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Whitby Chronicle, 14 Feb 1867, p. 4

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't', j24 som~ TRONÀ art theSnbhl BAN arissn Ltagl, rince . 1 ,6 - ,dme, <v clambAr- rIvngntth lmuplace La 5, P.n n. otng wM~ the titodem !or Llndoày sntu Boavortion. Ro*nrnlng J AViMtIll*-dl,ý4 Og, A. .,, urrivln É OAhis ln hi <Ue -for *VCUtetrAins on G. # an itsd Wet-Pire from oaisau- (0 PAes Albert 7waconis., Auyas i 12x, ma- F"Iingdn fr-n<he North are 5pr.tiobuslnosa coavsllyattmndde d n É0011I dlv*re Mw hdooptois. 'The propr. .ors wiii ont b#rsosbof prouo paokagosIm isde.q b nlfr ansti ,l farel as d- ue,. 8 W'Thi BUT IN CAU IDA. Mi £'Hotel Cooklng Stoves, AgTioltural -Purnaces that will psy1 for themso1ves T n oua Ea vetroug.Ia Pat up ,iti iron.holg-fas4 ' 0 Wlininge put luold SEop irîng promptly at&nid. AUi nde prodluce taken Wu exc o st the OU) STAN9D. wu. BR&YAffý n Brook St. Wit#,y. LJney ft) Loao4 0J ouMr o« eur in'alu u si î,orroWorq îe=a o u likrat. totoet 0:1rs1t App1Ly i b ts-see seiet a houes, doux JOhN iOON, crEIIFE Ect.éreoes kîndît permittosi te T. XN. Gibbu, MVYÂi;M~. ,urn<s: lncmhuOaliwa W. olug iai.,Whie, hy; Naît. L.1B, Caitwll, yrtle; Ahiam er- don, PRqiroprietor oftiiolancheotr Wsro. buet.,lert MtteKu90o, s B«oola-,NilI utiacll'r Es 1 lot errr; osepta Iteedr, l so ln (g*s Gers "m £041, Wick , Vroemist, 0ibs li Ymn,%Eq, sand jatuiS.so u,1'.Vro tn'uaui to Js. Cak iteqlasla it issn dgîen0 q, MauolioestSept , 111h, 1866. % 7 NNERi 04TrY la on pua, tisera le lilng1k. lest ~ rshaoiug tIhe Tanery ROWJE &ts nowITBY, look r, O.WAEU e. Farm forSale.u os OMule ««iseSo the ef Lo No 1 04? teh hoio Tbelehe ItiIWisttby coutaIutng 50 r4israe lesO ton « l9 AIl vIsaS o#ii. Tio prssnlaiu4 are esit voteri, listig lu iIg cies M'UWefi OWLZS6, On thse rrnoie bUE u,ýcriinYWbegteeil tu a ttention 0( ILirirmr arnr tiod uetie, te a n»v srose4at evfgKslevleblevitiout s do014 on t tie b4t ovot got up lu (2nCoa, obear durable AndsffieIntî 0calieuss"Ot ta wwwUN h FATr'EBON, My.Se80e 1'63 -KingSta._W.sToronMo, large variety cof Carrnageo on -han& The proprietors ci thi¶s FaEtablishmeiit, possessfiiities for, manufàoîuring Carniages aenable them to defy compitition, eithor in nce tyle or finih.,<JaZ an os fo ~ouaeles.39 Land: For- Sýale ras, mu l e xiLcR- Iildiog, Lots. ,no fellovulug ilt e of i, vI e Wseid loy forobeth, or aetar Vaati= on suen, vis. Lot 1, 6t Coun. tare 00Aces Lot 16 7tls dé ,nt, 200 n iï, 11h '4 TOôorountto 100 w 7 d s 'a do 100 " Lot 7th " Boîniont 200 Lot il, Ibis Uxbridgo, 200 " " pil , 50 di Lot 1 ,front 5 Seanorvils, s Lot292, do" do, ou4, lOth' sonervillo, 100 " Loe, .9<5 " de 200 Lot 6, Ith ' do .200 " Lot 8, 121h do 200 " Lt 9 eth " do 200 Lot VI, 7th 6" de 200d Lotit1, tis66 do 200 6 N E34 27 Sud 61 Wiitby, 50 66. Soveral vaînahie building lots for huiluosi, sud priviato roidenoi lu tbe Tovus ef Llnd isay lnd Whitby. For furtiser informuaton. Apply <o, ROBT. E. PERRY. Witiy, Mercis, 865. Witby Land Circular. L IT of oo W 114 LotsM, sud iprovsd FÂRMS FOR- SALE9 At lov Prims.and on long terme ot psment. mtars-Norths f11, lOtis