Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 14 Feb 1867, p. 3

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'ru~su la-e It ti 4 wwuuwcuDOTor #Mdmtde l ruide the mas Who modec the. von4 tia c oi nler loi« id ber. Aisa s. tance oft Il mmgc prvcd by tiie Enpreo tiosed kor iepetted efforts fi ehmu1c04l. .Os oune eut afo@niibly taros est of il os1 M- deor, jut t tvu bhlm èWltb bermoul geule W to tize <lie trinl for Engisuil W gotvlnd o( tiihetcapade à A hU ltie liter 000 -Eti eintshuug l1er ilpari are, otem outili tii.Countece oi sUd bucs banlibeuttrous tie wil beys t ht viii l6i0couids 1#00, tIo.Emur buc noer -Y gOOd terme. atnal 0 vilh ce ente tend tb flal., 1Prince IWîpolom fenext te ipsil, hoir lu tii. tbrau of, nr the 1<mperrtandif aise09. jeatnoa f im. Tii.7 ceeu bu y lu cainnoe the. eppori i tclf, capplâneî theoPrine. J, ce a autasi r4cuit, tiiey maIi, adtory onclot bin i ervaidri th pluitotl etorle. regardins tic que.:, perot whone i.motoce, [m. Tbey ci, thit là 'bis gci thigo tousoit blsself- *rings and fairely portralic, Iore, sud pllac sway blg erg. 90 long ce lie à,la 144 hie cetelc aMlatled viii the. recale ; but ddug the t h. tikeadowu tbielotre., hrsr «J !the boolw, .aitich g sand growliug uAt iuuclt. fu te maitre d'hotel of duipsir. Tho, dianero are table,"' thé winec. 90 eoar,0 ,est l "Cteur" Io se fret(nl la bitbine. ces<ie mniat lied girl. Dy eontrst, at s est. snd driuhc snytiup, bpalnts, and gives lose 1*ost ic1iguificAuî ucuiet îoe-fe lies wbleh Jio 1Maxim;a tnt lu. Ibe di&. terrible engine cf" virure, sry utuciit or ecinion. It, snd protlcallyone of artiller7Suéu of eodoy; i uergîec tovurd te, per erunth of uilltary @clonae *111 be borne in mimd dirit ta n'ce ifled canno, hilci 1. owediu a griles lIaut celeiof vîcgorlec a esaipaigu of .1850, mce iecccfai tic French mal 'i Tillerlec', etFoanutaln. [gaie, snd et St, Cloud, vilci msky bc ternud -ore tii.y vii armes alid In!eIite ,boaglît"or re- t wia ire iiwsre of bit 1 examîtand try @tory M. f rai.dle oucwht et , t limes, diligetly.on. mte explosve substances r, but tic constant te. eo sud the ro tIne of In1 m avay, per farce, froa paurcits. Wilghait@ct teg Io prove thent Nipe. cfeulluge -but Ibo (t.k vu h la le tond of ridlaug mii! borné, - Nstarily Id Inlppeue tbt, vice' fone bià good ecrele, cp by' orer rldlug sud 8, fot' thé rstof hII bd vel taion cueto4t me n ouciqgod fort.. be reeu home a wifi, l Ifi aJosty fultifullly, the obiftc of s 6.1.6. 