.ngtelng 1ko T911fA b.or ber a lg talos thé 1'mnnty' CAPT. JAS. ROWE .ÀT PORr-WUITBY, Are uow proptrod te pay dis i, siseat pria, iu CAOII, fur Skin, lom1ock Park, and Loather, lit iborougli, doliv*red st tiscir Tasxnery. C. WAKauN, & Co. WlbJsy8,18.. 2 an reg 0ol gatéNIleevp0u rsIsislng Sek 1~~~ ~ isC-t JHNBWL On fininr ,lse tôfb lt,stoiltl, aWblytuP,à0 . 'Op T b:Ï C roE. hgr el»Ms m eg a toattention otf J.. inais And Wô -ntrte Doew *desloncftéie &0 r ltip nleCss, *Of g -, g _4110Wlg PTT1 4I J.nyWtlt 18ad06 ,.. W 63Kingt WtTronto, l&re i~rity f Carnaes,.onhand. ýThae prpietora ac! Estalisment posesfaciities'foar manufaturing Canna tiis (YcsZfandees oin priie, style L-and For.Sai. PARMEIMR0ItTYUPW Building Lots. Tise follet.lng liât et Lots., viE .be g.0141e formsh, oralt oL&ir Vsation on hlmo, vis. L-oh 1, tit Co.ilars., 20 Acres. Lot là 7tk Mulîner, 200 d WU< iL, 71k "Tosoroi.iio 100 do W3<7, $rd" do 100 " ot 7 Iii Boisent 200" Lot il, 7îh " txtdge, 200 zy 19, $rd " Beach,9 100" ot î,fr <ot" soin.,rvill, t 22Y, do » do 1< 7, 20h 'sonrille, 100" Lot, tli do - 200" Lo tSus do -200 " Lot 81 121h do do "00' Loh 9 th " do 200 " Lot14ï, fils ' do >M, Lot 11, BIh " de 200 xNE)327 2ud 01 Whiby, 50 " Several vainahie huillciag lets <er hesiceos., sud prîvate resideces lu tise Town$ et LUd ilorfrtherInmaton. Appiy te, ROBT., E. PERRY. 1Wiitby, Matois, 1BOS, Whitby Laud Circ-ular. L 1T of aoted Wlld Lotf, sud linsproved FÂRMS FOR SALE, Atbwo prioes sud on longterneot.psymant. Mr 'North 3 11, 10111 0Sn. 100 sorm, dé South 3f 9, 11h Id 100 " 43 " ' ,12h d" 100 i" R 4seséLot 1 1 th Il 100 1- "North 3< 16, Sth " 100 "sostbV 16, th " 100" " Lot 1, F. " 100 ~ ~ ~2 1, B 100 " TiilaiaItwo Lots adjoîn tiseMonk, a,"- erusuert road,). and thse otior Leoslau nmi are but 8 sud 4 miles rom suid Ibd. Bexiy-Lot 12, 4tis con. 2A0 actes. " N. Pt. 4, lut.ou. 8-SI " SI, IEil Rver 65 66 " I;, Orth wutlBhy. «8 s SOMERVILL.E. LotI 7,12h conessors, 200 actes, vlthlo 2 milesr et1h.elloboaeon Goverismeut Rosd, sud conveeieut to 1im cho.,e ELDON-'West 2-4, 11h concesion, 100 acren. ~il J.134 PERRY. I3R N 1. alprt cf tie Senl-heslt.o< Lo1 N.32,lthe 81k cocesson, cis tissIng ibo;ut osadiUë. And aiotse h opquarter of lot No. 15, .ln tbo#O& o 4ùeeaeion.oonslng8«at«. Tisar$ lé sge& ramebien'S'bd s <rame 'bouse, on aeh ofthlesaMd FARXHII.esd vater. ;mabLilviië, iprisg. t15 Tittel sdlpu. For information,*addr.as00eo.Ballard, on Lot là, on the <rout. et Iti con., (renwood P. 0. (pre.pijI4 . leketilug, Nov. ý20, 1866. fi 40 Apir .LEX. BROWN, Asburu P. O. -AehibcmjOufi 2t,1log. icw-42 .AYIÎOIN wMhlbe ma* sttte uexL àa Charter t' Oosarut a' ios-flrom s$e ýpoisst oùn1-1 eaWnttbe nthe W4t.ril *ovmber 6111100,1ta-" lis ges or Tow n LOTS idJçinlng tise now Building of LOWES &POWELL The LTS cont.lw t.rt o en sd oue.fti, deep to alail<.vde Lot La on Brook Streetbetweu MMIen'aI Block sud Bau'.