con. 100 estes. Il South 9,lit id 100 id 'é rté f 15. th Il 100go plai s T t 1 , ils "à# 00 dé 0 ~'100 $6 dé B ~ 100 is Tise lait tvo Lots o; tho Xmok, (00v. ernuot rond,) and tise otier Lote lu Banns, sr# but 5a d 4 mitai tromn îid Itoasi. lloly-Lot 12, 4th cou. 20 Mares. " N. Pt. 4, lut con. 27 d" 0i, Quit River ô656" "14, Norths Woot Boy. 67 fi 8OMERVILLE. Lot 7, 12M S ceol, 200 sr, t sin 2 Mlle$ of tho Bo cyoen <ovrnmont Rond, and contactent te mISS., thoola, &o. ELDON-WotU-24, 25eh neile,100 acres. 80 ~ i M.ILPERRY. F'arrnq for @aie. EGtis E Kt part ettiso Soutis-hasîf B L«-ot l.12,In tise e noeeimon ou tweaing iabout 85 m s. Andi aloth#e Outis querter oet o là., lu tise ah eosslon, ontloing 60 mWre.. Tspr. Io a good trame barn jsnd aframe boue,on aseisdoth#s04141 TAIlS, sudvater- cd b1 lIving eprings. W' TitIs IaalIspu. ub le. 7ev iormaton, sddresss Oe.bsllord, o 1et 180 ln th#e front etof M con, (frcsnwod -P. 0. (pro-Pali.) "'*eckMrtg, Nov. 20, 1966,. <146 For @ale. -Applyte, Aeisburu, Oct,2,lm,16. NOTICE. * IIbe nWsetttouient scharter t e ciatraet 4 LIlvay trouRmie fMt'ý aise (ht*rlo, botweei tisa Watoru lItfsof tise TovusîpetofWt tWib sud th. paitdru unit ofth# Tevniisip ÏEu$L ;Whitbl te loPo onarry, ou aSegog. novensau>i lm,8<> 1*666- adJelnlng tho evBilding of LOWES &POWELL TiseLUTScontis tirtyso n d one-tisira 1ot fronon Brook S trict auigfot nise ancksd Bura'.s âhoo1-21 f out 10 laohes for busines purpoeos, -theso proertlos6 are obole. locations. AILSO 2 Loto-yoncod opppoulto thée roaldonce of 4 LoSs-louovo Wst f Mu Xaosut Churcis. 12 Lots-Yonoed, knovn as th Ise i 'rlc1cot fround, oppomite th# reuidoco oftJus. S Loto-roneod, norti ef thse rosidono. of IB. XOMM#nY. 4 ]Lots-onood sentisef tise rosidonceo f John Hall. 3 Loto-Fonood, vout of tise rosideoce et J. J. ilaror. 2 Lot&-Oorner of Kent sud John Strot, voit ofteioroldoalsof et L ouock. 4 Lots-Nortis-of thse $(*am (OrIel MinI. 1 Lot-Eot ot the roaldono of J. C. Bons, à Lots-Fsnood on Brook Strott, nortis ef Clark'loot. ALSO 50 Village Ltlaotlattnstod for privse roidoncos ln varions parts of thée Town. WinU o moIsion long tonna et psyment. J. HAM PEUTY. Wittiy, Sept. tis, 1866. 8 Greatst dilscovery d the l9th Century!?!11 Palm BEIIv.d wilhous tak*,g ledi. Cine 1 Egyptian 0Oiu 1 MELIZVKS PAIN INSTAIMTLT nover smetise oloa lbu (I dlalndmutdswna te oapediyaheth.,IA O udIlL. l soie.ste vi iracte mn butng. i Oc fslo, no mior how:îsxoâLb& g~dWmpIae.maie, lu su«« t iseqtZw n oy, aMd tii. mmu Ilromptluh.tlio. oer lnovaIotew iseed.No oua wslde vishtzai visebus osofi m9 ens ai, vlaeevotuisE UVIVnTAN OIL bu.s iso o udwPAil S bas salirsh josdd I tsrpsln.reiiorin preps- rpesn Me me n &lom aimoci crsible atmni hi. ai0,tissm pJtutntu hertio(cre couistered by ami- sac 0lst " iWm m laesaatiWu re(roquMlontlyeréîdlt a NO cMMe (ftlsonnaatlM Or Neura19t9, hoverer dcu- penuor Iatessbut may lue beuelitod by-i.upl orDl tbotita ntioeTiroct. p.yptaan011Ile ,Icl rotittla tomotit loexistence, d5itMoîy.f -dcb tms ForTlale sId ud Ranchlui.asuinstant cote. itreies, Cul#. Wonndi, ltnr'ssend îcalderyiek ras- dily ta tise iemirleAio uoliag moendscaingploes