5,y ire no longer op #o ien iwiy or ola for t o longer oeteaale: pondent of the. Sprint. ". tbat Ueo. Peabodyr buc M440 a glft or ? ýx ruoitute, loeitela 00 for thé «dv. lung sud priusiug hic lu, Amerfau céblp. " Fe, condoeeJiaS I. t cf labor-75 per lut 3. Uigh tarit? ou ti bOYc yltflot 6e 00 preterrtg' toô'Ib uaesldug euce thsbt Iot turiiug lhe tabls Ir WIiatle:-lat ai, I) >paper, sgirl bd- e'taire Charge ofa * Ca ook sudand i. gP and udol, 'noue neu, Who vicies tg [lserruptç Sesldubrg * Speetalorsya, platy, nie t (ith oour;,, tiu aine pa'sermons tuit thi Se Cooan, or tbe lis vol, of Paintg, Oio, Gls, 4&c,, &c.,at very R~ue rcs O purhuing elswhoee N. . 6 boeoJ o!EFED CO»LOhVR'~P ~Aiup to,2Oth, Marcb. iztw gacslsy Dov ltha Lyecddt E XctosNotice. )V R IE N S .. ,-ýf1,eNEW > A ) V R lM a n d é W all J.te trust 1 t0 , P R I Ese A L L p era u u. b' . U . J 1 , 1 U N ,I%% i I I IgilI I il Masr b fo vi lg ~u5toast vas givec 0- rum, Wnon, And ilhla- e y eOE!lu. s bf ai ffortaqe. 5h00.dos «fi de Au"mo othéingEzoao..ihisîtp da v llan Mosd. ut vIs." ilaurp4i 'i U ulJis heluanau' EO IOIKB<f9 The aua.! meetngait cf te InamU iThura y g Pob. 2itl, j79Joongli 728th, 16 laiCL NG, I L D N o 0" âNoilgsbtlon Company vwu h.ld lite Apc Il t eb p.etteua8 ~Ae"vn~ b kt Mîd a il idend or(là pur cesi vu de - "'uba itelJngene, f AF r ~ ' ~~Gre auoing e <ul. Us.,. eJed on lb thyeaysebuaspeu.. D c sa li Tiokata of»eu; IGTORE.ievyOveyno tlotnw&1fil016ptyud atc1se rn Vie Alonowilibpil"Juy M11111010 Oth lon t the. reidence cf ic brlde'e FIRST 0C9ON.,OF THORAB, #1111 arl, ài. Xv M.MFadn W ,.TOWN ' wnfiry Coutasioui50 Aore»., mter tloi Tan. dit, t rbos t M. JofW ibs RîcXiadu DryssiRo. * easy.Tito# viii o lie gr.i -fr a portion cf t# Lie lovi 6< Wb.b1', t Mise Lzzie Bah. path" e 90. Fur uttuer paulnu aop. t< ~ -~ i erford, f mariban. ï1>'s ycs 1tuascfs a"____i msIO, MIdgCiÂgL, PITZGERALD At teir usu5 .wa u Whgy X ges i iUo$Kiu3, fuI~wr, &0.,Tlo, i u.Toronto, 0, Wpu g d I Wiity lauoc.Toronto, politote; Cen e2o.Crrn. 0l. Otiie FI Whktby, Pub. la, 1867. O3nn........... 1,35: a lic4Notice m to i [ent.e oe anue bas obs lcouppointed SOLE AGENT, for ]3ring alongthe Mouey, tegossr ed let .10ei b.fr* ORo,5Jodg*ltcbrd 40.42.Publieu UN.mim 0e50.. . 610s0. fo; Isereluyvilvcn .ua l ersii egrig t5 0 ai'Uboiuug t<l twott goutu WITB M AND VYI C INIi Y, Oi~........26aa es Oa. obtia,.Taydr, i4iJJ liillrdor Livery Li. fi he7 '01100081"11os etrSioeM Cug iedn .-r...