*$so@ Shop--21 <et 10 luches front, by 96 <etdeep f a no.. F'or busiues purposoi, these proportios are choies locatiosns. 2 Loto-roencd ORppot. -the. esidence of Jao. aRa(*errl. 4 Lots-en"ed'West et tho Motodlst 12 CiuroeI. 12Lots-Fanced, kuov asalis. oid crict ¶::Ild, opposite the realdoîsce et us. a Leto-reaccd, nortis of the. rosdouceof B. 4 Lots-Fned.soudasof tise residence of 3 Lots-Yenoed, wcst oft1he residonce of J. J. Harper. 2 Lotos-Coter of Kmnt sud John Street,, West ofthtie resideice of Lewis Hionck. 4 Lots-Norths of theateam Grist Miii. 1 Lot-Zest et tise resideuce of J. C. Bone, à Lote-Fenoed on Bokoreenrh0 Clsrk's UIIo.Bro renrisf AILSO 50 Viiiago Lots, pIgessautiy aituatosi for prIvaI. reaidences la various patta of 1h. Town. 17111k. r.oid ou long tenusi ot payment. z J. EAU PERRY. Whitby, Sept.$th, 1606.,8 Oreatout discovery of the lSth Pain Egeiievi withont talsg 1Med1. ciae i "Egyptian 0 1 REIVSPAIN IIÇSTANTLY. Neyer sie. isele Imar etMdcienAmrsdawned is;~o tis vendtiss n eparîlostues Iossirodse to.nspeadlysthse E1TEA OIL. No lm#sgos euccuvrey an asiequaelidre, erihntS. musSas. sud n= itàmmioechaiga whieh It occa- aious te thoe Whosore aufihrlng. aist, unmeruseirhov or«neslg,, dimlpeu n Ser iisssiSumuua.» irbysn lu. ît fse isames woiftl remedy.a&M tise unit prni u lsaction, oser ituevu Ie tise irn. iNo a lC itIdo wltibout i Whsohm eu IlStoice-ils r(ici, wharvertise EUYPTX IA Li.bas Iee i strodacpil f îlsentireolwPieea iletber paln.rolelngjseps. 0)H1 se.ti cuplanis blsrstidrseensldered bSl ami- Diii Plsysleine aciabie, setrequepntly cared lq s faw boeules, y* mma offthemaîilmor Wenne1iabow..r dos- lierai, or hopsies, but msy b.clIsm ticS by tise sppll- catisoofl. For Dirhrs and PMesTbisa. F.yptiau OU lutise onyral eibercmsdy tOi existence. Il viii relier. tise wonet, oa c i esdache isane- For Tooiuand s ud ae il St es augestnt cur. Bruie.. Cou. Woed, lirnes sud guide Y" ites. dily ge thse ysasuasle somilnsd lisluq rete Ditels. Rntfin or nti. acutasractp. EGP IAN i. uros Ris.'masien,. Nearaisla 0ont, Dipthiossarla, Ir 'tisa, Chols, ihcadsisae. *âeesah, IideacisaMwschciss.Tomeehe, Sisscis, O6iecec, Siiffulnts iis. uS'Mel, Spuloainias, Wouodu, cal uis Dn, Moeqntc Biles 0.. gevry peraohuld procures boite t isa P4yp. lms 011, 40 maIo haveli lshsud, ic 15toi usly ne eMsy 1rvtsouvcime u suSisiamasud sie tisa meanus et,.,- lîgItftor