cfibla Fgion Oit. Aise, cisiiiimln, rlot est Gent, lilihoris, lSon ?riss, Choiera, diuticis. recomuché, tileacie. Bmeisae Toctuis, TAnche, atmmnarseeietiOJ;lnis. Parf ek, Spraaa, Broiss Wouds, Csto., Bon». mequlle Bits. ke, EW pon abouitproccre a boile or tise Rg'p- tun 0 asgo W il i t tus f S:li re a-Y crta aunois m5irnî! antven ho lias anaoirt- cg lit. ktliiasice ave rs quafly cesamied visr proatmssuled iiinlgl iu have f156Wvite valus, Tis Ee Zr1tn ceIot"a seS otualtir n arl ai tîumnbbit n litlso eisr rsmndls. Il merybuottraiss Ianaawli vltbls <a grat. e(etuy, as iluis urmiatedgtecontaima neoisduicio alngredienai, AMuta pursirvgrnlal xmtt. Etpioit e theiab mestcce«aml1mairody Mms. u nis a very mnaIt q= ionutleqard eorodncbeeusdsrd chef. An 1herefe moraue twi ibry sr-p ( lt~pimsi 014 mleV a s con0e4mpst boldoe muby DM99Mit.amn esSersin cmdictue ovaly- JAS, H.LGERRIE. Whid)f, Ave' loi1515. è- 2X47 Farm for Sale Or to LUt, wftbinzi le BEAVETON. To)ace eerdt) houa"sud NO MONEV REQUIRED Forh lI rittel m ,tsuofetfont, (if tarai e lot,) te o opede o mprove- Weuld 1»ob esssgoif«rsultble Village prop.rt y lu = C . 0 . golicit, inî te 01Ir, ZELLER, (if liy louter tpro- ")f by No.- UT, w. Risw iVou1d intirate, to tbe finh lit ngo hée ITown of W7hitb3* sud, thé County of Ontanlo;, that he has opeaed i an, establishmient of the above description, in thée premises for- I znerlyocoupied by MR R. SNOW. He respectful'ly solicits the ordeî's of the Public. Ã" 2 FALARRI VLS-' ry Goodsý &,EGrorIcs, TÈE BEST IN THEMARKET. The Dry Goods Department embraces avaxied sud srsperior aýwsrtment cf everything in the Dîy Gooda lime The Gro<,ery Department is replete with- choie Fresh Groceries. .WINES AND LIQUORS, 0f the~ best quality always on band. Wbitbly, Octoer 17, 1866. JOHN FARQUHARSON.1 Holiday'Prie M1f'MILLAN &Co's. The subsenibers beg 10 seuaint their eus. tomers and t= pblcgo val,rtstthwI,, drn this motis, ciu to offer goods at thse folicwing p nvices,:-- 121130Dot Drit P. TR, $ugar for - Si00. llJbs Yelow 1 faed No, 24 Sugar for - i 00. l0lbs. 6" No. si Suizar for - i 00. glbs. YelIow Granulated Xe. à Sugar for -i00. 811», Cvushed A. Sugar for - -i00. Sibe. Cruuhed Loaf Sugar for - -i00. Sibâ. Groundl Losf Stgar for - -i00. i4tbs. Good Valencia Raisins for -i00. Olbo. Best New Raisins for -i 00. '7lbs. Best New Layer Raisins for -i00, 'Tubs. Good Figi, for - - i00. 141b&. Good Currants for - -i00. Fresi Fragrat Tes" frein6octs tO 1 00. Pure 01<1 MalIt Whisky $1 10 per gallon. Pure 01<1 Rye Whinky $1 10 per gallon. Choice Irish Whisky, 12 years old, $3 00 per gallon. ChieBrand<j, Vintage -1860, $4 00 per gallon. Pur Prt ndSherry Wines. W~ TERMS ST1ICTLY CASH. «M01 - T. H. McMILLAN & CO. FRANCIS KELLER, INSURAINCE AU3NT E.pr.nntàtabt followlng woll.knom CompanMo.: THE LIVERPOOL, AND LONDON AND) GLOBE, GAPITAI.L*o,oo,Moo. TflE EDINBURGH LIFAD LOAN ASSURANCE Co., PROVINCIAL 1 SURANOE-(b., 0F (CANADA,) FRB AND MAEINF. BRITISH AMERICA ÀSURÂNCE Co., (0F TORONTO,) F'IXE AND NAiNEfY. --- WESTERN INSURANCE CO>MPANY, [OF EKGLAND.], ACCIDENTAL DEA.TI INSURANCE Co, [ENGLAKDJ CLAIES F459, $1U000. PERMANEPNT