~45ets. (tirltrio yenr 186?, itlUntMS ppiTOWnSHIP of PIOERIG.AND WILL KEEP ALWAY4ON II1AND A pULL FSTOCK INLcaà 5PorW01SanB4S.WIj. 8h u.........aade ri sclreîgauîd, ou or botorî Situdoy Ths gbe . Fras viii bol meuudforsa Srin of I"'GO5D .A.ND.)SIL VELI..CASES 1J <i 3S.t. 4.VEIN LE, peurs. Tise bitlîdinga ou tisopromis. e 0 iwu lo te good, sas.]t@s lais.]l of excellenît quoîi ALSO dUiT lE EIYED, NEW GOODS IN A U >~~ SOc60.8~$1. TO o f Wliltfy, Fib 4,ibT5ADAM épEAES LIadies'l Gem Rings, Gold Broochs, Engli h plated Brooc eff< ~ S R E , O P S I. ou.. .......o.... 40c. ap00 t pur.E IC Pucks ....... ....... 40c per air, abrua Lot 9, lntke 7htcoe or Pc qualityotheJett Brooch Jetr ands, an Ea ingss ...g .............5c. 0. k ru p t c y fibnur I, 1867. 4at Gants Scarp Pin and Signet Rings. e> A early BRANOK O F 1 W A L insp Ù81ection laso1ctd Ha............. U pert SoBA NKETB-E00 Apjleu............ALE orcFarm'for Sale. £â' BROOK STREET, WHITBY. odi ___ Wood4jý.............S.. s 10 Wod.........D 'trGO osth-eeag 0 aares of lut No. 26, Iln L u bin'CI P0r0 T us,'J u d so90s D ye1, H8iraBOr h e,, , 4 tr igodAgne.]boareceiveitlrgemi-TOWNSHEIP orWHITBY, Tooh al Buhs oltSai Cssshisitqs, )ahisir. <'o o , Vtsu, L CL RE) F'loua,>i.,S lotais, Futuuy os.a 4 foisssitsioii, and ei ulratu. -îî our, di 'Itell.! Shouler Mraces nd Trusand I'. A. LNJCola>oUIi 's t o. ruutoess.A large o Jsnis74x3(oloai âÇoi Ls.o u one u'un uiesst tisî iîtho r n tssv (Or.tt l or i scuti and clhi~ 1t,'~~hSImort traiter e ntke., sudriolutoiniftos i ' d ouim"W Genuine Eu de c olg e o o n M ra F rn' i REAIJY- D CJ.OTBINfl ~otonScelisir, polie, andI cyr>rosi.tufr JE 'AgiE otsfsrtable lut .Ioi llontTIseitirsîs cone 4Pi flsutisg tiS8iteS k tt ofSIe fl ic ll of o ile ndit esissauaan cer>' reiiell0e a5 I L Ns E S N E F B E O N  I S lo Ï N 0F WIIi'B ' iD1A & 110DDEgu lsitsesirqjo prisse( ieCui> f. ansa c,«. n ieCnètoay TrEuuori dolatr fot sale trio flouse (>1 SlIi'A, h, MOWCOMET,- - Medicated Lozengen nl4n uktvneRe s i n . Ji.t W.e-r sitt IItl tes mssssaî e 6oe 1,000, txaking iiu ail,cisn t is, po ri , Ts 'e. o ri byletF orono yfibtl(af. ;Il .L Vatile Ss sree ,. sOSsets fite p Alti btrio P. S>. k_,___MIud F lasidt tachaoi, eli l udok i ltteliaico fruit «.di Ilja i ed l n ort iieiim sf>'y ( ire t, o onî>lti,18 tri 1 ý - WilgiFlavtlng , ragsuPre Spces, reamcf8TatarM d t gf rj -trt!lst pi&t-ilurts. fond tarsis. AFPIIJ (l l ~ the joi î,aa ers bo5vr osnlthe- UE'rIaAlt ANYFO EICI ia'iî'r.Wi-îs.FlG c'itsesr' li Wii I t dios MANJ o t lWJIIAY, Itis nsS-iwlslessalo rie iestJoitr- UR y. . tts- eie ' ite Fa to0ltrate> W.)ii>aisi. £filsii W are or- stt lfr t i publie.,NOi E cri ygiron, iai tisee i. Painatnpu, 'WinrS " i *Os me O l'oal. sadisi i ise, tlisetby N rati n us>' la>frtitsa 0edotanIiiee ~'P its Oi '(L i.~.'... u-î. a jas-, ...,s.. o.In@,1s* i . , Profit e .rApuîieduksus b. anude b se assdeoignsuo di iu.v 5 cf.