Instances bave fp trsetly twuoeusd wise prom anscîsd la tise ulhhi base SacS unile wahusîsg Tis e ypian 00I ,ascii xtausaily i ssamly ait can sd av.ry eesiy applied milt requirne nocon- tinue rnbblnl>us, lMe éther rewdiple. Tt rMay ho tikesi nialwlfi ic gresteu a tty, ssiJi te wlirrsted go couSsin ne ltjdnieaa lugren, end tsa pare5vegemsa zn w4 CX ypte Oùa hae quantity la required to prodssee tedied ulleet. Au Ûfor ismorerIte K d ofâ&etE'ilmt 014, tiPO uiiiM ofie eiss t tie ceamesnow lie. s 0centi uddams ýwt ise!.. 5ll Sq Dncssss&MidDualers in saedlclne every.. por $S aletewhitby by, WhltbyAue~, le, lm. -Farm for, Sale or- te Lot, witbin a Mil Of 1BIAVIMTON. A9OM ES', (90 as leaeai) husana nmu 4 ;mnu o te Port Hope, Lindsy a NO MONK»YREQUIRED' Fror thée AretveJsi, by i t of tpest, (if tt e bJe1t,) ho k. sipedea on i"mprove. Mentis. Woldb10ezehanged for sitablt Village Apply ho, C C. RF, Lu, or il 111ELLER, (if Sellltoty rCn.nlu competition, as u on thouabotot:M INDAB,, TRET determined fo se >Qrder, by fii for' ~~p1~j H. MCCHESNEy, Would . intimate, to, the inhabita'nts of t-i Town of Whitby and the -Oounty ofOntaril, that lie lins open an establishment-of the above descrption, in the premises f merly occupied by MR' B. SNOW. Hie respectfully solicits the orders of ti Publie. r. ied ro2 FALARVI Dry tod Gocis 11tHE EST IN THE MARKEBT. 'The Dry Goods Department en1braces a va ied and stiperior assortment of everything in the Diy. Goods linesocr eatmeti epeewt Tboie «Grocery e pateti rpeewt WINES AND LIQUO'R8,1 w 0f the lest quality always on ban ,d. JOHN FARQUI{ARSON 'bitby, Octeber 17, 1866. r. HôIday Priees IK'MILtAN & Co's., The subseribers beg to acquaint their cas- tomera and tho publie gecrally, that they will, during this month, continue ta offer goodsatn the following prices, viz - l2lbs. ]Ben Bright P. R, Sugar for $1S 00. 11 ls. Yellow Reflned No. 24 Sugar for 1. i00. lOlb. E No 34Sugr for 1 00. 91bo; Yellow Grannlated No. 5 Sugar for 1 00. Slbo, Crushed A, Sugar for - - 1 00. Sîbs. Crnahed Loaf Sugar for - Oô 0. Slbii. Gronind LoaftSngar for - - i00. i4lbo. Good Valeci Raisins fori 00. 91be. Best New Raisins for - - i00, 'Tlbâ. Best New Layer Raisins for i 00. 711,,. Good Figà for - - - i 00. 14u1b& Good Currants for - i 00. Frcsih Fragrant Toas frose 50ets ta1 00. Pure -Old Mfalt Whisky $1 10 por gallon. pure Old Rye Whis5ky $1 10 pet gallon. Choice Irish Whisky, 12 years old, $3 00 pear gallon. Choice Brandy, Vintago 1860, $4 O0 par galion. Pure Port and Sherry Wines. gTERMS STRICTLY-CA1H. S T. H. -McMILLIAN & Co. FRANCIS KELLER, INSURANCE -AGENT.I Represents the. following well-known