B3UILDING & ,SAVINGS SOCIETYl[TorontoJ Ëv Aiuelmeso f property fnsnredon remsiiobeterme. Aise, Mouey Loanqd on Rosiloetate,, Prospectuses and ffl information given freely en appication. Aise agent for Prov>ncia Telegrspb Company, muezOIS EI=. Pouastoe, Ouhawa CI W. JAS.'BýAIN & ýWould,;annonce- thattbey,,havei 'O., M0KSTREEFTe' WRTlTBY.,, -S U IYM E SH Juat to-band ansaotment -,f Ladiest,Misse, and C'3hildrens Suni- m er Shoëe Also Homùe.made>oots Ànd- Shoes, and shoes of ail kinds, Whôlesale, and, RetaiP,' Two Hundred Bides of Sparnsh Sole leàtier. Machine Nee - les,'Silk -and Linnen Threaca, lKarda h $land O otton Elas- tics. Ail kinda of Shoemaker's Findinga ft7r salech eap £'T E RM S A8 0. JAMES, BÀIN & Co. Whitby, May 2, 1866. l7iP BUGGIES & CA111IWJGES Ji Reduced Prices, ai M, O'7DQNAON'S CAR îRJA.M'GEFATCI IV. A good ai ortmuent of Buggieso,, Carrhoý-g-e9<9 &c., made of the- best material, will bei/sold st & smail adýence on cost. £ nk of UppeeCanada Bills takén in exchang for'Èêçk. wht 1 October 3, 18e4 / ÂGRICUTJITRAL W O RKS.' SPECIAL 'NO7TICE!!1 Sing le, Reape rs and -M owers, andReapers and Moweri (Jombined. The subscribers would caIl the attention of the Agrieultural eom- naunity to. thelr Stock ef Iniplents, viser.viii b. feund asit e, vcrfi iepar- mer May requit., aud -especially st thit seon efthtie pr, te <Soir Sto e 0f several kinda, sud cf the Latest, Make. Toý which ail the -la- test =lfeeents feund uocesary by practicable teste during'tii let s"480n, haro SBalPs:Ohio Reper and Mower cmie,( a aChtlki> ef tise IIe8i .lPaterWal49 Workmaîwld Anti can be guaranteed to the purcharer tu give satistfction upon A PAIR TRIAL OR NO SALE IR N PAlRSN Wisitby, Jnly 4, RW ;P"E 1SN 6 BIRTANT BTi'rY&*ODELL'5 Business College & Telegraphie Institute. rio.8 OG TPETRNO ES;TABLISHED IN CONNEL1TION WITHI 1 C OMfb1iETE--COMMEW L EDUOATI< tierqitmotcBal0e,sul tise tomaitof Ionrteey etfe.e 0olctoe euui 4, CeuMnsciitiArlitle, F0 enusuai Wèr"fpossdenc, Zg$lahit mnu-spolily,"ho, &a, Bciolemipa8 t isîosden mti tiu e<hinayt <544 Collago et tie oin Is~ton eoesprigt u a n rt omploe.progran m oa.t no $~mrElIducation WJie mont ozteuiic btsess 8 e" *AT I 4 consde N er-t 4 ,. 0tf on toiNo.,,f GEORGE CORKg T XTBES MIREOBNT C tityefilikinds ofluanuetconatm L'NRL ulIYmuuplléd si: Fgrhoî lueticà. *ooarug vkipi £~Photographie GaIory, "Wori te-pulicsow Btlx ow te é" oompltslu thse ProvInce, andi lie in propmiud te tiïke Plotires, ttiser lu - MHOTOGEAPEfS, AXMQTYd PES MELAOà pTYpEg Or any other-mode oftheo MyeitArt. W»-.Ppkqoemr ftkne ~fang'14&GCfelZrf nu h lisnt added a nov stoek ef ARLTI-OTS' ARIAI. Gtve hie.i v ooulu MJan voirk foi, 1ro m OlIesud5e.ÃŽ_1 Fan»-for afel Wbktby. C. ff w S Wbithy, .îu A C T0P.AiF on, Broek., C. A TTORPNIE vr h itcer n-te . lirt ANDIIU Pe,,t offlce 8 Ti. cocemoks Cenintv C'fra port Ferry,' LOFY1C OSeWhit w I44, Chu .E. FA Attorney-st li T. C. FroW TIE ATK' 9 IWTi1 uitostattos. EDA Rie neai sy 11mi u'ork ofa I:l ]foulec Ji,,ERK et stee.-st nARUE * o.s,,and osai y rtro ROMi fLMUI 't r -r -t- v i I f r', ~ 1.. *1 1-' 1- 1 . 1

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