~iE l'orges .O i,î " a0 ~ ctu ie Ju.]we o o le Siatr otefbisirtndni Sfi Paluea.hev" Goal OiT very bofbtrio - ~ CHRONIOLES WANTED. ÂmeS n Susicthu honisRBD Y <ho k stty ni tîutor, tu Itint.]gussiigallon. tie a I ib,'rlRliiAY, the Shgand rsoan]Aixosir oanudliiirnAT D Y,(ieOh,-s'MD Y o ot.s turaJli oroJass.I.i . :- 'w- 'lJ ME YR E VCE'NTO -cela i liulsWl fur Nos. 2go1 MAIN DA Y, 'if.iaMortdi o r 0f eTownsuiofe 25 ol.,lu, cf tise w,<îtm l :iittnlte.,'99t80liidat- Flbra- "W litby, lu Srico u - yAhit d gyt o sthe hout.et12sud T7 p. * deenaddilsAi. yr1~7u indu,____~~ea ~ Wub a.23 87 di 110MLN, ltDi te il day ff.Jnay, D, 1047. , J.Jibyj Jan.J23, s6ti TP J L i S . E Wîii icia ne& JMlA O:F N UO> M) O L EJ ! RTIN GrtS 014 cpenrn yoo ag arocai kati ng Caps and Clouds, __VVOO D/tL IN la c E N poF r m tos .A o.iadlO Tn CtEeiIn great varicty, 110 offring ai half-price- F l olieson of tise - Unt>' et'Ontario, S lue> grn ToWit silecoulorof «- l M LT N c. A o .i R T E rO'W'N OF WII1IBY, TOWNSHIP of PICKEIG, nrliarHAMILTOaNt îsel'saCO.Ca tant> sso#0 ficlton nCours, lit and isor tioe cousi it>'o iisann. U IN Tri£ vill lia tatriseCourt loM m'u ie E 8aturday, 2nd March, 187. COUNTY 0F ONTARJO baoiut' wiiilby', oit20Crd f lr TUESODAy, XARCHE 12, 1867, The Latest Styles, at a great reduction, at First t 1îStoves, (or othergod)whhae frdaIed- ri ia« brlis ecolved ,Instructions 1,54)oces e1ere siatendfnder agndrillte fJa i tlsotoee.nsnr OsufejH M L O O husle f e tabuntr. T oe wsî g< v porve, at hueobori e ano fin ie ataoanid pligeoia ouiotoratiisoin mseorliagiîy. a n e tour soupetiot youg Mares,, suite.]lirtut i se r s4s'er. ESU -.0YN L Juurpe1>0 o Apnti 67 gieono eoetefe ÏF£?6.RENSio, . 93»Ilats, Bonnetsl, and MiIieriy Goods. G UNS -AT REDUEP IC sagle As 12 o'leicek) Sea. dîi (Iy t ly "('t te rolo I .t oE,18- '~l mM - itî.o aresils, spon Msillione pepi,)5 ie >e htils >lla . 1 ot<a<,.AT COT 4P'~I.-k t.3JE, AT (amumtig approred jo>int noSes, alt.loti-i ser.curîuîs iseutio, Ift %Ã" sepaid, Inter- -cu we îii Wcehergeel fremn de>' 0f isuie. L. FAIRBIANKS, Jr, Ea.t 'Whltliy, pub. 12, 1867. Id-t «kCMEM B Auction L E -13ANKIR ', STOCK WILKIN NW BLOCK, - 1118 EVEN G. gar ai,< n SATURDAY, t th. Ibout of 2 JAMES OLDEN, ~~' 6el Of iia ugnce. 4TENDERS WANTÉD. Eà LED TENDERO (inarkg.ssi Toudere fsur 'li asit esli,) viiw u e ociret5y tise asurse , aim MeofIc, untitamui, cas Baturay, h. 23rd instant, A -'I Or seJ. IAMEM On tise Prens".a Solicitor, Wititby,C. W. IV'litbY, Velu. 5, 1867. 4in I tVlortgagpe Sale, PRaaY, TAt , Con. 11,lisu, 100 acres. Nth !