Companios: THE LIVERPOOL, AND LONDON AN» GLOBE, CAPITAL S1OOO0,O0O. TUlE EDINBURLGH LIFE AND LOAN ÂSSUnANOE Co., CAPITAL OffO00 PROVINCIAL INSURÂNCE Co.,OF (CANADA,) FIRE AND KEARINF., B18IH A MERICA ASSURANCE Co., (0F- TORONTO,) VIEADMARINE., WESTERN INSURANCE COIIPAN4Y [0F ENGLAND.) ACCIDENTAL DEÂTF[ ,IN&JRÂNCE Co., [ENGLANDM,J l ALSO AGENT POéi IE8JPROICA PERMANENT BUIDNG&SAIGS0ciETY, [TorontoJ IW"Ai lumof propeny lnsuqer', tiqb. oea.Â,Mèney [oaned on Resalestate. Prospecta...snd l»information given lreyon application. Meo agent for ProviewTegrlimz flANCI&KRLLE, Postmaater, Osha*a'C. W. JA Sv >BAIN &,-Co, V Ofld nonce that they. have remov( to ~he conunodious brick building, a few doons South of BROCOZ 'STREET. WHTTBY. SU-1WMUER'S-HO ES Jnust to band an awsrtment of Ladies, isses, and Childrens m- mer Shoes' Also Home-made Boots d: Shoes, and shoes fail kinds, Wholsale and Retail, l Two Hundred Bides of 8panish Sole tlter. Machi Need- les, 811k and Linnen Threads, Hard à.&sh, 'kand, Co n. Elas- tics. Ail kinds of Shoemaker's Findings fo le che 93r TERM8 CASH, Whitby, May 2, 1866. JAMES B &17¶~O. JI1 I<edueed rices, al M.O'LONV CA R.R AG E PCTO RY, A good assgortmeot of Bu gies, Carri es, &o., nmade of the best material, will be id at a smalla ane on cost.- IB ]ank of Upper Canada Bille taken n exchangefr work. Whitby, October 3,' 1866. AGRU'ICJITITRÂL RKS. Single Reaper a nd 0o ers,- and Reapers and tNower UComb 'ed. The subscribers would cuit the attention o the .Agricult 1 com- msanity ta their Stock of Imploments, wbcre wyul bo fo dAlmost everythin ha par- mur May require, aud -cspecially at Ibis seaa e year, te their 8 Of REPEIS& WES 0f several kinds, andi of the Latest ake. - To which ai the test mpros'emcnto found necc.aary by practscabl tests during tise lust ""aonv becu addi BaMI' Ohio Reaper and Mower c bixied, (Jaynga Chef Re' er sud Mowcr cosubincd, the Manning Single ,itepe., tise Oayuga Sunier Mower... sny sud alI ofthtie aboya Machines, wo invite a riaL.Tbcy are msnuuicturud with And can be guaranteed to the pure&a rto give satisihotion MU>o A PAIR TRIAL OR NO SALE. BRO & YATTERS0N Whitby, July 4, BITAIT STRÂTTON & RL' Business College &_ Telegra h.ic, Inl itute, No, 55 TOlGE STEFT, TORO» ESTABLL .SHED IN CONNEOT N IfTH IN N im-xFmcx, e- A COMPLETE COMMERCIAL % r! t c l o c tn t s t. > T h se-C o u r s e e t n it à :ns Io ti l u i qeisu loBui ,udis h.ressîoflet-outtsn mm s= Ed zet en o i t C ont ina t Ile nim ib a e e ils k la '-i 'J 'i 51 ~i. rr i.a w re la lu 5 5150 Wî *or horst L a7r;roiaet w jei r L uER o<lumk.