/,lt 19tiCou.5 10 UINDEUt à Power or Sain lu a certains Mort- gwasrs- is-iebTo gni tp»)s n oLoNi., ÃŽ, lu tise ils oceec.oii uof Mata, 100 uacte». Ands anatliereertoiu n t«a 'mem.ly Jobn Martisn. onstise !Norths U sf LttNo. 1, la i Sfi .41 s cosicossion of Mota, 100s aure». nTise abers- sns-ssiouso.] proportion viii tua sols] PUBLIC AUCTION AT TIJE Royal Hotel, [N biUE TOWN 0F WFJITBY Fer Sithiuvlolug rtîieso, 'to tue doeilerail nt she oucînty Jailun sauiehqssauiticis an.]ntos csl s tinie tes iierindt.ged ins a>'tquive, durlsig tise J'rus.est 'es,vi., i OptSuscal petr bi., Ilplt Pes, par tbil., PaSt Baane>'. par lhi.. Casiidiesi$;61h), Stapetlb.. Couil 011I,pot gli n, l S ntu, prIOb, auit Boutad unit tîeepar pair. JOhIN SIE Counfji Engincer. WJIslby, lob. Itli, 1807. 6 Tisa Ulzedté Oslsawts iadkat&r, Port h'ar>' 8Vt4î11dlrd, sud Ï 'r<,Wgs u ualoi Fei 4a> , sca1867, Noticoe8 tTIl9 frnbeeti or hienqabout t e mu thieI i. G nS>, viill Ias i7ompoged of l.ot No., iIn gthe ôtis onessKon 00 acres, m ",ie or ms,, aiit 5h.eSo0:Sis 'att 0i Loti No. 13 anti 14, lu the Tt eoceoselou, S5 as-rau, more or les», lit tise Township 'cf East Whitby. Aieotof aisuseaitu rookln, asholxing Sîsa Towship 11,11. Lot No. il bas 130 acres. elenresi, t'je balance being cnorwtos iit heur>' bard wod isbrt. 'ris ilan.] lisof thaeianicep qîsalit>, ai ater c.s-ila goc.]fartn bidusîgi, andsi is s.itsssed abouSt auienorth o ett' îssvuu-r lýolunus, au.] bcing 38 &rms., on colaci*isieh Ilis aire liteisuti. Wfii b.s4oi.] separute or togotisor. W- TRtEUS-25 per ççst siwn ,balance, tinteso se ait pureiosit. Fort furthiso parttsu- Jars, appi>', (if by latter, "postjsi)tsi, JAMIES STAIIAIIC. Ooiumbus. Jcan. 21, 1867. *in-3 H-AMILTON & CO. ,READY-MADE CLOTHINC, AT COST PRICE, AT HAMILT'ON & CO. le FOR CASH- ONLY. N. 1.-10 per cent interest char-cd on al over due accounts ONTARJO, i - - FOR CHRISTM Spiced Bacon, FOR STxl»Sý Smoked Salmon, AT. R. & J. CAMPBELL'S. BcwetFor Dress GBiockwh0at or ol Dres oomd Bonet &CotsrnR Meal,,. Trinme Bones &Bat. IIOERISWJNES,_LIQUORiS. -AT 10R. & J. CAMPBEL'S. Agents for the sale of Wanzer & Co's. and Raymond's cclebrated SEWING MACLU NES, prices from $12 00 upwards. JUST~ RECEVED ncery l rE 0É IN a l aD<of t cnro LEWR ts.