Îconstanthyc UDER T AIW p-uNEBzlALtulrnupl ud dstteuie ohosItnotica,- roSine ept eMatsaî y 'WhUiby,Peb. 5tb, 1862. t~Photographie, Galeryy TUE ropretotof<tisc uhovo GAllery vouisi loo.i is ulic thet lit.uow thse Mnt complae.inutise Prnuvince, snd lie sa prepsed. te tAke 1'htures, eltiset lu PHIOTOGRAPIKS, AKBRMT- PRESKE LAIOTYPEst Or any othet mode o'tise Mytic Art. M rm oa Acs T-r Z~s~ 01v hu-vtng rOOr A a clhsd mes lis- vorkt fos Yonns]vs,. tr AU early Mc ail solicited. Wisitby, Ray 23, l865.W:H OGL for Ymlat Whitby, witbin Six Miles of 'the. Towm T cuiesfou ale bang compos'd eof Lot N.17,Soutise pMisucessslon oethie l'onslpof Eaat Wimby et'>NTAINuIG 100 ACE, - 90 ef whic are endorsagoil stade o et liva. ldon; the temâaudr là, oodJand. Thse lui- prestement, Are good, conssslirg of àfrmn dveling,~ barns, useds, stabes sud othèr ont. builings sultabi, for ths eman, ajdânu ngeed erdor, tise- orchard sud irarden aie stoeld vush tise choict apple sud 0111cr fruit frais Tise subseler In sucions f0gifve up<em sud wli1l th9sretfore scilh on usodsWt te m&,l» 7 For torss &a., apply te JoüN EwVLc. -04 thé Presnlimt Or If 4y lethet (pre-pli,) t'O Whithy p. (i. Whitby Brass Band, T ctuming tiiauks for paît favori, tri de- sirou ns hiatlzi gtisItisey bave ae oceotîru hufvt ihirofessrpr 'as BAtid, and are p-p9dt atn hluhsss hsPt r eson, on tis mattendoM ëbls er. Appllcathon ea k. mide to Or to . BeR,'S WthLeader oet1h. Baud, wty JnlY 4, 185.U Haif a Mill1ion OF frJONEY TO LEND!1 r mmusets vhereobyh. in prepared t1@0 p 600-e0,0106 0F PBWATE FUNDi GEc9JtGE «ILI fARlSIýPER, ATTC car, DejýutyEgisi b ha ansd cxaiein ( -Ç. .4$Untario. 0511e. Bi BDARIISTR hAT J>Solicitorin Chance ofie VlctnrstBull ii à. 31. J luChaucery. Ch&i I3 JeK. G( Whltby. C. W. OQLIClT0Kt, NOTAI W. K. i IL Chamhers, Ir C IEegistry0fc.J Wliby,Jsn28,184, A TTORNEY- AT L llkcfaucery. Couvcî on, Brook, C. W. Je' JIAXEB7 GI .~A TTORNEYAT1) .M hinory, 1Notary dý,WikbyfV. W. Be4 daxito IictitryQhioo.e - - ARRI$TEUEAND K MBsoiiosftiichane l'et Oflice. Whsty, lune 27, sd CLVCRURANE S 1b1AR[STERS. ATT 1., A ucera ansd N otztif Ccsni.y rown Attoruay Port Ferry, 2th Dcemi YR.A. Earrister,eiceter Lîr 44, Cherc iir -iJe Es FAiLzWE.ý BARI5TEI-X' B. XcGEE Attorny-ýa ysolicit LYANENGLI Ofice, Prnnc Alber -7X. W. CLAMl Bsdc-nedooray. onws Store, Brook Strel EI"RGEO TO ýTRE 1Byronstetlwbitby THOMAS 1K ATKINsoN fk 1 B&uzIsTE8. Ring si Toflto8e0«1rore ot ARLCHEDALI 1 fKffA,K YILLAGI 9 lJ1Asslgàfo r York s PRFOVINCIAL TEL C<oNNEiINIG WITII iriiiansd Towns o rso zla Whitb8y, 0elsryOfie, Brook S. n'sudS i Msssuains.m il Cellege, or0 'M..,', 1.... 1, wu 1- 1 1 i 1 r ti 1 tom MI

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