~ ITÉ~ And vth <lisapptiet' of Eià0 VA EL ir the lIc. tiet Midcls Lev i rb it l(s 1 tne, Ird IN Ta TrOWN- 0F ITBï. IN TME COUJNTY 0F' MIO Saturdayt,Pb , A.D. 1167r At the, beof et'veecinosfn paregi., thse f ii1*î 0 belin cea Polor e'patta 0f Lt L S-inlu itMj -second conee.i.iofet' :ly imSp at' h4ý sA po uofruiga ite Vl 86 Wigy mentse eAndAa lIMrle «te Astb<.. or loup,. mciii landi 1119 tiafi u1iteïlis.b the lest viii eof T mus lieuet te MIf Bennet-t. pon tg;a- arcel *etecteit a iettagean ou t eut Iiiings, a IWsforme r, ueeais- bi ite <i Ttesa. nuet, lai aree12. Oise Auj. ot' nd, b ho ie «M more or le"4 seing isituato tecdiy West ot'tis sideuca e t 'Tomas Bond, dis ezgpartiosii d'essribe! naes.te Abram nCrouk n.] William! -eurSi s. eTia liuretTi.aesia dtug» a SDdeFtrt.l eou t Wlsitby, asd leace' vtd t gees board Tise anilll e cf sale ara the Sauding cu itItne of sauc f tige Court eOf uary, vIiti the t'olloving aiSnu. Te purll r or pureaser hall, aS tise tus-o 0îe sas Av 1 J Iio n <tuis *e- Portio 8~ 10 for ou'eryi8110et spo r ie-lsa ao5 tih Veuitot'a sele AU t h ie e- mac , In resst horees, v tit out vuleS Tse putoisetr or preigm a il h igu n-o tbecins-osf Lt ompletien et. tg puteita, Tl'Ine V on ilil blesn tueid oopidaëb - s>' Ltia, it,Mnt in tlihposa. osn, Tua pute or puresaeràa sil Sim e iai le as thse aid TlsoinasBonnettlab , lun<lid id11p ree! funitacoli net esiu folra farti lie or dle r ii hat.l' h Il sieWet' itLhrthan lis 0 le#8 atsieteBntsati Lb iii o uver, -Eptrai uWite. TIh. il te l esproau'd fby <lis uor' lia Sot, t th urc nee'aexpe.Ou pay; es e af el suissoes',,Lbu'er te euitt à a outce u i IS ai pauhprtieuÙclamytw e ,hatlI1 née un1Vendor1g; leteW ad buit Whî , xquirg ishe Tov, el hitu> ~t sUitersigue.] Master e' it. rt a# D tha&105h day of Jauuavy, l8e. GEO. IL DART , ~NDEiRSWA, OJAI acou Ts H m .s&b settled fRtbvt* Sîra, Dealers lu lsrdwuro, Paints, Chia, GMac, &C. READYmMÀ%IDE OLOTHFfINO, MADPà UP ON THE PREMISES. --AT 0R .jCAMPBELL'S. NEW FRUITS AND For Mie Ck&ristmas. AtR. & Je A PELS Whit>y, Dcc. le~, 1866, Wlitby. jan. , 1867- Flitzs ,OId stnnd, Bock-.î Wheat!, TIIF 0SUD3P]IBZJL WiLt, PAY TRE ligliseot (sanbtics- for 3,OOUbus. Y'IJEAT, VSELWERED At MORRIS9S MILL. DAVID SEITA!. Fi Rit Whit,>, No'v. 2t,1840%. , 4s1 PIRT Piizz Spring Wheat ~ noxS Drisi lu o ProiiScs.eaur~ T"titjet 16ettit oujnnolu&4ss 111 ssuitlerof-n orsaé,n ara uinAi DAVIb8MN PARKEE PURE FIFIE WHE11ATI FOR «BED, otraPlad'Arnum, Doci. 26,' 1866 pp> , EDWIN DILAT, - w H 1 T-B y' o ' e Fig lmr ou FrO st, W i sIbY . J O H N A G N EW , A e ~ u VsSijau. 23, 1813. ij»4 Jssuaryld s, 15t7. Foc tIsa oi Sfho Towni i Lte ra er" pw. Ail deli tiuming teinm, ina.of SI.- ou>'inlb rIde 5 t hi' e'o i l éS n Part, Insaieti<cth iis a ns 1 Mos Brook eus oliaa c tieussen ., 8COTT!SU P#OVIN4CIAL LIFE ASSURANCECi 7%nnvsioBn" o 182r5,a BOUdEt WHOLESALE -AND RETAIL. ., ýBATTA 1&0 UT Il GREWT B&IRG&fl*IVS FURTIRER REDUCED AT Ji

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